The Standard Works
Alma 18: 13
Rabbanah, meaning powerful or great king.
The Standard Works
Word suggesting contempt in Aramaic and Greek
3 Ne. 12: 22
(Matt. 5: 22
) whosoever says to brother, Raca, shall be in danger of council.
The Standard Works
OD 2
priesthood extended to all worthy male members without regard to race.; Abr. 1: 24
from Ham sprang race that preserved curse of the land.
The Standard Works
Mosiah 27: 29
(Alma 36: 12, 14
) soul of Alma(2) is racked with eternal torment.; Alma 26: 9
if Ammon(2) and brethren had not come from Zarahemla, Lamanites would still be racked with hatred.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Fury
; Passion
; Wrath
2 Ne. 28: 20
devil shall rage in men’s hearts.; D&C 122: 1
hell shall rage.; Moses 6: 15
Satan shall rage in men’s hearts.
The Standard Works
The Standard Works
(see also
3 Ne. 6: 13
some return railing for railing, others receive railings humbly.; D&C 50: 33
proclaim against evil spirit not with railing accusation.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Clothes
; Garment
Mosiah 4: 19
do we not all depend upon God for food and raiment.; 3 Ne. 13: 25
(Matt. 6: 25
) is not the body more than raiment.; 3 Ne. 13: 28
(Matt. 6: 28
) why take ye thought for raiment.; D&C 49: 19
(D&C 59: 17, 19
) things of earth ordained for use of man for food and raiment.; D&C 51: 8
surplus money to be used for food and raiment.; D&C 133: 51
the Lord has stained his raiment with blood of people.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Famine
; Flood
; BD Rain
2 Ne. 15: 6
(Isa. 5: 6
) the Lord will command clouds that they rain no rain.; Hel. 11: 13, 17
Nephi(2) prays for rain.; Ether 2: 24
rains and floods has the Lord sent forth.; Ether 9: 30
Jaredites begin to be destroyed because of no rain.; Ether 9: 35
when Jaredites have humbled themselves, the Lord sends rain.; Moses 3: 5
(Abr. 5: 5
) things created spiritually before God caused it to rain.; Moses 7: 28
how is it that the heavens shed forth tears as rain upon mountains.
The Standard Works
BD Rainbow
The Standard Works
(see also
Death, Physical
; Exalt
; Heal
; Jesus Christ, Resurrection of
; Miracle
; Resurrection
; Rise
1 Ne. 7: 1
sons of Lehi(1) take wives, that they might raise up seed.; 1 Ne. 10: 4
the Lord will raise Messiah among Jews.; 1 Ne. 17: 37
the Lord raiseth up a righteous nation and destroys wicked nations.; 1 Ne. 22: 7
the Lord will raise up mighty nation among Gentiles.; 2 Ne. 3: 5
from descendants of Joseph(1) the Lord would raise righteous branch of Israel.; 2 Ne. 3: 7
the Lord will raise choice seer from descendants of Joseph(1).; 2 Ne. 3: 10
the Lord will raise Moses to deliver Israel.; 2 Ne. 10: 25
may God raise you from death by power of resurrection.; Jacob 2: 30
if the Lord will raise seed unto himself, he will command his people.; Mosiah 3: 5
(3 Ne. 26: 15
) Messiah shall raise the dead.; Alma 5: 15
(Alma 11: 45
) this mortal body to be raised in immortality.; Alma 11: 42
because of Christ’s death, all shall be raised from temporal death.; Alma 33: 19
(Hel. 8: 14
; Num. 21: 9
; John 3: 14
) type of Christ raised up in wilderness.; Alma 41: 4
all things shall be raised to endless happiness or endless misery.; Hel. 12: 17
if the Lord says to mountain, Be raised up, it is done.; 3 Ne. 7: 19
(3 Ne. 19: 4
) Nephi(3) raises brother from dead.; 3 Ne. 15: 1
the Lord will raise him who remembers these sayings.; 3 Ne. 20: 26
Father raised Christ first unto Israel.; 4 Ne. 1: 5
Jesus’ disciples raise the dead.; Moro. 7: 41
ye shall have hope through Christ’s atonement and resurrection to be raised unto life eternal.; D&C 29: 43
by natural death man is raised in immortality unto eternal life.; D&C 88: 72
the Lord will raise elders.; D&C 100: 16
I will raise unto myself a pure people.; D&C 101: 80
the Lord raised up wise men to establish Constitution.; D&C 124: 100
if the Lord will that William Laws raise the dead, let him not withhold his voice.; Moses 1: 41
the Lord will raise another like Moses.
The Standard Works
Ramah, Hill
Jaredite name for Hill Cumorah
(see also
Cumorah, Land and Hill of
Ether 15: 11
army of Coriantumr(2) pitch tents by hill Ramah, where Mormon(2) hid records.
The Standard Works
Elevated place in Zoramites’ synagogues
Alma 31: 13-14
those who worship must stand upon top and recite prayer.; Alma 31: 21
Rameumptom, being interpreted, is the holy stand.
The Standard Works
Ramus, Illinois
D&C 130, 131
revelations given at.
The Standard Works
(see also
Mosiah 10: 9
men in Zeniff’s army placed in ranks according to age.; 3 Ne. 6: 12
people distinguished by ranks according to riches and chances for learning.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Redemption, Redeem
2 Ne. 8: 10
(Isa. 51: 10
) art thou not he who hath made depths of sea a way for the ransomed to pass over.; Alma 52: 8
Moroni(1) retains Lamanite prisoners as ransom for those taken by Lamanites.
The Standard Works
D&C 128: 21
voice of Gabriel and Raphael.
The Standard Works
Rash, Rashly
(see also
; Haste
; Quick
Alma 51: 10
Amalickiah’s promise is rash.; Morm. 8: 19
he who judgeth rashly shall be judged rashly.
The Standard Works
Ravening, Ravenous
The Standard Works
The Standard Works
(see also
; Language
; Rehearse
; Scriptures
; Search
; Study
; Writing
; Word
1 Ne. 16: 29
new writing upon Liahona is plain to be read.; 1 Ne. 19: 22-23
(1 Ne. 20-21
) Nephi(1) reads many things engraven upon brass plates.; 2 Ne. 6: 4-7, 16-18
(2 Ne. 7-8
) Jacob(2) reads the words of Isaiah to Nephites.; Jacob 5: 1-77
do ye not remember having read the words of Zenos comparing Israel to tame olive-tree.; Mosiah 1: 5
records preserved that people might read and understand God’s mysteries.; Mosiah 25: 5-6
Mosiah(2) reads to his people records of Zeniff and Alma(1).; Alma 22: 12-14
Aaron(3) reads scriptures to Lamanite king.; Alma 33: 14
if ye have read the scriptures, how can ye disbelieve on Son of God.; 3 Ne. 10: 14
whoso readeth, let him understand.; 3 Ne. 27: 4-5
why do the people dispute, have they not read scriptures.; Morm. 9: 8
he who denies God’s revelations has not read the scriptures.; Ether 3: 22
brother of Jared(2) to record experience in language that cannot be read.; Ether 12: 24
things written by brother of Jared(2) are mighty unto overpowering of man to read them.; Moro. 10: 3
when ye have read these things, remember how merciful God has been to men.; D&C 18: 35
by the Lord’s power men can read his words to each other.; D&C 57: 9
(D&C 71: 5
; D&C 91: 4
) whoso readeth, let him understand.; Moses 6: 6
children of Adam taught to read.; JS-H 1: 65
I cannot read a sealed book.
The Standard Works
(see also
3 Ne. 18: 13
gates of hell are ready to receive those who build on sandy foundation.; D&C 33: 17
(D&C 65: 3
) saints to be ready at coming of Bridegroom.; D&C 35: 12
none do good except those who are ready to receive fulness of gospel.; D&C 50: 46
watch, that ye may be ready.; D&C 86: 5
angels are ready and waiting to be sent forth.; D&C 88: 94
mother of abominations is ready to be burned.
The Standard Works
Reality, Real, Really
(see also
; True
2 Ne. 9: 47
Jacob(2) must awaken brethren to awful reality of judgment.; Jacob 4: 13
Spirit speaks of things as they really are and really will be.; Alma 32: 35
is not this real.; JS-H 1: 6
good feelings of priests and converts are more pretended than real.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Pluck
; Receive
; Reward
; Sow
; Thrash
Mosiah 7: 30-31
if people sow filthiness, they shall reap chaff in whirlwind.; Alma 26: 5
ye did thrust in your sickle and reap with your might.; 3 Ne. 13: 26
(Matt. 6: 26
) fowls of air neither sow nor reap.; Ether 10: 25
Jaredites make tools to reap.; D&C 6: 3-4
(D&C 11: 3-4
; D&C 12: 3-4
; D&C 14: 3-4
; D&C 33: 7
) whosoever thrusts in his sickle and reaps is called of God.; D&C 6: 33
whatsoever a man sows he shall reap.; D&C 31: 4
reap in field which is white already to be burned.; D&C 38: 12
(D&C 86: 5
) angels are waiting great command to reap down the earth.; D&C 109: 76
saints will reap eternal joy for sufferings.
The Standard Works
(see also
D&C 84: 4
temple in New Jerusalem shall be reared in this generation.
The Standard Works
Reason, Reasons
(see also
; Reasoning
2 Ne. 9: 6
resurrection must come unto man by reason of fall.; Mosiah 7: 24
great are reasons which ye have to mourn.; Alma 24: 26
because the slain were righteous, we have no reason to doubt they are saved.; Alma 26: 1
how great reason have we to rejoice.; Alma 28: 11
thousands mourn loss of kindred because they have reason to fear they are consigned to endless wo.; Alma 33: 20
the reason Israelites would not look upon type is that they did not believe it would heal them.; 3 Ne. 5: 20
Mormon(2) has reason to bless his God.; Morm. 9: 20
reason why God ceases to do miracles is unbelief.; D&C 71: 8
saints enemies to bring forth their strong reasons against the Lord.
The Standard Works
Reasoning, Reason, Reasonable
(see also
; Ponder
; Teach
; Think
Hel. 16: 17
Nephites reason and contend among themselves.; Hel. 16: 18
Nephites say it is not reasonable that such a being as Christ should come.; D&C 45: 10, 15
the Lord will reason with men who come to his covenant.; D&C 50: 10-12
come let us reason together.; D&C 61: 13
the Lord to reason as with men of old.; D&C 66: 7
(D&C 68: 1
) elders sent forth to reason with the people.; D&C 133: 57
reasoning in plainness and simplicity.
The Standard Works
(see also
D&C 22
revelation on.
The Standard Works
Rebel, Rebellion, Rebellious
(see also
; Contention
; Defiance
; Devil
; Disobedience
; Disputations
; Dissenter
; Excommunication
; Hardheartedness
; Iniquity
; Murmur
; Reject
; Resist
; Stiffneckedness
; Trample
; Transgression
; Unbelief
; TG Rebellion
1 Ne. 2: 21, 23-24
(1 Ne. 7: 6
) if brothers of Nephi(1) rebel, they will be cut off.; 2 Ne. 1: 2
Lehi(1) speaks to sons concerning their rebellions.; Jacob 1: 8
we would persuade all men not to rebel against God.; Mosiah 2: 36-37
man who transgresses against his knowledge comes out in open rebellion against God.; Mosiah 15: 26
the Lord redeems none who rebel against him.; Mosiah 15: 26
those who willfully rebel against God have no part in first resurrection.; Mosiah 27: 11
(Alma 36: 13
) Alma(2) and sons of Mosiah(2) rebel against God.; Alma 3: 18
Amlicites are cursed because they come out in open rebellion against God.; Alma 23: 7
converted Lamanites lay down weapons of rebellion.; Alma 57: 32
Lamanite prisoners rise in rebellion.; Alma 62: 2
Moroni(1) mourns because of those who rebelled against country and God.; Hel. 4: 2
the rebellious are slain and driven out of land.; Hel. 8: 25
Nephites have rejected truth and rebelled against God.; 3 Ne. 6: 18
Nephites know will of God, but rebel willfully against him.; 4 Ne. 1: 38
those who willfully rebel against God are called Lamanites.; Morm. 1: 16
Mormon(2) is forbidden to preach to people, because they willfully rebelled against God.; Morm. 2: 15
thousands of Nephites are hewn down in open rebellion against God.; D&C 1: 3
the rebellious will be pierced with much sorrow.; D&C 1: 8
power given to seal the unbelieving and rebellious.; D&C 29: 36
(D&C 76: 25, 28
) devil rebelled against God.; D&C 56: 1
(D&C 63: 2
) the Lord’s anger kindled against the rebellious.; D&C 56: 4-6
the Lord revokes commandments because of rebellions.; D&C 63: 6
let the rebellious fear and tremble.; D&C 64: 35
the rebellious to be cut off out of Zion.; D&C 64: 36
the rebellious are not of blood of Ephraim.; D&C 76: 25
angel of God rebelled against Son.; D&C 87: 1
wars to begin at rebellion of South Carolina.; D&C 112: 15
the Twelve are warned not to rebel against Joseph Smith.; D&C 134: 5
sedition and rebellion are unbecoming every citizen.; D&C 138: 21, 37
Redeemer could not go among spirits of the rebellious.; Moses 4: 3
Satan rebelled against God.; Moses 5: 53
wives of Lamech(1) rebelled against him.; Moses 6: 3
Seth(1) rebelled not.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Chasten
; Confound
; Reproach
; Reprove
; Warn
2 Ne. 7: 2
(Isa. 50: 2
) at his rebuke, the Lord dries up sea.; 2 Ne. 8: 20
(Isa. 51: 20
) two sons are full of rebuke of God.; 2 Ne. 12: 4
(Isa. 2: 4
) the Lord will judge among nations and rebuke many.; Alma 19: 20
other Lamanites rebuked those who murmur against Ammon(2).; 3 Ne. 24: 11
(Mal. 3: 11
) the Lord will rebuke the devourer for your sakes.; D&C 42: 91
any who offend openly shall be rebuked openly.; D&C 42: 92
any who offend in secret shall be rebuked in secret.; D&C 93: 47
Joseph Smith must stand rebuked before the Lord for disobedience.; D&C 112: 9
thy voice shall be a rebuke unto the transgressor.; D&C 133: 68
at his rebuke the Lord dries up the sea.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Answer
; Obtain
; Partake
; Reap
1 Ne. 17: 30
the Lord did all things for Israelites which were expedient for man to receive.; 2 Ne. 25: 3
Nephi(1) writes unto those who will hereafter receive what he writes.; 2 Ne. 28: 27
wo unto him who says, We have received, and we need no more.; 2 Ne. 28: 28
he that is built upon rock receiveth it with gladness.; Jacob 3: 2
receive the pleasing word of God.; Enos 1: 15
(Mosiah 4: 21
; Alma 22: 16
; 3 Ne. 18: 20
; Moro. 7: 26
) ask, believing ye shall receive, and ye shall receive it.; Mosiah 4: 6-7
this is the man who receiveth salvation.; Mosiah 22: 14
Mosiah(2) received Limhi’s people with joy.; Mosiah 26: 21
he who hears the Lord’s voice shall be received into church and received by the Lord.; Mosiah 26: 37
church receives many, baptizes many.; Alma 5: 14
have ye received God’s image in your countenances.; Alma 12: 10
he who hardens heart receiveth lesser portion of words.; Alma 16: 16
the Lord pours out Spirit to prepare men to receive the word.; Alma 35: 9
people of Ammon(2) receive all the poor of the Zoramites.; 3 Ne. 9: 16
Christ came unto his own and they received him not.; 3 Ne. 9: 22
whoso comes unto the Lord as little child will he receive.; 3 Ne. 14: 8
(Matt. 7: 8
) every one who asketh receiveth.; 3 Ne. 27: 29
(Matt. 7: 7-8
) ask and ye shall receive.; Moro. 10: 4
when ye receive these things, ask God if they are true.; D&C 4: 7
(D&C 11: 5
; D&C 12: 5
; D&C 14: 5
; D&C 49: 26
; D&C 66: 9
; D&C 88: 63
; D&C 103: 31, 35
) ask, and ye shall receive.; D&C 6: 21
(D&C 10: 57
; D&C 11: 29
; D&C 45: 8
) mine own received me not.; D&C 14: 8
ask Father and ye shall receive Holy Ghost.; D&C 20: 37
baptize those who manifest my works that have received Spirit of Christ unto remission of sins.; D&C 25: 1
all who receive gospel are the Lord’s sons and daughters.; D&C 39: 5
(D&C 112: 20
) he who receiveth gospel receiveth the Lord.; D&C 39: 23
(D&C 76: 52
; D&C 84: 64
) those baptized receive Holy Ghost by laying on of hands.; D&C 41: 5
he who receiveth law and does it is the Lord’s disciple.; D&C 42: 14
if ye receive not Spirit ye shall not teach.; D&C 42: 33
every man receives according to his wants.; D&C 46: 28
he who asks in Spirit shall receive in Spirit.; D&C 50: 24
he who receiveth light and continues in God, receiveth more light.; D&C 50: 34
he who receiveth of God, let him account it of God.; D&C 50: 43
as ye have received me, ye are in me and I in you.; D&C 56: 12-13
according to what they do will they receive.; D&C 62: 7
receive with thankful heart.; D&C 63: 64
ye receive Spirit through prayer.; D&C 71: 6
unto him who receiveth shall be given more abundantly.; D&C 76: 51
those who received testimony of Jesus will inherit celestial glory.; D&C 76: 74
terrestial glory includes those who received not testimony of Jesus in flesh, but afterwards.; D&C 78: 19
he who receiveth with thankfulness will be made glorious.; D&C 84: 36, 88-89
he who receiveth the Lord’s servants receiveth him.; D&C 84: 37
he who receiveth the Lord receiveth Father.; D&C 84: 40
all who receive priesthood, receive this oath and covenant.; D&C 84: 60
blessed if you receive these things.; D&C 93: 12-13
Christ received not fulness at first.; D&C 93: 20
those who keep commandments shall receive of Father’s fulness.; D&C 109: 15
those who worship in holy house may receive fulness of Holy Ghost.; D&C 130: 23
man may receive Holy Ghost without its tarrying with him.; D&C 132: 23
if ye receive me in world, ye shall know me and receive exaltation.; D&C 132: 29
Abraham received all things.; D&C 137: 7-8
those who would have received gospel may become heirs of celestial glory.; Moses 6: 52
(Moses 8: 24
) those baptized shall receive gift of Holy Ghost.; Moses 7: 69
God received Zion into his bosom.
The Standard Works
Reckon, Reckoning
(see also
; Measure
; Record
; Time
Alma 11: 4
Nephites do not reckon after manner of Jews.; Alma 11: 5-19
system of reckoning among Nephites.; 3 Ne. 2: 8
Nephites reckon time from period when sign of Christ’s birth was given.; D&C 130: 4
reckoning of God’s time and man’s is according to planet on which they reside.; Abr. 3: 4-9
reckoning of the Lord’s time is according to reckoning of Kolob.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Recover
; Restoration
; Save
Jacob 7: 24
many means were devised to reclaim Lamanites to knowledge of truth.; Alma 4: 19
Alma(2) sees no way to reclaim his people save by bearing down in pure testimony against them.; Alma 42: 8
not expedient that man should be reclaimed from temporal death.; Alma 42: 9
expedient that man should be reclaimed from spiritual death.; Alma 42: 12
no means to reclaim man from fallen state.; Alma 55: 28
Nephites reclaim their rights and privileges.; D&C 50: 7
those deceived by hypocrites shall be reclaimed.
The Standard Works
(see also
; License
D&C 52: 41
church leaders to take recommend when they travel.; D&C 72: 19
elders who give account to bishop should be recommended by church.; D&C 112: 21
those recommended and authorized by Twelve shall have power.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Remuneration
; Repay
; Revenge
; Reward
; Wages
D&C 1: 10
(D&C 112: 34
) the Lord shall come to recompense unto every man according to his work.; D&C 56: 19
the Lord’s recompense shall be with him.; D&C 127: 3
God will mete out a just recompense.
The Standard Works
Reconcile, Reconciliation
(see also
; Jesus Christ, Atonement through
; Satisfy
; Submissive
; Subject
2 Ne. 10: 24
reconcile yourselves to will of God.; 2 Ne. 25: 23
we labor diligently to persuade men to be reconciled to God.; 2 Ne. 33: 9
for none can I hope except they shall be reconciled unto Christ.; Jacob 4: 11
be reconciled unto God through atonement of Christ.; 3 Ne. 12: 24
(Matt. 5: 24
) first be reconciled to thy brother.; D&C 42: 88
if offender confesses to the offended, they should be reconciled.; D&C 46: 4
transgressor should not partake of sacrament until he makes reconciliation.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Book
; Book of Mormon
; Engrave, Engravings
; History
; Minutes
; Plates
; Recorder
; Scriptures
; Testify
; Witness
; Write
1 Ne. 1: 1
Nephi(1) makes record of his proceedings.; 1 Ne. 1: 17
Nephi(1) abridges record of father.; 1 Ne. 3: 3
Laban has record of Jews.; 1 Ne. 3: 19
Lehites should obtain records to preserve language of fathers.; 1 Ne. 5: 12
brass plates contain record of Jews from beginning to reign of Zedekiah.; 1 Ne. 5: 16
Laban and fathers had kept records because they were descendants of Joseph(1).; 1 Ne. 6: 1
record of Lehi(1) gives genealogy.; 1 Ne. 10: 10
John the Baptist will bear record that he baptized Lamb.; 1 Ne. 11: 7
Nephi(1) to bear record of Son.; 1 Ne. 12: 18
Holy Ghost bears record of Messiah.; 1 Ne. 13: 23
Nephi(1) beholds book that is record of Jews.; 1 Ne. 13: 24
twelve apostles bear record according to truth which is in Lamb.; 1 Ne. 13: 41
words of Lamb shall be made known in records of Nephites and records of apostles.; 1 Ne. 14: 27
Nephi(1) bears record that name of apostle was John.; 1 Ne. 19: 1
Nephi(1) is commanded to make plates that he might engrave record of his people.; 2 Ne. 5: 29
Nephi(1) kept records upon plates.; Enos 1: 13-15
Enos(2) desires that the Lord preserve record of Nephites.; Omni 1: 9
Nephites keep records according to commandments of fathers.; Omni 1: 17
language of people of Zarahemla is corrupted because they brought no records with them.; W of M 1: 1
Mormon(2) to deliver record to Moroni(2).; Mosiah 1: 16
Benjamin gives Mosiah(2) charge concerning records.; Mosiah 8: 12-13
(Mosiah 21: 27
) Limhi desires that records on twenty-four gold plates be translated.; Mosiah 22: 14
Mosiah(2) receives records of Limhi’s people and records on gold plates.; Mosiah 25: 5
Mosiah(2) reads records of Zeniff’s people to his people.; Mosiah 28: 20
Mosiah(2) confers all records upon Alma(2).; Alma 18: 36
Ammon(2) lays before Lamoni records of scriptures.; Alma 37: 2
Alma(2) commands Helaman(2) to keep record of Nephites.; Alma 37: 3
brass plates contain records of scriptures.; Hel. 3: 13, 15
(3 Ne. 5: 9
) many records kept of proceedings of Nephites.; Hel. 6: 26
secret covenants did not come to Gadianton from records, but from devil.; 3 Ne. 5: 11
Mormon(2) makes record on plates he has made.; 3 Ne. 5: 18
Mormon(2) testifies his record is true.; 3 Ne. 8: 1
record of Nephi(3) is true.; 3 Ne. 11: 32, 35-36
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost bear record of each other.; 3 Ne. 17: 25
multitude knows record is true for they saw and heard.; 3 Ne. 21: 5
records shall come forth from Gentiles to descendants of Nephites.; 3 Ne. 23: 7-8
Nephi(3) brings record before Jesus.; 3 Ne. 23: 9-13
Jesus instructs that missing part of record be written.; 4 Ne. 1: 19
Nephi(4) kept record.; Morm. 1: 1
Mormon(2) makes record of what he has seen and heard.; Morm. 6: 6
Mormon(2) is commanded not to suffer record to fall into hands of Lamanites.; Morm. 8: 1
Moroni(2) finishes record of Mormon(2).; Morm. 8: 14
(Moro. 10: 2
) Moroni(2) hides record.; Ether 1: 6
record of Jaredites written by Ether.; Ether 5: 4
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost bear record of word.; Ether 13: 1
Moroni(2) finishes record of destruction of Jaredites.; D&C 1: 29
after receiving record of Nephites, Joseph Smith is given power to translate.; D&C 1: 39
(D&C 59: 24
) Spirit bears record that the Lord is God.; D&C 6: 26
records are kept back because of people’s wickedness.; D&C 8: 1, 11
old records contain parts of scriptures.; D&C 9: 2
Oliver Cowdery to be given other records to translate.; D&C 20: 9
Book of Mormon contains record of fallen people.; D&C 20: 27
(D&C 42: 17
) Holy Ghost bears record of Father and Son.; D&C 20: 81-83
(D&C 21: 1
; D&C 47: 3
; D&C 85: 1
) record of church to be kept.; D&C 62: 3
elders’ testimony is recorded in heaven.; D&C 68: 6
(D&C 71: 4
) elders shall bear record of Christ.; D&C 68: 12
those of whom Father shall bear record shall be sealed up unto eternal life.; D&C 72: 6
stewardship account to be had on record.; D&C 76: 14
Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon bear record of Son in vision.; D&C 76: 23
voice bearing record of Only Begotten.; D&C 76: 40
voice out of heavens bears record of gospel.; D&C 85: 1-2
clerk to keep general church record of all things in Zion.; D&C 85: 4
genealogy of those who do not consecrate should not be on records.; D&C 88: 2
saints’ prayers are recorded in book of names of the sanctified.; D&C 93: 6, 11
John bore record of fulness of the Lord’s glory.; D&C 93: 18
if you are faithful, you shall receive fulness of John’s record.; D&C 100: 8
Holy Ghost to bear record of all that elders say.; D&C 112: 4
(D&C 124: 139
) bear record of the Lord’s name to Jews and Gentiles.; D&C 127: 9
all records should be in order, to be put in archives.; D&C 128: 2-8
record to be kept of baptisms for the dead.; D&C 128: 7
the dead to be judged from books containing record of their works.; D&C 128: 7
book of life is record kept in heaven.; D&C 128: 8
whatsoever elders record on earth shall be recorded in heaven.; D&C 128: 9
faithful record cannot be annulled.; D&C 128: 14
as are the records on earth in relation to dead, so also we record in heaven.; Moses 1: 23
record of Moses lost because of men’s wickedness.; Moses 1: 24
(Moses 5: 9
; Moses 7: 11
) Holy Ghost bears record of Father and Son.; Moses 6: 63
all things made to bear record of God.; Abr. 1: 28
records come into Abraham’s hands.; Abr. 1: 31
records preserved in Abraham’s hands.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Record
D&C 85: 1-2
duty of recorder.; D&C 127: 6
(D&C 128: 2-8
) recorder to be appointed to record baptisms for dead.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Heal
; Reclaim
; Restoration
2 Ne. 6: 14
(2 Ne. 21: 11
; 2 Ne. 29: 1
; Jacob 6: 2
; Isa. 11: 11
) Messiah shall set himself the second time to recover his people.; 3 Ne. 3: 10
Giddianhi claims his people should recover rights and government.; Morm. 9: 24
(Mark 16: 18
) believers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.; D&C 39: 11
gospel is covenant sent forth to recover the Lord’s people.; D&C 66: 9
elders to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.
The Standard Works
(see also
Red Sea
D&C 133: 48
the Lord shall be red in his apparel.
The Standard Works
Red Sea
(see also
BD Red Sea
1 Ne. 2: 5
(1 Ne. 16: 14
) Lehites camp near shores of Red Sea.; 1 Ne. 2: 8-9
river Laman empties into Red Sea.; 1 Ne. 4: 2
(1 Ne. 17: 26-27
; Mosiah 7: 19
; Alma 36: 28
; Hel. 8: 11
) Moses divided waters of Red Sea.; 2 Ne. 19: 1
(Isa. 9: 1
) he did more grievously afflict by way of Red Sea beyond Jordan.; D&C 8: 3
Moses brought Israel through Red Sea.; D&C 17: 1
directors given to Lehi(1) on borders of Red Sea.
The Standard Works
Jesus Christ - Redeemer
The Standard Works
Redemption, Redeem
(see also
Death, Spiritual
; Deliver
; Eternal Life
; Freedom
; Immortality
; Jesus Christ - Redeemer
; Plan
; Ransom
; Resurrection
; Salvation
; Save
; TG Redeem
; Redemption
; BD Redemption
1 Ne. 20: 20
(Isa. 48: 20
) the Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob(1).; 2 Ne. 1: 15
the Lord has redeemed my soul from hell.; 2 Ne. 2: 6
redemption comes in and through Messiah.; 2 Ne. 2: 26
Messiah will redeem men from fall.; 2 Ne. 7: 2
(Isa. 50: 2
) is the Lord’s hand shortened that it cannot redeem.; 2 Ne. 27: 33
the Lord redeemed Abraham.; Jacob 6: 8
will ye make a mock of great plan of redemption.; W of M 1: 8
Mormon(2) prays his brethren will come again to knowledge of redemption of Christ.; Mosiah 12: 23
(Mosiah 15: 30
; 3 Ne. 16: 19
; 3 Ne. 20: 34
) the Lord has redeemed Jerusalem.; Mosiah 15: 22-23
prophets and those who believe them are raised to dwell with God who has redeemed them.; Mosiah 15: 25-26
the Lord redeemeth none who rebel against him.; Mosiah 16: 6
(Alma 21: 9
) if Christ had not come, there could have been no redemption.; Mosiah 18: 2
redemption of people brought to pass by power, sufferings, death of Christ.; Mosiah 26: 26
those who never knew the Lord will know he is their Redeemer, but they would not be redeemed.; Mosiah 27: 24, 29
Alma(2) is redeemed of the Lord.; Alma 5: 9
fathers did sing redeeming love.; Alma 5: 21
Messiah shall come to redeem his people from sins.; Alma 5: 26
if ye have felt to sing song of redeeming love, can ye feel so now.; Alma 9: 27
Son comes to redeem those who will be baptized.; Alma 11: 41
the wicked remain as though there had been no redemption.; Alma 12: 18
whosoever dies in his sins cannot be redeemed according to God’s justice.; Alma 12: 25
without plan of redemption, there could have been no resurrection.; Alma 13: 2
priests are ordained in manner that people might know in what manner to look forward to Son for redemption.; Alma 13: 3
holy calling was prepared with, and according to, a preparatory redemption.; Alma 17: 16
sons of Mosiah(2) to bring Lamanites to knowledge of plan of redemption.; Alma 18: 39
Ammon(2) expounds plan of redemption to Lamanite king.; Alma 26: 13
Lamanites are brought to sing redeeming love because of power of word.; Alma 29: 2
I would declare unto every soul with voice of thunder the plan of redemption.; Alma 34: 16
only unto him who has faith unto repentance is brought about the great plan of redemption.; Alma 42: 13
according to justice, plan of redemption could be brought about only on conditions of repentance.; Hel. 5: 9
Christ comes to redeem the world.; Hel. 5: 9-10
(Alma 11: 34-37
) the Lord shall not redeem his people in their sins, but from their sins.; Hel. 14: 16-17
(Morm. 9: 13
) Christ’s death and resurrection redeemeth all men from temporal death.; 3 Ne. 6: 20
prophets testify of redemption which Christ would make.; 3 Ne. 9: 17
by Christ redemption comes.; 3 Ne. 9: 21
Christ has come into world to bring redemption.; 3 Ne. 20: 38
(Isa. 52: 3
) ye shall redeemed without money.; Morm. 7: 7
Christ has brought to pass the redemption of the world.; Morm. 9: 12
because of Jesus Christ came the redemption of man.; Ether 3: 13
brother of Jared(2) is redeemed from fall.; Moro. 7: 38
men without faith are as though there had been no redemption.; Moro. 8: 22
power of redemption comes on all who have no law.; D&C 29: 42
angels declare to Adam repentance and redemption through faith in Son.; D&C 29: 44
they who believe not cannot be redeemed from spiritual fall.; D&C 29: 46
little children are redeemed from foundation of world.; D&C 43: 29
the Lord’s people shall be redeemed and shall reign with him.; D&C 45: 46
redemption shall be perfected.; D&C 45: 54
heathen nations shall be redeemed.; D&C 49: 5
God sent Son for redemption of world.; D&C 76: 38
sons of perdition are only ones not to be redeemed after suffering the Lord’s wrath.; D&C 76: 85
telestial beings shall not be redeemed until last resurrection.; D&C 78: 12
(D&C 82: 21
; D&C 104: 9
; D&C 132: 26
) transgressors are delivered to Satan until day of redemption.; D&C 84: 99
the Lord hath redeemed his people.; D&C 88: 14, 16
through the redemption the resurrection is brought to pass.; D&C 88: 17
redemption of soul through Christ.; D&C 88: 99
(D&C 138: 36-37, 58
) redemption of those in prison.; D&C 93: 38
God redeemed man from fall.; D&C 100: 13
(D&C 101: 75
; D&C 136: 18
) Zion shall be redeemed.; D&C 101: 80
the Lord redeemed the land by shedding of blood.; D&C 103: 13
after tribulation comes redemption.; D&C 103: 15
redemption of Zion must come with power.; D&C 105: 2, 9
redemption delayed by disobedience.; D&C 105: 34
commandments concerning Zion to be executed after her redemption.; D&C 124: 124
by Holy Spirit of promise men are sealed up unto day of redemption.; D&C 128: 22
plan of redeem ordained before the world was.; D&C 133: 52
year of my redeemed is come.; D&C 133: 67
power to redeem not shortened.; D&C 138
Joseph F. Smith’s vision of redemption of the dead.; Moses 4: 1
Satan promises to redeem all mankind.; Moses 5: 9
all mankind to be redeemed, as many as will.; Moses 5: 11
were it not for transgression, Adam and Eve never would have known joy of redemption.; Moses 7: 67
Enoch(2) sees hour of redemption of righteous.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Restoration, Restore
D&C 101: 76
(D&C 105: 25
) saints to importune for redress.; D&C 134: 11
men should appeal to civil law for redress of wrongs.
The Standard Works
D&C 45: 48
(D&C 49: 23
; D&C 88: 87
) earth shall reel to and fro like drunkard.
The Standard Works
Refine, Refiner
(see also
; Purge
; Purify
1 Ne. 20: 10
(Isa. 48: 10
) I have refined thee.; Alma 34: 29
if ye are not charitable, ye are as dross which refiners cast out.; Hel. 6: 11
Nephites refine ore.; 3 Ne. 24: 2
(Mal. 3: 2
) the Lord is like refiner’s fire.; Ether 10: 7
Riplakish causes fine gold to be refined in prison.; D&C 128: 24
the Lord is like refiner’s fire.
The Standard Works
Reformed Egyptian
The Standard Works
(see also
Alma 38: 12
see that ye refrain from idleness.; Alma 39: 12
Alma(1) commands Corianton to refrain from iniquities.; D&C 82: 2
refrain from sin, lest sore judgments fall.; OD 1
saints are advised to refrain from contracting marriages forbidden by law of land.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Protect
; Safe, Safety
2 Ne. 14: 6
(Isa. 4: 6
) there shall be a tabernacle for a place of refuge.; Hel. 15: 2
ye shall attempt to flee and there shall be no place for refuge.; D&C 45: 66
New Jerusalem, a city of refuge.; D&C 115: 6
(D&C 124: 36
) gathering in Zion to be refuge from storm.; D&C 124: 10
where shall be refuge of remainder of the Lord’s people.; D&C 124: 36
those places appointed for refuge.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Reject
2 Ne. 17: 15
(Isa. 7: 15
) butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse evil and choose good.; Mosiah 29: 1-3
(Alma 17: 6
) sons of Mosiah(2) refuse to be king.; Alma 27: 3
(Alma 51: 13
) people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi refused to take up arms.; Hel. 14: 20
sun shall refuse to give light.; Morm. 3: 11
Mormon(2) refuses to be commander of Nephites.; Ether 10: 6
Riplakish puts to death those who refused to labor.; Ether 15: 3
Coriantumr(2) refused to be comforted.; D&C 34: 9
stars shall refuse their shining.; D&C 88: 87
sun shall refuse to give his light.; D&C 132: 36
Abraham did not refuse to offer Isaac.; Moses 7: 44
Enoch(2) refuses to be comforted.; Abr. 1: 5
fathers refused to hearken to my voice.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Heed
; Respect
D&C 101: 82, 84
judge feared not God, nor regarded man.
The Standard Works
Regulate, Regulation
(see also
; Government, Civil
; Order
; Organize
Mosiah 26: 37
Alma(1) regulates all affairs of church.; Alma 45: 21
(Alma 62: 44
) regulation made throughout church.; 3 Ne. 7: 6
regulations of government are destroyed.; D&C 78: 3
organization needed in regulating storehouse.; D&C 107: 33
the Twelve regulate affairs of church in all nations.; D&C 134: 6
human laws are instituted to regulate our interests as individuals.
The Standard Works
(see also
1 Ne. 15: 20
Nephi(1) rehearses words of Isaiah(1).; Mosiah 8: 3
Ammon(1) rehearsed words of Benjamin.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Dominion
; King
; Millennium
; Power
; Rule
1 Ne. 22: 26
Holy One of Israel reigneth.; 2 Ne. 2: 29
devil will reign over the wicked in his kingdom.; Mosiah 3: 5
Lord God Omnipotent who reigneth shall come down among men.; Mosiah 6: 4
Mosiah(2) begins to reign in father’s stead.; Mosiah 11: 1
Noah(3) begins to reign in father’s stead.; Mosiah 12: 21
(Mosiah 15: 14
; Isa. 52: 7
) how beautiful upon mountains are feet of him that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth.; D&C 1: 36
(D&C 76: 63
; D&C 84: 119
; D&C 133: 25
) the Lord shall reign in saints’ midst.; D&C 20: 24
Christ reigns with almighty power according to will of Father.; D&C 29: 21
abominations shall not reign.; D&C 38: 12
powers of darkness cause silence to reign.; D&C 43: 29
the Lord’s people shall reign with him on earth.; D&C 49: 6
Son to reign in heavens till he descends to earth.; D&C 58: 22
be subject to powers that be until he reigns whose right it is to reign.; D&C 76: 44
sons of perdition to reign with devil and his angels in eternity.; D&C 76: 108
Christ shall sit on throne of his power to reign forever.; D&C 86: 3
Satan reigns in hearts of the nations.; D&C 128: 19
behold, thy God reigneth.; Abr. 1: 26
Pharaoh imitates order established in first patriarchal reign.; Abr. 4: 2
darkness reigned upon face of the deep.; A of F 10
Christ will reign personally upon the earth.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Deny
; Disobedience
; Rebel
; Refuse
; Renounce
; Resist
; Unbelief
; Withstand
; TG Prophets, Rejection of
1 Ne. 3: 18
Jews have rejected words of prophets.; 1 Ne. 15: 17
the Lord will show his power unto Gentiles because Jews will reject him.; 1 Ne. 19: 13
Jews shall be scourged because they reject signs and power of God.; 2 Ne. 1: 10
when those upon promised land reject Holy One, judgments shall rest upon them.; 2 Ne. 25: 12
Jews will reject Christ because of iniquities.; 2 Ne. 25: 18
word given to Israel to convince them of true Messiah, whom they rejected.; 2 Ne. 27: 14
wo unto him who rejecteth word of God.; Jacob 4: 15-17
by stumbling of Jews they will reject stone upon which they might build safe foundation.; Mosiah 14: 3
(Isa. 53: 3
) he is despised and rejected of men.; Mosiah 27: 30
Alma(2) rejected his Redeemer.; Alma 6: 3
church members who do not repent are rejected.; Alma 13: 4
men reject Spirit because of hardness of heart and blindness of mind.; Hel. 6: 2
many Nephites reject word of God.; 3 Ne. 16: 10
when Gentiles reject fulness of gospel, Father will bring it from them.; 4 Ne. 1: 38
those who rejected gospel are called Lamanites.; Morm. 6: 17
how could ye have rejected Jesus.; Ether 4: 3
Lamanites have rejected gospel of Jesus Christ.; Ether 11: 22
Jaredites reject words of prophets because of secret society.; Moro. 8: 29
after rejecting so great knowledge Nephites must soon perish.; D&C 6: 29-31
elders to be blessed whether people reject words or not.; D&C 6: 31
if people reject not the Lord’s words, blessed are they.; D&C 39: 9
thou hast rejected me many times because of pride.; D&C 84: 95
wo unto them who rejecteth the Lord.; D&C 84: 114-115
desolation awaits those who reject these things.; D&C 99: 4
whoso rejecteth elders shall be rejected by Father.; D&C 124: 8
fate of wicked who reject testimony.; D&C 124: 32
if saints do not perform baptisms for dead, they shall be rejected as a church.; D&C 132: 4
no one can reject covenant of marriage and be permitted to enter into the Lord’s glory.; D&C 138: 21, 32
the rebellious rejected prophets.; Moses 5: 16
the Lord may not reject his words.; Moses 5: 25
Cain rejected greater counsel from God.
The Standard Works
Rejoice, Rejoicing
(see also
; Glorify
; Joy
; Praise
; Shout
; Sing
; Thank
1 Ne. 8: 3
Lehi(1) has reason to rejoice in the Lord because of Nephi(1) and Sam.; 2 Ne. 9: 52
let your hearts rejoice.; 2 Ne. 25: 26
we rejoice in Christ.; 2 Ne. 27: 30
(Isa. 29: 19
) poor among men shall rejoice in Holy One.; Mosiah 2: 4
Benjamin teaches his people to keep commandments that they might rejoice.; Mosiah 5: 4
because of great knowledge, people rejoice.; Mosiah 18: 14
Alma(1) and Helam come forth out of water rejoicing.; Alma 46: 38
peace and rejoicing in church for four years.; Alma 61: 9
Pahoran(1) rejoices in greatness of heart of Moroni(1).; Hel. 8: 22
fathers have rejoiced in Christ’s day.; 3 Ne. 9: 2
devil laughs and his angels rejoice because of the slain.; D&C 19: 39
canst thou read this without rejoicing.; D&C 25: 13
lift up thy heart and rejoice.; D&C 28: 16
(D&C 29: 4
) gospel to be declared with sound of rejoicing.; D&C 35: 24
(D&C 49: 25
) Zion shall rejoice upon hills.; D&C 50: 22
he who preaches and he who receives are both edified and rejoice together.; D&C 50: 33
warning against being overcome with boasting nor rejoicing.; D&C 50: 34
let him who receives of God rejoice that he is accounted worthy to receive.; D&C 59: 14
fasting and prayer, or in other words, rejoicing and prayer.; D&C 62: 3
angels rejoice over elders who have borne testimony.; D&C 88: 33
he who does not receive a gift rejoices not in that gift, nor rejoices in the giver.; D&C 97: 21
let Zion rejoice.; D&C 110: 5
your sins are forgiven, lift up your heads and rejoice.; D&C 132: 56
the Lord will make handmaid’s heart to rejoice.; D&C 133: 44
the Lord will meet him who rejoiceth and works righteousness.; D&C 138: 15, 18, 23
spirits of just rejoice in their redemption.; Moses 7: 26
Satan laughs and his angels rejoice.; Moses 7: 47
Enoch(2) sees Son’s coming and rejoiced.; JS-H 1: 73
after baptism, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery rejoiced in God of salvation.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Escape
; Loose
D&C 19: 35
pay debt and release thyself from bondage.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Charity
; Help
; Needy
; Poor
; Serve
; Succor
Jacob 2: 19
obtain riches to administer relief to the needy.; Mosiah 4: 26
to retain remission of sins, administer relief to needy, both spiritually and temporally.; D&C 38: 35
appointed men shall administer to relief of poor.
The Standard Works
Religion, Religious
(see also
; Church of God
; Faith
; Gospel
; Worship
Alma 43: 47
Nephites contend with Lamanites to defend their religion.; Alma 44: 2
Lamanites are angry with Nephites because of religion.; Alma 44: 5
God strengthens Nephites to gain power over Lamanites, by their faith, religion.; Alma 46: 20
those who will maintain title of liberty should covenant to maintain their rights, religion.; Alma 48: 13
Moroni(1) has sworn oath to defend his religion.; Alma 51: 6
freemen covenant to maintain privileges of religion by free government.; D&C 134: 4
religion is instituted of God.; D&C 134: 7
governments should protect all citizens in free exercise of religious belief.; D&C 134: 9
religious influence should not be mingled with civil government.; D&C 134: 10
religious societies have right to deal with members according to own rules.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Trust
1 Ne. 10: 6
all mankind would be lost save they rely on Redeemer.; 2 Ne. 31: 19
relying wholly upon merits of him who is mighty to save.; Alma 24: 25
Lamanites who throw down weapons rely upon mercies of those whose arms are lifted to slay them.; Alma 25: 16
converted Lamanites rely upon spirits of prophecy.; Alma 26: 28
sons of Mosiah(2) travel from house to house, relying upon mercies of world.; Alma 27: 9
people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi rely upon mercies of Nephites.; Moro. 6: 4
those baptized rely alone upon merits of Christ.; D&C 3: 20
rely upon merits of Christ.; D&C 17: 1
rely upon the Lord’s word.; D&C 18: 3
rely upon things which are written.; D&C 30: 1
warning against fearing men and not relying on the Lord for strength.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Persist
; Sojourn
; Tarry
1 Ne. 13: 32
the Lord will not suffer Gentiles to remain in blindness.; 2 Ne. 2: 11
if it should be one body, it must remain as dead.; 2 Ne. 2: 22-23
if Adam had not transgressed, he would have remained in garden.; 2 Ne. 9: 7
without infinite atonement, first judgment must have remained endlessly.; 2 Ne. 9: 8-9
without resurrection, our spirits would have remained with devil.; Mosiah 2: 38
if willful transgressor remaineth enemy to God, justice fills breast with guilt.; Mosiah 7: 18
Limhi trusts an effectual struggle remaineth to be made.; Mosiah 16: 5
he who persists in carnal nature remaineth in fallen state.; Alma 7: 21
he who is filthy shall remain in filthiness.; Alma 9: 15
more tolerable for Lamanites if Nephites remain in sins.; Alma 15: 15
people of Ammonihah remained hardhearted.; Alma 40: 14
the wicked remain in darkness and righteous in paradise until resurrection.; 3 Ne. 28: 40
three Nephites to remain in sanctified state until judgment day.; D&C 45: 25
remnant of Jews shall remain until times of Gentiles are fulfilled.; D&C 64: 24
the Lord will not spare any that remain in Babylon.; D&C 84: 98
all who remain after scourges will know the Lord.; D&C 88: 32
those who remain shall be quickened.; D&C 88: 35, 102
the wicked remain filthy still.; D&C 101: 18
they who remain and are pure will come to inheritances.; Moses 3: 9
all things remaineth in sphere in which God created them.
The Standard Works
Remember, Remembrance
(see also
; Emblem
; Forget
; Forgive
; Memorial
; Memory
; Type
1 Ne. 2: 24
(2 Ne. 5: 25
) Lamanites to scourge Nephites to stir them up in remembrance.; 1 Ne. 14: 8
rememberest Father’s covenants with Israel.; 1 Ne. 15: 25
Nephi(1) exhorts brothers to remember to keep commandments.; 1 Ne. 17: 45
(Mosiah 9: 3
; Alma 62: 49
; Hel. 12: 5
) men are slow to remember the Lord.; 2 Ne. 3: 25
remember the words of thy dying father.; 2 Ne. 9: 39
remember awfulness in transgressing against God.; 2 Ne. 9: 40
remember greatness of Holy One.; 2 Ne. 9: 46
prepare your souls that ye may not remember your awful guilt.; 2 Ne. 29: 5
have Gentiles remembered Jews.; Jacob 1: 11
people desire to obtain name of Nephi(1) in remembrance.; Jacob 3: 9
remember your own filthiness.; Mosiah 1: 7
remember to search records diligently.; Mosiah 1: 17
Lehites smitten with afflictions to stir them up in remembrance of duty.; Mosiah 2: 40
awake to remembrance of awful situation of transgressors.; Mosiah 4: 30
remember, and perish not.; Mosiah 27: 30
the Lord has remembered every creature of his creating.; Alma 4: 19
Alma(2) preaches to stir up people in remembrance of duty.; Alma 5: 6
(Alma 36: 29
) have you sufficiently retained in remembrance the captivity of fathers.; Alma 5: 18
souls brought before God filled with remorse, having remembrance of guilt.; Alma 36: 13
Alma(2) remembered all his sins.; Hel. 12: 3
except the Lord chastens his people, they will not remember him.; Hel. 13: 33
O that we had remembered the Lord.; Hel. 16: 5
Nephi(2) prophesies concerning Christ’s coming, that people might remember that they had known signs beforehand.; 3 Ne. 16: 10-11
(3 Ne. 20: 29
) when Gentiles reject gospel, the Lord will remember Israel.; 3 Ne. 18: 7, 11
(Moro. 4: 3
; Moro. 5: 2
; Moro. 6: 6
) partake of sacrament in remembrance of Christ’s flesh and blood.; 3 Ne. 24: 16
(Mal. 3: 16
) book of remembrance written for those who fear the Lord.; Morm. 5: 21
the Lord will remember prayers of the righteous.; Morm. 8: 21
he who says the Lord remembers not his covenant shall be hewn down.; Moro. 10: 27
I exhort you to remember these things.; D&C 4: 6
remember faith, virtue.; D&C 20: 75, 77
(D&C 27: 2
) partake of bread in remembrance of the Lord’s body.; D&C 20: 75, 79
drink in remembrance of the Lord’s blood.; D&C 20: 77, 79
during sacrament saints witness they will remember the Son.; D&C 42: 30
(D&C 52: 30
) remember the poor.; D&C 46: 8
remembering for what reason the best gifts are given.; D&C 46: 10
remember what the spiritual gifts given to church are.; D&C 58: 42
if man repents of sins, the Lord remembers them no more.; D&C 84: 57
Zion to remain under condemnation until they remember covenant.; D&C 85: 9
they who are not found written in book of remembrance shall find no inheritance.; D&C 133: 26
those who are in north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord.; Moses 6: 5, 46
book of remembrance kept in language of Adam.
The Standard Works
Remission, Remit
(see also
; Born of God
; Faith
; Fire
; Forgive
; Holy Ghost, Baptism of
; Jesus Christ, Atonement through
; Mercy
; Pardoned
; Repentance
2 Ne. 25: 26
Nephites preach of Christ, that children may know source of remission of sins.; 2 Ne. 31: 17
(3 Ne. 12: 2
; 3 Ne. 30: 2
) after baptism comes remission of sins by fire and Holy Ghost.; Enos 1: 2
Enos(2) wrestles before God before receiving remission of sins.; Mosiah 3: 13
those who believe Christ should come can receive remission of sins.; Mosiah 4: 3
Spirit comes upon Benjamin’s people and they are filled with joy, having received remission of sins.; Mosiah 4: 11-12
always remember God’s goodness in order to retain remission of sins.; Mosiah 4: 26
for sake of retaining remission of sins, impart substance to the poor.; Mosiah 15: 11
(Alma 4: 14
) those who look forward to Christ’s coming for remission of sins are his seed.; Alma 7: 6
(Alma 30: 16
) look forward for remission of sins with everlasting faith.; Alma 12: 34
he who repents has claim on mercy through Son, unto remission of sins.; Alma 38: 8
never until he cried out to Christ for mercy did Alma(2) receive remission of sins.; 3 Ne. 1: 23
baptism unto repentance, in which there is great remission of sins.; 3 Ne. 7: 16
Nephi(3) testifies boldly, remission of sins through faith on the Lord.; 3 Ne. 7: 25
baptism a witness that they had repented and received remission of sins.; 3 Ne. 30: 2
be baptized, that ye may receive remission of sins and be filled with Holy Ghost.; Moro. 3: 3
priests and teachers are ordained to preach repentance and remission of sins through Christ.; Moro. 8: 11
baptism is unto repentance to fulfilling commandments unto remission of sins.; Moro. 8: 26
remission of sins bringeth meekness.; Moro. 10: 33
sanctification by grace through shedding of blood is Father’s covenant unto remission of sins.; D&C 13: 1
(D&C 49: 13
; D&C 55: 1-2
; D&C 68: 27
; D&C 84: 64, 74
; D&C 107: 20
; D&C 137: 6
; D&C 138: 33
) baptism by immersion for remission of sins.; D&C 19: 31
(D&C 33: 11
) remission of sins by baptism and by fire.; D&C 20: 5
(D&C 21: 8
) manifested to first elder that he had received remission of sins.; D&C 20: 37
baptism candidates must manifest they have received of Spirit of Christ unto remission of sins.; D&C 21: 9
(D&C 27: 2
) Christ was crucified for remission of sins.; D&C 53: 3
preach faith, repentance, remission of sin.; D&C 68: 27
children to be baptized for remission of sins when eight years old.; D&C 84: 27
gospel of repentance, baptism, and remission of sins.; D&C 132: 46
sins that elders remit on earth shall be remitted in heaven.; JS-H 1: 68-69
(A of F 4
) baptism by immersion for remission of sins.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Israel
; Israel, Gathering of
; Israel, Scattering of
; Jacob, House of
; Residue
1 Ne. 10: 14
(1 Ne. 15: 12-13
) natural branches of olive-tree, or remnants of Israel, shall be grafted in.; 1 Ne. 13: 34
the Lord will visit remnant of Israel, seed of Lehi(1).; 2 Ne. 20: 21
(Isa. 10: 21
) remnant of Jacob shall return unto God.; 2 Ne. 28: 2
(Alma 46: 23
; 3 Ne. 20: 16
; Morm. 7: 10
) Nephites’ seed is remnant of house of Israel, or Jacob(1).; 2 Ne. 30: 3
Gentiles shall carry words of book to remnant of Nephites’ seed.; Alma 46: 23
(3 Ne. 10: 17
; 3 Ne. 15: 12
) Nephites are remnant of seed of Joseph(1).; 3 Ne. 5: 23
the Lord will again bring remnant of seed of Joseph(1) to knowledge of the Lord.; 3 Ne. 5: 24
the Lord will gather all remnant of seed of Jacob(1).; 3 Ne. 21: 12
the Lord’s people who are remnant of Jacob(1), shall be among Gentiles.; 3 Ne. 21: 22
Gentiles can be numbered among this remnant of Jacob(1), to whom the Lord has given this land.; Morm. 5: 24
Gentiles called to repent, lest remnant of Jacob(1) go among them as a lion.; Ether 13: 7
the Lord brought remnant of seed of Joseph(1) out of Jerusalem.; Ether 13: 10
those who dwell in New Jerusalem are numbered among remnant of seed of Joseph(1).; D&C 19: 27
Lamanites are remnant of Jews.; D&C 45: 24
remnant of Jews shall scatter among nations.; D&C 45: 43
remnant shall be gathered.; D&C 52: 2
the Lord’s people are remnant of Jacob(1).; D&C 87: 5
remnants left in land shall vex Gentiles.; D&C 109: 65
remnants of Jacob(1) who have been cursed because of transgression will be converted.; D&C 113: 10
scattered remnants are exhorted to return.; Moses 7: 52
remnant of Abraham’s seed always to be found among nations of earth.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Grieve
; Sackcloth
; Sorrow
; Torment
Alma 5: 18
souls brought before God are filled with remorse, having remembrance of guilt.; Alma 29: 5
to him who knoweth good and evil is given according to his desire, joy or remorse.; Alma 42: 18
just law brings remorse.
The Standard Works
(see also
2 Ne. 16: 12
(Isa. 6: 12
) the Lord will remove men far away.; 2 Ne. 23: 13
(Isa. 13: 13
) earth shall remove out of her place.; 2 Ne. 27: 25
(Isa. 29: 13-14
) men draw near the Lord with mouths, but have removed hearts far from him.; Alma 46: 40
God has prepared plants and roots to remove cause of disease.; Hel. 5: 40-41
cloud of darkness to be removed by faith.; 3 Ne. 22: 10
(Isa. 54: 10
) hills shall be removed.; Morm. 8: 24
in the Lord’s name saints could remove mountains.; Ether 12: 30
brother of Jared(2) said to mountain, Remove, and it was removed.; D&C 90: 37
Zion shall not be removed out of place.; D&C 93: 49
pray always lest the wicked one remove you out of place.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Wages
D&C 42: 72-73
bishop and counselor to receive just remuneration for services.
The Standard Works
Rend, Rent
1 Ne. 12: 4
(1 Ne. 19: 12
; Hel. 14: 22
; 3 Ne. 8: 18
; 3 Ne. 10: 9
) earth and rocks shall be rent.; 1 Ne. 17: 47
soul of Nephi(1) is rent with anguish because of brothers.; Alma 46: 12-13
Moroni(1) rents coat for title of liberty.; Alma 46: 21
Nephites rend garments as covenant not to forsake the Lord.; Alma 46: 23
let us keep commandments or our garments shall be rent by brethren.; Hel. 6: 39
robbers obtain government, that they smite, rend.; Hel. 10: 8
if Nephi(3) says to temple it should be rent in twain, it shall be done.; 3 Ne. 14: 6
(Matt. 7: 6
) cast not your pearls before swine lest they turn again and rend you.; Morm. 6: 16
soul of Mormon(2) is rent with anguish because of the slain.; Ether 4: 15
when Israel rends veil of unbelief, they shall know Father remembers covenants.; D&C 38: 8
veil of darkness shall soon be rent.; D&C 67: 10
veil shall be rent and elders shall see the Lord.; D&C 84: 118
the Lord will rend kingdoms.; D&C 133: 40
the Lord to rend the heavens.; Moses 1: 19
Satan ranted upon earth.; Moses 7: 56
rocks are rent at Crucifixion.
The Standard Works
(see also
Mosiah 2: 20-21
if you render all thanks to God, ye would be unprofitable servants.; Mosiah 2: 34
men are eternally indebted to Father, to render unto him all that they have and are.; Mosiah 4: 13
render to every man according to his due.; D&C 63: 26
render unto Caesar things which are Caesar’s.; D&C 72: 3
every steward to render account of stewardship.
The Standard Works
(see also
; TG Earth, Renewal of
4 Ne. 1: 9
sunken cities could not be renewed.; D&C 84: 33
those who magnify callings are sanctified unto renewing of bodies.; D&C 84: 48
Father has renewed and confirmed covenant upon saints.; A of F 10
earth will be renewed.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Reject
D&C 98: 16
renounce war and proclaim peace.
The Standard Works
Rend, Rent
The Standard Works
(see also
; Redress
Mosiah 9: 8
Nephites repair walls of cities.; Mosiah 27: 35
sons of Mosiah(2) strive to repair all injuries they had done to church.; Alma 27: 8
people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi are willing to be Nephites’ slaves until they have repaired their many murders and sins.; Hel. 5: 17
converted dissenters endeavor to repair wrongs they had done.; 3 Ne. 6: 7
many old cities repaired.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Recompense
Morm. 3: 15
(Morm. 8: 20
; Rom. 12: 19
) vengeance is the Lord’s, and he will repay.; D&C 82: 23
judgment is the Lord’s and he will repay.
The Standard Works
Repentance, Repent
(see also
; Change
; Confess
; Death, Spiritual
; Excommunication
; Faith
; Forgive
; Forsake
; Gospel
; Guilt
; Mend
; Mercy
; Penitent
; Remission
; Redemption
; Remission
; Salvation
; Unrepentant
; Work [noun]
; Work [verb]
; TG Repent, Repentance
; BD Repentance
1 Ne. 1: 4
many prophets prophesy that Jews must repent or be destroyed.; 1 Ne. 10: 18
way is prepared for all men if they repent and come unto the Lord.; 1 Ne. 14: 5
if Gentiles repent, it shall be well with them.; 1 Ne. 18: 20
when they see they will be swallowed in sea, brothers of Nephi(1) repented.; 1 Ne. 22: 28
all nations shall dwell safely in Holy One if they will repent.; 2 Ne. 2: 21
days of men were prolonged, that they might repent.; 2 Ne. 2: 21
(2 Ne. 31: 11
; Alma 9: 12
; 3 Ne. 11: 32
) God commands that all men must repent.; 2 Ne. 6: 12
if Gentiles repent, they shall be saved.; 2 Ne. 9: 23
God commands that all must repent and be baptized.; 2 Ne. 26: 27
the Lord commands his people to persuade all men to repentance.; 2 Ne. 28: 19
they who belong to devil’s kingdom must be stirred up unto repentance.; 2 Ne. 30: 2
(3 Ne. 16: 13
) Gentiles who repent are covenant people of the Lord.; 2 Ne. 30: 2
Jews who will not repent shall be cast off.; 2 Ne. 30: 2
the Lord covenants with none save those who repent.; 2 Ne. 31: 13
those who follow Son, repenting of sins, shall receive Holy Ghost.; 2 Ne. 31: 17
gate by which men should enter is repentance and baptism.; Jacob 3: 3
except ye repent, the land is cursed.; Mosiah 2: 38
if willful transgressor repenteth not, he shall be filled with sense of guilt.; Mosiah 3: 12
salvation cometh to none who knowingly rebel, except through repentance and faith.; Mosiah 3: 21
men can be found blameless before God only through repentance and faith.; Mosiah 4: 10
believe that ye must repent of your sins.; Mosiah 4: 18
he who turns away beggar has great cause to repent.; Mosiah 18: 20
preach nothing save repentance and faith.; Mosiah 26: 29
if transgressor confesses and repenteth, ye shall forgive him.; Mosiah 26: 35-36
(3 Ne. 18: 29-32
; Moro. 6: 7
) only those who repent and confess sins are numbered among people of church.; Mosiah 27: 28
after repenting nigh unto death, Alma(2) is snatched from everlasting burning, born of God.; Alma 5: 31
he who persecutes his brother must repent or he cannot be saved.; Alma 5: 49
(Alma 7: 9
) Alma(2) is called to cry unto people that they must repent and be born again.; Alma 5: 54
those sanctified by Spirit bring forth works meet for repentance.; Alma 6: 2
all who repented are baptized unto repentance.; Alma 7: 9
(Hel. 14: 9
) repent ye, and prepare way of the Lord.; Alma 9: 12
except men repent, they cannot inherit kingdom of God.; Alma 9: 25
(Alma 10: 20
; Hel. 5: 32
) repent ye, for kingdom of heaven is at hand.; Alma 12: 24
(Alma 42: 4
) man was granted time in which he might repent.; Alma 13: 10
many are ordained high priests because they choose to repent and work righteousness rather than perish.; Alma 13: 18
Melchizedek preached repentance unto his people, and they repented.; Alma 14: 1
many people begin to repent and search scriptures.; Alma 26: 22
to know mysteries of God, men must repent.; Alma 29: 1
O that I were an angel and could cry repentance unto every people.; Alma 32: 13
if a man is compelled to be humble, he sometimes seeks repentance.; Alma 32: 13
all who repenteth shall find mercy.; Alma 34: 33
do not procrastinate day of repentance.; Alma 34: 34
when brought to night of darkness, men cannot say they will repent.; Alma 37: 31
cursed be land unto secret combinations except they repent.; Alma 42: 16
repentance could not come unto men except there were a punishment.; Alma 42: 22
there is punishment affixed and repentance granted, which repentance mercy claimeth.; Alma 42: 29
only let your sins trouble you, with that trouble which shall bring you down unto repentance.; Hel. 5: 11
the Lord is given power from Father to redeem his people because of repentance.; Hel. 5: 11
the Lord has sent his angels to declare tidings of conditions of repentance.; Hel. 5: 29
repent ye, and seek no more to destroy my servants.; Hel. 5: 40-41
to remove cloud of darkness, Lamanites must repent and have faith.; Hel. 12: 22
repentance has been declared that men might be saved.; Hel. 12: 23
(3 Ne. 23: 5
) those who repent shall be saved.; Hel. 13: 33, 36
(3 Ne. 8: 24-25
) O that I had repented and not killed prophets.; Hel. 15: 1
except ye repent, your houses will be left to you desolate.; Hel. 15: 7
prophecies of holy prophets lead men to faith and repentance, which bring change of heart.; 3 Ne. 7: 24
all who are brought unto repentance are baptized.; 3 Ne. 9: 2
wo unto inhabitants of earth, except they repent.; 3 Ne. 9: 22
the Lord will receive all who repent and come unto him as little child.; 3 Ne. 16: 13
if Gentiles repent, they shall be numbered among the Lord’s people.; 3 Ne. 18: 32
if a man repents, ye shall not cast him out.; 3 Ne. 27: 16
whoso repenteth and is baptized shall be filled.; 3 Ne. 30: 2
Mormon(2) calls Gentiles to repent of evil doings.; Ether 2: 11
this message cometh unto Gentiles that they may repent.; Ether 11: 1
many prophets prophesy destruction of Jaredites unless they repent.; Moro. 6: 2
only those who witness unto church that they have repented are received unto baptism.; Moro. 6: 8
as oft as men repent and seek forgiveness, they are forgiven.; Moro. 7: 31
office of angels’ ministry is to call men to repentance.; Moro. 8: 8
Christ came into world to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance.; Moro. 8: 11, 19
little children need no repentance.; Moro. 8: 22
he that is under no condemnation cannot repent.; Moro. 8: 24
repentance is unto them that are under condemnation and under curse of broken law.; Moro. 8: 25
first fruits of repentance is baptism.; Moro. 9: 3
Mormon(2) fears Lamanites will destroy Nephites, for they do not repent.; D&C 1: 27
(D&C 98: 21
) sinners chastened that they might repent.; D&C 1: 32-33
(D&C 58: 42
) he who repents and does commandments shall be forgiven.; D&C 1: 33
(D&C 5: 21
) those who repent not shall lose light received.; D&C 3: 10
repent and thou art still chosen.; D&C 3: 20
(D&C 18: 22
) saved through repentance.; D&C 5: 19
desolating scourge shall go forth if people repent not.; D&C 6: 9
(D&C 11: 9
; D&C 14: 8
; D&C 19: 21
) say nothing but repentance unto this generation.; D&C 10: 67
whosoever repenteth and come unto the Lord is his church.; D&C 13: 1
(D&C 84: 27
) gospel of repentance and of baptism.; D&C 15: 6
(D&C 16: 6
) thing of most worth will be to declare repentance.; D&C 18: 6
men must be stirred up unto repentance.; D&C 18: 9, 22, 42
(D&C 19: 13, 15, 20
; D&C 20: 29
; D&C 49: 8, 26
; D&C 56: 14
; D&C 58: 48
; D&C 133: 16
) the Lord commands all men to repent.; D&C 18: 11
the Lord died that men might repent.; D&C 18: 12
the Lord rose from the dead to bring men unto him on conditions of repentance.; D&C 18: 13
how great is the Lord’s joy in soul that repenteth.; D&C 18: 14
(D&C 33: 10
; D&C 34: 6
; D&C 36: 6
; D&C 43: 20-22
; D&C 44: 3
; D&C 55: 2
) elders are called to cry repentance.; D&C 18: 41-42
(D&C 33: 11
; D&C 42: 7
; D&C 44: 3
; D&C 49: 13
; D&C 53: 3
) repent and be baptized.; D&C 18: 44
many to come unto repentance, that they may come into kingdom.; D&C 19: 15
repent lest the Lord strike you by rod of his mouth.; D&C 19: 17
if men do not repent, they must suffer as God.; D&C 20: 37
repentance required for baptism.; D&C 20: 71
age of accountability, capability of repentance, required for baptism.; D&C 29: 17
the Lord to take vengeance upon the wicked, for they will not repent.; D&C 29: 42
angels declare repentance to Adam.; D&C 29: 44
men cannot be redeemed from spiritual fall because they repent not.; D&C 29: 49
whoso has knowledge is commanded to repent.; D&C 33: 11-12
(D&C 39: 6
) repentance is one of first principles of gospel.; D&C 35: 5
baptism by water unto repentance.; D&C 39: 18
inasmuch as men repent, the Lord will stay his hand.; D&C 42: 28
(D&C 104: 10
) he who sins and repenteth not shall be cast out.; D&C 49: 8
all members must repent, for all are under sin.; D&C 50: 39
repent and be forgiven.; D&C 54: 3
to escape enemies, repent of sins.; D&C 56: 8
repent of pride and selfishness.; D&C 58: 43
repentance requires confessing and forsaking sins.; D&C 58: 47
call upon the rich, high, low, and poor to repent.; D&C 63: 63
let church repent of their sins.; D&C 64: 12
he who repenteth not of his sins shall be brought before the church.; D&C 68: 25
parents to teach children doctrine of repentance.; D&C 84: 27
(D&C 107: 20
) Aaronic Priesthood holds keys of preparatory gospel, gospel of repentance and baptism.; D&C 84: 57
condemnation for failure to repent.; D&C 98: 27
testimonies against enemies unless they repent.; D&C 98: 39-40
forgive enemy if he repents.; D&C 98: 41-44
forgive enemy three times if he does not repent.; D&C 133: 62
unto him who repenteth and sanctifies himself shall eternal life be given.; D&C 138: 31
liberty proclaimed to captives who repent.; D&C 138: 33, 58
dead who repent will be redeemed.; D&C 138: 33
spirits who died without gospel are taught repentance from sin.; D&C 138: 57
gospel of repentance and redemption through Son’s sacrifice.; Moses 5: 14-15
(Moses 6: 50, 57
) all men are commanded to repent.; Moses 6: 53-62
repentance and baptism explained to Adam.; Moses 7: 39
they who repent shall return unto God.; Moses 8: 24
people at time of Noah(1) were commanded to repent.; Moses 8: 26
it repenteth Noah(1) that God created man and beast.; Abr. 1: 30
Abraham’s father repented of evil he had determined against Abraham.; JS-H 1: 69
Aaronic Priesthood holds keys of gospel of repentance and baptism.; A of F 4
repentance one of first principles of gospel.
The Standard Works
3 Ne. 13: 7
when ye pray, use not vain repetitions.; D&C 107: 4
priesthood called after Melchizedek to avoid too frequent repetition of the Lord’s name.
The Standard Works
D&C 132: 63
man is given wives to multiply and replenish the earth.; Moses 2: 28
(Moses 5: 2
; Abr. 4: 28
) Adam and Eve commanded to replenish earth.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Slander
Mosiah 14: 1
(Isa. 53: 1
) who hath believed our report.; D&C 97: 23
report of the Lord’s scourge shall vex all people.; D&C 109: 29
the Lord to bring shame to those who spread lying reports about saints.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Shadow
; Type
1 Ne. 11: 25
living waters and tree of life are representation of love of God.; 1 Ne. 15: 21-22
tree in dream of Lehi(1) was representation of tree of life.; 1 Ne. 15: 28-29
gulf separating wicked from tree of life is representation of hell.; 1 Ne. 15: 32
representation of things both temporal and spiritual.; D&C 77: 4
beasts’ eyes are representation of light and knowledge, beasts’ wings are representation of power.
The Standard Works
Reproach, Reproachfully
(see also
; Reprove
; Scorn
; Shame
; Upbraid
2 Ne. 8: 7
(Isa. 51: 7
) fear not the reproach of men.; 2 Ne. 14: 1
(Isa. 4: 1
) seven women will want to be called by one man’s name to take away reproach.; 3 Ne. 22: 4
(Isa. 54: 4
) not remember the reproach of thy youth.; D&C 42: 92
church not to speak reproachfully of those who confess secret offenses.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Punishment
; Rebuke
; Reproach
; Upbraid
; Warn
2 Ne. 21: 3
(Isa. 11: 3
) he shall not reprove after the hearing of his ears.; 2 Ne. 21: 4
(2 Ne. 30: 9
; Isa. 11: 4
) he shall reprove with equity for the meek.; 2 Ne. 27: 32
they who lay a snare for him that reproveth at the gate shall be cut off.; D&C 84: 87
(D&C 84: 117
) the Lord sends elders out to reprove the world.; D&C 121: 43
reproving with sharpness when moved upon by Holy Ghost.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Opposite
Mosiah 29: 36
iniquities and abominations of unrighteous king are expressly repugnant to commandments of God.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Commandments of God
; Requisite
1 Ne. 3: 5
brothers murmur that it is hard thing Lehi(1) required of them.; Mosiah 2: 22-24
all that God requires of men is to keep his commandments.; Mosiah 18: 27
of him who has but little, little is required.; Alma 34: 12
law requireth the life of him who murders.; D&C 10: 23
the Lord will require this at hands of those who alter translation.; D&C 64: 10
of you it is required to forgive all men.; D&C 64: 22, 34
the Lord requires the heart and a willing mind.; D&C 70: 4
the Lord requires an account of stewardships.; D&C 82: 3
of him to whom much is given much is required.; D&C 88: 123
learn to impart one to another as gospel requires.; D&C 97: 12
the Lord requires tithing.; D&C 105: 4
union required by law of celestial kingdom.; D&C 112: 33
cleanse garments lest blood of this generation be required at your hands.; D&C 119: 1
the Lord requires surplus properties to be put in hands of bishop.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Needful
Mosiah 4: 27
not requisite that man should run faster than he has strength.; Alma 41: 2
plan of restoration is requisite with justice of God.; Alma 41: 2
requisite that all things be restored to proper order.; Alma 41: 3
requisite with justice of God that men be judged according to works.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Withhold
D&C 5: 9
the Lord reserved those things entrusted to Joseph Smith for wise purpose.; D&C 43: 14
the Lord reserves unto himself a pure people.; D&C 45: 12
Zion of Enoch(2), a city reserved until day of righteousness.; D&C 49: 8
all are under sin except those whom the Lord has reserved unto himself.; D&C 121: 24
the Lord has in reserve swift judgment.; D&C 121: 32
things reserved until end of world.; D&C 138: 52
blessing held in reserve for those who love God.; D&C 138: 53
great spirits reserved to lay foundation of work.; Moses 7: 57
remainder of spirits in prison are reserved in chains of darkness.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Inhabit
D&C 20: 84
members removing from church where they reside should take letter certifying membership.; D&C 130: 4
time reckoned according to planet on which they reside.; D&C 130: 6-7
angels reside not on planet, but in presence of God.; D&C 130: 8
place where God resides is great Urim and Thummim.; D&C 134: 5
men are bound to uphold governments in which they reside.
The Standard Works
(see also
Moro. 7: 32
the Lord prepared way that residue of men may have faith in Christ.; D&C 38: 5
residue of wicked are kept in chains until day of judgment.; D&C 42: 33
residue of properties to be consecrated unto bishop.; Moses 6: 17
residue of people of God come out from the land.; Moses 7: 20
the Lord blesses Zion, curses residue of people.; Moses 7: 22
Enoch(2) beholds residue of people which were sons of Adam.; Moses 7: 43
floods come upon residue of the wicked.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Hardheartedness
; Rebel
; Refuse
; Reject
; Renounce
; Withstand
Alma 30: 46
Korihor resists Spirit of truth.; Alma 32: 28
if ye do not cast out seed by unbelief, that ye resist Spirit, it will swell.; Alma 48: 16
Moroni(1) glories in resisting iniquity.; Alma 61: 14
whatsoever evil we cannot resist with words, let us resist with swords.; 3 Ne. 12: 39
(Matt. 5: 39
) ye shall not resist evil, but turn other cheek to him who smites right cheek.; D&C 108: 2
resist no more the Lord’s voice.
The Standard Works
Respect, Respecter
(see also
; Equal
; Esteem
; Honor
; Regard
; Reverence
; Worth
2 Ne. 33: 14
Nephi(1) bids farewell to those who will not respect words of God.; Alma 1: 30
Nephites are liberal to all, having no respect to persons as to those in need.; Alma 16: 14
Alma(2) and Amulek impart word of God without any respect of persons.; D&C 107: 4
priesthood called after Melchizedek out of respect to the Lord’s name.; D&C 134: 6
all men owe respect to laws.; Moses 5: 20
the Lord has respect unto Abel.; Moses 5: 21
the Lord has not respect unto Cain and his offering.; Moro. 8: 12
if little children need baptism, God would be respecter of persons.; D&C 1: 35
(D&C 38: 16
) the Lord is no respecter of persons.; D&C 38: 26
what man who has twelve sons is no respecter of them.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Duty
Jacob 1: 19
priests and teachers take upon themselves responsibility for sins of people if they do not teach word of God.; Jacob 2: 2
Jacob(2) is under responsibility to magnify office.; D&C 107: 98
other officers not under responsibility to travel.; D&C 124: 140
one of quorum has responsibility to preside.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Comfort
; Paradise
; Peace
; Sabbath
2 Ne. 21: 2
(Isa. 11: 2
) Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon rod out of stem of Jesse.; 2 Ne. 21: 10
(Isa. 11: 10
) rest of root of Jesse shall be glorious.; Jacob 1: 7
we persuade our people to come unto Christ, that they might enter into his rest.; Enos 1: 27
Enos(2) soon goes to place of his rest.; Alma 7: 27
may peace of God rest upon you.; Alma 10: 11
the Lord’s blessing has rested upon Amulek and household.; Alma 12: 34-37
only those who repent and harden not hearts shall enter the Lord’s rest.; Alma 13: 6
priests are ordained to teach men, that they might enter into God’s rest.; Alma 13: 12
many are made pure and enter rest of the Lord.; Alma 13: 13
humble yourselves, bring forth fruit meet for repentance, enter rest of the Lord.; Alma 13: 16
look forward to Son for remission of sins, that they may enter rest of the Lord.; Alma 13: 29
have love of God always in your hearts, that ye may enter into his rest.; Alma 16: 17
receive word with joy that they may enter rest of the Lord.; Alma 37: 34
the meek and lowly in heart shall find rest to their souls.; Alma 40: 12
righteous will be received into paradise, a state of rest and peace, where they rest from troubles.; Alma 60: 13
the righteous enter rest of the Lord.; 3 Ne. 27: 19
only those who have washed garments in Christ’s blood enter into Father’s rest.; 3 Ne. 28: 3
disciples shall find rest with Christ in his kingdom.; Moro. 7: 3
obtain sufficient hope by which ye can enter into rest of the Lord.; Moro. 9: 6
we have labor to perform, that we may conquer enemy and rest our souls in kingdom of God.; Moro. 9: 25
may Christ’s mercy and long-suffering rest in your mind forever.; Moro. 10: 34
Moroni(2) soon goes to rest in paradise of God.; D&C 15: 6
(D&C 16: 6
) missionaries to rest with converted souls in kingdom of Father.; D&C 19: 9
the Lord explains mystery, that his chosen may enter into his rest.; D&C 39: 12
power shall rest upon thee.; D&C 43: 34
let solemnities of eternity rest upon your minds.; D&C 54: 10
they who have sought the Lord early shall find rest.; D&C 59: 2
those who die in Zion shall rest from labors.; D&C 59: 10
Sabbath appointed that men might rest from labors.; D&C 84: 24
the Lord swore Israel should not enter his rest while in wilderness.; D&C 84: 24
the Lord’s rest is fulness of his glory.; D&C 101: 31
rest of those who die during Millennium shall be glorious.; D&C 121: 32
every man shall enter into God’s immortal rest.; D&C 124: 86
(D&C 138: 57
) those who die unto the Lord shall rest from labors and continue their works.; Moses 3: 2-3
(Abr. 5: 2-3
) the Lord rested on seventh day.; Moses 7: 48
when shall earth rest.; Moses 7: 54, 61
when Son comes, earth shall rest.; Moses 7: 64
earth shall rest for thousand years.
The Standard Works
; Restoration
The Standard Works
Restoration, Restore
(see also
Church of God
; Dispensation
; Gather
; Gospel
; Israel, Gathering of
; Judgment
; Last Days
; Reclaim
; Recover
; Redress
; Resurrection
; Return
; TG Israel, Restoration of
; TG Restoration of the Gospel
; BD Restitution, Restoration
1 Ne. 15: 19
Nephi(1) speaks concerning restoration of Jews in latter days.; 1 Ne. 21: 6
(Isa. 49: 6
) it is a light thing that thou shouldst be servant to restore the preserved of Israel.; 2 Ne. 3: 24
mighty one shall rise up to do much good unto bringing to pass restoration unto Israel.; 2 Ne. 9: 2
the Lord has spoken unto Jews by prophets, from beginning until they are restored to true church.; 2 Ne. 9: 12
(Alma 40: 23
) bodies and spirits of men shall be restored to one another.; 2 Ne. 10: 2
(2 Ne. 30: 5
; Hel. 15: 11
) Nephites’ and Lamanites’ children shall be restored to knowledge of Christ.; 2 Ne. 25: 17
the Lord will set his hand second time to restore his people.; 2 Ne. 30: 8
the Lord will commence work among all nations to bring about restoration of his people.; Jacob 7: 23
peace and love of God is restored again among Nephites.; Enos 1: 14
Nephites’ struggles are vain in restoring Lamanites to true faith.; Alma 11: 44
this restoration shall come to all.; Alma 11: 44
(Alma 40: 23
; Alma 41: 4
) every thing shall be restored to its perfect frame.; Alma 40: 21-22
resurrection brings about restoration of those things spoken by prophets.; Alma 41: 2
plan of restoration is requisite with justice of God.; Alma 41: 4
all things shall be restored to proper order.; Alma 41: 10
do not suppose ye shall be restored from sin to happiness.; Alma 41: 12-13
meaning of restoration is to bring back evil for evil, good for good.; Alma 41: 14
be merciful, deal justly, judge righteously, and do good, and you shall have mercy, justice, righteous judgment, and good restored to you.; Alma 42: 23
because of resurrection, men are restored to God’s presence.; Alma 42: 27-28
if man has desired evil, evil shall be done unto him, according to restoration of God.; Hel. 12: 24
may men be brought to repentance and good works, that they might be restored unto grace for grace.; Hel. 14: 31
ye can do good and be restored unto that which is good, or evil and be restored unto that which is evil.; 3 Ne. 29: 1
when gospel comes to Gentiles, restoration of Israel is beginning to be fulfilled.; Morm. 9: 36
restoration of Lamanites to knowledge of Christ is according to prayers of all saints.; D&C 27: 6
(D&C 77: 9, 14
; D&C 86: 10
) Elias given keys of restoring all things.; D&C 45: 17
the Lord to show disciples restoration of scattered Israel.; D&C 77: 14
John the apostle is Elias who must come and restore all things.; D&C 84: 2
church was established for restoration of the Lord’s people.; D&C 86: 10
priesthood will remain until restoration of all things.; D&C 98: 47
if children repent and restore all trespasses, indignation shall be turned away.; D&C 103: 13, 29
the Lord promises restoration of Saints to land of Zion.; D&C 109: 21
when the Lord’s people repent, blessings to be restored.; D&C 124: 28
no place on earth where the Lord can restore fulness of priesthood.; D&C 127: 8
the Lord is about to restore many things to earth.; D&C 128: 17
Malachi had his eye fixed on restoration of priesthood.; D&C 132: 40, 45
the Lord restores all things.; D&C 136: 25
restore that which is borrowed.; D&C 138: 17
sleeping dust of dead to be restored to perfect frame.; A of F 10
we believe in the restoration of the Ten Tribes.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Keep
; Stay
; Stop
; Withhold
2 Ne. 1: 26
Nephi(1) could not restrain the truth.; Ether 12: 2
Ether could not be restrained from prophesying because of Spirit.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Death, Physical
; Eternal Life
; Fall of Man
; Grave
; Immortality
; Jesus Christ, Resurrection of
; Life
; Paradise
; Quicken
; Raise
; Redemption
; Restoration
; Reunite
; Rise
; Spirit World
; TG Resurrection
; BD Resurrection
2 Ne. 2: 8
(Mosiah 13: 35
; Mosiah 15: 20
; Alma 33: 22
; Alma 40: 3
; Hel. 14: 15
) Christ lays down life, takes it up again, to bring to pass resurrection of the dead.; 2 Ne. 9: 6
resurrection must come unto man by reason of the fall.; 2 Ne. 9: 11-12
(Alma 40: 21, 23
; Moro. 10: 34
) bodies and spirits of men shall be restored to one another by power of resurrection of Holy One.; 2 Ne. 9: 22
resurrection will pass upon all men.; 2 Ne. 10: 25
may God raise you from death by power of the resurrection.; Jacob 4: 11
be reconciled to God through atonement of Christ, and ye may obtain resurrection according to power of resurrection which is in Christ.; Jacob 6: 9
power of redemption and resurrection, which is in Christ, will bring you to stand before God.; Mosiah 13: 34-35
God himself shall come down and bring to pass the resurrection.; Mosiah 15: 20
Son hath power over the dead and bringeth to pass resurrection.; Mosiah 15: 21-26
(Alma 40: 15-18
) those who died before Christ’s resurrection will have part in first resurrection.; Mosiah 15: 22
all prophets and those who believe in them shall come forth in first resurrection.; Mosiah 15: 26
those who rebel against God shall have no part in first resurrection.; Mosiah 16: 7
if Christ had not risen from dead, there could have been no resurrection.; Mosiah 16: 8
(Morm. 7: 5
) grave has no victory, sting of death is swallowed in Christ.; Mosiah 18: 9-10
those who would be numbered among first resurrection must be baptized.; Alma 11: 41
the wicked remain as though there had been no redemption, except for loosing of bands of death.; Alma 11: 42
(Alma 12: 8
; Alma 40: 4-5, 9
) all shall rise from the dead.; Alma 11: 45
mortal body is raised to an immortal body.; Alma 12: 24
man given a time to prepare for endless state which is after resurrection.; Alma 21: 9
Aaron(3) opens to Lamanites scriptures concerning resurrection.; Alma 33: 22
(Hel. 14: 20
) Son shall rise from dead to bring to pass resurrection.; Alma 40: 4-10
time appointed that all shall come from the dead.; Alma 40: 6, 11-14
state of souls between death and resurrection.; Alma 40: 15-17
state between death and resurrection is not first resurrection.; Alma 40: 16
first resurrection includes those who died before Christ’s resurrection.; Alma 40: 21
space between death and resurrection.; Alma 40: 23
soul shall be restored to body and body to soul.; Hel. 14: 25
(3 Ne. 23: 9-13
) at time of Christ’s resurrection many saints shall be resurrected.; 3 Ne. 26: 4-5
men will be judged of their works, if they be good, to resurrection of everlasting life, if evil, to resurrection of damnation.; Morm. 9: 13
death of Christ bringeth to pass the resurrection.; Moro. 7: 41
ye shall have hope through Christ’s atonement and resurrection to be raised unto life eternal.; Moro. 10: 34
I soon go to rest in paradise of God until my spirit and body shall again reunite.; D&C 29: 13
(D&C 45: 45
; D&C 88: 97
; D&C 133: 56
) at the Lord’s coming saints will come forth.; D&C 29: 26
at Michael’s trump, all the dead will awake.; D&C 29: 43
by natural death man might be raised in immortality unto eternal life.; D&C 42: 45
mourn especially for those who have not hope of glorious resurrection.; D&C 43: 18
the Lord shall say, Ye saints arise and live.; D&C 45: 54
they who knew no law shall have part in the first resurrection.; D&C 63: 18
those who have no part in the first resurrection.; D&C 63: 49
the dead who die in the Lord shall rise and not die after.; D&C 63: 52
apostles preached resurrection.; D&C 76: 15-17
resurrection of the just and that of the unjust.; D&C 76: 39
all the rest shall be brought forth by resurrection of the dead.; D&C 76: 39
resurrection through triumph and glory of Lamb.; D&C 76: 50-70
those to come forward in resurrection of the just.; D&C 76: 64-65
those who inherit celestial glory will have part in first resurrection.; D&C 76: 85
those who inherit telestial glory shall not be redeemed from devil until last resurrection.; D&C 88: 14
through the redemption is brought to pass the resurrection of the dead.; D&C 88: 16
the resurrection of the dead is the redemption of souls.; D&C 88: 27
those who die shall rise again, a spiritual body.; D&C 88: 28
spirit shall receive same body which was natural body.; D&C 88: 98
resurrection of those who are the first fruits.; D&C 88: 99
resurrection of those who are Christ’s at his coming who have received their part in prison.; D&C 88: 101
rest of deal will not live again until thousand years are ended.; D&C 93: 33
spirit and element, inseparably connected, receive fulness of joy.; D&C 128: 12
baptism is likeness of resurrection.; D&C 129: 1
angels who are resurrected personages have bodies of flesh and bones.; D&C 130: 18
intelligence will rise with men in the resurrection.; D&C 132: 7, 19
only contracts authorized of God are valid after resurrection.; D&C 133: 55
prophets who were with Christ in his resurrection shall be in presence of Lamb.; D&C 138: 14
the just depart mortality with firm hope of resurrection.; D&C 138: 19
Son preached doctrine of resurrection to the dead.; Moses 7: 56
resurrection of saints foreseen by Enoch(2).; Moses 7: 62
God will send forth truth out of earth to bear testimony of resurrection of Christ and all men.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Keep
; Maintain
Jacob 1: 11
Nephites desire to retain in remembrance the name of Nephi(1).; Mosiah 4: 11-12
always retain in remembrance God’s goodness and ye will always retain remission of your sins.; Mosiah 4: 26
to retain remission of sins, impart of substance to the poor.; Mosiah 5: 12
retain name of Christ written always in your heart.; Alma 4: 14
Nephites look forward to Christ’s coming, thus retaining remission of sins.; Alma 5: 6
have you sufficiently retained in remembrance the captivity of your fathers.; Alma 25: 16
converted Lamanites retain hope through faith unto eternal salvation.; Alma 37: 5
brass plates must retain their brightness.; Hel. 13: 31
(Morm. 1: 18
) in days of your poverty ye cannot retain your riches.; Moro. 7: 8
if man gives gift grudgingly, it is counted to him the same as if he had retained it.; D&C 46: 10
always retain in your minds what spiritual gifts are.; D&C 132: 46
sins retained by elders on earth shall be retained in heaven.
The Standard Works
D&C 88: 124
retire to bed early.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Israel, Gathering of
; Recover
; Restoration
1 Ne. 10: 3
(2 Ne. 6: 9
; 2 Ne. 25: 11
) Jews shall return out of captivity.; 2 Ne. 1: 14
Lehi(1) soon to lie in grave, from which no traveler can return.; 2 Ne. 8: 11
(Isa. 51: 11
) the redeemed of the Lord shall return.; 2 Ne. 16: 13
(Isa. 6: 13
) they shall return and be eaten.; 2 Ne. 20: 21
(Isa. 10: 21
) remnant of Jacob(1) shall return.; Mosiah 4: 28
whosoever borrows of his neighbor should return what he borrows.; Alma 7: 23
always return thanks unto God for whatsoever ye receive.; Alma 34: 34
when brought to awful crisis of night of darkness, ye cannot say I will return to my God.; Hel. 13: 11
if ye repent and return to the Lord he will turn away his anger.; 3 Ne. 6: 13
some return railing for railing.; 3 Ne. 10: 6
Israel should repent and return unto the Lord with full purpose of heart.; 3 Ne. 16: 13
if Gentiles will repent and return unto Father, they shall be numbered among house of Israel.; 3 Ne. 20: 28
Father shall return Gentiles’ iniquities upon own heads.; 3 Ne. 24: 7
(Mal. 3: 7
) return unto the Lord and he will return unto you.; 3 Ne. 27: 11
those built upon devil’s works shall be cast into fire from which there is no return.; Morm. 6: 15
bodies of slain left to return to mother earth.; Moro. 9: 22
Mormon(2) prays the Lord will spare life of Moroni(2) to witness return of his people.; D&C 82: 7
former sins return unto soul who sins again.; D&C 101: 18
they who remain and are pure in heart shall return.; D&C 109: 64
children of Judah to return to lands given to Abraham.; D&C 113: 10
scattered remnants are exhorted to return to the Lord.; Moses 4: 25
by sweat of face shalt thou eat bread until thou return unto ground.; Moses 7: 39
they who repent shall return unto God.
The Standard Works
(see also
Alma 11: 43
(Alma 40: 18-21
; Moro. 10: 34
) spirit and body shall be reunited in perfect form.
The Standard Works
Revelation, Book of
(see also
John the Beloved
; BD Revelation of John
D&C 77
interpretations of passages from.
The Standard Works
Revelation, Reveal
(see also
; Dream
; God, Manifestations of
; Guide
; Holy Ghost
; Inspire
; Instruction
; Knowledge
; Manifest
; Prophecy
; Prophet
; Revelation, Book of
; Revelator
; Scriptures
; Spirit, Holy / Spirit of the Lord
; Testimony
; Vision
; Visitation
; Voice
; TG Revelation
; BD Revelation
2 Ne. 5: 6
those who go with Nephi(1) are those who believe revelations of God.; 2 Ne. 27: 7
in sealed book shall be revelation from beginning of world to end.; 2 Ne. 27: 10
revelation sealed in book reveal all things from foundation of world unto end.; 2 Ne. 27: 11
(2 Ne. 30: 18
) all things shall be revealed which ever have been or ever will be.; 2 Ne. 30: 17
nothing is secret save it shall be revealed.; Jacob 1: 6
(Alma 9: 21
) Nephites have many revelations and spirit of prophecy.; Jacob 4: 8
no man knows God’s ways save they are revealed to him.; Jacob 4: 8
despise not the revelations of God.; Omni 1: 11
Abinadom knows of no revelation save those that have been written.; Mosiah 14: 1
(Isa. 53: 1
) to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed.; Alma 4: 20
(Alma 8: 24
) Alma(2) confines himself to testimony of word, according to spirit of revelation.; Alma 5: 46
the Lord has made manifest many things by Holy Spirit, which is spirit of revelation.; Alma 17: 3
sons of Mosiah teach with spirit of prophecy and revelation.; Alma 25: 15
outward ordinances must be kept until Christ is revealed.; Alma 26: 22
things never revealed shall be revealed to those who repent, exercise faith, bring forth good works, and pray without ceasing.; Alma 43: 2
Alma(2) and sons preach according to spirit of prophecy and revelation.; Hel. 4: 12, 23
Nephites deny spirit of prophecy and revelation.; Hel. 11: 23
Nephi(2) and Lehi(4) have many revelations daily.; 3 Ne. 3: 19
Nephites appoint as chief captains those who have spirit of revelation.; 3 Ne. 26: 14
children speak greater things than Jesus had revealed to people.; 3 Ne. 29: 6
wo unto him who denies revelations of the Lord and says the Lord no longer works by revelation.; Morm. 5: 8
things which are hid must be revealed.; Morm. 8: 33
look unto revelations of God.; Morm. 9: 7-8
those who deny revelations know not the gospel of Christ.; D&C 1: 3
(D&C 88: 108
) secret acts shall be revealed.; D&C 1: 14
arm of the Lord shall be revealed.; D&C 1: 34
the Lord is willing to make these things known to all flesh.; D&C 2: 1
the Lord will reveal priesthood by hand of Elijah.; D&C 3: 4
although a man may have many revelations, if he follows his own will, he must fall.; D&C 11: 25
deny not the spirit of revelation.; D&C 20: 35
(D&C 75: 1
; D&C 76: 116-118
; D&C 104: 36
; D&C 121: 26
) revelations come through power of Holy Ghost, voice of God, ministering of angels.; D&C 25: 9
(D&C 101: 32
; D&C 121: 31
) all things shall be revealed.; D&C 28: 2, 7
(D&C 43: 2-7
) only one appointed to receive revelations.; D&C 28: 7
(D&C 35: 18
) Joseph Smith given keys to revelations which are sealed.; D&C 29: 11
the Lord will reveal himself from heaven with power and glory.; D&C 32: 4
give heed to that which is written and pretend to no other revelation.; D&C 42: 61
he who asks shall receive revelation upon revelation.; D&C 59: 4
those who obey gospel shall be crowned with revelations.; D&C 66: 2
gospel sent that men might be partakers of glories to be revealed.; D&C 68: 21
lineage ascertained by revelation.; D&C 70: 3-7
brethren appointed stewards over revelations.; D&C 70: 6
revelations not to be shown to church or world yet.; D&C 71: 4
(D&C 101: 23
) elders to prepare way for revelations to come.; D&C 72: 21
revelations to be published.; D&C 75: 4
proclaim truth according to revelations.; D&C 76: 5-8
the Lord reveals mysteries to those who serve him.; D&C 76: 10
the Lord reveals secrets of his will to the righteous.; D&C 76: 46
end of sons of perdition was not revealed, will not be revealed.; D&C 82: 4
call upon my name for revelations, and I give them unto you.; D&C 90: 14
Joseph Smith to receive revelations to unfold mysteries.; D&C 94: 3
(D&C 124: 40-41
) house consecrated for receiving revelations.; D&C 101: 32
when the Lord comes, he will reveal all things.; D&C 102: 9
president of church is appointed by revelation.; D&C 102: 23
in case of difficulty regarding doctrine, president may obtain mind of the Lord by revelation.; D&C 107: 39
Twelve to ordain ministers as designated by revelation.; D&C 124: 39
revelation for foundation of Zion.; D&C 124: 40-41
house to be built, that the Lord may reveal his ordinances.; D&C 128: 9
power given by revelation.; D&C 128: 17
Malachi had eye fixed on glories to be revealed.; D&C 128: 18
things never before revealed are now revealed.; D&C 132: 7
he who has sealing power is anointed by revelation through the medium of the Lord’s anointed.; D&C 132: 29
Abraham received all things by revelation.; OD 2
revelation extending priesthood to all worthy male members.; Moses 2: 1
the Lord reveals unto Moses concerning heaven and earth.; Moses 5: 49
Irad reveals great secret unto sons of Adam.; Moses 6: 3
God revealed himself unto Seth.; A of F 7
we believe in gift of revelation.; A of F 9
we believe all that God has revealed, that he will yet reveal many great things.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Revelation
; Seer
Mosiah 8: 16
a seer is a revelator.; D&C 43
Intro. persons making false claims as revelators.; D&C 77: 2
John the Revelator.; D&C 100: 11
Joseph Smith to be revelator unto Sidney Rigdon.; D&C 107: 92
(D&C 124: 125
) president of the church a revelator.; D&C 124: 94
Hyrum Smith a prophet, seer, and revelator.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Recompense
; Vengeance
Mosiah 19: 19
those who fled with Noah(3) swear to return and seek revenge.; Alma 27: 2
Amalekites see they cannot seek revenge.; Moro. 9: 5, 23
Nephites thirst after blood and revenge continually.; D&C 98: 23-26
if men smite you or your family, do not seek revenge.
The Standard Works
(see also
Fear of God
; Honor
; Respect
; Worship
; TG Reverence
D&C 76: 93
all things bow in humble reverence before God’s throne.; D&C 84: 54
men’s minds are darkened because they treated lightly things they have received.; D&C 107: 4
priesthood named for Melchizedek out of reverence to the Lord’s name.; D&C 109: 21
blessings to be poured out upon those who reverence the Lord in his house.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Hate
; Malice
; Mock
; Persecution
; Railing
; Scorn
; Spit
1 Ne. 17: 42
Israelites revile against Moses.; 2 Ne. 9: 40
if ye say I have spoken hard things against you, ye revile against truth.; 2 Ne. 28: 16
those who revile against that which is good.; Jacob 3: 9
revile no more against Lamanites because of darkness of skin.; Alma 8: 9, 13
people of Ammonihah reviled against Alma(2).; Alma 14: 2
people of Ammonihah claim Amulek has reviled against their law.; Alma 16: 18
priests preach against all revilings.; Alma 34: 40
Amulek admonishes poor Zoramites not to revile against those who cast them out.; Hel. 10: 15
Nephites revile against Nephi(2).; 3 Ne. 6: 13
some receive railing and do not turn and revile again.; 3 Ne. 12: 11
(Matt. 5: 11
) blessed are ye when men shall revile you.; 3 Ne. 22: 17
the Lord’s servants to condemn every tongue that revile against them.; Ether 7: 24
Jaredites revile against prophets.; D&C 19: 30
(D&C 31: 9
) reviling not against revilers.; D&C 98: 23
revile not against those who strike you or your families.
The Standard Works
Ether 9: 35
Jaredites begin to revive after drought.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Renounce
D&C 19: 5
the Lord revokes not judgments he shall pass.; D&C 56: 4
the Lord commands and revokes.; D&C 58: 32
the Lord revokes blessings of the disobedient.; D&C 61: 19
the Lord revokes not decree that destroyer shall ride.
The Standard Works
Revolt, Revolution
(see also
; War
4 Ne. 1: 20
small group revolted from church and took name of Lamanites.; Morm. 2: 8
one complete revolution throughout all the land.
The Standard Works
D&C 121: 31
revolutions of heavenly bodies to be revealed.; Abr. 3: 4
Kolob is after manner of the Lord, according to times and seasons in revolutions thereof.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Crown
; Increase
; Judgment
; Pay
; Prize
; Profit
; Prosper
; Reap
; Recompense
; Remuneration
; Wages
; Work [noun]
2 Ne. 13: 9
(Isa. 3: 9
) they have rewarded evil unto themselves.; 2 Ne. 15: 22-23
(Isa. 5: 23
) wo unto those who justify the wicked for reward.; 2 Ne. 26: 10
for reward of their pride, Nephites will reap destruction.; Alma 3: 26
in one year tens of thousands were sent into eternal world to reap rewards according to works.; Alma 9: 28
all men shall reap reward of works.; Alma 11: 25
for evil of bribery Zeezrom will have his reward.; Alma 29: 15
how great shall be reward of sons of Mosiah(2).; Alma 32: 43
reap rewards of faith and diligence.; Alma 34: 39
devil rewardeth men no good thing.; Alma 41: 6
if man has repented and desired righteousness, he shall be rewarded unto righteousness.; Alma 41: 14
if you do good continually, you shall receive your reward.; 3 Ne. 12: 11-12
(Matt. 5: 11-12
) great shall be reward in heaven of those who are persecuted for Christ’s sake.; 3 Ne. 13: 5
(Matt. 6: 5
) hypocrites, who pray to be seen of men, have their reward.; D&C 6: 33
they who sow good shall reap good for reward.; D&C 31: 12
pray always, lest you lose reward.; D&C 42: 65
great shall be reward of him who observes all things.; D&C 54: 10
(D&C 112: 34
) the Lord comes quickly, and his reward is with him.; D&C 56: 19
(D&C 101: 65
; D&C 112: 34
) the Lord shall come and reward every man.; D&C 58: 2
reward of him who is faithful in tribulation is greater in kingdom.; D&C 58: 28
if men do good, they shall not lose reward.; D&C 58: 33
reward of those who doubt the Lord’s promises lurks beneath.; D&C 59: 3
those in Zion who obey gospel will receive reward of good things of earth.; D&C 59: 23
he who does works of righteousness shall receive reward.; D&C 63: 48
he who sends treasure unto Zion shall receive reward in world to come.; D&C 64: 11
let God judge and reward.; D&C 70: 15
the Lord gives reward for saints’ diligence.; D&C 76: 6
(D&C 124: 16
) great shall be reward of those who serve God.; D&C 84: 90
he who assists missionaries will not lose reward.; D&C 98: 23
if men smite you, ye shall be rewarded.; D&C 98: 30
thou shalt be rewarded for righteousness.; D&C 98: 44
testimonies against trespasser shall not be blotted out until he repents and rewards thee four-fold.; D&C 127: 3
God will mete out just recompense of reward.; D&C 135: 6
glory is eternal reward of Joseph and Hyrum Smith.; D&C 138: 59
transgressors who have paid penalty receive reward according to works.
The Standard Works
Moses 3: 21-22
(Abr. 5: 15-16
) God makes woman from Adam’s rib.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Pride
; Prosper, Prosperity
; Riches
; Wealth
2 Ne. 9: 30
wo unto rich who are rich as to things of world, for they despise the poor.; 2 Ne. 9: 42
the rich who are puffed up in riches are they whom the Lord despises.; 2 Ne. 28: 15
the rich who are puffed up in pride shall be thrust down to hell.; Mosiah 4: 23
their substance shall perish with those who are rich in things of this world.; Mosiah 14: 9
(Isa. 53: 9
) he made his grave with the rich in his death.; Alma 1: 29
because of steadiness of church, they began to be exceedingly rich.; 4 Ne. 1: 3
Nephites have all things in common, so there are no rich or poor.; 4 Ne. 1: 23
Nephites become exceedingly rich because of prosperity in Christ.; D&C 6: 7
(D&C 11: 7
) he who has eternal life is rich.; D&C 38: 16
the Lord has made the rich.; D&C 38: 17
the Lord made earth rich.; D&C 38: 39
seek true riches and you shall be richest.; D&C 56: 16
wo unto rich men who will not give substance.; D&C 58: 10
the rich are invited to supper of the Lord.; D&C 58: 47
elders to call upon the rich to repent poor shall be exalted in that the rich are made low.; D&C 133: 30
ten tribes shall bring rich treasures unto children of Ephraim.
The Standard Works
Rich, Charles C.
D&C 124: 132
member of high council.
The Standard Works
Richards, Willard
D&C 118: 6
(D&C 124: 129
) called to fill position in Council of the Twelve.; D&C 135: 2
present at martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Greediness
; Lucre
; Mammon
; Money
; Prosper, Prosperity
; Rich
; Treasure
; Wealth
Jacob 2: 18
before ye seek riches, seek kingdom of God.; Jacob 2: 19
after ye have obtained hope in Christ, ye shall obtain riches if ye seek them.; Jacob 2: 19
seek riches for intent to do good.; Mosiah 2: 12
Benjamin has not sought riches of his people.; Mosiah 12: 29
(Alma 5: 53
; Hel. 7: 21
; Hel. 13: 20
) do ye set hearts upon riches.; Mosiah 29: 40
Mosiah(2) does not exact riches of his people.; Alma 1: 30
Nephites do not set hearts upon riches.; Alma 4: 6
(Alma 45: 24
; Hel. 3: 36
; Hel. 4: 12
; Hel. 6: 17
) people of church begin to wax proud because of riches.; Alma 7: 6
I trust ye have not set your hearts upon riches.; Alma 39: 14
seek not after riches.; Alma 62: 49
in spite of riches Nephites are not lifted up in pride.; Hel. 13: 20-21
Nephites are cursed because of riches.; Hel. 13: 22
ye always remember your riches, not to thank the Lord for them.; Hel. 13: 31-33
(Morm. 1: 18
) the Lord will curse riches that they become slippery.; 3 Ne. 6: 12
people are distinguished by ranks, according to riches.; 3 Ne. 6: 12
some receive great learning because of their riches.; 3 Ne. 6: 15
Satan tempts people to seek for riches.; Ether 10: 3
Shez smitten by robber because of riches.; D&C 6: 7
(D&C 11: 7
) seek not for riches, but for wisdom.; D&C 38: 18
the Lord to give greater riches.; D&C 38: 39
if ye seek the riches which it is will of Father to give, ye shall be richest of people.; D&C 38: 39
Father will give his people the riches of eternity.; D&C 38: 39
riches of earth are the Lord’s to give.; D&C 42: 39
the Lord will consecrate of the riches of those who embrace gospel among Gentiles unto poor of Israel.; D&C 43: 25
the Lord calls nations by voice of glory, honor, riches of eternal life.; D&C 45: 65
saints should gather up their riches to purchase an inheritance.; D&C 56: 16
riches will canker souls.; D&C 67: 2
(D&C 78: 18
) riches of eternity are the Lord’s to give.; D&C 68: 31
inhabitants of Zion seek not earnestly the riches of eternity.
The Standard Works
(see also
2 Ne. 9: 44
Jacob(2) is rid of brethren’s blood.; Jacob 2: 2
Jacob(2) magnifies office to rid his garments of people’s sins.; Jacob 2: 16
O that God would rid you from this iniquity.; Mosiah 2: 28
Benjamin teaches people to rid himself of their blood.; 3 Ne. 28: 35
do ye suppose ye can get rid of justice of an offended God.; Morm. 9: 35
these things are written that we may rid our garments of blood of brethren.; D&C 61: 34
they who declare the word shall rid garments.
The Standard Works
D&C 61: 19
destroyer rideth upon face of waters.
The Standard Works
Rigdon, Sidney
D&C 35
, 37, 40, 44, 49, 71, 73, 76, 100 revelations to.; D&C 35
Intro. called to serve as scribe on translation of Bible.; D&C 35: 3-4
has prepared for greater work.; D&C 35: 4
is sent forth like John and Elijah to prepare way.; D&C 35: 19-20
to watch over, write for Joseph Smith.; D&C 35: 23
to prove prophecies of Joseph Smith by scriptures.; D&C 36: 2
to bestow Spirit on Edward Partridge.; D&C 41: 8
to live as seemeth him good as long as he keeps commandments.; D&C 49: 1, 3
is called to preach gospel to Shakers.; D&C 52: 3, 41
to journey with Joseph Smith to Missouri.; D&C 58: 50
to write description of land of Zion.; D&C 58: 57
to consecrate spot for temple.; D&C 61: 23
not to travel upon waters.; D&C 61: 30
to preach next in Cincinnati.; D&C 63
Intro. arrives in Kirtland from Missouri.; D&C 63: 55-56
is warned about exalting himself.; D&C 70: 1
is appointed and ordained one of stewards over revelations and commandments.; D&C 71: 1
is commanded to proclaim gospel with Joseph Smith.; D&C 76: 11-12
sees heavenly vision with Joseph Smith.; D&C 76: 14, 19-23
sees and converses with Son.; D&C 90: 6
Sidney Rigdon and Frederick G. Williams are equal with Joseph Smith in holding keys.; D&C 93: 44
is warned to set house in order.; D&C 93: 51
to journey and proclaim gospel as the Lord gives utterance.; D&C 100: 9-11
to be spokesman for Joseph Smith.; D&C 100: 10
is given power to be mighty in testimony.; D&C 100: 11
to be mighty in expounding scripture.; D&C 103: 29
(D&C 124: 106-107
) to lift voice in preaching.; D&C 111
Intro. goes to Salem, Mass., with Joseph Smith.; D&C 115: 13
not to get in more debt to build the Lord’s house.; D&C 124: 103, 126
to be retained as counselor to Joseph Smith if humble.; D&C 124: 104
to be healed.
The Standard Works
Riggs, Burr
D&C 75: 17
is called to journey into south.
The Standard Works
Right Hand
(see also
; Right [adj.]
; Right [noun]
1 Ne. 20: 13
(Isa. 48: 13
) my right hand hath spanned the heavens.; Mosiah 5: 9
those who enter covenant will be found at right hand of God.; Mosiah 26: 23
the Lord grants unto them who believe place at his right hand.; Mosiah 26: 24
if men know the Lord, they shall have place at right hand.; Alma 5: 58
unto the righteous will the Lord grant inheritance at right hand.; Alma 7: 20
God hath no shadow of turning from right to left.; Alma 24: 23
converted Lamanites would not flee from sword nor turn aside to right hand or to left.; Alma 56: 37, 40
Lamanites dare not turn to right or left, lest they be surrounded.; 3 Ne. 12: 39
(Matt. 5: 39
) whosoever shall smite thee on right cheek, turn to him the other.; 3 Ne. 13: 3
(Matt. 6: 3
) let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.; 3 Ne. 22: 3
(Isa. 54: 3
) thou shalt break forth on right hand and on left.; Moro. 9: 26
Christ sits on right hand of Father’s power.; D&C 3: 2
God turns not to right hand nor to left.; D&C 20: 24
(D&C 76: 20, 23
) Christ sits on right hand of God.; D&C 29: 12
Twelve to stand on right hand at the Lord’s coming.; D&C 29: 27
the righteous shall be gathered on the Lord’s right hand.; D&C 49: 6
Son of Man has taken power on right hand of his glory.; D&C 66: 12
continue unto end and you shall have eternal life on Father’s right hand.; D&C 84: 88
the Lord will be on elders’ right hand and on their left.; D&C 124: 19
Joseph Smith, Sr., sits with Abraham at his right hand.; D&C 133: 56
saints shall stand on right hand of Lamb.; Moses 7: 56-57
saints and many spirits in prison are crowned at right hand of Son.
The Standard Works
Right [adj.], Rightly
(see also
Right [noun]
; Right Hand
; True
1 Ne. 13: 27
(1 Ne. 22: 14
) abominable church takes away parts of gospel to pervert right ways of the Lord.; 2 Ne. 25: 28
words of Nephi(1) are sufficient to teach any man the right way to believe in Christ.; Jacob 7: 7
Sherem claims Jacob(2) has led away many, that they pervert right way of God.; Jacob 7: 7
Sherem claims law of Moses is right way.; Mosiah 29: 6
he to whom kingdom rightly belongs has refused it.; Moro. 6: 4
those baptized are nourished by good word of God, to keep them in right way.; D&C 9: 8
study it out in your mind, then ask the Lord if it be right.; D&C 49: 2
Shakers are not right before the Lord.; D&C 93: 43
set your house in order, for many things are not right in your house.; D&C 101: 79
not right that any man should be in bondage to another.; D&C 107: 40
priesthood rightly belongs to literal descendants of chosen seed.; D&C 113: 5-6
priesthood rightly belongs to root of Jesse.
The Standard Works
Right [noun]
(see also
Government, Civil
; Liberty
; Privilege
; Right [adj.]
; Right Hand
Mosiah 29: 32
this land should be land of liberty, that every man may enjoy rights alike.; Alma 2: 4
Amlici would deprive people of rights and privileges of church.; Alma 30: 27
Korihor claims priests do not allow Nephites to enjoy rights.; Alma 43: 9, 26, 47
design of Nephites is to preserve rights.; Alma 48: 13
Moroni(1) had sworn oath to defend his people, his rights.; Alma 51: 6
freemen covenant to maintain their rights by free government.; Alma 61: 9
Pahoran seeks to retain judgmentseat to preserve rights of his people.; 3 Ne. 3: 10
Giddianhi claims Lamanites desire to recover their rights and government.; 3 Ne. 6: 30
secret combination sets at defiance the law and rights of country.; Moro. 7: 27
Christ claims of Father his right of mercy.; D&C 51: 4
man to hold this right of inheritance until he transgresses.; D&C 58: 22
be subject to powers that be until he reigns whose right it is to reign.; D&C 68: 17-18
(D&C 107: 76
) firstborn among sons of Aaron(1) holds right of presiding over Aaronic Priesthood.; D&C 98: 5
law that maintains men’s rights and privileges is justifiable before the Lord.; D&C 101: 77
law and constitution established for rights and protection.; D&C 107: 8
Melchizedek Priesthood holds right of presidency.; D&C 107: 9
Presidency of High Priesthood have right to officiate in all offices.; D&C 107: 10
high priests have right to officiate in their own standing.; D&C 107: 11-12
elder has right to officiate in high priest’s stead when none is present.; D&C 113: 8
Zion has right to priesthood by lineage.; D&C 121: 21
persecutors of saints shall not have right to priesthood.; D&C 121: 36
rights of priesthood are inseparably connected with powers of heaven.; D&C 128: 21
voices of angels declare their rights.; D&C 134: 2
laws must secure right and control of property.; D&C 134: 4
human law has no right to prescribe rules of worship.; D&C 134: 5
all governments have right to enact laws to secure public interest.; D&C 134: 9
not just for individual rights of members as citizens to be denied.; Moses 7: 59
thou hast given unto me a right to thy throne.; Abr. 1: 2
Abraham a high priest, holding right belonging to the fathers.; Abr. 1: 3
right of firstborn came down from before beginning of earth.; Abr. 1: 31
the Lord preserves records concerning right of priesthood.; Abr. 2: 11
right of priesthood to continue in Abraham and his seed.
The Standard Works
Righteousness, Righteous, Righteously
(see also
; Godliness
; Holiness
; Honesty
; Innocence
; Integrity
; Just
; Obedience
; Perfect
; Prosper
; Prosperity
; Purity
; Uprightness
1 Ne. 2: 9
Lehi(1) admonishes Laman(1) to be like river, continually running into fountain of righteousness.; 1 Ne. 14: 14
saints are armed with righteousness.; 1 Ne. 15: 36
the wicked are rejected from the righteous.; 1 Ne. 16: 3
if ye were righteous, ye would not murmur.; 1 Ne. 17: 35
he who is righteous is favored of God.; 1 Ne. 19: 11
the Lord will visit house of Israel because of righteousness.; 1 Ne. 22: 16
God will not suffer that the wicked shall destroy the righteous.; 1 Ne. 22: 17, 22
the righteous need not fear.; 1 Ne. 22: 26
because of righteousness of the Lord’s people, Satan has no power.; 2 Ne. 1: 19
the Lord’s ways are righteousness forever.; 2 Ne. 1: 23
put on armor of righteousness.; 2 Ne. 2: 3
Jacob(2) is redeemed, because of righteousness of Redeemer.; 2 Ne. 2: 13
if no sin, then no righteousness, if no righteousness, then no happiness.; 2 Ne. 4: 33
encircle me in robe of thy righteousness.; 2 Ne. 9: 14
the righteous shall have perfect knowledge of their righteousness, being clothed with robe of righteousness.; 2 Ne. 9: 16
(Morm. 9: 14
) they who are righteous shall be righteous still.; 2 Ne. 9: 18
the righteous, the saints of God, shall inherit kingdom of God.; 2 Ne. 9: 40
the righteous fear not words of truth.; 2 Ne. 9: 49
my heart delights in righteousness.; 2 Ne. 21: 4
(2 Ne. 30: 9
; Isa. 11: 4
) with righteousness shall the Lord judge the poor.; 2 Ne. 26: 8
the righteous who look forward unto Christ shall not perish.; 2 Ne. 26: 9
the Son of righteousness shall appear unto the righteous.; 2 Ne. 31: 5-6
the Lamb is baptized to fulfill all righteousness.; Jacob 2: 25
the Lord has led Nephites from Jerusalem to raise up righteous branch from fruit of loins of Joseph(1).; Jacob 4: 5
law of Moses is sanctified unto Nephites for righteousness.; Mosiah 2: 37
man who listeth to obey evil spirit becometh enemy to all righteousness.; Mosiah 3: 10
Christ to be resurrected that righteous judgment might come upon men.; Mosiah 4: 14
(Alma 34: 23
) devil is enemy to all righteousness.; Mosiah 23: 18
priests nourish people with things pertaining to righteousness.; Mosiah 27: 25
all mankind must be born of God, changed from carnal state to state of righteousness.; Alma 5: 42
whoso hearkens to devil receives wages of death as to things pertaining to righteousness.; Alma 5: 58
names of the righteous shall be written in book of life.; Alma 7: 19
people of Gideon are in paths of righteousness.; Alma 12: 16
whosoever dies in sins shall die spiritual death, as to things pertaining to righteousness.; Alma 13: 10
many are ordained high priests on account of righteousness.; Alma 26: 8
the Lord works righteousness forever.; Alma 34: 36
in hearts of the righteous doth the Lord dwell.; Alma 34: 36
the righteous shall sit down in the Lord’s kingdom.; Alma 38: 9
Christ is the word of truth and righteousness.; Alma 40: 12, 14
spirits of those who are righteous are received into state of happiness.; Alma 41: 14
judge righteously and you shall have righteous judgment.; Alma 45: 15
Alma(2) blesses earth for the righteous’ sake.; Alma 50: 39
chief judge appointed with oath to judge righteously.; Alma 60: 13
the Lord suffers the righteous to be slain, that justice might come upon the wicked.; Alma 62: 40
Nephites spared because of prayers of the righteous.; Hel. 6: 1
Lamanites’ righteousness exceeds that of Nephites.; Hel. 7: 5
robbers condemn the righteous because of their righteousness.; Hel. 13: 13
were it not for the righteous, the Lord would destroy Zarahemla.; Hel. 13: 38
ye have sought happiness in doing iniquity, which is contrary to nature of God’s righteousness.; Hel. 14: 29
signs given that righteous judgment may come upon nonbelievers.; 3 Ne. 4: 29
may the Lord preserve his people in righteousness.; 3 Ne. 22: 14
(Isa. 54: 14
) in righteousness shalt thou be established.; 3 Ne. 24: 3
(Mal. 3: 3
) sons of Levi(1) to offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness.; 3 Ne. 24: 18
(Mal. 3: 18
) then shall ye return and discern between the righteous and the wicked.; 3 Ne. 25: 2
(Mal. 4: 2
) unto you that fear my name shall Son of Righteousness arise.; 4 Ne. 1: 46
there are none who are righteous save disciples of Jesus.; Morm. 2: 12
Mormon(2) supposes the Lord will be merciful unto Nephites that they would again become righteous people.; Ether 2: 7
promised land preserved for righteous people.; Ether 8: 26
writings to persuade people to come unto fountain of all righteousness.; Moro. 7: 6-7
if man prays without real intent, it is not counted unto him for righteousness.; Moro. 8: 8
Christ came into world to call not the righteous, but sinners to repentance.; Moro. 9: 6
we have labor to perform to conquer enemy of all righteousness.; D&C 1: 16
they seek not the Lord to establish his righteousness.; D&C 10: 37
men cannot always tell the wicked from the righteous.; D&C 11: 13-14
by Spirit saints know all things pertaining to righteousness.; D&C 13: 1
(D&C 128: 24
) sons of Levi(1) to offer again an offering in righteousness.; D&C 20: 14
(D&C 25: 15
) those who work righteousness shall receive crown.; D&C 25: 12
song of righteous is a prayer.; D&C 27: 16
have on breastplate of righteousness.; D&C 29: 11
the Lord will dwell in righteousness with men on earth.; D&C 29: 12
Twelve to wear robes of righteousness.; D&C 29: 27
the righteous shall be gathered on the Lord’s right hand.; D&C 42: 46
death of the righteous shall be sweet.; D&C 43: 32
he who lives in righteousness shall be changed in twinkling of eye.; D&C 45: 12
city of Enoch(2) reserved for day of righteousness.; D&C 45: 71
the righteous shall be gathered from among all nations.; D&C 48: 4
obtain all ye can in righteousness.; D&C 52: 11
(D&C 84: 97
; D&C 109: 59
) the Lord will cut his work short in righteousness.; D&C 58: 27
men should bring to pass much righteousness.; D&C 59: 8
thou shalt offer sacrifice unto the Lord in righteousness.; D&C 59: 23
he who does works of righteousness shall receive reward.; D&C 63: 37
man should take righteousness in his hands.; D&C 63: 54
separation of the righteous and the wicked at the Lord’s coming.; D&C 67: 9
that which is righteous comes down from above.; D&C 76: 5
the Lord honors those who serve him in righteousness.; D&C 84: 53
(D&C 101: 95
) way of knowing the righteous from the wicked.; D&C 88: 17-26
the righteous shall inherit the earth.; D&C 98: 30
thou shalt be rewarded for thy righteousness.; D&C 100: 16
the Lord will raise up a pure people, which will serve him in righteousness.; D&C 107: 29
quorum of three presidents anciently were righteous and holy men.; D&C 107: 30
decisions of quorums are to be made in all righteousness.; D&C 107: 84
do all things in righteousness.; D&C 109: 76
saints to be clothed in robes of righteousness.; D&C 121: 36
powers of heaven can be controlled only upon principles of righteousness.; D&C 121: 46
thy scepter shall be unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth.; D&C 128: 24
church to offer an offering in righteousness.; D&C 132: 36
Abraham’s willingness to offer Isaac was accounted for righteousness.; D&C 133: 44
when the Lord comes, he shall meet him who works righteousness.; D&C 138: 22
among the righteous spirits there was peace.; D&C 138: 30
the Lord appointed messengers from among righteous spirits.; Moses 6: 23
sons of Adam were preachers of righteousness.; Moses 6: 41
land of Cainan a land of righteousness.; Moses 7: 18
people of Zion dwelt in righteousness.; Moses 7: 45
when shall blood of the Righteous be shed.; Moses 7: 47
the Righteous is lifted up.; Moses 7: 48
when shall righteousness abide for season upon earth.; Moses 7: 65
Son to dwell on earth in righteousness for thousand years.; Moses 7: 67
day of the righteous foreseen by Enoch(2).; Abr. 1: 2
Abraham a follower of righteousness.
The Standard Works
Riotings, Riotous
(see also
; Uproar
; TG Rioting and Reveling
Mosiah 11: 14
Noah(3) spends his time in riotous living.; Alma 11: 20
judges stir people up to riotings.
The Standard Works
Ripe, Ripen
1 Ne. 17: 35
Jews were ripe in iniquity.; 2 Ne. 28: 16
when inhabitants of earth are fully ripe in iniquity, they shall perish.; Jacob 5: 58
we will pluck from trees branches which are ripened.; Mosiah 12: 12
when blossoms of thistle are ripe, they are driven by wind.; Alma 10: 19
(Hel. 5: 2
) if voice of people should choose iniquity, they are ripe for destruction.; Alma 26: 5
field was ripe and missionaries thrust in their sickles.; Alma 37: 31
(Alma 45: 16
) land to be cursed unto workers of darkness unless they repent before fully ripe.; Hel. 6: 40
(Hel. 8: 26
; Hel. 11: 37
) Nephites are ripening for everlasting destruction.; Hel. 13: 14
when Nephites cast the righteous out, they will be ripe for destruction.; Ether 2: 9
(Ether 9: 20
) fulness of God’s wrath will come upon inhabitants of promised land when they are ripened in iniquity.; Ether 2: 15
if ye sin until ye are fully ripe, ye shall be cut off from presence of the Lord.; D&C 18: 6
world is ripening in iniquity.; D&C 29: 9
day soon at hand when earth is ripe.; D&C 61: 31
elders to preach among people who are well-nigh ripened for destruction.; D&C 86: 7
wheat and tares to grow together until harvest is ripe.
The Standard Works
Riplah, Hill
East of river Sidon, near land of Manti
Alma 43: 31, 35
armies of Lehi(3) attack Lamanites from hill Riplah.
The Standard Works
Jaredite king
Ether 1: 23-24
(Ether 10: 4
) ancestor of Morianton(1), son of Shez.; Ether 10: 4
reigns in father’s stead.; Ether 10: 5-7
reigns unrighteously, afflicts people with abominations.; Ether 10: 8
is killed in rebellion.
The Standard Works
Ripliancum, Waters of
Ether 15: 8
both Coriantumr(2) and Shiz and his people pitch tents by waters of Ripliancum, which by interpretation is large, or to exceed all.
The Standard Works
Rise, Rose, Risen
(see also
; Awake
; Jesus Christ, Resurrection of
; Raise
; Resurrection
1 Ne. 10: 11
(2 Ne. 25: 13-14
; 2 Ne. 26: 1
; Mosiah 3: 10
; Morm. 7: 5
; Ether 12: 7
) Messiah to rise from dead.; 2 Ne. 2: 8
Messiah brings to pass the resurrection, being first to rise from dead.; 2 Ne. 3: 5
the Lord will raise up righteous branch from loins of Joseph(1).; 2 Ne. 9: 8
if flesh should rise no more, men must become subject to devil.; 2 Ne. 9: 8
angel fell from God’s presence, became devil, to rise no more.; Mosiah 3: 10
Christ will rise the third day from the dead.; Mosiah 16: 7
if Christ had not risen from dead, there could have been no resurrection.; Mosiah 26: 1
many in rising generation do not understand Benjamin’s words.; Alma 5: 49
Alma(2) is called to preach to the aged, middle aged, and rising generation.; Alma 11: 41
(Alma 12: 8
) all shall rise from the dead.; Alma 37: 37
when thou risest in morning, let heart be full of thanks unto God.; Alma 40: 4-10
time appointed to all men to rise from the dead.; Hel. 14: 4
people shall know of rising of sun after night without darkness at birth of Christ.; 3 Ne. 1: 30
Lamanites also decrease in righteousness because of wickedness of rising generation.; 3 Ne. 12: 45
(Matt. 5: 45
) Father maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good.; Morm. 7: 5
by power of Father, Christ hath risen again.; Morm. 8: 28
leaders of churches shall rise in pride of hearts.; D&C 18: 12
the Lord has risen again from the dead.; D&C 20: 1
rise of the church of Christ in these last days.; D&C 63: 49
those who die in the Lord shall rise from dead and not die after.; D&C 88: 27
the righteous shall rise again, a spiritual body.; D&C 128: 16
if the dead rise not, why are men baptized for the dead.; D&C 130: 18
intelligence will rise with men in resurrection.
The Standard Works
The Standard Works
(see also
; Jordan
; Sidon, River
; Stream
; Water
1 Ne. 2: 6-9
(1 Ne. 16: 12
) Lehi(1) names river Laman.; 1 Ne. 8: 13, 17, 19, 26
Lehi(1) beholds river of water near tree in vision.; 1 Ne. 12: 16
(1 Ne. 15: 26-29
) Nephi(1) beholds same river, representing depths of hell.; Hel. 3: 4
those traveling in north come to large bodies of water and many rivers.; Moses 3: 10-14
(Abr. 5: 10
) river running out of Eden waters garden, parts into four heads - Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, Euphrates.; Moses 6: 34
(Moses 7: 13
) rivers shall turn from their course.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Path
; Street
; Way
1 Ne. 8: 32
many are lost from view wandering in strange roads.; 1 Ne. 12: 17
mists of darkness, devil’s temptations, lead men away into broad roads.; 2 Ne. 4: 32
shut gates of thy righteousness before me, that I may be strict in plain road.; 3 Ne. 6: 8
many roads are made, leading from city to city.; 3 Ne. 8: 13
many level roads are spoiled in destruction.
The Standard Works
Roar, Roaring
(see also
; Tumult
2 Ne. 8: 15
(Isa. 51: 15
) I am the Lord thy God, whose waves roared.; 2 Ne. 15: 29
(Isa. 5: 29
) they shall roar like young lions.; 2 Ne. 15: 30
(Isa. 5: 30
) they shall roar against them like roaring of sea.; Moses 7: 13
roar of lions was heard out of wilderness.
The Standard Works
Rob, Robbery, Robbing
(see also
; Steal
; Thief
2 Ne. 28: 13
false churches rob the poor because of fine sanctuaries.; Mosiah 10: 17
Lamanites have taught children they should rob Nephites.; Alma 1: 18
those practicing priestcraft dare not rob for fear of law.; Alma 16: 18
priests preach against robbing.; Alma 20: 13
Lamanites believe Nephi(1) robbed their fathers and that Nephites will rob them of property.; Alma 37: 21
robbings of secret combinations among Jaredites should be manifest to Nephites.; Alma 42: 25
do you suppose mercy can rob justice.; Hel. 2: 4
Gadianton robbers are expert in secret craft of robbery and murder.; Hel. 2: 8
(3 Ne. 4: 5
) object of those in Kishkumen’s band is to murder, rob, and gain power.; Hel. 3: 14
hundredth part of Nephites’ proceedings, including robbings, cannot be contained in record.; 3 Ne. 24: 8
(Mal. 3: 8
) will a man rob God.; Morm. 8: 31
record shall come in day when there shall be robbing.; D&C 42: 84
those who rob should be delivered unto law of land.; D&C 134: 8
robbery should be punished.
The Standard Works
(see also
Gadianton Band of Robbers
Alma 11: 2
man is compelled to pay what he owed or be cast out as thief and robber.; 4 Ne. 1: 17
no robbers or murderers in land.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Garment
1 Ne. 8: 5
man in white robe stands before Lehi(1).; 1 Ne. 14: 19-20
Nephi(1) beholds one of twelve apostles, dressed in white robe.; 2 Ne. 4: 33
encircle me in robe of thy righteousness.; 2 Ne. 9: 14
the righteous shall be clothed in robe of righteousness.; 3 Ne. 11: 8
Christ descends from heaven clothed in white robe.; D&C 29: 12
the Twelve shall stand with the Lord, clothed with robes of righteousness.; D&C 38: 26
what father clothes one son in robes and another in rags.; D&C 109: 76
saints to be clothed with robes of righteousness.; JS-H 1: 31-32
Moroni(2) wears loose robe of exquisite whiteness.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Stone
; TG Jesus Christ, Rock
1 Ne. 12: 4
(1 Ne. 19: 12
; Hel. 14: 21
; 3 Ne. 8: 18
; 3 Ne. 10: 9
) Nephi(1) beholds rocks rending.; 1 Ne. 13: 36
in Nephites’ records shall be written the Lamb’s gospel, his rock and salvation.; 1 Ne. 15: 15
will they not give praise to their God, their rock and salvation.; 1 Ne. 17: 16
Nephi(1) makes tools of ore out of rock.; 1 Ne. 17: 29
(2 Ne. 25: 20
) Moses smote rock and water came forth.; 1 Ne. 20: 21
(Isa. 48: 21
) the Lord clave rock and waters gushed forth.; 2 Ne. 4: 30
my soul will rejoice in thee, my God, and rock of my salvation.; 2 Ne. 4: 35
God, rock of my righteousness.; 2 Ne. 9: 45
come unto that God who is rock of your salvation.; 2 Ne. 18: 14
(Isa. 8: 14
) he shall be for rock of offense to both houses of Israel.; 2 Ne. 28: 28
he who is built upon rock receives truth with gladness.; Alma 12: 14
the guilty would be glad if rocks hid them from God’s presence.; Hel. 5: 12
upon rock of Redeemer ye must build foundation.; 3 Ne. 11: 39-40
whoso builds upon Christ’s doctrine builds upon his rock.; 3 Ne. 14: 24-27
(3 Ne. 18: 12-13
; Matt. 7: 24-28
) he who does Christ’s sayings is compared to wise man who built house upon rock.; Ether 3: 1
brother of Jared(2) makes sixteen small stones out of rock.; D&C 6: 34
if ye are built upon the Lord’s rock, earth and hell cannot prevail.; D&C 10: 69
(D&C 33: 13
) whosoever is of the Lord’s church he will establish upon his rock.; D&C 11: 16
wait until you have the Lord’s word, his rock, his church.; D&C 11: 24
build upon the Lord’s rock, which is his gospel.; D&C 18: 4, 17
you have the Lord’s gospel and his rock.; D&C 18: 5
if saints build upon foundation of the Lord’s gospel and his rock, gates of hell shall not prevail.; D&C 33: 13
(Matt. 16: 18
) upon this rock the Lord will build his church.; D&C 50: 44
he who builds upon the Lord’s rock shall never fall.; D&C 133: 26
those in north countries shall smite rocks and ice shall flow.; Moses 7: 53
Messiah the Rock of Heaven.; Abr. 2: 16
eternity was our rock.
The Standard Works
(see also
BD Rod
1 Ne. 3: 28
Laman(1) and Lemuel smite younger brothers with rod.; 1 Ne. 8: 19-20, 24, 30
Lehi(1) beholds iron rod.; 1 Ne. 11: 25
(1 Ne. 15: 23-24
) iron rod is word of God.; 1 Ne. 17: 41
the Lord straitened Israel in wilderness with his rod.; 2 Ne. 3: 17
the Lord will give Moses power in a rod.; 2 Ne. 21: 1
(Isa. 11: 1
) rod shall come forth out of stem of Jesse.; 2 Ne. 21: 4
(2 Ne. 30: 9
; Isa. 11: 4
) the Lord shall smite earth with rod of his mouth.; D&C 19: 15
repent, lest the Lord smite you by rod of his mouth.; D&C 113: 3
rod to come forth out of stem of Jesse.
The Standard Works
Rolfe, Samuel
D&C 124: 142
Samuel Rolfe and his counselors preside over priests.
The Standard Works
Roll, Rolling
(see also
2 Ne. 18: 1
(Isa. 8: 1
) take roll and write in it with pen.; Morm. 5: 23
(Morm. 9: 2
) earth shall be rolled together as scroll.; Morm. 8: 22
purposes of the Lord shall roll on.; D&C 65: 2
(Dan. 2: 34-35, 44-45
) stone cut out of mountain without hands shall roll forth.; D&C 88: 45
earth rolls upon her wings.; D&C 88: 95
curtain of heaven to be unfolded as scroll is unfolded after it is rolled up.; D&C 109: 59
gathering of the Lord’s people to roll on.; D&C 121: 33
how long can rolling waters remain impure.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Israel
; Tree
2 Ne. 15: 24
(Isa. 5: 24
) their root shall be rottenness.; 2 Ne. 21: 1
(Isa. 11: 1
) branch shall grow out of Jesse’s roots.; 2 Ne. 21: 10
(Isa. 11: 10
) root of Jesse shall stand for ensign.; Jacob 5: 8
root of this tree shall perish.; Jacob 5: 18
because of strength of root, wild branches bring forth tame fruit.; Jacob 5: 66, 73
root and top of tree to be equal.; Mosiah 14: 2
(Isa. 53: 2
) he shall grow up before him as root out of dry ground.; Alma 5: 52
the ax is laid at root of tree.; Alma 22: 15
what shall I do to be born of God, having wicked spirit rooted out of breast.; Alma 32: 37-38, 41
if ye nourish tree, it will get root.; Alma 32: 42
because of diligence, faith, and patience with the word, that it may take root in you, ye shall pluck its fruit.; Alma 46: 40
God prepared plants and roots to remove cause of disease.; 3 Ne. 25: 1
(Mal. 4: 1
) day that cometh will leave the proud neither root nor branch.; D&C 97: 7
ax is laid at root of trees.; D&C 109: 52
the Lord’s anger to be kindled that mob may be wasted away, both root and branch.; D&C 113: 5-6
what is the root of Jesse.; D&C 133: 64
day that burns shall leave the wicked neither root nor branch.
The Standard Works
D&C 49: 24
Lamanites shall blossom as rose.
The Standard Works
The Standard Works
(see also
God, Eternal Nature of
; Unchangeable
1 Ne. 10: 19
(Alma 7: 20
; Alma 37: 12
) course of the Lord is one eternal round.; Morm. 8: 8
whole face of land is one continual round of murder.; D&C 3: 2
(D&C 35: 1
) the Lord’s course one eternal round.
The Standard Works
Roundy, Shadrach
D&C 124: 141
to preside over bishopric.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Revile
1 Ne. 18: 9
elder sons of Lehi(1) and Ishmael speak with rudeness.; 2 Ne. 2: 1
Jacob(2) has suffered afflictions because of rudeness of brethren.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Destruction
; Waste
2 Ne. 13: 6
(Isa. 3: 6
) let not this ruin come under thy hand.; 2 Ne. 13: 8
(Isa. 3: 8
) Jerusalem is ruined.; Mosiah 8: 8
Limhi’s people discover land covered with ruins of buildings.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Dominion
; Govern
; Government, Civil
; Kingdom
; Kingdom of God
; Millennium
; Regulate
; Reign
; Ruler
1 Ne. 17: 39
the Lord ruleth high in heavens.; 2 Ne. 5: 3
elder brothers claim Nephi(1) thinks to rule over them.; 2 Ne. 13: 4, 12
(Isa. 3: 4, 12
) babes and women shall rule over Judah.; 2 Ne. 24: 2
(Isa. 14: 2
) Israel shall rule over oppressors.; Mosiah 29: 13
if kings were always just men, Nephites should have kings rule over them.; Mosiah 29: 41
Nephites appoint judges to rule over them.; Hel. 7: 5
robbers rule to get gain and glory.; Hel. 12: 6
men do not desire that the Lord should rule over them.; D&C 60: 4
the Lord ruleth in heavens and among armies of earth.; D&C 98: 9
when the wicked rule, the people mourn.; D&C 133: 61
the Lord ruleth over all flesh.; D&C 134: 4
human law does not have right to prescribe rules of worship.
The Standard Works
(see also
Government, Civil
; King
; Leader
; Tyrant
1 Ne. 2: 22
(1 Ne. 3: 29
; 2 Ne. 5: 19
) Nephi(1) to be made ruler over brothers.; 1 Ne. 16: 37-38
(1 Ne. 18: 10
; 2 Ne. 5: 3
) elder brothers do not want Nephi(1) to be ruler over them.; 2 Ne. 27: 5
your rulers and seers hath the Lord covered because of your iniquity.; Mosiah 1: 10
(Mosiah 2: 30
) Benjamin to proclaim Mosiah(2) ruler over Nephites.; Alma 2: 14
Amlici appoints rulers over his people.; Alma 12: 20
Antionah a chief ruler among people of Ammonihah.; Alma 35: 8
chief ruler of Zoramites a very wicked man.; Alma 46: 5
people would establish Amalickiah as king that he might make them rulers.; D&C 1: 23
gospel to be proclaimed before kings and rulers.; D&C 38: 21
saints shall have no king nor ruler.; D&C 41: 4
the Lord will be his people’s ruler when he comes.; D&C 52: 13
faithful shall be made ruler over many things.; D&C 58: 20
let no man think he is ruler.; D&C 78: 15
saints to be made rulers over many kingdoms.; D&C 101: 76
saints to importune rulers for redress.; D&C 101: 94
rulers to hear and know that which they have never considered.; D&C 132: 53
the Lord appoints Joseph Smith ruler over many things.; D&C 134: 6-7
rulers to protect the innocent.; D&C 138: 55
noble and great spirits chosen in beginning to be rulers in church.; Abr. 3: 23
rulers chosen before world was.; JS-M 1: 49-50
(Matt. 24: 45-46
) lord makes faithful servant ruler over household.; A of F 12
we believe in being subject to rulers.
The Standard Works
(see also
; Report
; Slander
1 Ne. 12: 2, 21
(1 Ne. 14: 15-16
; 2 Ne. 25: 12
; Morm. 8: 30
) wars and rumors of wars.; Hel. 16: 22
Satan spreads rumors and contentions upon land.; D&C 45: 26
saints shall hear of wars and rumors of wars.
The Standard Works
2 Ne. 29: 8
when two nations run together, their testimonies shall run together.; Mosiah 4: 27
not requisite that man run faster than he has strength.; Mosiah 12: 11
thou shalt be as dry stalk which is run over by beasts.; D&C 10: 4
do not run faster than you have strength.; D&C 89: 20
those who obey Word of Wisdom shall run and not be weary.
The Standard Works
Mosiah 8: 11
Limhi’s people have found sword blades cankered with rust.; 3 Ne. 13: 19-20
(Matt. 6: 19-20
) lay not up treasures upon earth, where rust corrupts.
The Standard Works
Ryder, Simonds
D&C 52: 37
to receive that which Heman Basset had lost.
The Standard Works
(see also
D&C 89: 17
rye is for fowls.