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CODE FOR APRIL - JUNE 2003 (Code Pack 2) Download

Subject/Description text colored Red denote source code snippets encoded with Postit!

Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
Qbasic, QB, PDS, PB Simple sort Brian Aykut
IBASIC Array hash in ibasic Jerry Muelver
Qbasic, QB, PDS, PB Analysis of rnd generator Michael Webster
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
ASIC Code samples in asic Stuart McLachlan
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
ATOM Commands for atom vm Rick Clark
ATOM Fibonacci numbers in atom Rick Clark
ATOM Calculating pi Rick Clark
ATOM Calculating pi Michael Webster
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
Qbasic, QB, PDS, PB Satallite position update David Williams
Qbasic, QB, PDS, PB Satallite outages David Williams
Qbasic, QB, PDS, PB Month and day names David Williams
RAPID-Q Perpetual calendar Dieter Folger
Qbasic, QB, PDS Equation of time David Williams
RAPIDQ Digital/analog clock w/sound Achilles b. Mina
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
Qbasic, QB, PDS Alternat fade algorithm Richard Kelly
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PB Search for files Dieter Folger
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
Qbasic Svga routines (1/2) Mike
Qbasic Svga routines (2/2) Mike
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
RAPIDQ Master mind Dieter Folger
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
Qbasic, QB, PDS Mouse ray caster Jagdish Vankar
LIBERTY Display & rotate an elipse Andy Amaya
LIBERTY Tree of pythagoras Andy Amaya
LIBERTY Pie chart creator David Drake
Qbasic, QB, PDS Sitting budda fractal Antoni Gaul
PBDLL Display all bitmaps in a folder Dave Navarro, Jr
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
ENVELOP Html editor in envelop basic Wayne Anthony
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
RAPIDQ Periodic table of elements Dieter Folger
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
Qb, ASM Tcp/ip access in qbasic Unknown
QB Program cgi using qb Brian Barnes Jr.
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PB List/cross reference pb source Dieter Folger
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PBCC,QB,PB Input for pbcc/qb Fred Buffington
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PBDLL Menu and status bar Fred Buffington
PBDLL Short cuts without com Fred Buffington
PBDLL Set default printer Fred Buffington
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
RQ Beetles yellow submarine saver Dieter Folger
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
LIBERTY Math wave generator Thomas Watson
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PB Soft-scrolling file viewer Dieter Folger
PB Flip text upside down Dieter Folger
Qbasic, QB, PDS, PB Betext car race Jagdish Vankar
PB Text compiler Dieter Folger
LIBERTY Appointment book David Drake
IBASIC Ibasic notepad Wayne Anthony
LIBERTY Randomly generate words T. & A. Watson & David Drake
Qbasic, QB, PDS # of words, vowels, consonants Fred Buffington
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
TBC Shell routine for tcb Michael Webster
TBC Free unused memory for tcb Michael Webster
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
VBWIN Address book in vb Wayne Anthony
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