;Copyright 2000 - Mark McDonald All rights reserved
;     Returns a string where STRING is incremented.
;     EXAMPLE:  T$ = GETNSEQ("ABCD-8")   'ABCD-9'

Extrn   Get$Loc: far
Extrn   Get$Alloc: far

MCODE Segment Byte Public
        Assume  CS: MCODE

        Public  GETNSEQ


ARG     StrHandle: WORD = Retbytes

        push    BP                      ;
        mov     BP,SP                   ;
        push    DS                      ;

        mov     AX,StrHandle            ; put string handle in AX
        push    AX                      ; push it on the stack
        call    Get$Loc                 ; call PowerBASIC
        mov     DS,DX                   ; put segment in DS
        mov     SI,AX                   ; put offset in SI
        xor     AX,AX                   ; assume a null string
        jcxz    Exit                    ; is it null?
        push    CX                      ; push length for Get$Alloc
        call    Get$Alloc               ; allocate a new string
        push    AX                      ; save handle on stack for exit
        push    AX                      ; push it on stack for Get$Loc
        call    Get$Loc                 ; get location of string
        mov     ES,DX                   ; put segment in ES
        mov     DI,AX                   ; put offset in DI
        add     SI,CX                   ; point SI to last char in source$
        dec     SI                      ; make it 0 based
        add     DI,CX                   ; point DI to last char in new string
        dec     DI                      ; make it 0 based
        mov     DX,1                    ; use DX as a boolian
        std                             ; set the direction flag
        lodsb                           ; get a char from source$
        cmp     DX,0                    ; does DX=0?
        je      WriteChar               ; yes, were done with the sequence
        cmp     AL,48                   ; is char "0"?
        jb      WriteChar               ; less, so move it
        cmp     AL,57                   ; is char "9"?
        jbe     DoSequence              ; less or equal so do sequence
        cmp     AL,65                   ; is char "A"?
        jb      WriteChar               ; less than "A", not a number, move it
        cmp     AL,90                   ; is char "Z"?
        jbe     DoSequence              ; less or equal so do sequence
        cmp     AL,97                   ; is char "a"?
        jb      WriteChar               ; less than "a", not alpha, move it
        cmp     AL,122                  ; is char "z"?
        jbe     DoSequence              ; less or equal so do a sequence
        stosb                           ; put char in new strings
        loop    CheckChar               ; do it CX times
        pop     AX                      ; get string handle
        pop     DS                      ;
        pop     BP                      ;
        retf    Retbytes                ;
        xor     DX,DX                   ; assume we don't have to do this anymore
        inc     AL                      ; add one to char
        cmp     AL,58                   ; did we go past "9"?
        jne     CheckUpper              ; see if were dealing with upper case
        mov     AL,48                   ; make it "0"
        mov     DX,1                    ; we gotta do it again
        jmp     Short WriteChar         ; move char
        cmp     AL,91                   ; did we go past "Z"?
        jne     CheckLower              ; see if were dealing with lowercase
        mov     AL,65                   ; make it "A"
        mov     DX,1                    ; we gotta do it again
        jmp     Short WriteChar         ; move char
        cmp     AL,123                  ; did we go past "z"?
        jne     WriteChar               ; nope, so move the char
        mov     AL,97                   ; make it "a"
        mov     DX,1                    ; we gotta do it again
        jmp     Short WriteChar         ; move char