These programs are XP compatible and are in the public domain. Most run under Vista/Win7/Win10 32bit. XPMode will allow programs to run on a
Win7 64bit. All of these programs run on my Win10 Pro OS.
With Microsoft killing XP by refusing to provide security fixes to their programming, XP users are being forced to
go to Win7/Win8/Win10 or better still, Puppy Linux.
Linux, using Wine, will allow you to continue using your XP tools on
older hardware. Perhaps getting off the malware prone Microsoft OS's is a good idea. Apple/MAC is too expensive
just to get a 'NIX' system with a GUI.
To install Win10 on older laptop that can run Win7. 32bit apps do not run on win64 very well if at all.
1. Install Win7 32bit (recommend Pro version).
2. Make sure all device drivers are working (video, sound, wifi, NIC) - see Device Driver control panel.
3. Connect to Microsoft website and intitiate Win10 upgrade. Will install Win10 Pro 32bit. XP apps will run.
Win10 works on Dell Lattitude D610, E5420, 2100/2110/2120 with 1.5-4GB ram.