(2) xelnx___.tgz (___:version) file contains following files.
     (See xereade.me for not described bellow.)

      . xelnxe.doc   Linux Version DOC(This file)
      . xelnxj.doc   Linux Version DOC(Japnese:SJIS)
      . xeaixe.doc   AIX Version DOC(reffer when telnet to AIX from Linux)
      . xeaixj.doc   AIX Version DOC(Japnese:SJIS)

      bin directory contains following file.
        .xekbchk      tool for keyboard event chk.
        .gxe          X-Windows version(transplant from Windows version wxe).
        .wxe.png      icon file for gxe.

      See xereade.me for other bin file.

          RH9   :Linux version 2.4.20-8  (gcc version 3.2.2 20030222
                 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5)) #1 Thu Mar 13 17:54:28 EST 2003
               gxe  compile environment
          FC4   :Linux version 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 (bhcompile@decompose.build.redhat.com)
                 (gcc version 4.0.0 20050525 (Red Hat 4.0.0-9)) #1 Thu Jun 2 22:55:56 EDT 2005
                 gxe  compile environment

      Following is in the sample directry.
      . xprint.sh    PostSpript printing from output by xprint
      . xpesc        sample shell to use Esc printer for xprint
        (Note) xe use xprint.sh as default.
               To use another script setup xe.ini file like as following.
                 XPrint_Command_LNX="xpesc" #("")# XP command
      . XE4S001Z.asm  Host ASSEMBLER file used to access Turnkey-MVS.

#ifdef XXE
      (following files are irrelevant to gxe)

      . xej106.map   Sample keyboard setting data for console mode.
                     Not used usualy except working under kon.
      In the following 3 file types,xxx is linux distribution ID.
          tb6.0 :TurboLinux v6.0
          rh8.0 :RedHat v8.0     rh9   :RedHat v9
      .xelnxres.xxx  Smaple resource file for xe under xterm/kterm.
                     xelnxres.full is refference only which shows
                     all key definition.
      .xelnxkey.xxx  mapping table of Esc string and key combination.
                     Use to modify xe default tanslation string to key.
                     See (9)-(b) for xe default.
                     Use --k option.
                     ex. "xe --kxelnxkey.xxx"
      .xexmap.xxx    X key binding modification file.
                     Use to fill some key combination under gnome-terminal.
                       ex) "xmodmap xexmap.xxx"
                     By OPT CCFUNC cmd,Ctrl+CharKey is available as function-key.
                     If you use those keys, xexmap.xxx may not be used.
                     See (5) Restriction.
      .xegt,xekt,xext sample shell to start terminal emulator gnome-terminal,
                      kterm and xterm each with setting up xe environment.
                      Then kick xe.
      .xegetdv       Called from xegt/xekt/xext,get distribution ID to
                     determine file name suffix of xelnxres.xxx etc.
      .xesetxenv     Called from xegt/xekt/xext,set up environment variable of
                     xe for X. Modify it according to your directory structure.
      .puTTY.xekeymap key mapping file for puTTY with my keymapping patch.
      .xe.keytab     key mapping file for KDE konsole.