Outputs a comma-separated list of values to a text file or device
Write # filenum , [ expressionlist ]
File number of an open file or device opened for
Output or
Comma-separated list of items to print
Outputs the values in
expressionlist to the text file or device bound to
filenum. The values are separated with commas, and strings are enclosed in double quotes. Numeric values greater than zero (
0) and less than one (
1) are prefixed with a zero (
0) if none is given (e.g., a value of
-.123 will be output as
-0.123). Extra zeroes are truncated.
If no expression list is given,
Write # outputs a carriage return (note that the comma after
filenum is still necessary, even if no expression list is given).
The purpose of
Write # is to create a file that can be read back by using
Input #.
Const filename As String = "file.txt"
Dim filenum As Integer = FreeFile()
If 0 <> Open(filename, For Output, As filenum) Then
Print "error opening " & filename & " for output."
End -1
End If
Dim i As Integer = 10
Dim d As Double = 123.456
Dim s As String = "text"
Write #filenum, 123, "text", -.45600
Write #filenum,
Write #filenum, i, d, s
will produce the file:
Differences from QB
See also