The PowerBASIC COM Browser user interface

From the definitions of terms above, we can see that a type-library is used to describe a COM Object.  Before describing the operation of PowerBASIC COM Browser, we will review its user interface elements.

Type Library

The name of the type-library currently being examined.  This is a read-only control, but the content can be copied to the clipboard for pasting into application code for reference or versioning purposes.  The type-library name is not used by PowerBASIC itself.


An alphanumeric program identifier string that uniquely identifies a COM Object.  This identifier is recorded in the Windows Registry when the COM Object is installed onto a PC, using the REGSVR32.EXE utility that comes with Windows.  Interfaces marked with an asterisk (*) are termed "default" Interfaces.  In program code, access to other Interfaces of the Object must be performed through the default Interface.

Interface Prefix

An optional alphanumeric string used to prefix all Interface Structures exported by the PowerBASIC COM Browser.  By default, the PowerBASIC COM Browser creates a default prefix based on the library name, but you may edit or clear this prefix completely.  When using more than one COM Object in an application, the use of a prefix can clearly distinguish to which Object an Interface is associated.


This list contains all the Interfaces exposed by the COM Object.  Default interfaces are presented at the top of the list and are marked with an asterisk symbol (*), the remaining Interfaces (if any) follow.  Interfaces contain members that are classed as either Methods or Properties.  Finally, enumeration identifiers appear at the bottom of the list, prefixed with "[Enum]".  Enumerations are essentially a list of numeric or string equates that hold special meaning to the COM Object, and are commonly used to specify parameter values.


The member portions of a selected Interface appear in this list, as do members of enumeration identifiers.


The Syntax control contains the PowerBASIC compatible syntax of the Interface member highlighted in the Methods/Properties control.  The Syntax control is read-only, but text may be copied to the clipboard for pasting into application code.  In general, this control is used for syntax reference purposes.  The PowerBASIC COM Browser offers alternative (simpler) ways of copying Interface definitions to the clipboard.


When enabled, the context-help button can be launched to provide context-help on a given Method or Property of an Interface.  This button is only enabled if the type-library references a help file associated with the COM Object.


See Also

The PowerBASIC COM Browser

Opening a type-library