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555 555 Summary:Simple oscillator designer (.BAS source) Download:555.zip(Jan 16 1987, 2.9K)
AABAS Summary:AABAS: Alternative BASIC lib for QB/PDS/VBDOS Download:aabas21.zip(Apr 21 1996, 30.4K)
ABC Summary:The All BASIC Code (ABC) 1996 yearly packet License:Public Domain Author:William Yu Email:voxel@edmc.net Homepage:http://www.edmc.net/~voxel/ Download:abc1996.zip(Jul 10 1998, 1.8M) Description:The All BASIC Code (ABC) 1996 Yearly Packet features 596 snippets: 13 ASIC Codes 73 PB Codes 490 QB/QBasic/PDS Codes 20 Other Codes (VB/ASM/TXT, etc.)
ABC Summary:The All BASIC Code (ABC) 1995 yearly packet License:Public Domain Author:William Yu Email:voxel@edmc.net Homepage:http://www.edmc.net/~voxel/ Download:abc1995.zip(Jul 10 1998, 710.8K) Description:The All BASIC Code (ABC) 1995 Yearly Packet features 291 snippets: 4 ASIC Codes 23 PB Codes 240 QB/QBasic/PDS Codes 24 Other Codes (VB/ASM/TXT, etc.)
ABC Summary:The All BASIC Code (ABC) 1997 yearly packet License:Public Domain Author:William Yu Email:voxel@edmc.net Homepage:http://www.edmc.net/~voxel/ Download:abc1997.zip(Jul 10 1998, 3.5M) Description:The All BASIC Code (ABC) 1997 Yearly Packet features 686 snippets: 17 ASIC Codes 60 PB Codes 583 QB/QBasic/PDS Codes 26 Other Codes (VB/ASM/TXT, etc.)
ABCXRD Version:1.8 Summary:All BASIC Code (ABC) Express Reader License:Freeware Author:William Yu Email:voxel@edmc.net Homepage:http://www.edmc.net/~voxel/ Download:abcxrd18.zip(Aug 2 1998, 204.1K) Description: The All BASIC Code (ABC) Express Reader Version 1.8 is used to read/extract code from the ABC Packets.
ACDKIT Version:1.0 Summary:Music CD Toolkit for QB/PDS/VBDOS Download:acdkit10.zip(Jun 17 1996, 86.1K)
AIRMILES Summary:Airmiles between cities - Basic Download:airmiles.zip(Jul 8 1987, 7.5K)
AngeLIB Version:1.9b Summary:AngeLIB: MS PDS/BASIC 7.1 programming lib Download:angel19b.zip(Jun 25 1993, 234.2K)
ASIC Summary:BASIC compiler, over 80 BASICA/QBASIC commands Download:asic500.zip(Jul 2 1996, 327.3K)
ASIC-ALL Summary:Contains useful ASIC compiler (.asi) routines License:Shareware Author:Charles Peter White Email:cwhite5956@aol.com Homepage:http://members.aol.com/cwhite5956/index.htm Download:asic-all.zip(Jun 28 1998, 184.8K) Description: Asic-all is a Stack of very useful .ASI routines from Screen/Files Manipulation to inserting alterations to code. Plus Full Code for 123 type Menu system and pan, even a Windows Drop-Down type Menu system. Modem communication, Data creation in various formats and more. There is also included a Core for a game called Haunted Castle which you will have to add various components to. There is a full working version included to give you an idea whats required. Most routines have documentation and some are compiled as well.
ASIC-PW Summary:Password system for ASIC Compiler .COM files License:Shareware Author:Charles Peter White Email:cwhite5956@aol.com Homepage:http://members.aol.com/cwhite5956/index.htm Download:asic-pw.zip(Jun 28 1998, 9.8K) Description: Places 220 bytes of pure assembler code within a created .COM file which will contain your password or sentence. Your orignal .COM file is not touched as a new file will be created for testing and renaming later. You can COM2EXE and then pack with programs like LZEXE, PKLITE and programs of that ilk. Simple entry and creation system. Fast and reliable. Demonstration .COM file added so you do not need ASIC Compiler to Test. Protect you code from unwanted prying eyes or use a password system for various products and users.
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BANSI Summary:ANSI commands/functions lib for QB4.5 & VBDOS Download:bansi120.zip(Apr 21 1996, 91.6K)
Bas Man Version:2.6 Summary:Manipulates most BASIC files License:Shareware Author:Charles Peter White Email:cwhite5956@aol.com Homepage:http://members.aol.com/cwhite5956/index.htm Download:basmn26.zip(Jun 28 1998, 34.3K) Description: Line Numbers or Labeled or Both. Even indenting. The BASICS Source Manipulator handles quite a few versions. BASIC, BASICA, GWBASIC, PDBASIC, ASIC, FAST, Turbo Basic, Quick Basic and some others. Supplied Command files: BASIC (in general), ASIC Compiler and FAST Compiler. You can add others when required. Allows almost any ASCII (not binary) BASIC language file to be altered so that it does not conflict with your Master creation. Then, either combined with the Master or create it as a separate file for manipulation later. This allows you to write almost any code, as is, without worrying about including it later in other programs! You can PROTECT Commands, Variables and so on prior to alteration, ensuring data is left intact for special needs. It can also Print all Variables, Strings, Maths and separators etc, in a neat listing, showing all used within your program or INCLUDed file. This helps you to assign variables without problems. Includes full manual and working demonstration BASIC files to be manipulated by you as part of the tutorial. Supplied with Master Installation file and Source .ASI (ASIC compiler).
BAS-BOOK Summary:Full book for BASIC Language programming License:Shareware Author:Charles Peter White Email:cwhite5956@aol.com Homepage:http://members.aol.com/cwhite5956/index.htm Download:bas-book.zip(Jun 28 1998, 84.1K) Description: A true Book on BASIC programming.(Set in "Ready to Publish" format.) Contains 239 pages of detailed Listings with descriptions of events on almost all lines.Covers: Keyboard input and looping. Manipulating Strings. READ and DATA functions and commands. Peek and Poke. Function keys. Printer listings and writing data. Modem communications with working listing. Password system and more.. Also includes ASCII and ANSI index.
BASIC2SB Summary:Converts BASICA to structured Basic Download:basic2sb.zip(Jan 18 1988, 49.3K)
BASMAN Summary:BASIC manual -- part 3 of 3 Download:basman3.zip(Dec 11 1987, 25K)
BASMAN Summary:BASIC manual -- part 1 of 3 Download:basman1.zip(Dec 11 1987, 69.8K)
BASMAN Summary:BASIC manual -- part 2 of 3 Download:basman2.zip(Dec 11 1987, 76.4K)
BASTRU Summary:Re-structures BASIC source code Download:bastru21.zip(Jan 3 1994, 27.9K)
BASWIZ Summary:ASM/BASIC lib for QB, PDS, VB-DOS compilers Download:baswiz31.zip(Apr 21 1996, 255.7K)
BLTP108A Summary:Bullet for PowerBASIC 3 .DBF/b-tree toolkit Download:bltp108a.zip(Dec 20 1994, 150.6K)
BLTQ Summary:Bullet BASIC 16-bit btree/DBF database engine Download:bltq127.zip(Nov 15 1996, 211.5K)
BPP Summary:PreProcessor for PDS/QB/VBDOS/PowerBASIC Download:bpp21.zip(Apr 21 1996, 48.5K)
BPREP Summary:Adds conditionals/includes/defines to BASIC Download:bprep110.zip(Nov 3 1991, 17.9K)
BUFFDEMO Summary:Demonstration of using buffers in Basic Download:buffdemo.zip(May 12 1986, 30K)
BWB110E Version:1.10 Summary:Bywater BASIC Interpreter, EXE and doc Download:bwb110e.zip(Oct 26 1992, 70K)
BWB110S Version:1.10 Summary:Bywater BASIC Interpreter, C source code Download:bwb110s.zip(Oct 26 1992, 101.4K)
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CATGEN Summary:TXT->BAS converter with mouse/color/etc. License:Shareware Email:fglenns@ix.netcom.com Download:catgen30.zip(Sep 28 1997, 580.3K) Description: CatGen v3.0 takes your ordinary text files and creates a full color document. Not only that, but the viewer for the colored text file is added with the text file into one file. It makes one BAS file which can be run with nearly any BASIC interpreter or compiler (ie QBasic, QuickBasic, PB...). It is the only program that I know of that creates BAS and not EXEs or COMs. This is a mandatory program if you are a Shareware distributer, software developer, or create freely distributed catalogs for products. It has search, scrollbars, buttons, lines, mouse, full color, ANSI converter, and much much more. This may be the program you've been looking for. You can add this program to other programs as an online help program.
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DBLTLK Summary:BASIC for beginners or 3D space programmers Download:dbltlk00.zip(Nov 5 1996, 86.4K)
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ERROR Summary:Display BASIC errors in plain language! Download:error.zip(Feb 1 1987, 29.7K)
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FC Summary:Compare 2 BAS sources, produce MRG update file Download:fc13.zip(Aug 18 1985, 3.8K)
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GARBAGE Summary:Control string 'garbage collection' in BASIC Download:garbage.col(Oct 11 1986, 3.4K)
GETTYS Summary:Displays Gettysburg Address and flag, QBasic Download:gettys.zip(Nov 3 1996, 2.5K)
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HURRICAN Summary:Hurricane tracking program Download:hurrican.bqs(Jul 21 1987, 5.1K)
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IBRARY Version:4.0 Summary:Library for ASIC+ compiler, 200 routines Download:ibrary31.zip(Apr 21 1996, 47.6K)
IMB 03/90 Summary:Inside Microsoft Basic - Download:imb9003.zip(Feb 28 1990, 4.2K)
IMB 04/90 Summary:Inside Microsoft Basic - Download:imb9004.zip(Mar 31 1990, 5.5K)
IMB 05/90 Summary:Inside Microsoft Basic - Download:imb9005.zip(Apr 30 1990, 6.6K)
IMB 06/90 Summary:Inside Microsoft Basic - Download:imb9006.zip(May 15 1990, 6.6K)
IMB 07/90 Summary:Inside Microsoft Basic - Download:imb9007.zip(Jun 27 1990, 4.1K)
IMB 11/90 Summary:Inside Microsoft Basic - Download:imb9011.zip(Oct 31 1990, 3.4K)
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LANGWN Summary:Extensive toolkit for QBasic/PDS Download:langwn23.zip(May 21 1996, 377K)
LibWiz Summary:LibWiz: Manages/customizes MS BASIC libraries Download:libwiz21.zip(Apr 21 1996, 111.5K)
LRNBASIC Summary:Several examples and a study tutorial of BASIC Download:lrnbasic.zip(Oct 28 1984, 82.5K)
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MS Softlib Summary:The Microsoft BASIC Softlib Collection contains all the files from the Microsoft "Softlib" pertaining to Microsoft BASICs for DOS (QBASIC, QuickBASIC, PDS, and VBDOS).Files Included: REMLINE.EXE Program to Remove Unused Line Numbers QCARDS.EXE QuickBASIC 4.50 QCARDS.BAS Tutorial QB4CRIT.EXE CALL INTERRUPT Correction for QB 4.x NOCOM450.EXE NOCOM.OBJ for QuickBASIC 4.50 HMAKE100.EXE HELPMAKE for QuickBASIC 4.50 BCOS2API.EXE API Function Calls for OS/2 Queues PMBASI.EXE Writing MS OS/2 Programs in BASIC UIDEMOS2.EXE BASIC PDS UI Toolbox Mod. for OS/2 PICEMA.EXE Views Graphics Files, Saves in BSAVE BB0364.EXE BASIC PDS 7.10 Quick INSTALL.EXE BB0345.EXE Link BASIC 7.1 w/C, FORTRAN, Pascal PD0415.EXE FIXSHIFT.COM for QBasic LNK562.EXE Updated 16 Bit Linker for Windows NT 3.5 LNK563.EXE LINK version 5.60.339 Patch OLDDOS.EXE MS-DOS Utilities (OLDDOS.EXE) Download: | msbasic_softlib.zip (2.1 MB)
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N-B-V Version:3.01 Summary:Nutz 'n Boltzlibrary for PowerBASIC 3.5 License:Shareware Author:Don Schullian Email:d83@ath.forthnet.gr Homepage:http://www.basicguru.com/schullian/ Download:n-b-v301.zip(Feb 23 1998, 638.2K) Description: Nutz 'n Boltz v3.01 for PowerBASIC. This collection of libraries covers string handling, text mode, SCREEN 12, and more. There is pop-up help and demo code for all routines and many text files with tips, tricks & expanded discussion on the routines.
NEATLIST Summary:'Neat lister' for BASIC source code Download:neatlist.bas(Dec 10 1985, 11.6K)
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PBC 610 Summary:PBClone QB/BASCOM/PDS/VB-DOS lib, routines Download:pbc32.zip(Apr 21 1996, 335.8K)
PBCDK Version:1.0 Summary:Audio CD Toolkit for PowerBASIC 3.0 Download:pbcdk10.zip(Oct 15 1994, 72.1K)
PBCOM17A Summary:Comm Library for PowerBasic License:Shareware Requires:PowerBasic 3.1+ Email:nitehawk@tscnet.com Download:pbcom17a.zip(Apr 9 1997, 131.6K) Description: PBCOM is a communications programming library for PowerBasic, it has over 40 useful SUB's and functions. Use it to write doors, terminal programs etc. I wrote InterSceptre and BBSDown with this library, so maybe the public can use it too. This is a relatively new release and the price has been reduced until reports come in on any issues that may exist with PBCOM.
PBFAQ Version:0.79 Summary:PowerBASIC-FAQ v0.79 (December issue 1996) Email:pbfaq@pbsound.snafu.de Homepage:http://www.snafu.de/~pbsound/ Download:pbfaq079.zip(Dec 26 1996, 84.6K) Description: The PowerBASIC-FAQ for Versions 3.00, 3.10 & 3.20 contains any Tips, Trick's, Bugs and other more or less important stuff for "PowerBASIC Inc." PowerBASIC 3.x. The FAQ contains the following topics: 1. Obtaining, Toolboxes, Prices and Infos to PowerBASIC 2. Errors (Bug's) in PowerBASIC-Versions 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 3. PowerBASIC and the CoProcessor 4. Standard problems 5. Hints in Connection with the InLine-Assembler 6. Hints in Connection with Pointers 7. Hints in Connection with Turbo-C or Borland C++ 8. Hints to the Conversion of Sources from PDS to PowerBASIC 3.x 9. Available Shareware & Public Domain Solutions 10. The People from PowerBASIC
PBSND Summary:Sound Blaster Toolbox for PowerBASIC 3.x Download:pbsnd180.zip(Jun 29 1996, 1.1M)
PBVL Version:1.10 Summary:PB/VISION LITE for PowerBASIC 3.0 <ASP> Download:pbvl110.zip(Nov 10 1994, 153.7K)
PCL4PB Summary:Personal Communications Library for PowerBASIC License:Shareware Author:Mike Marshall, MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. Email:mike@marshallsoft.com Download:pcl4pb62.zip(Jan 30 1999, 87.4K) Description: Personal Comm Library for PowerBASIC, v6.2, [ASP]. Supports thru COM20 to 115200, 4+ ports concurrently, many dumb multiport boards, 16550, 16650, 16750 UARTs, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control, any UART address and IRQ.
PPL4PB Summary:X/Y/Zmodem protocol library for Power Basic Download:ppl4pb10.zip(Apr 10 1996, 77.6K)
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QBASIC Summary:QBASIC download page Go To Page
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RB Summary:Quickly convert BASIC files to ASCII Download:rb58.zip(Aug 20 1985, 3.4K)
RBBDOS Version:1.1 Summary:BASIC programming instruction License:Shareware Author:Bob McElwain. Download:rbbdos11.zip(Dec 10 1997, 662.3K) Description: Really Basic BASIC v1.1: Step-by-step instructions for programming in BASIC. Suited to beginners of all ages. Great for hobbyists or those exploring career options. Supports multiple users. Includes on-screen editing and run-time support. Programs produced are compatible with PowerBASIC, QBasic, etc. In each lesson you will master new programming tools and techniques. Specific directions are provided throughout. Hints, tips, and tricks offer suggestions and ideas you are bound to want to explore. A complete solution is provided, so you simply can't go wrong. Also included is a set of four interesting problems to be solved by writing your own computer program. You will need only the skills you already have to do so. You will learn how to use BASIC commands and functions, and about good programming style and technique, as you explore a variety of topics including games, graphics, data handling, sorting, using files and much, much more.
READBAS Summary:Reads tokenized BASIC files without BASIC Download:readbas.zip(Nov 13 1986, 17.3K)
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SCREEN Summary:PowerBasic Screen 13 graphics library Download:screen13.zip(Dec 24 2000, 44.7K) Description: Screen 13 is a screen 13 graphics library for PowerBasic 3.5 (includes source code). Includes several 13 graphic routines which the uploader has never seen elsewhere. An example of this is the draw routine that is like the q-basic draw command for screen 13. PB Screen 13 Lib is CopyRighted CopyLeft software.Freeware (PB Screen 13 Lib source code is free for noncommercial use as long as you give me credit somewhere in your program or documentation, and any program you develop from this is CopyLeft. Free for noncommercial use).
SOFTIP Summary:Marquis Computing's BASIC Soft Tips magazine Download:softip.zip(Oct 20 1990, 93.8K)
SPLLIB Summary:Structured Programming Language Processor Download:spllib.zip(Jun 17 1988, 110.4K)
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TOK Summary:C64 Basic token/detokenizer for DOS, v1.4 Download:tok6414.zip(Nov 20 1996, 27.8K)
TOK Summary:TOK64: C64 basic interpreter for DOS Download:tk6412.zip(Apr 6 1996, 26.4K)
TSRBAS Summary:Terminate and stay resident BASIC Interpreter Download:tsrbas22.zip(Mar 24 1993, 98.9K)
TSRV Summary:Writes TSR's in all BASIC languages Download:tsrv21.zip(Oct 21 1996, 93.3K)
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vbrun30.exe Summary:Visual Basic 3.0 runtime Download:vbrun30.exe
vbrun40.exe Summary:Visual Basic 4.0 runtime (16 & 32 Bit Versions) Download:vbrun40.exe
vbrun50.exe Summary:Visual Basic 5.00.4319 runtime Download:vbrun50.exe
vbrun60sp5.exe Summary:Visual Basic 6.0 SP5 runtime Download:vbrun60sp5.exe
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