Additional Notes

The shortcut keys (CTRL+A for Select and CTRL+C for Copy) perform their respective functions in the read-only text boxes when focus is within one of the text boxes (this is useful for copying file and library names for use in application code).  Otherwise, the shortcut keys activate the respective functions on the File pull-down menu.

The Find Interfaces on the File pull-down menu (and the Find menu item in the Interfaces list box context menu) allow you to quickly find a specific Interface within the Interfaces list box.

Upon choosing one of the menu options or by pressing CTRL+F, a Find Interface dialog box appears just above the Interfaces list box.  Type the name of the Interface or Enumeration that is to be located.

Please note that there are two options available in the Find Interface dialog: Select found interface and Scroll to found interface.  As the name of the Interface is typed into the Find Interfaces edit box, the "found" results are scrolled into view in the Interfaces list box.

If the Select found interfaces option is chosen, the first matching Interface is automatically selected by the PowerBASIC COM Browser; otherwise, the matching Interface is simply scrolled into view.  This is helpful when you want to find an Interface without changing your current selections.

To stop the search, press ENTER or click the CLOSE button.  When the Find Interface dialog is dismissed, the "found" item receives focus.


See Also

The PowerBASIC COM Browser

The PowerBASIC COM Browser user interface

Opening a type-library

Exporting an Interface Structure

The PowerBASIC COM Browser Tutorial

Late Binding Tutorial

Early Binding Tutorial

COM Programming Introduction