       Esc string translation table.
       Use to bind Esc string to other key combination than xe default in (9)-(b).
       Use --k option like as "xe --kxelnxkey.rh9".
       String 0x1b[0x00 for End key of kterm may be bug of kterm.
       So,it is not a xe default,but it is translated by xelnxkey.xxx.
       And gnome-terminal is out of X resource file,xmodmap command is used
       to benefited more key combination.
       F13->F20 is binded to other key combination like as Shift+Return.
       Esc string generated by F13-F20 is translated to it(Shift+Return)
       by this file.

       [section] limits the application translation is applyed.
       ex) [kterm] is the section for xe under kterm.
       Section name is corrspond to terminal emulator name.
       To specify other than the terminal emulater name,Use environment
       valiable XETERM for the section name.
       For ex., "XETERM=myterm" force to select data from [myterm] section.
       [common] is for all application.

       0002|# xelnxkey.rh9
       0003|# Key & EscString mapping table for xe under "RedHat v9"
       0004|#        Usage: xe --kthis.file
       0005|#   for Console
       0006|#       xe chk terminfo Key,so specify only required.
       0007|#       chk terminfo assignment by xekbchk utility.
       0008|#   for X
       0009|#       xe defines default for gnome-terminal/xterm/kterm.
       0010|#       see it by xekbchk utility,then specify additional key-string conbination.
       0011|#       for the key terminal emulator dose not generate,
       0012|#       setup by xrdb linux utility.(see xelnxe.doc or xelnxj.doc for japanese)
       0013|#   [section]:section is terminal emulator name,[common] is for all type.
       0014|#             XETERM environment valiable is used if it is set.
       0015|#             Or,emulator name is checked,gnome-terminal/xterm/kterm is supported.
       0016|#             for others,it use terminal name of TERM environment variable
       0017|#   Keyname: F1<-->F12, Home, End, Insert, Delete, PageUp, PageDown,
       0018|#            Up, Down, Left, Right, Esc, BackSpace, Tab, Enter, 2, KP_Enter
       0023|# xmodmap issued for gnome-terminal to detect Shift+
       0024|  KeyString:S+BackSpace =^[[28;2~    #assigned F15 to S+BackSpace by xmodmap
       0025|  KeyString:S+Enter     =^[[29;2~    #assigned F16 to S+Return    by xmodmap
       0026|  KeyString:S+Insert    =^[[34;2~    #assigned F20 to S+Insert    by xmodmap
       0027|  KeyString:S+End       =^[[32;2~    #assigned F18 to S+End       by xmodmap
       0028|  KeyString:S+PageUp    =^[[31;2~    #assigned F17 to S+Prior     by xmodmap
       0029|  KeyString:S+PageDown  =^[[33;2~    #assigned F19 to S+Next      by xmodmap
       0032|  KeyString:S+End       =^[[32;2~    #assigned F18 to S+End       by xmodmap
       0035|  KeyString:End         =^[[\x00     #kterm generate,string assing by xrdb is effect on both w/o and with Shift+
       0037|[xeterm]          # e.g for XETERM=xeterm case