The Standard Works
(see also
Jesus Christ - Lord
; BD Sabaoth
D&C 87: 7
(D&C 88: 2
; D&C 95: 7
; D&C 98: 2
) Lord of Sabaoth.
The Standard Works
(see also
BD Lord’s Day
; BD Sabbath
Jarom 1: 5
Nephites keep sabbath day holy unto the Lord.; Mosiah 13: 16-19
(Ex. 20: 8-11
) remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.; Mosiah 18: 23
Alma(1) commands priests to keep sabbath day holy.; D&C 59: 9-12
go to house of prayer and offer up sacraments upon the Lord’s holy day.; D&C 59: 10
day set aside to rest from labors and pay devotions.; D&C 59: 13
on Sabbath prepare food with singleness of heart, that thy fasting may be perfect.; D&C 68: 29
inhabitants of Zion to observe Sabbath day to keep it holy.; D&C 77: 12
on seventh day God ended his work and sanctified it.; Moses 3: 2-3
(Abr. 5: 3
) on seventh day God ended work, rested, sanctified it.; JS-M 1: 17
(Matt. 24: 20
) pray that flight be not on Sabbath day.
The Standard Works
(see also
Darkness, Physical
; Grieve
; Humble
; Remorse
; Sorrow
2 Ne. 7: 3
(Isa. 50: 3
) I make sackcloth the covering of the heavens.; Mosiah 11: 25
people must repent in sackcloth and ashes.; Hel. 11: 9
Nephites repent and humble themselves in sackcloth.; D&C 133: 69
the Lord covers heavens with sackcloth.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Blood
; Bread
; Covenant
; Emblem
; Flesh
; Jesus Christ, Types of
; Ordinance
; Remembrance
; Wine
; TG Lord’s Prayer
; TG Sacrament
3 Ne. 18: 1-4, 8-9
(3 Ne. 20: 3-7
; 3 Ne. 26: 13
) Jesus administers sacrament to Nephites.; 3 Ne. 18: 5
one shall be ordained with power to administer sacrament.; 3 Ne. 18: 6-7
(3 Ne. 20: 8
) bread in remembrance of Christ’s body.; 3 Ne. 18: 10
partaking of sacrament witnesses that partaker will keep commandments.; 3 Ne. 18: 11
those baptized shall receive sacrament.; 3 Ne. 18: 11
(3 Ne. 20: 8
) wine in remembrance of Christ’s blood.; 3 Ne. 18: 28-29
the unworthy not to be allowed to partake of sacrament.; Moro. 4: 3
prayer for sacrament bread.; Moro. 5: 2
prayer for sacrament wine.; Moro. 6: 6
Nephites meet oft to partake of bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus.; D&C 20: 40, 75-79
(D&C 27: 1-5
) bread and wine are emblems of Christ’s flesh and blood.; D&C 20: 46, 76
sacrament is administered by priest.; D&C 20: 58
teachers and deacons have no authority to administer sacrament.; D&C 20: 68
members to be taught before partaking of sacrament.; D&C 20: 75
partake of sacrament frequently.; D&C 20: 77
prayer on bread.; D&C 20: 79
prayer on wine.; D&C 27
revelation on sacrament.; D&C 27: 2
matters not what you eat or drink.; D&C 27: 2
remember the Lord’s body and blood.; D&C 46: 4
transgressors not to Partake of sacrament until reconciliation is made.; D&C 46: 5
admission to sacrament meetings.; D&C 59: 9, 12
go to house of prayer and offer up sacraments upon the Lord’s holy day.; D&C 62: 4
elders to offer sacrament unto Most High.; D&C 89: 5
saints should drink wine only when offering sacraments before the Lord.; D&C 95: 16
inner court of house to be dedicated unto the Lord for sacrament offering.
The Standard Works
(see also
Godliness, Godly
; Holiness
; Holy
1 Ne. 19: 5-6
(Jacob 1: 4
) Nephi(1) records sacred things on plates.; Alma 37: 2, 14-16, 47
(Alma 50: 38
; Alma 63: 1
; 3 Ne. 1: 2
; 4 Ne. 1: 48
; Morm. 6: 6
; Ether 15: 11
; Moro. 9: 24
) plates are sacred, to be kept sacred.; Alma 44: 5
sacred support owed to wives and children.; Alma 50: 39
chief judge appointed with sacred ordinance to judge righteously, to grant sacred privilege to worship.; Hel. 4: 12
Nephites make mock of that which is sacred.; 4 Ne. 1: 27
false churches administer that which is sacred unto the unworthy.; D&C 3: 12
Joseph Smith delivered up that which was sacred to wicked man.; D&C 6: 10
gift is sacred and comes from above.; D&C 6: 12
trifle not with sacred things.; D&C 8: 11
ancient records which have been hid up are sacred.; D&C 9: 9
cannot write that which is sacred unless it is given from the Lord.; D&C 63: 64
that which comes from above is sacred and must be spoken with care.; D&C 134: 5
governments must hold sacred the freedom of conscience.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Blood
; Blood, Shedding of
; Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit
; Idolatry
; Jesus Christ, Atonement through
; Jesus Christ, Types of
; Justice
; Law of Moses
; Mercy
; Oblation
; Offering
; Ordinance
; TG Sacrifice
; BD Sacrifices
1 Ne. 5: 9
Lehites offer sacrifice and burnt offerings.; 2 Ne. 2: 7
Messiah offers himself a sacrifice for sin.; Mosiah 2: 3
Nephites take firstlings and offer sacrifice according to law of Moses.; Alma 34: 10-15
must be great and last sacrifice, infinite and eternal.; Alma 34: 11
no man can sacrifice own blood to atone for another’s sins.; Alma 34: 13
shedding of blood to stop after great and last sacrifice.; Alma 34: 14
law points to great and last sacrifice of Son.; Alma 34: 15
last sacrifice brings about mercy, which overpowers justice.; 3 Ne. 9: 20
offer for sacrifice to Christ a broken heart and contrite spirit.; Morm. 4: 14-15, 21
Lamanites offer Nephite women and children as sacrifices to idols.; D&C 59: 8
offer sacrifice of broken heart and contrite spirit.; D&C 64: 23
(D&C 97: 12
) a day of sacrifice and a day for tithing.; D&C 84: 31
sons of Aaron(1) shall offer an acceptable offering and sacrifice.; D&C 97: 8
those willing to observe their covenants by sacrifice are accepted of the Lord.; D&C 97: 12
tithing and sacrifice required to build the Lord’s house.; D&C 124: 39
sacrifices by sons of Levi(1).; D&C 132: 50
the Lord has seen saints sacrifices in obedience and will forgive their sins.; D&C 138: 2, 35, 57
great atoning sacrifice made by Son for redemption of world.; D&C 138: 13
the just offered sacrifice in similitude of great sacrifice of Son.; Moses 5: 5
Adam commanded to offer sacrifice.; Moses 5: 7
Adam’s sacrifice is similitude of sacrifice of Only Begotten.; Moses 6: 3
Seth offers sacrifice.; Abr. 1: 7-11
priests offer human sacrifice.; Abr. 1: 12-15
priests try to offer Abraham as sacrifice.; Abr. 2: 17-18
Abraham offers sacrifice unto the Lord.
The Standard Works
(see also
3 Ne. 13: 16
fast not as hypocrites, of sad countenance.; Morm. 8: 3
Moroni(2) alone left to write sad tale of Nephites’ destruction.; D&C 121: 39
we have learned by sad experience.
The Standard Works
Safe, Safely, Safety
(see also
; Preserve
; Protect
; Refuge
; Security
1 Ne. 22: 28
all nations shall dwell safely in Holy One if they repent.; 2 Ne. 1: 9
those who keep commandments shall dwell safely in promised land.; 2 Ne. 6: 2
Nephites depend upon Nephi(1) for safety.; 2 Ne. 24: 30
(Isa. 14: 30
) the needy shall lie down in safety.; Jacob 4: 15
Jews will reject stone upon which they might build safe foundation.; Alma 34: 16
mercy encircles the repentant in arms of safety.; Alma 48: 12
Moroni(1) labors for safety of his people.; Alma 62: 10
law strictly observed for safety of country.; 3 Ne. 2: 12
converted Lamanites and Nephites take up arms for safety.; Moro. 1: 3
Moroni(2) wanders for safety of his life.; D&C 42: 56
scriptures shall be preserved in safety.; D&C 45: 66
New Jerusalem, a place of safety for saints.; D&C 45: 68
men will flee unto Zion for safety.; D&C 61: 15
no flesh shall be safe upon waters.; D&C 105: 25
the Lord will give his people favor in people’s eyes that they may rest in peace and safety.; D&C 124: 10
where shall be safety of the Lord’s people when he comes.; D&C 134: 1
governments were instituted of God for good and safety of society.; Moses 7: 20
Zion shall dwell in safety forever.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Ship
1 Ne. 18: 22-23
Lehites sailed to promised land.; Alma 63: 6, 8
many Nephites sail northward.; Morm. 5: 18
Nephites are led by Satan as vessel tossed without sail or anchor.
The Standard Works
Saint, Saints
(see also
; Children of God
; Christian
; Church of God
; Flock
; Member
; Sheep
; TG Saints
; BD Saint
1 Ne. 13: 5, 9
abominable church slays saints.; 1 Ne. 14: 12
church of Lamb are saints.; 1 Ne. 14: 14
power of Lamb descends upon saints.; 1 Ne. 15: 28
awful gulf separates wicked from tree of life and saints.; 2 Ne. 9: 18
(Moro. 8: 26
) saints shall inherit kingdom of God.; 2 Ne. 9: 19
God delivers saints from death and hell.; 2 Ne. 26: 3
(2 Ne. 28: 10
; Morm. 8: 27, 41
) cry of blood of saints ascends to God against wicked.; Enos 1: 3
words concerning joy of saints sink into heart of Enos(2).; Mosiah 3: 19
natural man is enemy to God unless he becomes saint through atonement.; Hel. 14: 25
(3 Ne. 23: 9-13
) many graves shall open, and saints shall appear.; Morm. 8: 23
saints who have possessed land shall cry from dust.; Morm. 8: 41
(Ether 8: 22
) the Lord will avenge blood of saints.; Moro. 8: 26
all saints shall dwell with God.; D&C 1: 36
the Lord shall have power over his saints.; D&C 45: 45
(D&C 133: 56
) saints who have slept shall come forth.; D&C 61: 17
land blessed for saints.; D&C 63: 34
saints also shall hardly escape wars to come.; D&C 76: 29
Satan makes war with saints.; D&C 84: 2
gathering of saints to stand upon Mount Zion.; D&C 87: 7
cry and blood of saints shall cease to come up to the Lord.; D&C 88: 84
elders to prepare saints for hour of judgment.; D&C 88: 94
mother of abominations persecutes saints.; D&C 88: 107
saints shall be filled with the Lord’s glory.; D&C 88: 114
devil shall not have power over saints.; D&C 89: 3
Word of Wisdom adapted to capacity of weakest of all saints who are or can be called saints.; D&C 103: 7
earth is given unto saints.; D&C 104: 15
the Lord to provide for saints.; D&C 105: 3
it becomes saints to impart of substance.; D&C 121: 38
he who exercises unrighteous dominion shall be left unto himself to persecute saints.; D&C 123
duty of saints as to persecutors.; D&C 124: 143
offices and keys of priesthood given for perfecting of saints.; Moses 7: 56
Enoch(2) foresees resurrection of saints.
The Standard Works
Earlier name for Jerusalem in Palestine
(see also
BD Salem
Alma 13: 17-18
Melchizedek, king of Salem.
The Standard Works
Salem, Massachusetts
D&C 111
revelation given at Salem.
The Standard Works
(see also
3 Ne. 12: 13
(Matt. 5: 13
) you are salt of earth.; 3 Ne. 16: 15
Gentiles shall be as salt that has lost savor.; D&C 101: 39-40
when men covenant with everlasting covenant, they are accounted as salt of earth.; D&C 103: 10
if saints are not saviors of men, they are as salt that has lost savor.
The Standard Works
Salutation, Salute
D&C 88: 120
(D&C 109: 9
) all salutations to be in name of the Lord.; D&C 88: 132-133
teacher shall arise and salute his brother.; D&C 88: 133
I salute you in name of the Lord.; D&C 88: 133-134
he who is found unworthy of this salutation shall not have place among saints.; D&C 88: 135
he who comes in shall salute the president with uplifted hands.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Deliver
; Escape
; Eternal Life
; Faith
; Gospel
; Grace
; Jesus Christ, Atonement through
; Jesus Christ - Savior
; Obedience
; Plan
; Redemption
; Repent
; Sanctification
; Save
; TG Salvation
; TG Salvation, Plan of
2 Ne. 2: 4
salvation is free.; 2 Ne. 26: 24, 27
the Lord commands none not to partake of salvation.; Enos 1: 13
Enos prays Lamanites might be brought unto salvation.; Mosiah 3: 9
Christ comes unto his own that salvation might come unto men.; Mosiah 3: 18
salvation comes through atoning blood of Christ.; Mosiah 4: 6-8
atonement prepared that salvation might come to those who trust in the Lord.; Mosiah 5: 8
no other name given whereby salvation comes, except Christ.; Mosiah 12: 21
(Mosiah 15: 14
; 3 Ne. 20: 40
; Isa. 52: 7
) how beautiful upon mountains are feet of him who publishes salvation.; Mosiah 13: 28
salvation comes not by law alone.; Mosiah 15: 26-27
salvation comes to none who rebel against God.; Mosiah 15: 28
salvation shall be declared to all.; Mosiah 15: 31
(Mosiah 16: 1
; 3 Ne. 16: 20
; 3 Ne. 20: 35
) all shall see salvation of God.; Alma 9: 28
the righteous shall reap salvation.; Alma 11: 40
salvation comes only to believers.; Alma 13: 21
day of salvation draws nigh.; Alma 34: 31
now is the day of your salvation.; Alma 34: 37
(Morm. 9: 27
) work out your salvation with fear before God.; Hel. 13: 38
ye have procrastinated the day of your salvation.; 3 Ne. 18: 32
ye may be means of bringing salvation to repentant.; Moro. 8: 17
little children are alike and partakers of salvation.; D&C 6: 3
(D&C 11: 3
; D&C 12: 3
; D&C 14: 3
) treasure up everlasting salvation in kingdom of God.; D&C 6: 13
no gift greater than gift of salvation.; D&C 18: 17
saints have the Lord’s gospel, his rock, and his salvation.; D&C 38: 16
for your salvation I give unto you a commandment.; D&C 43: 25
the Lord would have saved nations with salvation.; D&C 45: 58
children shall grow up without sin unto salvation.; D&C 46: 7
consider the end of your salvation.; D&C 68: 4
whatever elders say when directed by Holy Ghost is power to salvation.; D&C 76: 88
the telestial are heirs of salvation.; D&C 78: 16
the Lord gave Michael keys of salvation.; D&C 82: 9
commandments given as direction to salvation.; D&C 84: 65-73
spiritual gifts bestowed for salvation.; D&C 89: 2
Word of Wisdom for temporal salvation.; D&C 93: 8
Christ was messenger of salvation.; D&C 109: 4
salvation only in name of Jesus Christ.; D&C 123: 17
when saints do all in their power, they can stand assured of salvation.; D&C 128: 11, 15
ordinance for salvation of dead.; D&C 133: 3
ends of earth shall see salvation of God.; D&C 138: 26
few among Jews received salvation from Christ during his ministry.; D&C 138: 59
transgressors who have paid penalty are heirs of salvation.; Moses 6: 52
salvation comes only through Jesus Christ.; Moses 6: 62
plan of salvation through blood of Son.; Moses 7: 42
sons of Noah(1) to be saved with temporal salvation.; Abr. 2: 11
blessings of salvation are blessings of gospel.; Abr. 2: 16
eternity was our salvation.
The Standard Works
Third son of Lehi(1) [c. 600 B.C.]
1 Ne. 2: 5
third son of Lehi(1), older brother of Nephi(1).; 1 Ne. 2: 17
is told of the Lord’s manifestations by Nephi(1).; 1 Ne. 7: 6
(Alma 3: 6
) elder brothers rebel against Nephi(1) and Sam.; 1 Ne. 8: 3
Lehi(1) rejoices because of Sam.; 2 Ne. 1: 28
is admonished to hearken unto Nephi(1).; 2 Ne. 4: 11
is blessed by Lehi(1).; 2 Ne. 5: 6
goes with Nephi(1).
The Standard Works
(see also
; Equal
; Unchangeable
1 Ne. 10: 18
(2 Ne. 27: 23
; 2 Ne. 29: 9
; Alma 31: 17
; Moro. 10: 7, 19
) the Lord is same yesterday, today, forever.; 2 Ne. 2: 4
Spirit is same yesterday, today, forever.; 2 Ne. 2: 22
without the fall, Adam would have stayed in same state.; Alma 34: 34
same spirit shall possess body after death.; D&C 1: 38
the Lord’s voice and voice of his servants are same.; D&C 20: 12
(D&C 35: 1
; D&C 76: 4
) same God yesterday, today, and forever.
The Standard Works
Samuel (1)
Hebrew prophet [c. 1100 B.C.]
(see also
BD Samuel
3 Ne. 20: 24
Samuel and all prophets have testified of Christ.
The Standard Works
Samuel (2)
Lamanite prophet [c. 6 B.C.]
Hel. 13-15
prophecy of Samuel the Lamanite to the Nephites.; Hel. 13: 2
comes into Zarahemla.; Hel. 13: 5
(3 Ne. 23: 9-10
) speaks words of the Lord.; Hel. 14: 2-6
foretells signs of Christ’s birth.; Hel. 14: 14, 20-28
foretells signs of Christ’s death.; Hel. 14: 15-19
teaches concerning resurrection and redemption.; Hel. 16: 1, 3
those who believe Samuel desire baptism.; Hel. 16: 2, 6
many are angry with Samuel and try to kill him.; Hel. 16: 7
The Standard Works
Sanctification, Sanctify
(see also
Born of God
; Cleanse
; Consecrate
; Dedicate
; Exaltation
; Faith
; Glorify
; Grace
; Holiness
; Holy
; Holy Ghost, Baptism of
; Jesus Christ, Atonement through
; Justification
; Purify
; Righteousness
; Salvation
; TG Sanctification, Sanctify
2 Ne. 15: 16
(Isa. 5: 16
) God shall be sanctified in righteousness.; 2 Ne. 18: 13
(Isa. 8: 13
) sanctify the Lord himself.; 2 Ne. 27: 34
(Isa. 29: 23
) they shall sanctify the Lord’s name.; Jacob 4: 5
law of Moses is sanctified unto Nephites for righteousness.; Alma 5: 54
those brought into church have been sanctified by Holy Ghost.; Alma 13: 11-12
high priests are sanctified by Holy Ghost.; Hel. 3: 35
sanctification comes from yielding heart to God.; 3 Ne. 27: 20
be baptized that ye may be sanctified by reception of Holy Ghost.; 3 Ne. 28: 39
three Nephites are sanctified in flesh.; Ether 4: 7
Gentiles shall exercise faith, that they may become sanctified in the Lord.; Moro. 4: 3
bless and sanctify this bread.; Moro. 5: 2
bless and sanctify this wine.; Moro. 10: 33
if ye by grace are perfect in Christ, ye are sanctified in Christ by grace of God.; D&C 20: 31
sanctification through grace of the Lord is just and true.; D&C 20: 34
let those who are sanctified take heed.; D&C 20: 77
bless and sanctify this bread.; D&C 20: 79
bless and sanctify this wine.; D&C 39: 18
if they become sanctified, the Lord will stay his hand.; D&C 43: 8-9
saints will be sanctified by commandments received.; D&C 43: 11
sanctify yourselves before the Lord.; D&C 43: 16
sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be endowed with power.; D&C 76: 21
those who are sanctified shall stand before God’s throne and worship him forever.; D&C 76: 41
Christ came to sanctify the world.; D&C 77: 1
sea of glass is earth in its sanctified state.; D&C 77: 12
(D&C 88: 18, 26
) at beginning of seventh thousand years God will sanctify the earth.; D&C 84: 23
Moses sought to sanctify his people that they might behold face of God.; D&C 84: 33
those who magnify priesthood calling will be sanctified by Spirit unto renewing of bodies.; D&C 88: 2
saints’ prayers are recorded in book of names of the sanctified.; D&C 88: 21
they who are not sanctified through law of Christ shall inherit another kingdom.; D&C 88: 34
that which is governed by law is sanctified by law.; D&C 88: 68
sanctify yourselves that your minds become single to God.; D&C 88: 116
the sanctified shall not see death any more.; D&C 101: 5
those who will not endure chastening cannot be sanctified.; D&C 105: 31
the Lord’s army to be sanctified before him.; D&C 105: 36
those that are chosen shall be sanctified.; D&C 119: 6
sanctify Zion by tithing.; D&C 130: 9
earth in sanctified state will be made like crystal.; D&C 133: 62
eternal life shall be given unto him who repents and sanctifieth himself.; Moses 3: 3
(Abr. 5: 3
) God sanctified the seventh day.; Moses 6: 59
men must be born again to be sanctified from all sin.; Moses 6: 60
by the blood ye are sanctified.; Moses 7: 45
all who mourn may be sanctified because of blood of the Righteous.; Moses 7: 48
when will Creator sanctify the earth.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Refuge
; Synagogue
2 Ne. 28: 13
false churches rob poor because of fine sanctuaries.; Alma 15: 17
people assemble in sanctuaries to worship.; Alma 21: 6
Amalekites in Jerusalem have built sanctuaries.; Hel. 3: 9
people in land northward use timber to build sanctuaries.; Ether 13: 3
New Jerusalem the holy sanctuary of the Lord.; D&C 88: 137
school of prophets to become sanctuary.
The Standard Works
Sand, Sandy
(see also
; Rock
1 Ne. 12: 1
multitude in promised land as many as sand of sea.; 1 Ne. 20: 19
(Isa. 48: 19
) thy seed also had been as the sand.; 2 Ne. 20: 22
(Isa. 10: 22
) though Israel be as sand of sea, yet remnant shall return.; 2 Ne. 28: 28
(3 Ne. 11: 40
; 3 Ne. 14: 26
; 3 Ne. 18: 13
) house built upon sandy foundation.; Alma 2: 27
Lamanites and Amlicites almost as numerous as sands of sea.; Morm. 1: 7
Nephites numerous as sand of sea.; D&C 76: 109
inhabitants of telestial world shall be innumerable as sand upon seashore.; D&C 132: 30
Abraham’s seed to be innumerable as sand of seashore.; Moses 1: 28
inhabitants of worlds are numberless as sand upon sea shore.; Abr. 3: 14
number of Abraham’s seeds to be as the sands.
The Standard Works
Sarah, Sarai
Wife of Abraham [c. twentieth century B.C.]
(see also
BD Sarah
2 Ne. 8: 2
(Isa. 51: 2
) look unto Sarah, who bare you.; D&C 132: 65
law of Sarah who administered to Abraham when God commanded him to take Hagar to wife.; Abr. 2: 2, 4
wife of Abraham.; Abr. 2: 22-25
to be called Abraham’s sister.
The Standard Works
Wife of Lehi [c. 600 B.C.]
1 Ne. 2: 5
accompanies Lehi(1) from Jerusalem.; 1 Ne. 5: 1, 7
rejoices over sons’ return from Jerusalem.; 1 Ne. 5: 2-3
murmurs against Lehi(1).; 1 Ne. 5: 4-6
is comforted by Lehi(1).; 1 Ne. 8: 14-16
is seen by Lehi(1) in vision of tree of life.; 1 Ne. 18: 19
Jacob(1) and Joseph(1) are grieved because of mother’s afflictions.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Devil
; Evil
; Lucifer
; TG Satan
; BD Satan
1 Ne. 13: 29
because scriptures are missing, Satan has power over men.; 1 Ne. 22: 15, 26
(2 Ne. 30: 18
; Ether 8: 26
) Satan shall have no more power over men because of righteousness.; Alma 8: 9
(Alma 10: 25
; Alma 27: 12
; Hel. 16: 23
; 3 Ne. 2: 2-3
; 3 Ne. 6: 15-16
; 4 Ne. 1: 28
) Satan has gotten hold of people’s hearts.; Alma 12: 17
Satan will subject the wicked according to his will.; Alma 15: 17
people pray to be delivered from Satan.; Alma 37: 15
transgressors will be delivered up unto Satan.; Hel. 6: 21
(Hel. 16: 22
; Moro. 9: 3
) Satan stirs up hearts of Nephites.; 3 Ne. 1: 22
Satan sends lyings among people.; 3 Ne. 7: 5
iniquity comes because people yield themselves to Satan.; 3 Ne. 18: 18
Satan desires to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.; 3 Ne. 28: 39
Satan could have no power over three Nephites.; Morm. 5: 18
Nephites are led by Satan as chaff is driven before wind.; Ether 15: 19
Satan has full power over hearts of Jaredites.; D&C 10: 5
pray always, that you may conquer Satan.; D&C 10: 14
the Lord will not suffer Satan to accomplish evil design.; D&C 10: 20
Satan has great hold on men’s hearts and stirs them up to iniquity.; D&C 10: 22, 27
(D&C 64: 17
) Satan leads men’s souls to destruction.; D&C 10: 23, 33
(D&C 132: 57
) Satan seeks to destroy work of God.; D&C 10: 25
Satan leads men to lie.; D&C 10: 32
Satan will harden people’s hearts.; D&C 10: 33
Satan thinks to overpower elders’ testimony.; D&C 10: 63
Satan stirs hearts to contention.; D&C 19: 3
Christ to destroy Satan at end of world.; D&C 24: 1
Joseph Smith delivered from power of Satan.; D&C 29: 47
Satan has no power to tempt children.; D&C 35: 24
Satan shall tremble.; D&C 43: 31
(D&C 45: 55
; D&C 84: 100
; D&C 88: 110
) Satan to be bound during Millennium, then loosed.; D&C 50: 3
(D&C 52: 14
) Satan seeks to deceive.; D&C 52: 12
Satan desires to sift Lyman Wight as chaff.; D&C 52: 14
Satan is abroad in the land.; D&C 61: 19
the destroyer rides upon face of waters.; D&C 63: 28
Satan makes inhabitants’ hearts angry against saints.; D&C 76: 25
angel who rebelled against Son was thrust down.; D&C 76: 26
Perdition, Lucifer, son of morning.; D&C 76: 28
old serpent sought to take kingdom of God.; D&C 78: 10
Satan seeks to turn hearts away from truth.; D&C 78: 12
(D&C 82: 21
; D&C 104: 9-10
; D&C 132: 26
) the wicked will be delivered over to the buffetings of Satan.; D&C 86: 3
Satan reigns in nations’ hearts.; D&C 101: 28
Satan shall lose power to tempt.; Moses 1: 12, 19
Satan tempts Moses.; Moses 1: 12, 19
Satan commands Moses to worship him.; Moses 1: 16, 18, 20-21
Satan is commanded by Moses to depart.; Moses 1: 19
(Moses 5: 13
) Satan claims to be the Son.; Moses 1: 22
Satan departs from Moses.; Moses 4: 1
Satan was from the beginning.; Moses 4: 1
Satan asks to be sent as God’s son, will redeem all mankind.; Moses 4: 1
Satan asks for God’s honor.; Moses 4: 3
Satan seeks to destroy agency of man.; Moses 4: 4
Satan becomes the devil, father of all lies.; Moses 4: 6
Satan speaks by mouth of serpent.; Moses 4: 7-11
Satan tempts Eve to eat forbidden fruit.; Moses 5: 18, 28
Cain loves Satan more than God.; Moses 5: 29-31
Cain enters secret oath with Satan.; Moses 6: 15
Satan has great dominion among men.; Moses 6: 49
Satan tempts men to worship him.; Moses 7: 37
father of the wicked.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Jesus Christ, Atonement through
; Quench
; Reconcile
2 Ne. 9: 26
atonement satisfieth demands of justice.; 2 Ne. 9: 51
do not spend your labor for that which cannot satisfy.; Mosiah 14: 11
(Isa. 53: 11
) he shall see the travail of his soul and be satisfied.; Mosiah 15: 8-9
Son satisfied demands of justice.; Alma 34: 16
mercy can satisfy demands of justice.; D&C 56: 15
hearts of the Lord’s people are not satisfied.; D&C 56: 17
wo unto poor whose bellies are not satisfied.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Reclaim
; Redemption
; Salvation
1 Ne. 6: 4
come unto God and be saved.; 1 Ne. 13: 40
all men must come unto Son or they cannot be saved.; 2 Ne. 2: 9
they who believe in Messiah shall be saved.; 2 Ne. 9: 21
(3 Ne. 9: 21
) God comes into world to save all men if they hearken.; 2 Ne. 9: 23
those without repentance, baptism, faith cannot be saved.; 2 Ne. 25: 20
(Acts 4: 12
) no name other than Jesus Christ whereby man can be saved.; 2 Ne. 25: 23
saved by grace after all we can do.; 2 Ne. 28: 8
false churches claim sinner will be beaten with few stripes, then saved.; 2 Ne. 31: 15
(Alma 32: 13
) he who endures to end shall be saved.; 2 Ne. 31: 19
(Alma 7: 14
; Alma 34: 18
) rely upon merits of him who is mighty to save.; Mosiah 4: 8
no other conditions whereby man can be saved.; Alma 2: 30
Alma(2) asks to be instrument in the Lord’s hand to save this people.; Alma 5: 21
no man can be saved except his garments are washed white.; Alma 11: 34-37
God will not save his people in their sins.; Alma 12: 15
God has all power to save every man who believes.; Alma 14: 10
Amulek would save martyrs from flames.; Alma 26: 30
sons of Mosiah(2) suffered afflictions that they might be instruments of saving some soul.; Alma 27: 4
sons of Mosiah(2) are treated as angels sent to save people.; Hel. 13: 6
nothing can save this people except repentance and faith.; Hel. 13: 12
Zarahemla is saved because of the righteous.; 3 Ne. 9: 21
Christ is come into world to save it from sin.; 3 Ne. 11: 33
(3 Ne. 23: 5
; Morm. 9: 23
; Ether 4: 18
) whoso believes and is baptized shall be saved.; Morm. 2: 21
Mormon(2) gathers people to save them from destruction.; Morm. 7: 3
ye must come unto repentance or ye cannot be saved.; Moro. 7: 26
men are saved by faith in Christ.; Moro. 8: 15
awful wickedness to suppose God saveth one child because of baptism, while another perishes.; D&C 3: 20
plates preserved that Lamanites might be saved.; D&C 18: 22
(D&C 20: 25, 29
; D&C 53: 7
; D&C 68: 9
; D&C 112: 29
) those who believe repent, are baptized, and endure shall be saved.; D&C 18: 23
(D&C 20: 29
) Jesus Christ only name whereby man can be saved.; D&C 18: 46
(D&C 42: 60
) those who keep not commandments cannot be saved.; D&C 33: 12
man cannot be saved without faith.; D&C 35: 25
Israel to be saved.; D&C 36: 6
elders to cry, Save yourselves from this generation.; D&C 38: 42
go out from among the wicked, save yourselves.; D&C 42: 60
(D&C 100: 17
) he who does commandments will be saved.; D&C 48: 4
saints to save all the money that they can, to purchase lands.; D&C 49: 5
he who receives Son will be saved.; D&C 53: 7
he only is saved who endures to end.; D&C 68: 9
(D&C 112: 29
) he who believes and is baptized shall be saved.; D&C 76: 42
through Jesus all may be saved whom Father puts into his power.; D&C 76: 43
Christ saves all except sons of perdition.; D&C 77: 8
angels sent forth from God to save life.; D&C 100: 17
all who call on the Lord and keep his commandments shall be saved.; D&C 131: 6
impossible for man to be saved in ignorance.; D&C 132: 17
they who are not married by new and everlasting covenant remain without exaltation in their saved condition.; D&C 132: 32
enter ye into my law and ye shall be saved.; D&C 137: 10
children who die before age of accountability are saved in celestial kingdom.; D&C 138: 4
mankind may be saved through atonement and by obedience.; Moses 5: 15
believers in the Son will be saved.; Moses 7: 42
posterity of Noah(1) to be saved with temporal salvation.; Abr. 2: 23
Egyptians will kill Abraham, but save Sarai alive.; JS-M 1: 11
(Matt. 24: 12
) he who shall not be overcome shall be saved.; JS-M 1: 20
(Matt. 24: 22
) except those days be shortened, no flesh shall be saved.; A of F 3
through Atonement all mankind may be saved by obedience.
The Standard Works
(see also
Jesus Christ - Savior
D&C 103: 9-10
saints to be saviors of men.
The Standard Works
3 Ne. 12: 13
(3 Ne. 16: 15
; Matt. 5: 13
) if salt loses savor, wherewith will earth be salted.; D&C 101: 39
those who covenant with everlasting covenant are accounted as salt of earth, savor of men.; D&C 103: 10
if saints are not saviors of men they are as salt that has lost savor.
The Standard Works
See, Saw, Seen
The Standard Works
(see also
; Speak
1 Ne. 21: 21
(Isa. 49: 21
) then shalt thou say in thine heart, Who hath begotten me these.; Mosiah 2: 25
ye cannot say ye are even as much as dust of earth.; D&C 45: 26
men shall say Christ delays his coming.; D&C 82: 5
(D&C 93: 49
) what the Lord says to one, he says to all.; D&C 82: 10
the Lord is bound when men do what he say.; D&C 84: 57
men must not only say but do what the Lord has written.; D&C 84: 85
(D&C 100: 6
; D&C 124: 97
) it shall be given him what he shall say.
The Standard Works
(see also
Commandments of God
; Say
; Teach
; Word
2 Ne. 4: 14
many sayings of Nephi(1) and Lehi(1) are written on other plates.; 2 Ne. 30: 18
Nephi(1) makes end of his sayings.; Mosiah 1: 6
remember that these sayings are true.; 3 Ne. 15: 1
whoso remembers and does Christ’s sayings shall be raised up.; 3 Ne. 16: 4
Christ’s sayings to be written.; 3 Ne. 18: 33
keep these sayings which I have commanded you.; 3 Ne. 27: 33
Jesus ends his sayings.; Morm. 9: 26
who can deny the Lord’s sayings.; D&C 66: 11
keep these sayings, for they are true.; D&C 88: 62
I leave these sayings with you to ponder.; D&C 89: 18
all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings will receive health.; Moses 7: 69
saying went forth, Zion is fled.
The Standard Works
2 Ne. 30: 6
scales of darkness shall begin to fall from eyes.
The Standard Works
(see also
Hel. 3: 10
timber exceedingly scarce in land northward.; 3 Ne. 4: 20
wild game becomes scarce in wilderness.
The Standard Works
(see also
1 Ne. 13: 7-8
Nephi(1) beholds scarlets in abominable church.
The Standard Works
Scatter, Scattering
(see also
; Disperse
; Gather
; Israel, Scattering of
; Israel, Ten Lost Tribes of
; Remnant
1 Ne. 17: 32
the Lord made Israel mighty, unto scattering children of land to destruction.; D&C 101: 17
Zion not to be moved, though children are scattered.; D&C 101: 57
(D&C 105: 16, 30
) throw down enemies’ towers and scatter watchmen.; D&C 124: 35
baptisms for dead, by those scattered abroad, not acceptable.; D&C 124: 134
standing presidents over stakes scattered abroad.
The Standard Works
(see also
Alma 16: 11
great scent of dead bodies in Ammonihah.; Ether 14: 23
scent of dead bodies troubles Jaredites.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Dominion
; Rule
2 Ne. 24: 5
(Isa. 14: 5
) the Lord has broken scepters of the rulers.; D&C 85: 7
the Lord will send one mighty and strong, holding scepter of power.; D&C 121: 46
thy scepter shall be unchanging.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Learn
; Study
; BD Schools of the Prophets
D&C 55: 4
schools to be established for children.; D&C 88: 127-141
(D&C 90: 7, 13
; D&C 95: 10
; D&C 97: 3
) school of the prophets.; D&C 95: 17
school of apostles.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Scorn
1 Ne. 8: 26-28
those in spacious building scoffing at those partaking of fruit.
The Standard Works
Scorn, Scornful, Scorner
(see also
; Malice
; Mock
; Reproach
; Revile
; Scoff
1 Ne. 8: 33
those in spacious building point finger of scorn at those partaking of fruit.; Alma 4: 8
people of church are scornful toward each other.; Alma 26: 23
Nephites laughed sons of Mosiah(2) to scorn over preaching to Lamanites.; D&C 45: 50
scorner shall be consumed.
The Standard Works
Scott, Jacob
D&C 52: 28
to journey to Missouri.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Destruction
; Judgment
; Persecution
1 Ne. 2: 24
(2 Ne. 5: 25
; Jacob 3: 3
) Lamanites to be scourge unto Nephites.; 1 Ne. 19: 9
(2 Ne. 6: 9
; Mosiah 3: 9
) world shall scourge God when he comes.; 1 Ne. 19: 13
(2 Ne. 25: 16
) Jews to be scourged by all people for crucifying God.; Mosiah 15: 5
Son will suffer himself to be scourged.; Mosiah 17: 13
wicked priests scourged Abinadi.; 3 Ne. 20: 28
Gentiles to be a scourge to descendants of Nephites.; D&C 5: 19
desolating scourge shall go forth.; D&C 45: 31
overflowing scourge of sickness to cover land.; D&C 63: 31
if land of Zion is obtained by blood, enemies will scourge saints.; D&C 84: 58
scourge and judgment to be poured out upon children of Zion.; D&C 84: 96
the Almighty to scourge nations.; D&C 97: 23
the Lord’s scourge shall pass over by night and by day.; D&C 124: 83
the Lord has scourge prepared for inhabitants of Kirtland.
The Standard Works
(see also
D&C 25: 6
Emma Smith to be scribe for husband.; D&C 90: 19
Frederick G. Williams, counselor and scribe to Joseph Smith.
The Standard Works
(see also
D&C 24: 18
(D&C 84: 78, 86
) elders should not take purse or scrip.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Book
; Book of Commandments
; Book of Mormon
; Commandments of God
; Doctrine and Covenants
; Knowledge
; Learn
; New Testament
; Old Testament
; Plates
; Prophecy
; Read
; Record
; Revelation
; Truth
; Word of God
; Write
; Writing
; TG Scriptures
; TG Scriptures, Lost
; TG Scriptures, Preservation of
; TG Scriptures, Study of
; TG Scriptures, Value of
; TG Scriptures, Writing of
; TG Scriptures to Come forth
; BD Scripture
1 Ne. 19: 23
Nephi(1) likens scriptures unto Nephites.; 2 Ne. 4: 15
Nephi(1) writes on his plates many scriptures from brass plates.; 2 Ne. 4: 15
my soul delighteth in scriptures.; Jacob 2: 23
Nephites understand not the scriptures.; Jacob 7: 23
Nephites search scriptures, hearken not to Sherem’s words.; Alma 12: 1
Alma(2) unfolds scriptures beyond what Amulek has done.; Alma 13: 20
(Alma 41: 1
) if men wrest scriptures, it will be to own destruction.; Alma 14: 1
repentant people of Ammonihah search scriptures.; Alma 18: 38
Ammon(2) expounds to Lamanites all scriptures since Lehi(1) left Jerusalem.; Alma 30: 44
scriptures are laid before thee and all things denote there is a God.; Alma 33: 2
(3 Ne. 10: 14
) ye ought to search the scriptures.; Alma 37: 3
brass plates have records of holy scriptures on them.; Hel. 16: 14
scriptures begin to be fulfilled.; 3 Ne. 1: 24
those who use scriptures to preach against law of Moses have not understood scriptures.; 3 Ne. 9: 16
scriptures concerning Christ’s coming are fulfilled.; 3 Ne. 10: 14
he who has scriptures should search them.; 3 Ne. 23: 6
Jesus expounds scriptures to Nephites.; 3 Ne. 23: 6
Nephites to write other scriptures that they have not.; 3 Ne. 23: 14
Jesus expounds all scriptures in one which Nephites have written.; 3 Ne. 27: 5
have they not read the scriptures.; D&C 8: 1
Oliver Cowdery to obtain knowledge of old records which contain scripture.; D&C 10: 63
men err in wresting scriptures and do not understand them.; D&C 20: 10-11
the Lord’s servants to prove to world that scriptures are true.; D&C 20: 35
neither add to nor diminish from scriptures to come.; D&C 20: 35
scriptures came through Holy Ghost, voice of God, angels.; D&C 20: 80
transgressing members to be dealt with as scriptures direct.; D&C 24: 9
expound the scriptures.; D&C 26: 1
devote time to studying scriptures.; D&C 33: 16
scriptures given for saints’ instruction.; D&C 35: 20
scriptures given to salvation of elect.; D&C 42: 12
teach gospel from scriptures.; D&C 42: 15
elders to teach as the Lord has commanded until fulness of scriptures is given.; D&C 42: 28
laws given in scriptures.; D&C 42: 56
ask, and scriptures shall be given as the Lord has appointed.; D&C 42: 56
scriptures shall be preserved in safety.; D&C 42: 57
do not teach scriptures until ye receive them in full.; D&C 42: 59
commandments given in scriptures to be law governing church.; D&C 68: 4
whatever is spoken under influence of Holy Ghost is scripture.; D&C 71: 1
expound mysteries out of scriptures.; D&C 74: 7
scriptures tell that children are sanctified through atonement.; D&C 94: 10
house to be built for printing translation of scriptures.; D&C 104: 58
the Lord’s commandment to print fulness of scriptures.; JS-H 1: 36-41
Moroni(2) quotes scriptures to Joseph Smith.
The Standard Works
(see also
3 Ne. 26: 3
(Morm. 5: 23
; Morm. 9: 2
) earth to be wrapt together as scroll.; D&C 88: 95
curtain of heaven to be unfolded as scroll.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Flood
; Island, Isle
; Red Sea
; Water
; Waves
2 Ne. 7: 2
(Isa. 50: 2
) at his rebuke, the Lord dries up sea.; 2 Ne. 10: 20
the Lord has made sea our path.; 2 Ne. 21: 9
(Isa. 11: 9
) earth to be full of knowledge of the Lord, as waters cover sea.; Mosiah 13: 19
in six days the Lord made heaven, earth, and sea.; Ether 2: 13
the Lord brings Jared(2) and brethren to great sea.; D&C 77: 1
(Rev. 4: 6
) sea of glass is earth in sanctified state.; D&C 130: 7
angels reside on globe like sea of glass and fire.; D&C 133: 68
at his rebuke, the Lord dries up the sea.; Moses 2: 10
the Lord calls gathering of waters the sea.; Moses 7: 14
land comes up from depth of sea.; Moses 7: 66
Enoch(2) sees the sea troubled.
The Standard Works
Seal, Sealing
(see also
; Elect, Election
; Hide
; Marriage
; Temple
; Welding
Title Page
(Moro. 10: 2
) Book of Mormon is sealed by hand of Moroni(2).; 1 Ne. 14: 26
records of visions are sealed to come forth in purity.; 2 Ne. 18: 16
(Isa. 8: 16
) seal the law among my disciples.; 2 Ne. 27: 7
book shall be sealed.; 2 Ne. 27: 22
thou shalt seal book again and hide it unto me.; 2 Ne. 33: 15
what I seal on earth shall be brought against you at judgment bar.; Mosiah 5: 15
abound in good works, that Christ may seal you his.; Mosiah 17: 20
Abinadi sealed truth of his words by death.; Alma 34: 35
if ye have procrastinated day of repentance, devil seals you his.; Hel. 10: 7
Nephi(2) given power that what he seals on earth shall be sealed in heaven.; Ether 3: 22
brother of Jared(2) to write, sealing up things seen and heard.; D&C 1: 8
(D&C 68: 12
; D&C 132: 46
) power given to seal on earth and in heaven.; D&C 35: 18
the Lord gives Joseph Smith keys of mystery of things which have been sealed.; D&C 76: 53
those in celestial glory are sealed by Holy Spirit of promise.; D&C 77: 6-7
(Rev. 5: 1
) seven seals on book represent seven thousand years.; D&C 77: 8
(Rev. 7: 1
) four angels have power to seal up unto life.; D&C 98: 2
saints’ prayers recorded with this seal.; D&C 124: 124
Hyrum Smith to hold the sealing blessings.; D&C 128: 14
sealing power consists in key of knowledge.; D&C 131: 5
more sure word of prophecy means knowing one is sealed up unto eternal life.; D&C 132: 7
covenants not sealed by Holy Spirit of promise end with death.; D&C 132: 7
(OD 1
) keys of sealing power held by one only on earth at a time.; D&C 135: 1, 3
martyrdom is the seal on modern scriptures.; D&C 136: 39
prophet sealed testimony with blood.; D&C 138: 48
latter-day temple work to incude sealing children to parents.; JS-H 1: 65
I cannot read a sealed book.
The Standard Works
Nephite belonging to Gadianton band [c. 23 B.C.]
Hel. 9: 6
murders brother, chief judge.; Hel. 9: 26-36
Nephi(2) sends men to house of Seantum.; Hel. 9: 37
The Standard Works
Search, Sought
(see also
; Inquire
; Read
; Seek
; Study
1 Ne. 2: 19
Nephi(1) has sought the Lord diligently.; 1 Ne. 5: 10
Lehi(1) searched brass plates.; 1 Ne. 10: 21
If men have sought to do wickedly, they are found unclean.; 2 Ne. 1: 25
Nephi(1) has not sought for power and authority, but for glory of God.; 2 Ne. 2: 17
fallen angel became devil, having sought evil.; 2 Ne. 9: 4
many Nephites have searched much to know things to come.; 2 Ne. 9: 44
I pray God that he view me with his all-searching eye.; 2 Ne. 32: 7
men will not search knowledge.; Jacob 4: 6
(3 Ne. 23: 5
) search the prophets.; Jacob 4: 14
Jews sought for things they could not understand.; Jacob 7: 23
Nephites searched the scriptures.; W of M 1: 3
Mormon(2) searched among records and finds small plates.; Mosiah 1: 7
search records diligently.; Mosiah 27: 31
those who live without God will shrink beneath glance of his all-searching eye.; Alma 14: 1
repentant people of Ammonihah search scriptures.; Alma 17: 2
sons of Mosiah(2) searched scriptures diligently to know word of God.; Alma 33: 2
(3 Ne. 10: 14
; 3 Ne. 23: 1
) ye ought to search the scriptures.; Hel. 11: 26
robbers search out secret plans of Gadianton.; Morm. 8: 23
search the prophecies of Isaiah.; Ether 8: 17
daughter of Jared(3) puts it into Akish’s heart to search out secret oaths.; Moro. 6: 8
as oft as men sought forgiveness, they were forgiven.; Moro. 7: 19
search diligently in light of Christ to know good from evil.; D&C 1: 37
search these commandments.; D&C 63: 59
search all things.; D&C 84: 94
(D&C 90: 24
) search diligently and spare not.; D&C 84: 112
bishop should search after poor.
The Standard Works
(see also
2 Ne. 7: 4
(Isa. 50: 4
) the Lord has given me tongue of the learned that I know how to speak word in season.; D&C 29: 22
the Lord will spare earth for little season.; D&C 51: 16
the Lord consecrates land to saints for little season.; D&C 59: 18
all things of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for man’s benefit.; D&C 88: 42
law by which all things move in times and seasons.; D&C 88: 44
planets give light to each other in their seasons.; D&C 88: 111
Satan to be loosed for a season.; D&C 89: 11
use every herb in its season.; D&C 100: 13
(D&C 103: 14
) Zion to be chastened for little season.; D&C 105: 9
elders should wait for little season.; D&C 121: 12
God has set his hand and seal to change times and seasons.; Moses 2: 14
(Abr. 4: 14
) God sets lights in firmament for seasons, days, years.
The Standard Works
(see also
D&C 69: 6
Zion shall be a seat to receive and do all these things.
The Standard Works
Sebus, Waters of
Watering place in land of Ishmael
Alma 17: 26
Ammon(2) goes where flocks are watered, called Sebus.; Alma 17: 34
Ammon(2) contends with Lamanites who stand by waters of Sebus.; Alma 18: 7
practice among Lamanites of scattering flocks at waters of Sebus.; Alma 19: 20
king slew servants whose flocks were scattered at Sebus.
The Standard Works
Place situated in plains of Moreh
Abr. 2: 18
Abraham travels to Sechem.
The Standard Works
(see also
Death, Spiritual
; Jesus Christ, Second Coming of
2 Ne. 6: 14
(2 Ne. 21: 11
; 2 Ne. 25: 17
; 2 Ne. 29: 1
; Jacob 6: 2
) Messiah will set himself second time to recover his people.; Mosiah 26: 25
when second trump sounds, they who never knew the Lord shall stand before him.; Alma 43: 46
if ye are not guilty of first or second offense, ye shall not suffer yourselves to be slain.; Morm. 4: 20
Lamanites do not beat Nephites in Boaz until second attack.; D&C 77: 7
(D&C 88: 109
) seal contains things of second thousand years.; D&C 88: 99
another angel shall sound second trump.; D&C 98: 25, 40
if enemy smite you second time and you bear it, reward shall be hundredfold.; Abr. 3: 26
those who keep second estate will have glory added upon their heads.; JS-H 1: 72
Oliver Cowdery to be second elder of Church.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Conspiracy
; Hide, Hidden
; Private
; Privily
; Secret Combination
1 Ne. 20: 16
(Isa. 48: 16
) I have not spoken in secret.; 2 Ne. 30: 17
(Mosiah 8: 17
) all things secret shall be revealed.; Alma 34: 26
pour out your souls to the Lord in secret places.; Alma 58: 20
Gid and Teomner rise from secret places and cut off Lamanite spies.; 3 Ne. 13: 6
(Matt. 6: 6
) pray to thy Father who is in secret.; D&C 1: 3
(D&C 88: 108-109
) secret acts shall be revealed.; D&C 19: 28
(D&C 23: 6
) pray before the world as well as in secret.; D&C 20: 47
pray vocally and in secret.; D&C 42: 92
he who offends in secret shall be rebuked in secret.; D&C 45: 72
the Lord commanded that secret things be kept from world.; D&C 60: 15
(D&C 99: 4
) shake off dust, wash feet, in secret.; D&C 76: 10
the Lord makes known the secrets of his will.
The Standard Works
Secret Combination
(see also
; Gadianton Band of Robbers
; Murder
; Oath
; Plan
; Sedition
2 Ne. 9: 9
(2 Ne. 26: 22
; Hel. 6: 26-30
; 3 Ne. 6: 28-29
; Ether 8: 15, 25
; Ether 10: 33
) devil is founder of all secret combinations of murder.; 2 Ne. 10: 15
Lord must destroy secret works of darkness and murder.; 2 Ne. 26: 20, 22
secret combinations to be among Gentiles, as in times of old.; Alma 37: 21
secret works of Jaredites to be made manifest.; Alma 37: 27-29
(Ether 8: 20
) record of secret covenants of Jaredites not to be made manifest to Nephites.; Alma 37: 22, 25-26
the Lord destroyed Jaredites because they did not repent of secret works.; Alma 37: 23-25
the Lord will bring secret works out of darkness into light.; Alma 37: 28, 31
curse on land against secret combinations.; Alma 37: 29-30
secret combinations murdered prophets.; Alma 37: 30
God’s judgments come upon workers of darkness and secret combinations.; Hel. 2: 8
Kishkumen’s secret combination plans to murder, rob, get power.; Hel. 2: 13
(Ether 8: 21
) secret combinations cause destruction of Nephites and Jaredites.; Hel. 6: 15, 18-19
(Ether 14: 8-10
) secret combinations murder to get kingdom.; Hel. 6: 22
robber bands have secret signs and words.; Hel. 6: 22
those who enter covenant swear brother shall not be injured because of wickedness.; Hel. 6: 26
secret covenants came to Gadianton not from records, but from devil.; Hel. 6: 37-38
Lamanites hunt, Nephites support secret combinations.; Hel. 7: 25
Nephites have united themselves to secret band established by Gadianton.; 3 Ne. 3: 9
Giddianhi, governor of secret society of Gadianton.; 3 Ne. 5: 5-6
punishment puts end to secret combinations.; 3 Ne. 6: 27-30
friends of wicked judges enter covenant to combine against righteosness.; 3 Ne. 7: 6, 9
government is destroyed by secret combination.; 4 Ne. 1: 42
wicked part of Nephites again build up secret combinations of Gadianton.; Morm. 8: 27
blood of saints will cry unto the Lord because of secret combinations.; Morm. 8: 40
why do ye build up your secret abominations to get gain.; Ether 8: 13-18
Akish and followers form secret combination.; Ether 8: 19
the Lord works not in secret combinations.; Ether 8: 20
secret combinations are had among all people.; Ether 8: 22-23
nations that uphold secret combinations shall be destroyed.; Ether 8: 24
Gentiles to awake to awful situation because of secret combination.; Ether 9: 26
Heth(1) embraces secret plans of old.; Ether 10: 33
robbers administer oaths after manner of ancients.; Ether 11: 15
rebellion arises because of secret combination.; Ether 11: 22
Jaredites reject words of prophets because of secret society.; Ether 13: 18
many are slain by sword of secret combinations.; D&C 38: 28
enemy in secret chambers seeks your lives.; D&C 42: 64
converts to flee to west because of secret combinations.; D&C 117: 11
the Nicolaitane band and all their secret abominations.; D&C 123: 13
secret combinations bring to light hidden things of darkness.; Moses 5: 29-31, 49
Cain swears secret oath with Satan.; Moses 5: 51
from days of Cain there was a secret combination.; Moses 6: 15
death administered because of secret works.
The Standard Works
Sect, Sectarian
(see also
Churches, False
; Denominations
D&C 123: 12
many among all sects are kept from truth only because they know not when to find it.; D&C 130: 3
that Father and Son dwell in man’s heart is sectarian notion.; JS-H 1: 5-6, 8-9
contentions among sects.; JS-H 1: 18
Joseph Smith desires to know which of sect is true.; JS-H 1: 19
all sects are wrong.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Protect
; Refuge
; Safe, Safety
2 Ne. 1: 32
the Lord has consecrated this land for security of seed of Nephi(1) and Zoram(1).; 2 Ne. 28: 21
devil lulls men away into carnal security.; Alma 49: 13
Moroni(1) builds forts of security.; Alma 49: 21
Lamanites contend with Nephites to get into their place of security.; Alma 50: 4
places of security built upon towers.; Alma 60: 19
have ye neglected us because ye are surrounded by security.; 3 Ne. 4: 15
Nephite armies return again to places of security.; D&C 70: 15
commandment given for security of the Lord’s servants.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Rebel
; Secret Combination
D&C 134: 5, 7
sedition is unbecoming every citizen.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Tempt
Hel. 6: 38
robbers seduced more part of the righteous Nephites.; D&C 46: 7
be not seduced by evil spirits.
The Standard Works
See, Saw, Seen
(see also
; Eye
; Look
; Observe
; Perceive
; Sight
; View
; Vision
; Watch
1 Ne. 1: 8
Lehi(1) saw God sitting on throne.; 2 Ne. 3: 5
Joseph(1) truly saw our day.; 2 Ne. 9: 4
in our bodies we shall see God.; 2 Ne. 9: 32
the blind that will not see shall perish.; 2 Ne. 11: 2-3
Isaiah(1), Nephi(1), and Jacob(2) see the Lord.; 2 Ne. 16: 5
(Isa. 6: 5
) mine eyes have seen the King.; 2 Ne. 16: 9
(Isa. 6: 9
) he said, see ye, but they perceived not.; 2 Ne. 16: 10
(Isa. 6: 10
) shut this people’s eyes lest they see and be converted.; 2 Ne. 27: 29
(Isa. 29: 18
) eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity.; Mosiah 15: 29
(3 Ne. 20: 32
) the Lord’s watchmen see eye to eye when he brings Zion.; Alma 19: 13
Lamoni has seen Redeemer.; Alma 30: 15
Korihor claims man cannot know of things he cannot see.; Alma 36: 26
because of the word, many have seen eye to eye.; Hel. 8: 17
Abraham saw of Son’s coming.; 3 Ne. 11: 8
multitude saw Christ descending from heaven.; 3 Ne. 13: 6
(Matt. 6: 6
) Father, who seeth in secret, shall reward you openly.; 3 Ne. 17: 16-17
eye hath never seen so great and marvelous things.; 3 Ne. 17: 25
multitude bear record because each man saw for himself.; 3 Ne. 26: 18
many of those baptized saw unspeakable things.; Ether 3: 20
brother of Jared(2) saw Jesus.; Ether 9: 22
Emer saw Son of Righteousness.; Ether 12: 6
faith is things hoped for and not seen.; Ether 12: 6
dispute not because ye see not.; Ether 12: 39
Moroni(2) has seen Jesus.; D&C 1: 2
no eye that shall not see.; D&C 17: 5
three witnesses to testify they have seen plates.; D&C 35: 21
(D&C 38: 8
; D&C 45: 44
; D&C 50: 45
; D&C 88: 68
; D&C 93: 1
; D&C 97: 16
) the elect shall see the Lord.; D&C 38: 7
the Lord is in saints’ midst and they cannot see him.; D&C 42: 49
he who has faith to see shall see.; D&C 67: 10
elders to see God with spiritual mind.; D&C 67: 11
no man has seen God unless quickened by Spirit.; D&C 76: 10
the Lord will make known things that eye has not seen.; D&C 76: 23
we saw Christ on right hand of God.; D&C 76: 94
those in God’s presence see as they are seen.; D&C 84: 22
without priesthood no man can see face of God and live.; D&C 84: 98
all shall be filled with knowledge of the Lord, see eye to eye.; D&C 84: 119
ye cannot see the Lord’s workings now, yet a little while and ye shall see.; D&C 88: 47
man who has seen least of kingdoms has seen God moving in majesty, power.; D&C 88: 93
all people will see great sign in heaven.; D&C 93: 1
the obedient shall see the Lord’s face.; D&C 93: 1
he who forsakes sins shall see the Lord’s face.; D&C 97: 16
pure in heart who come into temple shall see God.; D&C 101: 23
all flesh shall see the Lord together.; D&C 107: 49
Enoch(2) saw the Lord.; D&C 110: 2
we saw the Lord standing upon breastwork of temple.; D&C 121: 24
the Lord’s eyes see and know all men’s works.; D&C 130: 1
when the Savior shall appear we shall see him as he is.; D&C 131: 8
we cannot see spirit, but when bodies are purified we will see it is matter.; Moses 5: 10
in the flesh I will see God.; Abr. 3: 12
God puts hand on Abraham’s eyes and he saw all God has made.; JS-M 1: 36
(Matt. 24: 30
) all shall see Son coming with power.; JS-H 1: 17, 25
Joseph Smith has seen two personages.
The Standard Works
(see also
Children of God
; Descendant
; Heir
; Lineage
; Loins
; Plant
; Posterity
; BD Seed of Abraham
1 Ne. 5: 19
(1 Ne. 7: 1
) Lehi(1) prophesies many things concerning his seed.; 1 Ne. 8: 1
(1 Ne. 16: 11
; 1 Ne. 18: 6
) Lehites gather seeds of every kind.; 1 Ne. 12: 9-10
twelve ministers from seed of Nephi(1) will judge his seed.; 1 Ne. 13: 11
wrath of God to be upon seed of Lamanites.; 1 Ne. 13: 34
the Lord will manifest himself to seed of Nephi(1).; 1 Ne. 15: 13-14
remnant of seed of Nephites to receive gospel from Gentiles.; 1 Ne. 15: 18
(1 Ne. 22: 9
; 3 Ne. 20: 25
) the Lord covenants with Abraham, In thy seed shall all earth be blessed.; 1 Ne. 18: 24
(2 Ne. 5: 11
; Mosiah 9: 9
) Lehites plant seeds.; 1 Ne. 20: 19
(Isa. 48: 19
) thy seed also had been as sand.; 2 Ne. 3: 3
seed of Joseph(2) shall not utterly be destroyed.; 2 Ne. 10: 19
the Lord to consecrate this land to seed of Lehi(1).; 2 Ne. 24: 20
(Isa. 14: 20
) seed of evil-doers shall never be renowned.; 2 Ne. 29: 14
the Lord covenanted to remember Abraham’s seed forever.; Jacob 2: 30
if the Lord will raise up seed, he will command his people.; Mosiah 14: 10
(Mosiah 15: 10-12
; Isa. 53: 10
) when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed.; Mosiah 15: 11-12
those who hearken to prophets are Son’s seed.; Alma 3: 9
whoever mingles his seed with Lamanites brings same curse upon his seed.; Alma 32: 28-39
word compared to seed.; Alma 46: 23
(Morm. 7: 10
) Nephites are remnant of seed of Jacob(1), of Joseph(1).; Hel. 8: 21
seed of Zedekiah are with Nephites.; 3 Ne. 5: 23
the Lord will bring remnant of seed of Joseph(1) to knowledge of God.; 3 Ne. 5: 24
the Lord will gather remnant of seed of Jacob(1).; 3 Ne. 22: 3
(Isa. 54: 3
) thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles.; Ether 1: 41
(Ether 2: 3
) Jaredites gather seed of every kind.; Ether 13: 6, 10
New Jerusalem to be built unto remnant of seed of Joseph(1).; Ether 13: 7
the Lord brought remnant of seed of Joseph(1) out of Jerusalem.; D&C 29: 42
the Lord gave unto Adam and unto his seed that he would send angels.; D&C 84: 18
(D&C 107: 13
) priesthood confirmed upon Aaron(1) and his seed.; D&C 84: 34
those who magnify priesthood callings become seed of Abraham.; D&C 103: 17
saints are children of Israel and of seed of Abraham.; D&C 104: 33
the Lord will multiply blessings upon the faithful and their seed.; D&C 110: 12
in our seed all generations are blessed.; D&C 124: 58
(D&C 132: 30
) in Abraham’s seed shall earth be blessed.; D&C 132: 19
the exalted shall have continuation of seeds forever.; Moses 2: 11-12
(Abr. 4: 11-12
) earth brings forth herb and tree yielding seed after its kind.; Moses 5: 11
were it not for transgression, Adam and Eve would never have had seed.; Moses 7: 52
seed of Noah(1) always to be found among all nations.; Abr. 2: 11
in Abraham’s seed shall all families of earth be blessed.; Abr. 3: 14
the Lord to multiply Abraham’s seed.
The Standard Works
Seek, Sought
(see also
; Desire
; Inquire
; Look
; Pray
; Search
; Watch
1 Ne. 2: 19
Nephi(1) has sought the Lord diligently.; 1 Ne. 10: 17
power of Holy Ghost is gift of God unto all who diligently seek him.; 1 Ne. 10: 19
(3 Ne. 14: 7-8
; Matt. 7: 7-8
) he who diligently seeketh shall find.; 1 Ne. 10: 21
those who have sought to do wickedly shall be found unclean.; 1 Ne. 13: 37
blessed are they who seek to bring forth Zion.; 2 Ne. 1: 25
Nephi(1) has not sought power and authority, but glory of God.; 2 Ne. 2: 17
fallen angel became devil, having sought evil.; 2 Ne. 2: 27
devil seeketh that all men might be miserable.; 2 Ne. 21: 10
(Isa. 11: 10
) Gentiles shall seek to ensign.; 2 Ne. 26: 29
those practicing priestcraft do not seek welfare of Zion.; 2 Ne. 27: 27
(2 Ne. 28: 9
) wo unto them that seek deep to hide counsel from the Lord.; Jacob 2: 18
(3 Ne. 13: 33
) before ye seek riches, seek kingdom of God.; Jacob 2: 19
after obtaining hope in Christ, ye shall obtain riches if ye seek them.; Jacob 2: 19
seek riches to do good.; Jacob 4: 10
seek not to counsel the Lord, but to take counsel.; Jacob 4: 14
Jews sought for things they could not understand.; Mosiah 27: 10
(Alma 36: 6
) Alma(2) and sons of Mosiah(2) seeking to destroy church.; Alma 32: 13
sometimes if man is compelled to be humble, he seeketh repentance.; Alma 39: 14
seek not after riches or vain things of world.; Alma 46: 10
Amalickiah leads many to seek to destroy church.; Alma 60: 36
Moroni(1) sought not for power or honor, but glory of God.; 3 Ne. 13: 33
(Matt. 6: 33
) seek ye first the kingdom of God.; Ether 8: 25
those who build up secret combinations seeketh to overthrow freedom of all lands.; Ether 12: 41
seek this Jesus of whom prophets have written.; Moro. 6: 8
as oft as men sought repentance with real intent, they were forgiven.; Moro. 7: 45
charity seeketh not her own.; Moro. 8: 28
Nephites seeking to put down all power and authority from God.; D&C 1: 16
men seek not the Lord.; D&C 6: 6
(D&C 11: 6
; D&C 12: 6
; D&C 14: 6
) seek to bring forth Zion.; D&C 6: 7
(D&C 11: 7
) seek not for riches, but for wisdom.; D&C 11: 21
seek not to declare the word, but first seek to obtain it.; D&C 11: 23
seek kingdom of God first.; D&C 22: 4
seek not to counsel the Lord.; D&C 38: 19
the Lord will give land of inheritance if saints seek it with all their hearts.; D&C 38: 28
enemy in secret chambers seeketh your lives.; D&C 46: 5
those seeking earnestly the kingdom should not be cast from meetings.; D&C 46: 8
seek earnestly the best gifts.; D&C 46: 9
gifts are given for the benefit of those who seek to keep commandments.; D&C 63: 7
he who seeketh signs shall see signs, but not unto salvation.; D&C 68: 31
inhabitants of Zion seek not earnestly the riches of eternity.; D&C 82: 19
every man seeking interest of his neighbor.; D&C 88: 35
that which seeketh to become a law unto itself cannot be sanctified by law.; D&C 88: 63, 83
those who seek the Lord shall find him.; D&C 88: 118
(D&C 109: 7
) seek diligently and teach one another.; D&C 101: 38
seek face of the Lord always.; D&C 106: 3
seeking diligently the kingdom and its righteousness.; D&C 132: 57
Satan seeketh to destroy.; D&C 136: 20
seek and keep pledges.
The Standard Works
See, Saw, Seen
The Standard Works
(see also
; Revelator
; Translate
; Urim and Thummim
; BD Seer
2 Ne. 3: 6-8, 11-15
the Lord to raise choice latter-day seer from fruit of loins of Joseph(1).; 2 Ne. 27: 5
the Lord has covered seers because of people’s iniquity.; Mosiah 8: 13
(Mosiah 28: 16
) whoever is commanded to look in interpreters is called seer.; Mosiah 8: 15-16
seer is revelator and prophet, no greater gift.; Mosiah 8: 17
seer can know past, future, reveal all things.; D&C 21: 1
(D&C 124: 125
; D&C 127: 12
; D&C 135: 3
) Joseph Smith to be called a seer.; D&C 107: 91-92
President of church is a seer.; D&C 124: 94
Hyrum Smith appointed to be prophet and seer.; OD 2
Spencer W. Kimball, a prophet, seer, revelator.; Moses 6: 36
Enoch(2) to be called seer.; JS-H 1: 35
possession and use of Urim and Thummim constituted seers in former times.
The Standard Works
Member of Gadianton band, elected chief judge [c. 26 B.C.]
Hel. 8: 27-28
member of Gadianton band.; Hel. 9: 23
Nephi(2) is accused of murdering Seezoram.; Hel. 9: 26-37
Nephi(2) reveals Seezoram was murdered by brother.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Greediness
D&C 56: 8
repent of pride and selfishness.
The Standard Works
Sell, Sold
1 Ne. 5: 14
(Alma 10: 3
) Joseph(1) was sold into Egypt.; 2 Ne. 7: 1
(Isa. 50: 1
) for your iniquities you have sold yourselves.; 2 Ne. 26: 10
(3 Ne. 20: 38
) Nephites sell themselves for naught.; Alma 46: 23
let us keep commandments, or we be cast into prison or sold or slain.; Hel. 6: 8
Nephites and Lamanites have free intercourse to buy and sell.; 3 Ne. 27: 32
fourth generation will sell the Lord for silver and gold.; Morm. 8: 38
Nephites sell themselves for that which will canker.; Ether 10: 22
Jaredites buy and sell to get gain.; Moses 8: 15
daughters of sons of Noah(1) have sold themselves.
The Standard Works
Send, Sent
2 Ne. 16: 8
(Isa. 6: 8
) here am I, send me.; Mosiah 3: 13
the Lord has sent his holy prophets among men.; 3 Ne. 20: 26
Father sent Son.; 3 Ne. 24: 1
(Mal. 3: 1
) the Lord will send messenger to prepare way.; 3 Ne. 25: 5
(Mal. 4: 5
) the Lord will send Elijah the prophet.; 3 Ne. 27: 13
Christ came into world to do Father’s will because Father sent him.; 3 Ne. 28: 34
wo unto those who will not hearken to words of those whom Jesus has sent among them.; Ether 4: 12
he who will not believe Christ will not believe Father who sent him.; Moro. 7: 16
every thing which persuades to believe in Christ is sent by power and gift of Christ.; D&C 27: 16
the Lord has sent angels to commit gospel.; D&C 43: 15
elders are not sent forth to be taught, but to teach.; D&C 84: 79
the Lord sends elders out to prove world.; D&C 84: 87
the Lord sends elders out to reprove world.; D&C 85: 7
the Lord will send one mighty and strong.; D&C 107: 35
the Twelve are sent out to open door.; D&C 112: 4
send forth the Lord’s word unto ends of earth.; D&C 128: 17
I will send you Elijah the prophet.; D&C 132: 24
life eternal is to know God and Jesus Christ, whom he has sent.; D&C 133: 8
send forth the elders unto nations.; Moses 4: 1
(Abr. 3: 27
) here am I, send me.
The Standard Works
Seneca County, New York
D&C 128: 20-21
voice of God in Fayette, Seneca County.
The Standard Works
Nephite coin
(see also
Alma 11: 3
judges receive senine of gold for a day.; Alma 11: 3, 7
senum of silver is equal to senine of gold.; Alma 11: 5, 8
senine is half value of seon.; Alma 30: 33
Alma(2) has never received so much as one senine for labor in church.; 3 Ne. 12: 26
thou shalt not come out of prison until thou hast paid the uttermost senine.
The Standard Works
2 Ne. 2: 11
without opposition, it must have neither sense nor insensibility.; Mosiah 2: 38
justice awakens the unrepentant to lively sense of guilt.; Mosiah 4: 5
knowledge of God’s goodness awakens sense of own nothingness.; Alma 7: 22
Alma(2) speaks to awaken people to sense of duty toward God.; Ether 8: 24
Jaredites will awake to sense of awful situation.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Flesh
; Lust
; Natural
Mosiah 16: 3
(Alma 42: 10
) because of fall, mankind became carnal, sensual, devilish.; D&C 20: 20
by transgression men became sensual, devilish, fallen.; D&C 29: 35
the Lord’s commandments are not natural or sensual.; Moses 5: 13
(Moses 6: 49
) men became carnal, sensual, devilish.
The Standard Works
Send, Sent
The Standard Works
Nephite coin
(see also
Alma 11: 3
judges receive senum of silver each day.; Alma 11: 3, 7
senum of silver is equal to senine of gold.; Alma 11: 11
two senums equal one amnor.; Alma 11: 12
four senums equal one ezrom.; Alma 11: 15
shiblon is half of a senum.
The Standard Works
Nephite coin
(see also
Alma 11: 5, 8
twice the value of senine.; Alma 11: 9
shum of gold equals two seons.
The Standard Works
Separation, Separate, Separately
(see also
TG Separation
1 Ne. 13: 12
man among Gentiles is separated from Lamanites by many waters.; Mosiah 26: 4
unbelievers in rising generations are separate people as to faith.; Alma 3: 14
the Lord sets mark on Lamanites that they may be separated from Nephites.; Alma 5: 57
come ye out from the wicked and be separate.; Alma 29: 16
my soul is carried away, even unto separation from body, because of joy.; Alma 31: 2
Alma(2) sorrows because of separation of Zoramites from Nephites.; Alma 35: 16
Alma(2) will give charge to sons separately.; 3 Ne. 15: 19
Nephites were separated from Jews because of Jews’ iniquity.; D&C 45: 12
Enoch(2) and his brethren were separated from earth and received unto the Lord.; D&C 63: 54
separation of righteous and wicked at the Lord’s coming.; D&C 93: 34
when spirit and element are separated, man cannot receive fulness of joy.
The Standard Works
(see also
1 Ne. 19: 10
(2 Ne. 25: 13
) Christ to be buried in sepulchre.; Alma 19: 1, 5
king Lamoni to be laid in sepulchre.
The Standard Works
(see also
BD Seraphim
2 Ne. 16: 2
(Isa. 6: 2
) Seraphim stand above God’s throne.; 2 Ne. 16: 6-7
(Isa. 6: 6-7
) Seraphim touches lips of Isaiah(1) with coal.
The Standard Works
Sermon on the Mount
(see also
BD Sermon on the Mount
3 Ne. 12 - 14
(Matt. 5 - 7
) Christ teaches Nephites as he taught the Jews.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Jesus Christ, Types of
; Viper
; BD Fiery Serpents
; BD Serpent, Brazen
1 Ne. 17: 41
(2 Ne. 25: 20
) the Lord sent fiery flying serpents among Israelites and prepared way for healing.; 2 Ne. 2: 18
(Mosiah 16: 3
) old serpent, the devil, tempted Eve.; 2 Ne. 24: 29
(Isa. 14: 29
) out of serpent’s root shall come cockatrice, and his fruit shall be fiery flying serpent.; 2 Ne. 25: 20
the Lord gave Moses power to heal nations bitten by poisonous serpent.; 2 Ne. 25: 20
if Israelites would cast eyes unto serpent raised by Moses in wilderness, they would be healed.; Hel. 8: 14-15
(Alma 33: 19-22
) brazen serpent lifted up by Moses in wilderness is type of Christ.; 3 Ne. 14: 10
(Matt. 7: 10
) if son asks for fish, will father give him serpent.; Morm. 8: 24
poisonous serpents could not harm saints.; Morm. 9: 24
those that believe shall take up serpents.; Ether 9: 31-33
poisonous serpents come upon land.; Ether 10: 19
poisonous serpents are destroyed.; D&C 24: 13
require not miracles except against poisonous serpents.; D&C 76: 28
(D&C 88: 110
) Satan, that old serpent.; D&C 84: 72
(D&C 124: 99
) poison of serpent shall not harm elders.; D&C 111: 11
be wise as serpents, yet without sin.; Moses 4: 6-7
Satan speaks by mouth of serpent to tempt Eve.; Moses 4: 20-21
curse on serpent.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Angels of the Devil
; Disciple
; Follow, Follower
; Messenger
; Minister [noun]
; Prophet
; Serve, Service
; Steward
1 Ne. 20: 20
(Isa. 48: 20
) the Lord hath redeemed his servant.; 1 Ne. 21: 3
(Isa. 49: 3
) thou art my servant, O Israel.; 2 Ne. 9: 41
Holy One employs no servant at gate.; Jacob 5
servant aids lord in caring for vineyard.; Mosiah 2: 21
if ye serve God with whole souls, yet ye would be unprofitable servants.; Mosiah 14: 11
(Isa. 53: 11
) the Lord’s righteous servant shall justify many.; Mosiah 21: 33
Ammon(1) declines to baptize, considering himself unworthy servant.; Mosiah 22: 4
if thou hast not found me to be unprofitable servant, listen to my words.; Alma 17: 25
Ammon(2) desires to be Lamoni’s servant.; Alma 17: 27-39
Ammon(2) helps king’s servants tend flocks.; Hel. 5: 29, 32
seek no more to destroy my servants.; 3 Ne. 20: 43
the Lord’s servant shall deal prudently.; 3 Ne. 21: 10
life of the Lord’s servant shall be in his hand.; 3 Ne. 22: 17
(Isa. 54: 17
) this is the heritage of servants of the Lord.; Moro. 7: 11
Servant of devil cannot follow Christ, follower of Christ cannot be servants of devil.; D&C 1: 6
divine authority given to servants.; D&C 1: 38
whether by the Lord’s voice or by voice of servants, it is same.; D&C 10: 5
pray to escape servants of Satan.; D&C 13: 1
upon you, my fellow servants, I confer Priesthood of Aaron.; D&C 43: 25
how oft have I called you by my servants.; D&C 50: 26
he who is ordained is appointed to be greatest servant, even though he is least and servant of all.; D&C 58: 26
he who is commanded in all things is slothful and not wise servant.; D&C 76: 112
telestial inhabitants shall be servants of the Most High.; D&C 84: 36
he who receiveth my servants receiveth me.; D&C 93: 46
elders are world’s servants for the Lord’s sake.; D&C 101: 44-62
parable of nobleman and his servant.; D&C 112: 1
testimony sent abroad through instrumentality of the Lord’s servants.; D&C 124: 45
if the Lord’s people will hearken to voice of servants, they will not be moved out of place.; D&C 132: 16
those who do not marry by new and everlasting covenant become ministering servants.; D&C 133: 30
children of Ephraim are the Lord’s servants.; D&C 133: 38
servants of God to proclaim hour of judgment.; D&C 134: 12
elder not to interfere with bond-servants.; D&C 136: 37
the Lord called Joseph Smith by his angels, ministering servants.; D&C 138: 37
the Lord’s servants take gospel to unrighteous spirits.; Moses 1: 36
be merciful unto thy servant, O God.; Moses 6: 31
Enoch(2) asks why he is the Lord’s servant.; JS-M 1: 49-50
wise and faithful servant to be made ruler over goods.; JS-M 1: 51-55
evil servant who smites fellow-servants shall be cut off.
The Standard Works
Serve, Service
(see also
; Help
; Minister [verb]
; Ministry
; Obey
; Relief
; Servant
; Work [noun]
; Worship
2 Ne. 1: 7
if people serve the Lord according to his commandments, land shall have liberty.; Mosiah 2: 12
as I have been suffered to spend my days in your service, I have not sought riches of you.; Mosiah 2: 17
when ye are in service of fellow beings, ye are in service of God.; Mosiah 2: 18
if king labors to serve you, ought not ye to labor to serve one another.; Mosiah 2: 21
if ye serve Creator with whole souls, yet are ye unprofitable servants.; Mosiah 4: 14
ye will not suffer children to serve devil.; Mosiah 5: 13
how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served.; Mosiah 7: 33
if ye serve God with full diligence of mind, he will deliver you from bondage.; 3 Ne. 13: 24
(Matt. 6: 24
) no man can serve two masters.; Morm. 9: 28
ask that ye will serve the true and living God.; Ether 2: 8
those who possess land of promise must serve God or be swept off.; Moro. 7: 13
every thing which invites to serve God is inspired of God.; D&C 4: 2
those who embark in service of God must serve him with whole heart.; D&C 4: 3
those who desire to serve God are called.; D&C 20: 19
the Lord gave commandments that people should love and serve him.; D&C 20: 31
sanctification to all who love and serve God.; D&C 20: 37
determination to serve the Lord to end is required for baptism.; D&C 24: 7
devote all thy service in Zion.; D&C 42: 29
(D&C 59: 5
) if thou lovest me, thou shalt serve me.; D&C 42: 72
bishop’s counselors to receive remuneration for services.; D&C 59: 5
serve God in name of Jesus Christ.; D&C 76: 5
the Lord delights to honor those who serve him in righteousness.; Moses 1: 15
worship God, for him only shalt thou serve.; Moses 6: 33
choose ye this day to serve the God who made you.
The Standard Works
; Heart
; Naught
; Order
; Set Apart
The Standard Works
Set Apart
(see also
Hands, Laying on of
; Ordain
D&C 30: 2
David Whitmer has not given heed to those set over him.; D&C 42: 31
two elders or high priests to be set apart as bishop’s counselors.; D&C 68: 14
other bishops to be set apart.; D&C 68: 19
(D&C 107: 17
) high priest may officiate as bishop if he is called and set apart.; D&C 107: 74
bishop shall be common judge where he is set apart.
The Standard Works
Seth (1)
Son of Adam
(see also
BD Seth
D&C 107: 42
was ordained by Adam.; D&C 107: 43
(D&C 138: 40
) was express likeness of father.; D&C 107: 53
was called to gathering of Adam’s posterity at Adam-ondi-Ahman.; D&C 138: 40
among mighty ones in spirit world.; Moses 6: 2, 10
son of Adam.; Moses 6: 3
God reveals himself to Seth.; Moses 6: 3
offers acceptable sacrifice.; Moses 6: 3
father of Enos(1).; Moses 6: 14
begets many sons and daughters.; Moses 6: 16
lives 912 years.
The Standard Works
Seth (2)
Ether 1: 10-11
(Ether 11: 10
) son of Shiblon, father of Ahah.; Ether 11: 9
brought into captivity all his days.
The Standard Works
Seven, Seventh
(see also
; Seventy
2 Ne. 14: 1
(Isa. 4: 1
) seven women will take hold of one man.; Mosiah 13: 18
the seventh day, the sabbath, thou shalt not do any work.; D&C 77: 5-7
four and twenty elders who belonged to the seven churches.; D&C 77: 12
on seventh day God finished his work.; D&C 88: 106, 110, 112
Seventh angel shall sound his trump.; D&C 98: 40
forgive thine enemy until seventy times seven.; Moses 3: 2-3
(Abr. 5: 3
) God ends work on seventh day, blesses it.; Moses 5: 40
vengeance to be taken on whoever slays Cain sevenfold.
The Standard Works
(see also
Priesthood, Melchizedek
; TG Seventy
D&C 107: 25
are also called to preach.; D&C 107: 26
form a quorum equal in authority to the Twelve.; D&C 107: 34
are to act in name of the Lord.; D&C 107: 34, 38
(D&C 124: 139
) traveling high council calls upon the seventy when they need assistance.; D&C 107: 93-95
to have seven presidents.; D&C 107: 96
other seventy to be called.; D&C 107: 97
seventy are to be traveling ministers.; D&C 107: 93-97
(D&C 124: 138
) men called to preside over quorum of seventy.
The Standard Works
(see also
D&C 121: 19
saints’ persecutors shall be severed from ordinances of the Lord’s house.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Jesus Christ, Types of
; Type
1 Ne. 21: 2
(2 Ne. 8: 16
; Isa. 49: 2
; Isa. 51: 16
) in shadow of his hand he hath hid me.; 2 Ne. 14: 6
(Isa. 4: 6
) tabernacle shall be for shadow in daytime from heat.; Mosiah 3: 15
the Lord shows many types and shadows to his people.; Mosiah 13: 10
what Noah(3) will do with Abinadi shall be type and shadow of things to come.; Mosiah 16: 14
law of Moses is shadow of things to come.; Alma 7: 20
God has no shadow of turning from right to left.; Alma 37: 43
workings of Liahona are not without a shadow.; Morm. 9: 10
no shadow of changing in God.; D&C 57: 10
gospel to be preached to thosewho sit in shadow of death.
The Standard Works
1 Ne. 21: 2
(Isa. 49: 2
) the Lord has made me a polished shaft.; Hel. 5: 12
devil will send shafts in whirlwind.; D&C 85: 8
he who steadies ark shall fall by shaft of death.
The Standard Works
; Sun
The Standard Works
Shake, Shook, Shaken
(see also
; Fear
; Fear of God
; Palsy
; Quake
; Tremble
1 Ne. 2: 14
Lehi(1) speaks to Laman(1) and Lemuel until their frames shake.; 1 Ne. 17: 45
(Mosiah 27: 15
; Hel. 12: 11
) God’s voice causes earth to shake.; 2 Ne. 1: 13, 23
shake off awful chains that bind you.; 2 Ne. 4: 31
wilt thou make me shake at appearance of sin.; 2 Ne. 9: 40
the righteous love the truth and are not shaken by it.; 2 Ne. 9: 44
Jacob(2) shook brethren’s iniquities from his soul.; 2 Ne. 12: 19
(Isa. 2: 19
) he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.; 2 Ne. 23: 13
(Isa. 13: 13
) the Lord will shake the heavens.; 2 Ne. 24: 16
(Isa. 14: 16
) is this the man that did shake kingdoms.; 2 Ne. 28: 19
kingdom of devil must shake.; Jacob 7: 5
Sherem hopes to shake Jacob(2) from faith, but he cannot be shaken.; Mosiah 27: 18
(Alma 38: 7
) voice of angel shook earth.; Alma 14: 27
earth shook, prison walls rent in twain.; Alma 29: 1
O that I might speak with a voice to shake the earth.; Alma 48: 17
if all men were like Moroni(1), power of hell would have been shaken.; Hel. 5: 27, 42
the Lord causes earth and prison walls to shake.; 3 Ne. 8: 6
thunder causes whole earth to shake at Christ’s death.; 3 Ne. 20: 37
shake thyself from the dust, O Jerusalem.; Morm. 8: 24
in the Lord’s name saints could cause earth to shake.; Ether 4: 9
at the Lord’s word, earth shall shake.; D&C 10: 56
the Lord will cause those who do wickedly to tremble and shake.; D&C 21: 6
(D&C 35: 24
) heavens to shake for saints’ good.; D&C 38: 30
wickedness may speak with voice louder than that which shall shake earth.; D&C 43: 18
(D&C 45: 48
) heavens shall shake.; D&C 49: 23
continue looking forth for heavens to be shaken.; D&C 60: 15
(D&C 75: 20
) elders to shake off dust of feet against those who reject them.; D&C 84: 118
the Lord shakes not the earth only.; D&C 129: 4, 7-8
ask messenger from God to shake hands.; D&C 132: 14
whatsoever things are not by the Lord shall be shaken.; Moses 7: 61
the heavens shall shake.; JS-M 1: 33, 36
(Matt. 24: 29
) powers of heaven shall be shaken.
The Standard Works
D&C 49
Intro. Leman Copley held to teachings of Shakers.; D&C 49: 1
missionaries called to preach gospel to Shakers.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Guilt
; Humble
; Reproach
2 Ne. 7: 6
(Isa. 50: 6
) I hid not my face from shame and spitting.; 2 Ne. 9: 18
saints who have endured crosses of world and despised shame of it shall inherit kingdom.; Jacob 1: 8
all men should suffer Christ’s cross and bear shame of world.; Jacob 2: 6
to testify of Nephites’ wickedness causes Jacob(2) to shrink with shame before presence of Maker.; Jacob 6: 9
power of resurrection will bring men to stand with shame before God.; Alma 12: 15
men will acknowledge to their shame that God’s judgments are just.; 3 Ne. 22: 4
be not confounded, for thou shalt not be put to shame, shalt forget shame of youth.; D&C 71: 7
shame of saints’ enemies shall be made manifest.; D&C 76: 35
sons of perdition put Christ to open shame.; D&C 109: 29
the Lord will bring to shame all who spread lying reports.; D&C 133: 49
sun shall hide face in shame.
The Standard Works
Jaredite military leader
Ether 13: 23-24, 27-29
gives battle to Coriantumr(2) and sons.; Ether 13: 30
is slain.
The Standard Works
Shared, Brother of
The Standard Works
Sharon, Land of
Moses 7: 9
Enoch(2) beholds land of Sharon.
The Standard Works
Sharp, Sharply, Sharpness
(see also
1 Ne. 21: 2
(Isa. 49: 2
) he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword.; 2 Ne. 1: 26
sharpness of words of Nephi(1) is sharpness of power of word of God.; 3 Ne. 8: 7
exceeding sharp lightnings at Christ’s death.; Moro. 9: 4
when Mormon(2) speaks word of God with sharpness, Nephites tremble.; D&C 6: 2
(D&C 11: 2
; D&C 12: 2
; D&C 14: 2
; D&C 33: 1
) the Lord’s words are sharper than two-edged sword.; D&C 15: 2
(D&C 16: 2
) the Lord speaks with sharpness.; D&C 112: 12
admonish the Twelve sharply.; D&C 121: 43
reprove with sharpness when moved upon by Holy Ghost.
The Standard Works
Shave, Shaven
(see also
2 Ne. 17: 20
(Isa. 7: 20
) the Lord shall shave with razor that is hired.; Enos 1: 20
(Mosiah 10: 8
) Lamanites wander about with heads shaven.
The Standard Works
Campsite in Arabian desert
1 Ne. 16: 13-14
Lehites camp at Shazer.
The Standard Works
The Standard Works
Mosiah 14: 7
(Mosiah 15: 6
; Isa. 53: 7
) as sheep before shearers is dumb, so Son opened not his mouth.
The Standard Works
Alma 26: 5
all the day long did ye labor, and behold the number of your sheaves.; 3 Ne. 20: 18
the Lord will gather his people as man gathers sheaves into floor.; D&C 31: 5
(D&C 33: 9
; D&C 75: 5
) you shall be laden with sheaves.; D&C 79: 3
faithful to be crowned with sheaves.
The Standard Works
Shed, Shedding
(see also
Blood, Shedding of
1 Ne. 11: 22
tree represents love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in hearts.; Mosiah 25: 9
when Nephites think of brethren slain by Lamanites, they shed many tears of sorrow.; D&C 90: 11
administration of Comforter shed forth upon elders for revelation of Christ.; D&C 100: 8
Holy Ghost to be shed forth in bearing record.; Moses 7: 28
heavens weep and shed tears as rain.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Flock
; Fold
; Jesus Christ - Good Shepherd
; Lamb
; Saint
; Shepherd
; BD Sheep
1 Ne. 22: 25
the Lord numbers feeds his sheep.; Mosiah 14: 6
(Isa. 53: 6
) all we, like sheep, have gone astray.; Mosiah 14: 7
(Mosiah 15: 6
; Isa. 53: 7
) as sheep before shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth.; Mosiah 26: 20
Alma(1) is called to gather the Lord’s sheep.; Mosiah 26: 21
(Alma 5: 60
) he-who hears the Lord’s voice is his sheep.; Alma 5: 37
the wicked have gone astray, as sheep having no shepherd.; Alma 5: 38-39
those who do not hearken to voice of good shepherd are not his sheep.; Alma 25: 12
priests of Noah(3) to be scattered and slain as sheep without shepherd.; Hel. 15: 13
Lamanites to come to knowledge of true shepherd and be numbered among his sheep.; 3 Ne. 14: 15
(Matt. 7: 15
) beware of false prophets who come in sheep’s clothing.; 3 Ne. 15: 17
(John 10: 16
) other sheep I have which are not of this fold.; 3 Ne. 15: 21
Nephites are the other sheep.; 3 Ne. 15: 24
Nephites are numbered among the Lord’s sheep.; 3 Ne. 16: 1-3
the Lord has yet other sheep not of this fold.; 3 Ne. 18: 31
the Lord knows his sheep.; 3 Ne. 20: 16
(3 Ne. 21: 12
; Micah 5: 8
) Israel shall be among Gentiles as lion among flocks of sheep.; Ether 9: 18
Jaredites have sheep.; D&C 10: 59-60
other sheep have I which are not of this fold.; D&C 112: 14
feed my sheep.; Moses 5: 17
Abel a keeper of sheep.
The Standard Works
Shelem, Mount
Mountain in Old World named by Jaredites
Ether 3: 1
brother of Jared(2) obtains stones in Shelem.
The Standard Works
Shem (1)
Son of Noah(1)
(see also
BD Shem
D&C 138: 41
great high priest, seen among mighty ones in spirit world.; Moses 8: 12, 27
son of Noah(1).
The Standard Works
Shem (2)
Nephite commander [c. A.D. 385]
Morm. 6: 14
has fallen with his ten thousand.
The Standard Works
Shem, City of and Land of (2)
Nephite land north of Antum and Jashon
Morm. 2: 20
Nephites driven northward to land of Shem.; Morm. 2: 21
Nephites gather to Shem and fortify it.
The Standard Works
Shem, Land of (1)
Land at time of Enoch(2)
Moses 7: 9
Enoch(2) beholds land of Shem.
The Standard Works
Shemlon, Land of
Region bordering on land of Lehi-Nephi
Mosiah 10: 7
Zeniff sends spies round about Shemlon.; Mosiah 11: 12
is possessed by Lamanites.; Mosiah 19: 6
Lamanites come from Shemlon to attack people of Noah(3).; Mosiah 20: 1-5
Lamanites’ daughters gather in Shemlon, are carried captive by priests of Noah(3).; Mosiah 24: 1
Amulon and brethren are appointed teachers in Shemlon.; Alma 23: 8, 12
Lamanites in Shemlon are converted to the Lord.
The Standard Works
One of twelve Nephite disciples [c. A.D. 34]
3 Ne. 19: 4
is called by Jesus to minister to Nephites.
The Standard Works
(see also
Jesus Christ - Good Shepherd
; Pastor
; Sheep
1 Ne. 13: 41
one Shepherd over all earth.; 1 Ne. 22: 25
(3 Ne. 15: 17
; 3 Ne. 16: 3
; John 10: 16
) there shall be one fold and one shepherd.; Mosiah 8: 21
men are as wild flock that fleeth from shepherd.; Alma 5: 37
the wicked have gone astray, as sheep having no shepherd.; Alma 5: 39
if men are not sheep of good shepherd, devil is their shepherd.; Alma 25: 12
priests of Noah(3) to be scattered and slain as sheep without shepherd.; Alma 15: 13
Lamanites to be brought to knowledge of true shepherd.; Morm. 5: 17
Nephites once had Christ for their shepherd.
The Standard Works
Antichrist [c. fifth century B.C.]
Jacob 7: 1-2
denies Christ.; Jacob 7: 7
challenges Jacob(2).; Jacob 7: 13
demands a sign.; Jacob 7: 15-20
is stricken and dies.
The Standard Works
Sherman, Lyman
D&C 108
revelation at request of.
The Standard Works
Moro. 9: 7
Lamanites take prisoners from tower of Sherrizah.; Moro. 9: 16-17
many women survivors in Sherrizah.
The Standard Works
Sherwood, Henry G.
D&C 124: 81
to put stock in Nauvoo House.; D&C 124: 132
member of high council.
The Standard Works
Unidentified crop cultivated by Nephites
Mosiah 9: 9
people of Zeniff till ground with seed of sheum.
The Standard Works
Shez (1)
Middle Jaredite king
Ether 1: 24-25
son of Heth, father of Riplakish.; Ether 10: 1-2
attempts to build up broken nation.; Ether 10: 4
builds cities, lives to old age.
The Standard Works
Shez (2)
Son of Shez(1)
Ether 10: 3
rebels against father, but is slain by robber.
The Standard Works
Shiblom (1) [or Shiblon]
Late Jaredite king
Ether 1: 11-12
son of Com(2), father of Seth(2).; Ether 11: 4
is anointed king.; Ether 11: 5-7
great wickedness and destruction in days of Shiblom.; Ether 11: 9
is slain.
The Standard Works
Shiblom (2)
Nephite commander [c. A.D. 385]
Morm. 6: 14
falls with his ten thousand.
The Standard Works
Shiblon (1)
Son of Alma(2) [c. 74 B.C.]
(see also
Alma 31: 7
(Alma 38: 1
) second son of Alma(2), goes on mission to Zoramites.; Alma 38
commandments of Alma(2) to Shiblon.; Alma 49: 30
is successful in ministry.; Alma 63: 1
takes charge of sacred things.; Alma 63: 10-11
confers sacred things on Helaman(3), dies.
The Standard Works
Shiblon (2)
Nephite coin
(see also
Alma 11: 15
shiblon is half a senum, a shiblon for half a measure of barley.; Alma 11: 16
a shiblum is half a shiblon.; Alma 11: 19
antion of gold equals three shiblons.
The Standard Works
Nephite coin
(see also
Alma 11: 16
Shiblum is half a shiblon.; Alma 11: 17
leah is half a shiblum.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Protect
D&C 27: 17
take shield of faith to quench fiery darts of the wicked.; D&C 35: 14
the Lord will be shield of the weak.
The Standard Works
Shiloah, Waters of
Pool near Jerusalem(1)
2 Ne. 18: 6
(Isa. 8: 6
) people refuse waters of Shiloah.
The Standard Works
Shilom, City of and Land of
Small region next to land of Lehi-Nephi
Mosiah 7: 7
Ammon(1) meets Lamanite king in Shilom.; Mosiah 7: 21
city of Shilom is given to Zeniff by Lamanite king.; Mosiah 9: 6
Shilom is possessed by Zeniff.; Mosiah 9: 8
walls of city of Shilom are repaired.; Mosiah 9: 14
Lamanites steal flocks in Shilom.; Mosiah 10: 8
Lamanites come upon Shilom.; Mosiah 10: 19-20
Lamanite army attacks, is repulsed.; Mosiah 11: 12-13
tower and buildings are built in Shilom.; Mosiah 22: 8-11
Limhi’s people travel around Shilom during escape.; Mosiah 24: 1
Amulon and brethren are made teachers over people in Shilom.; Alma 23: 8, 12
Lamanites in Shilom are converted.
The Standard Works
Shim, Hill
In land Antum
Morm. 1: 3
Ammaron deposited records in hill called Shim.; Morm. 4: 23
Mormon(2) takes records from hill Shim.; Ether 9: 3
Omer and family travel near hill of Shim and place where Nephites were destroyed.
The Standard Works
City in land of Nephi
Alma 23: 8, 12
Lamanites in Shimnilom are converted to the Lord.
The Standard Works
Shine, Shining, Shone
(see also
; Illuminate
; Light
2 Ne. 14: 5
(Isa. 4: 5
) the Lord will create upon every dwelling-place of mount Zion the shining of flaming fire by night.; 2 Ne. 19: 2
(Isa. 9: 2
) light has shined upon them that dwell in land of shadow of death.; 2 Ne. 23: 10
(Isa. 13: 10
) moon shall not cause her light to shine.; Mosiah 13: 5
Abinadi’s face shone with exceeding luster.; Alma 5: 50
glory of King shall soon shine forth among men.; Alma 37: 23
the Lord will prepare stone which will shine forth in darkness unto light.; Alma 40: 25
the righteous shall shine forth in kingdom of God.; Hel. 5: 36
faces of Nephi(2) and Lehi(4) shine as faces of angels.; 3 Ne. 12: 16
(Matt. 5: 16
) let your light so shine before this people.; 3 Ne. 18: 24
hold up your light that it may shine unto the world.; 3 Ne. 19: 25
light of Jesus’ countenance shines upon disciples.; Morm. 8: 16
record shall shine forth out of darkness.; Ether 3: 1, 4
(Ether 6: 3
) brother of Jared asks the Lord to make stones shine.; D&C 6: 21
(D&C 10: 58
; D&C 34: 2
; D&C 45: 7
; D&C 88: 49
) Christ is the light which shineth in darkness.; D&C 34: 9
stars shall refuse their shining.; D&C 88: 7
truth shineth.; D&C 88: 11
the light which shineth is through him who enlightens eyes.; D&C 110: 3
the Lord’s countenance shone above brightness of sun.; D&C 115: 5
shine forth, that thy light may be standard for nations.
The Standard Works
The Standard Works
Ship, Shipping
(see also
; Sail
; Vessel
1 Ne. 17: 8, 49-51
Nephi(1) is commanded to build ship.; 1 Ne. 17: 17
elder brothers murmur at building of ship.; 1 Ne. 18: 1-3
the Lord shows Nephi(1) how to build ship.; 1 Ne. 18: 4
Nephi(1) finishes building ship.; 1 Ne. 18: 6-8
Lehites enter ship and sail to promised land.; Alma 63: 5
Hagoth builds large ship for voyages northward.; Alma 63: 7
other ships are built.; Alma 63: 8
ships are never heard of again.; Hel. 3: 10
much timber sent to land northward by shipping.; Hel. 3: 14
record does not include full account of shipping and building of ships.; D&C 123: 16
large ship is benefited by small helm.
The Standard Works
Jaredite military leader
Ether 14: 17
brother of Lib, pursues Coriantumr(2).; Ether 14: 18
fear of Shiz goes throughout land.; Ether 14: 19-20
people are divided between Coriantumr(2) and Shiz.; Ether 14: 24
swears to avenge himself upon Coriantumr(2) of brother’s blood.; Ether 14: 26-31
(Ether 15: 6-28
) Shiz’s army battles with army of Coriantumr(2).; Ether 15: 5
exchanges letters with Coriantumr(2).; Ether 15: 29-31
is slain by Coriantumr(2).
The Standard Works
D&C 27: 16
stand having feet shod with preparation of gospel of peace.; D&C 112: 7
let thy feet be shod, for path lies among mountains.
The Standard Works
; Shod
The Standard Works
(see also
Alma 3: 4-5
heads of Lamanites are shorn.; 3 Ne. 4: 7
heads of robbers are shorn.
The Standard Works
Shorten, Short
2 Ne. 7: 2
(Isa. 50: 2
) is the Lord’s hand shortened, that he cannot redeem.; D&C 35: 8
(D&C 133: 67
) the Lord’s arm is not shortened.; D&C 52: 11
(D&C 84: 97
; D&C 109: 59
) the Lord will cut his work short in righteousness.; JS-M 1: 20
(Matt. 24: 22
) except those days be shortened, no flesh to be saved.
The Standard Works
1 Ne. 21: 22
(1 Ne. 22: 6
; 2 Ne. 6: 6
; Isa. 49: 22
) Israel’s daughters shall be carried upon Gentiles’ shoulders.; 2 Ne. 19: 6
(Isa. 9: 6
) government shall be upon Messiah’s shoulder.; Mosiah 24: 14
the Lord will ease burdens put upon shoulders of people of Alma(1).
The Standard Works
(see also
; Rejoice
2 Ne. 31: 13
those who receive Holy Ghost shall shout praises to Holy One.; D&C 109: 80
saints shout aloud for joy.; D&C 128: 23
let mountains shout for joy.
The Standard Works
Show, Shew, Shown
(see also
; God, Manifestations of
; Jesus Christ, Appearances of
; Manifest
; Revelation
; Sign
; Unfold
2 Ne. 32: 5
the Lord will show all who receive Holy Ghost what they should do.; 2 Ne. 33: 11
Christ will show that these words are his words.; Jacob 4: 7
the Lord showeth unto men their weakness.; Hel. 7: 23
the Lord will not show unto the wicked of his strength.; 3 Ne. 19: 35
the Lord will not show unto Jews so great miracles because of unbelief.; 3 Ne. 28: 30
three Nephites can show themselves to whomever it seemeth them good.; Morm. 8: 35
Christ has shown Moroni(2) great and marvelous things to come to pass.; Ether 3: 25
the Lord showed brother of Jared(2) all inhabitants of earth.; Ether 4: 8
unto those who deny these things, the Lord will show no greater things.; Ether 12: 7
Christ showed himself not to the world.; D&C 5: 3
(D&C 10: 34-35
; D&C 19: 21
) plates not to be shown except to those persons whom the Lord chooses.; D&C 10: 34
I show unto you wisdom.; D&C 39: 6
Holy Ghost showeth all things.; D&C 45: 16
I will show it plainly as I showed it unto my disciples.; D&C 63: 21
earth to be transfigured according to pattern shown to apostles.; D&C 107: 100
he who shows himself not approved shall not be counted worthy to stand.; D&C 121: 43
showing forth an increase of love after reproving.; Moses 1: 42
(Moses 4: 32
) words given to Moses should not be shown to any except believers.; Moses 7: 4
the Lord showed Enoch(2) the world for many generations.; Moses 7: 21
the Lord showed Enoch(2) all inhabitants of earth.; Moses 7: 67
the Lord showed Enoch(2) all things.; Abr. 3: 22
the Lord showed Abraham intelligences organized before world was.
The Standard Works
(see also
2 Ne. 9: 46
prepare yourselves for judgment, that ye may not shrink with fear.; Jacob 2: 6
to testify of wickedness causes Jacob(2) to shrink from presence of maker.; Mosiah 2: 38
(Mosiah 3: 25
) sense of guilt causes unrepentant to shrink from presence of the Lord.; Mosiah 27: 31
men will shrink beneath glance of God’s all-piercing eye.; Alma 43: 48
men of Moroni(1) are about to shrink from Lamanites.; D&C 19: 18
Christ would that he might not drink bitter cup and shrink.
The Standard Works
Early Jaredite king
Ether 1: 30-31
(Ether 7: 7
; Ether 8: 1
) son of Kib, father of Omer.; Ether 7: 7
is born in captivity.; Ether 7: 8-9
restores kingdom to father.; Ether 7: 11, 26-27
rules righteously.; Ether 7: 12
begets many children.; Ether 7: 13
gives Corihor power in kingdom.; Ether 7: 15-16
Noah(2) rebels against Shule.; Ether 7: 15-17
Noah(2) takes Shule captive.; Ether 7: 18-22
sons help Shule regain kingdom.; Ether 7: 23-25
Shule protects the prophets.
The Standard Works
Shulon, Land of
Moses 6: 17
people of God come out from.
The Standard Works
Nephite coin
(see also
Alma 11: 5, 9
shum of gold is twice the value of a seon.
The Standard Works
Shum, People of
Moses 7: 5
Enoch(2) beholds valley of Shum, people of Shum.; Moses 7: 7
people of Canaan to destroy people of Shum in battle.
The Standard Works
Shurr, Valley of
Ether 14: 28
Coriantumr(2) and army pitch tents in Shurr.
The Standard Works
2 Ne. 4: 32
may gates of hell be shut continually before me.; 2 Ne. 4: 32
wilt thou not shut gates of righteousness before me.; 2 Ne. 9: 9
except for resurrection, our spirits must have been shut out of God’s presence.; 2 Ne. 16: 10
(Isa. 6: 10
) shut their eyes lest they see and be converted.; 3 Ne. 13: 6
(Matt. 6: 6
) when thou has shut thy door, pray to Father who is in secret.; Ether 4: 9
at the Lord’s command, heavens are opened and are shut.; D&C 77: 8
four angels have power to shut up heavens.; Moses 5: 4
Adam and Eve are shut out from God’s presence.; Moses 5: 41
Cain is shut out from the Lord’s presence.; Moses 6: 49
men have become carnal and are shut out from God’s presence.; Moses 7: 38
the Lord will shut up in prison those who perish in floods.
The Standard Works
Sick, Sickness
(see also
Administration to the Sick
; Disease
; Fever
; Heal
; Health
; Infirmity
; Needy
1 Ne. 11: 31
(Mosiah 3: 5
) multitudes of people who are sick are healed by Lamb.; Jacob 2: 19
seek riches to administer relief to the sick.; Alma 1: 30
Nephites do not send away any who are sick.; Alma 7: 11
Son will take upon himself the sicknesses of his people.; Alma 9: 22
Nephites have been saved from sickness by the Lord.; Alma 15: 3
Zeezrom lies sick at Sidom.; 3 Ne. 7: 22
those healed of sicknesses have been wrought upon by Spirit.; 3 Ne. 17: 7-9
(3 Ne. 26: 15
) Jesus heals the sick among the Nephites.; 4 Ne. 1: 5
Jesus’ disciples heal the sick.; Morm. 8: 37
ye love your money more than ye love the sick.; Morm. 8: 39
why do ye suffer the sick to pass by you without notice.; Morm. 9: 24
believers shall lay hands upon the sick, and they shall recover.; Moro. 8: 8
the whole need no physician but they who are sick.; D&C 24: 13
(D&C 124: 98
) require not miracles except healing of the sick.; D&C 35: 9
(D&C 84: 68
) whoso asks in the Lord’s name in faith shall heal the sick.; D&C 42: 43
whosoever are sick and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished.; D&C 42: 44
(D&C 66: 9
) elders to lay hands on sick.; D&C 45: 31
desolating sickness shall cover land.; D&C 52: 40
remember the sick and the afflicted.; D&C 84: 68
(D&C 124: 98
) he who believes shall heal the sick.; D&C 124: 87
sickness of the land shall redound to your glory.
The Standard Works
(see also
Alma 26: 5
missionaries thrust in their sickle and reaped.; D&C 4: 4
thrust in sickle to lay up in store.; D&C 6: 3
(D&C 11: 3, 27
; D&C 12: 3
; D&C 14: 3
; D&C 33: 7
) thrust in sickle and reap.; D&C 6: 4
(D&C 11: 4
; D&C 12: 4
; D&C 14: 4
) whosoever will thrust in sickle is called of God.; D&C 31: 5
thrust in sickle and sins are forgiven.
The Standard Works
3 Ne. 11: 14-15
multitude thrust hands into Jesus’ side.; D&C 6: 37
behold the wounds which pierced my side.
The Standard Works
Sidom, Land of
Alma 15: 1
Alma(2) and Amulek find converts from Ammonihah in Sidom.; Alma 15: 3
Zeezrom lies sick in Sidom.; Alma 15: 10-11
Zeezrom is healed.; Alma 15: 13
Alma(2) establishes church in Sidom.; Alma 15: 14-17
people repent and are baptized.
The Standard Works
Sidon, River
Most prominent river in Nephite territory, runs north to sea
(see also
Alma 2: 15
hill Amnihu is on east of Sidon.; Alma 2: 34
Lamanites camp on west of Sidon.; Alma 4: 4
many are baptized in waters of Sidon.; Alma 22: 29
wilderness at Sidon.
The Standard Works
2 Ne. 26: 15
the Lord will lay siege with a mount against seed of Nephites and Lamanites.; 3 Ne. 4: 16
robbers lay siege around Nephites.; Ether 14: 5
Coriantumr(2) lays siege to wilderness.
The Standard Works
Alma 37: 15
transgressors will be delivered to Satan, that he may sift them as chaff before wind.; 3 Ne. 18: 18
Satan desires to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.; D&C 52: 12
Satan desires to sift Lyman Wight as chaff.
The Standard Works
(see also
; See
2 Ne. 15: 21
(Isa. 5: 21
) wo unto the prudent in their own sight.; 2 Ne. 21: 3
(Isa. 11: 3
) rod out of stem of Jesse shall not judge after sight of his eyes.; Mosiah 3: 5
the Lord will cause the blind to receive their sight.; 3 Ne. 7: 20
Nephi(3) does many miracles in sight of people.; 4 Ne. 1: 5
Jesus’ disciples cause the blind to receive sight.; Ether 3: 25
(Ether 12: 20-21
) the Lord withholds nothing from sight of brother of Jared(2).; D&C 3: 12
God gave Joseph Smith sight and power to translate record.; D&C 18: 10
worth of souls is great in sight of God.; D&C 35: 9
(D&C 84: 69
) blind to receive their sight.; Moses 3: 9
(Abr. 5: 9
) the Lord makes trees grow that are pleasant to sight.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Jesus Christ, Second Coming of
; Miracle
; Prophecy
; Token
; Wonder
; TG Sign Seekers
; TG Signs
1 Ne. 11: 7
Nephi(1) given sign of man descending out of heaven as sign.; 1 Ne. 19: 10
three days of darkness to be sign of Christ’s death.; 2 Ne. 17: 14
(Isa. 7: 14
) the Lord will give sign, virgin shall conceive and bear son.; 2 Ne. 18: 18
(Isa. 8: 18
) I and the children the Lord hath given me are for signs in Israel.; 2 Ne. 26: 3
signs to be given of Christ’s birth, death, resurrection.; Jacob 7: 13
Sherem asks Jacob(2) to show him a sign.; Jacob 7: 14
if God shall smite thee, let that be a sign.; Mosiah 3: 15
the Lord shows his people many signs and types of his coming.; Alma 30: 43-50
Korihor asks for a sign, is struck dumb.; Alma 30: 44
will ye say, Show me a sign, when ye have testimonies of prophets.; Alma 32: 17
many will ask for sign before they will believe.; Alma 37: 27
signs and wonders of secret combinations to be kept from people.; Hel. 2: 7
servant of Helaman(3) gives Kishkumen a sign.; Hel. 6: 22
secret combinations have secret signs and words.; Hel. 14: 3
Samuel the Lamanite prophesies sign of Christ’s birth, night without darkness.; Hel. 14: 14, 20-25
Samuel the Lamanite prophesies sign of Christ’s death.; 3 Ne. 1: 13, 16
on this night will sign be given, and on the morrow come I into world.; 3 Ne. 1: 22
Satan hardens hearts, they believe not signs they have seen.; 3 Ne. 2: 1
people begin to forget signs and wonders they have seen.; 3 Ne. 8: 3
people begin to look for sign of Christ’s death.; 3 Ne. 21: 1
gathering of Israel a sign that prophecies are about to be fulfilled.; Morm. 9: 24-25
(Ether 4: 18
; Mark 16: 17
) these signs shall follow them that believe.; D&C 24: 13
require not miracles except the Lord commands you.; D&C 29: 14
(D&C 45: 39
; D&C 88: 93
) signs in heaven before day of the Lord.; D&C 35: 8
(D&C 58: 64
; D&C 68: 10
; D&C 84: 65
) the Lord will show signs unto those who believe.; D&C 39: 23
(D&C 45: 16-33
) signs of the Lord’s coming.; D&C 45: 39-40
he who fears the Lord shall look for signs of coming.; D&C 46: 9
(D&C 63: 7-12
) ask not for sign to consume it upon lusts.; D&C 63: 7
he who seeks signs shall see signs, but not unto salvation.; D&C 63: 9-11
signs come by faith.; D&C 63: 10
signs come by will of God, not man.; D&C 63: 11
God will show no signs to those without faith.; D&C 68: 11
given to know signs of times and of coming of Son.; D&C 84: 65-72
(D&C 124: 98
) signs follow him who believes.; Moses 2: 14
(Abr. 4: 14
) let there be lights in firmament for signs and seasons.; JS-M 1: 22
(Matt. 24: 24
) false Christs and false prophets will show great signs and wonders.
The Standard Works
Silence, Silent
2 Ne. 1: 14
Lehi(1) to lie down in cold and silent grave.; Alma 51: 7
people of liberty put king-men to silence.; Alma 55: 17
preparations for war done in profound silence.; 3 Ne. 10: 1-2
silence in the land for many hours.; D&C 38: 12
powers of darkness cause silence to reign.; D&C 88: 95
silence in heaven for half an hour.
The Standard Works
(see also
1 Ne. 13: 7
Nephi(1) sees silks in abominable church.; Alma 1: 29
(Alma 4: 6
) people have abundance of silk.; Ether 9: 17
(Ether 10: 24
) Jaredites have all manner of silks.
The Standard Works
(see also
Alma 30: 31
Korihor accuses priests of leading people after silly traditions.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Ore
1 Ne. 2: 4
Lehi(1) leaves silver and precious things behind.; 1 Ne. 13: 7
gold and silver in abominable church.; 1 Ne. 18: 25
gold and silver found in promised land.; 2 Ne. 5: 15
Nephi(1) teaches people to work in silver.; Jarom 1: 8
(Alma 1: 29
; Alma 4: 6
; Hel. 6: 9
) Nephites become rich in gold and silver.; Ether 9: 17
Jaredites have all manner of silver and precious things.; D&C 128: 24
the Lord shall sit as refiner and purifier of silver.; JS-H 1: 35
Urim and Thummim two stones in silver bow.; JS-H 1: 56
Joseph Smith works in silver mine.
The Standard Works
Simeon, Mount
Moses 7: 2
God commands Enoch(2) to go upon mount Simeon.
The Standard Works
(see also
Jesus Christ, Types of
; Likeness
; Shadow
; Type
Jacob 4: 5
Abraham’s offering Isaac is similitude of God and his Son.; D&C 124: 2
stake shall be polished after similitude of palace.; D&C 128: 13
baptismal font was instituted as similitude of grave.; D&C 138: 13
just spirits had offered sacrifice in similitude of Son’s great sacrifice.; Moses 1: 6, 13, 16
Moses is in similitude of Only Begotten.; Moses 5: 7
sacrifice of Adam is similitude of sacrifice of Only Begotten.
The Standard Works
Simple, Simpleness
(see also
; Easiness
; Light [adj.]
; Plain
1 Ne. 17: 41
Israelites would not be healed because of simpleness of the way.; 2 Ne. 3: 20
descendants of Lehi(1) will cry from dust in simpleness.; Alma 37: 6
by simple things are great things brought to pass.; D&C 1: 23
gospel to be proclaimed by the weak and the simple.; D&C 133: 57
the Lord reasons in plainness and simplicity.
The Standard Works
Sin, Sinful
(see also
; Apostasy
; Captive, Captivity
; Confession
; Crime
; Darkness, Spiritual
; Death, Spiritual
; Devil
; Disobedience
; Err
; Evil
; Fall of Man
; Forgive
; Guilt
; Iniquity
; Jesus Christ, Atonement through
; Jesus Christ - Savior
; Justice
; Offense
; Pollute
; Punishment
; Remission
; Repentance
; Sinner
; Transgression
; Trespass
; Wickedness
; TG Sin
2 Ne. 2: 13
if no sin, then no righteousness.; 2 Ne. 2: 23
Adam could have done no good, for he knew no sin.; 2 Ne. 4: 19
heart of Nephi(1) groans because of his sins.; 2 Ne. 4: 31
wilt thou make me shake at appearance of sin.; 2 Ne. 9: 38
those who die in sins will remain in sins.; 2 Ne. 9: 45
turn away from sins.; 2 Ne. 9: 48
Jacob(2) teaches consequences of sin.; 2 Ne. 28: 8
false churches claim God will justify in committing little sin.; 2 Ne. 33: 5
sacred record speaks harshly against sin.; Jacob 1: 19
teachers answer sins of people upon own heads if they do not teach diligently.; Jacob 2: 5
Nephites begin to labor in sin which is abominable to God.; Jacob 7: 19
Sherem fears he has committed unpardonable sin.; Mosiah 2: 33
he who remains and dies in sins receives wages of everlasting punishment.; Mosiah 4: 14
devil is master of sin.; Mosiah 4: 29
I cannot tell you all the things whereby you may commit sin.; Mosiah 25: 11
sinful and polluted state of Lamanites.; Alma 11: 37
God cannot save men in their sins.; Alma 13: 12
those sanctified by Holy Ghost cannot look upon sin without abhorrence.; Alma 26: 17
God has snatched us from sinful, polluted state.; Alma 36: 17-19
Alma(2) harrowed up by memory of sins.; Alma 39: 6
to deny Holy Ghost is unpardonable sin.; Alma 41: 9-10
do not suppose ye will be restored from sin to happiness.; Alma 42: 17
how could man sin without law.; Alma 42: 20
if no law was given against sin, men would not be afraid to sin.; Alma 42: 21
if no law, what could justice or mercy do for men who sinned.; Alma 42: 29
only let your sins trouble you.; Alma 45: 12
fourth generation after Christ’s visit will sin against great light.; Alma 45: 16
the Lord cannot look upon sin with least degree of allowance.; Hel. 6: 30
devil is author of all sin.; Hel. 7: 24
Nephites have sinned against greater knowledge than Lamanites.; 3 Ne. 6: 18
wicked Nephites do not sin ignorantly.; 3 Ne. 16: 10
when Gentiles sin against gospel, Father will take it from them.; 3 Ne. 28: 38
three Nephites are changed, that they suffer no sorrow, save for sins of world.; Morm. 8: 32
false churches will forgive sins for money.; Ether 2: 15
I forgive thee and thy brethren their sins, but thou shalt not sin any more.; Ether 2: 15
if men sin until fully ripe, they are cut off from the Lord’s presence.; Moro. 7: 12
devil inviteth and enticeth to sin.; Moro. 8: 8, 10
little children not capable of committing sin.; D&C 1: 27
commandments given that the Lord’s servants who sinned might be chastened and repent.; D&C 1: 31
the Lord cannot look upon sin with allowance.; D&C 6: 35
(D&C 29: 3
; D&C 82: 2, 7
) sin no more.; D&C 10: 25
Satan tells men it is no sin to lie.; D&C 18: 44
marvelous work unto convincing of many of their sins, that they might repent.; D&C 19: 20
(D&C 59: 12
; D&C 61: 2
) confess your sins.; D&C 20: 37
those who confess they have repented of sins should be baptized.; D&C 29: 3
(D&C 64: 3
) your sins are forgiven you.; D&C 29: 47
children cannot sin until they begin to become accountable.; D&C 42: 28
he who sinneth and repents not should be cast out.; D&C 42: 37
he who sinneth and repents not should lose consecrated property.; D&C 45: 4
behold the sufferings and death of him who did not sin.; D&C 45: 58
in Millennium, children shall grow up without sin.; D&C 49: 20
(D&C 84: 49
) world lies in sin.; D&C 50: 29
those who are purified and cleansed from all sin shall receive whatever they ask.; D&C 56: 14
saints’ sins have come up unto the Lord.; D&C 59: 15
much laughter is sin.; D&C 64: 3
some among elders have sinned.; D&C 64: 7
the Lord forgives sins unto those who have not sinned unto death.; D&C 64: 9
greater sin remains in him who forgives not.; D&C 68: 25
sin is upon heads of neglectful parents.; D&C 82: 3
he who sins against greater light receives greater condemnation.; D&C 82: 7
former sins return to souls who sin again.; D&C 84: 50-51
those who come not unto the Lord are under bondage of sin.; D&C 88: 35
he who abides in sin cannot be sanctified.; D&C 88: 82
men’s sins are upon their own heads after being warned.; D&C 88: 86
entangle not yourselves in sin.; D&C 95: 6
walking in darkness is grievous sin.; D&C 98: 20
many members do not forsake their sins.; D&C 101: 9
notwithstanding saints’ sins, the Lord will remember mercy.; D&C 109: 34
as all men sin, forgive the transgressions of thy people.; D&C 111: 11
be wise as serpents, yet without sin.; D&C 121: 17
those who cry transgression do it because they are servants of sin.; D&C 121: 37
when men undertake to cover their sins, Spirit withdraws.; D&C 132: 26
fate of those sealed in new and everlasting covenant who sin.; D&C 132: 39
David and Solomon did not sin save in wives not received from God.; D&C 138: 57
spirits in darkness are under bondage of sin.; Moses 5: 23
if thou doest well, sin lieth at the door.; Moses 6: 55
inasmuch as children are conceived in sin, when they begin to grow up, sin conceives in their hearts.; A of F 2
all men will be punished for own sins.
The Standard Works
Sinai, Mount
(see also
Mount, Mountain
Mosiah 12: 33
keep commandments the Lord gave me on Sinai.; Mosiah 13: 5
Abinadi’s face shines as did Moses’ on Sinai.; D&C 29: 13
trump shall sound as upon Mount Sinai.
The Standard Works
Sincerity, Sincere
(see also
; Honesty
; Hypocrisy
; Integrity
; Intent
; Unfeigned
Mosiah 4: 10
ask in sincerity of heart that God will forgive you.; Mosiah 26: 29
he who repents in sincerity of heart shall be forgiven.; Mosiah 29: 19
except for interposition of Creator and their sincere repentance, people of Noah(3) must remain in bondage.; Alma 26: 31
sincerity of converts is witnessed in love toward brethren.; Alma 33: 11
thou didst hear me because of my sincerity.; Hel. 3: 27
the Lord is merciful to all who call upon him in sincerity.; Moro. 10: 4
if ye ask with sincere heart, God will manifest truth.; D&C 5: 24
Martin Harris to humble himself in sincerity of heart.; D&C 20: 6
Joseph Smith humbled himself sincerely.
The Standard Works
Sing, Sang, Sung, Singing
(see also
; Rejoice
; Song
1 Ne. 1: 8
(Alma 36: 22
) God’s throne surrounded by angels singing and praising God.; 1 Ne. 18: 9
the rebellious begin to dance and sing.; 1 Ne. 21: 13
(Isa. 49: 13
) sing, O heavens, break forth into singing, O mountains.; 2 Ne. 8: 11
(Isa. 51: 11
) the redeemed shall come with singing unto Zion.; 2 Ne. 15: 1
(Isa. 5: 1
) then will I sing to my well-beloved a song touching his vineyard.; 2 Ne. 24: 7
(Isa. 14: 7
) they break forth into singing.; Mosiah 2: 28
Benjamin’s spirit to join choirs above in singing praises of God.; Mosiah 12: 22
(3 Ne. 16: 18
) with voice together shall watchmen sing.; Mosiah 20: 1
Lamanites’ daughters gather in Shemlon to sing and dance.; Alma 5: 26
if ye have felt to sing song of redeeming love, can ye feel so now.; Alma 26: 8
let us sing God’s praise.; Alma 26: 13
converts are brought to sing redeeming love.; 3 Ne. 4: 31
people break forth, all as one, in singing and praising God.; 3 Ne. 22: 1
(Isa. 54: 1
) sing, O barren, and break forth into singing.; Morm. 7: 7
the guiltless shall sing ceaseless praises with choirs above.; Ether 6: 9
Jaredites sing praises unto the Lord.; Moro. 6: 9
saints preach, pray, sing in meetings as led by Holy Ghost.; D&C 45: 71
(D&C 66: 11
; D&C 101: 18
; D&C 109: 39
; D&C 133: 33
) righteous shall come to Zion, singing songs of everlasting joy.; D&C 84: 98-102
those who remain will sing new song together.; D&C 128: 22
let the earth break forth into singing.; D&C 128: 23
morning stars sing together.; D&C 133: 56
resurrected saints shall sing the song of the Lamb.; D&C 136: 28
(D&C 138: 24
) praise the Lord with singing.
The Standard Works
Single, Singleness
(see also
3 Ne. 13: 22
(Matt. 6: 22
) if thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.; Morm. 8: 15
record to be brought forth with eye single to glory of God.; D&C 4: 5
eye single to glory of God qualifies man for the work.; D&C 27: 2
partake of sacrament with eye single to the Lord’s glory.; D&C 36: 7
those who embrace gospel with singleness of heart shall be ordained.; D&C 59: 1
blessed are they who come into land with eyes single to the Lord’s glory.; D&C 59: 13
on Sabbath prepare food with singleness of heart.; D&C 82: 19
do all things with eye single to glory of God.; D&C 88: 67
if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light.; D&C 88: 68
sanctify yourselves that your minds become single to God.
The Standard Works
Sinim, Land of
Possibly land of China
(see also
BD Sinim
1 Ne. 21: 12
(Isa. 49: 12
) Israel to gather from land of Sinim.
The Standard Works
The Standard Works
(see also
Mosiah 28: 4
sons of Mosiah(2) had been vilest of sinners.; Alma 34: 40
do not revile against those who cast you out, lest you become sinners like them.; Alma 41: 15
the word restoration more fully condemns the sinner.; Alma 42: 1
God’s justice in condemning sinner to punishment.; Hel. 13: 26
Nephites call prophets sinners because they testify of evil.; Moro. 8: 8
Christ calls not the righteous, but sinners to repentance.; D&C 43: 18
ye sinners stay and sleep until the Lord calls again.; D&C 63: 57
those who desire to warn sinners should be called.
The Standard Works
Siron, Land of
Land by borders of Lamanites
Alma 39: 3
Corianton goes into land of Siron after harlot.
The Standard Works
(see also
2 Ne. 5: 6
sisters of Nephi(1) go with him.; D&C 42: 88, 90
if brother or sister offends, be reconciled.; Abr. 2: 24-25
Abraham is instructed to tell Egyptians Sarai is his sister.; JS-H 1: 4, 7
Joseph Smith’s sisters, Sophronia, Catherine, Lucy.
The Standard Works
Mosiah 2: 40
awake to remembrance of awful situation of transgressors.; Ether 8: 24
when secret combinations come among Gentiles, they should awake to sense of awful situation.
The Standard Works
D&C 77: 12
God made world in six days.
The Standard Works
Skill, Skillful
(see also
; Expert
Enos 1: 20
Lamanites’ skill was in bow.; Alma 10: 15
lawyers are learned in cunning, that they might be skilful in profession.; Alma 51: 31
every man of Teancum exceeds Lamanites in skill of war.; D&C 89: 8
tobacco to be used with judgment and skill.
The Standard Works
1 Ne. 17: 11
Nephi(1) makes bellows of skins of beasts.; 2 Ne. 5: 21
(Alma 3: 6
) the Lord causes skin of blackness to come upon Lamanites.; Jacob 3: 8
Lamanites’ skins will be whiter than Nephites’ unless they repent.; Jacob 3: 9
revile no more against Lamanites because of skins.; Enos 1: 20
(Alma 3: 5
; Alma 43: 20
; 3 Ne. 4: 7
) Lamanites wear short skin girdle about loins.; Mosiah 17: 13
priests scourge Abinadi’s skin with faggots.; Alma 20: 29
missionaries’ skins is worn because of strong cords.; Alma 44: 18
Lamanites’ naked skins exposed to Nephites’ swords.; Alma 49: 6
Lamanites prepare thick garments of skins.; 3 Ne. 2: 15
Lamanites’ skin becomes white.; Moses 4: 27
the Lord makes coats of skins for Adam and Eve.
The Standard Works
(see also
Short, Shorten
; Weak
2 Ne. 4: 26
why should my strength slacken because of my afflictions.; Jacob 5: 47
has the Lord of vlneyard slackened his hand.
The Standard Works
Slay, Slain
The Standard Works
Slander, Slanderer
(see also
; Backbiting
; Deceit
; Gossip
; Lying
; Report
D&C 109: 30
an end to lyings and slanders against the Lord’s people.; D&C 112: 9
let tongue of the slanderer cease its perverseness.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Carnage
; Kill
; Slay
; War
1 Ne. 12: 2
Nephi(1) beholds great slaughters among his people.; Mosiah 14: 7
(Isa. 53: 7
) he is brought as lamb to slaughter.; Alma 2: 18
Nephites slay Amlicites with great slaughter.; Alma 28: 2-3
great slaughter among both Lamanites and Nephites.; Alma 49: 21
(Alma 62: 38
) Lamanites slain with great slaughter.; Hel. 1: 27
Lamanites slay Nephites in center of land with great slaughter.; 3 Ne. 4: 11
great and terrible slaughter in battle between Nephites and robbers.; Morm. 4: 21
Nephites driven and slaughtered.; D&C 135: 4
I am going like lamb to slaughter.
The Standard Works
Slavery, Slaves
(see also
; Freedom
Mosiah 2: 13
Benjamin has not suffered people to make slaves of one another.; Mosiah 7: 15
Limhi’s people willing to be slaves of Nephites.; Alma 27: 8
people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi willing to be Nephites’ slaves until they repair murders.; Alma 27: 9
against Nephites’ law to have slaves.; Alma 48: 11
Moroni(1) finds joy in brethren’s freedom from slavery.; 3 Ne. 3: 7
Giddianhi entices Nephites to become robbers’ brethren, not slaves.; D&C 87: 4
slaves shall rise up against masters.; D&C 130: 13
war will probably arise through slave question.; D&C 134: 12
dangerous to allow human beings to be held in servitude.
The Standard Works
Slay, Slew, Slain
(see also
Death, Physical
; Destruction
; Jesus Christ, Death of
; Jesus Christ - Lamb of God
; Kill
; Murder
; Slaughter
; Smite
1 Ne. 1: 20
Jews had slain prophets of old.; 1 Ne. 4: 12
Spirit tells Nephi(1) to slay Laban.; 1 Ne. 4: 13
the Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth righteous purposes.; 1 Ne. 13: 5
abominable church slayeth saints.; 2 Ne. 20: 4
(Isa. 10: 4
) they shall fall under the slain.; 2 Ne. 21: 4
(2 Ne. 30: 9
) with breath of his lips shall the Lord slay the wicked.; Mosiah 7: 26
Limhi’s people have slain prophet Abinadi.; Alma 18: 3
Lamoni’s servants believe Ammon(2) cannot be slain.; Alma 19: 22-24
man who lifts sword to slay Ammon(2) falls dead.; Alma 44: 1
Nephites do not desire to slay Lamanites.; Alma 60: 13
the Lord suffers the righteous to be slain that justice might come upon the wicked.; Hel. 1: 20
army of Coriantumr(3) slay all who oppose them.; Hel. 4: 2
the rebellious are slain and driven from land.; Hel. 8: 21
will ye say sons of Zedekiah were not slain.; Hel. 13: 25
Nephites claim they would not have slain prophets of old.; 3 Ne. 10: 15
many have been slain for testifying of Christ’s coming.; 3 Ne. 16: 9
the Lord will cause house of Israel to be slain and cast out.; Ether 9: 27
Heth(1) slew father with sword.; D&C 5: 22
he who keeps commandments shall be granted eternal life, even if he should be slain.; D&C 63: 33
wicked shall slay the wicked.; D&C 89: 21
destroying angel shall not slay those who keep Word of Wisdom.; Moses 5: 32
Cain slew Abel.; Moses 5: 39
Cain fears men will slay him.; Moses 5: 47-50
Lamech(1) slew Irad.; Moses 7: 7
people of Canaan to slay people of Shum in battle.; Abr. 1: 12
priests try to slay Abraham.
The Standard Works
Sleep, Slept
(see also
Captive, Captivity
; Death, Physical
; Death, Spiritual
; Dormant
; Idleness
; Retire
; Slumber
2 Ne. 1: 13
O that ye would awake from sleep of hell.; 2 Ne. 27: 5
(Isa. 29: 10
) the Lord pours out deep sleep upon those that do iniquity.; Mosiah 24: 19
the Lord causes deep sleep to come upon Lamanites.; Alma 5: 7
the Lord awakened fathers out of deep sleep.; Alma 19: 8
Lamoni is not dead, but sleepeth in God.; Alma 37: 37
lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep.; Alma 55: 15
Lamanite guards are drunken and in deep sleep.; Morm. 9: 13
resurrection brings to pass redemption from endless sleep.; D&C 43: 18
sinners sleep until the Lord shall call again.; D&C 45: 45
(D&C 88: 97
) saints that have slept shall come forth.; D&C 63: 51
(D&C 101: 31
) children shall not sleep but shall be changed in twinkling.; D&C 88: 97
they who have slept in graves shall come forth.; D&C 88: 124
cease to sleep longer than is needful.; D&C 138: 17
sleeping dust of the dead to be restored to perfect frame.; Moses 3: 21
(Abr. 5: 15
) God causes deep sleep to fall upon Adam.; JS-H 1: 46
vision of Moroni(2) causes sleep to flee from eyes of Joseph Smith.
The Standard Works
(see also
1 Ne. 16: 23
Nephi(1) arms himself with sling.; Mosiah 9: 16
Zeniff arms people with slings.; Mosiah 10: 8
(Alma 3: 5
; Alma 43: 20
) Lamanites armed with slings.; Alma 2: 12
(Alma 49: 20
) Nephites armed with slings.; Alma 17: 7
sons of Mosiah(2) take slings to provide food.; Alma 17: 36-38
Ammon(2) casts stones at Lamanites with sling.
The Standard Works
(see also
Hel. 13: 31, 33, 36
(Morm. 1: 18
) the Lord will curse riches, that they become slippery.
The Standard Works
Slothful, Slothfulness
(see also
; Idle
; Industry
; Laziness
; Neglect
; Procrastinate
Alma 33: 21
would ye be slothful and not cast eyes upon the type.; Alma 37: 41
Lehites were slothful and forgot to exercise faith.; Alma 60: 14
judgments of God to come upon this people because of slothfulness.; D&C 58: 26
he who is compelled in all things is slothful servant.; D&C 58: 29
he who keeps commandments with slothfulness is damned.; D&C 90: 18
keep slothfulness and uncleanness far from you.; D&C 101: 50
while servants of nobleman were at variance one with another, they became very slothful.; D&C 107: 100
he who is slothful shall not be counted worthy.
The Standard Works
Slow, Slowly
(see also
Quick, Quickly
1 Ne. 17: 45
(Mosiah 9: 3
; Mosiah 13: 29
; Hel. 12: 5
) ye are slow to remember the Lord.; Mosiah 11: 24
(Mosiah 21: 15
) the Lord will be slow to hear cries of unrepentant.; Alma 55: 31
(Alma 62: 49
) Nephites are not slow to remember the Lord.; Hel. 7: 7
people of Nephi(1) were slow to be led to do iniquity.; Hel. 12: 4
how slow are men to do good.; Hel. 12: 5
how slow are men to walk in wisdom’s paths.; D&C 101: 7
God is slow to answer prayers of those who are slow to hearken to him.; Moses 6: 31
Enoch(2) is slow of speech.; Abr. 3: 5
lesser light moves more slow.
The Standard Works
2 Ne. 27: 6, 9
the Lord shall bring forth words of them which have slumbered.; Jacob 3: 11
awake from slumber of death.; D&C 112: 5
let not inhabitants of earth slumber because of thy speech.
The Standard Works
Small, Smallest
(see also
Light [adj.]
; Little
; Plates of Nephi, Small
; Voice
1 Ne. 14: 12
dominions of saints are small because of wickedness of abominable church.; 1 Ne. 16: 29
by small means the Lord can bring about great things.; 2 Ne. 17: 13
(Isa. 7: 13
) small thing to weary men, but will ye weary God.; Alma 10: 4
Amulek a man of no small reputation.; Alma 26: 16
Ammon(2) cannot say smallest part which he feels.; Alma 37: 7
by small means the Lord brings about salvation of many.; Alma 37: 41
because miracles were worked by small means, Lehites forgot to exercise faith.; D&C 64: 33
out of small things proceeds that which is great.; D&C 121: 7
(D&C 122: 4
) afflictions shall be but a small moment.; D&C 123: 15
much lieth in futurity, depending on small things.; D&C 123: 16
large ship is benefited by very small helm.; D&C 128: 6
I saw the dead, small and great.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Stink
D&C 59: 19
things of earth given for taste and for smell.
The Standard Works
Jacob 2: 13
hand of providence has smiled upon Nephites.; 3 Ne. 19: 25, 30
Jesus’ countenance smiled upon disciples.; D&C 84: 101
heavens have smiled upon earth.; Moses 7: 43
the Lord smiled upon ark of Noah(1).
The Standard Works
Smite, Smote, Smitten
(see also
; Destruction
; Kill
; Persecution
; Slay
; Strike
1 Ne. 17: 29
Moses smote rock, and water came forth.; 1 Ne. 21: 13
Israel shall be smitten no more.; 2 Ne. 7: 8
I will smite mine adversary with strength of my mouth.; 2 Ne. 9: 33
knowledge of iniquities shall smite the uncircumcised.; 2 Ne. 12: 10
fear of the Lord shall smite the wicked.; 2 Ne. 21: 4
(2 Ne. 30: 9
; Isa. 11: 4
) the Lord shall smite earth with rod of his mouth.; 2 Ne. 26: 15
seed of Nephites and Lamanites to be smitten by Gentiles.; Mosiah 1: 17
as Lehites were unfaithful, they were smitten with afflictions.; Mosiah 12: 2
because of iniquities, this generation will be smitten on cheek.; Mosiah 12: 31
priests of Noah(3) shall be smitten for iniquities.; Mosiah 14: 4
(Isa. 53: 4
) we did esteem him smitten of God.; Mosiah 21: 3
Lamanites smite Limhi’s people on cheeks.; Alma 14: 14
(Alma 26: 29
) chief judge smote Alma(2) and Amulek.; Hel. 4: 12
Nephites smite the poor upon cheek.; Hel. 10: 6
Nephi(2) given power to smite earth with famine.; 3 Ne. 12: 39
(Matt. 5: 39
) whosoever smites thee on right cheek, turn the other.; 3 Ne. 28: 20
disciples cast into pits smite earth with word of God and are delivered.; 4 Ne. 1: 34
people smite upon people of Jesus, who do not smite again.; Morm. 8: 19
he who smiteth shall be smitten of the Lord.; Morm. 8: 20
scripture says, Man shall not smite.; D&C 19: 15
repent, lest I smite you by rod of my mouth.; D&C 27: 9
(D&C 110: 15
; D&C 128: 17
; D&C 138: 48
) hearts of children to be turned to fathers lest earth be smitten with a curse.; D&C 98: 23
if men smite elders or families, they should bear it patiently.; D&C 133: 26
those in north countries shall smite rocks and ice shall flow.; Abr. 1: 20, 29
God smote priest of Elkenah, that he dies.
The Standard Works
Smith, Alvin
D&C 137: 5
Joseph Smith saw Alvin Smith in vision.; JS-H 1: 4, 56
Joseph Smith’s brother, dies.
The Standard Works
Smith, Catherine
JS-H 1: 4
sister of Joseph Smith.
The Standard Works
Smith, Don C.
D&C 124: 133
president of high priests quorum.
The Standard Works
Smith, Eden
D&C 75: 36
to preach with Micah B. Welton.; D&C 80: 1-5
to preach gospel.; D&C 80: 2
to be companion of Stephen Burnett.
The Standard Works
Smith, Emma Hale
Wife of Joseph Smith
(see also
Hale, Isaac
D&C 25
revelation concerning will of the Lord to Emma Smith.; D&C 25: 2
the Lord promises to give Emma Smith inheritance in Zion if faithful.; D&C 25: 3
sins are forgiven.; D&C 25: 4
is warned against murmuring.; D&C 25: 5
is called to comfort husband.; D&C 25: 6
to serve as scribe.; D&C 25: 7-8
to be ordained by Joseph to expound scripture in church.; D&C 25: 10
to lay aside things of world.; D&C 25: 11
to make selection of hymns.; D&C 25: 14
is warned of pride.; D&C 132: 51-56
the Lord’s counsel to Emma Smith regarding marriage.; JS-H 1: 57
marries Joseph Smith.
The Standard Works
Smith, George A.
D&C 124: 129
a member of the Twelve.; D&C 136: 14
to organize company for journey west.
The Standard Works
Smith, Hyrum
Older brother of Joseph Smith
D&C 11, 23
revelations to Hyrum Smith.; D&C 23: 3
calling is to exhortation.; D&C 52: 8
to journey to Missouri by way of Detroit.; D&C 75: 32
to preach with Reynolds Cahoon.; D&C 94
Intro. appointed to church building committee.; D&C 111
Intro. goes to Salem, Mass., with Joseph Smith.; D&C 115: 1, 5, 6
to labor for the gathering.; D&C 115: 13
not to get in debt any more for building the Lord’s house.; D&C 124: 15
is loved by the Lord because of his integrity.; D&C 124: 91-96, 124
to take office of patriarch.; D&C 124: 95
receives blessings formerly put upon Oliver Cowdery.; D&C 135: 1, 6
martyrdom of Hyrum Smith.; D&C 138: 53
among mighty ones in spirit world.; JS-H 1: 4, 7
joins Presbyterians.
The Standard Works
Smith, John
D&C 102: 3
member of high council.
The Standard Works
Smith, Joseph F.
Sixth president of Church, son of Hyrum Smith
D&C 138
Joseph F. Smith’s vision of redemption of dead.
The Standard Works
Smith, Joseph, Jr.
(see also
Book of Mormon
; Joseph(1)
2 Ne. 3: 7-19
prophecy of Joseph(1) concerning latter-day seer.; 2 Ne. 3: 15
his name shall be called after Joseph(1) and after name of his father.; D&C 1: 17
(D&C 19: 13
) the Lord spoke to Joseph Smith from heaven.; D&C 1: 29
(D&C 20: 8
) translated Book of Mormon through power of God.; D&C 3: 9
(D&C 24: 1
) is chosen to do work of the Lord.; D&C 5: 1
bore record of Book of Mormon plates.; D&C 5: 10
this generation will have the Lord’s word through Joseph Smith.; D&C 5: 21
(D&C 93: 47-48
) is commanded to repent.; D&C 5: 22, 35
to be granted eternal life if obedient.; D&C 5: 30, 33-34
is directed to stop translating for a season.; D&C 9: 12
is given strength for his work.; D&C 10: 3
gift to translate restored.; D&C 13: 1
(D&C 27: 8
) is ordained by John the Baptist.; D&C 17: 6
the Lord testifies that Joseph Smith has translated book.; D&C 20: 2
(D&C 27: 12
) is called of God, ordained apostle first elder.; D&C 20: 5
is told that sins are remitted.; D&C 20: 5
is again entangled in vanities of world.; D&C 20: 6
is ministered to by angel.; D&C 21: 1
(D&C 124: 125
) to be called seer, translator, prophet, apostle.; D&C 21: 2
is inspired by Holy Ghost to lay foundation of church.; D&C 21: 5
speaks for the Lord.; D&C 21: 10
is ordained by Oliver Cowdery.; D&C 24: 1
is delivered from powers of Satan and darkness.; D&C 24: 8
is told of many afflictions.; D&C 24: 9
is not called to temporal labors.; D&C 27: 13
(D&C 115: 19
) keys of kingdom committed to Joseph Smith.; D&C 28: 2
(D&C 132: 7
) only Joseph Smith to receive revelation for church.; D&C 28: 2
receives revelation as did Moses.; D&C 28: 7
(D&C 35: 18
; D&C 64: 5
) is given keys of mysteries and sealed revelations.; D&C 28: 10
to preside over conferences.; D&C 35: 17
brought forth fulness of gospel.; D&C 35: 17
is blessed in weakness.; D&C 35: 18
another to be planted in Joseph Smith’s stead if he abide not in the Lord.; D&C 37: 1
to discontinue translation until move to Ohio.; D&C 41: 7
to have house for translating.; D&C 52: 3
to journey to Missouri.; D&C 52: 41
should carry recommend from church.; D&C 58: 58
to return to Kirtland.; D&C 60: 6
to go to Cincinnati.; D&C 61: 23
not to travel on waters.; D&C 63: 41
is given power to discern who should go to land of Zion.; D&C 64: 5
keys not to be taken from Joseph Smith if faithful.; D&C 73: 3
to translate again.; D&C 76: 14, 19-23
(D&C 110: 1-10
) sees and converses with the Son.; D&C 81: 2
holds keys of presidency of High Priesthood.; D&C 84: 3
dedicates site of New Jerusalem.; D&C 90: 1-16
his duties and powers.; D&C 100: 9-11
Sidney Rigdon to be spokesman for Joseph Smith.; D&C 102: 1
high council organized under direction of Joseph Smith.; D&C 109
dedicatory prayer for Kirtland Temple received by revelation and offered by Joseph Smith.; D&C 110
visions manifested to Joseph Smith in Kirtland Temple.; D&C 112: 15
the Twelve not to rebel against Joseph Smith.; D&C 115: 13
not to get in debt any more for building the Lord’s house.; D&C 122
word of the Lord to Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail.; D&C 124: 1
was raised up so that the Lord might show his wisdom through the weak.; D&C 124: 42
temple service to be shown to Joseph Smith.; D&C 124: 125
presiding elder over church.; D&C 130: 14-17
prays about time of Christ’s coming.; D&C 132: 7
sealing power vested in Joseph Smith.; D&C 132: 30
is from loins of Abraham.; D&C 135
announcement of martyrdom of Joseph Smith.; D&C 135: 3
has done more for salvation of men than any other man except Christ.; D&C 136: 39
must seal testimony with blood.; D&C 137
Joseph Smith’s vision of celestial kingdom.; D&C 138: 53
among mighty ones in spirit world.; JS-H 1: 3
birth.; JS-H 1: 4
family.; JS-H 1: 8-9
is confused by contentions among religious sects.; JS-H 1: 11
reads James 1: 5
.; JS-H 1: 13
decides to ask God.; JS-H 1: 14
retires to woods to pray.; JS-H 1: 15
is seized by power of darkness.; JS-H 1: 16
pillar of light descends upon Joseph Smith.; JS-H 1: 17
sees two Personages.; JS-H 1: 19-20
is forbidden to join religious sects.; JS-H 1: 20
tells mother that Presbyterianism is not true.; JS-H 1: 21
tells Methodist preacher of vision.; JS-H 1: 22-25, 27
is persecuted because of vision.; JS-H 1: 23
fourteen years of age at time of first vision.; JS-H 1: 24
feels much like Paul before King Agrippa.; JS-H 1: 28
temptations come to Joseph Smith.; JS-H 1: 28
guilty of levity.; JS-H 1: 29-30
prays to God on September 21, 1823.; JS-H 1: 30-42, 45-46
Moroni(2) appears to Joseph Smith in bedroom.; JS-H 1: 33
name to be had for good and evil.; JS-H 1: 34-35, 42
is told of gold plates.; JS-H 1: 42
sees in vision the hiding place of gold plates.; JS-H 1: 46
is told Satan will tempt him.; JS-H 1: 46
is forbidden to get plates for purpose of getting rich.; JS-H 1: 49
Moroni(2) appears to Joseph Smith in field.; JS-H 1: 50
tells father of visions.; JS-H 1: 52
sees plates deposited in hill.; JS-H 1: 54
goes to hill each year as directed by Moroni(2).; JS-H 1: 56
works for Josiah Stoal in silver mine.; JS-H 1: 57
marries Emma Hale.; JS-H 1: 60
men try to get plates from Joseph Smith.; JS-H 1: 60
completes work, returns plates to Moroni(2).; JS-H 1: 60-61
is persecuted because of plates.; JS-H 1: 68
prays concerning baptism.; JS-H 1: 68-72
John the Baptist appears to Joseph Smith.; JS-H 1: 71-72
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery ordain each other to
The Standard Works
Smith, Joseph, Sr.
D&C 4, 23
revelations to Joseph Smith Sr.; D&C 23: 5
is called to exhort and strengthen church.; D&C 90: 20
God’s aged servant.; D&C 102: 3
member of high council.; D&C 124: 19
is with the Lord.; JS-H 1: 3-4
father of Joseph Smith.; JS-H 1: 50
tells son that messenger is from God.
The Standard Works
Smith, Lucy
JS-H 1: 4
sister of Joseph Smith.
The Standard Works
Smith, Lucy Mack
JS-H 1: 4, 20
mother of Joseph Smith.; JS-H 1: 7
joins Presbyterian faith.; JS-H 1: 20
is told by son that Presbyterianism is not true.
The Standard Works
Smith, Samuel H.
Brother of Joseph Smith
D&C 3
revelation to.; D&C 23: 4
is called to exhort.; D&C 52: 30
to journey to Missouri.; D&C 61: 35
to travel with Reynolds Cahoon.; D&C 66: 8
to travel with William McLellin.; D&C 75: 13
to travel with Orson Hyde.; D&C 102: 3
member of high council.; D&C 124: 141
to preside over a bishopric.; JS-H 1: 4
brother of Joseph Smith.; JS-H 1: 7
joins Presbyterian faith.
The Standard Works
Smith, Sophronia
JS-H 1: 4
sister of Joseph Smith.; JS-H 1: 7
joins Presbyterian faith.
The Standard Works
Smith, Sylvester
D&C 75: 34
to preach with Gideon Carter.; D&C 102: 3
member of high council.
The Standard Works
Smith, William
D&C 124: 129
member of the Twelve.; JS-H 1: 4
brother of Joseph Smith.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Mist
; Tobacco
; Vapor
1 Ne. 19: 11
the Lord will visit some of house of Israel by smoke.; 1 Ne. 22: 18
vapor of smoke must come upon earth.; 2 Ne. 8: 6
(Isa. 51: 6
) heavens shall vanish away like smoke.; 2 Ne. 14: 5
(Isa. 4: 5
) the Lord will create upon Zion’s assemblies a cloud and smoke.; 2 Ne. 24: 31
(Isa. 14: 31
) there shall come from the north a smoke.; Jacob 6: 10
(Mosiah 3: 27
) smoke ascends forever from lake of fire and brimstone.; 3 Ne. 10: 13
righteous are not overpowered by vapor of smoke.; 3 Ne. 10: 14
deaths and destructions by smoke fulfill prophecies.; Morm. 8: 29
there shall be heard of vapors of smoke in foreign lands.; D&C 45: 40-41
the Lord will show wonders in heavens and earth, vapors of smoke.
The Standard Works
1 Ne. 17: 46
(3 Ne. 8: 13
) rough places to be made smooth, smooth place to be broken up.; Hel. 10: 9
(Hel. 12: 10
) Nephi(2) given power to make mountain smooth.; D&C 49: 23
(D&C 109: 74
) rough ways shall be made smooth.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Guile
; Pit
; Trap
2 Ne. 27: 31-32
they who lay a snare for him who reproves shall be cut off.; Mosiah 23: 9
Alma(2) was caught in snare.; Alma 10: 17
lawyers of Ammonihah lay snares to catch holy ones of God.; Alma 12: 6
Zeezrom’s plan was snare of the adversary.; Alma 56: 43
Helaman(2) warns of snare set by Lamanites.; Hel. 3: 29
word of God divides asunder all snares of devil.; Ether 2: 2
Jaredites lay snares to catch fowls.; D&C 10: 26
Satan causes men to catch themselves in own snare.; D&C 61: 18
warn brethren about waters, lest faith fail and they are caught in snares.; D&C 63: 15
adulterers and apostates must repent lest judgment come upon them as snare.; D&C 90: 17
pride brings snare.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Redemption, Redeem
Mosiah 27: 28
the Lord has snatched Alma(2) out of everlasting burning.; Alma 26: 17
God is merciful in snatching men from sinful state.
The Standard Works
Snider, John
D&C 124: 22-24, 60, 62, 70
to help in building Nauvoo House.
The Standard Works
1 Ne. 11: 8
whiteness of tree exceeds whiteness of driven snow.; D&C 110: 3
hair of the Lord’s head was white like snow.; D&C 117: 1
saints to journey before the Lord sends again snow upon earth.
The Standard Works
Snow, Erastus
D&C 136: 12
to organize company to journey west.
The Standard Works
3 Ne. 24: 2
(Mal. 3: 2
) the Lord is like fuller’s soap.; D&C 128: 24
the Lord is like refiner’s fire, and fuller’s soap.
The Standard Works
Soberness, Sober
(see also
; Solemn
1 Ne. 18: 10
Nephi(1) speaks with much soberness.; Jacob 2: 2
Jacob(2) is under responsibility to magnify office with soberness.; Mosiah 4: 15
teach children to walk in ways of soberness.; Alma 37: 47
(Alma 38: 15
; Alma 42: 31
) declare the word, and be sober.; Alma 53: 21
two thousand Ammonite youths are men of soberness.; Morm. 1: 2, 15
Mormon(2) is sober child.; D&C 6: 19
(D&C 43: 35
; D&C 61: 38
; D&C 73: 6
) be sober.; D&C 6: 35
perform work with soberness.; D&C 18: 21
speak truth in soberness.
The Standard Works
Secret Combination
The Standard Works
Soften, Softening
(see also
1 Ne. 2: 16
the Lord visits Nephi(1) and softened his heart.; 1 Ne. 18: 20
only power of God threatening destruction could soften hearts of Laman(1) and Lemuel.; 2 Ne. 10: 18
the Lord will soften Gentiles’ hearts to be like father to Lamanites’ seed.; Mosiah 21: 15
the Lord softens Lamanites’ hearts for Limhi’s people.; Alma 24: 8
the Lord gives portion of Spirit to soften hearts.; Alma 62: 41
many are softened because of afflictions and humble themselves.; Hel. 12: 2
when the Lord softens hearts of enemies, his people harden their hearts.; D&C 105: 27
the Lord will soften hearts of people.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Journey
1 Ne. 17: 3
the Lord provides means for Lehites during sojourn in wilderness.; 1 Ne. 17: 4
Lehites sojourn in wilderness eight years.; Abr. 2: 21
Abraham decides to sojourn in Egypt.
The Standard Works
The Standard Works
(see also
; War
Alma 51: 9
Amalickiah gathers soldiers for war with Nephites.; Alma 53: 22
Helaman(2) marches at head of two thousand stripling soldiers.
The Standard Works
Solemn Assembly
(see also
; Meet, Meeting
D&C 88: 70
(D&C 95: 7
; D&C 109: 6, 10
; D&C 133: 6
) call a solemn assembly.; D&C 108: 4
wait patiently until solemn assembly.; D&C 124: 39
solemn assemblies are ordained by ordinance of the Lord’s holy house.
The Standard Works
Solemn, Solemnity
(see also
; Solemn Assembly
Jacob 7: 26
Nephites a lonesome and solemn people.; Hel. 5: 28
solemn fear comes upon dissenters in prison because of overshadowing cloud.; Moro. 8: 9
solemn mockery before God to baptize little children.; D&C 20: 76
call upon Father in solemn prayer.; D&C 43: 34
let solemnities of eternity rest upon your minds.; D&C 84: 61
remain steadfast in solemnity.; D&C 100: 7
declare all things in solemnity of heart.; D&C 107: 84
all things to be done in order and solemnity.; D&C 124: 2, 107
Joseph Smith and William Law called to make a solemn proclamation of gospel.
The Standard Works
(see also
D&C 117: 7
the Lord to make solitary places to bud and blossom.
The Standard Works
King of Israel, son of David [C. 1000 B.C.]
(see also
BD Solomon
2 Ne. 5: 16
Nephi(1) builds temple after manner of temple of Solomon.; Jacob 1: 15
Solomon had many wives and concubines.; Jacob 2: 23
Nephites excuse whoredoms because of David and Solomon.; Jacob 2: 24
practice of David and Solomon was abominable before the Lord.; 3 Ne. 13: 29
(Matt. 6: 29
) Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like lilies of field.; D&C 132: 1, 38
was given many wives.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Children of God
; Father
; Jesus Christ - Only Begotten Son
; Jesus Christ - Son of God
; Jesus Christ - Son of Man
; Mosiah(2), Sons of
; Sons of Perdition
1 Ne. 21: 22
(1 Ne. 22: 6
; 2 Ne. 6: 6
; Isa. 49: 22
) Gentiles will bring Israel’s sons in their arms.; Jacob 4: 5
Abraham’s offering up his son, Isaac, was similitude of God and his Son.; Mosiah 2: 30
Benjamin declares his son, Mosiah(2), king.; Mosiah 5: 7
those who enter covenant are called sons and daughters of Christ.; Mosiah 27: 25
those born again of God become his sons and daughters.; Alma 20: 13
Lamanites believe Nephites are sons of a liar.; Alma 56: 5
two thousand sons of Ammonites have taken up weapons of war.; Hel. 6: 10
land north called Mulek after son of Zedekiah.; Hel. 8: 21
sons of Zedekiah were slain, except Mulek.; 3 Ne. 14: 9
(Matt. 7: 9
) what man, if son ask bread, will given him stone.; Ether 3: 14
those who believe on Christ’s name become his sons and daughters.; D&C 11: 30
(D&C 34: 3
; D&C 35: 2
; D&C 39: 4
; D&C 42: 52
; D&C 45: 8
) those who receive the Lord are given power to become sons of God.; D&C 13: 1
(D&C 124: 39
; D&C 128: 24
; Mal. 3: 3
) sons of Levi(1) shall offer again an offering in righteousness.; D&C 25: 1
all who receive gospel are sons and daughters in the Lord’s kingdom.; D&C 27: 7
Elias promised Zacharias he would have a son.; D&C 38: 26
what man having twelve sons is no respecter of them.; D&C 42: 52
those without faith to heal, but who believe in the Lord, will become sons.; D&C 68: 16
firstborn among sons of Aaron(1) have right to bishopric.; D&C 68: 21
(D&C 107: 40
) right of priesthood descends from father to son.; D&C 76: 24
inhabitants of worlds are begotten sons and daughters unto God.; D&C 76: 26-27
Lucifer, son of morning.; D&C 76: 58
those in celestial glory are sons of God.; D&C 84: 30
priesthood was confirmed upon Aaron(1) and his sons.; D&C 84: 31-32
sons of Moses and of Aaron(1) will offer acceptable sacrifice.; D&C 84: 34
those who magnify priesthood become sons of Moses and of Aaron(1).; D&C 101: 4
(D&C 132: 36, 50
) Abraham was commanded to offer his only son.; D&C 128: 23
all sons of God shouted for joy.; D&C 128: 24
Lord shall purify sons of Levi(1).; Moses 1: 4, 40
God calls Moses his son.; Moses 4: 1
(Abr. 3: 27-28
) Satan offers to be God’s son.; Moses 5: 2
sons and daughters are born to Adam and Eve.; Moses 5: 3
sons and daughters of Adam begin to divide two and two.; Moses 5: 13
Satan claims to be a son of God.; Moses 5: 42-43
Cain and descendants beget many sons and daughters.; Moses 5: 42
Cain names city after his son, Enoch(1).; Moses 6: 22
genealogy of sons of Adam, who was the son of God.; Moses 6: 27, 68
God calls Enoch(2) his son.; Moses 6: 68
all may become God’s sons.; Moses 7: 1
many have believed and have become sons of God.; Moses 8: 13
Noah(1) and his sons are called sons of God.; Moses 8: 15
daughters of sons of Noah have sold themselves.; Moses 8: 21
men claim to be sons of God and do not hearken to Noah(1).; Abr. 1: 17
God calls Abraham his son.; JS-H 1: 69
priesthood never to be taken until sons of Levi(1) offer offering.
The Standard Works
Son of God
Jesus Christ - Only Begotten Son
; Jesus Christ - Son of God
The Standard Works
Son of Man
Jesus Christ - Son of Man
The Standard Works
(see also
; Sing
D&C 25: 12
the Lord delights in song of heart.; D&C 45: 71
(D&C 66: 11
; D&C 101: 18
; D&C 109: 39
; D&C 133: 33
) sing songs of everlasting joy.; D&C 84: 98-102
all who remain will sing new song.; D&C 133: 56
resurrected saints will sing song of Lamb.; Moses 7: 53
they shall come forth with songs of everlasting joy.
The Standard Works
Sons of Mosiah
Mosiah(2), Sons of
The Standard Works
Sons of Perdition
(see also
Death, Spiritual
; Perdition
; Unpardonable
; TG Death, Spiritual, Second
; TG Holy Ghost, Unpardonable Sin against
; TG Sons of Perdition
2 Ne. 2: 17
angel of God had fallen from heaven.; Mosiah 2: 38-39
final doom of those who remain enemy to God is to endure never-ending torment.; Mosiah 16: 5
(Alma 11: 41
) they who persist in carnal nature and go on in rebellion against God remain in fallen state as though no redemption had been made.; 3 Ne. 27: 32
many in fourth generation will be led captive as was son of perdition.; 3 Ne. 29: 7
he who says Christ can work no miracle shall become like son of perdition, for whom there was no mercy.; D&C 76: 31-32
sons of perdition deny truth and defy the Lord’s power.; D&C 76: 33, 36
will suffer with devil in eternity.; D&C 76: 34
(D&C 84: 41
; D&C 132: 27
) to receive no forgiveness.; D&C 76: 35, 43
deny Holy Ghost after receiving it and deny Son.; D&C 76: 37-38, 43
only ones who will not be redeemed from second death.; D&C 76: 39
will not be brought back to presence of God in resurrection.; Moses 4: 3
because Satan rebelled against God, he was cast down.; Moses 5: 24
Cain to be called Perdition.; Abr. 3: 28
second was angry, kept not first estate, many followed him.
The Standard Works
(see also
Prophets, False
2 Ne. 12: 6
(Isa. 2: 6
) the Lord’s people hearken unto soothsayers like Philistines.; 3 Ne. 21: 16
(Micah 5: 12
) thou shalt have no more soothsayers.
The Standard Works
Sorceries, Sorcerer
(see also
Alma 1: 32
those who do not belong to church indulge in sorceries.; Morm. 1: 19
there are sorceries in land.; D&C 63: 17
sorcerer to have part in lake of fire and brimstone.; D&C 76: 103
sorcerers inherit telestial glory.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Repent
Alma 15: 5
Zeezrom’s mind exceedingly sore because of iniquities.; Hel. 11: 5
work of destruction becomes sore by famine.; D&C 19: 15
sufferings of those who do not repent will be sore.; Abr. 2: 1
famine waxes sore in Ur.
The Standard Works
Sorrow, Sorrowful, Sorrowing
(see also
; Anguish
; Despair
; Grieve
; Lament
; Misery
; Mourn
; Pain
; Remorse
; Sad
; Suffering
; Torment
; Tribulation
; Trouble
; Weep
1 Ne. 16: 25
Lehi(1) brought down into depths of sorrow because of murmuring.; 2 Ne. 4: 17
heart of Nephi(1) sorroweth because of his flesh.; 2 Ne. 4: 26
why should my soul linger in valley of sorrow.; Mosiah 14: 3
(Isa. 53: 3
) Messiah is man of sorrows.; Alma 8: 14
Alma(2) weighed down with sorrow because of Nephites’ wickedness.; Alma 29: 2
men should repent, that there might be no more sorrow.; Alma 37: 45
words of Christ can carry men beyond vale of sorrow to better land of promise.; Alma 40: 12
paradise a state of rest from all care and sorrow.; 3 Ne. 28: 5
three Nephites sorrowed because they dare not speak their desire.; 3 Ne. 28: 38
three Nephites not to suffer sorrow, save for sins of world.; Morm. 2: 13
Nephites’ sorrowing was not unto repentance.; D&C 1: 3
the rebellious shall be pierced with much sorrow.; D&C 101: 29
there shall be no sorrow because there is no death.; D&C 109: 48
hearts flow out with sorrow because of saints’ grievous burdens.; D&C 123: 7
wives and children bow down with grief and sorrow.; D&C 133: 70
the wicked shall lie down in sorrow.; D&C 136: 29
he who is sorrowful should call on the Lord.; D&C 136: 35
sorrow shall be great unless they speedily repent.; Moses 4: 22
I will greatly multiply thy sorrow.; Moses 4: 23
in sorrow shalt thou eat.
The Standard Works
Seek, Sought
The Standard Works
(see also
; Heart
; Man
; Mind
; Person
; Spirit
; TG Soul
1 Ne. 15: 35
final state of soul is to dwell with God or be cast out.; 2 Ne. 4: 15-16
my soul delighteth in scriptures, in things of the Lord.; 2 Ne. 9: 49
my soul abhorreth sin.; 2 Ne. 11: 2
my soul delighteth in words of Isaiah(1).; 2 Ne. 25: 4
(2 Ne. 31: 3
) my soul delighteth in plainness.; 2 Ne. 25: 29
worship Christ with whole soul.; 2 Ne. 28: 21
devil lulls men into carnal security and cheats their souls.; 2 Ne. 32: 9
ask Father to consecrate thy performance for welfare of thy soul.; Jacob 2: 8
pleasing word of God healeth wounded soul.; Enos 1: 4
soul of Enos(2) hungers.; Enos 1: 9
Enos(2) pours out whole soul unto God.; Omni 1: 26
offer your whole soul as offering unto Christ.; W of M 1: 18
Benjamin establishes peace by laboring with faculty of whole soul.; Mosiah 14: 10
(Isa. 53: 10
) thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin.; Mosiah 14: 12
(Isa. 53: 12
) he hath poured out his soul unto death.; Mosiah 26: 14
Alma(1) pours out whole soul to God.; Mosiah 27: 29
(Alma 36: 16
) soul of Alma(1) racked with eternal torment.; Mosiah 29: 40
Mosiah(2) seeks not lucre which corrupts soul.; Alma 32: 28
good seed, or word, will begin to enlarge soul.; Alma 34: 26
pour out your souls unto God in your closets.; Alma 36: 15
O that I could become extinct both soul and body.; Alma 36: 20
soul of Alma(2) is filled with joy as exceeding as his pain.; Alma 40: 7, 11-14
state of souls between death and resurrection.; Alma 40: 18
first resurrection is reuniting of soul with body of those down to resurrection of Christ.; Alma 40: 21
dead shall be reunited, body and soul, to be judged.; Alma 40: 23
soul shall be restored to body and body to soul.; Alma 42: 16
repentance could not come unto men except there were punishment as eternal as life of soul.; 3 Ne. 11: 3
small voice from heaven pierces to soul.; 3 Ne. 18: 29
he who partakes of sacrament unworthily eats and drinks damnation to soul.; 3 Ne. 20: 8
he who partakes of sacrament takes Christ’s body and blood to soul, and soul shall never hunger nor thirst, but shall be filled.; Ether 12: 4
hope maketh an anchor to souls of men.; Moro. 4: 3
(Moro. 5: 2
) bread and wine of sacrament sanctified to souls of those who partake.; D&C 4: 4
(D&C 6: 3
; D&C 11: 3
; D&C 12: 3
) service to God brings salvation to soul.; D&C 8: 4
enemies would destroy your soul.; D&C 10: 22, 27
Satan plans to destroy souls.; D&C 15: 6
(D&C 16: 6
) declare repentance, that you may bring souls unto the Lord.; D&C 18: 10
worth of souls is great.; D&C 18: 15
if you bring one soul, how great shall be joy.; D&C 18: 16
great joy if you should bring many souls unto the Lord.; D&C 25: 12
the Lord’s soul delights in song of heart.; D&C 41: 12
words shall be answered upon saints’ souls in the judgment.; D&C 45: 2
(D&C 56: 16
) summer past and souls not saved.; D&C 45: 46
your souls shall live.; D&C 56: 16
riches canker soul.; D&C 59: 19
things which come of earth enliven soul.; D&C 63: 4
God is able to cast soul to hell.; D&C 84: 64
every soul who believes and is baptized will receive Holy Ghost.; D&C 88: 15
spirit and the body are soul of man.; D&C 88: 16
resurrection is redemption of soul.; D&C 101: 37
care not for body, but for soul and for life of soul.; D&C 121: 42
pure knowledge shall greatly enlarge soul.; D&C 121: 45
doctrine of priesthood shall distil upon soul.; D&C 132: 63
wives given that they may bear souls of men.; D&C 134: 4
civil government should not suppress freedom of soul.; D&C 138: 43
spirits come forth in resurrection as living souls.; D&C 138: 56
spirits were prepared to labor for salvation of souls.; Moses 1: 28
not a soul which Moses does not behold.; Moses 3: 7, 9
(Moses 6: 9
; Abr. 5: 7
) man became living soul.; Moses 4: 1
Satan promises that not one soul will be lost.; Moses 6: 59
through birth men become of dust a living soul.; Moses 7: 44
Enoch(2) has bitterness of soul because of men’s wickedness.; Moses 7: 47
soul of Enoch(2) rejoices because of coming of Son.; Abr. 2: 15
Abraham and Lot bring to Canaan the souls won in Haran.; Abr. 2: 24-25
Abraham to say Sarai is his sister, that his soul may live.; Abr. 3: 23
God saw souls in premortal world that they were good.
The Standard Works
Sound [adj.]
Alma 17: 2
sons of Mosiah(2) are men of sound understanding, having searched the scriptures.
The Standard Works
Sound [noun and verb]
(see also
; Voice
Mosiah 26: 25
when second trump sounds, they who never knew the Lord shall come before him.; 3 Ne. 11: 5
eyes of multitude are toward sound from heaven.; Morm. 9: 13
all men shall be awakened from endless sleep when trump sounds.; D&C 58: 64
sound must go forth from this place into all world.; D&C 77: 12
sounding of trumpets explained.; D&C 110: 3
the Lord’s voice was as sound of rushing of great waters.; D&C 124: 106
Joseph Smith to lift voice as with sound of trump.; JS-M 1: 37
(Matt. 24: 31
) Son will send angels before him with great sound of trumpet.
The Standard Works
; Southern States
The Standard Works
South Carolina
D&C 87: 1
(D&C 130: 12
) rebellion to begin in South Carolina.
The Standard Works
Southern States
D&C 87: 3
divided against the North.
The Standard Works
Sow [noun]
(see also
3 Ne. 7: 8
Nephites turn from righteousness like sow to her wallowing.
The Standard Works
Sow [verb]
(see also
; Reap
2 Ne. 5: 11
Nephites sow seed.; Mosiah 7: 30-31
if people sow filthiness, they shall reap chaff.; 3 Ne. 13: 26
(Matt. 6: 26
) fowls of air do not sow.; Ether 10: 25
Jaredites make tools to sow.; D&C 6: 33
whatsoever ye sow that shall ye reap.; D&C 86: 2
apostles were sowers of seed.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Time
1 Ne. 11: 19
virgin carried away in Spirit for the space of a time.; Alma 40: 21
space between death and resurrection.; Alma 42: 5
if Adam had partaken of tree of life, he would have lived forever, having no space for repentance.; 3 Ne. 8: 3, 23
darkness for space of three days as sign of Christ’s death.; 3 Ne. 8: 19
tempest and earthquakes last for space of three hours.; D&C 88: 12
light from God’s presence fills immensity of space.; D&C 88: 37
no space in which there is no kingdom.; D&C 88: 95
silence in heaven about the space of half hour.; Moses 1: 10
space of many hours before Moses receives strength.; Moses 7: 64-65
earth to rest for space of thousand years.; Abr. 3: 24
there is space, and we will make an earth.
The Standard Works
The Standard Works
The Standard Works
(see also
; Protect
; Salvation
; Save
; Sparingly
; Withhold
Jacob 5: 50
servant asks the Lord to spare vineyard a little longer.; Omni 1: 7
the Lord spared the righteous.; Mosiah 28: 4
the Lord, in infinite mercy, spared sons of Mosiah(2).; Alma 10: 20, 23
(Alma 62: 40
; Hel. 13: 14
) by prayers of the righteous are the wicked spared.; 3 Ne. 8: 24
O that we had repented, then would our brethren have been spared.; 3 Ne. 10: 6
the Lord has spared house of Israel.; 3 Ne. 22: 2
(Isa. 54: 2
) spare not, lengthen thy cords.; Morm. 3: 2
repent, be baptized, build up church, and ye shall be spared.; Moro. 9: 19
Nephites have become brutal, sparing none.; Moro. 9: 22
Mormon(2) prays the Lord will spare Moroni(2).; D&C 29: 22
the Lord will spare earth for little season.; D&C 33: 9
open your mouths and spare not.; D&C 34: 10
(D&C 43: 20
) lift up your voice and spare not.; D&C 45: 5
spare these my brethren that believe on my name.; D&C 64: 24
the Lord will not spare any who remain in Babylon.; D&C 84: 94
search diligently and spare not.; D&C 104: 17
earth is full, there is enough and to spare.
The Standard Works
(see also
D&C 89: 12
flesh should be used sparingly.
The Standard Works
Speak, Spake, Spoken
(see also
; Language
; Lips
; Mouth
; Say
; Speech
; Talk
; Tongue
; Utter
; Voice
; Whisper
1 Ne. 11: 11
Nephi(1) spoke with Spirit as man speaketh.; 2 Ne. 25: 8
unto them who suppose records are not of worth will the Lord speak particularly.; 2 Ne. 26: 16
those who shall be destroyed will speak out of ground.; 2 Ne. 27: 13
(Moro. 10: 27
) words of the faithful shall speak as if from dead.; 2 Ne. 29: 12
the Lord will speak unto Jews, Nephites, other tribes, and they shall write it.; 2 Ne. 32: 3
angels speak words of Christ by power of Holy Ghost.; 2 Ne. 33: 1
when a man speaketh by power of Holy Ghost, that power carries it into hearts.; Jacob 4: 9
God being able to speak created world and man.; Jacob 4: 13
Spirit speaketh truth and lies not.; Jacob 4: 13
Spirit speaketh of things as they are and will be.; Mosiah 13: 33
all prophets have spoken concerning coming of Messiah.; Alma 29: 1
O that I were an angel and could speak with trump of God.; Alma 30: 52
Korihor is dumb, cannot speak.; Alma 58: 11
the Lord spoke peace to our souls.; Hel. 5: 18
what they should speak is given to Nephi(2) and Lehi(4).; Hel. 5: 45
Spirit enters hearts of Nephi(2) and Lehi(4), and they can speak marvelous words.; 3 Ne. 17: 17
(3 Ne. 19: 32
) no tongue can speak marvelous things Nephites heard Jesus speak.; Ether 3: 12
brother of Jared(2) knows the Lord speakest truth.; Ether 12: 31
after disciples speak the Lord’s name he showed himself to them in power.; D&C 1: 3
iniquities shall be spoken upon housetops.; D&C 1: 20
speak in name of God.; D&C 1: 24
(D&C 18: 35
; D&C 20: 36
) God has spoken it.; D&C 6: 23
did I not speak peace to your mind.; D&C 11: 10
believe in my power which speaketh unto thee.; D&C 19: 37
elders to speak freely to all.; D&C 20: 26
prophets spake as they were inspired by gift of Holy Ghost.; D&C 20: 54
teachers should see that no evil is spoken.; D&C 24: 6
it shall be given thee in the very moment what thou shalt speak.; D&C 28: 4
(D&C 68: 3
) speak or teach as led by Comforter.; D&C 29: 33
the Lord speaks that man may naturally understand.; D&C 42: 27
thou shalt not speak evil of thy neighbor.; D&C 52: 16
he who speaketh whose language is meek and edifies is of God.; D&C 63: 64
that which comes from above is sacred and must be spoken with care.; D&C 84: 70
tongue of the dumb shall speak.; D&C 88: 122
one to speak at a time in church.; D&C 100: 5
speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Javelin
; Weapon
2 Ne. 12: 4
(Isa. 2: 4
) nations shall beat spears into pruning-hooks.; Alma 17: 7
sons of Mosiah(2) take spears to provide food.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Language
; Speak
; Tongue
; Voice
2 Ne. 26: 16
(Isa. 29: 4
) speech of those who are destroyed shall be low out of dust.; Jacob 2: 7
Jacob(2) grieved that he must use much boldness of speech.; Jacob 7: 4
Sherem has much power of speech.; Enos 1: 23
prophets preach with plainness of speech.; Morm. 9: 32
reformed Egyptian characters are altered according to Nephites’ manner of speech.; D&C 88: 121
cease from all light speeches.; D&C 112: 5
let not the inhabitants of the earth slumber, because of thy speech.; D&C 124: 116
lay aside all hard speeches.; Moses 6: 31
Enoch(2) is slow of speech.
The Standard Works
D&C 77: 3
four beasts represent beings in their destined sphere of creation.; D&C 93: 30
truth is dependent in that sphere in which God has placed it.; Moses 3: 9
it remaineth in sphere in which God created it.
The Standard Works
Mosiah 10: 5
Zeniff causes women to spin and toil.; Hel. 6: 13
Nephite women toil and spin.; 3 Ne. 13: 28
(Matt. 6: 28
) lilies of field toil not, neither do they spin.; D&C 84: 82
lilies of field toil not, neither do they spin.
The Standard Works
The Standard Works
(see also
Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit
; Ghost
; Mind
; Soul
; Spirit, Evil
; Spirit, Holy/Spirit of the Lord
; Spirit World
; Spiritual
; TG Spirit Body
; TG Spirit Creation
; TG Spirits, Disembodied
; BD Spirit
2 Ne. 9: 12
bodies and spirits of men will be restored to each other.; 2 Ne. 25: 11
Nephi(1) speaks because of spirit that is in him.; Mosiah 2: 28
immortal spirit to join choirs above in singing praises of God.; Alma 3: 26
men reap eternal happiness or misery according to spirit they obey.; Alma 11: 43
spirit and body to be reunited in perfect form.; Alma 11: 45
spirits to be united with bodies, never to be divided.; Alma 34: 34
same spirit that possesses body at death will possess it in eternal world.; Alma 40: 11
after death, spirits of all men are taken home to God.; 3 Ne. 12: 3
(Matt. 5: 3
) blessed are poor in spirit who come unto the Lord.; Ether 3: 16
brother of Jared(2) sees body of Christ’s spirit.; Ether 3: 16
man is created after body of Christ’s spirit.; Moro. 10: 14
to another is given the beholding of angels and ministering spirits.; Moro. 10: 34
Moroni(2) goes to rest in paradise until spirit and body are reunited.; D&C 11: 25
deny not spirit of revelation or of prophecy.; D&C 19: 18
Christ suffered both body and spirit.; D&C 27: 7
John to be filled with spirit of Elias.; D&C 45: 17
(D&C 138: 50
) long absence of spirits from bodies looked upon as bondage.; D&C 46: 23
spiritual gift of discerning spirits.; D&C 50: 30
as ye are appointed to the head, spirits shall be subject to you.; D&C 50: 31
ask God whether spirit is of him.; D&C 52: 15-16
he whose spirit is contrite is accepted.; D&C 52: 19
pattern for knowing spirits.; D&C 56: 17
wo unto the poor whose spirits are not contrite.; D&C 76: 73
(D&C 138: 18-32
) spirits in prison hear gospel.; D&C 76: 73
Son visited spirits of men in prison.; D&C 76: 88
angels appointed to be ministering spirits.; D&C 77: 2
spirit of man is in likeness of his person.; D&C 88: 15
spirit and body are soul of man.; D&C 88: 28
celestial spirit shall receive same body which was natural body.; D&C 88: 100
spirits of men who are to be judged shall come forth.; D&C 93: 33
man is spirit.; D&C 93: 33-34
(D&C 138: 17
) spirit and element inseparably connected receive fulness of joy.; D&C 93: 38
every spirit of man was innocent in beginning.; D&C 97: 8
all whose spirits are contrite are accepted of the Lord.; D&C 129
keys by which to know spirits.; D&C 129: 3
spirits of just men made perfect.; D&C 130: 22
Holy Ghost is personage of spirit.; D&C 131: 7
all spirit is matter, more fine or pure.; D&C 138
vision relating to spirit world.; D&C 138: 53
choice spirits reserved to take part in laying foundation of the Lord’s work.; Moses 6: 5
given unto those who call upon God to write by spirit of inspiration.; Moses 6: 36
Enoch(2) beholds spirits that God created.; Moses 6: 59
men born into this world by water, blood, and spirit.; Abr. 3: 18
spirits had no beginning, will have no end.; Abr. 3: 2-23
Abraham sees spirits that were organized before the world was.; Abr. 5: 7-8
the Gods put man’s spirit into him.
The Standard Works
Spirit World
(see also
Darkness, Spiritual
; Death, Physical
; Death, Spiritual
; Hell
; Paradise
; Premortal Existence
; Prison
; Resurrection
; Spirit
Alma 40: 11
spirits of all men are taken home to God after death.; Alma 40: 12
spirits of righteous are received in state of happiness, paradise.; Alma 40: 13-14
spirits of the wicked are cast into outer darkness.; D&C 138
Joseph F. Smith’s vision of redemption of the dead in spirit world.; Moses 6: 36
Enoch(2) beholds the spirits God has created.; Abr. 3: 22-23
Abraham sees spirits that were organized before the world was.
The Standard Works
Spirit, Evil
(see also
Angels of the Devil
; Demon
; Devil
; Devils
; TG Familiar
; TG Spirits, Evil or Unclean
1 Ne. 11: 31
(Mosiah 3: 6
) Lamb casts out devils and unclean spirits.; 2 Ne. 32: 8
evil spirit teaches man not to pray.; 2 Ne. 33: 5
no man shall be angry with truth save he shall be of spirit of devil.; Mosiah 2: 32
beware lest contentions arise and ye list to obey evil spirit.; Mosiah 2: 33
he who listeth to obey evil spirit shall receive everlasting punishment.; Mosiah 2: 36-37
they who knowingly transgress obey evil spirit and become enemies to all righteousness.; Mosiah 4: 14
ye will not suffer children to serve devil, who is evil spirit spoken of by fathers.; Alma 3: 26
men reap eternal happiness or misery according to spirit they obey, whether good or evil.; Alma 22: 15
what shall I do to be born of God, having wicked spirit rooted from breast and receive his Spirit.; Alma 40: 13
spirit of devil takes possession of the wicked after death.; 3 Ne. 7: 19
Nephi(3) casts out devils and unclean spirits.; 3 Ne. 11: 29
he who hath spirit of contention is not of Christ.; D&C 46: 7
do all things with prayer and thanksgiving, that ye may not be seduced by evil spirit.; D&C 50: 1-2
many false spirits have gone forth in earth.; D&C 50: 15
then received ye spirits which ye could not understand.; D&C 50: 31
if ye behold spirit that you cannot understand, ask Father.; D&C 50: 32
power over that spirit shall be given, proclaim against it.; D&C 93: 25
whatsoever is more or less than this is spirit of wicked one.; D&C 129: 4-8
way of telling whether spirit is of God or devil.
The Standard Works
Spirit, Gifts of
(see also
Holy Ghost
; Holy Ghost, Gift of
; Holy Ghost, Baptism of
; Interpretation
; Sign
; Spirit, Holy/Spirit of the Lord
; Tongue
; Translate
; TG God, Gifts of
; TG Holy Ghost, Gifts of
1 Ne. 10: 17
Holy Ghost is gift of God unto all who diligently seek him.; 1 Ne. 13: 37
they who seek to bring forth Zion shall have gift and power of Holy Ghost.; Jacob 6: 8
will ye deny power of God and gift of Holy Ghost and quench Holy Spirit.; Omni 1: 20
(Mosiah 8: 13
; Mosiah 21: 28
) Mosiah(1) interprets engravings by gift and power of God.; Alma 9: 21
Nephites have received spirit of prophecy and of revelation, many gifts, gifts of speaking with tongues, preaching, gift of Holy Ghost, gift of translation.; 3 Ne. 29: 6
wo to him who says the Lord no longer works by gifts or by power of Holy Ghost.; Moro. 10: 8
gifts are given by manifestation of Spirit unto men to profit them.; D&C 6: 10
blessed art thou because of thy gift, for it is sacred and comes from above.; D&C 20: 26
prophets spoke as inspired by gift of Holy Ghost.; D&C 20: 35
revelations to come by gift and power of Holy Ghost.; D&C 46: 11-33
description of gifts of the Spirit.; D&C 46: 11
all have not every gift, for there are many gifts.; D&C 46: 11
to every man is given a gift by Spirit.; D&C 46: 26
all these gifts come from God for benefit of his children.; D&C 46: 29
to some it may be given to have all those gifts, that there may be a head.; D&C 107: 92
president of church has all gifts of God which he bestows on head of church.; D&C 121: 26
God shall give you knowledge by unspeakable gift of Holy Ghost.; Moses 5: 58
gospel preached from beginning by gift of Holy Ghost.
The Standard Works
Spirit, Holy / Spirit of the Lord
(see also
Born of God
; Holy Ghost
; Holy Ghost, Baptism of
; Holy Spirit of Promise
; Inspiration
; Light
; Revelation
; Spirit, Gifts of
; Spiritual
; Truth
; TG God, Spirit of
; TG Holy Ghost
; TG Jesus Christ, Spirit of
; TG Lord, Spirit of
; BD Spirit, the Holy
1 Ne. 1: 7-8
Lehi(1) is overcome with Spirit.; 1 Ne. 2: 17
Nephi(1) tells Sam of things manifested to him by Holy Spirit.; 1 Ne. 3: 20
words delivered to prophets by Spirit of the Lord.; 1 Ne. 4: 6
Nephi(1) led by Spirit, not knowing beforehand what he should do.; 1 Ne. 7: 14
Spirit of the Lord ceaseth soon to strive with Jews.; 1 Ne. 11: 1
Nephi(1) is caught away in Spirit into high mountain.; 1 Ne. 11: 11
Nephi(1) speaks with Spirit of the Lord in form of man.; 1 Ne. 13: 12-13
Gentiles wrought upon by Spirit of the Lord to cross many waters.; 1 Ne. 17: 47
Nephi(1) is full of Spirit of God, that his frame has no strength.; 1 Ne. 17: 52
Spirit of God is so powerful, brothers of Nephi(1) fear to touch him.; 1 Ne. 19: 12
many kings shall be wrought upon by Spirit of God.; 1 Ne. 20: 16
(Isa. 48: 16
) the Lord God, and his Spirit, hath sent me.; 1 Ne. 22: 2
by Spirit are all things made known unto prophets.; 2 Ne. 2: 4
Spirit is same yesterday, today, forever.; 2 Ne. 2: 28
choose eternal life according to will of Holy Spirit.; 2 Ne. 26: 11
(Ether 2: 15
) Spirit of the Lord will not always strive with man.; 2 Ne. 32: 8
if ye would hearken unto Spirit that teaches man to pray, ye would know ye must pray.; 2 Ne. 33: 2
many harden hearts against Holy Spirit, that it has no place in them.; Jacob 4: 13
Spirit speaks the truth.; Jacob 6: 8
will ye deny gift of Holy Ghost and quench Holy Spirit.; Jacob 7: 8
the Lord pours his Spirit into soul of Jacob(2).; Jarom 1: 4
those who are not stiffnecked and have faith have communion with Holy Spirit.; Jarom 1: 4
Holy Spirit makes manifest unto men according to faith.; Mosiah 3: 19
natural man will remain enemy to God unless he yields to enticings of Holy Spirit.; Mosiah 4: 20
God has poured out Spirit upon people of Benjamin.; Mosiah 5: 2
Spirit of the Lord has wrought mighty change in people of Benjamin.; Mosiah 18: 10
be baptized, that the Lord may pour out his Spirit upon you more abundantly.; Mosiah 27: 24
Alma(2) has been born of the Spirit.; Alma 5: 46
teachings are made known unto Alma(2) by Holy Spirit of God.; Alma 5: 46
Holy Spirit is spirit of revelation.; Alma 5: 47
prophecy is by manifestation of Spirit of God.; Alma 5: 54
converts have been sanctified by Holy Spirit.; Alma 7: 5
I trust, according to Spirit of God which is in me, that I shall have joy over you.; Alma 8: 10
Alma(2) wrestles with God that he would pour out his Spirit upon people of Ammonihah.; Alma 9: 21
Nephites have been visited by Spirit of God.; Alma 11: 22
Amulek will say nothing contrary to Spirit of the Lord.; Alma 11: 44
(2 Ne. 31: 21
; 3 Ne. 11: 27, 36
; 3 Ne. 28: 10
; Morm. 7: 7
) Father Son, and Holy Spirit are one God.; Alma 13: 4
men reject Spirit of God because of hardness of hearts.; Alma 13: 28
pray continually and thus be led by Holy Spirit.; Alma 18: 16
Ammon(2), being filled with Spirit of God, perceives king’s thoughts.; Alma 18: 34
Ammon(2) has been called by Holy Spirit to teach these things.; Alma 19: 36
the Lord pours out his Spirit upon Lamanites.; Alma 24: 30
if people once enlightened by Spirit fall away, they become more hardened.; Alma 30: 42
Korihor has put off Spirit of God.; Alma 30: 46
Korihor resists spirit of the truth.; Alma 31: 36
Alma(2) clasps hands upon fellow laborers and they are filled with Holy Spirit.; Alma 34: 35
if you have procrastinated day of your repentance, Spirit of the Lord has withdrawn from you.; Alma 38: 6
Spirit of God makes things known to Alma(2).; Alma 40: 13
spirits of the wicked have no portion of Spirit of the Lord.; Alma 45: 19
Alma(2) is taken up by Spirit.; Alma 61: 15
commanders are given power to conduct war according to Spirit of God, which is Spirit of freedom.; Hel. 4: 24
Spirit of the Lord no more preserves Nephites.; Hel. 4: 24
Spirit of the Lord dwells not in unholy temples.; Hel. 5: 45
Holy Spirit enters Nephi(2) and Lehi(4), that they speak marvelous words.; Hel. 13: 8
because of hardness of Nephites’ hearts, the Lord will withdraw his Spirit from them.; 3 Ne. 7: 21
converts signify they have been visited by Spirit of God.; 3 Ne. 18: 7, 11
(Moro. 4: 3
; Moro. 5: 2
) if men always remember Christ, they shall have his Spirit.; Moro. 4: 3
(Moro. 5: 2
) those who partake of sacrament and always remember Christ will have his Spirit.; Moro. 8: 28
(Moro. 9: 4
) Mormon(2) fears Spirit has ceased striving with Nephites.; Moro. 10: 8, 17
gifts of God are given by manifestations of Spirit of God.; D&C 1: 33
the Lord’s Spirit shall not always strive with man.; D&C 1: 39
(D&C 59: 24
) Spirit bears record.; D&C 5: 16
manifestation of Spirit depends on faith.; D&C 5: 16
those who believe will be born of Spirit.; D&C 6: 14
those who inquire receive instruction of Spirit.; D&C 6: 15
thou hast been enlightened by Spirit of truth.; D&C 8: 3
this is the spirit of revelation.; D&C 11: 12
put trust in that Spirit which leads to do good.; D&C 11: 13
(D&C 84: 46
) Spirit shall enlighten mind, fill soul with joy.; D&C 11: 18
appeal unto my Spirit.; D&C 11: 21
after obtaining the word, elders shall have the Lord’s Spirit.; D&C 18: 2
truth of things written manifested by Spirit.; D&C 18: 2-3, 35, 47
(D&C 75: 1
; D&C 97: 1
) word of God given by Spirit.; D&C 19: 20
punishments tasted when Spirit is withdrawn.; D&C 19: 23
walk in meekness of Spirit.; D&C 19: 38
pray always, and I will pour out my Spirit.; D&C 20: 37
candidates for baptism must manifest they have received of Spirit of Christ.; D&C 20: 77, 79
those who partake of sacrament shall have Spirit.; D&C 25: 7
expound scriptures as given by Spirit.; D&C 27: 18
take the sword of my Spirit.; D&C 29: 30-31
the Lord created all things by power of his Spirit.; D&C 33: 16
power of Spirit quickens all things.; D&C 35: 13
the Lord to thrash nations by power of Spirit.; D&C 42: 6
go forth in power of Spirit, preaching gospel.; D&C 42: 13
(D&C 43: 15
) teach as directed by Spirit.; D&C 42: 14
(D&C 63: 64
) Spirit given by prayer of faith.; D&C 42: 14
if ye receive not the Spirit, ye shall not teach.; D&C 42: 23
(D&C 63: 16
) he who looks upon woman to lust shall not have Spirit.; D&C 45: 57
the wise have taken Holy Spirit for their guide.; D&C 46: 2
elders to conduct meetings as guided by Holy Spirit.; D&C 46: 7
do that which Spirit testifies.; D&C 46: 28
he who asks in Spirit shall receive in Spirit.; D&C 46: 30
he who asks in Spirit asks according to will of God.; D&C 46: 31
all things done in Spirit must be done in name of Christ.; D&C 50: 13-14
(D&C 124: 88
) elders are ordained to preach gospel by Spirit.; D&C 50: 17
preach by Spirit of truth.; D&C 55: 1-3
(D&C 53: 3
; D&C 76: 52
) reception of Holy Spirit by laying on of hands.; D&C 61: 27-28
(D&C 62: 8
) do as commanded by Spirit.; D&C 63: 32
(D&C 64: 16
; D&C 121: 37
) the Lord holds his Spirit because of wickedness.; D&C 63: 41
Joseph Smith has power to discern by Spirit who should go to Zion.; D&C 63: 55
Sidney Rigdon grieves the Spirit.; D&C 63: 64
things to be spoken with constraint of Spirit.; D&C 70: 14
Spirit to be with, held if saints are not equal in temporal things.; D&C 72: 24
members are appointed by Holy Spirit to go to Zion.; D&C 76: 12, 18
by power of Spirit our eyes were opened.; D&C 76: 35
sons of perdition deny Holy Spirit after receiving it.; D&C 76: 52
those in celestial glory have received Holy Spirit by laying on of hands.; D&C 76: 83
telestial inhabitants deny not Holy Spirit.; D&C 76: 116
mysteries understood only through Spirit.; D&C 76: 116
Spirit bestowed on those who love God and purify themselves.; D&C 76: 118
man can bear God’s presence only through manifestation of Spirit.; D&C 84: 33
those who magnify priesthood callings are sanctified by Spirit.; D&C 84: 45
whatsoever is light is Spirit.; D&C 84: 46
Spirit gives light to every man.; D&C 84: 47
everyone who hearkens to Spirit comes unto Father.; D&C 84: 88
my Spirit shall be in your hearts.; D&C 88: 66
my voice is Spirit.; D&C 88: 66
(D&C 91: 4
; D&C 93: 23-26
) my Spirit is truth.; D&C 88: 137
pray as Spirit gives utterance.; D&C 93: 9, 11, 26
Christ is Spirit of truth.; D&C 95: 4
the Lord to pour out Spirit upon all flesh.; D&C 97: 1
the Lord speaks with voice of his Spirit.; D&C 99: 2
elders given power to declare word in demonstration of Holy Spirit.; D&C 104: 81
write according to that which shall be dictated by Spirit.; D&C 105: 36
those who are chosen shall be manifest by voice of Spirit.; D&C 107: 71
high priest may serve as bishop. having knowledge of temporal things by Spirit of truth.; D&C 111: 8
place to tarry shall be signalized by peace and power of Spirit.; D&C 112: 22
hearken to voice of Spirit.; D&C 136: 33
Spirit is sent forth into world.; Moses 1: 15
God’s Spirit has not all together withdrawn from Moses.; Moses 1: 27-28
Moses discerns earth and its inhabitants by Spirit of God.; Moses 2: 2
(Abr. 4: 2
) God’s Spirit moves upon face of water.; Moses 6: 26
Spirit of God descends from heaven, abides upon Enoch(2).; Moses 6: 60
by the Spirit ye are justified.; Moses 6: 65
Spirit of God descends upon Adam.; Moses 8: 17
Spirit will not always strive with man.; Abr. 4: 2
Spirit of God broods upon the waters.
The Standard Works
Spiritual, Spiritually
(see also
Darkness, Spiritual
; Death, Spiritual
; Holy Ghost
; Spirit
; Spirit, Holy/Spirit of the Lord
1 Ne. 14: 7
the hardhearted to be delivered unto destruction, both temporally and spiritually.; 1 Ne. 15: 26-32
river of filthy water is representation of things both temporal and spiritual.; 1 Ne. 22: 3
prophecies of Isaiah(1) pertain to things both temporal and spiritual.; 2 Ne. 2: 5
by spiritual law, men perish from that which is good.; 2 Ne. 9: 39
to be spiritually-minded is life eternal.; Mosiah 2: 41
those who keep commandments are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual.; Mosiah 4: 26
administer to relief of the poor, both spiritually and temporally.; Mosiah 5: 7
Christ has spiritually begotten those who enter covenant.; Mosiah 18: 29
Nephites impart to one another both temporally and spiritually.; Alma 5: 14
have ye spiritually been born of God.; Alma 7: 23
ask for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both temporal and spiritual.; Alma 11: 45
through resurrection, body and spirit become spiritual and immortal.; Alma 36: 4
Alma(2) knows these things, not of the temporal but of the spiritual.; Alma 37: 43
as fathers were slothful they did not prosper, so it is with spiritual things.; Morm. 2: 15
day of grace is past with Nephites, both temporally and spiritually.; Moro. 10: 19
spiritual gifts will never be done away.; D&C 14: 11
blessed both spiritually and temporally.; D&C 29: 31-32
the Lord created first spiritual, secondly temporal.; D&C 29: 34
all things unto the Lord are spiritual.; D&C 29: 35
the Lord’s commandments are spiritual.; D&C 50
Intro. revelation given in regard to spiritual phenomena.; D&C 67: 10-12
men can see God only with spiritual, not natural eyes.; D&C 70: 12
he who administers spiritual things is worthy of hire.; D&C 72: 14
labors of the faithful who labor in spiritual things shall answer debt unto bishop.; D&C 77: 2
temporal things in likeness of spiritual.; D&C 88: 27
the righteous who die shall rise again, a spiritual body.; D&C 107: 8, 18
Melchizedek Priesthood administers in spiritual things.; D&C 107: 32
quorums constitute spiritual authorities of church.; D&C 128: 14
(1 Cor. 15: 46-48
) spiritual was not first, but the natural, afterward the spiritual.; D&C 133: 14
go out from wickedness, which is spiritual Babylon.; Moses 1: 11
Moses beholds God by spiritual eyes.; Moses 3: 5, 7
God created all things spiritually before naturally.
The Standard Works
Spit, Spitting
(see also
; Revile
; Scorn
1 Ne. 19: 9
world shall spit upon God of Israel.; 2 Ne. 7: 6
(Isa. 50: 6
) I hid not my face from shame and spitting.; Alma 8: 13
people of Ammonihah spit upon Alma(2).; Alma 14: 7
people spit upon Zeezrom.; Alma 26: 29
sons of Mosiah(2) have been spit upon.
The Standard Works
(see also
2 Ne. 3: 17-18
the Lord will make a spokesman for Moses.; D&C 88: 122
let not all be spokesmen at once.; D&C 100: 9
(D&C 124: 104
) Sidney Rigdon to be spokesman for Joseph Smith.
The Standard Works
Spot of Land
(see also
Jacob 5: 21-22
poorest spot of ground in vineyard.; Jacob 5: 23
spot of ground poorer than first.; Jacob 5: 25, 43-44
good spot of ground in vineyard.; D&C 58: 57
dedicate land and spot for temple.; D&C 84: 31
house of the Lord to be built upon consecrated spot.; D&C 101: 44
nobleman had spot of land.
The Standard Works
Spot, Spotted
(see also
; Guilt
; Sin
; Spot of Land
; Spotless
; Stain
Ether 12: 38
garments of Moroni(1) not spotted with Gentiles’ blood.; Moro. 10: 33
become holy, without spot.; D&C 36: 6
hate garments spotted with flesh.; D&C 38: 31
saints to be righteous people, without spot.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Guiltless
; Innocence
; Purity
; Spot, Spotted
2 Ne. 33: 7
Nephi(1) to meet many souls spotless at judgment-seat.; Jacob 1: 19
slothful teachers would not be found spotless at last day.; Alma 5: 24
(Alma 7: 25
) garments of prophets are spotless.; Alma 12: 14
our words will condemn us, and we shall not be found spotless.; Alma 13: 12
after being sanctified by Holy Ghost, high priests are pure and spotless.; Alma 14: 7
Zeezrom confesses Alma(2) and Amulek are spotless.; 3 Ne. 27: 20
be sanctified by Holy Ghost, that ye may stand spotless before the Lord.; Morm. 9: 6
be found spotless, having been cleansed by blood of Lamb.; D&C 61: 34
rid garments and be spotless before the Lord.; D&C 76: 107
Christ to deliver up kingdom unto Father spotless.
The Standard Works
Spread, Spreading
(see also
; Flourish
; Grow
; Increase
; Shed
Mosiah 3: 20
knowledge of Savior shall spread throughout every nation.; Alma 1: 15-16
death of Nehor does not end spreading of priestcraft.; Hel. 6: 28
devil spread works of darkness over land.; Hel. 16: 22
Satan spread rumors and contentions.; 3 Ne. 4: 6
robbers dare not spread themselves in land lest Nephites attack.; 4 Ne. 1: 46
robbers spread over land.; Morm. 2: 8
blood and carnage spread throughout land.; Ether 9: 6
so great has been spreading of secret society that hearts of all are corrupted.; Ether 9: 26
(Ether 10: 4
) people have spread again over the land.; D&C 82: 5
the adversary spreadeth his dominions.; D&C 97: 18
Zion shall prosper and spread.; D&C 110: 10
fame of this house shall spread to foreign lands.; Moses 5: 52
abominations spread among men.
The Standard Works
Spring Hill, Missouri
D&C 116
revelation given at Spring Hill.
The Standard Works
Spring, Springing
(see also
; Grow
; Stream
; Water
1 Ne. 16: 21
bows have lost their springs.; 1 Ne. 21: 10
(Isa. 49: 10
) he who has mercy on them shall lead them by springs of water.; Alma 32: 41
(Alma 33: 23
) nourish tree by faith and diligence, and it will spring up unto everlasting life.; D&C 63: 23
mysteries of kingdom shall be well of living water springing up unto everlasting life.; D&C 86: 4
blade is springing up and is yet tender.; D&C 132: 34
from Hagar sprang many people.; Moses 8: 3
from Methuselah’s loins shall spring all kingdoms of earth.
The Standard Works
3 Ne. 20: 45
(Isa. 52: 15
) so shall he sprinkle many nations.; D&C 133: 51
the Lord has sprinkled blood upon his garments.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Scorn
3 Ne. 29: 4-5
warning not to spurn doings of the Lord.; 3 Ne. 29: 8
ye need not any longer spurn the Jews.
The Standard Works
Mosiah 9: 1
Zeniff sent as spy among Lamanites.; Mosiah 10: 7
Zeniff sends spies around land of Shemlon.; Alma 2: 21
Alma(2) sends spies to follow Amlicites.; Alma 43: 23, 28, 30
(Alma 56: 22
) Moroni(1) sends spies to watch Lamanites.; Alma 58: 14
Lamanites send out spies to discover Nephites’ strength.
The Standard Works
(see also
2 Ne. 13: 1
(Isa. 3: 1
) the Lord takes from Judah whole staff of bread.; 2 Ne. 24: 5
(Isa. 14: 5
) the Lord has broken staff of the wicked.; D&C 89: 14
all grain is ordained to be staff of life.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Guilt
; Sin
; Spot, Spotted
; Unclean
Alma 5: 21
garments must be purified until cleansed from all stain.; Alma 5: 22
how will you feel to stand before God with garments stained with filthiness.; Alma 24: 11-13
since God has taken away our stains, let us stain our swords no more.; D&C 133: 51
the Lord will stain his raiment with blood.
The Standard Works
(see also
Church of God
; Zion
3 Ne. 22: 2
(Moro. 10: 31
; Isa. 54: 2
) strengthen thy stakes.; D&C 68: 25-26
(D&C 82: 13
; D&C 94: 1
; D&C 96: 1
; D&C 104: 40
) Kirtland consecrated for stakes to Zion.; D&C 82: 14
(D&C 96: 1
; D&C 133: 9
) Zion’s stakes must be strengthened.; D&C 101: 21
(D&C 115: 18
) the Lord will appoint places to be called stakes for curtains or strength of Zion.; D&C 107: 36
authority of high councils in the stakes.; D&C 107: 74
bishop to be common judge in stake of Zion.; D&C 109: 39
converts to come forth unto Zion, or to her stakes.; D&C 109: 59
(D&C 115: 18
) the Lord will appoint unto Zion other stakes in addition to Kirtland.; D&C 115: 6
gathering together upon Zion and her stakes may be for a defense.; D&C 119: 7
this shall be ensample unto stakes of Zion.; D&C 124: 2
stake planted in Nauvoo as cornerstone.; D&C 124: 133-134
presidency of high priests to qualify standing presidents over different stakes.; D&C 136: 10
saints to remove to place where the Lord will locate stake.
The Standard Works
Stand, Stood
(see also
; Need
; Standing
; Steadfast
; Testimony
; Witness
1 Ne. 15: 33
(2 Ne. 28: 23
; Alma 11: 43
; Ether 5: 6
) men must be brought to stand before God to be judged.; 2 Ne. 13: 13
the Lord standeth up to plead and to judge.; 2 Ne. 25: 21-22
seed of Joseph(1) shall never perish as long as earth shall stand.; Mosiah 18: 9
stand as witness of God.; Alma 5: 44
Alma(2) is commanded to stand and testify of things to come.; Alma 31: 21
Rameumpton, being interpreted, is holy stand.; Hel. 12: 15
it appears to man that sun standeth still.; 3 Ne. 17: 12
(3 Ne. 19: 15
; 3 Ne. 27: 2
) Jesus stood in midst of Nephites.; 3 Ne. 27: 16
Jesus to stand to judge world.; 3 Ne. 27: 20
those sanctified by Holy Ghost may stand before Christ at last day.; Moro. 7: 36-37
the Lord will not withhold power of Holy Ghost as long as earth shall stand.; Moro. 10: 19
spiritual gifts shall not be done away as long as world shall stand.; D&C 4: 2
serve God that ye may stand blameless before him.; D&C 27: 15
take up the Lord’s whole armor, that ye may be able to stand.; D&C 29: 11
the wicked shall not stand.; D&C 38: 20
land of inheritance promised while earth shall stand.; D&C 42: 53
stand in the place of thy stewardship.; D&C 45: 32
(D&C 87: 8
; D&C 101: 22
) stand in holy places.; D&C 78: 14
church to stand independent above all other creatures.; D&C 84: 101
(D&C 133: 25
) the Lord stands in midst of his people.; D&C 84: 109
let every man stand in his own office.; D&C 88: 89
because of earthquakes men shall fall, not be able to stand.; D&C 107: 100
slothful shall not be counted worthy to stand.; D&C 110: 2
we saw the Lord standing upon breastwork.; Moses 1: 35
many worlds have passed away, many now stand.; Moses 6: 47
people cannot stand in God’s presence.; Moses 7: 52
remnant of Abraham’s seed always to be found while earth stands.; JS-M 1: 12
when you see abomination of desolation, stand in the holy place.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Example
; Title of Liberty
; TG God, the Standard of Righteousness
1 Ne. 21: 22
(2 Ne. 6: 6
; Isa. 49: 22
) the Lord will set up his standard to the people.; 1 Ne. 22: 6
the Lord will set Gentiles up for standard.; 2 Ne. 20: 18
(Isa. 10: 18
) they shall be as when a standard-bearer fainteth.; 2 Ne. 29: 2
the Lord’s words shall hiss forth for standard unto Israel.; Alma 46: 36
(Alma 51: 20
; Alma 62: 4-5
) Moroni plants standard of liberty among Nephites.; D&C 45: 9
everlasting covenant to be standard.; D&C 98: 34
peace to be lifted as standard.; D&C 115: 5
shine forth, that thy light may be standard for nations.; OD 2
candidates for priesthood ordination must meet standard of worthiness.
The Standard Works
Alma 13: 5
those called to be high priests are on same standing with brethren.; D&C 20: 84
removing members should take letter certifying they are in good standing.; D&C 84: 111
deacons and teachers are standing ministers unto church.; D&C 107: 36
standing high councils at stakes.; D&C 119: 4
tithing shall be standing law.; D&C 124: 134
standing presidents over stakes shall be appointed.; D&C 124: 137
elders instituted as standing ministers.
The Standard Works
Stanton, Daniel
D&C 75: 33
to preach with Seymour Brunson.
The Standard Works
1 Ne. 1: 10
Lehi(1) beholds twelve whose brightness exceeds that of stars.; 2 Ne. 24: 13
(Isa. 14: 13
) Lucifer desires to exalt his throne above stars of God.; Hel. 14: 5
(3 Ne. 1: 21
) new star shall arise as sign of Christ’s birth.; Hel. 14: 20
(3 Ne. 8: 22
) stars shall be darkened as sign of Christ’s death.; D&C 29: 14
(D&C 34: 9
; D&C 45: 42
; D&C 88: 87
; D&C 133: 49
) stars to fall at the Lord’s coming.; D&C 76: 81, 98
telestial glory compared with stars.; D&C 76: 109
inhabitants of telestial world innumerable as stars.; D&C 88: 9
the Lord is light of stars and power by which they were made.; D&C 128: 23
let sun, moon, morning stars sing together.; D&C 132: 30
Abraham’s seed to continue as innumerable as stars.; Moses 2: 16
(Abr. 4: 16
) stars made according to God’s word.; Abr. 1: 31
fathers’ record of knowledge of stars kept by Abraham.; Abr. 3: 2
Abraham sees great stars, one that is nearest throne of God.; Abr. 3: 13
Kokob, which is star.; Abr. 3: 13
Kokaubeam signifies stars, or all the great lights.; Abr. 3: 17-18
planet or star may exist above any other.; JS-M 1: 33
(Matt. 24: 29
) stars shall fall from heaven.
The Standard Works
(see also
1 Ne. 10: 6
all mankind in lost and fallen state.; 1 Ne. 15: 31, 35
final state of souls is to dwell with God or be cast out.; 2 Ne. 2: 21
(Alma 12: 24
; Alma 42: 10, 13
) this life became state of probation.; 2 Ne. 25: 17
the Lord will set his hand second time to restore his people from lost and fallen state.; Mosiah 4: 2
Benjamin’s people view themselves in carnal state.; Mosiah 16: 4
God redeems his people from lost and fallen state.; Mosiah 27: 25
all mankind must be changed from carnal and fallen state to state of righteousness.; Alma 12: 31
through first transgression men placed themselves in state to act according to their wills.; Alma 40: 11-14
state of soul between death and resurrection.; Alma 41: 11
men in state of nature, or carnal state, have gone contrary to nature of God, contrary to nature of happiness.; Alma 42: 10
probationary state became state for men to prepare.; 3 Ne. 28: 15
three Nephites seem to be transformed from body of flesh to immortal state.; D&C 77: 1
(D&C 130: 9
) earth in its sanctified and immortal state.
The Standard Works
1 Ne. 2: 16
(1 Ne. 4: 31
) Nephi(1) is large in stature.; 3 Ne. 13: 27
(Matt. 6: 27
) which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature.; Morm. 2: 1
Mormon(2) is large in stature.
The Standard Works
(see also
Commandments of God
; Decree
; Law
; Ordinance
2 Ne. 1: 16
(2 Ne. 5: 10
; Mosiah 6: 6
; Alma 25: 14
; Alma 58: 40
; Hel. 3: 20
; Hel. 6: 34
; Hel. 15: 5
; 3 Ne. 25: 4
) observe the statutes and judgments of the Lord.; D&C 119: 6
(D&C 124: 39
; D&C 136: 2
) saints must keep the Lord’s statutes and judgments in Zion.
The Standard Works
(see also
D&C 24: 18
elders to take no purse nor scrip, neither staves.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Hinder
; Restrain
; Stop
; Withhold
2 Ne. 13: 1
(Isa. 3: 1
) the Lord takes away from Judah whole stay of water.; 2 Ne. 20: 20
(Isa. 10: 20
) remnant of Israel shall no longer stay upon him that smote them, but upon the Lord.; 2 Ne. 27: 4
all ye that do iniquity, stay yourselves and wonder.; Morm. 8: 26
records shall come by hand of the Lord, and none can stay it.; D&C 1: 5
disciples shall go forth and none shall stay them.; D&C 29: 19
tongues of the wicked shall be stayed.; D&C 38: 33
(D&C 76: 3
) no power can stay the Lord’s hand.; D&C 97: 23
scourge shall not be stayed until the Lord come.; D&C 121: 33
what power shall stay the heavens.; D&C 133: 26
prophets shall no longer stay themselves.
The Standard Works
Steadfast, Steadfastly, Steadfastness
(see also
; Endure
; Faithful
; Firmness
; Immovable
; Obedience
; Perseverance
; Steadiness
; Unshaken
1 Ne. 2: 10
Lehi(1) exhorts Lemuel to be steadfast like valley.; 2 Ne. 25: 24
Nephites look forward with steadfastness unto Christ.; 2 Ne. 26: 8
the righteous who look forward unto Christ with steadfastness shall not perish.; 2 Ne. 31: 20
press forward with steadfastness in Christ.; Mosiah 4: 11
stand steadfastly in faith of that which is to come.; Mosiah 5: 15
be steadfast and immovable.; Alma 1: 25
the faithful stand steadfast in keeping commandments.; Alma 5: 48
Christ shall take away sins of those who steadfastly believe on his name.; Hel. 15: 8
converted Lamanites are steadfast in faith.; Hel. 15: 10
because of their steadfastness, the Lord will prolong Lamanites’ days.; 3 Ne. 1: 8
believers watch steadfastly for sign of Christ’s birth.; 3 Ne. 6: 14
church broken up except for few Lamanites who are steadfast.; Ether 12: 4
hope for better world makes men sure and steadfast.; D&C 31: 9
govern your house in meekness, and be steadfast.; D&C 49: 23
be not deceived, but continue in steadfastness.; D&C 82: 24
fall not from your steadfastness.; D&C 84: 61
remain steadfast in your minds in solemnity and spirit of prayer.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Steady
Alma 38: 2
(Alma 39: 1
) Alma(2) to have great joy in Shiblon’s steadiness.; Hel. 6: 1
Lamanites’ righteousness exceeds that of Nephites because of their steadiness.
The Standard Works
D&C 85: 8
man who puts forth hand to steady ark will fall by shaft of death.
The Standard Works
Steal, Stealing, Stolen
(see also
; Rob
; Thief
2 Ne. 26: 32
the Lord has commanded that men should not steal.; Mosiah 2: 13
Benjamin has not suffered his people to steal.; Mosiah 13: 22
(Ex. 20: 15
) thou shalt not steal.; Alma 1: 18
those practicing priestcraft dare not steal for fear of law.; Alma 16: 18
priests preach against stealing.; Alma 23: 3
king would convince Lamanites they ought not to steal.; Alma 39: 4
harlot Isabel stole away hearts of many.; Hel. 4: 12
slaughter of Nephites caused by iniquities, stealing.; Hel. 6: 21, 23
robbers covenant they should not suffer for stealings.; Hel. 7: 4-5
robbers obtain management of government that they might more easily steal.; 3 Ne. 13: 19-20
(Matt. 6: 19-20
) lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where thieves steal.; 3 Ne. 27: 32
fourth generation will sell the Lord for that which thieves can steal.; D&C 42: 20
(D&C 59: 6
) thou shalt not steal.; D&C 42: 20
he who stealeth and will not repent shall be cast out.; D&C 42: 54
thou shalt not take brother’s garment.; D&C 42: 84-85
members who shall steal shall be delivered unto law of land.
The Standard Works
(see also
1 Ne. 4: 9
Laban’s sword is of most precious steel.; 1 Ne. 16: 18
Nephi(1) breaks his bow, made of fine steel.; 2 Ne. 5: 15
(Jarom 1: 8
) Nephi(1) teaches his people to work in steel.; Ether 7: 9
Shule makes swords of steel.
The Standard Works
Stem of Jesse
2 Ne. 21: 1
(Isa. 11: 1
) rod shall come forth out of stem of Jesse.; D&C 113: 1-4
explanation of Stem of Jesse.
The Standard Works
Steward, Stewardship
(see also
D&C 42: 32
(D&C 104: 13
) every man to be made steward over his own property.; D&C 42: 53
stand in place of thy stewardship.; D&C 42: 70
priests and teachers shall have their stewardships.; D&C 51: 19
wise steward shall enter into joy of his Lord.; D&C 52: 13
(D&C 78: 22
) he who is faithful will be made ruler over many things.; D&C 64: 40
even bishopric shall be condemned if not faithful in stewardships.; D&C 69: 5
servants abroad shall send accounts of their stewardships.; D&C 70: 3-7
brethren appointed stewards over revelations.; D&C 70: 9
what the Lord requires of every man in his stewardship.; D&C 72: 3-4
(D&C 70: 4
; D&C 104: 12-13
; D&C 124: 14
) every steward to render account of stewardship.; D&C 72: 5, 16
elders to account for stewardship to bishop.; D&C 78: 22
faithful and wise steward shall inherit all things.; D&C 82: 17
all to have equal claims on property to manage stewardships.; D&C 101: 61
faithful steward a ruler in the Lord’s kingdom.; D&C 101: 90
the Lord will cut off wicked, unfaithful, and unjust stewards.; D&C 104: 11
organize yourselves and appoint every man his stewardship.; D&C 104: 13
every man accountable as steward over earthly blessings.; D&C 104: 54-56
properties in stewardship belong to the Lord.; D&C 104: 74-77
treatment of unfaithful steward.; D&C 136: 27
be diligent that thou mayest be wise steward.
The Standard Works
The Standard Works
Stiffnecked, Stiffneckedness
(see also
; Pride
; Rebel
; Stubbornness
; Unbelief
1 Ne. 2: 11
Lehi(1) speaks because of stiffneckedness of elder sons.; 2 Ne. 6: 10
(2 Ne. 10: 5
; 2 Ne. 25: 12
) Jews shall stiffen necks against Holy One.; 2 Ne. 25: 28
(Enos 1: 22
; Hel. 5: 3
; Hel. 9: 21
; Hel. 13: 29
) Nephites are stiffnecked people.; 2 Ne. 28: 14
false churches wear stiff necks and high heads.; 2 Ne. 32: 7
(3 Ne. 15: 18
) Spirit stops utterance because of stiffneckedness of men.; Jacob 2: 13
rich among Nephites wear stiff necks because of costly apparel.; Jacob 4: 14
(Jacob 6: 4
; 3 Ne. 15: 18
) Jews were stiffnecked people.; Jarom 1: 4
many among Nephites have revelations, for not all are stiffnecked.; Omni 1: 28
Zeniff a stiffnecked man.; W of M 1: 17
holy men speak with sharpness because of stiffneckedness of people.; Mosiah 3: 14
(Mosiah 13: 29
) the Lord saw his people were stiffnecked and appointed unto them law of Moses.; Alma 9: 5, 31
(Alma 15: 15
) people of Ammonihah are stiffnecked people.; Alma 20: 30
Lamanites in Middoni are more stiffnecked people.; Alma 26: 24
Nephites believe Lamanites are stiffnecked people.; Alma 37: 10
records may bring thousands of stiffnecked Nephites to knowledge of Redeemer.; Hel. 4: 21
Nephites see they have been stiffnecked.; Morm. 8: 33
stiffnecked people will build churches to get gain.; D&C 5: 8
the Lord’s anger is kindled against unbelieving, stiffnecked generation.; D&C 56: 6
the Lord revokes commandment because of stiffneckedness of his people.; D&C 112: 13
if the Twelve stiffen not their necks against the Lord, they shall be converted.
The Standard Works
(see also
Hel. 12: 15
it appears to man that sun stands still.; D&C 101: 16
be still and know that I am God.
The Standard Works
Mosiah 16: 7-8
(Morm. 7: 5
) sting of death is swallowed up in Christ.; Alma 22: 14
sting of death to be swallowed up in hopes of glory.
The Standard Works
(see also
2 Ne. 7: 2
(Isa. 50: 2
) the Lord makes fish to stink because waters are dried up.; 2 Ne. 13: 24
(Isa. 3: 24
) instead of sweet smell there shall be stink.; Alma 19: 5
some say Lamoni stinketh.; D&C 133: 68
the Lord makes their fish to stink.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Contention
; Provocation
; Rebel
Enos 1: 23
prophets stir Nephites up continually to keep them in fear of the Lord.; Mosiah 11: 28
Abinadi stirs up people.; Mosiah 18: 33
Noah(3) says Alma(1) is stirring people up to rebellion.; Alma 11: 20
judges stir people up to riotings to get gain.; Hel. 6: 21
Satan stirred up hearts of Nephites to unite with robbers.; Hel. 16: 22
Satan stirred up people to do iniquity.; Morm. 4: 5
the wicked stir up hearts of men to bloodshed.; D&C 10: 20-24, 63
Satan stirreth up hearts of people to contention.; D&C 18: 6
children of men must be stirred up unto repentance.
The Standard Works
Stoal, Josiah
JS-H 1: 56-57
Joseph Smith works for Josiah Stoal.
The Standard Works
Stone [noun]
(see also
; Foundation
; Ore
; Rock
; Stone [verb]
; Urim and Thummim
1 Ne. 2: 7
Lehi(1) builds altar of stones and makes offering to the Lord.; 1 Ne. 16: 15
Lehites slay food with stones and slings.; 1 Ne. 17: 11
Nephi(1) smites two stones together to make fire.; 2 Ne. 18: 14
(Isa. 8: 14
) he shall be for stone of stumbling.; 2 Ne. 19: 10
(Isa. 9: 10
) we will build with hewn stones.; 2 Ne. 26: 3
Jews stone the prophets.; Jacob 4: 15
Jews will reject stone upon which they might build safe foundation.; Omni 1: 20
large stone with engravings brought to Mosiah(1).; Mosiah 10: 8
(Alma 3: 5
; Alma 43: 20
) Lamanites are armed with stones and slings.; Mosiah 28: 11, 13-16
Mosiah(2) translates records by means of two stones.; Alma 2: 12
(Alma 49: 20
) Nephites armed with stones and slings.; Alma 17: 14
Lamanites’ hearts are set upon precious stones.; Alma 37: 23
the Lord will prepare stone which will shine forth in darkness unto light.; Hel. 16: 2
Nephites cast stones at Samuel upon the wall.; Ether 3: 1-6
(Ether 6: 3
) brother of Jared(2) makes sixteen small stones for light in vessels.; Ether 3: 23-24, 28
the Lord gives brother of Jared(2) two stones to be sealed with writings.; D&C 28: 11
Hiram Page deceived by Satan by a stone.; D&C 45: 20
temple to be thrown down, that not one stone shall be left on another.; D&C 50: 44
Christ is stone of Israel.; D&C 65: 2
(Dan. 2: 34-35, 44-45
) stone cut out of mountain without hands.; D&C 130: 10
white stone will become a Urim and Thummim.; D&C 130: 11
white stone to be given to each who comes into celestial kingdom.; Abr. 1: 11
virgins killed on altar because they would not worship gods of stone.; JS-H 1: 35
Urim and Thummim, two stones in silver bows.; JS-H 1: 51
plates lay in stone box under a stone.
The Standard Works
Stone [verb]
(see also
; Persecution
; Reject
; Stone [noun]
Alma 26: 29
sons of Mosiah(2) have been stoned.; Alma 33: 17
second prophet of old was stoned for testifying of Son.; Alma 38: 4
Shiblon was stoned for word’s sake.; Hel. 13: 33
(3 Ne. 8: 25
) O that I had repented and not stoned the prophets.; 3 Ne. 7: 14
people stoned the prophets and cast them out.; 3 Ne. 10: 12
more righteous part of people receive prophets and stoned them not.; Ether 8: 25
devil causes men to stone prophets.
The Standard Works
Stand, Stood
The Standard Works
(see also
; Restrain
; Stay
2 Ne. 32: 7
Spirit stoppeth utterance of Nephi(1).; Mosiah 4: 20
the Lord has caused mouths to be stopped that they cannot find utterance because of joy.; Alma 36: 6
God sent angel to stop Alma(2) and companions by the way.; D&C 121: 33
as well might man stretch forth arm to stop the Missouri.; D&C 136: 17
enemies do not have power to stop the Lord’s work.
The Standard Works
(see also
3 Ne. 4: 18
Nephites have laid up much provision in store.; 4 Ne. 1: 46
robbers lay up gold and silver in store.; D&C 4: 4
he who thrusts in sickle lays up in store that he perishes not.; D&C 57: 8
Sidney Gilbert to establish store.; D&C 63: 42
Newel K. Whitney to retain store.; D&C 64: 26
Newel K. Whitney and Sidney Gilbert not to sell store.; D&C 90: 22
agent to be man with riches in store.
The Standard Works
3 Ne. 24: 10
(Mal. 3: 10
) bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse.; D&C 42: 34, 55
(D&C 70: 7
; D&C 83: 6
) surplus of consecrated property to be kept in storehouse.; D&C 42: 34
(D&C 51: 13
; D&C 72: 10
) bishop to administer storehouse.; D&C 51: 13
let bishop appoint a storehouse.; D&C 58: 37
land to be purchased in Independence for storehouse.; D&C 70: 11
(D&C 90: 22-23
) agent to keep the Lord’s storehouse.; D&C 78: 3
need for organization to regulate storehouse.; D&C 82: 18
common property put in storehouse.; D&C 83: 5
children have claim upon the Lord’s storehouse.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Tempest
; Whirlwind
; Wind
1 Ne. 18: 13-21
great storm arises during voyage to promised land.; 2 Ne. 14: 6
(Isa. 4: 6
) tabernacle shall be covert from storm.; 2 Ne. 27: 2
in day of iniquity Gentiles shall be visited with storm.; Alma 26: 6
sheaves, or converts, shall not be beaten down by storm.; Hel. 5: 12
those built upon foundation of Redeemer shall withstand storm of devil.; 3 Ne. 8: 5-19
great storm arises at death of Christ.; D&C 90: 5
those who hold oracles as light thing shall fall when storms descend.; D&C 115: 6
gathering upon Zion shall be refuge from storm.; D&C 123: 16
large ship is benefited by small helm in time of storm.
The Standard Works
Straight, Straightness
1 Ne. 10: 8
(Alma 7: 19
) make straight paths of the Lord.; 2 Ne. 9: 41
way for man is narrow, but lies in straight course.; 2 Ne. 31: 9
Christ’s example shows men straightness of path.; Alma 7: 9
walk in the Lord’s paths, which are straight.; Alma 37: 44
word of Christ will point straight course to eternal bliss.; D&C 3: 2
God’s paths are straight.; D&C 33: 10
(D&C 65: 1
; D&C 133: 17
) make the Lord’s paths straight.; D&C 84: 28
make straight the way of the Lord.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Straight
; Straiten
1 Ne. 8: 20
Lehi(1) sees strait and narrow path leading to tree.; 1 Ne. 21: 20
(Isa. 49: 20
) children shall say, The place is too strait for me.; 2 Ne. 31: 18-19
strait and narrow path leads to eternal life.; 2 Ne. 33: 9
walk in the strait path.; Jacob 6: 11
(3 Ne. 14: 13-14
; 3 Ne. 27: 33
; Matt. 7: 13-14
) enter in at strait gate.; Hel. 3: 29
word of God leads in strait and narrow course across gulf of misery.; D&C 22: 2
you cannot enter in at strait gate by law of Moses.; D&C 132: 22
strait is gate that leads to exaltation.
The Standard Works
(see also
1 Ne. 17: 41
the Lord straitened Israel in wilderness.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Unknown
1 Ne. 8: 32
many in vision of Lehi(1) are lost from view, wandering in strange paths.; 1 Ne. 8: 33
great multitude enter strange building.; Alma 13: 23
(Alma 26: 36
) Nephites are wanderers in strange land.; Alma 26: 36
Nephites a branch of tree of Israel lost from body in strange land.; D&C 95: 4
the Lord to bring to pass his strange act, pour out Spirit.; D&C 101: 95
the Lord to bring to pass his strange act, perform his strange work.; Moses 6: 38
strange thing in land, a wild man has come among us.; Abr. 1: 8
women and children are offered to strange gods.; Abr. 1: 16
(Abr. 2: 6
) Jehovah to lead Abraham into strange land.
The Standard Works
(see also
BD Stranger
Mosiah 5: 13
how knoweth a man the master who is stranger unto him.; Mosiah 13: 18
(Ex. 20: 10
) on seventh day thou shalt not do any work, nor stranger within thy gates.; Alma 26: 9
except for sons of Mosiah(2), converted Lamanites would still be strangers to God.; 3 Ne. 24: 5
(Mal. 3: 5
) the Lord will be swift witness against those who turn aside the stranger.; D&C 45: 13
holy men confessed they were strangers and pilgrims on earth.; D&C 124: 56
the Lord commands house to be built for boarding of strangers.
The Standard Works
(see also
Alma 43: 30
Moroni(1) thinks it is no sin to defend people by stratagem.; Alma 52: 10
Moroni(1) encourages Teancum to take cities by stratagem.; Alma 54: 3
Moroni(1) resolves upon stratagem to obtain Nephite prisoners from Lamanites.; Alma 56: 30
Nephites desire to bring stratagem into effect upon Lamanites.; Alma 58: 6
Lamanites resolve by stratagem to destroy Nephites.; Alma 58: 28
by stratagem Nephites take city of Manti without bloodshed.
The Standard Works
2 Ne. 21: 7
(2 Ne. 30: 13
; Isa. 11: 7
) lion shall eat straw like ox.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Spring
D&C 97: 9
fruitful tree planted in goodly land by pure stream.; D&C 121: 33
as well might man turn Missouri river up stream.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Path
; Road
; Way
2 Ne. 8: 20
(Isa. 51: 20
) two sons lie at head of all streets.; Alma 26: 29
(Alma 32: 1
) missionaries teach in streets.; 3 Ne. 13: 2
(Matt. 6: 2
) when ye do alms, do not sound trumpet as hypocrites do in streets.; D&C 137: 4
Joseph Smith saw beautiful streets of celestial kingdom.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Courage
; Health
; Might
; Power
; Strengthen
; Strong
; Virtue
1 Ne. 4: 31
Nephi(1) receives much strength of the Lord.; 1 Ne. 21: 5
(Isa. 49: 5
) my God shall be my strength.; 2 Ne. 8: 24
(3 Ne. 20: 36
; Isa. 52: 1
) put on thy strength, O Zion.; 2 Ne. 22: 2
(Isa. 12: 2
) the Lord Jehovah is my strength.; Jacob 5: 48
branches have grown faster than strength of roots.; Jacob 5: 66
root and top to be equal in strength.; Mosiah 2: 11
Benjamin serves his people with all his strength.; Mosiah 4: 27
not requisite that man should run faster than he has strength.; Mosiah 9: 17
in strength of the Lord, Zeniff’s people go to battle against Lamanites.; Mosiah 11: 19
people of Noah(4) boast in own strength.; Alma 20: 4
(Alma 26: 12
) in strength of the Lord, Ammon(2) can do all things.; Alma 26: 12
Ammon(2) knows that as to his own strength he is weak.; Alma 39: 13
turn to the Lord with all your strength.; Alma 56: 56
Ammonite youths fight as if with strength of God.; Hel. 4: 13
(Morm. 3: 9
; Morm. 4: 8
) slaughter of Nephites caused by their boasting in own strength.; 3 Ne. 3: 12
Nephites cry unto the Lord for strength against robbers.; Moro. 9: 18
Mormon(2) has but strength of man.; Moro. 10: 32
love God with all your strength.; D&C 3: 4
if man boasts in own strength, he must fall.; D&C 4: 2
(D&C 59: 5
) love and serve God with all your heart, might, mind, and strength.; D&C 10: 4
do not run faster or labor more than you have strength.; D&C 11: 20
keep commandments with all your strength.; D&C 59: 3
earth shall bring forth in its strength.; D&C 98: 47
turn to God with all your might, mind, and strength.; D&C 101: 21
stakes are for curtains or strength of Zion.; D&C 105: 16
strength of the Lord’s house.; D&C 113: 8
Zion to put on her strength.; Moses 1: 10
after many hours Moses receives natural strength.; Moses 1: 20
calling upon God, Moses receives strength.; Moses 5: 37
when thou tillest the ground, it shall not yield unto thee her strength.; JS-H 1: 20
when light departs, Joseph Smith has no strength.; JS-H 1: 48
Joseph Smith finds strength exhausted during labors.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Strength
; Strong
1 Ne. 17: 3
if men keep commandments, God strengthens them.; Mosiah 24: 15
the Lord strengthened people of Alma(1) to bear burdens.; Alma 2: 28
Nephites are strengthened by hand of the Lord.; Alma 25: 16
law of Moses strengthened faith in Christ.; 3 Ne. 22: 2
(Moro. 10: 31
; Isa. 54: 2
) strengthen thy stakes.; D&C 20: 53
teacher’s duty is to watch over church and strengthen them.; D&C 31: 8
strengthen people and prepare them for gathering.; D&C 37: 2
strengthened up church.; D&C 50: 37
go forth among churches and strengthen them.; D&C 59: 19
things of earth given to strengthen body.; D&C 81: 5
strengthen feeble knees.; D&C 82: 14
(D&C 133: 9
) Zion’s stakes must be strengthened.; Moses 1: 14
Moses could not look upon God except he were strengthened by God.
The Standard Works
1 Ne. 17: 54
Nephi(1) stretched forth hand and the Lord shakes brothers.; 2 Ne. 15: 25
(2 Ne. 19: 12, 17, 21
; 2 Ne. 20: 4
; 2 Ne. 24: 17
; Jacob 6: 4
; Isa. 5: 25
) the Lord’s hand is stretched out.; D&C 103: 17
saints must be led out of bondage with stretched-out arm.; D&C 104: 14
the Lord stretched out heavens.; D&C 121: 33
as well might man stretch forth puny arm to stop the Missouri.; Moses 7: 30
the Lord’s curtains are stretched out still.; Moses 7: 36
God can stretch forth hands and hold all his creations.; Abr. 2: 7
the Lord stretches hand over sea and it obeys.; Abr. 3: 12
the Lord’s hand is stretched out.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Dissension
2 Ne. 26: 21
many churches to be built up which cause strifes.; Alma 1: 32
those who do not belong to church indulge in envyings and strife.; Alma 4: 9
(Hel. 11: 23
; Hel. 13: 22
; Morm. 8: 36
) strife among Nephites.; Alma 16: 18
priests preach against strifes.; 3 Ne. 21: 19
all strifes shall be done away.; 3 Ne. 30: 2
turn, ye Gentiles, from all your strifes.; 4 Ne. 1: 16
no strifes among Nephites.; Morm. 8: 21
he who breathes out strifes against work of the Lord shall be hewn down.; D&C 60: 14
proclaim the Lord’s word among the wicked, not with strife.; D&C 101: 6
saints polluted inheritances by envyings and strifes.
The Standard Works
Strike, Struck
(see also
; Smite
Jacob 6: 13
bar of God striketh wicked with fear.; Mosiah 25: 7
Nephites are struck with wonder over records of Zeniff and Alma(1).; Alma 22: 18
Lamanite king is struck as if dead.; Alma 30: 50
Korihor is struck dumb.; Hel. 5: 25
Lamanites are struck dumb with amazement over fire encircling Nephi(2) and Lehi(4).
The Standard Works
Alma 5: 28-29
those who are not stripped of pride and envy are not prepared to meet God.; Alma 11: 2
man compelled to pay what he owes or be stripped.; Morm. 9: 28
strip yourselves of all uncleanness.; D&C 67: 10
strip yourselves from jealousies and fears.
The Standard Works
2 Ne. 28: 8
false churches claim sinners will be beaten with few stripes, then saved.; Mosiah 14: 5
(Isa. 53: 5
) with his stripes are we healed.
The Standard Works
Helaman(2), Sons of
The Standard Works
Strive, Striving
(see also
Work [verb]
1 Ne. 7: 14
Spirit ceases soon to strive with Jews.; 1 Ne. 17: 15
Nephi(1) strived to keep commandments.; 2 Ne. 26: 11
(Ether 2: 15
) Spirit will not always strive with man, then comes destruction.; Mosiah 27: 35
sons of Mosiah(2) strive to repair injuries done to church.; Hel. 15: 6
converted Lamanites strive to bring remainder to knowledge of truth.; Morm. 5: 16
(Moro. 8: 28
; Moro. 9: 4
) Spirit hath already ceased to strive with Nephites.; Ether 15: 19
Spirit ceases to strive with Jaredites.; D&C 1: 33
Spirit shall not always strive with man.; Moses 8: 17
Spirit shall not always strive with man.
The Standard Works
Strong, Stronger
(see also
; Powerful
; Strength
; Strengthen
1 Ne. 4: 2
let us be strong like unto Moses.; 1 Ne. 17: 2
women among Lehites are strong like unto men.; 2 Ne. 3: 13
out of weakness, latter-day seer shall be made strong.; 2 Ne. 15: 11
(Isa. 5: 11
) wo unto those who rise early that they may follow strong drink.; 2 Ne. 27: 4
(Isa. 29: 9
) ye who do iniquity shall stagger, but not with strong drink.; Mosiah 18: 26
for their labor, priests receive grace of God, that they might wax strong in Spirit.; Alma 17: 2
sons of Mosiah(2) have waxed strong in knowledge of truth.; Alma 48: 11
Moroni(1) a strong and mighty man.; Alma 50: 18
Nephites wax strong in land.; Alma 58: 40
faith of Ammonite youths is strong in that which is to come.; Hel. 3: 35
humble part of Nephites wax stronger and stronger in humility.; Hel. 11: 37
Nephites wax stronger and stronger in pride and wickedness.; Ether 12: 27
the Lord makes weak things become strong.; Ether 12: 37
because thou hast seen thy weakness, thou shalt be made strong.; Moro. 7: 30
angels show themselves unto them of strong faith.; D&C 1: 19
the strong to be broken by the weak.; D&C 1: 28
the humble to be made strong.; D&C 27: 3
saints not to purchase wine or strong drink.; D&C 38: 15
be ye strong from henceforth.; D&C 50: 16
he who is weak shall be made strong.; D&C 52: 17
he who trembles under the Lord’s power shall be made strong.; D&C 66: 8
the faithful shall be made strong.; D&C 84: 106
he who is strong in Spirit shall take him who is weak.; D&C 85: 7
the Lord will send one mighty and strong.; D&C 89: 7
strong drinks are not for belly.; D&C 121: 45
thy confidence shall wax strong.; D&C 133: 58
little one shall become strong nation.
The Standard Works
(see also
Alma 50: 6
Moroni(1) prepares strongholds.; Alma 52: 21
Moroni(1) plans to decoy Lamanites out of strongholds.; Alma 58: 2
Nephites dare not attack Lamanite strongholds.; Hel. 1: 27
Lamanites capture many Nephite strongholds.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Wrestle
Enos 1: 10
while Enos(2) struggles in spirit, the Lord’s voice comes.; Mosiah 7: 18
an effectual struggle remaineth to be made.
The Standard Works
1 Ne. 22: 15, 23
(2 Ne. 26: 6
; 3 Ne. 25: 1
; Mal. 4: 1
) they who do wickedly shall be as stubble, to be burned.; 2 Ne. 15: 24
(Isa. 5: 24
) as fire devours stubble, the root of the wicked shall be rottenness.; D&C 29: 9
(D&C 64: 24
; D&C 133: 64
) all who do wickedly shall be stubble.; JS-H 1: 37
all who do wickedly shall burn as stubble.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Pride
; Stiffneckedness
Alma 32: 16
blessed is he who is baptized without stubbornness.; Alma 51: 14
Moroni(1) is wroth because of stubbornness of those he has labored to preserve.
The Standard Works
Study, Studying
(see also
; Learn
; Ponder
; Search
Mosiah 13: 11
priests of Noah(3) have studied and taught iniquity.; D&C 9: 8
study it out in your mind, then ask whether it is right.; D&C 11: 22
study my words.; D&C 26: 1
let your time be devoted to studying scriptures.; D&C 88: 118
(D&C 109: 7, 14
) seek learning by study and by faith.; D&C 90: 15
study, learn, and become acquainted with all good books.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Stumbling Block
1 Ne. 13: 29, 34
many stumble because parts of gospel are taken away.; 2 Ne. 26: 20
Gentiles have stumbled because of greatness of stumbling block, that they have built up many churches.; Jacob 4: 14
God has given Jews things they could not understand, that they may stumble.; Jacob 4: 15
by stumbling of Jews, they will reject stone upon which they might build safe foundation.; Ether 12: 25
Nephite writers stumble because of placing of words.; D&C 90: 5
those who receive oracles should beware lest they stumble and fall.
The Standard Works
Stumbling Block
(see also
1 Ne. 14: 1
Lamb will manifest himself to Gentiles to take away their stumbling blocks.; 2 Ne. 4: 33
wilt thou not place stumbling block in my way.; 2 Ne. 18: 14
(Isa. 8: 14
) he shall be for a stone of stumbling to both houses of Israel.; 2 Ne. 26: 20
Gentiles have stumbled because of greatness of stumbling block.; Mosiah 7: 29
doings of the Lord’s people shall be as stumbling block.; Alma 4: 10
wickedness of church is stumbling-block to those who do not belong to church.
The Standard Works
Alma 60: 7
can you sit upon thrones in thoughtless stupor.; D&C 9: 9
if it is not right, you shall have stupor of thought.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Overcome
; Subject
D&C 19: 2
the Lord to subdue all things unto himself.; D&C 58: 22
(D&C 65: 6
; D&C 76: 61
) the Lord to subdue all enemies under feet.; D&C 96: 5
word should go forth to subdue men’s hearts.; D&C 103: 7
the Lord’s people shall never cease to prevail until kingdoms of world are subdued.; Moses 2: 28
(Abr. 4: 28
) replenish earth and subdue it.
The Standard Works
Subject, Subjection
(see also
; Captive, Captivity
; Conquer
; Obedience
; Prey
; Reconcile
; Subdue
; Submissive
; Yield
; Yoke
2 Ne. 9: 5
Creator will suffer himself to become subject to man, that men might become subject to him.; Mosiah 7: 18
Limhi’s people will not be in subjection to enemies.; Mosiah 15: 2
he shall be called Son, having subjected flesh to Father’s will.; Mosiah 15: 5
flesh to become subject to Spirit.; Mosiah 16: 11
(Alma 12: 17
; Alma 34: 35
) spirits of the wicked delivered to devil, who hath subjected them.; Alma 5: 20
can ye think of being saved when ye have yielded yourselves to be subjects to devil.; Alma 12: 6
adversary lays snare to bring people into subjection.; Alma 34: 39
pray not to be led away as subjects of devil.; Alma 42: 7
first parents became subjects to follow after their own will.; Alma 43: 6-7
Zerahemnah appoints Nephite dissenters as captains over Lamanites, to bring them into subjection.; Moro. 7: 17
neither devil nor those who subject themselves to him persuade men to do good.; Moro. 9: 26
Christ sits on right hand of power until all things become subject to him.; D&C 29: 40
through transgression Adam became subject to will of devil.; D&C 50: 27
all things are subject unto him who is ordained of God.; D&C 50: 30
spirits subject to him who is appointed to head.; D&C 58: 22
be subject to powers that be until the Lord reigns.; D&C 63: 59
all things to be subject to the Lord at his coming.; D&C 105: 32
let us become subject unto Zion’s laws.; D&C 121: 4
God controls and subjectest the devil.; D&C 132: 20
all things are subject unto them who are exalted.; A of F 12
we believe in being subject to kings, rulers.
The Standard Works
Submissive, Submit
(see also
; Obedience
; Patience
; Reconcile
; Subject
; Yield
Mosiah 3: 19
natural man is enemy to God unless he becomes as child, submissive, willing to submit to all things.; Alma 7: 23
be submissive and gentle.; Alma 13: 28
be led by Holy Spirit, becoming submissive.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Consecration, Law of
; Property
Jacob 2: 17
be free with your substance.; Mosiah 4: 16-29
(Mosiah 18: 26-27
; Alma 1: 27
; Alma 4: 13
; Alma 34: 28
) administer of your substance unto those in need.; Hel. 13: 28
Nephites would give substance to false prophet.; 4 Ne. 1: 25
Nephites no longer have substance in common.; Morm. 8: 37
ye love your substance more than ye love the poor.; D&C 1: 16
men walk after their own God, whose substance is that of an idol.; D&C 42: 31
(D&C 105: 3
) impart of your substance to the poor.; Abr. 2: 15
Abraham takes substance and comes in way to Canaan.
The Standard Works
Subtlety, Subtle
(see also
; Cunning
; Guile
; Wiles
2 Ne. 5: 24
Lamanites an idle people full of mischief and subtlety.; Alma 12: 4
Zeezrom’s plan was subtle, as to subtlety of the devil.; Alma 47: 4
Amalickiah a subtle man to do evil.; D&C 123: 12
many in sects are blinded by subtle craftiness of men.; Moses 4: 5
serpent was more subtle than any beast.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Relief
; Strengthen
Mosiah 4: 16
(Alma 4: 13
) succor those who stand in need.; Mosiah 7: 29
the Lord will not succor his people in day of transgression.; Alma 7: 12
Son to know according to flesh how to succor his people.; D&C 62: 1
the Lord knows men’s weaknesses and how to succor them.; D&C 81: 5
succor the weak.
The Standard Works
Suck, Sucking
(see also
1 Ne. 17: 2
women give plenty of suck for children.; 1 Ne. 21: 15
(Isa. 49: 15
) can a woman forget her sucking child.; 2 Ne. 21: 8
(2 Ne. 30: 14
; Isa. 11: 8
) suckling child shall play on hole of asp.; Hel. 15: 2
women shall have great cause to mourn in day that they give suck.; JS-M 1: 16
(Matt. 24: 19
) wo unto those who give suck in those days.
The Standard Works
(see also
3 Ne. 28: 22
disciples play with wild beasts as child with suckling lamb.; D&C 128: 18
things hid from wise and prudent shall be revealed unto babes and sucklings.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Suffering, Suffer
1 Ne. 19: 9
(Mosiah 15: 5
) world shall smite Messiah, and he shall suffer it.; 1 Ne. 20: 11
(Isa. 11: 11
) the Lord will not suffer his name to be polluted.; 2 Ne. 26: 30
those who have charity would not suffer laborer in Zion to perish.; Mosiah 4: 14
ye will not suffer your children to go hungry, to transgress.; Mosiah 4: 16
ye will not suffer beggar to put up petition in vain.; Alma 14: 10-11
the Lord suffer the wicked to kill the righteous, that judgment might be just.; 3 Ne. 11: 11
Christ has suffered will of Father in all things.; D&C 10: 14
the Lord will not suffer that Satan accomplish his evil design.; D&C 94: 8
the Lord’s house will not suffer any unclean thing to come into it.; D&C 104: 86
master will not suffer his house to be broken up.
The Standard Works
Suffering, Suffer
(see also
; Affliction
; Anguish
; Chasten
; Despair
; Infirmity
; Misery
; Mourn
; Oppress
; Pain
; Sorrow
; Tribulation
; Trouble
1 Ne. 18: 17
parents have suffered much grief because of children.; 1 Ne. 19: 12
the God of nature suffers.; 2 Ne. 9: 21-22
God suffereth pains of every living creature that resurrection might pass upon men.; Jacob 1: 8
all men should suffer Christ’s cross.; Mosiah 3: 7
(Mosiah 15: 5
) the Lord shall suffer temptations and pains even more than men can suffer.; Mosiah 18: 1-2
Alma(1) teaches Abinadi’s words concerning sufferings and death of Christ.; Alma 7: 13
Son suffereth in flesh that he might take upon him his people’s sins.; Alma 20: 29
brethren of Ammon(2) were patient in sufferings.; Alma 21: 9
no redemption for mankind, save through death and sufferings of Christ.; Alma 26: 30
sons of Mosiah(2) have suffered all manner of affliction that they might be means of saving one soul.; Alma 31: 38
the Lord has given his servants strength that they should suffer no afflictions.; Hel. 14: 20
on day that Christ suffers death, sun shall be darkened.; 3 Ne. 6: 20
many prophets testify of Christ’s death and sufferings.; 3 Ne. 28: 26, 38
change wrought in three Nephites that they might not suffer pain or sorrow.; Moro. 9: 25
may Christ’s sufferings and death rest in your mind forever.; D&C 18: 11
the Lord suffered pain of all men that they might repent.; D&C 19: 4, 15, 17
every man must repent or suffer.; D&C 19: 16
(D&C 138: 7
) God suffered that men might not suffer.; D&C 19: 17
if men do not repent, they must suffer as God.; D&C 19: 18
suffering caused God to tremble and bleed, and to suffer body and spirit.; D&C 45: 4
Father, behold the sufferings and death of him who did no sin.; D&C 76: 30-38
sufferings of those overcome by Satan.; D&C 76: 38
sons of perdition are only ones not redeemed after sufferings the Lord’s wrath.; D&C 101: 35
they who suffer persecution for the Lord’s name shall partake of glory.; D&C 105: 6
saints to learn obedience by the things they suffer.; D&C 109: 76
saints to reap eternal joy for all their sufferings.; D&C 121: 6
remember thy suffering saints.; D&C 123: 1
record of saints’ sufferings to be kept.; Moses 7: 39
God’s chosen suffereth for men’s sins.
The Standard Works
Sufficient, Sufficiently
(see also
2 Ne. 2: 5
men are instructed sufficiently that they know good from evil.; 2 Ne. 25: 28
words of Nephi(1) are sufficient to teach any man the right way.; Mosiah 4: 24
those who have not and yet have sufficient should say, if I had I would give.; Alma 5: 27
could ye say ye have been sufficiently humble.; Alma 24: 11
it was all converted Lamanites could do to repent sufficiently.; 3 Ne. 13: 34
(Matt. 6: 34
) sufficient is the day unto the evil thereof.; 3 Ne. 17: 8
Nephites’ faith is sufficient that Jesus should heal them.; Ether 9: 35
when Jaredites humble them selves sufficiently, the Lord sends rain.; Ether 12: 26
the Lord’s grace is sufficient for the meek.; Ether 12: 27
the Lord’s grace is sufficient for all men who humble themselves.; Moro. 10: 32
Christ’s grace is sufficient for you to be perfect in him.; D&C 20: 68
elders or priests are to have sufficient time to expound all things.; D&C 42: 32
each to receive by consecration as much as is sufficient for himself and family.
The Standard Works
D&C 35: 16
(D&C 45: 37
) summer is nigh.; D&C 45: 2
(D&C 56: 16
) summer shall be past, but souls not saved.; D&C 135: 4
Joseph Smith is calm as summer’s morning.; JS-M 1: 38
(Matt. 24: 32
) when fig tree puts forth leaves, summer is nigh.
The Standard Works
1 Ne. 1: 9
Lehi(1) beholds one descending from heaven whose luster is above sun at noon-day.; 2 Ne. 23: 10
(Isa. 13: 10
) sun shall be darkened.; Hel. 12: 15
sun appears to stand still.; Hel. 14: 4
(3 Ne. 1: 15-19
) no darkness at setting of sun when Christ comes.; Hel. 14: 20
(3 Ne. 8: 22
) sun shall be darkened at Christ’s death.; 3 Ne. 12: 45
(Matt. 5: 45
) Father maketh his sun rise on the evil and the good.; D&C 5: 14
(D&C 105: 31
) church to come forth fair as sun.; D&C 29: 14
(D&C 34: 9
; D&C 45: 42
) sun shall be darkened.; D&C 76: 70
celestial bodies have glory of sun.; D&C 76: 70
glory of sun is typical of glory of God.; D&C 88: 7
Christ is in sun and light of sun.; D&C 88: 45
sun gives his light by day.; D&C 88: 87
(D&C 133: 49
) sun shall hide his face.; D&C 109: 73
church to come forth clear as sun.; D&C 110: 3
the lord’s countenance shone above brightness of sun.; Moses 2: 16, 18
(Abr. 4: 16
) God makes greater light, the sun, to rule day.; Abr. 1: 9
god of Shagreel was the sun.; Abr. 3: 13
Shinehah, which is the sun.; JS-M 1: 33
(Matt. 24: 29
) sun shall be darkened.; JS-H 1: 16
Joseph Smith sees pillar of light above brightness of sun.
The Standard Works
1 Ne. 12: 4
(3 Ne. 8: 14
; 3 Ne. 9: 4, 6, 8
; 4 Ne. 1: 9
) many cities to be sunk.; 3 Ne. 10: 12-13
the righteous are spared and are not sunk.
The Standard Works
(see also
D&C 58: 9
all nations shall be invited unto supper of house of the Lord.; D&C 58: 11
poor, lame, blind, deaf shall partake of supper of the Lord.; D&C 65: 3
prepare ye the supper of the Lamb.
The Standard Works
Supplicate, Supplication
(see also
Enos 1: 4
Enos(2) cries unto Maker in supplication for his soul.; Alma 7: 3
people of Gideon continue in supplicating of God’s grace.; Alma 31: 10
Zoramites do not continue in supplication to God daily.; 3 Ne. 4: 10
Nephites supplicate God for protection.; Moro. 6: 9
saints preach, pray, supplicate in church meetings as led by Holy Ghost.; D&C 136: 29
call on the Lord thy God with supplication.; JS-H 1: 29
Joseph Smith supplicates God for forgiveness.
The Standard Works
The Standard Works
(see also
; Maintain
; Preserve
; Uphold
2 Ne. 4: 20
my God hath been my support.; Mosiah 2: 21
God supports you from one moment to another.; Mosiah 2: 30
the Lord doth support me.; Mosiah 11: 3-4
Noah(3) taxes people for his support.; Mosiah 11: 6
priests are supported in laziness by king’s taxes.; Mosiah 18: 24
(Mosiah 27: 5
) priests should labor with own hands for support.; Mosiah 21: 17
Limhi commands that every man impart to support of widows.; Alma 30: 60
devil will not support his children.; Alma 36: 3
whosoever puts trust in God shall be supported in trials.; Alma 46: 35
those who do not covenant to support freedom are put to death.; Alma 48: 10
Moroni(1) prepares to support liberty.; Alma 50: 39
chief judge appointed with oath to support cause of God.; Alma 51: 17
pride of king, men to be pulled down, or they should support cause of liberty.; Hel. 6: 38
Nephites support robbers.; Ether 10: 6
Riplakish causes people to labor continually for their support.; D&C 3: 8
God would have supported you against fiery darts of adversary.; D&C 42: 30
consecrate of properties for support of poor.; D&C 75: 24
duty of church to support families of those sent unto world.; D&C 98: 5
law of land that supports principle of freedom is justifiable before the Lord.
The Standard Works
Alma 11: 22
Zeezrom offers Amulek money to deny existence of Supreme Being.; Alma 12: 32
works of justice could not be destroyed according to supreme goodness of God.; Alma 30: 44
earth and the planets witness there is a Supreme Creator.; D&C 107: 4
name of priesthood was changed out of reverence to name of Supreme Being.
The Standard Works
Sure, Surety
1 Ne. 5: 8
Sariah knows of surety that the Lord commanded Lehi(1) to flee.; 2 Ne. 25: 7
men shall know of surety when prophecies of Isaiah(1) come to pass.; Jacob 4: 15-17
(Hel. 5: 12
) stone rejected by Jews shall be only sure foundation.; Mosiah 1: 6
we can know of surety of plates because we have seen them.; Mosiah 24: 14
people of Alma to know of surety that the Lord visits his people in their afflictions.; Alma 23: 6
as sure as the Lord liveth, converted Lamanites never fell away.; Alma 32: 17
many say they will know of surety if shown sign.; Alma 32: 26
ye cannot know of surety of words at first any more than faith is perfect knowledge.; Alma 32: 31
are you sure this is a good seed.; Hel. 5: 12
rock of Redeemer is sure foundation.; Hel. 13: 32, 38
your destruction is made sure.; Hel. 14: 4
ye shall know of surety that there are two days and a night without darkness.; 3 Ne. 11: 15
after feeling Christ’s wounds, multitude know of surety and bear record.; Ether 12: 4
whoso believeth in God might with sure hope for better world.; Moro. 7: 26
as sure as Christ liveth, he spoke these words to our fathers.; D&C 5: 12
witnesses shall know of surety these things are true.; D&C 11: 16
wait until you have my word, that you may know of surety my doctrine.; D&C 51: 6
all things shall be made sure.; D&C 64: 31
the Lord’s words are sure.; D&C 131: 5
(2 Pet. 1: 19
) explanation of more sure word of prophecy.
The Standard Works
D&C 119: 1, 5
surplus property to be put in bishop’s hands.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Uphold
D&C 134: 5
men are bound to sustain their governments.
The Standard Works
1 Ne. 15: 27
mind of Lehi(1) so swallowed up in other things, he did not notice filthiness of river.; 2 Ne. 26: 5
earth shall swallow those who kill prophets.; Mosiah 15: 7
will of Son is swallowed up in will of Father.; Mosiah 16: 8
(Alma 22: 14
; Morm. 7: 5
) sting of death is swallowed in Christ.; Alma 31: 27
men’s hearts are swallowed up in pride.; Alma 31: 38
missionaries are swallowed up in joy of Christ.; Alma 36: 28
(Hel. 8: 11
) the Lord has swallowed up Egyptians in Red Sea.; Ether 2: 25
Jaredites need light when swallowed in depths of sea.; Moses 7: 43
floods swallowed the wicked.
The Standard Works
Swear, Sware, Sworn, Swearing
(see also
; Promise
; Swearer
1 Ne. 20: 1
(Isa. 48: 1
) Israel swears by name of the Lord but not in truth or righteousness.; Jacob 1: 7
men should partake of goodness of God, lest he swears in wrath they should not enter in.; Mosiah 19: 19
followers of Noah(3) have sworn they will return to land of Nephi.; Mosiah 20: 24
Lamanite king swears oath his people will not destroy Limhi’s people.; Alma 49: 27
Amalickiah swears oath to drink blood of Moroni(1).; Hel. 1: 11
(Ether 8: 14
) secret combination swears not to reveal murderer.; 3 Ne. 3: 8
Giddianhi swears not to destroy Nephites if they join robbers.; 3 Ne. 12: 33-37
(Matt. 5: 33-37
) swear not at all.; Morm. 3: 10, 14
Nephites swear by heavens they would go to battle against enemies.; Ether 9: 5
secret combination sworn by oath of ancients.; D&C 63: 33
the Lord has sworn in wrath and decreed wars.; D&C 88: 110
seventh angel to swear there shall be time no longer.; D&C 97: 20
God has sworn to be salvation of Zion.; D&C 121: 18
wo unto those who swear falsely against the Lord’s servants.; Moses 5: 29-30
Satan tells Cain to swear unto him.
The Standard Works
3 Ne. 24: 5
(Mal. 3: 5
) the Lord will be swift witness against false swearers.
The Standard Works
Moses 4: 25
(Moses 5: 1
) by sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread.
The Standard Works
Sweep, Swept
(see also
Jacob 5: 66
the Lord will sweep away bad out of vineyard.; Enos 1: 6
guilt of Enos(1) is swept away.; Jarom 1: 3
God is merciful unto Nephites and has not swept them from land.; Ether 2: 8
those in promised land who do not serve God shall be swept off.; Ether 14: 18
Shiz sweepeth earth before him.; D&C 109: 30
enemies shall be swept away by hail and judgments.; D&C 109: 70
prejudices to be broken up and swept away.; D&C 121: 15
saints’ enemies and their posterity shall be swept from under heaven.; Moses 7: 62
God will cause righteousness and truth to sweep earth as with flood.
The Standard Works
(see also
1 Ne. 8: 10-11
(Alma 32: 42
) fruit of tree is most sweet.; 1 Ne. 17: 12
the Lord will make Lehites’ food sweet, that they cook it not.; 2 Ne. 2: 15
forbidden fruit set in opposition to tree of life, one being sweet and the other bitter.; 2 Ne. 15: 20
wo unto those who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.; Alma 36: 21
nothing could be so sweet as joy of Alma(2) at being redeemed.; D&C 29: 39
if men never knew bitter, they could not know sweet.; D&C 42: 46
those who die in the Lord will not taste of death, for it shall be sweet unto them.
The Standard Works
Sweet, Northrop
D&C 33
revelation to.; D&C 33: 2
is called to declare gospel.; D&C 33: 10
to preach repentance.
The Standard Works
Swell, Swelling
(see also
; Increase
Alma 30: 31
Korihor rises up in great swelling words before Alma(2).; Alma 32: 30, 33
(Alma 33: 23
) if seed swelleth, ye must know it is good.; Alma 48: 12
heart of Moroni(1) swelled with thanksgiving to God.; Hel. 13: 22
your hearts swell with great pride.; Moses 7: 41
heart of Enoch(2) swelled as wide as eternity.
The Standard Works
(see also
Quick, Quickly
1 Ne. 17: 45
elder brothers of Nephi(1) are swift to do iniquity.; Ether 14: 22
so swift is war that none was left to bury dead.
The Standard Works
(see also
Sow [noun]
3 Ne. 14: 6
(Matt. 7: 6
) do not cast your pearls before swine.; Ether 9: 18
Jaredites have swine.; D&C 41: 6
pearls should not be cast before swine.; D&C 89: 17
rye for the fowls and for swine.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Weapon
1 Ne. 1: 13
many inhabitants of Jerusalem shall perish by sword.; 1 Ne. 4: 9, 18-19
Nephi(1) cuts off Laban’s head with his own sword.; 1 Ne. 21: 2
(Isa. 49: 2
) the Lord hath made my mouth like sharp sword.; 2 Ne. 5: 14
(Jacob 1: 10
; W of M 1: 13
; Mosiah 1: 16
) Nephites keep sword of Laban.; 2 Ne. 12: 4
(Isa. 2: 4
) they shall beat swords into plow-shares.; Mosiah 8: 11
Limhi’s people find rusted swords in land northward.; Alma 1: 12
Nehor has endeavored to enforce priestcraft by sword.; Alma 10: 22
Nephites would be destroyed by sword except for the righteous.; Alma 17: 37-38
Ammon(2) smites off Lamanites’ arms with sword.; Alma 24: 12
since God has taken away stains and swords have become bright, let us stain swords no more.; Alma 24: 17
people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi bury swords.; Alma 26: 19
why did God not let sword of justice fall upon us.; Alma 42: 2-3
God placed cherubim and flaming sword to keep tree of life.; Alma 48: 14
Nephites are taught never to raise swords except against enemy.; Alma 60: 29
sword of justice hangs over you.; Alma 62: 5
thousands take up swords in defence of freedom.; Hel. 11: 5
work of destruction ceases by sword and becomes sore by famine.; Hel. 13: 5
sword of justice hangs over Nephites, to fall in four hundred years.; 3 Ne. 2: 19
sword of destruction hangs over Nephites.; 3 Ne. 20: 20
(Ether 8: 23
) sword of the Lord’s justice will fall upon Gentiles unless they repent.; 3 Ne. 29: 4
sword of the Lord’s justice will overtake those who spurn his doings.; Morm. 8: 41
sword of vengeance hangs over Nephites.; Ether 7: 9
Shule makes swords of steel.; Ether 14: 4
many thousands fall by sword.; D&C 1: 13
the Lord’s sword is bathed in heaven.; D&C 6: 2
(D&C 11: 2
; D&C 12: 2
; D&C 14: 2
; D&C 33: 1
) the Lord’s word is sharper than two-edged sword.; D&C 17: 1
three witnesses to see sword of Laban.; D&C 27: 18
take sword of my Spirit.; D&C 35: 14
the Lord will let fall sword in behalf of the weak.; D&C 45: 33, 68
in last days men will take up sword one against another.; D&C 87: 6
with the sword, inhabitants of earth shall mourn.; D&C 97: 26
the Lord will visit Zion with sword, according to works.; D&C 101: 10
the Lord would let fall sword of indignation.; D&C 121: 5
avenge us of our wrongs with thy sword.; Moses 4: 31
God places flaming sword at east of Eden.; JS-H 1: 45
great judgments coming with great desolation by sword.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Sanctuary
2 Ne. 26: 26
the Lord has not commanded any to depart out of synagogues.; Alma 16: 13
Nephites build synagogues after manner of Jews.; Alma 21: 4, 6
Amalekites build synagogues after manner of Nehors.; Alma 26: 29
sons of Mosiah(2) have entered synagogues and taught Lamanites.; Alma 31: 12
Zoramites have built synagogues.; Alma 32: 2
Zoramites cast poor out of synagogues.; Hel. 3: 9
people in land northward use timber to build synagogues.; 3 Ne. 13: 5
(Matt. 6: 5
) hypocrites pray in synagogues to be seen of men.; 3 Ne. 18: 32
do not cast transgressor out of synagogues.; Moro. 7: 1
Mormon(2) taught people in synagogue.; D&C 63: 31
saints shall be scourged from synagogue to synagogue.; D&C 66: 7
bear testimony to every people and in synagogues.; D&C 68: 1
proclaim everlasting gospel in synagogues.