Declares or defines an overloaded operator.


{ Type | Class | Union | Enum } typename
Declare Operator Cast () As datatype
Declare Operator @ () As datatype Ptr
Declare Operator assignment_op ( [ ByRef | ByVal ] rhs As datatype )
Declare Operator [] ( index As datatype ) [ ByRef ] As datatype
Declare Operator New ( size As UInteger ) As Any Ptr
Declare Operator New[] ( size As UInteger ) As Any Ptr
Declare Operator Delete ( buf As Any Ptr )
Declare Operator Delete[] ( buf As Any Ptr )
End { Type | Class | Union | Enum }

{ Type | Class | Union } typename
Declare Operator For ()
Declare Operator For ( [ ByRef | ByVal ] stp As typename )
Declare Operator Step ()
Declare Operator Step ( [ ByRef | ByVal ] stp As typename )
Declare Operator Next ( [ ByRef | ByVal ] cond As typename ) As Integer
Declare Operator Next ( [ ByRef | ByVal ] cond As typename, [ ByRef | ByVal ] stp As typename ) As Integer
End { Type | Class | Union }

Declare Operator unary_op ( [ ByRef | ByVal ] rhs As datatype ) As datatype
Declare Operator binary_op ( [ ByRef | ByVal ] lhs As datatype, [ ByRef | ByVal ] rhs As datatype ) As datatype

Operator typename.Cast () As datatype
Operator typename.@ () As datatype Ptr
Operator typename.assignment_op ( [ ByRef | ByVal ] rhs As datatype )
Operator [] ( index As datatype ) [ ByRef ] As datatype
Operator unary_op ( [ ByRef | ByVal ] rhs As datatype ) As datatype
Operator binary_op ( [ ByRef | ByVal ] lhs As datatype, [ ByRef | ByVal ] rhs As datatype ) As datatype
Operator typename.New ( size as uinteger ) As Any Ptr
Operator typename.New[] ( size As UInteger ) As Any Ptr
Operator typename.Delete ( buf As Any Ptr )
Operator typename.Delete[] ( buf As Any Ptr )


Name of the Type, Class, Union, or Enum.
let += -= *= &= /= \= mod= shl= shr= and= or= xor= imp= eqv= ^=
- not * -> abs sgn fix frac int exp log sin asin cos acos tan atn len
+ - * & / \ mod shl shr and or xor imp eqv ^ = <> < > <= >=


The built in operators like =, +, and cast have predefined behaviors when used in expressions. These operators can be overloaded to do something other than predefined operations when at least one of the arguments to the operator is a Type, Class, Enum, or Union data type.

Operators are just functions. The operator '+' has functionality like Function Plus( A as DataType, B as DataType ) as DataType. See Operator Overloading for more information. Operators can be overloaded to accept different data types as parameters. Only the Cast Operator can be overloaded to return different types.

Non-static operator members are declared inside the Type or Class. Global operators are declared outside. All operator definitions (procedure bodies) must appear outside.

Let, Cast, and other assignment operators must be declared inside the Type or Class. They are passed a hidden This parameter and have a return data type same as the Type or Class they are declared in.

Unary operators must be declared outside the Type, Class, or Enum and have a return data type explicitly declared. Unary operators can be overloaded to return any valid data type, except for Operator -> (Pointer To Member Access) which must return a Type or Class data type.

Binary operators must be declared outside the Type, Class, or Enum and have a return data type explicitly declared. Binary operators can be overloaded with valid data types, except for relational operators, which must return Integer.

Let refers to the assignment operator, as in LET a=b. The Let keyword is omitted in common practice, and is not allowed in the -lang fb dialect. However, Let() can be used to assign the fields of a UDT to multiple variables.

See For, Step, and Next for more information on overloading the For..Next statement for use with user defined types.

New, New[], Delete, and Delete[] operator members are always static, even if not explicitly declared (Static keyword is unnecessary but allowed).


'' operator1.bas

Type Vector2D
  As Single x, y

  '' Return a string containing the vector data.
  Declare Operator Cast() As String

  '' Multiply the vector by a scalar.
  Declare Operator *= ( ByVal rhs As Single )
End Type

'' Allow two vectors to be able to be added together.
Declare Operator + ( ByRef lhs As Vector2D, ByRef rhs As Vector2D ) As Vector2D

'' Return the modulus (single) of the vector using the overloaded operator abs().
Declare Operator Abs (  ByRef rhs As Vector2D ) As Single

Operator Vector2D.cast () As String
  Return "(" + Str(x) + ", " + Str(y) + ")"
End Operator

Operator Vector2D.*= ( ByVal rhs As Single )
  This.x *= rhs
  This.y *= rhs
End Operator

Operator + ( ByRef lhs As Vector2D, ByRef rhs As Vector2D ) As Vector2D
  Return Type<Vector2D>( lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y )
End Operator

Operator Abs ( ByRef rhs As Vector2D ) As Single
  Return Sqr( rhs.x * rhs.x + rhs.y * rhs.y )
End Operator

Dim a As Vector2D = Type<Vector2D>( 1.2, 3.4 )
Dim b As Vector2D = Type<Vector2D>( 8.9, 6.7 )
Dim c As Vector2D = Type<Vector2D>( 4.3, 5.6 )

Print "a = "; a, "abs(a) ="; Abs( a )
Print "b = "; b, "abs(b) ="; Abs( b )
Print "a + b = "; a + b, "abs(a+b) ="; Abs( a + b )
Print "c = "; c, "abs(c) ="; Abs( c )
Print "'c *= 3'"
c *= 3
Print "c = "; c, "abs(c) ="; Abs( c )

Aligned memory allocator:
    • by using the overloaded member operators "New" and "Delete", any created User object is aligned to a multiple of "ALIGN" bytes (256 bytes in this example),
    • the real pointer of the allocated memory is saved just above the User pointer, in the padding block.
'' operator2.bas

Const ALIGN = 256

Type UDT
  Dim As Byte a(0 To 10 * 1024 * 1024 - 1) '' 10 megabyte fixed array
  Declare Operator New (ByVal size As UInteger) As Any Ptr
  Declare Operator Delete (ByVal buffer As Any Ptr)
  Declare Constructor ()
  Declare Destructor ()
End Type

Operator UDT.New (ByVal size As UInteger) As Any Ptr
  Print "  Overloaded New operator, with parameter size = &h" & Hex(size)
  Dim pOrig As Any Ptr = CAllocate(ALIGN-1 + SizeOf(UDT Ptr) + size)
  Dim pMin As Any Ptr = pOrig + SizeOf(UDT Ptr) 
  Dim p As Any Ptr = pMin + ALIGN-1 - (CULng(pMin + ALIGN-1) Mod ALIGN)
  Cast(Any Ptr Ptr, p)[-1] = pOrig
  Operator = p
  Print "  real pointer = &h" & Hex(pOrig), "return pointer = &h" & Hex(p)
End Operator

Operator UDT.Delete (ByVal buffer As Any Ptr)
  Print "  Overloaded Delete operator, with parameter buffer = &h" & Hex(buffer)
  Dim pOrig As Any Ptr = Cast(Any Ptr Ptr, buffer)[-1]
  Print "  real pointer = &h" & Hex(pOrig)
End Operator

Constructor UDT ()
  Print "  Constructor, @This = &h" & Hex(@This)
End Constructor

Destructor UDT ()
  Print "  Destructor, @This = &h" & Hex(@This)
End Destructor

Print "'Dim As UDT Ptr p = New UDT'"
Dim As UDT Ptr p = New UDT

Print "  p = &h" & Hex(p)

Print "'Delete p'"
Delete p

Output example:
'Dim As UDT Ptr p = New UDT'
  Overloaded New operator, with parameter size = &hA00000
  real pointer = &h420020   return pointer = &h420100
  Constructor, @This = &h420100
  p = &h420100
'Delete p'
  Destructor, @This = &h420100
  Overloaded Delete operator, with parameter buffer = &h420100
  real pointer = &h420020
Small use case of the operator "[]": simplest smart pointers for byte buffers.
'' operator3.bas

'' A smart pointer is an object which behaves like a pointer but does more than a pointer:
'' - This object is flexible as a pointer and has the advantage of being an object,
''   like constructor and destructor called automatically.
'' - Therefore, the destructor of the smart pointer will be automatically called
''   when this object goes out of scope, and it will delete the user pointer.

'' Example of simplest smart pointers for byte buffers:
'' - Constructor and destructor allow to allocate, deallocate, and resize the byte buffer.
'' - Pointer index operator allows to access buffer elements.
'' - Copy-constructor and let-operator are just declared in private section,
''   in order to disallow copy construction and any assignment.

Type smartByteBuffer
    Declare Constructor (ByVal size As UInteger = 0)
    Declare Operator [] (ByVal index As UInteger) ByRef As Byte
    Declare Destructor ()
    Declare Constructor (ByRef rhs As smartByteBuffer)
    Declare Operator Let (ByRef rhs As smartByteBuffer)
    Dim As Byte Ptr psbb
End Type

Constructor smartByteBuffer (ByVal size As UInteger = 0)
  If size > 0 Then
    This.psbb = New Byte[size]
    Print "Byte buffer allocated"
  End If
End Constructor

Operator smartByteBuffer.[] (ByVal index As UInteger) ByRef As Byte
  Return This.psbb[index]
End Operator

Destructor smartByteBuffer ()
  If This.psbb > 0 Then
    Delete[] This.psbb
    This.psbb = 0
    Print "Byte buffer deallocated"
  End If
End Destructor

  Dim As smartByteBuffer sbb = smartByteBuffer(256)
  For I As Integer = 0 To 255
    sbb[I] = I - 128
  Next I
  For I As Integer = 0 To 255
    Print Using "#####"; sbb[I];
  Next I
End Scope

Dialect Differences

  • Only available in the -lang fb dialect.

See also