The Standard Works
Study Guide
Lesson 25
Priesthood: “The Power of Godliness”
Lesson 25
Reading assignment: Doctrine and Covenants
D&C 84:33-44
; D&C 107
; D&C 121:34-46
; Our Heritage,
pages 26-27.
The Aaronic Priesthood and the Melchizedek Priesthood were restored to the earth in the spring of 1829. Following the organization of the Church in 1830, the Lord gradually revealed priesthood offices, quorums, and councils as needed to provide leadership for the growth of the Church.___
• What do priesthood holders promise as part of the oath and covenant of the priesthood? (See D&C 84:33, D&C 84:36, D&C 84:39-44.) What blessings does the Lord promise as part of the oath and covenant of the priesthood? (See D&C 84:33-34, D&C 84:38, D&C 84:42.)___
• In D&C 121:34-46, the Lord reveals principles for using the priesthood. In addition to their application to priesthood holders, these principles apply generally to all human relationships. How can we apply these principles as we interact with others?___
Lesson 25
Scripture Chain: Revelations on Priesthood Offices, Quorums, and Councils
D&C 20:38-67
D&C 102:1-2
D&C 41:9-12
D&C 107:21-25
D&C 90:1-6