The following functions manipulate and manage
Assign a number of values to successive elements of an array. | |
Delete a single item from a given array. | |
Insert a single item into a given array. | |
Scan all or part of an array for a given value. | |
Sort all or part of a given array. | |
Return a string with the binary (base 2) representation of a value. | |
Copies string contents without modification. | |
Concatenate multiple strings with high efficiency. | |
Return one of several values, based upon the value of an index. | |
Convert one or more character codes into ASCII character(s). | |
Convert one or more character codes into Unicode character(s). | |
Determine the size of a single character in a string variable. | |
Translates a string of ANSI/WIDE characters to OEM byte characters. | |
Translates a string of ANSI/WIDE characters to UTF-8 byte characters. | |
Deletes characters from a string. | |
Return a 16-byte (128-bit) GUID string containing a CLSID. | |
Receive a CR/LF terminated "line" of data from a serial port. | |
Send a "line" of binary data through a serial port. | |
Receive binary data from a serial port. | |
Send a string of binary data through a serial port. | |
Return the command-line used to start the program. | |
Center a string within the space of another string or UDT. | |
Return a string containing a centered (padded) string. | |
Return the current directory for a given drive. | |
Declare an array of constants to be read by READ$. | |
Return the total count of the number of local data items. | |
Set and retrieve the system date. | |
Convert an integral value to a decimal string. | |
Declare and dimension arrays, scalar variables, and pointers. | |
Return a filename that matches the given mask. | |
Force the release the operating system FindNext handle. | |
Modify the current program's environment table.. | |
Retrieve strings from the operating system's environment table. | |
Deallocate array memory. | |
Return the last label, line number, or procedure name executed prior to the most recent error. | |
Return a string containing the descriptive name of an error. | |
Return up to the first occurrence of a specified character. | |
Return the path and/or name of the executing program. | |
Bind a field string variable to a particular sub-section of a random file buffer or a dynamic string variable. | |
Reset the FIELD string to a nul (zero-length) dynamic string. | |
Change the FIELD string to a dynamic string, but first assigns the current sub-section data to it. | |
Return the file-system name of an open file. | |
Return a string containing formatted numeric data. | |
Return the name of the current Sub/Function/Method/Property. | |
Read a record from a random-access file. | |
Read a string from a file opened in binary mode. | |
Reads WIDE string data from a file opened in binary mode. | |
Splits a string into two parts for display on a graphic target. | |
Return a 16-byte (128-bit) Globally Unique Identifier GUID. | |
Return a 38-byte human-readable GUID/UUID string. | |
Hexadecimal (base 16) string representation of an argument. | |
Return one of two values based upon a True/False evaluation. | |
Load variables with data from a sequential file. | |
INPUTBOX$ displays a dialog box containing a prompt. | |
Search a string for the first occurrence of a character or string. | |
Determine if a string is not nul (contains 1 or more characters). | |
Determine if a string is nul (zero-length). | |
Appends an ANSI string to the object. | |
Retrieves the size of the internal buffer. | |
Sets the size of the internal buffer. | |
Returns the numeric character code of the character at the specified position. | |
Changes the numeric character code of the character at the specified position. | |
All data in the object is erased. | |
Deletes a specified number of characters starting at a specified position. | |
Inserts a string at a specified position. | |
Returns the number of characters stored in the object. | |
The ANSI string stored in the object is returned to the caller. | |
Appends an WIDE string to the object. | |
Retrieves the size of the internal buffer. | |
Sets the size of the internal buffer. | |
Returns the numeric character code of the character at the specified position. | |
Changes the numeric character code of the character at the specified position. | |
All data in the object is erased. | |
Deletes a specified number of characters starting at a specified position. | |
Inserts a string at a specified position. | |
Returns the number of characters stored in the object. | |
The WIDE string stored in the object is returned to the caller. | |
Return a string consisting of all of the strings in a string array. | |
Return a lowercase version of a string argument. | |
Return the left-most n characters of a string. | |
Return the logical length of a variable, UDT, or Union. | |
Assign a value to a variable. | |
Assign data to a user-defined type variable. | |
Assign a value or an object reference to a variant variable. | |
Read line(s) from a sequential file into a string variable or array. | |
Output text and data to a printer device. | |
Return the current printer device used for LPRINT operations. | |
Left-align a string within the space of another string or UDT. | |
Return a string containing a left-justified (padded) string. | |
Return a string with leading characters or strings removed. | |
Return the argument with the largest (maximum) value. | |
Return a mixed case version of a string argument. | |
Return a portion of a string. | |
Replace characters in a string with characters from another string. | |
Return the argument with the smallest (minimum) value. | |
Convert a Byte value into a binary encoded string. | |
Convert a Currency value into a binary encoded string. | |
Convert an Extended Currency value into a binary encoded string. | |
Convert a Double-precision value into a binary encoded string. | |
Convert a Double-word value into a binary encoded string. | |
Convert an Extended-precision value into a binary encoded string. | |
Convert a integral value into a binary encoded string. | |
Convert a Long-integer value into a binary encoded string. | |
Convert a Quad-integer value into a binary encoded string. | |
Convert a Single-precision value into a binary encoded string. | |
Convert a Word value into a binary encoded string. | |
Create a subdirectory/folder (like the DOS MKDIR command). | |
Return a string containing a specified number of $NUL characters. | |
Returns a string which describes an OBJRESULT (hResult) code. | |
Return a string that is a octal (base 8) representation of a value. | |
Translates a byte string of OEM characters into ANSI/WIDE characters. | |
Parse a string and extract all delimited fields into an array. | |
Return a delimited field from a string expression. | |
Return the count of delimited fields in a string expression. | |
Parse a path/file name to extract component parts. | |
Find a file on disk and return the path and/or file name parts.. | |
Returns consecutive 1-byte characters starting at a specific memory location. | |
Returns consecutive 2-byte wide characters starting at a specific memory location. | |
Store a sequence of bytes starting at a specific memory location. | |
Store a sequence as 2-byte wide characters starting at a specific memory location. | |
Write a complete array to a sequential file. | |
Return the alphanumeric PROGID string (text) of a given CLSID. | |
Write a record to a random-access file or variable to a binary file. | |
Writes an ANSI string to a file opened in binary mode. | |
Writes a WIDE Unicode string to a file opened in binary mode. | |
Retrieve string data from a local DATA list. | |
Scan a string for a matching "wildcard" or regular expression. | |
Scan a "wildcard" match in a string with a new string. | |
Returns the portion of a string which follows the first occurrence of a character or group of characters. | |
Return a copy of a string with characters or strings removed. | |
Return a string consisting of multiple copies of a specified string. | |
Replace all occurrences of one string with another string. | |
Clear a string, string array subscript, or an entire array. | |
Returns predefined resource data. | |
Return a string with all non-specified characters removed. | |
Return the rightmost n characters of a string. | |
Right justify a string into the space of a string variable or UDT. | |
Return a string containing a right-justified (padded) string. | |
Return a copy of a string with trailing characters/strings removed. | |
Shrinks a string to use a consistent single character delimiter. | |
Return the total or physical length of any PowerBASIC variable. | |
Return a string consisting of a specified number of spaces. | |
Splits a string into two parts. | |
Return the string representation of a number in printable form. | |
Delete a specified number of characters from a string expression. | |
Returns an ANSI string consisting of multiple copies of a specified character. | |
Returns a WIDE string consisting of multiple copies of a specified character. | |
Insert a string at a specified position within another string. | |
Return the address of the data held by a variable length string. | |
Reverse the contents of a string expression. | |
Exchange the values of two strings, pointers, or pointer targets. | |
Return one item of a series based upon a True/False evaluation. | |
Return a string with TAB characters expanded with spaces. | |
Count the number of occurrences of specified characters/strings. | |
Read and/or set the system time. | |
Return a string with leading and trailing characters removed. | |
Assign the value of a UDT or string expression to a UDT. | |
Return an all-uppercase (capitalized) version of a string. | |
Translate an ANSI string into a Unicode string. | |
Set the default codepage used for ANSI / UNICODE conversions. | |
Removes paired characters from the beginning and end of a string. | |
Format string/numeric expressions using a mask string. | |
Translates a byte string of OEM characters into ANSI/WIDE characters. | |
Returns the
| |
Converts a text string to a numeric value with additional information. | |
Returns the ANSI dynamic string contained in a Variant variable. | |
Returns the Unicode dynamic string contained in a Variant variable. | |
Return the 32-bit address of a string handle. | |
Determine if each character of a string is in another string. | |
Adds paired characters to the beginning and end of a string. |