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Daisy Left CWTE - System Requirements Daisy Right
CWTE should be able to work on most all variations of the Windows platforms, including the 64 bit OS (but not preWin95, the 16 bit OS's). The faster the processor speed, the more enjoyable the experience. And the more installed memory there is, the larger and more files that you will be able to edit/view at one time. The maxium line size (MAX_LSIZ) for this version is 8100 characters.
Any Unix...
CWTE was designed to work under Xwindows, thus requiring that a version of X11 be installed on the system. Most all Unix systems have this and hopefully, this should not be a problem on your system. Further, you will need to select a mono spaced font when configuring the editor. The maxium line size (MAX_LSIZ) for this version is 8100 characters.
Mac OS X CWTE was designed to work under Xwindows, thus requiring that a version of X11 be installed on the system. Mac OS has an underlying Unix OS, but does not normally have X11 installed. You will need to find and install the X11 package if this is not on your system. Further, you will need to select a mono spaced font when configuring the editor. The maxium line size (MAX_LSIZ) for this version is 8100 characters.
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CWTE is also available under two MSDOS versions (16 bit and 32 bit OS's) that only works within the MSDOS window (does not pop up a separate window). These are not as functionally complete as the Windows and Unix versions and should only be considered if there is not a working Windows environment (such as for boot disks, etc). The 16 bit version will not work on 64 bit OS's (Win7 or Win8) and the 32 bit version will not work on 16 bit OS's (pre Win95). The maxium line size (MAX_LSIZ) for the 32 bit version is 8100 characters and the 16 bit version is 1000 characters. Also, the 16 bit version can only load up a sum of about 400,000 bytes total across all loaded files before running out of memory (this is a 16 bit DOS limitation with maximum RAM installed).
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Web Page Updated December 22, 2013