The PowerBASIC COM Browser Menu

This topic briefly describes each menu option available from the PowerBASIC COM Browser's menu.

File menu

Open File

Open a type library file.

Save File As

Save the currently loaded source code to disk.

[recent files list]

A list of the most recently loaded type libraries.


Exits the PowerBASIC COM Browser.

Edit menu

Select All

Select all the text in the current source code window.


Copy the selected text in the source code window and place it in the Clipboard.

View menu

Registered Libraries

Show a list of all the Registered Libraries view.

Source Code

Show the Source Code window view.


If in Registered Library view, this options reloads the list of all Registered Libraries installed on the system. If in Source Code view, this option reloads the source code generated from the selected type library.

Tools menu


Display the Options dialog, for configuring the PowerBASIC COM Browser.

Help menu

Help For PBRow

Displays the PowerBASIC COM Browser help file.

Help For Library

Displays the help file for the currently loaded type library if one exists.


Display version information for the PowerBASIC COM Browser.


See Also

The PowerBASIC COM Browser User Interface

Toolbar buttons

Shortcut Keys

Registered Type Library View

Source Code View

Options Dialog

Opening a type-library

Getting Help

Saving the Source Code