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CODE FOR JUNE - SEPTEMBER 2003 (Code Pack 3) Download

Subject/Description text colored RED denote snippets encoded with Postit!

Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PBDLL Abcreader v 2003.04 Walt Decker
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB, PDS Call absolute BYVAL Michael Webster
QB, PDS Call absolute as a function Michael Webster
QB,PDS Exe self extractor Michael Webster
Qbasic,QB,PDS Parabolic interpolation David Williams
Qbasic,QB,PDS Linear programming program David Guest
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
XPB!BASIC Milli-second delay Michael Webster
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PB Remove directories from floppy Tony Damigo
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB, PDS Short to long file names Wilbur H. Davies
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
WXBASIC Black box - an old board game Richard D. Clark
WXBASIC Color crazy - rubiks cub2 in 2d Richard D. Clark
IBASIC Golf card game - a remake Richard D. Clark
IBASIC One minute solitaire Richard D. Clark
IBASIC Yabalon - acy-deucy card game Richard D. Clark
QB, PDS Text based mine sweeper Michael Webster
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PB,QB,QBasic,PDS Psycodilic circles Dieter Folger
Qbasic, QB, PDS Quantizes uncompressed 8bit bmp Rasheed
PBDLL Adding pictures to pbwin Edwin Knoppert
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PBCC Html to e-mail Fred Buffington
PBDLL Producing a color gradient Fred Buffington
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
RAPIDQ Audio player v1.1 Dieter Folger
RAPIDQ Rapidq cd player Dieter Folger
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PB Centering text with color Hermann Seegert
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