--------------- MS-DOS v6.22 Help: MODE (configure printer) ----------------
<Notes> <Examples>                                               <Index>

                          MODE (Configure Printer)

Configures a printer connected to a parallel printer port.

This version of the MODE command sets the characteristics for an
IBM-compatible or Epson-compatible printer connected to a parallel printer
port (LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3).


    MODE LPTn[:] [c][,[l][,r]]

    MODE LPTn[:] [COLS=c] [LINES=l] [RETRY=r]


    Specifies the parallel port to which the device is attached. Valid
    values for n are in the range 1 through 3.

    If you omit any of the following three parameters, MODE uses the most
    recent setting for the omitted parameter. If you are using the shorter
    form of the syntax (without the words COLS=, LINES=, and RETRY=), the
    MODE command "recognizes" the parameters by their positions. Thus, if
    you do not specify a value for a parameter, you must still type the
    comma that precedes the next parameter.

    Specifies the number of characters (columns) per line: 80 or 132. The
    default value is 80. You can abbreviate this parameter by omitting COLS=
    and specifying a value for c.

    Specifies the vertical spacing and the number of lines per inch: 6 or 8.
    The default value is 6. You can abbreviate this parameter by omitting
    LINES= and specifying a value for l.

    Specifies the retry action to take if a time-out error occurs when MODE
    attempts to send output to a parallel printer. This parameter causes
    part of MODE to remain resident in memory. The following list shows each
    valid value for r and a brief description of its meaning:

    B    Return "busy" from a status check of a busy port.

    E    Return an error from a status check of a busy port.

    P    Continue retrying until printer accepts output.

    R    Return "ready" from a status check of a busy port.

    N    Take no retry action (default value). You can also specify NONE
         for this value.

If you are using the MODE command over a network, do not use any of the r

You can abbreviate this parameter by omitting RETRY= and specifying a value
for r.


<Syntax> <Examples>

                      MODE (Configure Printer)--Notes

Update to MODE parameter

The RETRY=R setting provides the same support as the P parameter did in
previous versions of MS-DOS.

Breaking out of a time-out loop

To break out of a time-out loop, press CTRL+BREAK.

Setting parallel-printer modes

For parallel-printer modes, you can use PRN and LPT1 interchangeably.


<Syntax> <Notes>

                     MODE (Configure Printer)--Examples

Suppose you want to be able to print 80 characters per line and 8 lines per
inch on a parallel printer that is connected to the second parallel printer
port (LPT2). To do this, type the following command:

    mode lpt2:80,8

Because 80 characters per line is the default setting, you could achieve the
same result by typing the following command:

    mode lpt2:,8

Suppose that, when printing a file, you want your system to keep trying to
print the file until it is successful. To do this, type the following

    mode lpt2:,8,b

To stop your system from continually retrying to print, press CTRL+BREAK or
type the MODE command without specifying a value for r.


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