* Power BASIC v3.5 On-Line Help
INTRODUCTION - Power BASIC v3.5 Help File - McDonald 20000722
This Help file is for Power BASIC v 3.5 and includes my
MLIB Library help file and several other useful info sections.
ASCII Key Codes
Keypress Plain +Shift +Ctrl +Alt +Ctrl +Alt
--------------------------------------------- ---------------
Backspace 8 127 0+14 A 1 0+30
Tab 9 0+15 0+148 0+165 B 2 0+48
Enter 13 10 28 C 3 0+46
ESC 27 D 4 0+32
F1 0+59 0+84 0+94 0+104 E 5 0+18
F2 0+60 0+85 0+95 0+105 F 6 0+33
F3 0+61 0+86 0+96 0+106 G 7 0+34
F4 0+62 0+87 0+97 0+107 H 8 0+35
F5 0+63 0+88 0+98 0+108 I 9 0+23
F6 0+64 0+89 0+99 0+109 J 10 0+36
F7 0+65 0+90 0+100 0+110 K 11 0+37
F8 0+66 0+91 0+101 0+111 L 12 0+38
F9 0+67 0+92 0+102 0+112 M 13 0+50
F10 0+68 0+93 0+103 0+113 N 14 0+49
F11 0+133 0+135 0+137 0+139 O 15 0+24
F12 0+134 0+136 0+138 0+140 P 16 0+25
Up Arrow 0+72 0+141 0+152 Q 17 0+16
Down Arrow 0+80 0+145 0+160 R 18 0+19
Left Arrow 0+75 0+115 0+155 S 19 0+31
Right Arrow 0+77 0+116 0+157 T 20 0+20
PgUp 0+73 0+132 0+153 U 21 0+22
PgDn 0+81 0+118 0+161 V 22 0+47
Insert 0+82 0+146 0+162 W 23 0+17
Delete 0+83 0+147 0+163 X 24 0+45
Home 0+71 0+119 0+151 Y 25 0+21
End 0+79 0+117 0+159 Z 26 0+44
� 218 196 191 �180 �185 201 205 187 �
� ����������Ŀ �194 �203 ����������ͻ �
� 179� �179 �197 �206 186� �186 �
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� 192 196 217 �195 �204 200 205 188 �
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� 214 196 183 �182 �198 213 205 184 �
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218 194 191 213 209 184
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192 193 217 212 207 190
214 210 183 201 203 187
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211 208 189 200 202 188
00 FoxBase+, FoxPro, dBaseIII+, dBaseIV, no memo - 0x03
FoxBase+, dBaseIII+ with memo - 0x83
FoxPro with memo - 0xF5
dBaseIV with memo - 0x8B
dBaseIV with SQL Table - 0x8E
01-03 Last update, format YYYYMMDD
04-07 Number of records in file (32-bit number)
08-09 Number of bytes in header (16-bit number)
10-11 Number of bytes in record (16-bit number)
12-13 Reserved, fill with 0x00
14 dBaseIV flag, incomplete transaction
Begin Transaction sets it to 0x01
End Transaction or RollBack reset it to 0x00
15 Encryption flag, encrypted 0x01 else 0x00
Changing the flag does not encrypt or decrypt the records
16-27 dBaseIV multi-user environment use
28 Production index exists - 0x01 else 0x00
29 dBaseIV language driver ID
30-31 Reserved fill with 0x00
32-n Field Descriptor array
n+1 Header Record Terminator - 0x0D
0-10 Field Name ASCII padded with 0x00
11 Field Type Identifier (see table)
12-15 Displacement of field in record
16 Field length in bytes
17 Field decimal places
18-19 Reserved
20 dBaseIV work area ID
21-30 Reserved
31 Field is part of production index - 0x01 else 0x00
C Character
D Date, format YYYYMMDD
F Floating Point
G General - FoxPro addition
L Logical, T:t,F:f,Y:y,N:n,?-not initialized
M Memo (stored as 10 digits representing the dbt block number)
N Numeric
P Picture - FoxPro addition
Note all dbf field records begin with a deleted flag field.
If record is deleted - 0x2A (asterisk) else 0x20 (space)
End of file is marked with 0x1A
dbase III PLUS
The data file header structure for dBASE III PLUS table file.
The table file header:
Byte Contents Description
----- -------- --------------------------------------------------------
0 1 byte Valid dBASE III PLUS table file (03h without a memo
(.DBT file; 83h with a memo).
1-3 3 bytes Date of last update; in YYMMDD format.
4-7 32-bit Number of records in the table.
8-9 16-bit Number of bytes in the header.
10-11 16-bit Number of bytes in the record.
12-14 3 bytes Reserved bytes.
15-27 13 bytes Reserved for dBASE III PLUS on a LAN.
28-31 4 bytes Reserved bytes.
32-n 32 bytes Field descriptor array (the structure of this array is
each shown below)
n+1 1 byte 0Dh stored as the field terminator.
n above is the last byte in the field descriptor array. The size of the
array depends on the number of fields in the table file.
Table Field Descriptor Bytes
Byte Contents Description
----- -------- --------------------------------------------------------
0-10 11 bytes Field name in ASCII (zero-filled).
11 1 byte Field type in ASCII (C, D, L, M, or N).
12-15 4 bytes Field data address (address is set in memory; not useful
on disk).
16 1 byte Field length in binary.
17 1 byte Field decimal count in binary.
18-19 2 bytes Reserved for dBASE III PLUS on a LAN.
20 1 byte Work area ID.
21-22 2 bytes Reserved for dBASE III PLUS on a LAN.
23 1 byte SET FIELDS flag.
24-31 1 byte Reserved bytes.
Table Records
The records follow the header in the table file. Data records are
preceded by one byte, that is, a space (20h) if the record is not
deleted, an asterisk (2Ah) if the record is deleted. Fields are
packed into records without field separators orrecord terminators.
The end of the file is marked by a single byte, with the
end-of-file marker, an OEM code page character value of 26 (1Ah).
You can input OEM code page data as indicated below.
Allowable Input for dBASE Data Types
Data Type Data Input
-------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
C (Character) All OEM code page characters.
D (Date) Numbers and a character to separate month, day, and year
(stored internally as 8 digits in YYYYMMDD format).
N (Numeric) - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
L (Logical) ? Y y N n T t F f (? when not initialized).
M (Memo) All OEM code page characters (stored internally as 10
digits representing a .DBT block number).
Binary, Memo, and OLE Fields And .DBT Files
Memo fields store data in .DBT files consisting of blocks numbered
sequentially (0, 1, 2, and so on). The size of these blocks are
internally set to 512 bytes. The first block in the .DBT file,
block 0, is the .DBT file header.
Memo field of each record in the .DBF file contains the number of
the block (in OEM code page values) where the field's data
actually begins. If a field contains no data, the .DBF file
contains blanks (20h) rather than a number.
When data is changed in a field, the block numbers may also change
and the number in the .DBF may be changed to reflect the new
This information is from the Using dBASE III PLUS manual, Appendix C.
The data file header structure for dBASE IV 2.0 table file.
File Structure:
Byte Contents Meaning
------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------
0 1byte Valid dBASE IV file; bits 0-2 indicate version
number, bit 3 the presence of a dBASE IV memo
file, bits 4-6 the presence of an SQL table, bit
7 the presence of any memo file (either dBASE III
1-3 3 bytes Date of last update; formattted as YYMMDD.
4-7 32-bit number Number of records in the file.
8-9 16-bit number Number of bytes in the header.
10-11 16-bit number Number of bytes in the record.
12-13 2 bytes Reserved; fill with 0.
14 1 byte Flag indicating incomplete transaction.
15 1 byte Encryption flag.
16-27 12 bytes Reserved for dBASE IV in a multi-user environment.
28 1 bytes Production MDX file flag; 01H if there is an MDX,
00H if not.
29 1 byte Language driver ID.
30-31 2 bytes Reserved; fill with 0.
32-n* 32 bytes each Field descriptor array (see below).
n + 1 1 byte 0DH as the field terminator.
* n is the last byte in the field descriptor array. The size of the array
depends on the number of fields in the database file.
The field descriptor array:
Byte Contents Meaning
------- ------------ --------------------------------------------------
0-10 11 bytes Field name in ASCII (zero-filled).
11 1 byte Field type in ASCII (C, D, F, L, M, or N).
12-15 4 bytes Reserved.
16 1 byte Field length in binary.
17 1 byte Field decimal count in binary.
18-19 2 bytes Reserved.
20 1 byte Work area ID.
21-30 10 bytes Reserved.
31 1 byte Production MDX field flag; 01H if field has an
index tag in the production MDX file, 00H if not.
Database records:
The records follow the header in the database file. Data records
are preceded by one byte; that is, a space (20H) if the record is
not deleted, an asterisk (2AH) if the record is deleted. Fields
are packed into records without field separators or record
terminators. The end of the file is marked by a single byte, with
the end-of-file marker an ASCII 26 (1AH) character.
Allowable Input for dBASE Data Types:
Data Type Data Input
---- ---------- -----------------------------------------------------
C (Character) All OEM code page characters.
D (Date) Numbers and a character to separate month, day, and
year (stored internally as 8 digits in YYYYMMDD
F (Floating - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
point binary
N (Binary - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
coded decimal
L (Logical) ? Y y N n T t F f (? when not initialized).
M (Memo) All OEM code page characters (stored internally as 10
digits representing a .DBT block number).
Memo Fields And .DBT Files
Memo fields store data in .DBT files consisting of blocks numbered
sequentially (0, 1, 2, and so on). SET BLOCKSIZE determines the
size of each block. The first block in the .DBT file, block 0, is
the .DBT file header.
Each memo field of each record in the .DBF file contains the
number of the block (in OEM code page values) where the field's
data actually begins. If a field contains no data, the .DBF file
contains blanks (20h) rather than a number.
When data is changed in a field, the block numbers may also change
and the number in the .DBF may be changed to reflect the new
This information is from the dBASE IV Language Reference manual,
Appendix D.
The data file header structure for dBASE 5.0 for DOS table file.
The table file header:
Byte Contents Description
----- -------- --------------------------------------------------------
0 1 byte Valid dBASE for Windows table file; bits 0-2 indicate
version number; bit 3 indicates presence of a dBASE IV
or dBASE for Windows memo file; bits 4-6 indicate the
presence of a dBASE IV SQL table; bit 7 indicates the
presence of any .DBT memo file (either a dBASE III PLUS
type or a dBASE IV or dBASE for Windows memo file).
1-3 3 bytes Date of last update; in YYMMDD format.
4-7 32-bit Number of records in the table.
8-9 16-bit Number of bytes in the header.
10-11 16-bit Number of bytes in the record.
12-13 2 bytes Reserved; filled with zeros.
14 1 byte Flag indicating incomplete dBASE transaction.
15 1 byte Encryption flag.
16-27 12 bytes Reserved for multi-user processing.
28 1 byte Production MDX flag; 01h stored in this byte if a prod-
uction .MDX file exists for this table; 00h if no .MDX
file exists.
29 1 byte Language driver ID.
30-31 2 bytes Reserved; filled with zeros.
32-n 32 bytes Field descriptor array (the structure of this array is
each shown below)
n+1 1 byte 0Dh stored as the field terminator.
n above is the last byte in the field descriptor array. The size
of the array depends on the number of fields in the table file.
Table Field Descriptor Bytes
Byte Contents Description
----- -------- --------------------------------------------------------
0-10 11 bytes Field name in ASCII (zero-filled).
11 1 byte Field type in ASCII (B, C, D, F, G, L, M, or N).
12-15 4 bytes Reserved.
16 1 byte Field length in binary.
17 1 byte Field decimal count in binary.
18-19 2 bytes Reserved.
20 1 byte Work area ID.
21-30 10 bytes Reserved.
31 1 byte Production .MDX field flag; 01h if field has an index
tag in the production .MDX file; 00h if the field is not
Table Records
The records follow the header in the table file. Data records are
preceded by one byte, that is, a space (20h) if the record is not
deleted, an asterisk (2Ah) if the record is deleted. Fields are
packed into records without field separators orrecord terminators.
The end of the file is marked by a single byte, with the
end-of-file marker, an OEM code page character value of 26 (1Ah).
You can input OEM code page data as indicated below.
Allowable Input for dBASE Data Types
Data Type Data Input
-------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
C (Character) All OEM code page characters.
D (Date) Numbers and a character to separate month, day, and year
(stored internally as 8 digits in YYYYMMDD format).
F (Floating - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
point binary
N (Numeric) - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
L (Logical) ? Y y N n T t F f (? when not initialized).
M (Memo) All OEM code page characters (stored internally as 10
digits representing a .DBT block number).
Memo Fields And .DBT Files
Memo fields store data in .DBT files consisting of blocks numbered
sequentially (0, 1, 2, and so on). SET BLOCKSIZE determines the
size of each block. The first block in the .DBT file, block 0, is
the .DBT file header.
Each memo field of each record in the .DBF file contains the
number of the block (in OEM code page values) where the field's
data actually begins. If a field contains no data, the .DBF file
contains blanks (20h) rather than a number.
When data is changed in a field, the block numbers may also change
and the number in the .DBF may be changed to reflect the new
Unlike dBASE III PLUS, if you delete text in a memo field, dBASE
5.0 for DOS may reuse the space from the deleted text when you
input new text. dBASE III PLUS always appends new text to the end
of the .DBT file. In dBASE III PLUS, the .DBT file size grows
whenever new text is added, even if other text in the file is
This information is from the dBASE for DOS Language Reference
manual, Appendix C.
dBASE V - Windows
The data file header structure for dBASE 5.0 for Windows table file.
The table file header:
Byte Contents Description
----- -------- --------------------------------------------------------
0 1 byte Valid dBASE for Windows table file; bits 0-2 indicate
version number; bit 3 indicates presence of a dBASE IV
or dBASE for Windows memo file; bits 4-6 indicate the
presence of a dBASE IV SQL table; bit 7 indicates the
presence of any .DBT memo file (either a dBASE III PLUS
type or a dBASE IV or dBASE for Windows memo file).
1-3 3 bytes Date of last update; in YYMMDD format.
4-7 32-bit Number of records in the table.
8-9 16-bit Number of bytes in the header.
10-11 16-bit Number of bytes in the record.
12-13 2 bytes Reserved; filled with zeros.
14 1 byte Flag indicating incomplete dBASE IV transaction.
15 1 byte dBASE IV encryption flag.
16-27 12 bytes Reserved for multi-user processing.
28 1 byte Production MDX flag; 01h stored in this byte if a prod-
uction .MDX file exists for this table; 00h if no .MDX
file exists.
29 1 byte Language driver ID.
30-31 2 bytes Reserved; filled with zeros.
32-n 32 bytes Field descriptor array (the structure of this array is
each shown below)
n+1 1 byte 0Dh stored as the field terminator.
n above is the last byte in the field descriptor array. The size
of the array depends on the number of fields in the table file.
Table Field Descriptor Bytes
Byte Contents Description
----- -------- --------------------------------------------------------
0-10 11 bytes Field name in ASCII (zero-filled).
11 1 byte Field type in ASCII (B, C, D, F, G, L, M, or N).
12-15 4 bytes Reserved.
16 1 byte Field length in binary.
17 1 byte Field decimal count in binary.
18-19 2 bytes Reserved.
20 1 byte Work area ID.
21-30 10 bytes Reserved.
31 1 byte Production .MDX field flag; 01h if field has an index
tag in the production .MDX file; 00h if the field is not
Table Records
The records follow the header in the table file. Data records are
preceded by one byte, that is, a space (20h) if the record is not
deleted, an asterisk (2Ah) if the record is deleted. Fields are
packed into records without field separators orrecord terminators.
The end of the file is marked by a single byte, with the
end-of-file marker, an OEM code page character value of 26 (1Ah).
You can input OEM code page data as indicated below.
Allowable Input for dBASE Data Types
Data Type Data Input
-------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
B (Binary) All OEM code page characters (stored internally as 10
digits representing a .DBT block number).
C (Character) All OEM code page characters.
D (Date) Numbers and a character to separate month, day, and year
(stored internally as 8 digits in YYYYMMDD format).
G (General All OEM code page characters (stored internally as 10
digits or OLE) representing a .DBT block number).
N (Numeric) - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
L (Logical) ? Y y N n T t F f (? when not initialized).
M (Memo) All OEM code page characters (stored internally as 10
digits representing a .DBT block number).
Binary, Memo, and OLE Fields And .DBT Files
Binary, memo, and OLE fields store data in .DBT files consisting
of blocks numbered sequentially (0, 1, 2, and so on). SET
BLOCKSIZE determines the size of each block. The first block in
the .DBT file, block 0, is the .DBT file header.
Each binary, memo, or OLE field of each record in the .DBF file
contains the number of the block (in OEM code page values) where
the field's data actually begins. If a field contains no data, the
.DBF file contains blanks (20h) rather than a number.
When data is changed in a field, the block numbers may also change
and the number in the .DBF may be changed to reflect the new
Unlike dBASE III PLUS, if you delete text in a memo field (or
binary and OLE fields), dBASE for Windows (unlike dBASE IV) may
reuse the space from the deleted text when you input new text.
dBASE III PLUS always appends new text to the end of the .DBT
file. In dBASE III PLUS, the .DBT file size grows whenever new
text is added, even if other text in the file is deleted.
This information is from the dBASE for Windows Language Reference
manual, Appendix C.
DOS Error Codes
0 - No Error 21 - Drive Not Ready
1 - Function Number Invalid 24 - Seek Error
2 - File Not Found 26 - Unknown Media Type
3 - Path Not Found 27 - Sector Not Found
4 - Too Many Open Files 28 - Printer Out Of Paper
5 - Access Denied 29 - Write Fault
6 - Handle Invalid 30 - Read Fault
8 - Insufficient Memory 31 - General Failure
15 - Disk Drive Invalid 32 - Sharing Violation
16 - Attempt to Remove Current Dir 33 - Lock Violation
17 - Not Same Device 34 - Disk Change Invalid
18 - No More Files 35 - FCB Unavailable
19 - Disk Write Protected 36 - Sharing Buffer Full
DOS File Attributes
Hex Dec Description
��� ��� ������������
0 0 Normal File
1 1 Read Only
2 2 Hidden
4 4 System
8 8 Volume Label
10 16 Subdirectory
20 32 Archive
Attributes can be combined, such as 18 (12h) which would be
a hidden subdirectory (16+2; 10h+02h). DOS versions prior to
3.1 may return the volume label attribute in combination with
another attribute which is a bug. The true volume label will
only have an attribute of 8.
Character Set
PowerBASIC's character set includes A to Z, a to z, and 0 to 9.
The numbers 0 to 9; the symbols ., +, and -; and the letters E, e,
D, and d, as well as the type declaration characters %, &, !, #,
?, and @, can be used to form numeric constants.
These symbols have specific meaning in PowerBASIC:
Symbol Function
& string concatenation operator
* multiplication operator, flex string name/length separator
+ addition and string concatenation operator
- subtraction and negation operator
/ division operator
= assignment operator, relational operator
\ integer division operator
^ exponentiation operator
Symbol Function
@x 32-bit pointer to target data
? byte unsigned integer and substitute for PRINT
?? word unsigned integer
??? double-word unsigned integer
% integer and named constant type declaration
& long integer type declaration and non-decimal base descriptor
&& quad integer type declaration
! single-precision type declaration
# double-precision type declaration
## extended-precision type declaration
@ BCD fixed-point type declaration
@@ BCD floating-point type declaration
$ string type declaration and metastatement prefix
$$ flex-string type declaration
Symbol Function
() function/procedure arguments, arrays, expression precedence
, all-purpose delimiter
. decimal point and file-name extension separator
' comment delimiter
; all-purpose delimiter
: statement delimiter
< relational operator
> relational operator
" string constant delimiter
_ line continuation
! ASM substitute
Symbol Function
&B &b binary radix (supports up to 64 bits)
&H &h hexadecimal radix (supports up to 64 bits)
&O &o octal radix (supports up to 64 bits)
In order to maintain compatibility with other versions of BASIC, it
is generally assumed that radix format numbers represent signed (+-)
values. However, you can override this assumption by inserting a
leading zero, or by appending an appropriate type identifier.
Example: &hFFFF is -1 &hFFFF% is -1
&h0FFFF is 65535 &hFFFF?? is 65535
This is especially important when using radixes with DEF SEG, PEEK,
and POKE which treat signed and unsigned values differently.
See Also: $OPTION
Compiler Directives
Syntax is: PBC [options] file [options]
(* = default -x- = turn x off)
-CE *compile to .EXE -FEMU *emulator float
-CU compile to .PBU -FNPX NPX ('87) float
-CC compile to .PBC -FP procedural float
-ODA declare arrays -G86 *generate 8086
-ODV declare vars/arrays -G286 generate 80286
-OD attach PBD debug info -G386 generate 80386
-OG gosub preserve -OZF *optimize faster
-OM debug map file -LS *serial com lib
-OP path names in unit debug -LP *printer lib
-OU unit full debug -LB *ctrl-break lib
-RExxx find run-time error -LG *graphics libs
-ES stack error test -LC *CGA graphics lib
-EB bounds error test -LE *EGA graphics lib
-EO overflow error test -LV *VGA graphics lib
-EN numeric error test -LH *Hercules lib
-DExxx executable directory -LA All libs
-DUxxx unit directory -LI interpreted print
-DSxxx source directories -LF full float emulate
-DLxxx link directories
Compiler Metastatements
$ALIAS metastatement
$ALIAS lets you rename the segments of an externally linked
module so they're compatible with PowerBASIC.
$ALIAS DATA AS "external segment name"
PowerBASIC expects the data segment to be DATA. If you want to
link in a object module (.OBJ) with a different data segment name,
use $ALIAS. See also $CODE and $LINK.
'import this example to your program
$LINK "mymodule.obj"
$CODE metastatement
$CODE SEG specifies the code segment name for a unit
$CODE SEG "name"
PowerBASIC combines all the code from units, libraries, and .OBJ
modules into one or more segments, based on their segment names.
You can also assign code segment names for your PowerBASIC units
and libraries using $CODE SEG. The code from units and libraries
whose code segments are not explicitly named is combined into a
segment named CODE. To allow more than 64k of code from multiple
units to be linked into your main program, put a $CODE SEG
metastatement in your unit source code, using a name other than
As long as the total amount of code $LINKed in is less than 64k, using
$CODE SEG is optional, since the code segment CODE won't overflow.
See also $LINK
$COM metastatement
Allocates space for the serial port receive buffers.
Syntax: $COM [size]
'size' is an integer constant defining the buffer capacity in
bytes (0 to 32767) for each communications adapter and must be in
increments of 16 bytes. If 'size' is not specified, a buffer of
the default size (256 bytes) is allocated.
$COMPILE metastatement
Purpose: Determines whether code is compiled to memory, an .EXE
file, a chain (.PBC) file, or a unit (.PBU) file.
$COMPILE EXE {"newname.EXE"}
$COMPILE CHAIN {"newname.PBC"}
$COMPILE UNIT {"newname.PBU"}
This information can also be partially specified by using the
Compiler/Destination menu.
$CPU metastatement
Purpose: Controls generation of processor-specific code.
Syntax: $CPU {8086|80286|80386}
Specifies whether to generate code for the 8086/8088,80286 or the
80386 CPU. If you have a 80486 CPU, select 80386 to produce more
efficient code.
This information can also be specified using the Options/Compiler/
Generated code menu.
$DEBUG metastatement
Purpose: Controls generation of debugging information.
Syntax: $DEBUG MAP [ON|+|OFF|-]
(1) Specifies whether to generate a .MAP file containing symbol
information for an external debugger when compiling to an .EXE
file. This information can also be specified using the
Debug/MAP File item.
(2) Attach debug information for use in the PowerBASIC debugger,
(3) Full source path included in unit debug info.
(4) Unit includes all symbol info, even local/static.
$DIM metastatement
Purpose: Controls how strictly the compiler requires declarations.
$DIM NONE is for compatibility with most BASIC interpreters.
Variables are not required to be dimensioned before they can be
used and any static arrays referenced are automatically
dimensioned from 0 to 10 if a corresponding DIM statement is not
$DIM ARRAY requires all static arrays to be dimensioned using DIM
or REDIM before you can use them. This is the recommended minimum
$DIM ALL requires all variables and arrays to be dimensioned
before you can use them, and all SUBs and FUNCTIONs to be declared
before you can call them.
For compatibility with GW-BASIC, dynamic arrays are not checked
when $DIM ARRAY is specified. To catch the invalid use of array
elements in dynamic arrays, use $ERROR BOUNDS.
$DYNAMIC metastatement
Purpose: Declares default array allocation to be dynamic when they
are DIMmensioned.
Syntax: $DYNAMIC
Space for dynamic arrays is allocated at run time and can be
deallocated with the ERASE statement, which frees up memory for
other purposes. This is in contrast to static arrays which are
allocated at compile time and cannot be deallocated. Applying the
ERASE statement to a static array will only result in the elements
being zeroed.
$ERROR metastatement
Purpose: Controls generation of error test code.
Syntax: $ERROR test [state] [,test [state]]...
'test' is one of BOUNDS, NUMERIC, OVERFLOW, STACK, or ALL. 'state'
is one of ON, +, OFF, or -. If 'state' is not specified, ON is
assumed. This metastatement is used to specify whether a module
is to generate code which tests for certain types of errors
wherever they may occur.
This information can also be specified using the Options/Compiler/
Error Tests menu.
$EVENT metastatement
Purpose: Controls generation of event-trapping code.
Syntax: $EVENT {ON|+|OFF|-}
If your program contains an event trap of some sort (for example,
ON KEY, ON COM(n)) then the compiler default is to generate event
checking code. This code causes the program during execution, to
check for the event(s) being trapped between statements. If your
program doesn't do trapping, then $EVENT is automatically set to
OFF and no event checking code is generated.
Event-checking code slows execution slightly. $EVENT gives you
control over what parts of your program will do event checking. If
there is an area where maximum speed is important or you can be
certain no events will occur, then bracket this code with $EVENT
OFF and $EVENT ON statements.
$FLOAT metastatement
Purpose: Selects a floating-point math package.
This metastatement is used to select which math package to use for
numeric computations at any point in your code. You can use it as
often as you like to take advantage of the different math packages
throughout your program; you are not restricted to specifying it
once per module or once per program.
This information can also be specified using the Options/Compiler/
Floating Point menu.
$HUGE metastatement
Purpose: Declares array allocation to be huge by default
Syntax: $HUGE
The $HUGE metastatement takes no argument. It declares the
default array allocation type to be huge. Huge arrays are
dynamic, but their data can also be larger than 64k. The default
array allocation is static.
You can override default array allocation types within the DIM and
REDIM statements using the DYNAMIC, STATIC, and HUGE keywords.
DIM I(10000) AS LONG 'I() array is HUGE
$IF, $ELSE, $ENDIF metastatements
Purpose: Defines portions of a source program to skip or compile.
Syntax: $IF [NOT] const
... statements
[$ELSEIF const
... statements
... statements]
'const' is a named constant or constant value. If 'const' is
nonzero (True), then the statements between $IF and $ENDIF are
compiled and the statements between $ELSE and $ENDIF are not. The
$ELSEIF and $ELSE clauses are optional, but $ENDIF is required.
$INCLUDE metastatement
Purpose: Instructs the compiler to read a text file from disk during
Syntax: $INCLUDE filespec
Includes a text file. Use it to compile the text of another file
along with the current file. The $INCLUDE mechanism causes the
compiler to treat the included file as though it were physically
present in the original text. This is especially useful when you
need to compile a program with more than 64K (the editor's maximum
size) of source code.
$INLINE metastatement
Purpose: Inserts inline machine (assembly) code into your program.
Syntax: $INLINE {byte list}
byte list is a list of bytes of machine code to be included in
your program at the current location.
$LIB metastatement
Purpose: Includes or removes library code from programs compiled to
.EXE files
Syntax: $LIB libraryname [state] [,libraryname [state]]...
libraryname is one of COM (serial communications), LPT (printer),
GRAPH (all graphics), CGA (CGA graphics), EGA (EGA graphics), VGA
(VGA graphics), FULLFLOAT (full floating-point emulation), IPRINT
(interpreted print), or ALL (all libraries). state is one of ON,
+, OFF, or -. If state is not specified, ON is assumed. Use $LIB
to specify which internal code libraries should be included or
stripped out of your program when it is compiled to an .EXE file.
This information can also be specified using the Options/Linker
$LINK metastatement
Purpose: Links an object file or a unit into your main program.
Syntax: $LINK "filename"
The $LINK metastatement is used to link an object module (.OBJ
file) a unit (.PBU file), or a library (.PBL file) into your main
program. It may only appear in your main program, never in a unit.
Each $LINK metastatement may include only one file name, with
optional path.
You must include the appropriate extension as part of the file
name. $LINK metastatements can appear anywhere in your main
Library files are linked into a PowerBASIC program in the same way
as unit or object modules, however, PowerBASIC applies a smart
linking algorithm in this case: it analyzes each component module
in the library, and includes only those actually required.
$OPTIMIZE metastatement
Purpose: $OPTIMIZE controls how PowerBASIC optimizes your programs
as it compiles them.
You can have PowerBASIC generate code that is faster than normal
using $OPTIMIZE SPEED. The default (OPTIMIZE SIZE) is to generate
code that is smaller at the expense of speed. Remember that you
can also use the $CPU metastatement to decrease size and increase
speed for certain processors.
Because optimizations are global, you can only have one $OPTIMIZE
metastatement per module.
$OPTION metastatement
Purpose: $OPTION enables and disables compiler options.
Syntax: $OPTION {CNTLBREAK | GOSUB | SIGNED} [state] [,...]
The $OPTION metastatement is used to specify which compiler
options should be enabled or disabled during code generation.
'state' is one of ON, +, OFF, or -. If 'state' is not specified
then ON is assumed. ON and + are synonymous as are OFF and -.
CNTLBREAK: When enabled, you can press Ctrl+Break to interrupt
an .EXE program while it is running.
GOSUB: When enabled, the GOSUB stack is preserved when a
run-time error occurs.
SIGNED: When enabled, addresses returned by CODEPTR, CODESEG,
STRPTR, STRSEG, VARPTR, VARSEG are signed integers
(+-32k) for compatibility with other compilers. The
default is to return unsigned values (0-64k).
$SEGMENT metastatement
Purpose: Declares a new code segment.
Syntax: $SEGMENT
Use this to break up your source program when the compiler reports
that the 64K segment limitation has been exceeded.
$SOUND metastatement
Purpose: Sets the capacity of the background music buffer.
Syntax: $SOUND size
'size' is a numeric constant, indicating the capacity of the PLAY
statement's background buffer (1 to 4096 notes). Each note
requires 8 bytes of memory; the default capacity is 32 notes or
256 bytes. An invalid 'size' will select the default of 32.
$STACK metastatement
Purpose: Declares the size of the run-time stack.
Syntax: $STACK size
'size' is a numeric constant from 2048 to 32766 (bytes); the
default is 2048 (800 hex). The stack is used for return
addresses, parameter passing, local variables, and within
structured statements. You may want to allocate more stack space
if your program is heavily nested, uses many local variables, or
performs recursion. If you suspect that a program is running out
of stack space, recompile it with stack testing enabled (use the
Options/Compiler/Error Tests/Stack Test menu item or the $ERROR
STACK metastatement).
$STATIC metastatement
Purpose: Declares the default array allocation to be static when
arrays are DIMensioned.
Syntax: $STATIC
Space for static arrays is allocated at compile time.
$STRING metastatement
Purpose: Declares the string segment allocation size.
Syntax: $STRING {1|2|4|8|16|32}
This setting refers to the size of newly-allocated string segments
in Kilobytes. The size can be either 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32, which
translates to 1006, 2030, 4078, 8174, 16366, or 32750 bytes per
segment. The default size is 32 (32750 bytes). This size affects
the maximum length of strings in your programs, as well as
PowerBASIC's ability to allocate string space when more is needed.
PowerBASIC offers a large set of Internal Procedures, to allow the
more advanced programmer access to the dynamic string memory
manager, and other important run-time tools. Internal Procedures
may be called from BASIC code or ASM statements by first declaring
them just as shown in the following descriptions. In order to
call them from external .obj modules, you must declare them in the
external source code as a far external. When calling Internal
Procedures from assembler code, keep in mind that the
AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI,ES registers may be altered.
ArrayCalc, ArrayInfo
GetStrAlloc, GetStrLen, GetStrLoc, RlsStrAlloc
SetOnExit, SetUevent
Used to allocate a new block of dynamic string space. It returns
the integer handle (AX) used to identify the string, or the value
zero if sufficient string space is not available.
Tmp$ = "" ' null (zero length string)
! mov AX, 30 ; we want a 30 bytes string
! push AX ; push it on the stack
! call GetStrAlloc ; allocate a new string
! mov Tmp$, AX ; store the handle in Tmp$
PRINT LEN(Tmp$) ' the length is now 30
Returns the length (AX) of the designated string.
x$ = "Hello!"
! mov AX, x$ ; put string handle in AX
! push AX ; push it on the stack
! call GetStrLen ; get its length
! mov l, AX ; put length in 'l'
PRINT LEN(x$), l 'print length using LEN() and 'l'
Returns a pointer (DX:AX) to the string data, and the length (CX).
a$ = SPACE$(20)
! mov AX, a$ ; put string handle in AX
! push AX ; push it on the stack
! call GetStrLoc ; find where the data is located
! mov ES, DX ; put segment in ES
! mov DI, AX ; put offset in DI
! mov AL, 65 ; value for "A" in AL
! rep stosb ; fill the string (CX holds the length)
Used to release a block of dynamic string space. It returns a
true or false integer value (AX) to reflect the success of the
DECLARE FUNCTION RlsStrAlloc%(BYVAL StringHandle%)
Tmp$ = SPACE$(30) ' 30 byte long string
! mov AX, Tmp$ ; put handle in AX
! push AX ; push it on the stack
! call RlsStrAlloc ; release the string
! xor AX, AX ; clear the handle
! mov Tmp$, AX ; store the new handle in Tmp$
PRINT LEN(Tmp$) ' the length is now 0 bytes
PowerBASIC can be instructed to call as many as eight separate
user procedures just before the program is exited. The procedure
is added to the list, and a true/false integer value is returned
(AX) to reflect the success of the operation. A false value
indicates that eight procedures have already been defined. If
your program terminates abnormally (when an error occurs) all
SetOnExit routines are called.
DECLARE FUNCTION SetOnExit%(BYVAL ProcedurePointer???)
Pointer??? = CODEPTR32(HereWeAre)
CALL SetOnExit(Pointer???)
SUB HereWeAre() 'no parameters are passed
PRINT "Sorry to see you go!"
This procedure is called to inform the run-time library that a
user defined event (UEVENT) has occurred. If ON UEVENT is active,
the specified subroutine will be executed at the first
CALL SetUEvent()
PRINT "A UEVENT has occurred!"
Internal Variables
PowerBASIC offers a large set of special Internal Variables, to
allow the more advanced programmer access to important internal
information in the run-time library. Internal variables may be
referenced directly in PowerBASIC code, with no special
declarations necessary. In order to reference them from external
.obj modules, you must declare them in the external source code as
an external in the segment DATA. It is the programmer's
responsibility to respect read-only status of an internal
variable, or unpredictable side effects may result.
pbvBinBase int read only OPTION BINARY BASE - current value
pbvCpu byt read only cpu type: 1=86/88/186, 2=286, 3=386+
pbvCursor1 byt read only first cursor scan line
pbvCursor2 byt read only last cursor scan line
pbvCursorVis byt read only True/False: cursor visibility
pbvDefSeg wrd read write Def Seg = current value for peek/poke/etc.
pbvErr byt read only Use this variable to display the current
status of ERR in the IDE watch window
pbvFixDigits byt read only Fixed point BCD fractional digits
pbvFlexChr $*1 read only Flex string fill character
pbvHost int read only Host environment descriptor:
bit0=snowchk reqd bit3=101-key keyboard
bit4=101-key bios bit5=executing in IDE
bit7=DesqView active bit8=Win 3.1+ active
pbvMinusOne lng read only Predefined constant -1
pbvNpx byt read only NPX type: 0=none, 1=87, 2=287, 3=387+
pbvOne lng read only Predefined constant +1
pbvRevision wrd read only PowerBASIC revision number (hex)
pbvRevltr byt read only Ascii sub-revision letter
pbvScrnApage byt read only Active screen page
pbvScrnBuff dwd read only 32-bit pointer to the video screen buffer
pbvScrnCard byt read only Screen video card descriptor:
bit0=mono bit1=cga bit2=egamono
bit3=egaclr bit5=vga bit6=hercules
pbvScrnCols byt read only Screen columns
pbvScrnMode byt read only Screen mode
pbvScrnPxlAttr int read only Screen graphics default pixel attribute
pbvScrnRows byt read only Screen rows
pbvScrnTxtAttr int read only Screen text attribute
pbvScrnVpage byt read only Visible screen page
pbvSwitch int read/write If bit 0=0 then the normal restoration of
video mode, cursor size, and visibility is
suppressed upon termination or POPUP SLEEP
if bit 1=0 then the screen is not erased
upon a video mode change. This switch is
not valid with all video cards or modes.
pbvUserArea $32 read write 32-byte buffer which may be used to pass
any data to the next RUN/CHAIN module
pbvUsingChrs $*4 read write Default: "*$,." numeric format characters
for PRINT USING/USING$ to allow numerics
with leading zeros, non-USA currency, etc.
pbvVTxtX1 byt read only X1 coordinate for the text viewport
pbvVTxtX2 byt read only X2 coordinate for the text viewport
pbvVTxtY1 byt read only Y1 coordinate for the text viewport
pbvVTxtY2 byt read only Y2 coordinate for the text viewport
pbvZero lng read only Predefined constant 0
Numeric Expression Order of Evaluation
^ Exponentiation
- Negation
* / Multiplication, Floating point division
\ Integer Division
MOD Modulo
+ - Addition, Subtraction
= <> < > <= => >= => Relational operators
NOT ISFALSE ISTRUE Bitwise NOT, Logical false, Logical true
AND Bitwise AND
OR XOR Bitwise OR, Bitwise XOR
EQV Bitwise EQV
IMP Bitwise IMP
Scancode Chart
key scan code unshifted +shift +control +alt
Esc 1 27 27 27 *
1 ! 2 49 33 * 120
2 @ 3 50 64 3 121
3 # 4 51 35 * 122
4 $ 5 52 36 * 123
5 % 6 53 37 * 124
6 ^ 7 54 94 30 125
7 & 8 55 38 * 126
8 * 9 56 42 * 127
9 ( 10 57 40 * 128
0 ) 11 48 41 * 129
-_ 12 45 95 31 130
=+ 13 61 43 * 131
Backspace 14 8 8 127 *
Tab 15 9 15 * *
key scan code unshifted +shift +control +alt
Q 16 113 81 17 16
W 17 119 87 23 17
E 18 101 69 5 18
R 19 114 82 18 19
T 20 116 84 20 20
Y 21 121 89 25 21
U 22 117 85 21 22
I 23 105 73 9 23
O 24 111 79 15 24
P 25 112 80 16 25
[{ 26 91 123 27 *
]} 27 93 125 29 *
Enter 28 13 13 10 *
Ctrl 29 * * * *
A 30 97 65 1 30
key scan code unshifted +shift +control +alt
S 31 115 83 19 31
D 32 100 68 4 32
F 33 102 70 6 33
G 34 103 71 7 34
H 35 104 72 8 35
J 36 106 74 10 36
K 37 107 75 11 37
L 38 108 76 12 38
;: 39 59 58 * *
'" 40 39 34 * *
`~ 41 96 126 * *
Left shft 42 * * * *
\| 43 92 124 28 *
Z 44 122 90 26 44
X 45 120 88 24 45
key scan code unshifted +shift +control +alt
C 46 99 67 3 46
V 47 118 86 22 47
B 48 98 66 2 48
N 49 110 78 14 49
M 50 109 77 13 50
,< 51 44 60 * *
.> 52 46 62 * *
/? 53 47 63 * *
Rght shft 54 * * * *
PrtSc 55 42 ** 16 *
Alt 56 * * * *
Spacebar 57 32 32 32 32
Caps lock 58 * * * *
F1 59 59 84 94 104
F2 60 60 85 95 105
key scan code unshifted +shift +control +alt
F3 61 61 86 96 106
F4 62 62 87 97 107
F5 63 63 88 98 108
F6 64 64 89 99 109
F7 65 65 90 100 110
F8 66 66 91 101 111
F9 67 67 92 102 112
F10 68 68 93 103 113
Num Lock 69 * * * *
Scroll Lk 70 * * * *
Home 71 71 55 119 *
Up Arrow 72 72 56 * *
Page up 73 73 57 132 *
Gray - 74 45 45 * *
Left Arw 75 75 52 115 *
key scan code unshifted +shift +control +alt
Numpad 5 76 53 * * *
Right Arw 77 77 54 116 *
Gray + 78 43 43 * *
End 79 79 49 117 *
Down Arw 80 80 50 * *
Page Down 81 81 51 118 *
Insert 82 82 48 * *
Delete 83 83 46 * *
F11 217 133 135 137 139
F12 218 134 136 138 140
Sub/Function Parameters
In order to create the most efficient PowerBASIC programs, it is
important to understand the principles of parameter types and the
methods of declaring them. The most important rule: it is the SUB
or FUNCTION (called procedures) definition which declares the
number of parameters, the type of each, and finally whether each
is passed by reference or by value. This information is absolute;
it may never change, since the procedure must know the format of
the data it is using. It is therefore up to the compiler (and the
programmer) to make certain that when the procedure is called, the
data is in the format the procedure expects. If it isn't, it must
be converted.
By default, parameters are passed "by reference". When the
procedure is called, the compiler passes a 32-bit pointer to the
variable, and the procedure uses the pointer to access it as
needed. So, if a parameter by reference is altered, it's the
original copy which is altered, and this change persists even
after the procedure is exited. Any variable type or full array
may be passed by reference.
'Example of Parameter by Reference
x = 1 : PRINT "Before:"; x
CALL MySub(x) : PRINT "After:"; x
SUB MySub(ParameterByReference)
INCR ParameterByReference 'add one to passed variable
Optionally, a parameter may be declared "by value" by preceding
the parameter name with the word BYVAL. In this case, the
compiler actually places a copy of the value on the stack for
procedure access. The size may range from two to ten bytes,
depending upon the type. If a parameter BYVAL is altered, it's
only this local copy which is changed. The original copy is
untouched, and the local copy is discarded when the procedure is
exited. Execution speed is generally faster with parameters
passed BYVAL, since a level of indirection is removed. Any
numeric variable, dynamic string or flex string may be passed
BYVAL. Fixed length strings, user-defined types, and full arrays
may not as size makes it impractical to transfer to the stack.
'Example of Parameter by Value
x = 1 : PRINT "Before:"; x
CALL MySub(x) : PRINT " After:"; x
SUB MySub(BYVAL ParameterByValue)
INCR ParameterByValue 'add one to passed variable
It is possible to pass parameters "by copy" which is kind of a
hybrid of the above two forms. This method is used when the
procedure expects the parameter by reference (a 32-bit pointer),
but the compiler can't precisely oblige. The "caller" might pass
a different type, or an expression, or a constant, or the
programmer might simply enclose the variable in parentheses to
fool the compiler into thinking it's an expression, not just a
simple variable. In each of these cases, the compiler evaluates
the parameter, stores the result in a temporary buffer (in the
expected/converted format), then passes a 32-bit pointer to this
temporary buffer. Since the value is a temporary one, the
original copy is untouched by the function, and it's discarded
upon procedure exit. This is the least efficient method of the
'Example of Parameter by Copy
x = 1 : PRINT "Before:"; x
'Note the extra set of parenthesis in the CALL statement
CALL MySub( (x) ) : PRINT " After:"; x
SUB MySub(ParameterByCopy)
INCR ParameterByCopy 'add one to passed variable
Declaring a procedure as CDECL allows you to specify optional
parameters which can be passed by reference, by value, or by copy.
However, you may not pass a dynamic or flex string BYVAL to a
CDECL SUB or FUNCTION which is written in BASIC. PowerBASIC
automatically generates code to release temporary strings in your
procedure, including those which have been passed by value. If you
specify a string as an optional parameter, code is generated at
compile time to release that string when the procedure ends. This
works fine when you actually pass the optional string parameter.
However, PowerBASIC has no way of determining whether or not the
parameter was passed. And if you do not pass it, it will assume
that any value which may be present on the stack is a string
handle and attempt to release it. If it is not a valid string
handle, an error 208 will be generated. If it is a valid string
handle, then a string which is used elsewhere in your application
will have been released causing an error 208 when you attempt to
access it later in your program. You can pass an optional string
parameter BYVAL to a procedure written in assembler or C because
PowerBASIC does not generate any code to release the string. It
is the responsibility of your assembler or C code to release any
temporary strings that it uses.
When passing a parameter by reference to a SUB or FUNCTION, you
must use the BYVAL keyword to pass the target of a pointer. If
you pass the pointer itself, PowerBASIC would reference the
location in memory where the pointer itself resides. Not the
target of the pointer. By using the BYVAL keyword as an override
you achieve the proper result of referencing the target.
z = &HB800000
CALL MySUB(BYVAL z) 'pass target integer to MySUB
Variable Types and Definitions
������������������� ������� ��� ���� �������������������������������
Byte BYTE ? 1 0 to 255
Word WORD ?? 2 0 to 65,535
Integer INTEGER % 2 -32,768 to 32,767
Double Word DWORD ??? 4 0 to 4,294,967,295
Long Integer LONG & 4 -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Quad Integer QUAD && 8 �9.22x10^18
Single Precision SINGLE ! 4 �8.43x10^-37 to �3.37x10^38
Double Precision DOUBLE # 8 �4.19x10^-307 to �1.67x10^308
Extended Precision EXT ## 10 �3.4x10^-4932 to �1.2x10^4932
BCD Fixed Point FIX @ 8 �9.99x10^-63 to 9.99x10^63
BCD Float Point BCD @@ 10 �9.99x10^-63 to 9.99x10^63
Pointer PTR @ 4 n/a
Dynamic String STRING $ 32750 bytes (see $STRING)
Flex String FLEX $$ 32750 bytes
Fixed-length String STRING*n 32750 bytes
ASCIIZ String ASCIIZ*n 32750 bytes
PBLIB is the PowerBASIC Librarian Utility. It allows you to
combine many modules of pre-compiled object code into a single
library file. The library files you create will have the
extension .PBL and may consist of any combination of PowerBASIC
units (.PBU) and/or object modules (.OBJ)
PBLIB is meant to be used interactively. That is, it's expected
that you will type a series of commands to instruct it to open a
library file, ADD or DELETE component modules, and finally close
the library file and QUIT. However, you can use the IDE to type
in a series of commands and save it as a text file. Then, when
you invoke PBLIB from the DOS command line, you can add the name
of this response file to execute PBLIB in a batch mode of
PBLIB command.fil
$LINK "math.pbl"
PowerBASIC Error Codes
There are two fundamental types of errors in PowerBASIC: compile
time and run time.
Run-time errors
Run-time errors occur when a compiled program is executed.
Examples include file system errors like #61, improper function
calls like #13 and memory errors like #14. HELPFUL HINT: Import
the example at the end of the error listing to have symbolic error
names for your ON ERROR (optional) routine.
2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 13
14 15 19 20 24 25 27 50 51 52
53 54 55 57 58 59 61 62 63 64
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
Run-time errors dealing with linking variables or chaining
201 202 203 204 205 206
207 208 209 210 211 241
242 243 244 245 246 256
257 258 259 260
Compiler errors
401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410
411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420
421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430
431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440
441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450
451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460
461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470
471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480
481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490
491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499
More Compiler errors
500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508
509 510 511 512 513 514 515 517 518
519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527
528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536
537 538
Internal errors
601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609
610 611
' Predefined equates for all trappable run-time errors. Programs are more
' readable if you reference symbols instead of literal numbers.
%SyntaxError =2 : %ReturnWithoutGOSUB =3 : %OutOfData =4
%IllegalFunctionCall=5 : %OverFlow =6 : %OutOfMemory =7
%SubscriptOutOfRange=9 : %DuplicateDefinition=10: %DivisionByZero =11
%TypeMismatch =13: %OutOfStringSpace =14: %StringTooLong =15
%NoRESUME =19: %ResumeWithoutError =20: %DeviceTimeOut =24
%DeviceFault =25: %OutOfPaper =27: %FieldOverflow =50
%InternalError =51: %BadFileNumber =52: %FileNotFound =53
%BadFileMode =54: %FileAlreadyOpen =55: %DeviceIOError =57
%FileAlreadyExists =58: %BadRecordLength =59: %DiskFull =61
%InputPastEnd =62: %BadRecordNumber =63: %BadFileName =64
%TooManyFiles =67: %DeviceUnavailable =68: %ComBufferOverflow =69
%PermissionDenied =70: %DiskNotReady =71: %DiskMediaError =72
%FeatureUnavailable =73: %RenameAcrossDisks =74: %PathFileAccessError=75
%PathNotFound =76: %OutOfStackSpace =201:%MismatchedCommons =203
%MismatchedOptions =204:%MismatchedRevisions=205:%InvalidProgramFile =206
%ArrayIsStatic =207:%InvalidStringHandle=208:%IncompatibleMouse =209
ERROR2 Syntax error
A READ statement attempted to load string data into a numeric
There is nothing to RETURN from.
ERROR4 Out of data
A READ statement ran out of DATA statement values.
ERROR5 Illegal function call
The wrong argument type, or range for the argument, was passed to
a function or statement. Some examples of things that could cause
it are:
Too large a color or screen-mode argument
Issuing a graphics statements without a graphics adapter or
setting the improper mode with a SCREEN statement.
Trying to perform invalid mathematical operations, such as
taking the square root of a negative number.
Attempting to use the WIDTH statement on a sequential file.
Attempting to CHDIR to an invalid drive.
ERROR6 Overflow
The result of a calculation is too large to put in the variable of
the indicated type.
ERROR7 Out of memory
Can be caused by dimensioning too large an array or using up all
string space.
ERROR9 Subscript out of range
The subscript is larger than the value used when the array was
dimensioned. If this error occurs on DIM or REDIM, an attempt was
made to allocate more than 64K of memory without including the
HUGE option.
ERROR10 Duplicate definition
You did not ERASE an array before dimensioning it again.
ERROR11 Division by zero
Cans also be generated by raising zero to a negative power.
ERROR13 Type mismatch
You used a string value where a numeric value was expected or
ERROR14 Out of string space
String storage space is exhausted.
ERROR15 String too long
The string is longer than the current string segment size.
Execution ran to the physical end of the program while in an
error trapping routine.
ERROR20 RESUME without error
Execution was not in an error trapping routine when a RESUME statement
was encountered.
ERROR24 Device timeout
The timeout value for DSR, CTS or CD was exceeded.
ERROR25 Device fault
A hardware error has occurred with the communications adapter or
printer interface.
ERROR27 Out of paper
The printer device failed to respond within the timeout period.
It may not be attached or have some other problem.
ERROR50 Field overflow
Given the file's record length, you attempted to define a set of
variables too long in a FIELD statement.
ERROR51 Internal error
There is a malfunction within the PowerBASIC run-time system.
Please save all information about your program and the machine
it is running on and call the PowerBASIC Technical Support
group at the telephone number in the printed manual.
ERROR52 Bad file name or number
The file number you gave in a file statement doesn't match one
given in an OPEN statement, or the file number may be out of the
valid range of file numbers. Error 53 File not found
ERROR53 File not found
The file name specified could not be found on the designated
ERROR54 Bad file mode
You attempted a PUT or GET (or PUT$ or GET$) on a sequential file.
ERROR55 File is open
You attempted to open a file that was already open or you tried to
delete an open file.
ERROR57 Device I/O error
A serious hardware problem occurred when trying to carry out some
ERROR58 File already exists
The new name argument specified in your NAME statement already
ERROR59 Bad record length
The length specified in a GET or PUT statement doesn't match
that specified in an OPEN statement.
ERROR61 Disk full
There isn't enough free space on the indicated or default disk to
carry out a file operation. Create some more free disk space and
retry your program.
ERROR62 Input past end
You tried to read more data from a file than it had to read. Use
the EOF function to avoid this problem. This error can also be
caused by trying to read from a sequential file opened for output
or append.
ERROR63 Bad record number
A negative number or a number larger than 16,777,215 was specified
as the record argument to a random file PUT or GET statement.
ERROR64 Bad file name
The file name specified in a FILES, KILL, or NAME statement
contains invalid characters.
ERROR67 Too many files
Caused either by trying to create too many files in a drive's root
directory, or by an invalid file name that affects the performance
of the DOS Create File system call.
ERROR68 Device unavailable
You tried to OPEN a device file on a machine without that device;
for example, COM1 on a system without a serial adapter or modem.
ERROR69 Communication buffer overflow
The serial port received more characters than available space in
the communications buffer. Your program should check and empty
the buffer more often, or use a larger buffer.
ERROR70 Permission denied
You tried to write to a write protected disk.
ERROR71 Disk Not ready
The door of a floppy disk drive is open or there is no disk in the
ERROR72 Disk media error
The controller board of a floppy or hard disk indicates a hard
media error in one or more sectors.
ERROR73 Feature unavailable
You tried to perform an operation that requires DOS 3.0 or
greater, but your system is using an earlier version.
ERROR74 Rename across disks
You cannot rename a file from one disk drive to another.
ERROR75 Path/file access error
During a command capable of specifying a path name, you used the
path inappropriately; trying to open a sub-directory or to delete
a directory in-use.
ERROR76 Path not found
The path you specified during an OPEN can't be found.
ERROR201 Out of stack space
Try increasing the stack space available by using the $STACK
metastatement, or reducing the amount of recursion by your
functions and procedures.
ERROR202 Expansion memory error
Not enough EMS memory was available to perform the operation.
ERROR203 Mismatched common variables
You attempted to CHAIN between two program segments which did not
contain matching COMMON statements. PowerBASIC checks the type
and number of variables in COMMON statements. Stack size (set
with $STACK) must be identical in both modules.
ERROR204 Mismatched program options
You attempted to CHAIN between two program segments that were
compiled with different program options. (Different graphics
library, math co-processor required, etc.)
ERROR205 Mismatched program revisions
You attempted to CHAIN between two programs segments compiled
under different versions of the PowerBASIC compiler.
ERROR206 Invalid program file
You attempted to CHAIN or RUN a program segment that was not
compiled with PowerBASIC.
ERROR207 Array is static
This occurs if you try to DIM or REDIM a static array referenced
as a parameter or an external.
ERROR208 Invalid string handle
An invalid dynamic or flex string handle was found. It is likely
that something overwrote memory to corrupt it. This is similar to
an error 242.
ERROR209 Incompatible mouse driver
Your driver required more than 2048 bytes to "save its state",
therefore it was not possible to pop down with POPUP SLEEP.
ERROR210 Huge Array Not Allowed
This statement does not support huge arrays.
ERROR211 Pointer is null
You attempted to access the target of an uninitialized pointer.
You must give your pointer a target address.
ERROR241 Far heap corrupt.
The far heap has been improperly overwritten. Similar to the
causes of error 242.
ERROR242 String space corrupt
The string memory area has been improperly overwritten. This can
be caused by a stray assembler program, too small a stack,
accessing arrays out of dimensions, or an error within the
PowerBASIC run time system.
ERROR243 CHAIN/RUN from .EXE file only
You attempted to CHAIN or RUN programs while the parent program
was executing with the PowerBASIC integrated development
ERROR244 Missing library
You excluded a library in the library stripping menu and you used
a function in your program that is contained in that library.
ERROR245 CHAIN/RUN too big
You attempted to CHAIN or RUN a .PBC or .EXE program that will not
fit in memory.
ERROR246 Invalid stack frame
The stack is a problem in trying to execute an EXIT FAR or LOCAL
error handler. Likely caused by an intervening assembler routine
which did not create a proper stack frame.
ERROR256 Requires DOS 3.0 or later
DOS 3.0 is the minimum required to run PowerBASIC. DOS 3.0 is
Required for file locking features.
ERROR257 Missing numeric co-processor.
You compiled the program to require a coprocessor. To ensure that
the program can run on machines without a numeric coprocessor, use
the Emulation or Procedure floating-point library.
ERROR258 Program too big to fit in memory
The program requires more conventional memory (below 640k) than is
available. Try unloading popup programs or other resident
programs or drivers. Or use CHAIN.
ERROR259 80286 cpu or above required
You directed PowerBASIC to generate code which took advantage of
the more powerful 80286 instruction set. Now you are trying to
run the program on an 8088 machine.
ERROR260 80386 cpu or above required
You directed PowerBASIC to generate code which took advantage of
the more powerful 80386 instruction set. Now you are trying to
run the program on an 8088 or an 80286 machine.
ERROR401 Expression too complex
The expression contained too many operators/operands; break it
down into two or more simplified expressions.
ERROR402 Statement too complex
The statement complexity caused an overflow of the internal
compiler buffers; break the statement down into two or more
simplified statements.
ERROR403 $IF nesting overflow
Conditional compilation blocks are nested over 16 levels deep.
ERROR404 File nesting overflow
$INCLUDE file nesting is limited to four levels the main program
and three included files. This limit has been exceeded.
ERROR405 Block nesting overflow
PowerBASIC block structures (Loops, Subs, Functions, etc.) are
nested more than 64 levels deep.
ERROR406 Out of main memory
The available compiler memory for symbol space, buffers, and so on
has been exhausted. A few ways to gain extra space are
1. Remove unnecessary line numbers and labels
2. Shorten your variable and procedure names
3. Reboot your computer without AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS
files which may load other programs which take memory.
ERROR407 Too many segments.
Your program contains more than 16 segments.
ERROR408 Segment exceeds 64k
Your program compiles to overflow a segment. Try adding a
$SEGMENT directive to your program to force code generation into
other segments.
If you are linking units into your program you may need to add the
$CODE metastatement to the source code for one or more units. In
this case, surrounding your $LINK statement with $SEGMENT
directives will not help the segment overflow.
ERROR409 Variables exceed 64k
Get rid of unused variables or split your program into separate
main and CHAIN modules.
ERROR410 Literals exceed 64k
String literals (such as the hello in PRINT "hello") are limited
to 64k. Reduce the number or length of literals, or restructure
your program to read data files.
ERROR411 "," expected
The statement's syntax requires a comma.
ERROR412 ";" expected
The statement's syntax requires a semicolon.
ERROR413 "(" expected
The statement's syntax requires a parenthesized
argument, or you left out the opening parenthesis.
ERROR414 ")" expected
The statement's syntax requires a parenthesized
argument, or you left out the closing parenthesis.
ERROR415 "=" expected
The compiler was expecting an assignment and found
no operator.
ERROR416 "-" expected
The statement's syntax requires a hyphen.
ERROR417 "*" expected
The statement's syntax requires an asterisk.
ERROR418 Statement expected
Some character could not be identified as
a statement, meta statement, or variable.
ERROR419 Label/line number expected
A valid label or line number was not found in an IF, GOTO, GOSUB,
or ON statement.
ERROR420 Relational operator expected
The compiler found a string operand in a position where a numeric
operand should be.
ERROR421 String operand expected
The compiler expected a string expression and found something
else; for example, X$ = A$+3.
ERROR422 Scalar variable expected
The compiler did not find a scalar variable as a formal parameter
to a user-defined function. Scalar variables include strings,
flex-strings, integers, long integers, quad integers, single
precision, double precision, extended precision, and BCD fixed and
floating point reals.
ERROR423 Array variable expected
None was found in a DIM statement, or in the GET and PUT graphics
ERROR424 Numeric variable expected
None was found in a INCR, DECR, or CALL ABSOLUTE statement.
ERROR425 String variable expected
None was found in a FIELD, GET$, PUT$, or LINE INPUT statement.
ERROR426 Variable expected
None was found as the argument to a VARPTR, VARSEG, or VARPTR$
ERROR427 Integer constant expected
An integer constant was expected in a named constant assignment or
conditional compilation $IF metastatement.
ERROR428 Positive integer constant expected
You did not have one in the array bounds for a
DIM STATIC array or in the $COM, $SOUND, or $STACK metastatements.
ERROR429 String constant expected
You must use a constant for the file name in the $INCLUDE
ERROR430 Integer variable expected
None was found as a parameter in a statement such as ARRAY SCAN.
ERROR431 Numeric scalar variable expected
A numeric scaler variable (byte, word, integer, etc.) is expected.
Such as the target of a FOR/NEXT loop. You may not use a variable
passed as a parameter to a SUB or FUNCTION in a FOR/NEXT loop.
ERROR432 Integer scalar variable expected
A non-array variable was expected as a parameter in a CALL
ABSOLUTE statement.
ERROR433 Integer array variable expected
An example of this might be in the PALETTE statement.
ERROR434 End of line expected
For example, on a metastatement, END SUB, or a statement label
there were characters other than a comment.
ERROR435 $IF expected
A $ENDIF conditional compilation metastatement is missing its
opening $IF.
ERROR436 $ENDIF expected
A $IF conditional compilation metastatement is missing its closing
ERROR437 AS expected
This reserved word is missing in either a variable or field buffer
declaration statement.
ERROR438 FROM expected
The reserved word is missing in either a FIELD or MAP statement.
ERROR439 GOSUB expected
An ON statement is missing its accompanying GOSUB part.
ERROR440 GOTO expected
An ON statement is missing its accompanying GOTO part.
ERROR441 IN expected
This reserved word is missing in a REPLACE statement.
ERROR442 THEN expected
An IF is missing the accompanying THEN part.
ERROR443 TO expected
A FIELD, FOR, or MAP statement is missing its accompanying TO part.
ERROR444 WITH expected
The WITH reserved word is missing in a REPLACE
statement. Check the syntax of the REPLACE statement.
ERROR445 DEF FN expected
The compiler found an END DEF or EXIT DEF without a DEF FN
function defined.
ERROR446 FUNCTION expected
The compiler found an END FUNCTION or EXIT FUNCTION without a
FUNCTION function defined.
ERROR447 IF expected
The compiler found an END IF or EXIT IF without a beginning IF
statement defined.
ERROR448 DO loop expected
The compiler found a LOOP or EXIT LOOP without a beginning DO statement
ERROR449 SELECT expected
When defining a SELECT CASE statement, you either forgot to include
the reserved word SELECT or the compiler ran into an END SELECT or EXIT
SELECT without a beginning SELECT CASE statement. This error can also
occur if you try to use the reserved word CASE as a variable.
ERROR450 CASE expected
When defining a SELECT CASE statement, you forgot to include the
reserved word CASE. This error can also occur if you try to use
the reserved word SELECT as a variable in your program.
ERROR451 FOR loop expected
The compiler found an EXIT FOR statement without
a beginning FOR statement defined.
ERROR452 SUB expected
The compiler found an END SUB or EXIT SUB statement without a procedure
defined. You must define a procedure by beginning it with a SUB
ERROR453 END DEF expected
A DEF FN function was not terminated with a
corresponding END DEF statement
A FUNCTION function was not terminated with a matching END
FUNCTION statement.
ERROR455 END IF expected
An IF block is not terminated with a corresponding END IF.
ERROR456 LOOP/WEND expected
A DO or WHILE loop was not terminated with a corresponding
LOOP or WEND statement.
ERROR457 END SELECT expected
A SELECT CASE statement was not properly terminated.
ERROR458 END SUB expected
A procedure was not properly terminated.
ERROR459 NEXT expected
A FOR loop was started and a matching NEXT was not found.
ERROR460 Undefined equate
You used a named constant in your program without defining it.
Define the named constant or use a literal constant in the
ERROR461 Undefined FN reference
You used a FN name in an expression without defining the DEF FN
function. Check the name of the function for mistakes or provide
a definition for the function. Error 461 Undefined FN reference
You used a FN name in an expression without defining the DEF FN
function. Check the name of the function for mistakes or provide
a definition for the function.
ERROR462 Undefined SUB/FUNCTION reference
You used CALL to a procedure, but you did not define the
procedure. Check the name of the procedure for mistakes or
provide the procedure. This error also occurs when you reference
a procedure which is in a unit or .OBJ module but has no
corresponding DECLARE statement in the main program, or is not
declared to be PUBLIC in its module.
ERROR463 Undefined label/line reference
You used a line number or label in an IF, GOTO, GOSUB, or ON
statement, but you did not define the label or number. Check the
label or line number for mistakes or provide a label.
ERROR464 Undefined array reference
An array was referenced but was never defined in a DIM statement.
Check the array name for mistakes or provide a DIM statement for
ERROR465 Duplicate definition
A program element which should only appear once was duplicated in
your code. (two $COMPILE meta-statements, or two $STRING
metastatements, for example)
ERROR466 Duplicate name definition
A SUB name, FUNCTION name, DEF FN name, label name, or variable
name was defined more than once in your code. Check your program
and any INCLUDE files for duplicate names and change one or both
of them.
ERROR467 Duplicate line number
The same line number was used twice. Check your program and any
INCLUDE files for duplicate numbers and change one or both of
ERROR468 Duplicate equate
Two constants were defined with the same name. Check your program
and any INCLUDE files for duplicate names and change one or both
of them.
ERROR469 Duplicate common variable
Two variables with the same name were listed in a COMMON
statement. Check your program and INCLUDE files for duplicate
names and change one or both of them.
ERROR470 Duplicate variable declaration
Two variables with the same name have been declared with a LOCAL,
STATIC, or SHARED statement. Check your program and INCLUDE files
for duplicate names and change one or both of them.
ERROR471 Invalid line number
The line number was not in the range 0 to 65535.
ERROR472 Invalid label
A label in your code contains invalid
ERROR473 Invalid numeric format
Your program declared a number with more than 18 digits or a
floating-point number with an E component--but without the
exponent value.
ERROR474 Invalid name
A function, procedure, or label has an invalid name. In the case
of a DEF FN function, FN must be followed by a letter and then
other letters,digits, and periods, optionally ended with a type
identifier (?, %, &, !, #, or $). In the case of a SUB procedure
or FUNCTION, the name must begin with a letter and can be followed
by other letters, digits, and periods but must not include a type
ERROR475 Meta-statements not allowed here
A meta statement was not the first statement on a line.
ERROR476 Block/scanned statements not allowed here
A WHILE/WEND, DO/LOOP, or SELECT/CASE was on a single line IF
statement. Also, you cannot have a procedure or function
definition nested within the body of another definition.
ERROR477 Syntax error
Something is incorrect on the line and the compiler could not
interpret it enough to give a more specific message.
ERROR478 Array subscript error
You dimensioned an array with a number of subscripts and used it
with a different number of subscripts.
ERROR479 Array bounds error
In the case of a static dimensioned array, your program referenced
the array with a literal value that was out of range.
ERROR480 Type mismatch is generated
You attempted to use an invalid variable type, such as using a
TYPE variable in an INPUT statement.
ERROR481 Parameter mismatch
The parameters passed to a procedure or function are not of the
same type that was defined in the corresponding definition or
declare statement. This error also occurs when variable types in
a SWAP statement are not the same.
ERROR482 CLEAR parameters not allowed
The additional parameters available to the CLEAR statement in
interpretive BASIC are not available in PowerBASIC.
ERROR483 CLEAR not allowed here
It was found within a procedure or function.
You attempted to declare LOCAL variables any other place.
ERROR485 Fixed length string expected
You tried to define a dynamic of flex string as a member of a TYPE
or UNION. Only fixed strings are allowed.
ERROR486 COMMON must be dynamic
Arrays used in the common statement were not declared dynamic.
ERROR487 LOCAL must be dynamic
Arrays defined as LOCAL cannot be defined as STATIC. Get rid of
the STATIC specifier or move the array definition out of the
procedure or function and into your main program.
ERROR488 Array is already dynamic/huge.
If you have two DIM statements in a program for the same array, or
if you DIMensioned an array using variables as indices, the array
is automatically declared to be DYNAMIC. You get this error
message if you try to declare such an array STATIC.
ERROR489 Array is already static
You issued a DIM STATIC statement to DIMension a static array,
then later attempted to dimension that array again. Static arrays
my be dimensioned only once in a program.
ERROR490 Static array exceeds 64k
The size of a STATIC array exceeds 64k.
ERROR491 Array exceeds eight dimensions
You exceeded the internal limit of the compiler on dimensions.
ERROR492 No params with INLINE SUB.
You cannot specify a formal parameter list in an INLINE SUB
procedure declaration. The assembly language program is
responsible for knowing the number and type of parameters being
passed to it. No type checking is done by the compiler.
ERROR493 Compiler file not found
An $INCLUDE, or $LINK file could not be found in the specified
directory path, current directory, or the path specified by the
appropriate OPTIONS/DIRECTORIES menu item. Check the directory
paths or make sure the specified file exists.
ERROR494 ASM not allowed here.
ASM (or the shortcut '!') must be the only statement on a line.
ERROR495 Compiler file read error
When PowerBASIC tried to open the $INCLUDE, $INLINE, or $LINK file
a disk error was reported during compilation.
ERROR496 Destination file write error.
While compiling to disk (an .EXE, .PBC, or .PBU file), the
compiler received a disk write error. There could be a bad disk,
a bad drive, or an invalid .EXE file path in the Options menu.
ERROR497 Assembler syntax error
This occurs on any ASM statement which is not constructed
correctly. One thing to check is that you use PowerBASIC syntax
for all numbers used as immediate operands.
ERROR498 INLINE Expected
This SUB/FUNCTION was previously declared without a set of empty
parentheses. That syntax is only legal for INLINE subs.
ERROR499 ASE not allowed here.
CASE must be the first statement on a line.
ERROR500 EXTERNAL only in units
EXTERNAL is legal only in UNIT (.PBU) files.
ERROR501 Nested $LINK files
A unit contains a $LINK metastatement; this is not allowed. Only
the main program may contain $LINK units and .obj files. This
error commonly occurs when you compile a file to a unit in the
PowerBASIC environment, then forget to set the Compile/Destination
menu item to Memory or EXE file when compiling the main program,
which contains a $LINK statement.
ERROR502 One Data Segment per Module
This external .OBJ module included more than one data segment, as
defined by your $ALIAS meta-statements. It is not possible to
link this module accurately.
ERROR503 Unresolved EXTERNAL.
A variable declared EXTERNAL in a unit was not present in the main
program which the unit was $LINKed to.
ERROR504 Flex variable expected
A flex string variable was expected in a FIELD or MAP statement.
Check the syntax of the FIELD or MAP statements.
ERROR505 Flex array expected.
A flex string array variable was expected in a MAP statement.
Check the syntax of the MAP statement.
ERROR506 Declaration must precede statements
A meta statement such as $COMPILE, $CPU, etc was preceded by some
executable code. You must rearrange the statements in your
program so that these metastatements come first.
ERROR507 Invalid $LINK file
There is something wrong with a file $LINKed into your program.
If the file is a unit file, it may have been created with a
different version of the PowerBASIC compiler. If the file is a
.obj file it may contain code or declarations which violate
PowerBASIC's rules for .obj files.
ERROR508 Duplicate label
The name of a label which appears in a file $LINKed into your
program is the same as a label in your main program. Change one
or both of the names.
ERROR509 Invalid segment name
You attempted to link a UNIT in which you specified a $CODE SEG
name of DATA, or by a data name specified by $ALIAS.
ERROR510 Invalid alignment
You tried to specify 32 bit alignment.
ERROR511 $LINK buffer overflow
You don't have enough real memory available to buffer a unit or
.obj for $LINK. Split the modules up. If the code segment(s) in
a module are under 16k, they will always fit. If they are larger,
there must be main memory available to buffer them.
ERROR512 Nested brackets not allowed
You attempted to use nested brackets in an optional parameter
ERROR513 "]" expected
The statement's syntax requires a closing bracket (]).
ERROR514 Invalid fixup
You tried to $LINK an .OBJ file which contains an invalid fixup
requirement. For example, while it is legal to define initialized
data in the 'DATA' segment (or one equated with $ALIAS), it must
contain only static constants (numbers or characters). It may not
include any "pointers" which reference a code or data label, thus
requiring a link-time "fixup". Such pointers may only appear in a
segment other than 'DATA.
ERROR515 Fixup overflow
You tried to $LINK an .obj file containing a reference to a code
or data item which is not in the segment where PowerBASIC expected
it to be. A NEAR reference to an item which is in a different
segment will cause this error.
ERROR517 Expansion memory fault
EMS or XMS reported an error.
ERROR518 "[...]" requires CDECL
You attempted to define optional parameters in a SUB or FUNCTION
without declaring it as CDECL (using "C" style calling
ERROR519 Missing declaration
You specified that variables and/or arrays should be declared
before use, but didn't declare a variable or array. Use DIM a
variables type or an array's dimensions.
ERROR520 TYPE expected
PowerBASIC found an END TYPE statement without a preceding TYPE
ERROR521 UNION expected
PowerBASIC found an END UNION statement without a preceding UNION
ERROR522 END TYPE expected
An TYPE statement was started but not closed with an END TYPE.
ERROR522 END TYPE expected
An TYPE statement was started but not closed with an END TYPE.
ERROR523 END UNION expected
A UNION statement was found but an END UNION to match was never
ERROR524 Undefined type
Means you specified an undefined type/member name like abc.qqq
where qqq was not defined as a member.
ERROR525 Type id (?%&!#$) not allowed
You included a type id on a member in a TYPE / UNION definition.
ERROR526 Period not allowed
You included a period within a member name in a TYPE / UNION
ERROR527 End of statement expected
There is an extra character at the end of a statement or line of
ERROR528 Type too large
TYPE /UNION definitions must be less than 16k.
ERROR529 Pointer Variable Error
You attempted to use a pointer variable incorrectly, such as using
the leading at-sign (@) with a variable which is not a pointer, or
attempted to DECLARE a target pointer as a parameter in a SUB or
ERROR530 Invalid member name
Could be a duplicate of an ID or something else.
ERROR531 Too many SUBS
This is amazing. The limit is 16000 subs.
ERROR532 Too many externals
The limit is 32000.
ERROR533 Only valid in units
Can be caused by using $CODE SEG or EXTERNAL which can only
appear in a unit.
ERROR534 Not valid in units
RUN or COMMON may not appear in a UNIT.
ERROR535 Dyn/flex string variable expected
Some statements (like FIELD) require variable length or flex strings.
ERROR536 Virtual Array Error
Occurs when you attempt to use ARRAY SORT/SCAN/INSERT/DELETE or
SWAP with a virtual array. Or you attempted to pass a virtual
array element to a Sub or Function by reference.
ERROR537 Invalid debug file
You tried to load a program in PBD that has no debugging
information or has debugging information that is corrupted or from
a different version.
ERROR538 Out of expansion memory
Not enough EMS, XMS, or VMS to complete compilation.
ERROR601 Internal system error
If this error occurs, report it immediately to the
PowerBASIC Technical Support Group.
ERROR602 Internal system error
If this error occurs, report it immediately to the
PowerBASIC Technical Support Group.
ERROR603 Internal system error
If this error occurs, report it immediately to the
PowerBASIC Technical Support Group.
ERROR604 Internal system error
If this error occurs, report it immediately to the
PowerBASIC Technical Support Group.
ERROR605 Internal system error
If this error occurs, report it immediately to the
PowerBASIC Technical Support Group.
ERROR606 Internal system error
If this error occurs, report it immediately to the
PowerBASIC Technical Support Group.
ERROR607 Internal system error
If this error occurs, report it immediately to the
PowerBASIC Technical Support Group.
ERROR608 Internal system error
If this error occurs, report it immediately to the
PowerBASIC Technical Support Group.
ERROR609 Internal system error
If this error occurs, report it immediately to the
PowerBASIC Technical Support Group.
ERROR610 Internal system error
If this error occurs, report it immediately to the
PowerBASIC Technical Support Group.
ERROR611 Internal system error
If this error occurs, report it immediately to the
PowerBASIC Technical Support Group.
ABS function
Purpose: Returns the absolute value of its argument.
Syntax: y = ABS(numeric expression)
Purpose: Invokes an assembly language routine.
Syntax: CALL ABSOLUTE addressvar(parameter list)
'addressvar' is an integer variable containing the offset in
memory within the current segment where the routine is located.
'parameter list' is a list of parameters to be passed to the
routine; only integer parameters are allowed.
ACCESS statement
Purpose: Prepares a file or device for reading or writing.
Syntax: OPEN filespec [FOR mode] [ACCESS access] [lock] AS [#]filenum
[LEN = recordsize]
OPEN modestring, [#]filenum, filespec [, recordsize]
Opens a file or device whose name is filespec as file number
'filenum', and whose mode is described by a mode keyword (OUTPUT,
INPUT, APPEND, RANDOM, or BINARY) or a string (modestring)
containing "O", "I", "A", "R", or "B". Files opened in BINARY
mode may only be accessed with GET$, PUT$, PUT, and GET. Files
opened in OUTPUT or APPEND mode may only be accessed with PRINT,
PUT, or WRITE. Files opened in INPUT mode may only be accessed
with INPUT, INPUT$, or LINE INPUT. RANDOM-mode files may be
accessed with GET, INPUT, INPUT$, LINE INPUT, PRINT, PUT, or
WRITE. 'recordsize' is an integer expression from 1 to 32767
which specifies the length of each record in a random file.
The keyboard, screen, printers, and communications ports may be
opened as files using filenames "KYBD:", "SCRN:", "CONS:",
"LPT1:", "LPT2:", "LPT3:", "COM1:", "COM2:", "COM3:", and "COM4:".
"KYBD:" and "CONS:" use DOS for all I/O, allowing both input and
output to be redirected. "SCRN:" writes to the screen memory
directly, preventing redirection. Access and Lock network modes
may be specified when using DOS 3.0 or later. 'access' is one of
WRITE, or LOCK READ WRITE. Specifying ACCESS READ means that only
subsequent read operations will be allowed on this file;
attempting a write operation will cause an error. ACCESS WRITE
allows only write operations, while ACCESS READ WRITE allows both.
LOCK WRITE means that this file cannot be written to by other
users while you have it open; an attempt to do so will generate an
error for the other user. The file can still be read by another
user, however.
AND operator
Purpose: AND works as a logical and a bitwise arithmetic operator
Syntax: p AND q
Remarks: AND returns TRUE if and only if both of its operands are
p q p AND q
AND masks clear selected bits of an integer quantity.
themask = &H3F00 : thevalue = &H9700
thevalue = thevalue AND themask 'clear the high order bits
This is a reserved word. It is used as a part of:
ARRAY Statement
The ARRAY statement allows you to sort an array, scan for a
particular value, insert an element or delete one, in an array of
any data type. Each of the four forms is described below:
Syntax for numeric array:
ARRAY SORT darray([index]) [FOR count] [,TAGARRAY tarray()]
Syntax for string array:
ARRAY SORT darray([index]) [FOR count] [,FROM start TO end]
[,COLLATE {UCASE|string}] [,TAGARRAY tarray()]
ARRAY SORT allows you to sort all or part of a data array (darray)
in ascending or descending order. You may also specify one
tag-along array (tarray), whose elements are sequenced in the same
order as those in the main data array. The tag-along array must
have at least as many elements as the main data array, but it may
be of any data type. You use 'index' to specify the first element
to sort. If 'index' is omitted, the array is sorted from the
first element. You use 'count' to specify the total number of
elements to sort. If 'count' is omitted, the array is sorted
through the last element. If both are omitted, the entire array
is sorted.
By default, arrays are sorted in ascending sequence. To sort in
descending order, include the optional DESCEND keyword. COLLATE
UCASE is used with string arrays to treat all lowercase alphabetic
characters as equal to their uppercase counterparts, while COLLATE
string is used to specify an entirely new sorting order, such as
for an international character set. The collate string is
described in detail below.
When a string array is sorted, every character from each element
is normally considered when performing comparisons. Use the FROM
and TO options to specify starting and ending character positions
if you wish to restrict the comparisons to a subset of each
string. The options for ARRAY SORT can be listed in any order, as
long as the FOR option, if specified, directly follows the name of
the data array.
It is possible to sort a multi-dimensional array, but the elements
are sequenced just as they appear in memory. Since PowerBASIC
stores multi-dimensional arrays in column-major order, the array
x(2,2) would appear in memory as follows:
x(0,0) x(1,0) x(2,0) x(0,1) x(1,1) x(2,1)
Use care in sorting multi-dimensional arrays, to avoid disrupting
your data organization. Since column-major order may not be
compatible with your specific sort needs, it may be necessary to
copy array elements to a temporary array, sort them, and copy them
back to the original.
The optional COLLATE string can be used to specify an entirely new
sorting order for string arrays. This can be useful for a variety
of needs, the most obvious of which is the case of international
character sets. The collate string must be exactly 256 bytes long
- one byte for each of the ASCII codes (0 to 255). Please read
the following sections carefully, as it is very easy to
misunderstand the definitions.
Each position in the string represents the ASCII code with that
value. The contents of the byte at that position tells the ARRAY
SORT procedure the "weight" or importance factor for that
particular ASCII code. The default is that position 0 has a
weight of 0, position 1 has a weight of 1, etc., so that chr$(0)
sorts first, chr$(1) sorts second, and so on, through chr$(255).
Suppose you wish to have the special character "�" sort with
exactly the same weight as the standard character "a". It's easy:
construct a string of 256 characters, 0 to 255, then go to the
position of "�" (ASCII code 132) in the string, and change the
contents of that byte so it is exactly equal to the code for "a"
(ASCII code 97). The following Basic source code constructs just
such a collate string. Of course, since the MID$ statement
considers the first byte to be position 1, not 0, the example
modifies position 132+1 to be accurate.
FOR i% = 0 TO 255
c$ = c$ + chr$(i%)
MID$(c$,132+1) = chr$(97)
It is most important to remember the rule for creating a collate
string, as many programmers intuitively jump to the wrong
conclusion. Each position in the string (0 to 255) represents the
ASCII code with that value. The contents of the byte at that
position tells the ARRAY SORT procedure the new "weight" or
importance factor for that particular code. This is exactly the
technique used by the 8086 assembler opcode XLAT. Suppose you
just wanted chr$(0) to sort at the very end of the sequence. To
do that, you would set the byte at position 0 to chr$(255), then
set the bytes at position 1 through 255 to the values 0 to 254.
To sort upper case and lower case alphabetic letters as exactly
equal, just set positions 97 through 122 (ASCII a-z) to the values
65 through 90 (ASCII A-Z). This is precisely the technique used
internally when you specify the COLLATE UCASE option. Remember,
with the collate method implemented by this procedure in
PowerBASIC, it is possible for two or more ASCII codes to have
equal "weight".
As mentioned earlier, many programmers make a common, fatal
mistake by intuitively creating a collate string which is a list
of ASCII codes in the sequence they wish to sort. That is, they
expect the byte which appears first in the string to sort first,
the byte which appears next to sort second, so that creating a
collate string from the Basic code CHR$(65)+CHR$(66)+CHR$(67)+...
might cause the characters "ABC..." to be sorted first. This
technique will never work with ARRAY, and must be carefully
avoided. We describe it here only because it is such a common
error. While it is arguably more intuitive than the technique
implemented in PowerBASIC, it could never be used as it does not
allow two or more ASCII codes to have equal "weight".
The following code builds a collate string compatible with the IBM
ASCII character set for European characters. For best results,
you should execute this code at the beginning of your program and
make the collate string public:
FOR x% = 0 TO 255
c$ = c$ + CHR$(x%)
MID$(c$,129+1,6) = "ueaaaa" '������
MID$(c$,136+1,9) = "eeeiiiAAE" '���������
MID$(c$,147+1,8) = "ooouuyOU" '��������
MID$(c$,161+1,5) = "iounN" '�����
MID$(c$,168+1,1) = "?" '�
{your code here}
The following code builds an upper case collate string compatible
with the IBM ASCII character set for European characters:
FOR x% = 0 TO 255
cu$ = cu$ + CHR$(x%)
MID$(cu$,129+1,6) = "UEAAAA" '������
MID$(cu$,136+1,9) = "EEEIIIAAE" '���������
MID$(cu$,147+1,8) = "OOOUUYOU" '��������
MID$(cu$,161+1,5) = "IOUNN" '�����
MID$(cu$,168+1,1) = "?" '�
{your code here}
If you need to capitalize a collate string for non-American or
European character sets, starting with DOS 5.0, DOS provides an
interrupt call which will capitalize strings for you based on your
country code:
REG %AX, &H6521 'function 65h, subfunction 21h
REG %DS, STRSEG( Text$ )
REG %DX, STRPTR( Text$ )
REG %CX, LEN( Text$ )
Multiple Tag Arrays
The ARRAY SORT statement allows you to specify one tag-along
array, whose elements are sequenced in the same order as those in
the main data array. Obviously, there are situations where it
would be desirable to have two, three, or even more tag-along
arrays. However, the high ratio of internal data movements
required per sorted element makes this feature impractical, as the
relative execution speed would quickly deteriorate. Fortunately,
there is an elegant solution, easily implemented by the PowerBASIC
programmer. It is highly efficient, and executes far faster than
any intrinsic method.
For purposes of this example, we'll presume a main data array
a(n), and a desire to have the arrays b(n) and c(n) tag-along. To
implement this concept, we simply dimension one additional array
tag%(n), set each element equal to the element number, and sort it
as the tag-along, as is shown in the example which follows.
Upon completion of the sort, the tag-along array tag%(n) now
specifies the desired order for any number of multiple tag arrays.
However, the task was completed in a much shorter time than if
multiple tag arrays were supported directly. To reference the
first element of b(n) in the new order, simply use b(tag%(0)).
It's that simple. The example which follows would print b(n) and
c(n) in the new, sorted sequence:
DIM tag%(n)
FOR i% = 0 TO n
tag%(i%) = i%
FOR i% = 0 TO n
PRINT b(tag%(i%)), c(tag%(i%))
Syntax for numeric array:
ARRAY SCAN darray([index]) [FOR count] ,operator expression, TO
Syntax for string array:
ARRAY SCAN darray([index]) [FOR count] [,FROM start TO end]
[,COLLATE {UCASE|string}] ,operator expression, TO ivar
ARRAY SCAN allows you to scan all or part of a data array
(darray), to find the first element which satisfies the condition
specified by operator expression. The operator expression
consists of a relational operator (=, >, <, <>, >=, =>, <=, =<)
followed by an expression of the same type as darray. The
relative index position of the first match (indexed to 1) is
stored in ivar, which must be an integer or long integer variable.
It's important to note that this value is not the array subscript
index, but rather a number relative to the first array element
scanned: 1 if the first element, 2 if the second, etc. If no
match is found, then 0 is stored in ivar.
Together, index and count specify the portion of darray to be
scanned. You use index to specify the first element to scan. If
it is omitted, the array is scanned from the first element. You
use count to specify the total number of elements to scan. If
count is omitted, the array is scanned through the last element.
If both are omitted, the entire array is scanned.
COLLATE UCASE may be used with string arrays to treat all
lowercase alphabetic characters as equal to their uppercase
counterparts, while COLLATE string is used to specify an entirely
new collate sequence, such as for an international character set.
The collate string is described in greater detail under the
description of ARRAY SORT.
When a string array is scanned, all characters from each element
are normally considered when performing comparisons. Use the FROM
and TO options to specify starting and ending character positions
if you wish to restrict the comparisons to a subset of each
string. The options for ARRAY SCAN can be listed in any order, as
long as the FOR option, if specified, directly follows the name of
the data array.
It is possible to scan a multi-dimensional array, but the elements
are scanned sequentially just as they appear in memory. Since
PowerBASIC stores multi-dimensional arrays in column-major order,
the array x(2,2) would appear in memory as follows:
x(0,0) x(1,0) x(2,0) x(0,1) x(1,1) x(2,1)
Use care in scanning multi-dimensional arrays, to avoid a
misleading result. Every array element is scanned sequentially,
just as it is found in memory. There is no method provided to
"skip over" any elements, regardless of the multi-dimensional
Syntax: ARRAY INSERT darray([index]) [FOR count] [,expression]
ARRAY INSERT allows you to insert a single element into a data
array (darray), while shifting other elements up to make room for
the new one. You use index to specify the position where the new
element is to be inserted. If index is omitted, it is inserted as
the first element. You use count to limit the number of elements
which will be shifted up. If count is omitted, all higher
elements are shifted up. If the highest element of the array is
to be shifted up, the value is discarded. You use expression to
assign a value to the new element. If expression is omitted, 0 is
used for numerics, while null is used for strings.
Syntax: ARRAY DELETE darray([index]) [FOR count] [,expression]
ARRAY DELETE allows you to delete a single element from a data
array (darray), while shifting other elements down to compress the
list of values. You use index to specify the element to be
deleted. If it is omitted, the first element of the array is
deleted. You use count to limit the number of elements which will
be shifted down. If it is omitted, all higher elements are
shifted down. You use expression to assign a value to the
highest, vacated element. If expression is omitted, 0 is used for
numerics, while null is used for strings.
This is a reserved word. It is used as part of:
ASC function
Purpose: Returns the ASCII code of a character in a string.
Syntax: y = ASC(string expression[, n])
The string passed to ASC may not be a null (empty) string. Use
the ASCII function instead. The optional parameter 'n' specifies
which character in the 'string expression' whose ASCII code you
want. If 'n' is out of range, a run-time error occurs.
ASC statement
Purpose: Place a byte into an existing string.
Syntax: ASC(stringvariable, n) = bytevalue
Using the ASC statement, you can change the ASCII code of any byte
in a string.
ASCII function
Purpose: Returns the ASCII code of a character in a string.
Syntax: y = ASCII(string expression[, n])
If the string passed to ASCII is a null (empty) string, ASCII
returns -1, unlike ASC which will generate a run-time error. If
the option parameter 'n' is not specified, the ASCII code of the
first character in the string expression is returned. If 'n' is
out of range, a -1 is returned.
ASM statement
Purpose: Allows direct entry of assembler statements
Syntax: ASM opcode [operand] [,operand]
! opcode [operand] [,operand]
PowerBASIC supports assembly of all 8086/8088 opcodes directly
from your BASIC source code. You may reference variables, labels,
and SUB/FUNCTION names directly, but any variables so referenced
must be declared either explicitly (with DIM) or implicitly (by
use in a BASIC statement).
Any reference to a static or shared variable is assumed to be DS
relative, while local or parameter variables are assumed to be SS
relative. Lastly, all references to labels or SUB/FUNCTION names
are assumed to be CS relative, regardless of the segment.
References to labels are assumed to be near, while SUB/FUNCTION
calls are assumed far.
It is possible to override segment or type assumptions with an
explicit reference in the operand (cs/ds/es/ss, byte/word/dword,