Nonnumeric Literals
A nonnumeric literal is a character string enclosed in quotation marks
("), and can contain any allowable character from the character set of the
computer. The maximum length of a nonnumeric literal is 160 characters.
The enclosing quotation marks are excluded from the literal when the
program is compiled. An embedded quotation mark must be represented by a
pair of quotation marks (""). For example,
X As an IBM extension, you can use apostrophes as the literal delimiters
X instead of quotes (independent of the APOST/QUOTE compiler option). An
X embedded apostrophe must be represented by a pair of apostrophes ('').
X For example,
The delimiter character used as the opening delimiter for a literal must
be used as the closing delimiter for that literal. For example,
Any punctuation characters included within a nonnumeric literal are part
of the value of the literal.
Every nonnumeric literal is in the alphanumeric data category. (Data
categories are described in "Classes and Categories of Data" in
X Table 4 lists when nonnumeric literals with double-byte or multiple-byte
X characters cannot be used.
X Table 4. When Multi-Byte Characters are not Allowed in Nonnumeric X Literals |
X OS/390 and VM |
X AIX, OS/2, and Windows |
X As a literal in the following: X ALPHABET clause X ASSIGN clause X CALL statement program-id X CANCEL statement X CLASS clause X CURRENCY SIGN clause X END METHOD header X END PROGRAM header X ENTRY statement X METHOD-ID paragraph X PADDING CHARACTER clause X PROGRAM-ID paragraph X RERUN clause X STOP statement |
X As a literal in the following: X ALPHABET clause X ASSIGN clause X CLASS clause X CURRENCY SIGN clause X END METHOD header X METHOD-ID paragraph X PADDING CHARACTER clause X RERUN clause X STOP statement X X X X X |
X BASIS statement (basis-name) |
X |
X COPY statement (text-name) |
X |
X COPY statement (library-name) |
X |
X >_Workstation_> Under AIX, OS/2, and Windows, you can include multi-byte
X as well as single-byte DBCS or EUC characters as alphanumeric literals
X (such as to initialize display fields). However, COBOL semantics applied
X to literals that contain both multi-byte and single-byte characters are
X not sensitive to the length (in bytes) of the individual characters.
X The rule of formation for mixed literals are as follows:
- X A nonnumeric literal (whether it contains any multi-byte characters or
X not) is delimited by either an opening and closing " or an opening and
X closing '. The " or ' must be represented as a single-byte character.
- X Nonnumeric literals containing a multi-byte character cannot be
X continued. The maximum length of a nonnumeric literal with multi-byte
X characters is limited only by the available positions in Area B on a
X single source line. <_Workstation_<
X >_Host_> Under OS/390 and VM, with the DBCS compiler option, the
X characters X'0E' and X'0F' in a nonnumeric literal will be recognized as
X shift codes for DBCS characters. That is, the characters between paired
X shift codes will be recognized as DBCS characters. Unlike a nonnumeric
X literal compiled under the NODBCS option, additional syntax rules apply to
X DBCS characters in a nonnumeric literal.
X These nonnumeric literals with double-byte characters have the following
X format:
X ___ Nonnumeric Literals with Double-Byte Characters ____________________
X | "EBCDIC-data<D1D2>EBCDIC-data" |
| |
X "
X The opening and closing delimiter (Alternatively, you can use
X apostrophes (') as delimiters.)
X <
X Represents the shift-out control character (X'0E')
X >
X Represents the shift-in control character (X'0F')
X Shift-out and shift-in control characters are part of the literal and must
X be paired with zero or an even number of intervening bytes.
X Nested shift codes are not allowed in the DBCS portion of the literal.
X The syntax rules for EBCDIC parts of the literal follow the rules for
X nonnumeric literals. The syntax rules for DBCS parts of the literal
X follow the rules for DBCS literals. The move and comparison rules for
X nonnumeric literals with double-byte characters are the same as those for
X any nonnumeric literal.
X The length of a nonnumeric literal with double-byte characters is its byte
X length, including the shift control characters. The maximum length is
X limited by the available space on one line in Area B. A nonnumeric
X literal with double-byte characters cannot be continued.
X A nonnumeric literal with double-byte characters is of the alphanumeric
X category.
X Under COBOL for OS/390 & VM, COBOL statements process nonnumeric literals
X with double-byte characters without sensitivity to the shift codes and
X character codes. The use of statements that operate on a byte-to-byte
X basis (for example, STRING and UNSTRING) can result in strings that are
X not valid mixtures of EBCDIC and double-byte characters. You must be
X certain that the statements use DBCS characters. See IBM COBOL for OS/390
X & VM Programming Guide for more information on using nonnumeric literals
X and data items with double-byte characters in statements that operate on a
X byte-by-byte basis. <_Host_<
X Hexadecimal notation can be used for nonnumeric literals. This
X hexadecimal notation has the following format:
X ___ Hexadecimal Notation Format for Nonnumeric Literals ________________
X | X"hexadecimal-digits" |
| |
X X"
X The opening delimiter for hexadecimal notation of a nonnumeric
X literal. (Alternatively, you can use apostrophes (') as delimiters.)
X "
X The closing delimiter for the hexadecimal notation of a nonnumeric
X literal. (Alternatively, you can use apostrophes (') as delimiters.)
X Hexadecimal digits can be characters in the range '0' to '9', 'a' to 'f',
X and 'A' to 'F', inclusive. Two hexadecimal digits represent a single
X character in the EBCDIC/ASCII character set. An even number of
X hexadecimal digits must be specified. The maximum length of a hexadecimal
X literal is 320 hexadecimal digits.
X The continuation rules are the same as those for any nonnumeric literal.
X The opening delimiter (X" or X') cannot be split across lines.
X The DBCS compiler option has no effect on the processing of hexadecimal
X notation of nonnumeric literals.
X The compiler will convert the hexadecimal literal into a normal nonnumeric
X literal. Hexadecimal notation for nonnumeric literals can be used
X anywhere nonnumeric literals can appear.
X The padding character for hexadecimal notation of nonnumeric literals is
X the blank (X'40' for OS/390 and VM) or (X'20' for AIX, OS/2, and Windows).
X Nonnumeric literals can be null-terminated, with the following format:
X ___ Format for Null-Terminated Nonnumeric Literals _____________________
X | Z"ddddd" |
| |
X Z"
X The opening delimiter for null-terminated notation of a nonnumeric
X literal. (Alternatively, you can use apostrophes (') as delimiters.)
X "
X The closing delimiter for a null-terminated notation of a nonnumeric
X literal. (Alternatively, you can use apostrophes (') as delimiters.)
X Null-terminated nonnumeric literals can be from 0 to 159 characters. You
X can specify any character except X'00', which is the null string
X automatically appended to the end of the literal. The length of the
X literal includes the terminating null character.
X Null-terminated literals can be used anywhere a nonnumeric literal can be
X specified and have the normal semantics of nonnumeric literals.
X Both characters of the opening delimiter for null-terminated literals (Z"
X or Z') must be on the same source line.
X The LENGTH intrinsic function, when applied to a null-terminated literal,
X returns the number of characters in the literal prior to but not including
X the terminating null. (The LENGTH special register does not support
X literal operands.)
X Null-terminated literals are not supported in "ALL literal" constructions.
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