Converting Data Types
Operators and procedures that convert between different types.

Generic conversions
Operators to convert between arbitrary types.
Conversions to integral types
Operators to convert to integral types.
Conversions to floating-point types
Operators to convert to floating-point types.
Conversions to/from string types
Operators to convert top an from string types.

Generic conversions
Cast and CPtr
Converts expressions between different types.

Conversions to integral types
CByte and CUByte
Converts numeric expressions to 8-bit values.
CShort and CUShort
Converts numeric expressions to 16-bit values.
CLng and CULng
Converts numeric expressions to 32-bit values.
CInt and CUInt
Converts numeric expressions to 32-bit or 64-bit values.
CLngInt and CULngInt
Converts numeric expressions to 64-bit values.
Converts a numeric expression to a signed-type value.
Converts a numeric expression to an unsigned-type value.
Conversions to floating-point types
CSng and CDbl
Converts a numeric or string expression to floating-point values.

Conversions to/from string types
Str and WStr
Converts numeric expressions to a numeric string representation.
Converts a numeric string expression to a floating-point value.
ValInt and ValUInt
Converts numeric string expressions to integer values.
ValLng and ValULng
Converts numeric string expressions to long values.