Converts a string to a unsigned 64bit integer


result = ValULng ( strnum )


the string to convert

Return Value

Returns a ULongInt of the converted string

If the first character of the string is invalid, ValULng will return 0.


For example, ValULng("10") will return 10, and ValULng("10.60") will return 10 as well. The function parses the string from the left, skipping any white space, and returns the longest number it can read, stopping at the first non-suitable character it finds. Any non-numeric characters, including decimal points and exponent specifiers, are considered non-suitable, for example, ValULng("23.1E+6") will just return 23.

ValULng can be used to convert integer numbers in Binary / Octal / Hexadecimal format, if they have the relevant identifier ("&B" / "&O" / "&H") prefixed, for example: ValULng("&HFF") returns 255.

If you want to convert a number into string format, use the Str function.


Dim a As String, b As ULongInt
a = "20xa211"
b = ValULng(a)
Print a, b

20xa211   20

Dialect Differences

  • Not available in the -lang qb dialect unless referenced with the alias __Valulng.

Differences from QB

  • New to FreeBASIC

See also