Indicates the assignment operator.


Let variable = value
Let( variable1 [, variable2 [, ... ]] ) = udt
Operator typename.Let ( [ ByRef | ByVal ] rhs As datatype )
end operator


Command intended to help the programmer to distinguish an assignment statement (e.g. Let a = 1) from an equality test (e.g. If a = 1 then ...). As the compiler does not require it, it is usually omitted.

Let can be used as a left-hand side operator to assign the members of a user defined type to multiple variables. See Operator Let() (Assignment)

Let is used with operator overloading to refer the assignment operator. See Operator Let (Assignment)


'' Compile with -lang fblite or qb

#lang "fblite"

' these two lines have the same effect:
Let x = 100
x = 100

Dialect Differences

  • The use of Let to indicate an assignment statement (Let variable = expr) is not allowed in the -lang fb dialect.
  • The UDT to multi-variable Let assignment is only available in the -lang fb dialect.
  • Overloading of operators is not available in the -lang qb and -lang fblite dialects.

Differences from QB

  • None in the -lang fb dialect.
  • The Let operator is new to FreeBASIC.
  • The UDT to multi-variable Let assignment is new to FreeBASIC.

See also