The following functions can be used to create GUI application interfaces:
Attach a table of keyboard accelerators to a DDT dialog | |
Return the numeric ID of the control sending a callback message | |
Return the numeric notification message parameter | |
Return the window handle of the parent dialog receiving the message | |
Return the numeric value of the lParam& parameter of the message | |
Return the numeric value of the message sent by the caller | |
Return the numeric value of the wParam& parameter of the message | |
Add a
| |
Remove a string from a combo box control | |
Retrieve the default text from a combo box | |
Remove all strings from a combo box | |
Select a string in a combo box and make it the default selection | |
Add a custom control to a DDT dialog | |
Add a command button to a dialog | |
Add an auto 3-state checkbox to a dialog | |
Add an checkbox to a dialog | |
Add a combo box to a dialog | |
Add a frame control to a dialog | |
Add a graphic control to a dialog | |
Add a non-resizing image control to a dialog | |
Add an image control to a dialog | |
Add a non-resizing image button to a dialog | |
Add an image button to a dialog | |
Add a text label to a dialog | |
Add a line control to a dialog | |
Add a list box control to a dialog | |
Add an option button to a dialog | |
Add a scroll bar control to a dialog | |
Add a text box control to a dialog | |
Disable a control so that it no longer accepts user interaction | |
Enable a control so that it can receive user interaction | |
Get the Check State of a 3-state, checkbox, or option button | |
Get the client area dimensions of a control | |
Get the location of the specified control in a dialog | |
Get the size of a control in the specified dialog | |
Get the text from a control | |
Retrieve a value from the user data area of a DDT control | |
Return a window handle for a given control ID | |
Remove a control from a dialog | |
Place a message into the message queue of a control (non-blocking) | |
Schedule a control to be redrawn | |
Send a message to a control and wait for it to be processed | |
Set the Check State for a 3-state or checkbox control | |
Change the size of a control to a specific client area size | |
Set the foreground and background color of a control | |
Set the keyboard focus to the specified control | |
Change the icon or bitmap displayed in an IMAGE control | |
Change the icon or bitmap displayed in an IMAGEX control | |
Change the icon or bitmap displayed in an IMGBUTTON control | |
Change the icon or bitmap displayed in an IMGBUTTONX control | |
Move the control to a new location in the dialog | |
Set the Check State for an option (radio) control | |
Change the size of a control | |
Change the text in a control | |
Set a value in the user data area of a DDT control | |
Change the visible state of a control | |
Retrieve the size of the client area of the desktop, in pixels | |
Retrieve the location of the top, left corner of the client area of the desktop, in pixels | |
Return the size of the specified dialog | |
Disable a dialog so that it no longer responds to user interaction | |
Process pending window or dialog messages for modeless dialogs | |
Enable a dialog so that it responds to user interaction | |
Close and destroy the specified dialog | |
Specify the default DDT font and point size | |
Return the client size of the specified dialog | |
Return the location of the specified dialog | |
Return the size of the specified dialog | |
Retrieve the text in a dialog or window caption | |
Retrieve a value from the user data area of a DDT dialog | |
Create a new dialog in memory, ready for display | |
Convert pixels (device units) into dialog units | |
Place a message in the dialog message queue (non-blocking) | |
Force a dialog and all child controls to be redrawn immediately | |
Send a message to a dialog and wait for it to be processed | |
Change the size of a dialog to a specific client area size. | |
Set the background color of a dialog to a specific RGB color | |
Change both the dialog icon in the caption, and the icon shown in the ALT+TAB task list | |
Change the position of a dialog | |
Change the size of a dialog | |
Set the text in a dialog or window caption | |
Set a value in the user data area of a DDT dialog | |
Display and activate a modal dialog | |
Display and activate a modeless dialog | |
Change the visible state of a dialog | |
Convert dialog units into pixels | |
Define a Function block | |
Displays a dialog box containing a prompt | |
Add a string value to a list box control | |
Remove a string from a list box control | |
Retrieve the default text from a list box control | |
Remove all strings from a list box | |
Select a string in a list box and make it the default selection | |
Add a popup child menu to an existing menu | |
Add a string or separator to an existing menu | |
Attach a menu to a given dialog | |
Delete a menu item from an existing menu | |
Redraw the menu bar for a given dialog | |
Return the state of a specified menu item | |
Return the text associated with a given menu item | |
Create a new menu bar | |
Create a new popup menu | |
Set the state of a specified menu item | |
Set the text of a given menu item | |
Change the mouse pointer (cursor) to a new shape | |
Display a message box and get the users Ok/Cancel selection | |
Display an informational message box and discard the users selection |