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Go to the DownLoad Page and select the version that you desire and download the zip file to a work directory on your computer. Then unzip the file using a program like 7-Zip For Windows, WinZip, unzip, PKzip, etc (to name a few). When the unzip is complete, you should see one new directory that contains files and a subdirectory structure as described below. Use one of the following options to quickly jump to your system type of interest:
* Click here for Windows Systems
* Click here for Unix Systems (Linux, Ubuntu, AIX, etc)
* Click here for Working With Source (if you want/need to compile a version for your system)

For The Windows System:
.\CWTE_Editor\ This download directory contains all of the installation files for CWTE (the directory you should see after unzipping). In this directory are the license file, the installation file, and the subdirectories which are discussed below.
.\CWTE_Editor\Bin*\ This subdirectory contains one executable file, the CWTE program. By default, this file is named "cwte.exe" (it is recommended that you stay with this name as it will simplify the discussion later). You will need to copy this file into a directory that is part of your command search path (%Path%). If you don't have your own personal directory, then copy the program into the "C:\Windows" directory (%windir%). CWTE is not necessarily dependent on any supporting files, so you are free to start up CWTE and play with it at any time. To exit the editor, press the F3 key or enter the command 'EXIT' at the top of the window.
.\CWTE_Editor\CWTE-Ref\ This subdirectory (CWTE-Ref) must be copied asis with all contents named asis to either your home directory (%HOMEPATH%) or to the root directory of the hard disk where the Windows Operating System is installed (%SystemDrive%). The program expects to find this directory named asis and the files therein named asis. This directory contains the OverVue file, the HELP file, two example profile files, and the License file for CWTE.
.\CWTE_Editor\Misc*\ In this subdirectory are optional things you can do to help improve your usage of CWTE. Included are two Registry files, where one will allow you to launch CWTE from within the Windows Explorer browser and the other will allow you to open a DOS window from within the Windows Explorer browser. A file is included with instructions to modify the enclosed Registry files for your particular environment.

For The Unix System:
./CWTE_Editor/ This download directory contains all of the installation files for CWTE (the directory you should see after unzipping). In this directory are the license file, the installation file, and the subdirectories which are as discussed below.
./CWTE_Editor/Bin*/ This subdirectory contains one executable file (the CWTE program) and one executable script. By default, the executable file is named "cwtee" and the script is named "cwte" (it is recommended that you stay with these names as it will simplify the discussion later). You will need to copy these files into a directory that is part of your command search path ($PATH). Typically this is the "./bin" directory in your HOME directory. With respect to the script file in this directory, the script is used to fork the cwtee program to allow the shell window to become free to do other things. The CWTE program does not fork itself because you may want to use cwtee in a script and have that script wait until the work with CWTE is done. Before you start up this editor, you will need to specify a fixed space font to use. For this, see the info in the ./Misc*/ subdirectory below.
./CWTE_Editor/.CWTE-Ref/ This subdirectory (.CWTE-Ref) must be copied asis to your home directory ($HOME) with all file content named asis. The program expects to find this directory named asis and the files therein named asis. Note that this directory is a hidden directory as it begins with the dot (.) character. This directory contains the OverVue file, the HELP file, two example profile files, and the License file for CWTE.
./CWTE_Editor/Misc*/ In this subdirectory are optional things you can do to help improve your usage of CWTE. Included is a .Xdefaults file with sample information that you will need to add to your own .Xdefaults file (found in your $HOME directory). If the suggested font that is specified within the .Xdefaults file is not found on your system, you will need to find another font to meet your preference. The font must be mono space characters. Also enclosed are a couple of scripts to help you find a desirable font. Once a proper font has been specified, you can start CWTE at any time and start playing around with it. To exit the program, press the F3 key or enter the command 'EXIT' in the top line of the window. If you find that CWTE will not start up because of a missing library, you will need to find some way to find and install that library. The most likely problem will be a missing Xwindow library. For Ubuntu, you might go here and see if this can help you.

Working With Source:
./CWTE_Editor/ This is the directory you should see after unzipping the download zip file. The contents in this download only contains the source code for the CWTE program and other supporting files to help compile the program. In this directory is a license file and the subdirectories as discussed below. You should only need the source if the executable for your system is not available or you are considering changes to the program. If you are making an executable for a system that is not provided, please click here for some thoughts.
./CWTE_Editor/Src/ This subdirectory contains all of the source code, makefiles, and various other files to help with the compiling of the source code. It is assumed that you have all the needed compiling tools. To compile the source code, following these instructions:
1) As a part of compiling the CWTE source code for your system, you will also need to select a DownLoad package that best matches your system requirements and install that package. Most likely the only thing you don't want in that package is the executable, which can be deleted.
2) Next, you want to be in the directory where the source code is located. Within that directory, look for a file named 'ToCreateExecutable.txt' for a quick summary about the Makefiles and compiling. Then find a makefile that best fits the requirements of your system and copy that file into a new file named 'Makefile'. Most likely you will need to edit this file to make it compiler and system compatible. Here are some sample makefiles from contributors that might help you:
         Sample Makefiles
3) Next, while still in the directory where the makefile and all the source code is located, you will need to compile the code by entering the command 'make'. The compile is a one pass step and when done, you should have a new executable CWTE program. The code should typically compile with no error or warning messages.
4) When the code has been successfully compiled, you should be able to execute the program.
* For Windows, the program name would be 'cwte.exe' and entering the command 'cwte' should display a CWTE window. If you should have problems, you will need to do some debugging or go to the "The Forums" to report your problem and hope someone or the author will be able to help you.
* For Unix systems, the program name would be 'cwtee' and entering the command './cwtee' should display a CWTE window. If you have problems, you might first refer to the Unix System information above about selecting and setting up fonts. If you still have problems, you will need to do some debugging or go to the "The Forums" to report your problem and hope someone or the author will be able to help you.
5) Once you have a successful compile and the program appears to be functioning, you will need to relocate the executable file as per the instructions given above in either the Windows System or Unix System information above.

Home OverView DownLoads Requirements User Guide Feedback
Web Page Updated February 15, 2014