Purpose |
INPUTBOX$ displays a dialog box containing a prompt. INPUTBOX$ waits for the user to enter text, and accept or cancel the dialog. INPUTBOX$ returns the contents of the text box. |
Syntax |
sResult$ = INPUTBOX$(prompt$ [[, title$], default$] [, xpos%, ypos%]) |
Remarks |
Prompt$ is the text prompt displayed in the Inputbox dialog. Title$ is the caption for the Inputbox dialog and is optional. Default$ is the default result text displayed in the edit section of the Inputbox dialog, and is optional. xpos% and ypos% specify the location on the screen to display the Inputbox, in dialog units. If these are not specified, the Inputbox dialog is centered on the screen. |
Restrictions |
The returned string value is limited to 255 characters. |
See also |
Example |
sResult$ = INPUTBOX$("Enter your Name",, "Jane Doe") |