Index [A] B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
64COLORSSummary: | How to display all 64 EGA colors on VGA,w/Csrc
| |
Download: | 3 1990, 11.5K)
| | |
ABMAKESummary: | An improved 'make' utility w/source
| |
Download: | 9 1989, 45.6K)
| | |
ACA BIN2OBJVersion: | 1.10b
| |
Summary: | ACA BIN2OBJ: Binary to .OBJ converter
| |
Download: | 11 1994, 64.1K)
| | |
ACTLIBSummary: | General purpose libs w/source for C/C++ pgmers
| |
Download: | 25 1993, 86.4K)
| | |
ADTDVSummary: | C/C++ Programmers time, date, and cal lib.
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Requires: | An IBM compatible 386 PC.
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 26 1997, 39.8K)
| | |
Description: | td.lib v2 is a small time and date library for C/C++ programmers. It contains practical time and date functions that overcome the limitations of the ANSI standard functions that ship with Borland, and Microsoft C++ compilers. Unlike the standard functions, td.lib allows the programmer to perform a variety of calculations using dates and times from Jan. 1, 1 A.D. to Dec. 31, 32766 and the ability to format and print the output of such calculations using ANSI format specifiers. Designed with the beginning programmer in mind, td.lib is easy to use and simplifies the process of coding time/date routines. The library is fully ANSI compliant and can be used with any standard C/C++ compiler.
| | | | |
ADVCSummary: | Thomas Hanlin's advanced 'C' routines. v.1.1
| |
Download: | 23 1987, 9.5K)
| | |
Algomath-LibraryVersion: | 0.91
| |
Summary: | C-lib of math routines
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Author: | Armand Turpel
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 25 1998, 5.9K)
| | |
Description: | Algomath-Library, Beta-Bugfix-Release 0.91, 3.1998 - The Algomath-library provides a handful of mathematical algorithms in C. The library is tested with DJGPP v2 C-compiler although it should work on any other system. Short description: - int am_sumdigits(int n); return the sum of the digits of the number n int. - am_sumdigitsalt(int n); return the alternating sum of the digits of the number n. - int am_rotate(int n, int x); rotate the digits of a number n, x times, in base 10. - int am_sumdivisors(int n); return the sum of all possible divisors of the number n, n not included - int am_sortdigits(int n); sort the digits of a number n - int am_primetest(int n); return 1 if n is prime else -1 - int am_gcd(int a, int b); return the "greatest common divisor" of two numbers a and b - void am_primearray (int p, n, int* Array ); store prime numbers to an array - void am_factorize(int n, int* Array); factorize a number n and stores its factors in array[] - int am_goldbach(int a,int *p); calculate the Goldbach Conjecture
| | | | |
ANSI-CSummary: | Header file activates ANSI.SYS for C
| |
Download: | 30 1987, 9.8K)
| | |
APMSummary: | Arbitrary Precision Math lib MS-C 5.x/TC/Unix
| |
Download: | 8 1988, 57.6K)
| | |
ASYNCPECSummary: | Interrupt-driven async comm rtns for MSC 5.x
| |
Download: | 3 1989, 4.6K)
| | |
ASYNLIBSummary: | ASYNC communications library callable from 'C'
| |
Download: | 20 1991, 17.1K)
| | |
Index A [B] C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
BACKLOGSummary: | Get latest add to BACKUP.LOG from DOS backup/L
| |
Download: | backlog.c(Aug 15 1988, 3.7K)
| | |
BESTLSummary: | Extensive C programmer's library (FreeWare)
| |
Download: | 12 1994, 323.7K)
| | |
BIN2CSummary: | Convert a binary file to a C structure
| |
Download: | 3 1996, 9K)
| | |
BITUUDECSummary: | MSDOS/VMS UUdecode fixes lost trailing spaces
| |
Download: | bituudec.c(Dec 24 1987, 7K)
| | |
BLTCSummary: | Bullet C/C++ 16-bit btree/DBF database engine
| |
Download: | 15 1996, 220.6K)
| | |
BMP2CPSummary: | BMP file to C/C++ source file converter
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Requires: | C/C++ compiler.
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 20 1997, 23.6K)
| | |
Description: | Bitmap to Source Converter is a command line utility that allows developers to convert 256 color BMP files to C/C++ source files which allow graphics to be included in the final program rather than loaded dynamically at runtime.
| | | | |
BMP2DSummary: | Converts 256-color BMP files to data files
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Author: | Justin Hill
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 30 1998, 12.8K)
| | |
Description: | Bitmap to Data Converter is a utility for DOS game programmers that converts 256-color BMP files into linear binary data files. BMP files are stored in a bottom up format making them difficult to read in at runtime. The converter separates the palette, and the actual image data into two separate files. This allows the programmer to create the graphics for a game without having to include the images "as is" with the game. This also prevents the user from altering the images, thus making for a more professional finished product.
| | | | |
BOSSVersion: | 01.07.91
| |
Summary: | Window Boss, windows for C pgms, 1of4
| |
Download: | 13 1991, 129.6K)
| | |
BOSSVersion: | 01.07.91
| |
Summary: | Window Boss, windows for C pgms, 4of4
| |
Download: | 13 1991, 76K)
| | |
BOSS02AVersion: | 01.07.91
| |
Summary: | Window Boss, windows for C pgms, 2of4
| |
Download: | 29 1990, 199.8K)
| | |
BOSS02BVersion: | 01.07.91
| |
Summary: | Window Boss, windows for C pgms, 3of4
| |
Download: | 29 1990, 220.2K)
| | |
BPLUSVersion: | 1.1
| |
Summary: | B-tree indexed file access in 'C',
| |
Download: | 23 1989, 14.2K)
| | |
BSTRSummary: | BASIC-style string functions for C and C++
| |
Download: | 29 1995, 57.5K)
| | |
BTBWR10BSummary: | Number base conversion pgm/library/DLL w/C src
| |
Download: | 2 1995, 113K)
| | |
BTOASummary: | 'C' source for binary-to-ascii convert pgm
| |
Download: | 24 1989, 4.8K)
| | |
BULLETSummary: | Database engine for DOS32,Win32s,Win95,NT,OS/2
| |
License: | Shareware
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 2 1997, 895.6K)
| | |
Description: | Bullet 2.5 is a thread-safe, multi-process capable database engine toolkit for OS/2, DOSX32 (MS-DOS 32-bit), and Win32 (Win95, WinNT, and Win32s). It provides pre-built and tested access methods to data and index files for application programmers. Most any compiler can be used; both LIB and DLL are included (Rexx interface, too). Bullet is compact, efficient, and very fast. It can be configured to use custom key-build routines, sort-compare functions, and expression parsers to extend the built-in functionality, and programmer-supplied OS API calls to replace the internal ones. The standard data format is DBF (dBASE 3+ and later). The supported memo format is DBT (dBASE 4 and later, w/auto-reuse). Index-only support can be enabled and with this any data file format may be used (the data maintained by the programmer then). The DBF standard may be extended by using binary field values and fields larger than 255 bytes, and up to 1024 fields. Index files are NLS-compatible (six included data types, with 10 programmer-specified data types also available) and use an efficient b-tree structure. Files may be any size supported by the OS, up to 4GB. Up to 1024 files may be opened and in use by any one process, with any number of processes active. Includes all supported platforms in the single package.
| | | | |
Index A B [C] D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
C srcSummary: | C src: 'make' util for MS-DOS & Unix SysV/BSD
| |
Download: | 26 1992, 555.2K)
| | |
C-EVALSummary: | C source to evaluate mathematical expressions
| |
Download: | 23 1993, 21.5K)
| | |
C-FLOWSummary: | Display flow of 'C' programs
| |
Download: | 24 1985, 43K)
| | |
C4WINDOWSummary: | Window routines for 'C' programs
| |
Download: | 6 1985, 32.7K)
| | |
C60PROBSVersion: | 6.0
| |
Summary: | List of problems found with MS C
| |
Download: | 17 1990, 6K)
| | |
C_CHECKSummary: | C language syntax checker
| |
Download: | 5 1986, 14.2K)
| | |
C_FLOWSummary: | Display flow of 'C' programs
| |
Download: | 23 1985, 42.9K)
| | |
Summary: | PC speaker music library for Turbo C and C++
| |
Download: | 19 1994, 7.8K)
| | |
CALENDAHSummary: | ANSI C source for calendar calculations
| |
License: | User-supported Freeware source
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 24 1997, 9K)
| | |
Description: | CALENDAR.H is the source for a ANSI C header for calendar calculations based on the Julian Day Number and valid for the Gregorian Calendar. All functions use only integers (no float) and require a single pass (no iteration, no recursion) and are improvements on several such functions already published. The calendar's day zero can be defined by the user; several origins are pre-defined. Functions included perform: leapyear (macro), validation of a date, date to day number, day number to date, weekday, days between dates, new date given a date and an offset in days, Easter date (two algorithms), Easter-related holydays such as Mardi Gras and Corpo de Deus (Portugal), date to sortable date format, weekday and month names in several languages. The source was developed with TC 2.0 and tested with TC 1.0, TC 3.0 and Power C under MS-DOS 6.00 and is expected to be easily ported to any ANSI C compiler. Fully documented.
| | | | |
CBASESummary: | C routines for database applications, w/docs
| |
Download: | 22 1991, 267.5K)
| | |
CBOOKSSummary: | List of currently available C language books
| |
Download: | 29 1989, 9.1K)
| | |
CCSummary: | 'C' language functions and programs - 3 of 4
| |
Download: | 3 1986, 81.9K)
| | |
CCSummary: | 'C' language functions and programs - 4 of 4
| |
Download: | 25 1985, 78.3K)
| | |
CCSummary: | 'C' language functions and programs - 1 of 4
| |
Download: | 28 1985, 3.4K)
| | |
CCSummary: | 'C' language functions and programs - 2 of 4
| |
Download: | 3 1986, 65.1K)
| | |
CCOMPILESummary: | Small 'C' compiler
| |
Download: | 5 1985, 35.3K)
| | |
CDECLSummary: | Decomposes 'C' language declarations
| |
Download: | 20 1987, 11.4K)
| | |
CEPHESSummary: | Cephes Mathematical Library (C sources)
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Author: | Stephen L. Moshier
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 12 2000, 1.8M)
| | |
Description: | Cephes v2.8 provides special functions of mathematical physics and related items in C language of interest to scientists and engineers. The new C language standard, C99, has complex variable types that are supported here and by the GNU C compiler.Partial contents: Elementary functions (log, exp, sin, cos). Gamma, psi, dilograithm, Airy, Bessel, hypergeometric, Struve. Complete and incomplete elliptic functions. Planck radiation. Exponential, sine & cosine, hyperbolic, Fresnel integrals. Probability integrals and their inverses: Gaussian, Poisson, F, Chi-square, gamma, Student's, binomial, negative binomial, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Arithmetic on polynomials, rationals, extended precision floating point. Complex arithmetic and elementary functions. Precisions: There are separate libraries for five different precisions: single, double, long double (80 or 96-bit), long double (128-bit), q-class (384-bit software arithmetic and check routines). There is a C++ class for the extended precision arithmetic.
| | | | |
CFGOPSummary: | I/O for Windows type INI/CFG files. (C source)
| |
Download: | 2 1995, 48.5K)
| | |
CFOGSummary: | C source code obfuscator
| |
Download: | 1 1995, 52.3K)
| | |
CGAZV5N 1991
Summary: | Code from the C Gazette - Spring issue
| |
Download: | 7 1991, 44K)
| | |
CGUIDESummary: | The PC programmer's guide to C
| |
Download: | 4 1996, 254K)
| | |
CL_7_BUGSummary: | Bug examples for Microsoft C-Compiler CL-7.00
| |
Download: | 8 1992, 17.8K)
| | |
CLintVersion: | 1.67
| |
Summary: | CLint: C source checking tool
| |
Download: | 29 1994, 178.2K)
| | |
CLP_VSummary: | General purpose 'C' command line processor
| |
Download: | 13 1989, 19.1K)
| | |
CM100EXESummary: | MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (exe and samples), 1of4
| |
Download: | 15 1991, 51.4K)
| | |
CM100HLPSummary: | MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (QuickHelp), 2of4
| |
Download: | 15 1991, 109.4K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #19
| |
Download: | 4 1990, 28K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | Issue #1 'C' programmer's newsletter
| |
Download: | 22 1988, 6.3K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | Issue #2 'C' programmer's newsletter
| |
Download: | 22 1988, 5.6K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | Issue #3 'C' programmer's newsletter
| |
Download: | 5 1988, 20.3K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | Issue #4 'C' programmer's newsletter
| |
Download: | 21 1988, 42.2K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | Issue #5 'C' programmer's newsletter
| |
Download: | 7 1988, 70.4K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | Issue #6 'C' programmer's newsletter
| |
Download: | 10 1988, 28.1K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | Issue #7 'C' programmer's newsletter
| |
Download: | 29 1988, 9.8K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | Issue #8 'C' programmer's newsletter
| |
Download: | 14 1988, 57.4K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | Issue #9 'C' programmer's newsletter
| |
Download: | 17 1988, 64.8K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | Issue #10 'C' programmer's newsletter
| |
Download: | 15 1988, 49.2K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | Issue #11 'C' programmer's newsletter
| |
Download: | 9 1988, 30.5K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | 'C' programming & compiler review #12
| |
Download: | 30 1988, 12.6K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #13
| |
Download: | 27 1988, 37.7K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #14
| |
Download: | 22 1989, 62.3K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #15
| |
Download: | 4 1989, 24.4K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #16
| |
Download: | 26 1989, 56.2K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #17
| |
Download: | 24 1989, 16.1K)
| | |
CNEWSSummary: | 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #18
| |
Download: | 28 1989, 39K)
| | |
COMMASMSummary: | Info for programming MS-DOS COMM ports
| |
Download: | 13 1988, 7.5K)
| | |
Complete CSummary: | Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,3of3
| |
Download: | 24 1989, 293.1K)
| | |
Complete CSummary: | Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,2of3
| |
Download: | 24 1989, 217.6K)
| | |
Complete CSummary: | Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,1of3
| |
Download: | 24 1989, 26.7K)
| | |
CONFIGFSummary: | Use Windows-like config files in C (w/src)
| |
Download: | 30 1995, 2.7K)
| | |
CONIOSummary: | Direct console I/O ASM routines for MicrosoftC
| |
Download: | 8 1987, 8.1K)
| | |
CONSL 16/32Summary: | Console text output bit C/C++ library
| |
Download: | 16 1996, 94K)
| | |
CONSL 16/32Summary: | Console text output bit C/C++ library
| |
Download: | 30 1995, 122.9K)
| | |
CPSummary: | C code outliner (DDJ8808, tweaked for BC++2.0)
| |
Download: | 19 1992, 25.5K)
| | |
CPCVersion: | 2.02
| |
Summary: | CodePrint for C/C++ Version Jan 1996
| |
Download: | 21 1996, 138.2K)
| | |
CprimesSummary: | Example C prog to find Prime Numbers
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Author: | Austin Fowler
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 17 1998, 69K)
| | |
Description: | Cprimes v1.10 is a very simple program to find prime numbers and includes C/C++ source code. It is intended to help students learn by example programming. Three programs are included. Prime.exe asks a user for input and determine whether the give number is prime up to 4,294,967,295 or not and sieve.exe and primlist.exe both create large lists of prime numbers. This program would be useful to beginning C/C++ programmers. It demonstrates Arrays, Loops, C and C++ code, Reading Data from a File, Etc. The souce code is commented.
| | | | |
CPROTSummary: | C and C++ incremental prototypes extractor
| |
Download: | 14 1992, 102.7K)
| | |
CRC-CSummary: | CRC routines for C
| |
Download: | 29 1987, 4.9K)
| | |
CRNCHRSummary: | C Libs - FFT,Wavelet,Coherence,Filter,Regr.etc
| |
Download: | 12 1993, 67.2K)
| | |
CROBOTSSummary: | Game for 'C' programmers. Make own robots
| |
Download: | 12 1985, 49.3K)
| | |
CRT2_1ASummary: | Free C/C++ TUI/video lib w/ src and examples
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Author: | Marcio Afonso Arimura Fialho
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 2 1999, 293.8K)
| | |
Description: | Video Handling Functions v2.1 is a Freeware 16-bit C/C++ library of text mode functions, fully documented, plus examples. Over 60 functions and ten pseudo-functions(macros), including functions for EGA/VGA/SVGA special features. Works in almost every EGA/VGA/SVGA video modes, including extended video modes and graphics modes. All with source code.Use it to create programs that require a good presentation in text mode or that need to access specific video functions. In graphics mode you may use it to write or to make some simple drawings. Of course, color is supported. Extensive "on-line" help of every function is included. The program also includes DOSFONT, a bonus package that enables selecting and editing DOS/BIOS font files (.FNT). DOSFONT also includes many fonts and some interesting examples. The source code of everything is included.
| | | | |
CSCOPSummary: | C source code analysis utility
| |
Download: | 1 1995, 47.4K)
| | |
CSOURCSummary: | Turbo-C source file manager
| |
Download: | 16 1987, 38.2K)
| | |
CSRSummary: | CSpotRun 'C' func lib., hdrs & examples 1of3
| |
Download: | 11 1988, 82K)
| | |
CSRSummary: | CSpotRun 'C' func lib., precompiled libs 2of3
| |
Download: | 11 1988, 100.6K)
| | |
CSRSummary: | CSpotRun 'C' func lib,. documentation 3of3
| |
Download: | 11 1988, 55.3K)
| | |
CSUBRTNSSummary: | C Subroutines #2
| |
Download: | 17 1987, 3.8K)
| | |
CTASK22DSummary: | Multitasking kernel in C w/ASM & C source
| |
Download: | 21 1996, 316.1K)
| | |
CTELLSummary: | Translates C declarations into English
| |
Download: | 8 1987, 12.1K)
| | |
CTOOLSSummary: | Generic data structures in C (lists, hashtabs)
| |
Download: | 5 1992, 56.3K)
| | |
CTOPASSummary: | Converts 'C' source to Pascal source (simple)
| |
Download: | 6 1989, 5.8K)
| | |
CTRL_CSummary: | Intercept Ctrl C's
| |
Download: | ctrl_c.c(Sep 5 1988, 13K)
| | |
CTUTORDESummary: | C language tutorial, style, and quiz program
| |
Download: | 25 1994, 892.7K)
| | |
CUGSummary: | Highly portable utilities from C Users' Group
| |
Download: | 2 1980, 84.5K)
| | |
CVBDSummary: | Dumps files as formatted OCT/HEX/DEC values
| |
License: | Free.
| |
Download: | 9 2000, 11.1K)
| | |
Description: | CVBD v2.00 is a program that displays the contents of (binary) files onto the screen as a formatted series of Octal, Hexadecimal or Decimal values. The user can then use the output for other purposes (such as to incorporate a bitmap image into a C program). CVBD allows to specify a display width for each value, to suppress the leading 0, to left-justify displayed values and to specify a single character as a separator between the displayed values. It also allows to limit the number of values that are displayed on the screen so that nicely shaped block can be created. Source code is included. CVBD is highly portable.
| | | | |
CWDSummary: | Change working directory for C
| |
Download: | cwd.c(Aug 15 1988, 4.5K)
| | |
CXLSummary: | Window/menu/mouse C func lib, libraries, 2of2
| |
Download: | 16 1990, 162.3K)
| | |
CXLSummary: | Window/menu/mouse C func lib, docs/utils, 1of2
| |
Download: | 16 1990, 143.7K)
| | |
CXLHDERRSummary: | C source for critical error handler with CXL
| |
Download: | 6 1989, 2.8K)
| | |
CXTSummary: | C source code analysis
| |
License: | Shareware
| |
Author: | Juergen Mueller
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 21 1998, 1.4M)
| | |
Description: | CXT (C Exploration Tools) consists of CFT (C Function Tree Generator) and CST (C Structure Tree Generator). They analyse C source code of applications, no matter how big or complex, and are useful to explore unknown software and to support software reuse and maintenance. By pre- processing, scanning and analyzing the source code, these programs build an internal representation of the function call hierarchy (CFT) and of the data structure (CST) relations. Several features and options allow the user to customize the generated hierarchy tree chart output and to get a large set of useful information about the source code. The results can be stored in a database and recalled later. The recall utility can be integrated into editors like BRIEF or MicroEMACS (DOS, Windows) and provides a hypertext-like feeling for function locating. The output calltree can be generated as HTML- and as RTF-file (Windows Help).CXT is part of the SXT Software Exploration Tools which provide similar source code analysis features for C (CXT), DBASE (DXT), FORTRAN (FXT), JAVA (JXT) and LISP (LXT).
| | | | |
Index A B C [D] E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
DBFLIBSummary: | Borland C library for dBase (.DBF) files
| |
License: | Shareware. Servile Software
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 28 1996, 22K)
| | |
Description: | Dbflib is a library of functions to allow access of dBase .DBF file structures from Borland C. Shareware version includes only small memory model. Other memory model libraries are available by registering.
| | | | |
DBREAKSummary: | Disable CTL-C/CTL-BREAK/CTL-ALT-DEL. C source
| |
Download: | 12 1991, 3.9K)
| | |
DEBUGCSummary: | #include level printf() debugging
| |
Download: | 18 1985, 2.4K)
| | |
DELETESummary: | Delete a file
| |
Download: | delete.c(Jul 30 1987, 4.2K)
| | |
DflatSummary: | Dflat: SAA-compatible windowing LIB w/C source
| |
Download: | 14 1992, 136.7K)
| | |
DFLAT 386Summary: | Update to DFLAT windowing system for & up
| |
Download: | 4 1994, 169.7K)
| | |
DFLAT_4GSummary: | SAA-compatible window lib/c-source 32 bit
| |
License: | Public Domain
| |
Download: | 28 1999, 170.5K)
| | |
Description: | This version of DFLAT by Dr Dobbs Jounal is ported for Watcom-C with Dos4GW so you can use it for 32 bit DOS applications. Included are Editor tools and controlled Value input.Special reauirements: None.
| | | | |
DIRLIBSummary: | Unix 'dirlib' package ported to MS-C
| |
Download: | dirlib.c(Dec 31 1988, 12.1K)
| | |
DLC-TSRSummary: | TSR interface for Datalight C
| |
Download: | 12 1987, 6.6K)
| | |
DMAKE38ESummary: | 'make' util for MS-DOS C programmers. EXE/doc
| |
Download: | 24 1992, 137.1K)
| | |
DOSDBGVersion: | 8.00c
| |
Summary: | C runtime checker for Microsoft C
| |
Download: | 11 1996, 35.6K)
| | |
DPCRTLMMVersion: | 1.0
| |
Summary: | Memory manager & logger
| |
License: | Shareware
| |
Author: | David Duncan Ross Palmer, Daybo Logic
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 13 2000, 42.8K)
| | |
Description: | DPCRTLMM is a memory manager for C programmers. It also supports C++ and can log allocations, etc. made through it. The registered version provides hooks for debugging - this one is limited to 50 blocks. All leaks are caught and so it aims for more stable program design.
| | | | |
DXLIBSummary: | DOS Extender Library for Protected-Mode DOS
| |
Download: | 28 1996, 259.7K)
| | |
Index A B C D [E] F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
EMS4CSummary: | Expanded Memory Management for C
| |
Download: | 10 1996, 40.2K)
| | |
EMSIF24ASummary: | EMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++]
| |
Download: | 26 1993, 66.4K)
| | |
EnComVersion: | 1.00
| |
Summary: | EnCom: C async lib - supports 16550
| |
Download: | 7 1992, 117.2K)
| | |
ENCOM_TDSummary: | Sample terminal pgm using EnCom1.0 C async lib
| |
Download: | 7 1992, 49K)
| | |
EOUESummary: | C source and font to handle Japanese text
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Author: | Michael Mangelsdorf
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 24 1997, 123K)
| | |
Description: | An add-on or code-base to your programs. Provides functions to display the Japanese kana and joyo-kanji in 320x400x256 on standard VGA. Allows string resources for programs to be prepared from standard JIS files with included program. Includes object code .LIB file and two demonstration programs using this library.
| | | | |
Index A B C D E [F] G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
FESummary: | Bitmap editor for Zortech C++'s FlashGraph Lib
| |
Download: | 5 1992, 63.3K)
| | |
FFTSummary: | Fast Fourier transforms, with C source
| |
Download: | 5 1991, 89.9K)
| | |
FILTR30SSummary: | Text file searcher, simultan. multi-term check
| |
Download: | 20 1995, 12.3K)
| | |
FLATSummary: | Flat real mode for C/C++ v1.00. Free
| |
License: | Free software (GPL).
| |
Download: | 21 1999, 41.9K)
| | |
Description: | The flat real mode for C/C++ library is meant for C/C++ programmers targeting 386+ 16-bit real mode DOS machines. It offers easy to use and fast linear access to the entire memory using a technique called flat real mode. It provides automatic CPU type detection and extended memory allocation as well as functions for basic memory access on single values and groups (like stdlib's mem* functions), dynamic extended memory allocation and 32-bit file access.Full source code (NASM, ANSI C) and precompiled objects for the asm files included.
| | | | |
FORTIFYSummary: | C/C++ memory tracker and protector, R1.0
| |
Download: | 4 1995, 22.9K)
| | |
FUNCSummary: | Mathematical function Compilator for C pgms
| |
Download: | 1 1995, 79.6K)
| | |
FUNCTIONSummary: | Mathematical function Compilator for C pgms
| |
Download: | 23 1995, 79.5K)
| | |
FXVMMSummary: | Virtual Memory Manager. C source
| |
Download: | 5 1996, 108.9K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F [G] H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
GDIRSummary: | Enhanced DIR w/attributes, hidden/system files
| |
Download: | gdir.c(Jun 13 1986, 8.7K)
| | |
GENCSRCVersion: | 2.0
| |
Summary: | Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor, (1 of 2)
| |
Download: | 20 1987, 90.7K)
| | |
GENCTXTVersion: | 2.0
| |
Summary: | Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor, (2 of 2)
| |
Download: | 20 1987, 105.9K)
| | |
GETFSummary: | Locate 'C' source file w/particular function
| |
Download: | 20 1988, 36K)
| | |
GIFSAVESummary: | C source to save GIF images
| |
Download: | 26 1992, 13.6K)
| | |
GKIT05BVersion: | 0.5
| |
Summary: | GameKit C/C++/ASM game library for Watcom
| |
Download: | 25 1996, 280.5K)
| | |
GLOBSummary: | Change wildcard filespec to list of files
| |
Download: | 10 1988, 2.7K)
| | |
GNUCTAGSVersion: | 5.1
| |
Summary: | Microsoft C port of GNU [ce]tags
| |
Download: | 20 1989, 12.5K)
| | |
GRAPHSummary: | ASM CGA/EGA graphics routines for MS C (4.0)
| |
Download: | 21 1987, 10.4K)
| | |
GYMAKEVersion: | 1.2
| |
Summary: | Make utility for MS-DOS w/C source
| |
Download: | 18 1988, 37.2K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G [H] I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
HANDLESSummary: | Get >20 handles in TC (also DJGPP). Docs & src
| |
Download: | 8 1992, 20.3K)
| | |
HGRAPHICSummary: | Hercules graphics routines for MS Quick C
| |
Download: | 15 1988, 7.6K)
| | |
How toSummary: | How to: Shadowed windows with UltraWin C lib
| |
Download: | 4 1992, 13.7K)
| | |
HSORTSummary: | General purpose heapsort for C
| |
Download: | hsort.c(Aug 5 1985, 4.9K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G H [I] J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
IBMCOMSummary: | Interrupt-driven comm routines for Turbo C
| |
Download: | 28 1989, 8.9K)
| | |
IDLSummary: | Indicates ifdef level nesting in c/c++ source
| |
Download: | 14 1996, 23.6K)
| | |
idllPower 2Summary: | DOS DLL support. (Watcom 32)
| |
License: | Commercial Demo of idllPower, dllPower 2.70 (Freeware)
| |
Requires: | Watcom C/C++ 32 10.0+
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 3 1996, 346.8K)
| | |
Description: | Internal dllPower v3.02 is a powerful programming tool to enable Watcom C/C++32 users to use Windows NT style DLLs in their DOS-based applications. This is ideal for Game programmers who wish to use drivers for sound, graphics, devices, etc.. idllPower is a library you link into your application. dllPower v2.70 is also included as a free alternative to idllPower, however, it is an external loader and not a library you link in.
| | | | |
IMC 1991Summary: | Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Jan.
| |
Download: | 17 1991, 4.3K)
| | |
IMC 1991Summary: | Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Feb.
| |
Download: | 24 1991, 4K)
| | |
IMC 1991Summary: | Inside Microsoft C Journal source, March
| |
Download: | 4 1991, 5.5K)
| | |
IMC 1991Summary: | Inside Microsoft C Journal source, April
| |
Download: | 4 1991, 5.8K)
| | |
IMC 1991Summary: | Inside Microsoft C Journal source, June
| |
Download: | 8 1991, 8.7K)
| | |
INDENTSSummary: | Indent C & C++, (vanilla) C source code
| |
Download: | 29 1993, 57.6K)
| | |
INDENTXSummary: | Indent & format C & C++ source. DOS exe & docs
| |
Download: | 29 1993, 40.5K)
| | |
INPARSERSummary: | Extracts tokens from an input string
| |
Download: | 14 1986, 7K)
| | |
INT24_CSummary: | C routine intercepts Abort/Retry/Ignore prompt
| |
Download: | 15 1990, 2.8K)
| | |
INTERCEPSummary: | Prevent printing ^C with signal() in MS-C
| |
Download: | intercep.asm(Jul 5 1987, 6.1K)
| | |
INTERPSummary: | Command interpreter (C library)
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Author: | Jean-Marc Drezet
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 29 1998, 641K)
| | |
Description: | The command interpreter is a library (written in C) which allows the creation of programs that can accept commands given interactively by the user or programs that are sequences of commands. The main features of the command interpreter are: - the possibility to add new commands in a very easy way. - the use of an expression evaluator, written by Mark Morley, which can be used to parse numeric arguments, or make direct computations, and define variables. - the possibility to write, load and execute programs, which are sequences of commands, using loops and jumps. - the definition of objects which are arrays of several types of numbers, having names. So it is possible to refer to objects in arguments of commands for example, by giving their name. It is also possible to define structures, whose members are objects or other structures. - there is an implementation of complex numbers in two ways. The library contains also some functions that simplify the use of arrays of numbers. It is easy to glue several applications of the command interpreter. The command interpreter has been developed on Linux OS, and ported to MSDOS using DJGPP C compilers. It can manipulate complicated filenames as in Unix, using correspondance tables. The zip file contains the complete source code, a documentation and an application of the command interpreter.
| | | | |
ISDSummary: | Icon and sprite designer for high resolution
| |
License: | Shareware
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 28 1997, 124.7K)
| | |
Description: | ISD designs sprites or icons on the 640 x 480 VGA resolution, it includes C libraries to display sprites, in 16 or 256 colors. Editor with powerful function: - Variable size. - Cut and paste. - Rotate. - Merge with special effects. - Animation For DOS or Windows.
| | | | |
Index A B C D E F G H I [J] K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
JANUSSummary: | BBS door construction library for Borland C
| |
Download: | 4 1996, 80.9K)
| | |
JAZDOCSummary: | Documentation for JAZLIB.ZIP
| |
Download: | 23 1986, 25.3K)
| | |
JAZLIBSummary: | C utility library with source (w/C)
| |
Download: | 15 1986, 140.9K)
| | |
JLibVersion: | 1.7
| |
Summary: | JLib: Fast Portable Graphics Library
| |
Download: | 21 1996, 459.3K)
| | |
JPL-CSummary: | JPL library of portable C routines
| |
Download: | 6 1988, 124.3K)
| | |
JULCALSummary: | C language sources for Julian date programs
| |
Download: | 21 1992, 18.8K)
| | |
JULINSummary: | Source in C for calendar date calculations
| |
Download: | 1 1993, 33.1K)
| | |
JXFNVersion: | 1.7
| |
Summary: | Font Functions for use with JLib+
| |
Download: | 21 1996, 429.7K)
| | |
JZCHKDSKSummary: | Better CHKDSK program
| |
Download: | 21 1986, 19.4K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J [K] L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
KAFSRTSummary: | Complete file system and sort pkg for C pgmers
| |
Download: | 13 1993, 109.4K)
| | |
KBDHANDLSummary: | Multiple keypress INT 9 keyboard handler w/src
| |
Download: | 31 1993, 8.8K)
| | |
KERNELSummary: | Multitasking kernel from DDJournal, w/ASM src
| |
Download: | 24 1986, 15.6K)
| | |
KH-DATESummary: | C/C++ library - routines for date calculations
| |
Download: | 21 1996, 98.2K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K [L] M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
LEXSummary: | DeSmet C source for PD version of Unix LEX
| |
Download: | 25 1986, 90.1K)
| | |
LIBKBSummary: | Advanced and portable low-level keyboard lib
| |
Download: | 23 1996, 254.6K)
| | |
LINGUASummary: | Easy multi-language support for C programs
| |
Download: | 30 1996, 77.2K)
| | |
LOCALESummary: | Locales' support for DOS (C source)
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 16 1997, 55.9K)
| | |
Description: | The C-sources for POSIX-compatible locales for DOS, Windows 3.x, Win32. The small library provides the actual locale-dependent information according POSIX rules under DOS, Windows 3.x and Win32. The service is very similar on all three OS. No environment variables used (because it is not a general way under DOS/Windows). No additional databases or built-in data used. All information obtained from OS only. The locale-dependent information includes character classification (isupper(), islower(), and other isXXX()); character convertion (toupper(), tolower(), strupr(), strlwr()); string sorting (strcoll(), strxfrm(), stricmp()); date & time representation (strftime(), strptime()); monetary formatting (strfmon()); and so on. This C-sources was successfully tested with few versions of Borland C, Microsoft C, Watcom C, DJGPP v2 and can be easy ported on other compilers. Tested in all OS from MS-DOS v3.30 to Windows NT 4.0.
| | | | |
LPCSummary: | LPC-Parcor-Cepstrum code gen. for C programers
| |
Download: | 16 1994, 51K)
| | |
LZPIPSummary: | Compressed/deflated file access library
| |
Download: | 17 1995, 66.2K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L [M] N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (HelpSummary: | MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (Help: text format), 3of4
| |
Download: | 15 1991, 49.4K)
| | |
MAKE-PDSummary: | Public domain MAKE
| |
Download: | 15 1987, 30.7K)
| | |
MAKEDEPSummary: | Dependency generator for MAKE, with C source
| |
Download: | 29 1994, 15.4K)
| | |
MAPMSummary: | Arbitrary Precision Math Lib w/ TRIG/SRC
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Author: | Michael C. Ring
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 12 2000, 108.8K)
| | |
Description: | MAPM is an Arbitrary Precision Math Library written in C. This library has math functions typically found in math.h. The library has the obvious add, subtract, multiply, and divide. It also has the following math functions: SQRT, CBRT, SIN, COS, TAN, ARC-SIN, ARC-COS, ARC-TAN, ARC-TAN2, LOG, LOG10, EXP, POW, Hyperbolic functions, and FACTORIAL. Since the library supports math.h type functions, it has a slant towards floating point math (as opposed to integers). However, this library may also perform integer only math if so desired. The library has a FFT based fast multiplication algorithm that has O(N * log2(N)) growth. The library also has a C++ wrapper class for easier usage: MAPM x,y; y = 3.2 * sin(x);, etc.
| | | | |
MATCHSummary: | Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src
| |
Download: | 11 1991, 16.8K)
| | |
MATRIXVersion: | 0.4
| |
Summary: | Small Matrix toolbox for C programmers
| |
Download: | 24 1992, 40.9K)
| | |
MATRIXCSummary: | C source for matrix algebra and 3D line shapes
| |
Download: | 18 1994, 10.9K)
| | |
MATRXVersion: | 0.42
| |
Summary: | Small Matrix Toolbox for C programmers
| |
Download: | 16 1994, 39.7K)
| | |
MC302EMBSummary: | MICRO-C Embedded Control kit - Test-drive vers
| |
Download: | 18 1994, 210.3K)
| | |
MC302PCVersion: | 3.02
| |
Summary: | MICRO-C PC 'C' compiler
| |
Download: | 18 1994, 190.4K)
| | |
MC302PCSummary: | MICRO-C PC Example programs
| |
Download: | 18 1994, 270.4K)
| | |
MCOMMSummary: | Interrupt-driven async LIB for MS-C/Turbo-C/BC
| |
Download: | 7 1996, 162.4K)
| | |
MFILESummary: | Allows more than 20 files open at once in MS-C
| |
Download: | mfile.asm(Jan 29 1988, 2.8K)
| | |
MGDOSSummary: | GUI lib & designer for DOS/Win/Unix (DOS)
| |
License: | Freeware for noncommercial use.
| |
Download: | 11 2000, 1.3M)
| | |
Description: | MGUI is cross-platform C/C++ GUI library for DOS, Windows 3.1, Win32 and Unix X-Window environments. It offers all typical GUI objects like menu, push button, editable text fields with Cut & Paste capabilities. A manager object automatically positions and resizes its children, making layout construction simple. Supports 16, 256, 32K and 64K colors under DOS, up to 16 million in Windows and X-Window environments. A designing tool (MGUI Designer) is provided for helping programmers in the construction and maintenance of the application windows layout.
| | | | |
MILLISECSummary: | MSC/asm src for millisecond resolution timing
| |
Download: | 30 1991, 35.4K)
| | |
MIXFFTSummary: | Arbitrary-N FFT, C-source and benchmark
| |
License: | Shareware
| |
Author: | Jens J. Nielsen
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 15 1998, 38K)
| | |
Description: | This packet contains the C source for a mixed-radix FFT routine. It performs a fast discrete Fourier transform (FFT) of a complex sequence, x, of an arbitrary length, n. The output, y, is also a complex sequence of length n. y[k] = sum(x[m]*exp(-i*2*pi*k*m/n), m=0..(n-1)), k=0,...,(n-1) The routine is accompanied by a demo program, fftbench.c, that demonstrates the numerical capabilities. It measures the execution time as well. If you wish to test the capabilities of another FFT routine, the fftbench.c is easy to modify.
| | | | |
MKUTILSummary: | SciTech Makefile Utilities
| |
Download: | 30 1995, 263.9K)
| | |
MS-PROFSummary: | Execution profiling for Microsoft C / Quick C
| |
Download: | 11 1989, 7.2K)
| | |
MSCSummary: | Program to pass arguments from a file to CL
| |
Download: | msc.c(Aug 15 1988, 3.6K)
| | |
MSCHRTVersion: | 5.1
| |
Summary: | High resolution timer toolbox for MSC
| |
Download: | 23 1990, 46.9K)
| | |
MSECVersion: | 1.2
| |
Summary: | High-definition millisec timer (C,ASM)
| |
Download: | 10 1991, 7.5K)
| | |
MwCONIOVersion: | 1.0
| |
Summary: | MwCONIO:Metaware/PharLap console I/O lib w/src
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Requires: | PharLap DOS-extender SDK v4.0 or higher. Metaware HighC/C++ v3.0 or higher to recompile.
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 28 1997, 83.8K)
| | |
Description: | MwCONIO v1.0 is a text console I/O library for Metaware HighC/C++ compiler and Pharlap DOS-extender. The library is fully Borland compatible. Included test program shows that this library is over 100% faster than it's Borland counterpart. Documentation on all functions is provided. All C and ASM sources are included.
| | | | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M [N] O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z NDMAKEVersion: | 4.5
| |
Summary: | Unix-like MAKE for DOS C programmers
| |
Download: | 11 1987, 88.6K)
| | |
NETCLBVersion: | 3.5
| |
Summary: | Novell Netware C API library - version
| |
Download: | 20 1996, 197.7K)
| | |
NJSDKSummary: | NJSDK: Chinese C lib. software development kit
| |
Download: | 15 1994, 184.6K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N [O] P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
ODOORSSummary: | C library for creating professional BBS doors
| |
Download: | 28 1996, 640.7K)
| | |
OXCCVersion: | 1.434
| |
Summary: | OXCC: Interpreting C compiler
| |
Download: | 7 1996, 1.2M)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O [P] Q R S T U V W X Y Z
PCSummary: | Serial port rtns. & VT100 emul. (C src only)
| |
Download: | 6 1991, 36K)
| | |
PC WindowsSummary: | PC Windows: C menu/window library w/full src
| |
Download: | 28 1991, 304.8K)
| | |
PCC12CSummary: | Personal C compiler. Fully functional, C WARE
| |
Download: | 20 1989, 171.6K)
| | |
PCL4CSummary: | Personal Communications Library for C/C++
| |
License: | Shareware
| |
Author: | Mike Marshall, MarshallSoft Computing, Inc.
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 7 1999, 154.6K)
| | |
Description: | Personal Communications Library for C/C++ v6.2. Real & protected mode DOS. Supports thru COM20 to 115200, 4+ ports concurrently, many dumb multiport boards, 16550, 16650, 16750 UARTs, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control, any UART address and IRQ, all memory models. Supports Watcom C/C++, Borland/Turbo C/C++, MIX Power C, & Microsoft C/C++.
| | | | |
PCPILOTSummary: | C programmer's TSR utility, with source
| |
Download: | 13 1990, 48.9K)
| | |
PCSOUNDSummary: | Plays many types of digitized sound files
| |
Download: | 20 1991, 216.6K)
| | |
PCTIMEVersion: | 2
| |
Summary: | Millisecond Resolution Timing Lib for DJGPP
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Author: | Chih-Hao Tsai
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 25 2000, 5.2K)
| | |
Description: | PCTimer reprograms the Programmable Interval Timer (8254/82C54) to get high frequency of System Timer Interrupt (IRQ0) whose default frequency is 18.2 Hz. Since the operating systems rely heavily on the System Timer Interrupt, increasing its frequency could cause instability. PCTimer hooks both protected and real mode int 8h handlers (default handler for System Timer Interrupt), reprograms 8254 to get higher frequency of interrupts, but calls the original handlers at a fixed frequency of 18.2 Hz.
| | | | |
PMPROSummary: | Protected mode DOS extender API
| |
Download: | 30 1995, 169K)
| | |
PMWSummary: | DOS/4GW replacement for WATCOM C/C++
| |
Download: | 29 1996, 139.8K)
| | |
Portable C srcSummary: | Portable C src: Pseudo-random number generator
| |
Download: | 13 1992, 3.6K)
| | |
PPCSummary: | 'Pretty Printer' for 'C' language sources
| |
Download: | 17 1988, 11.4K)
| | |
PPL4CSummary: | Protocol library for C/C++
| |
Download: | 10 1996, 81.8K)
| | |
PRFSummary: | Profiler for Microsoft 'C' programs
| |
Download: | 24 1988, 34.6K)
| | |
PROFILSummary: | C language EXE program profiler (source only)
| |
Download: | 4 1989, 13.1K)
| | |
PTRTUTSummary: | Text tutorial on C pointers (ASCII)
| |
Download: | 28 1996, 26.9K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P [Q] R S T U V W X Y Z
QLIBSummary: | PMODE-32 SDK. Freeware
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Author: | Peter Quiring, QLIB
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 4 1998, 825.9K)
| | |
Description: | A free PMODE-32 SDK. It includes standard C routines written in 32bit code. It also includes many powerful drivers for video, kbd and much more. Within are also a lot of utilites and batch files to help you use your compilers in conjuction with QLIB, to ease the process of creating your final projects.
| | | | |
QLIB v2.10 (PMODE/W SDK)Summary: | C Lib replacement
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Author: | Peter Quiring
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 3 1998, 601.5K)
| | |
Description: | QLIB is an almost complete C LIB replacement for any LIBs you may have. QLIB is 32bit ASM coded for use with DOS extenders. QLIB contains most C functions such as file IO, memory, FILE* streams. Plus more for video, kbd, packed files, compression, etc. QLIB supports Borland C++, Watcom C++, MS Vis C++, MASM, TASM, WASM and NASM. All you need is PMODE/W v1.31+ or DOS/4GW or WDOSX DOS extenders. QLIB also offers a 32bit LE-EXE debugger capable of running under any DPMI host (ie: Win95).
| | | | |
QSORTSummary: | Quick Sort in C
| |
Download: | qsort.c(Aug 6 1985, 4.7K)
| | |
QUIKCVersion: | 2.1
| |
Summary: | Quick screen utilities for Turbo C & MS C
| |
Download: | 4 1989, 68.2K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q [R] S T U V W X Y Z
RANDOM_CSummary: | C lang random number generator,one of the best
| |
Download: | 27 1990, 4K)
| | |
READINVersion: | 1.1
| |
Summary: | Convert any file to variable in a header file
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 12 1997, 31.5K)
| | |
Description: | ReadIn v1.1 will take the filename given at the command line and convert it into a variable useable by C that you will be able to extract from inside your program (ReadOut source code provided). The major use of this tool for programmers would be to make installation programs that extract multiple files from one executable. Other uses include: extracting graphic files for use in games or title screens, extracting sound files/drivers for programs that use sound, or extracting certain information files that a user would choose from a menu, etc. ReadIn v1.1 is Freeware and may be distributed freely without modification.
| | | | |
RECIOSummary: | C library reads/writes files as records/fields
| |
Download: | 29 1996, 172.2K)
| | |
REDIRECTSummary: | Feed line to shell w/stdin/stdout/stderr redir
| |
Download: | redirect.c(Apr 27 1989, 2.6K)
| | |
RESLBSummary: | Function library for Turbo-C to make TSRs
| |
Download: | 31 1987, 24.2K)
| | |
ROOTPATHSummary: | Convt pathname arg to root-based connical form
| |
Download: | rootpath.c(Jul 26 1986, 3K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R [S] T U V W X Y Z
SCALESummary: | Calc scaling parms for plotting, axes w/labels
| |
Download: | scale.cq(Sep 25 1985, 5.1K)
| | |
SCSIDRVRSummary: | 'C' source for SCSI disk drivers
| |
Download: | 9 1989, 10.2K)
| | |
SGVLIBSummary: | C library supporting for EGA/VGA text/graphics
| |
Download: | 5 1995, 68.2K)
| | |
SIMCSummary: | C/C++ function library for discrete simulation
| |
Download: | 3 1996, 60.6K)
| | |
SINESummary: | Sine functions in 'C'
| |
Download: | sine.c(Jun 1 1986, 5.9K)
| | |
SLDC51Version: | 4.1
| |
Summary: | C compiler for 8051
| |
License: | Demo.
| |
Download: | 14 1998, 415.9K)
| | |
Description: | The SLDC51 is 'C' cross compiler for 8051 which runs on DOS. It supports a subset of ANSI 'C' with many 8051 specific extensions. It also includes a Source Level Debugger - to simulate the 8051 micro-controller on PC. It allows the user to debug through his/her 'C' program on the PC without actually requiring the target hardware. Thus, it is a complete development + debugging tool. It comes with a comprehensive function library (includes trignometric functions such as sin, cos etc.). Supports many data types such char, int, long int, float and a special bit data type. 8051 (or a derivative) based systems developers may find it useful tool to complete their project ahead of schedule.
| | | | |
SLEEPSummary: | Millisecond-resolution delay function for 'C'
| |
Download: | 6 1987, 2.8K)
| | |
SMAKESummary: | Make utility for most compilers/linkers
| |
Download: | 14 1993, 27.4K)
| | |
SMOOTHSummary: | 'Lowness' and 'split linear' data smoothers
| |
Download: | 9 1991, 41K)
| | |
SNIPSummary: | ~2.4 Mb of free C source/info, 30% PC specific
| |
License: | Public Domain/Freeware
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 9 1997, 942.9K)
| | |
Description: | July'97 release of SNIPPETS - public domain/Freeware portable C source code and instructional text. >700 files, approx. 30% PC-specific, the rest portable. The PC-specific functions are system-level utility code - no multimedia or GUI code. Tested on all popular PC compilers plus gcc, SCO, and HP/UX compilers where possible. An eclectic collection containing everything from macros to complete cut-and-paste C code solutions and utilities, along with FAQ and instructional files. To make SNIPPETS, files must: 1) answer a "how do I..." C question, 2) be clever, and/or 3) present a solution to an obscure but knotty problem.
| | | | |
SNPDSummary: | Updates to (cf.)
| |
License: | Public Domain/Freeware
| |
Requires: | The conversion utility is for DOS only, but can run in a DOS box in other OS's which support it. Requires a virgin copy of to convert.
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 9 1997, 117.4K)
| | |
Description: | July '97 release of SNIPDIFF. Delta files and utilities (PC DOS only) to update a virgin copy of to See separate description of Note that SNIPDIFF will only work on a unaltered copy of snip9611 since its utilities validate each file from the old archive to assure that the resulting copy of snip9707 is functionally undistinguishable from the master distribution archive. Also note that SNIPDIFF will not work with any previous release of SNIPPETS other than snip9611.
| | | | |
Sphinx C--Summary: | Compiler, examples & source
| |
License: | Greenware (Freeware that respects the environment)
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 28 1996, 640.2K)
| | |
Description: | Sphinx C-- is a half way point between C and 8086 assembly. This is the final release of Sphinx C--. This package includes the compiler, workbench, examples and source. The advantage of using C-- is the creation of very small and tight utilities.
| | | | |
SPLINESummary: | Interpolate using splines under tension
| |
Download: | 10 1992, 60K)
| | |
SPWNOSummary: | Disk/EMS/EXT/INT15-swapping spawn() replacemnt
| |
Download: | 11 1992, 100.3K)
| | |
STEPH1DSummary: | C libraries for DOS text mode user interface
| |
Download: | 4 1995, 269.3K)
| | |
STGDKVersion: | 3.2
| |
Summary: | Stellar Game Development Kit v3.2 for DOS, 1/2
| |
License: | Shareware
| |
Author: | company member
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 15 1997, 1.2M)
| | |
Description: | The Stellar Game Development Kit is a development library for Watcom C/C++ that aids you in the creation of 2D games. Includes powerful 2D engine library, Map Editor, Sprite Editor, and other utilities. The registered version includes Sound System and High Resolution handler.
| | | | |
STGDKVersion: | 3.2
| |
Summary: | Stellar Game Development Kit v3.2 for DOS, 2/2
| |
License: | Shareware
| |
Author: | company member
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 15 1997, 965.3K)
| | |
Description: | The Stellar Game Development Kit is a development library for Watcom C/C++ that aids you in the creation of 2D games. Includes powerful 2D engine library, Map Editor, Sprite Editor, and other utilities. The registered version includes Sound System and High Resolution handler.
| | | | |
SWAPSummary: | C routines allow swap of app to disk, XMS, EMS
| |
Download: | 3 1990, 82.4K)
| | |
SYSTEMSummary: | C src for system() w/redirection & exit status
| |
Download: | 22 1992, 4.8K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S [T] U V W X Y Z
T2CSummary: | Microsoft's Turbo Pascal to C translator
| |
Download: | 1 1987, 100.7K)
| | |
TABXSummary: | Filter that expands TABs to SPACEs
| |
Download: | tabx.c(Feb 23 1990, 3.4K)
| | |
TAGSSummary: | TAGS file system for C and Epsilon
| |
Download: | tags.c(Jul 12 1986, 72.4K)
| | |
TCIOSummary: | Input/output functions for C and C++
| |
Download: | 19 1995, 75.4K)
| | |
TDATSummary: | Date and Time functions for C and C++
| |
Download: | 22 1995, 25.5K)
| | |
TEACH-CSummary: | VG C tutor, great display format, w/ quizzes
| |
Download: | 6 1986, 82K)
| | |
TEGLCSummary: | Graphical windowing toolkit demo (TC/MSC)
| |
Download: | 28 1990, 312K)
| | |
TESTDIRSummary: | Directory checkout (optional)
| |
Download: | 10 1989, 2.6K)
| | |
TGASAVESummary: | C source to save Truecolor Targa (TGA) images
| |
Download: | 29 1993, 11K)
| | |
THREADSummary: | C Reference guide
| |
Download: | 13 1986, 32.4K)
| | |
TOOLS4CSummary: | Shareware windowing package for C programmers
| |
Download: | 15 1987, 86.2K)
| | |
TRANSummary: | Random Number Generators for C and C++
| |
Download: | 9 1995, 24.1K)
| | |
TSDSummary: | Finds given C-function in a set of C-files
| |
Download: | 10 1995, 14.9K)
| | |
TSR-ASMSummary: | C-callable assembler routines to go TSR
| |
Download: | 5 1988, 14.8K)
| | |
TSRCSummary: | TSRs in C, source code from Computer Language
| |
Download: | 5 1988, 9.6K)
| | |
TXMSSummary: | C Functions for Extended Memory Access Via XMS
| |
Download: | 20 1995, 15.9K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T [U] V W X Y Z
U16PCSummary: | 'C' language source for 'uncompress' for PC
| |
Download: | 7 1988, 9K)
| | |
UNDOC-CLVersion: | 4.0
| |
Summary: | Undocumented C compiler switches (MS-C)
| |
Download: | undoc-cl.swi(Jul 9 1987, 2.9K)
| | |
UNITSSummary: | Powerful unit conversion program
| |
Download: | 2 1987, 7.6K)
| | |
UNIXCLIBSummary: | Unix/C functions in MASM for DeSmet C
| |
Download: | unixclib.asm(Oct 14 1985, 9.7K)
| | |
UPDATESummary: | Copy new/altered files, with confirmation
| |
Download: | update.c(Aug 26 1989, 17.5K)
| | |
UWVersion: | 2.10
| |
Summary: | UltraWin version windowing C library
| |
Download: | 10 1992, 167.2K)
| | |
UWDEMOSSummary: | Sample programs, etc., with UltraWin C lib
| |
Download: | 31 1992, 79.2K)
| | |
UWFONTEDSummary: | Font Editor/samples for UltraWin C library
| |
Download: | 11 1991, 50.3K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T [U] V W X Y Z
VLIBSummary: | Watcom C, SVGA/VESA2.0 gfx programming library
| |
License: | Fully functional evaluation version
| |
Requires: | Watcom C 10.0+
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 15 1997, 901.8K)
| | |
Description: | Fully functional evaluation version of a Watcom C, DOS based SVGA/VESA 2.0/linear frame buffer library. Emphasizes fast, auto animating, auto moving, transparent, light or shadow like sprites (as well as "normal"). Also, 64 channel Sound Blaster support including spooling unlimited size sound effects from disk with minimal memory usage. File formats include PCX, TGA, BMP and WAV support. I/O includes keyboard, mouse, joystick, serial. Miscellaneous mentionables: timer control, 160 manual, utilities and examples.
| | | | |
VM10_ARHSummary: | VGA/SVGA graphics mode mouse cursors library
| |
Download: | 25 1996, 60.3K)
| | |
VMOUSEVersion: | 2.2
| |
Summary: | VGA/SVGA Mouse cursors using VESA/VBE2.x
| |
License: | Public Domain
| |
Requires: | This version requires a Watcom C/C++ compiler and a DOS-extender such as DOS4GW or PMODEW.
| |
Download: | 19 1997, 367.6K)
| | |
Description: | VMOUSE v2.2 is a library of code to support the use of mouse cursors in most VGA and SVGA graphics modes. For VESA modes both bank-switched and linear frame buffer modes are supported. Depending on the underlying VESA implementation the cursor library can use 16-color, 256-color, high-color (32k, 64k) and true-color (24-bit, 32-bit pixel) graphics modes. When using a 16-color graphics mode, color reduction is applied if the cursor bitmap in use uses colors from a 256-color palette. This means that a particular application has the flexibility to use both 16-color or 256-color video modes without any code changes. When using high-color or true-color modes the built-in cursor bitmaps are converted so to conform to the graphics mode memory layout in use. A cursor bitmap can use any colors supported by a particular graphics mode, and can be a rectangle of any size. The cursor also includes hot-spot definition. Cursor animation is supported by allowing a series of cursor bitmaps being installed during application run-time as a 'background' process. The VMOUSE library comes with built-in cursors such as left-arrow, hand and cross-bar. A demo program, mus.exe, demonstrates the use of the cursor library.
| | | | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V [W] X Y Z
WGTSummary: | WordUp Graphics Toolkit for Borland/Turbo C
| |
Download: | 13 1996, 1.5M)
| | |
WGT51_RSummary: | Watcom C/C++ graphics programming library
| |
Download: | 14 1996, 1.6M)
| | |
WILDFSummary: | Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src
| |
Download: | 6 1991, 22.7K)
| | |
Windows Function LibraryVersion: | 1.02
| |
Summary: | LFN in DOS
| |
License: | Freeware
| |
Author: | Ivo Palli
| |
Email: |
| |
Download: | 28 1998, 4.3K)
| | |
Description: | WFL v1.02 is a library of functions to let you use Win95/98 enhancements in a DOS box. All you need to do is include it with your own code and call the functions. Examples are given in the source itself. Should be easy to use, and needs no or little adaptation to work the way you want it to. Could be useful as an example on how to call interrupts, since the source is heavily commented and easy to read.
| | | | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W [X] Y Z
XMMAPISummary: | Extended memory access functions w/ source
| |
License: | Public Domain release
| |
Requires: | MS C 6.00A or above, MS MASM 6.0 or above.
| |
Email: |
| |
Homepage: |
| |
Download: | 12 1997, 101K)
| | |
Description: | xmmapi is a full implementation of the XMS 2.0 API. It allows programmers to take advantage of extended memory for storing very large data objects without resorting to a DOS extender. The package includes full source in assembler and a test/demo program in C. A link-ready object for large memory model applications is also included. In addition, the package also contains the original Microsoft public-domain distribution of the XMS 2.0 specification with sources, sample code, and extensive documentation. This package is "Freeware" and is released into the public domain with no restrictions. No additional versions planned.
| | | | |
XMSIFSummary: | XMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++]
| |
Download: | 15 1993, 57.1K)
| | |
XMSLBSummary: | XMS library for Turbo/Borland C/C++, w/source
| |
Download: | 1 1991, 17.7K)
| | |
XRFSummary: | C crossref lister w/Computer Innovations C src
| |
Download: | 5 1985, 29.8K)
| | |
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X [Y] Z
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y [Z]
ZCCSummary: | Small C compiler, assembler and linker for DOS
| |
Download: | 4 1996, 245.6K)
| | |
ZGLOBSummary: | *argv[] wildcard file expansion, Zortech C
| |
Download: | 20 1992, 2.3K)
| | |
ZTIMERSummary: | Microsecond accuracy timer for C, C++, ASM
| |
Download: | 16 1996, 107.7K)
| | |