This document contains the following roo! example programs.
alarmer | perform commands by time of day |
asc2html | converts a marked up Ascii text file to HTML |
blueMoonGenie | discovers next blue moon |
calc | a Classic Rexx desk calculator |
checksum | computes a file checksum |
copytext | uses array indexing to copy text lines from default input to default output |
csv2xml | converts a comma-separated value (CSV) file to an XML equivalent |
deal | deals a hand of cards, initial program |
dir2csv | prepares a summary of the current directory as a comma-separated value (CSV) file |
folie | displays a graph of Descartes' folie: x3 + y3 - 3 x y = 0 |
fullMoonGenie | discovers all of the full moons within the current year |
getHostIp | gets the IP address of a TCP/IP host |
getHostName | gets the host name of an IP address |
getHtmlKeywords | extracts keywords from HTML file meta information |
getModuleSizeAndChecksum | extracts information from multiple lines produced by a command |
in2out | copies default input stream contents to default output stream |
linearProgram | finds optimal solution for a series of linear inequalities |
lottery | shows 6 lottery picks, between 1 and 49 |
make | a program that processes a MAKE script |
matrixOperation | a program that performs various matrix algebra computations |
polynomialMultiplication | multiplies 2 polynomials |
qt | query time, with various output destinations |
qtVoice | query time, with voice output, once |
qtVoiceEndless | query time, with voice output, endlessly |
quipDuJour | shows a quip du jour, from a file argument |
rootFinder | discovers the roots of a polynomial equation, having one variable. the quadratic formula is used if the polynomial is quadratic. |
rooTry | an interactive command shell |
showQuip | show a quip du jour, from the default input stream |
solveIt | solves a family of simultaneous equations (a TopHat program) |
sumDisk | disk space summarization |
tickler | tickle file reminder program |
timesTable | prepares a multiplication table |
towersOfHanoi | towers of hanoi, initial program |
udpClient | socket example program -- UDP client |
udpServer | socket example program -- UDP server |
urlget | socket example program -- fetches the contents of a URL |
winlist | lists active windows .. using ExternalClass 'winlist.dll' |
xmlTree | converts an XML file to a tree, and prints the tree |
The supporting class files are:
audiotext.roo | a text stream output class that emits text as audio output |
commandOutputLines.roo | converts output of a command to a vector |
date.roo | provides functionality similar to the date built-in function, for a specific base date, or for a specific month, day, and year. |
deal.roo | deals a hand of cards |
hanoiStack.roo | a stack class extension that is used by the towers of hanoi program |
htmlnote.roo | a text stream output class that displays an HTML note |
htmltext.roo | a text stream output class that emits HTML note text |
marquee.roo | a text stream output class that emits an HTML marquee |
mathX.roo | extensions to the Math built-in class (hyperbolicSine, inverseHyperbolicSine, etc.) |
mathXX_ice.roo | an _ice file that defines the additional Math functions -- GammaFunction( X ) & lnGammaFunction( X ) |
matrix.roo | provides basic MxN matrix access capabilities, using a derivation of the 'table' built-in class |
msgbox.roo | message box output class |
outtext.roo | text stream output class |
qt.roo | query time class |
randomSequence.roo | random sequence generator |
sumdisk.roo | disk space summarization class |
towersOfHanoi.roo | towers of hanoi |
winlist.roo | worker class associated with winlist.rooProgram |
xmltext.roo | a text stream output class that emits an XML note |
xmlTree.roo | converts a list of XML lines to a tree, and can print the tree |
The supporting ExternalClass files are:
winlist.h | winlist C++ header file -- of winfile.dll |
winlist.cpp | winlist C++ source file -- of winfile.dll |
An external C++ program that executes the roo.dll, and the associated roo program are::
testRooDll.cpp | testRooDll C++ source file |
extroo.rooProgram | externally invoked roo program, that executes within roo.dll |
Various math function graphs are prepared by the following programs. These use the related Poof! GraphIt program to display the graph.
naturalLogarithmGraph | plots ln( x ) | |
naturalPowerGraph | plots ex | |
sineGraph | plots sine( x ) | |
cosineGraph | plots cosine( x ) | |
tangentGraph | plots tangent( x ) | |
cosecantGraph | plots cosecant( x ) | |
secantGraph | plots secant( x ) | |
cotangentGraph | plots cotangent( x ) | |
arcSineGraph | plots arcsin( x ) | |
arcCosineGraph | plots arccos( x ) | |
arcTangentGraph | plots arctan( x ) | |
arcCosecantGraph | plots arcCosecant( x ) | |
arcSecantGraph | plots arcSecant( x ) | |
arcCotangentGraph | plots arcCotangent( x ) | |
hyperbolicSineGraph | plots sinh( x ) | uses: mathX.roo |
hyperbolicCosineGraph | plots cosh( x ) | uses: mathX.roo |
hyperbolicTangentGraph | plots tanh( x ) | uses: mathX.roo |
hyperbolicCosecantGraph | plots hyperbolicCosecant( x ) | |
hyperbolicSecantGraph | plots hyperbolicSecant( x ) | |
hyperbolicCotangentGraph | plots hyperbolicCotangent( x ) | |
inverseHyperbolicSineGraph | plots sinh-1( x ) | uses: mathX.roo |
inverseHyperbolicCosineGraph | plots cosh-1( x ) | uses: mathX.roo |
inverseHyperbolicTangentGraph | plots tanh-1( x ) | uses: mathX.roo |
inverseHyperbolicCosecantGraph | plots inverseHyperbolicCosecant( x ) | |
inverseHyperbolicSecantGraph | plots inverseHyperbolicSecant( x ) | |
inverseHyperbolicCotangentGraph | plots inverseHyperbolicCotangent( x ) |
-- alarmer.rooProgram -- this program processes time of day alarms in 'alarms.asc' -- the format of an alarm line is: -- HH:MM . Command -- lines that begin with a ';' are ignored. if arg( 1 ) <> '' then signal usagemsg -- the 'alarms' object locates commands associated with a time -- alarms[ time ] => command alarms = ^^ map -- read alarm definitions in 'alarms.asc' alarmLines = ^^ inLineFile( 'alarms.asc' ) loop ix over alarmLines parse value alarmLines[ ix ] with time . cmd if left( time, 1 ) = ';' then iterate alarms[ time ] = cmd say time '==>' cmd end trace 'Commands' signal on halt -- exit normally when halt is requested say 'Press Ctrl+Break to halt...' do forever parse value time() with hh':'mm':' now = hh':'mm cmd = alarms[ now ] -- get command for time if cmd <> '' then do say now '==>' cmd cmd -- perform associated command alarms ~ removeAt( now ) if alarms ~ isEmpty then -- no more alarms ? leave say 'Press Ctrl+Break to halt...' end call nap 60000 -- take a 1 minute nap end halt : exit 0 usagemsg : say 'Usage:' say ' roo alarmer' say say 'Note: alarms are defined in file -- alarms.asc'
/* asc2html.rooProgram ASC2HTML is a program that converts marked up Ascii text to a HTML file Usage: roo asc2html [options] < infile > outfile.htm 'infile' is an Ascii text file that is marked up using the legend shown below. 'options' is one of: /? => show usage message /H[elp] => show usage message (1st two characters suffice) /N[umberHeadings] => number heading levels, i.e. Example: roo asc2html < roo.asc > roo.htm Returns: 0 => success non-0 => error (invalid option, or empty input file) Note: The asc2html program is a very helpful program for rapidly preparing simple HTML files. Many of the HTML files that are provided by Kilowatt Software were prepared by this program! For example, the roo!(TM) User's Guide was prepared by converting the roo.asc file to the roo.htm web page! You can study the roo.asc file to gain an understanding of how various Ascii markup triggers are used to compose the resulting HTML file. You should expect to spend a little time learning how to markup Ascii files initially. After a short learning period you will be able to prepare HTML files quickly. If you encounter any stumbling blocks you can send an e-mail to for assistance. Legend: Input lines are marked up as follows: CoRest ^^^ ||| 123 C : main formatting trigger (1st character in line) o : optional trigger (used with '+' and '`' triggers only) (2nd character in line) Rest : text to format (starts in column 3, and proceeds for remainder of line) Main formatting trigger -- ch[1]: ; remarkLine -- ignored ' ' untriggered line < HTML text written as-is I ascFileName -- Imbed marked up ascFileName @ preformattedFileName -- imbed preformatted file -- Rexx program, etc. ` commandLine -- writes output of command line `u commandLine -- writes output of command line, UNFORMATTED ~ Begin escaped section -- script, etc . End escaped section + HeadingText - ends a heading level a urlTarget anchorText A spotText anchorText b break [followed by optional text] c centeredText i imageSrc rest p paragraph break [followed by optional text] r horizontal return [followed by optional text] v singleLine <DIV> ... </div> /* lists and tables */ D starts a definition list O starts an ordered list U starts an unordered list T starts a table x starts an indented box of arbitrary width X starts a box that is 80% as wide as the browser window / ends a list, or table, or box l ListItemText -or- tableItem^tableItem^... /* table columns are delimited by carets */ /* long table lines can be continued by a trailing ' +' */ h tableHeader^tableHeader^... /* table headers are delimited by carets */ L BoldListItemText d DefinitionText t DefinitionTermText z => omit 'Last Updated ...' line at end */ /* process 'options' */ arg options +2 . /* process 'help requests' */ if either( options, '/H', '/?' ) then call usagemsg /* and exit! */ /* validate 'options' */ if options <> '' & options <> '/N' then call usagemsg "Unrecognized program option: " arg(1) enumerateHeadings = ( '/N' = options ) /* set optional enumerateHeadings boolean */ /* show message that indicates default input stream is being read * in case, a redirected input file is not provided */ call lineout !, "Asc2Html: reading input..." /* assert input file has lines to process */ if lines() = 0 then call usagemsg "The input file is empty" /* initialize controls */ heading = 0 /* heading depth */ level. = 0 /* active heading level for each depth */ listtype = '' /* 1st character indicates active list or table type */ escaped = 0 /* escape section active boolean indicator */ topLine = 0 /* 1 => top line within box */ showLastUpdatedLine = 1 /* 1 => show 'Last Updated ...' line at end */ addTabLinks = pos( 'PRESENTATION', translate( stream( '', 'C', 'chdir' ) ) ) > 0 topOptions = strip( linein() ) do while right( topOptions, 2 ) = ' +' topOptions = substr( topOptions, 1, length( topOptions ) - 2 ) , || strip( linein() ) end parse var topOptions title '^' metaKeywords '~' bodyOptions /* write HTML heading section * the 1st input line is the HTML file's title */ say '<HTML>' say '<HEAD>' say '<TITLE>' strip( title ) '</TITLE>' if metaKeywords <> '' then say '<META name="keywords" content="'metaKeywords'">' say '<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" HREF="kwsw.css">' say '</HEAD>' if bodyOptions <> '' then say '<BODY' bodyOptions'>' else say '<BODY background=backgrnd.gif bgcolor=LIGHTSTEELBLUE>' call processLines '' /* write HTML conclusion section */ say '<p>' if showLastUpdatedLine then say '<p><center><i>Last updated on:' date()'</center><p>' say '</BODY>' say '</HTML>' exit 0 /* exit with code 0 => success */ processLines : /* procedure EXPOSEALL ! */ /* process input lines */ do lines( arg(1) ) lin = linein( arg(1) ) /* get another input line */ /* process escaped text * escaped text is triggered by a line that begins with a tilde (~) * it concludes with a line that begins with a period (.) * all text between these two lines is written as-is */ if escaped then do if lin = '.' then escaped = 0 /* end of escaped text */ else if lin = ';beginSyntax' | lin = ';endSyntax' then iterate else do if left( translate( lin ), 6 ) = '</PRE>' then escaped = 0 /* implicit escape conclusion ! */ say lin /* write text as-is */ end end else if lin = '' then say '<p>' /* empty lines indicate paragraph separation */ else do /* other input lines are marked up as follows: * ch[1] : main formatting trigger * ch[2] : an optional formatting trigger (used with '+' heading trigger only) * rest : text to format */ parse var lin ch +1 +1 rest rest = strip( rest, 'T' ) /* process line by main formatting trigger */ select when ch = ' ' then /* untriggered line */ say rest when ch = 'l' then do /* list, table, or box row */ if pos( left( listtype, 1 ), 'TX' ) = 0 then /* HTML list item */ say '<LI>'rest else if left( listtype, 1 ) = 'X' then do /* 'X' => box row */ if topLine then say ' 'rest else say '<BR> 'rest topLine = 0 end else do /* 'T' => table row */ /* table rows can be lengthy, so allow continuation with ' +' at end of stripped line */ do while right( rest, 2 ) = ' +' rest = substr( rest, 1, length( rest ) - 2 ) , || '<br>'strip( linein( arg(1) ) ) /* an implicit <br> tag is also added */ end say '<TR>' do while rest <> '' parse var rest segment '^' rest /* table columns are delimited by carets */ say '<TD valign=top>'segment'</TD>' end say '</TR>' end end when ch = 'b' then /* break */ say '<BR>'rest when ch = 'p' then /* paragraph break */ say '<P>'rest when ch = '<' then do /* formatted HTML text line */ upperLin = translate( lin ) if left( upperLin, 5 ) = '<PRE>' then escaped = 1 * ( 0 = pos( '</PRE>', upperLin ) ) /* implicit escape ! */ say lin end when ch = '/' then /* list, table, or box conclusion */ if queued() > 0 then do listtype = substr( listtype, 2 ) /* reduce active lists or tables */ parse pull qline /* get list or table conclusion line */ say qline end when ch = '~' then /* begin escaped section */ escaped = 1 when ch = ';' then /* commented text */ iterate when ch = '-' then do /* end of heading section */ call value 'level.' || ( heading + 1 ), 0 /* next level is concluded */ heading = heading - 1 /* reduce heading depth */ end when ch = '+' then do /* new heading level */ ch2 = substr( lin, 2, 1 ) /* non-blank ch[2] => 1st word is a heading id */ heading = heading + 1 /* increase heading level */ level.heading = level.heading + 1 /* increase heading depth for this level */ if ch2 = ' ' then /* identifier-less heading */ text = '<H'heading'>' else do text = '<H'heading parse var rest id rest text = text 'ID="'id'">' /* add heading identifier */ end /* prefix the heading text with a link so that the heading can be a tab target !! */ if addTabLinks then text = text '<a href="#"><small>•</small></a> ' /* prepare optional heading numbers */ if enumerateHeadings then do number = '' do i=heading to 1 by -1 number = level.i || copies( '.'number, number <> '' ) end text = text number rest end else text = text rest /* prepare numberless heading */ say text '</H'heading'>' end when ch = 'r' then /* horizontal return */ say '<HR>'rest when ch = 'L' then /* bold list item */ say '<LI><b>'rest'</b>' when ch = 'd' then /* definition list item */ say '<DD><b>'rest'</b>' when ch = 't' then /* definition list text */ say '<DT>'rest when ch = 'i' then do /* image */ parse var rest src rest say '<IMG SRC="'src'"' rest'>' end when ch = 'v' then /* division */ say '<DIV>'rest'</DIV>' when ch = 'c' then /* centered text */ say '<center>'rest'</center>' when ch = 'a' then do /* link */ parse var rest file rest say '<A HREF="'file'">' rest '</A>' end when ch = 'A' then do /* anchor */ parse var rest spot rest say '<A NAME="'spot'">' rest '</A>' end when ch = 'D' then do /* new definition list */ say '<ul><DL' rest'>' push '</DL></ul>' end when ch = 'U' then do /* new unordered list */ listtype = 'U'listtype say '<UL' rest'>' push '</UL>' end when ch = 'O' then do /* new ordered list */ listtype = 'O'listtype say '<OL' rest'>' push '</OL>' end when ch = 'T' then do /* new table */ listtype = 'T'listtype if rest <> '' then say '<ul><TABLE' rest'>' else say '<ul><TABLE border=1>' push '</TABLE></ul>' end when ch = 'x' then do /* new box */ listtype = 'X'listtype if rest <> '' then say '<ul><TABLE border=1 cellspacing=5' rest'><TR><TD>' else say '<ul><TABLE border=1 cellspacing=5><TR><TD>' push '</TD></TR></TABLE></ul>' topLine = 1 end when ch = 'X' then do /* new box */ listtype = 'X'listtype if rest <> '' then say '<ul><TABLE border=1 cellspacing=5 width=80%' rest'><TR><TD>' else say '<ul><TABLE border=1 cellspacing=5 width=80%><TR><TD>' push '</TD></TR></TABLE></ul>' topLine = 1 end when ch = 'h' then do /* table header row */ say '<TR>' do while rest <> '' parse var rest segment '^' rest /* table headers are delimited by carets */ say '<TH>'segment'</TH>' end say '</TR>' end when ch = 'I' then do call lineout !, 'Imbedding' rest '...' call processLines rest /* imbed fileName */ end when ch = '@' then do heading = heading + 1 /* increase heading level */ level.heading = level.heading + 1 /* increase heading depth for this level */ call lineout !, 'Imbedding, preformatted:' rest '...' call imbedPreformattedLines rest /* imbed fileName */ call value 'level.' || ( heading + 1 ), 0 /* next level is concluded */ heading = heading - 1 /* reduce heading depth */ end when ch = '`' then do /* backquote -- command output */ formatted = translate( substr( lin, 2, 1 ) ) <> 'U' newstack rest '(stack' if queued() > 0 then do if formatted then say '<pre>' do queued() parse pull qline if formatted then call charout , '<br>' say qline end if formatted then say '</pre>' end delstack end when ch = 'z' then showLastUpdatedLine = 0 otherwise say rest /* whatever */ end end end if arg(1) <> '' then call lineout arg(1) /* close the file */ return /* processLines */ imbedPreformattedLines : /*procedure*/ say '<hr width=20 align=left>' say '<a name='arg(1)'>' text = '<H'2'>' /* instead of 2, 'heading' could be specified */ if enumerateHeadings then do number = '' do i=heading to 1 by -1 number = level.i || copies( '.'number, number <> '' ) end text = text number end if pos( '\', arg(1) ) > 0 then say text substr( arg(1), 1 + lastpos( '\', arg(1) ) ) || '</H'2'>' /* instead of 2, 'heading' could be specified */ else say text arg(1) || '</H'2'>' /* instead of 2, 'heading' could be specified */ keywords = 'ADDRESS ARG CALL CATCH CLASS DO DROP ELSE END EXIT FINALLY IF INTERPRET ITERATE THEN LEAVE LOOP METHOD', 'NOP NUMERIC ! OPTIONS OTHERWISE PARSE PROCEDURE PULL PUSH QUEUE RETURN SAY SELECT SIGNAL TRACE WHEN', 'LOCAL SHARED STATIC', 'NEWSTACK DELSTACK MAKEBUF DROPBUF' say '<ul>' say '<pre>' do lines( arg(1) ) lin = convertToSafeHtml( linein( arg(1) ) ) /* get another input line */ -- add coloration of special characters if verify( lin, '~^{}', 'Match' ) > 0 then do before = { '~', '^^', '^ ', '{', '}' } after = { '<span class=special>~</span>', '<span class=special>^^</span>', '<span class=special>^</span> ', '<span class=special>{</span>', '<span class=special>}</span>' } loop ix over before lin = changestr( lin, before[ ix ], after[ ix ] ) end end parse var lin before ':' after if after <> '' & 1 = words( before ) then say '<b><span style="color: green">'before'</span> :</b>' after else if pos( translate( word( lin, 1 ) ), keywords ) > 0 then do if left( lin, 1 ) = ' ' then say copies( ' ', verify( lin, ' ', 'NoMatch' ) - 1 )'<b><span style="color: mediumblue">'word( lin, 1 )'</span></b>' subword( lin, 2 ) else say '<b><span style="color: mediumblue">'word( lin, 1 )'</span></b>' subword( lin, 2 ) end else say lin end say '</pre>' say '</ul>' call lineout arg(1) /* close the file ! */ return -- the 'convertToSafeHtml' procedure transforms special HTML characters -- to their corresponding HTML equivalents convertToSafeHtml : procedure s = changestr( arg(1), '&', '&' ) if verify( s, '<>', 'Match' ) = 0 then return s -- replace the special XML entities -- note: these are special HTML entities also before = { '<', '>' } after = { '<', '>' } loop ix over before s = changestr( s, before[ ix ], after[ ix ] ) end return s /* EITHER procedure * determines if 1st argument matches the 2nd or 3rd argument */ either : procedure parse arg term, choice1, choice2 return term = choice1 | term = choice2 /* USAGEMSG procedure * shows optional note and usage information * then always exits with a code of 1 => error */ usagemsg : /* show optional note */ if arg(1) <> '' then call lineout !, arg(1) call lineout !, 'Usage:' call lineout !, ' roo ASC2HTML [/NumberHeadings] < infile.asc > outfile.htm' exit 1
-- blueMoonGenie.rooProgram -- discovers next blue moon -- uses 'fullMoon_ice.rooProgram' to determine -- the date of the Nth full moon after Jan 1, 2000 arg noteType -- get type of 'note' to display -- get today's base date baseDateToday = date( 'Base' ) -- establish 'date' class instance (see date.roo) nthDate = ^^ date -- iterate until the next blue moon is discovered do N=1 call charout !, '.' -- let user know program is progressing -- get the base date of the Nth full moon -- after January 1, 2000 baseDateOfFullMoonN = fullMoon_ice( N ) -- analyze full moon with base date -- greater than or equal to today's base date if baseDateOfFullMoonN >= baseDateToday then do -- set date associated with 'date' class instance nthDate ~ setDate( baseDateOfFullMoonN ) -- if the day of the month is greater than 29 -- then it's a blue moon ! if 29 < word( nthDate ~ getDate( 'Normal' ), 1 ) then do call lineout !, '' blueMoonText = nthDate ~ getDate( 'Weekday' )',' nthDate ~ toString select when noteType = 'NOTE' then ! 'start vuhtml "{The next blue moon is:' blueMoonText'}" note.htm' when noteType = 'MARQUEE' then ! 'showNote' '"The next blue moon is:' blueMoonText'"' otherwise say 'The next blue moon is:' blueMoonText end leave end end end exit 0
-- arcCosecantGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the arcCosecant function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 10 graphPropsFile = 'arcCosecantGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# arcCosecantGraph.props -- created by program: arcCosecantGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'colorSet=mediumblue;mediumgreen' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineCount=2' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=ArcCsc X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet1=' do i=-xLimit to 0 by .1 if math ~ arcCosecant( i ) <> 'undefined' then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ arcCosecant( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet2=' do i=0 to xLimit by .1 if math ~ arcCosecant( i ) <> 'undefined' then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ arcCosecant( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- arccosineGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the arccosine function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ math xLimit = 1 yLimit = 4 graphPropsFile = 'arccosineGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# arccosineGraph.props -- created by program: arccosineGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=ArcCos X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the parabola points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .05 if 'undefined' <> math ~ arccosine( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ arccosine( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- arcCotangentGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the arcCotangent function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 10 graphPropsFile = 'arcCotangentGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# arcCotangentGraph.props -- created by program: arcCotangentGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'colorSet=mediumblue;mediumgreen' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineCount=2' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=ArcCot X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet1=' do i=-xLimit to 0 by .1 if math ~ arcCotangent( i ) <> 'undefined' then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ arcCotangent( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet2=' do i=0 to xLimit by .1 if math ~ arcCotangent( i ) <> 'undefined' then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ arcCotangent( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- arcSecantGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the arcSecant function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 10 graphPropsFile = 'arcSecantGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# arcSecantGraph.props -- created by program: arcSecantGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'colorSet=mediumblue;mediumgreen' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineCount=2' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=ArcSec X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet1=' do i=-xLimit to -1 by .1 if math ~ arcSecant( i ) <> 'undefined' then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ arcSecant( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet2=' do i=1 to xLimit by .1 if math ~ arcSecant( i ) <> 'undefined' then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ arcSecant( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- arcsineGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the arcsine function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ math xLimit = 1 yLimit = 2 graphPropsFile = 'arcsineGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# arcsineGraph.props -- created by program: arcsineGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=ArcSin X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .05 if 'undefined' <> math ~ arcsine( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ arcsine( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- arcTangentGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the arcTangent function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ math xLimit = 10 yLimit = 2 graphPropsFile = 'arcTangentGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# arcTangentGraph.props -- created by program: arcTangentGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=ArcTan X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .1 call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ arcTangent( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
/* audiotext.roo a class that collects stream output to a text value */ audiotext : class extends outtext -- text is collected by the 'outtext' class shared text -- 'text' is a shared symbol in the 'outtext' class emit : method ! 'WAVE' text -- text is emitted to the 'wave.exe' program. -- each word within the text symbol is -- considered a .WAV file name, -- with an implicit ".WAV" extension. -- english text is spoken if the wave file -- is a recording of the associated word ! return ^ self -- an audiotext instance context reference
/* calc.rex -- a Classic Rexx desk calculator this program can be executed by any Classic Rexx interpreter Keywords Numerical calculator, Generic REXX expression calculator, INTERPRET example, REXX expression experimentation Usage roo calc any_REXX_expression Arguments A REXX expression Files used Standard output Exit codes 0 => expression performed non-0 => usage error Input record format N/A Sample input file N/A Sample output 13 ** 47 is: 2.26640520E+52 Example of use [1] roo calc 13 ** 47 ---> 2.26640520E+52 [2] roo calc dirs('\*') [3] roo calc files('*.rex') [4] roo calc words('To be, or not to be') Explanation This procedure is used to compute the value of any REXX expression. In the examples above, [1] Calculates 13 raised to an exponent of 47 [2] Shows all subdirectories of the root directory [3] Shows files matching pattern "*.rex" within the current directory [4] Shows the number of words in the quotation As simple as this procedure looks it is a highly capable calculator! */ if arg(1) = "" | arg(1) = "?" then signal usagemsg parse arg inargs /* acquire requested REXX expression */ if verify( inargs, '()', 'Match' ) > 0 then inargs = inargs || optional_paren( inargs ) interpret 'say inargs "is:"' inargs /* what you get is what you say */ exit 0 usagemsg: say "Usage" say " roo calc any_REXX_expression" say "" say " Examples of use" say " [1] roo calc 13 ** 47 ---> 2.26640523E+52" say " [2] roo calc dirs('\*')" say " [3] roo calc files('*.rex')" say " [4] roo calc words('To be, or not to be')" exit 1 optional_paren : procedure arg inargs count = 0 do while inargs <> '' p = verify( inargs, '()', 'Match' ) if p = 0 then leave count = count + word( '-1 1', 1 + (substr( inargs, p, 1 ) = ')' ) ) inargs = substr( inargs, p+1 ) end return substr( ')', 1, count < 0 )
-- checksum.rooProgram parse arg fileName . if fileName = '' then signal usagemsg -- prepare two bit vectors checksum = ^^ bitvector ~ resize( 32 ) -- result bit vector cv = ^^ bitvector ~ resize( 32 ) -- current character bit vector -- read the entire file to a character vector bytes = ^^ charactervector( charin( fileName, , chars( fileName ) ) ) loop i over bytes -- process characters 1 at a time -- set the current character bit vector. -- the current character value shifted leftward 2 bits each cycle. -- every 12th cycle the character is not shifted at all cv ~ resetAll ~ setMultipleBytes( 25 - ( ( (i-1) // 12) * 2 ), bytes[ i ] ) -- exclusive or the shifted character value with the result bit vector checksum ~ exclusiveOr( cv ) end say c2d( checksum ~ tobytestring ) -- show checksum value in decimal exit 0 usagemsg : ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Usage:', ' roo checksum nameOfFile' )
-- commandOutputLines.roo -- the commandOutputLines class is -- an explicit derivative of the -- vector built-in class. -- this class performs a command -- which is passed as the argument -- of the class constructor. -- command output lines are converted -- to vector items. Various aggregate -- class methods can be used subsequently -- to process the lines. -- command output lines can be processed -- in order as follows: -- lines = ^^ commandOutputLines( 'dir *.roo' ) -- loop ix over lines -- process lines[ ix ] -- end commandOutputLines : class extends vector explicitly initialize : method 'base' ~ initialize newstack ! arg(1) '(stack' 'base' ~ addSystemQueue delstack return ''
-- copytext.rooProgram -- this program uses array indexing to copy text lines -- from default input (stdin) to default output (stdout) if arg(1) <> '' then call usagemsg 'No arguments are expected...' infile = ^^ inlinefile() -- default input outfile = ^^ outlinefile() -- default output loop lno over infile outfile[ lno ] = infile[ lno ] end lno exit 0 usagemsg : if arg(1) <> '' then ^^ console ~ writeLine( arg( 1 ), '' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Usage:', ' roo copytext < infile > outfile' ) exit 1
-- cosecantGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the cosecant function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 10 graphPropsFile = 'cosecantGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# cosecantGraph.props -- created by program: cosecantGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=Csc X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the parabola points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .1 if math ~ cosecant( i ) <> 'undefined' then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ cosecant( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- cosineGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the cosine function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ math xLimit = 10 graphPropsFile = 'cosineGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# cosineGraph.props -- created by program: cosineGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='1 call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=Cosine X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' 1 -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .1 call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ cosine( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- cotangentGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the cotangent function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 10 graphPropsFile = 'cotangentGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# cotangentGraph.props -- created by program: cotangentGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=Cot X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the parabola points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .1 if math ~ cotangent( i ) <> 'undefined' then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ cotangent( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
/* csv2xml.rooProgram usage: roo CSV2XML inFile.csv description: the CSV2XML program converts a comma-separated value file (CSV) to a corresponding XML file assumptions: the 1st line of the CSV file contains column tags remaining lines contain column values remarks: 1. the root tag is derived from the CSV file name 2. spaces in column names are replaced with underscores, to conform with XML requirements */ con = ^^ console -- validate input file name argument if arg( 1 ) = '' then call usagemsg 'One argument is expected: the name of the CSV file to process' csvFile = ^^ file( arg( 1 ) ) -- get CSV file name if \ ( csvFile ~ exists ) then call usagemsg 'File' arg(1) 'does not exist.' if csvFile ~ isDirectory then call usagemsg arg(1) 'is the name of a directory, not a file.' con ~ writeLine( "Processing CSV file:" csvFile ~ toString ) xmlRootTag = csvFile ~ getName -- derive output XML file name outXmlFileName = csvFile ~ getDirectoryPath || '\'xmlRootTag'.xml' con ~ writeLine( "Preparing XML file:" outXmlFileName ) outXmlFile = ^^ outLineFile( outXmlFileName ) -- prepare a table from a CSV file inCsvFile = ^^ inLineFile( csvFile ) if inCsvFile ~ size < 1 then call usagemsg 'File' csvFile ~ toString 'is empty.' -- the 1st line in the CSV file contains the table headings table = ^^ table ~ setHeadings( ^^ vector ~ addDelimitedString( translate( inCsvFile[ 1 ], '_', ' ' ), ',' ) ) -- the remaining lines in the CSV file contains the table row/column values -- these are assigned to table positions by using the addDelimitedString method loop ix over inCsvFile if ix > 1 then table ~ addDelimitedString( inCsvFile[ ix ], ',' ) end -- write the XML file -- the table ~ toXmlString request, does almost all of the work outXmlFile ~ writeLine( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' ) outXmlFile ~ writeLine( '<!--' xmlRootTag 'document -->' ) outXmlFile ~ writeLine( '<'xmlRootTag'>' ) outXmlFile ~ writeLine( table ~ toXmlString( 'table', 'headings', 'heading', 'row' ) ) outXmlFile ~ writeLine( '</'xmlRootTag'>' ) -- done ! exit 0 -- procedure USAGEMSG -- show usage information, with optional error note usagemsg : con ~ writeLine( 'Note:' arg( 1 ), '' ) con ~ writeLine( 'Usage:', ' roo CSV2XML aFile.csv' ) exit 99
-- date.roo -- date class -- provides functionality similar to the <b>date</b> built-in function, -- for a specific base date, -- or for a specific month, day, and year. shared _baseDate _Mmm _monthName _mm _dd _yy _yyyy _julianDay _dayOfWeek shared _quadYearDays _centuryDays _quadCenturyDays _daysInMonth _monthOffset _monthOffsetLeap -- initialization method -- usage: -- dateRef = ^^ date( 731306 ) -- establishes information for a specific base date -- Wed, 2 Apr 2003 -- or: -- dateRef = ^^ date( 4 2 2003 ) -- establishes information for a specific month day and year -- then, you can get date information as follows: -- say dateRef ~ getDate( [dateFormat] ) -- where the dateFormat is the same as the parameter of the date built-in function -- the following shows how to establish a date instance for a day which is two weeks from today -- dateRef = ^^ date( date( 'B' ) + 2 * 7 ) -- establishes information for the day that is two weeks from today initialize : method _quadYearDays = 1461 -- 4 * 365 + 1 _centuryDays = 36524 -- 25 * _quadYearDays - 1 _quadCenturyDays = 146097 -- 4 * _centuryDays + 1 _daysInMonth = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } _monthOffset = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 } _monthOffsetLeap = { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335 } return ^ setDate( arg( 1 ) ) toString : method return ^ getDate getDate : method parse upper arg ch +1 select when words( arg( 1 ) ) > 1 then call raiseObjection 'Only 1 argument value is expected. The argument is:' arg( 1 ) when left( ch'N', 1 ) = 'N' then -- Normal (default) return ( 0 + _dd ) _Mmm _yyyy when ch = 'B' then -- Base return _baseDate when ch = 'D' then -- Day return _julianDay when ch = 'E' then -- European return _dd'/'_mm'/'_yy when ch = 'M' then -- Month return _monthName when ch = 'O' then -- Ordered return _yy'/'_mm'/'_dd when ch = 'S' then -- Standard return _yyyy || _mm || _dd when ch = 'U' then -- USA return _mm'/'_dd'/'_yy when ch = 'W' then -- Weekday return _dayOfWeek otherwise call raiseObjection 'Unrecognized argument value. The argument is:' arg( 1 ) end setDate : method select when arg( 1 ) = '' then _baseDate = date( 'Base' ) when words( arg( 1 ) ) = 1 then do dateNumber = arg( 1 ) if \ datatype( dateNumber, 'WholeNumber' ) then return 'Base day must be a positive whole number. The erroneous value is:' dateNumber if dateNumber < 1 then return 'Base day must be a positive whole number. The erroneous value is:' dateNumber _baseDate = dateNumber end when words( arg( 1 ) ) = 3 then do parse arg month day year if \ validMonthAndDay( month, day, year ) then return 'Invalid day of month. Expected argument format: mm dd yyyy. The erroneous value is:' arg( 1 ) if \ validYear( year ) then return 'Invalid year. Expected argument format: mm dd yyyy. The erroneous value is:' arg( 1 ) _baseDate = computeBaseDate( month day year ) end otherwise return 'Invalid argument. Expected argument format: baseDay# | mm dd yyyy. The erroneous value is:' arg( 1 ) end call computeOtherDateValues return '' -- COMPUTEOTHERDATEVALUES procedure -- computes other date values from base date computeOtherDateValues : procedure -- compute: _Mmm _monthName _mm _dd _yy _yyyyy _julianDay _dayOfWeek todaysDate = _baseDate nQuadCenturies = trunc( todaysDate / _quadCenturyDays ) todaysDate = todaysDate - nQuadCenturies * _quadCenturyDays nCenturies = trunc( todaysDate / _centuryDays ) if nCenturies = 4 then nCenturies = 3 todaysDate = todaysDate - nCenturies * _centuryDays nQuadYears = trunc( todaysDate / _quadYearDays ) todaysDate = todaysDate - nQuadYears * _quadYearDays nYears = trunc( todaysDate / 365 ) if nYears = 4 then nYears = 3 todaysDate = todaysDate - nYears * 365 _yyyy = nYears , + 4 * nQuadYears , + 100 * nCenturies , + 400 * nQuadCenturies , + 1 _yy = right( _yyyy, 2, '0' ) _julianDay = 0 isLeapYear = leap( _yyyy ) do i=1 to 12 monthOffset = _monthOffset[ i ] + ( isLeapYear * ( i > 2 ) ) if todaysDate < monthOffset then leave _mm = i _julianDay = monthOffset end _mm = right( _mm, 2, '0' ) _dd = todaysDate - ( _monthOffset[ _mm ] + ( isLeapYear * ( _mm > 2 ) ) ) + 1 _julianDay = _julianDay + _dd _dd = right( _dd, 2, '0' ) _Mmm = word( 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec', _mm ) _monthName = word( 'January February March April May June July August September October November December', _mm ) _dayOfWeek = word( "Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday", 1 + ( _baseDate // 7 ) ) return -- COMPUTEBASEDATE procedure -- computes base date for a specific month day year computeBaseDate : procedure parse arg month day year thisYear = year - 1 -- 0-origin nQuadCenturies = trunc( thisYear / 400 ) thisYear = thisYear - 400 * nQuadCenturies nCenturies = trunc( thisYear / 100 ) thisYear = thisYear - 100 * nCenturies nQuadYears = trunc( thisYear / 4 ) thisYear = thisYear - 4 * nQuadYears yearOffset = nQuadCenturies * _quadCenturyDays , + nCenturies * _centuryDays , + nQuadYears * _quadYearDays , + thisYear * 365 if leap( year ) then return yearOffset + _monthOffsetLeap[ month ] + day - 1 return yearOffset + _monthOffset[ month ] + day - 1 -- LEAP procedure -- identify if this year is a leap year (the year 2000 is not a leap year) leap : procedure arg yr return (yr//4 = 0) & ((yr//100 <> 0) | (yr//400 = 0)) -- after Pope Gregory -- RANGE procedure -- validates range of argument range : procedure parse arg n, lo, hi return n >= lo & n <= hi -- VALIDMONTHANDDAY procedure -- ensures month and day are valid validMonthAndDay : procedure parse arg month, day, year if \ datatype( month, 'WholeNumber' ) then return 0 if \ range( month, 1, 12 ) then return 0 if \ datatype( day, 'WholeNumber' ) then return 0 daysInThisMonth = _daysInMonth[ month ] if leap( year ) & ( month = 2 ) then -- identify if this is a leap month daysInThisMonth = daysInThisMonth + 1 -- february has 29 days in a leap year if \ range( day, 1, daysInThisMonth ) then return 0 return 1 -- VALIDYEAR procedure -- ensures year is between 1 and 9999 inclusive validYear : procedure year = arg( 1 ) if \ datatype( year, 'WholeNumber' ) then return 0 if \ range( year, 1, 9999 ) then return 0 return 1
/* deal.roo this is the worker class program associated with deal.rooProgram */ local hands -- this variable holds 4 hand card values local image -- a vector of 4 sequences of: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A local orderedCards -- this variable is used to sort card values local suit -- a vector of suit indices -- { 1 .. 4 } -- initialize method, does everything initialize : method -- get ready to deal hands = ^^ vector -- actually it is a vector of vectors orderedCards = ^^ orderedVector ~ comparator( 'REVERSE' ) -- prepare card sorting instance call prepareCardImages -- prepare image vector call prepareSuitIndices -- prepare suit vector -- shuffle the cards cards = ^^ randomSequence( 52, 1, 52, 'Unique' ) ~ join( ' ' ) -- shuffle 52 cards -- deal hands do i=1 to 52 by 13 -- get 4 hands call getHand subword( cards, i, 13 ) -- get another hand end -- display hands ^ displayUsingBridgeFormat -- display 4 hands -- done !! return '' -- the 'displayUsingBridgeFormat' method shows hands in Bridge format displayUsingBridgeFormat : method -- show North hand -- which is 4 vectors stored in hands[ 1 ] say copies( ' ', 30 ) 'North' do i=1 for 4 -- 4 suits per hand say copies( ' ', 30 ) , hands[ 1 ][ i ] ~ join( ' ' ) -- one North suit end -- show West hand -- which is 4 vectors stored in hands[ 2 ] -- and, show East hand -- which is 4 vectors stored in hands[ 3 ] say 'West' copies( ' ', 50 ) 'East' do i=1 for 4 -- 4 suits per hand say , left( hands[ 2 ][ i ] ~ join( ' ' ) , 55 ), -- one West suit hands[ 3 ][ i ] ~ join( ' ' ) -- one East suit end -- show North hand -- which is 4 vectors stored in hands[ 4 ] say copies( ' ', 30 ) 'South' do i=1 for 4 -- 4 suits per hand say copies( ' ', 30 ) , hands[ 4 ][ i ] ~ join( ' ' ) -- one South suit end return '' -- the 'getHand' procedure prepares a hand of cards getHand : procedure thisHand = ^^ vector -- a hand is a vector of suit vectors -- a hand contains 4 suit vectors. -- start each vector with a suit image. -- a Windows command window shows decimal 3..6 as card suit images, -- in the order 6, 3, 4, 5 thisHand ~ add( ^^ vector( d2c( 6 ) ) ) -- spades thisHand ~ add( ^^ vector( d2c( 3 ) ) ) -- hearts thisHand ~ add( ^^ vector( d2c( 4 ) ) ) -- diamonds thisHand ~ add( ^^ vector( d2c( 5 ) ) ) -- clubs -- sort cards in this hand, numerically, from highest to lowest orderedCards ~ removeAll ~ addDelimitedString( arg( 1 ), ' ' ) -- arrange cards by suit loop i over orderedCards -- process cards in this hand card = orderedCards[ i ] -- get a card thisHand [ suit[ card ] ] ~ add( image[ card ] ) -- add card to this hand -- suit[ card ] assigns suit -- image[ card ] assigns image end hands ~ add( thisHand ) -- add this 'hand' to the vector of hands return -- getHand -- the 'prepareCardImages' procedure -- prepares a vector which has four copies of: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A -- these are the displayed card images prepareCardImages : procedure image = ^^ vector ~ addDelimitedString( copies( '2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A ', 4 ), ' ' ) return prepareSuitIndices : procedure suit = ^^ vector ~ addDelimitedString( copies( '1 ', 13 ), ' ' ) , ~ addDelimitedString( copies( '2 ', 13 ), ' ' ) , ~ addDelimitedString( copies( '3 ', 13 ), ' ' ) , ~ addDelimitedString( copies( '4 ', 13 ), ' ' ) return
/* deal.rooProgram -- deals 52 cards to 4 hands usage roo deal this is the external roo program that processes the command line no arguments are expected the 'deal.roo' class file does the actual processing */ if arg(1) <> '' then signal usagemsg ^^ deal -- deal a hand ! exit 0 /* usage information */ usagemsg : ^^ console ~ writeLine( '', 'No arguments are expected', '', 'Usage', ' roo deal' )
-- dir2csv.rooProgram -- prepares a summary of the current directory as a comma-separated value (CSV) file -- usage: -- roo dir2csv [pattern] > directoryFiles.csv -- the file can be subsequently converted to HTML or XML by csv2html or csv2xml respectively -- i.e. roo dir2csv [pattern] | csv2html Files > directoryFiles.htm ; vuHtml directoryFiles.htm say 'File,Date,Time,Size,Read/Write' fileVector = ^^ folder ~ getFiles( arg(1) ) loop ix over fileVector file = fileVector[ ix ] say file ~ GetNameAndExtension','translate( file ~ toDetailedString, ',,', '- ' ) end
/* ExtRoo.rooProgram this is a program that executes within roo.dll it is invoked by testRooDll.cpp which is a C++ program. */ -- gather arguments in a vector vec = ^^ vector do i=1 for arg() vec ~ add( arg(i) ) end say 'extroo, received arguments:' vec ~ toString -- show comma separated arguments call callback 'ExtRoo_arg1', 'ExtRoo_arg2', 'ExtRoo_arg3' -- call the 'callback' function ! return "so long -- from ExtRoo.rooProgram" -- return a final value
-- folie.rooProgram -- this program prepares a graph of Descartes' folie -- the equation is: -- x^3 + y^3 - 3 x y = 0 -- this is transformed to: -- x^3 - 3 x y + y^3 = 0 -- the rootFinder.rooProgram discovers the polynomial roots -- of the 2nd equation above, -- for values of y ranging from -10 to 10. -- imaginary roots are discarded ! -- there are 4 segments to plot: -- 1. the 2nd quadrant, when x < 0, and y > 0 -- 2. the 1st quadrant, when x > 0, and x < y -- 3. the 1st quadrant, when x > 0, and x > y -- 4. the 4th quadrant, when x > 0, and y < 0 -- in the initial pass the roots are discovered, -- and stored in a map. map_y_to_roots = ^^ map yLimit = 5 do y=-yLimit to yLimit by .1 coeffs = '1,0,' || ( 0 - ( 3 * y ) ) || ',' || ( y * y * y ) ! 'roo rootFinder' coeffs '(stack' if rc <> 0 then iterate -- ignore singularities -- the roots are now in the external data queue roots = '' do queued() parse pull root if pos( 'i', root ) = 0 then roots = roots','root end if y > 0 & y < 2 then say 'y' y '=> roots' strip( roots, 'L', ',' ) map_y_to_roots ~ add( y, strip( roots, 'L', ',' ) ) end -- a few extra points are needed between 1.4 and 1.6 do y=1.4 to 1.8 by .05 coeffs = '1,0,' || ( 0 - ( 3 * y ) ) || ',' || ( y * y * y ) ! 'roo rootFinder' coeffs '(stack' if rc <> 0 then iterate -- ignore singularities -- the roots are now in the external data queue roots = '' do queued() parse pull root if pos( 'i', root ) = 0 then roots = roots','root end if y > 0 & y < 2 then say 'y' y '=> roots' strip( roots, 'L', ',' ) map_y_to_roots ~ add( y, strip( roots, 'L', ',' ) ) end graphPropsFile = 'folieGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# folieGraph.props -- created by program: folie.rooProgram' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=X : -'yLimit '..' yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the 'folie' points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' -- 1. plot the 2nd quadrant, when x < 0, and y > 0 do y=yLimit to 0 by -.1 root = split( map_y_to_roots[ y ], ',' ) loop ix over root if root[ ix ] < 0 then do if abs( root[ ix ] ) < yLimit then call charout graphPropsFile, root[ ix ]','y';' leave end end end call charout graphPropsFile, '0,0;' -- 2. plot the 1st quadrant, when x > 0, and x > y do y=0 to 1.8 by .05 root = split( map_y_to_roots[ y ], ',' ) loop ix over root if root[ ix ] > 0 & root[ ix ] >= y then do call charout graphPropsFile, root[ ix ]','y';' leave end end end -- 3. plot the 1st quadrant, when x > 0, and x < y do y=1.8 to 0 by -.05 root = split( map_y_to_roots[ y ], ',' ) loop ix over root if root[ ix ] > 0 & root[ ix ] <= y then do call charout graphPropsFile, root[ ix ]','y';' leave end end end -- 4. plot the 4th quadrant, when x > 0, and y < 0 do y=0 to -yLimit by -.1 root = split( map_y_to_roots[ y ], ',' ) loop ix over root if root[ ix ] > 0 then do if root[ ix ] < yLimit then call charout graphPropsFile, root[ ix ]','y';' leave end end end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- fullMoonGenie.rooProgram -- discovers all of the full moons within the current year -- uses 'fullMoon_ice.rooProgram' to determine -- the date of the Nth full moon after Jan 1, 2000 -- get base date of Jan 1 and Dec 31 of this year year = left( date( 'Standard' ), 4 ) dec31Date = ^^ date( '12 31' year ) dec31BaseDate = dec31Date ~ getDate( 'BaseDate' ) dec31JulianDay = dec31Date ~ getDate( 'Day' ) jan1BaseDate = 1 + dec31BaseDate - dec31JulianDay -- establish 'date' class instance (see date.roo) nthDate = ^^ date -- iterate until the next blue moon is discovered do N=1 -- get the base date of the Nth full moon -- after January 1, 2000 baseDateOfFullMoonN = fullMoon_ice( N ) if baseDateOfFullMoonN < jan1BaseDate then iterate if baseDateOfFullMoonN > dec31BaseDate then leave -- set date associated with 'date' class instance nthDate ~ setDate( baseDateOfFullMoonN ) say left( nthDate ~ getDate( 'Weekday' ), 10 ) right( nthDate ~ toString, 11 ) end exit 0
-- getHostIp.rooProgram -- when an argument is not provided, this program -- discovers this system's IP address socket = ^^ socket( 'UDP' ) say socket ~ getHostIp( arg( 1 ) )
-- getHostName.rooProgram -- when an argument is not provided, this program -- discovers this system's host name socket = ^^ socket( 'UDP' ) say socket ~ getHostName( arg( 1 ) )
-- getHtmlKeywords.rooProgram -- get keywords from HTML source file -- if found, list them on separate lines, in ascending order -- return values: -- 0 : keywords were listed -- 1 : some keywords were not found -- 99 : a usage message was displayed -- example, on a local disk: -- roo getHtmlKeywords default.htm parse arg htmlFileURL if htmlFileURL = '' then call usagemsg 'One argument is expected. The name of the HTML file URL' if pos( '/', htmlFileURL ) = 0 then do -- ensure the file exists in the current directory if \ stream( htmlFileURL, 'C', 'Exists' ) then call usagemsg 'File URL,' htmlFileURL', does NOT exist in the current directory' -- build a local file system URL automatically currDisk = stream( '', 'C', 'chdisk' ) htmlFileURL = 'file:///'currDisk':./'htmlFileURL end ! 'URLGET' htmlFileURL '(stack' if rc <> 0 then call usagemsg 'Could not retrieve HTML file URL' htmlFileURL htmlFileLines = ^^ vector ~ addSystemQueue loop ix over htmlFileLines parse value lower( htmlFileLines[ ix ] ) with '<meta' 'keywords' 'content="' keywords '"' if keywords <> '' then do say ^^ OrderedVector ~ addDelimitedString( keywords, ',' ) ~ toDelimitedString( '0a'x ) exit 0 end end exit 1 usagemsg : procedure if arg(1) <> '' then ^^ console ~ writeLine( arg(1), '' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Usage:', ' roo getHtmlKeywords htmlFileURL' ) exit 99
-- getModuleSizeAndChecksum.rooProgram -- this example shows how to extract information -- from multiple lines that are produced by a command. -- it uses the 'commandOutputLines.roo' class definition, -- which is an explicit derivative of the vector built-in class. -- information in this example is obtained from the Poof!(TM) -- program named EXEPATH. parse arg moduleName . if moduleName = '' then call usagemsg 'Please specify the module name to analyze.' lines = ^^ commandOutputLines( 'EXEPATH' moduleName ) if lines ~ isEmpty then call usagemsg 'No information was found for module:' moduleName size = word( lines[ 2 ], 2 ) checksum = word( lines[ 4 ], 2 ) say lines[ 1 ] 'size(' size ') checksum(' checksum ')' exit 0 usagemsg : ^^ console ~ writeLine( arg(1), '', 'Usage:', ' roo getModuleSizeAndChecksum moduleName' )
/* hanoiStack.roo this program holds the 'ring' values for the towersOfHanoi.roo class */ hanoiStack : class extends stack -- a 'tower of hanoi' is a stack static nRings -- #rings local caption -- tower caption .. left, middle, right preinitialize : method nRings = value( 'HANOIRINGS', , 'SYSTEM' ) -- initialize the #rings static symbol return '' setCaption : method caption = arg(1) -- remember the caption return caption -- override the 'top' method -- return 0 when the top element is fetched -- from an empty stack ! top : method if ^ isEmpty then return 0 return 'base' ~ top getDisplayLines : method -- show empty part of spindle top -- the number of vertical bars -- is 1 plus the number of possible rings -- minus this tower's size vec = split( copies( '| ', 1 + ( nRings - ^ size ) ), ' ' ) -- show actual rings do i = ^ size to 1 by -1 -- ringWidth = ^ getAt( i ) vec ~ add( '[' copies( '. ', ^ getAt( i ) )']' ) -- show a ring end -- show base vec ~ add( copies( '=', 16 ) ) -- show tower base vec ~ add( caption ) -- show tower caption return vec
/* HtmlPrefix.rooProgram -- an external procedure */ parse arg title say '<html>' if title <> '' then do say '<head>' say '<title>'title'</title>' end say '<body>'
/* HtmlSuffix.rooProgram -- an external procedure */ say '<p><p><center><i>Last updated on:' date()'</center>' say '</body>' say '</html>'
/* htmlnote.roo a derived class that collects stream output to a text value, and displays HTML text, with the VUHTML auxiliary program. The text is passed as an argument to the JavaScript initialization program within the NOTE.HTM file. */ htmlnote : class extends outtext -- text is collected by the 'outtext' class shared text -- 'text' is a shared symbol in the 'outtext' class emit : method 'start VUHTML' '"{' || text || '}" note.htm' -- show the text -- using vuhtml.exe -- which displays note.htm return ^ self -- an htmlnote instance context reference
/* htmltext.roo a derived class that collects stream output to a text value, and emits it as HTML text */ htmltext : class extends outtext -- text is collected by the 'outtext' class shared attributes -- vector of attributes shared endTag -- associated HTML end tag shared tag -- associated HTML tag shared text -- 'text' is a shared symbol in the 'outtext' class shared emitTextOnly -- 'emitTextOnly' is a boolean used in this class initialize : method attributes = ^^ vector tag = 'p' endTag = '' emitTextOnly = translate( arg(1) ) <> 'COMPLETEFILE' -- set output emission boolean return '' attribute : method -- add an attribute parse arg name, value attributes ~ add( name'="'value'"' ) return ^ self -- an htmltext instance context reference setEndTag : method -- set end tag explicitly endTag = arg(1) return ^ self -- an htmltext instance context reference setTag : method tag = arg(1) if wordpos( translate( tag ), 'P BR' ) = 0 then endtag = '</'tag'>' -- set end tag implicitly return ^ self -- an htmltext instance context reference emit : method if emitTextOnly then ^^ outstream ~ writeLine( emitText() ) -- show text only else do -- prepare a complete HTML file out = ^^ outstream out ~ writeLine( '<html>' ) out ~ writeLine( '<body>' ) out ~ writeLine( emitText() ) -- this is the text out ~ writeLine( '</body>' ) out ~ writeLine( '</html>' ) end return ^ self -- an htmltext instance context reference emitText : procedure if attributes ~ IsNonEmpty then startTag = '<'tag attributes ~ join( ' ' )'>' else startTag = '<'tag'>' return startTag || text || endTag
-- hyperbolicCosecantGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the hyperbolicCosecant function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 2 graphPropsFile = 'hyperbolicCosecantGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# hyperbolicCosecantGraph.props -- created by program: hyperbolicCosecantGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=HypCsc X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .2 if 'undefined' <> math ~ hyperbolicCosecant( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ hyperbolicCosecant( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- hyperbolicCosineGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the hyperbolicCosine function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 20 graphPropsFile = 'hyperbolicCosineGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# hyperbolicCosineGraph.props -- created by program: hyperbolicCosineGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=HypCos X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by 1 if 'undefined' <> math ~ hyperbolicCosine( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ hyperbolicCosine( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- hyperbolicCotangentGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the hyperbolicCotangent function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 2 graphPropsFile = 'hyperbolicCotangentGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# hyperbolicCotangentGraph.props -- created by program: hyperbolicCotangentGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=HypCot X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .2 if 'undefined' <> math ~ hyperbolicCotangent( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ hyperbolicCotangent( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- hyperbolicSecantGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the hyperbolicSecant function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 2 graphPropsFile = 'hyperbolicSecantGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# hyperbolicSecantGraph.props -- created by program: hyperbolicSecantGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=HypSec X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .2 if 'undefined' <> math ~ hyperbolicSecant( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ hyperbolicSecant( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- hyperbolicSineGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the hyperbolicSine function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 20 graphPropsFile = 'hyperbolicSineGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# hyperbolicSineGraph.props -- created by program: hyperbolicSineGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=HypSin X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by 1 if 'undefined' <> math ~ hyperbolicSine( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ hyperbolicSine( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- hyperbolicTangentGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the hyperbolicTangent function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 2 graphPropsFile = 'hyperbolicTangentGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# hyperbolicTangentGraph.props -- created by program: hyperbolicTangentGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=HypTan X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by 1 if 'undefined' <> math ~ hyperbolicTangent( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ hyperbolicTangent( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
/* in2out.rooProgram copy default input stream to default output stream usage: roo in2out < inFile.dat > outFile.dat */ if arg(1) <> '' then -- no arguments are expected signal usagemsg -- copy all lines in the default input stream -- to the default output stream. -- it's all done in a single source line ! ^^ outLineFile( '' ) ~ addAggregate( ^^ inLineFile( '' ) ) -- done ! exit 0 usagemsg : ^^ console ~ writeLine( , '.' , , '' , , 'Usage : ' , , ' roo in2out < inFile.dat > outFile.dat' )
-- inverseHyperbolicCosecantGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the inverseHyperbolicCosecant function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 2 graphPropsFile = 'inverseHyperbolicCosecantGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# inverseHyperbolicCosecantGraph.props -- created by program: inverseHyperbolicCosecantGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=InvHypCsc X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .2 if 'undefined' <> math ~ inverseHyperbolicCosecant( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ inverseHyperbolicCosecant( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- inverseHyperbolicCosineGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the inverseHyperbolicCosine function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 20 yLimit = 10 graphPropsFile = 'inverseHyperbolicCosineGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# inverseHyperbolicCosineGraph.props -- created by program: inverseHyperbolicCosineGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'colorSet=mediumblue;mediumgreen' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineCount=2' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=navy' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=InvHypCos X : '1 '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit /* add the points */ call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet1=' do i=1 to xLimit by 1 if 'undefined' <> math ~ inverseHyperbolicCosine( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ inverseHyperbolicCosine( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet2=' do i=1 to xLimit by 1 if 'undefined' <> math ~ inverseHyperbolicCosine( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || ( 0 - math ~ inverseHyperbolicCosine( i ) ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- inverseHyperbolicCotangentGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the inverseHyperbolicCotangent function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 5 yLimit = 5 graphPropsFile = 'inverseHyperbolicCotangentGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# inverseHyperbolicCotangentGraph.props -- created by program: inverseHyperbolicCotangentGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'colorSet=mediumblue;mediumgreen' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineCount=2' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=InvHypCot X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet1=' do i=-xLimit to -1.5 by .1 if 'undefined' <> math ~ inverseHyperbolicCotangent( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ inverseHyperbolicCotangent( i ) || ';' end do i=-1.45 to -1 by .01 if 'undefined' <> math ~ inverseHyperbolicCotangent( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ inverseHyperbolicCotangent( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet2=' do i=1 to 1.45 by .01 if 'undefined' <> math ~ inverseHyperbolicCotangent( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ inverseHyperbolicCotangent( i ) || ';' end do i=1.5 to xLimit by .1 if 'undefined' <> math ~ inverseHyperbolicCotangent( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ inverseHyperbolicCotangent( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- inverseHyperbolicSecantGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the inverseHyperbolicSecant function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 2 yLimit = 2 graphPropsFile = 'inverseHyperbolicSecantGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# inverseHyperbolicSecantGraph.props -- created by program: inverseHyperbolicSecantGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'colorSet=mediumblue;mediumgreen' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineCount=2' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=InvHypSec X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet1=' do i=0 to xLimit by .05 if 'undefined' <> math ~ inverseHyperbolicSecant( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ inverseHyperbolicSecant( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet2=' do i=0 to xLimit by .05 if 'undefined' <> math ~ inverseHyperbolicSecant( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || ( 0 - math ~ inverseHyperbolicSecant( i ) ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- inverseHyperbolicSineGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the inverseHyperbolicSine function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 20 graphPropsFile = 'inverseHyperbolicSineGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# inverseHyperbolicSineGraph.props -- created by program: inverseHyperbolicSineGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=InvHypSin X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by 1 if 'undefined' <> math ~ inverseHyperbolicSine( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ inverseHyperbolicSine( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- inverseHyperbolicTangentGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the inverseHyperbolicTangent function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 1 yLimit = 2 graphPropsFile = 'inverseHyperbolicTangentGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# inverseHyperbolicTangentGraph.props -- created by program: inverseHyperbolicTangentGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=InvHypTan X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-1 to 1 by .05 if 'undefined' <> math ~ inverseHyperbolicTangent( i ) then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ inverseHyperbolicTangent( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
/* linearProgram.rooProgram the 'linearProgram' finds the optimal value for a system of linear inequalities. an example lineFile is: 2.5,5,100 70,50,2100 2,4,200 2,10,160 150,250,R the last line establishes the x & y coefficients to evaluate at each vertex; i.e. 150 x + 250 y The trailing 'R' is ignored. the first four lines above establish 4 linear inequalities: 2.5 x + 5 y <= 100 70 x + 50 y <= 2100 2 x + 4 y <= 200 2 x + 10 y <= 160 the above inequalities would be the equations of 4 lines, if the <= comparison were replaced by an = comparison. An example scenario that corresponds to these equations is: a. 100 bushels of corn requires 2.5 acres, 100 bushels of wheat requires 5 acres, and there are 100 acres available b. 100 bushels of corn requires $70 capital, 100 bushels of wheat requires $50 capital, and the farmer has $2100 available. c. 100 bushels of corn requires 2 hours of labor in August, 100 bushels of wheat requires 4 hours of labor in August, and there are 200 hours of labor available in August. d. 100 bushels of corn requires 2 hours of labor in September, 100 bushels of wheat requires 10 hours of labor in September, and there are 160 hours of labor available in September. e. 100 bushels of corn is worth $150, 100 bushels of wheat is worth $250, so the amount made (R) is: $150 x #100 bushels of corn produced + $250 x #100 bushels of wheat produced the programming logic proceeds as follows: 1. the intersection of all lines is stored in the 'points' vector. 2. the x & y intercepts of each of the 4 lines is added to the 'points' vector. 3. a vertex in the 'points' vector is disqualified if either the x or y value is negative. 4. a vertex in the 'points' vector is disqualified if any of the line inequalities are not satisfied. 5. the optimal vertex is the one with the largest value of: 150 x + 250 y for the example lineFile shown above, the result is: best 5611.11111 -- 24.4444444,7.77777778 this indicates that an optimal result of 5611.11111 will be obtained at the vertex 24.4444444,7.77777778 this is associated with the 'R' value of: 150 * 24.4444444 + 250 * 7.77777778 note : the 'matrixOperation.rooProgram' is used to discover the intersection of the lines. */ lineFileName = arg( 1 ) -- 2. validate arguments if lineFileName = '' then call usagemsg if \ ( ^^ file( lineFileName ) ~ exists ) then call usagemsg "Line file '"lineFileName"' does NOT exist." -- points is a set of line intersection vertices points = ^^ vector lines = ^^ inLineFile( lineFileName ) tempFile = lineFileName'.temp' -- find the intersections of all the lines loop ix over lines do jx=ix+1 to lines ~ size - 1 call lineout tempFile, lines[ ix ], 1 call lineout tempFile, lines[ jx ], 2 call lineout tempFile -- close the file 'roo matrixOperation' tempFile 'Solve (stack' if \ queued() then iterate -- skip parallel lines parse pull qline points ~ add( qline ) 'erase' tempFile end end -- now find all of the x & y intercepts of the lines do ix=1 to lines ~ size - 1 parse value lines[ ix ] with xCoeff ',' yCoeff ',' c xIntercept = c / xCoeff points ~ add( xIntercept','0 ) yIntercept = c / yCoeff points ~ add( 0','yIntercept ) end -- if you want to analyze the vertices -- alter the following '0' to '1' if '0' then do say 'vertices' say points ~ toDelimitedString( '0a'x ) end best = 0 parse value lines[ lines ~ size ] with xFactor ',' yFactor ',' bestVertex = '?' do ix=1 to points ~ size parse value points[ ix ] with x ',' y if x < 0 | y < 0 then iterate -- skip non-positive intersections -- the vertex must be tested to see if it is <= all lines do jx=1 to lines ~ size - 1 parse value lines[ jx ] with xCoeff ',' yCoeff ',' c if ( ( x * xCoeff ) + ( y * yCoeff ) ) > c then iterate ix end v = x * xFactor + y * yFactor if v > best then do best = max( best, v ) bestVertex = points[ ix ] end end say 'best' best '--' bestVertex exit 0 -- the 'usagemsg' procedure describes how to use this program usagemsg : procedure ^^ console ~ writeLine( arg(1), '', , 'Usage : ', ' roo linearProgram lineFile' ) exit 99
-- lottery.rooProgram, displays 6 random numbers in the range of 1 to 49. say ' ' ^^ orderedVector ~ addAggregate( ^^ randomSequence( 6, 1, 49, 'U' ) ) ~ toDelimitedString( ' ' )
/* make.rooProgram perform directives in a make file script usage: roo make makeFileName remarks in the make file can begin with any of the following characters: ; # - / an example make file is, assume the : ; rebuild java class file, if the source file is newer ; assume the following line begins in column 1, without any leading spaces ; the following line checks the newness of the class file versus the source file ; if the source file is newer, then command(s) on subsequent line(s) that begin with a ; space is/are performed yourProgram.class javac yourProgram2.class javac *.class erase yourProduct.jar erase args "jar.exe -cf yourProduct.jar" &gt;zz fi *.class &gt;&gt;zz filecmd &lt;zz ren yourProduct.jar jar.exe -tf the above make file uses the ARGS, FI, and FILECMD programs that are distributed in the Poof!(TM) product. this program uses the NEWER program to determine if a series of files are newer than a test file. Documentation of the NEWER program can be found in Poof!(TM) distribution files. */ parse arg makeFileName if makeFileName = '' then call usagemsg 'One argument is expected. The name of the MAKE file' if makeFileName = '' | \ stream( makeFileName, 'C', exists ) then call usagemsg "File '"makeFileName"' does NOT exist." makeFileLines = ^^ inLineFile( makeFileName ) do ix=1 to makeFileLines ~ size -- ignore empty lines, and lines that start with a comment character if makeFileLines[ ix ] <&gt; '' & pos( left( makeFileLines[ ix ], 1 ), ";#-/" ) = 0 then -- newness comparison lines begin with a character in the first position if left( makeFileLines[ ix ], 1 ) <&gt; ' ' then do 'NEWER -Silent' makeFileLines[ ix ] -- check newness of files -- the NEWER program returns 2 if one of the comparison files -- is newer than the test file. if rc = 2 then do -- the command(s) to perform are on the next line(s), beginning with a space do ix=ix+1 to makeFileLines ~ size if left( makeFileLines[ ix ], 1 ) <&gt; ' ' then leave ! makeFileLines[ ix ] -- perform command to rebuild the tested file end end end end exit 0 usagemsg : procedure if arg(1) <&gt; '' then ^^ console ~ writeLine( arg(1), '' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Usage:', ' roo make makeFileName' )
/* marquee.roo a derived class that collects stream output to a text value, and displays an HTML text marquee, with the VUHTML auxiliary program. The text is passed as an argument to the JavaScript initialization program within the MARQUEE.HTM file. */ marquee : class extends outtext -- text is collected by the 'outtext' class shared text -- 'text' is a shared symbol in the 'outtext' class emit : method 'start VUHTML' '"{' || text || '}" marquee.htm' -- show the text -- using vuhtml.exe -- which displays marquee.htm return ^ self -- a marquee instance context reference
-- mathX.roo -- extensions to the Math built-in class -- the related mathXX_ice class (in mathXX_ice.roo) defines the following additional methods -- GammaFunction : method -- this program computes the value of Gamma( X ) to 10 digits of accuracy. -- return Gamma( arg( 1 ) ) -- lnGammaFunction : method -- this program computes the value of lnGamma( X ) to 10 digits of accuracy. -- return lnGamma( arg( 1 ) ) -- the mathXX_ice class is implemented as an '_ice' file to comply with copyright -- requirements of the algorithm's authors. mathX : class extends Math arcCosecant : method x = arg(1) if x = 0 then return 'undefined' arcsin = ^ arcsine( 1 / x ) if arcsin = 'undefined' then return 'undefined' if x > 0 then return arcsin return - ^ pi - arcsin arcSecant : method x = arg(1) if x = 0 then return 'undefined' arccos = ^ arcCosine( 1 / x ) if arccos = 'undefined' then return 'undefined' if x > 0 then return arccos return - arccos arcCotangent : method x = arg(1) if x = 0 then return 'undefined' arctan = ^ arcTangent( 1 / x ) if arctan = 'undefined' then return 'undefined' if x > 0 then return arctan return ^ pi + arctan cosecant : method sin = ^ sine( arg( 1 ) ) if sin <> 0 then return 1 / sin return 'undefined' secant : method cos = ^ cosine( arg( 1 ) ) if cos <> 0 then return 1 / cos return 'undefined' cotangent : method sin = ^ sine( arg( 1 ) ) if sin <> 0 then return ^ cosine( arg( 1 ) ) / sin return 'undefined' hyperbolicSine : method x = arg(1) return .5 * ( ^ naturalPower( x ) - ^ naturalPower( - x ) ) hyperbolicCosine : method x = arg(1) return .5 * ( ^ naturalPower( x ) + ^ naturalPower( - x ) ) hyperbolicTangent : method cosh = ^ hyperbolicCosine( arg( 1 ) ) if cosh <> 0 then return ^ hyperbolicSine( arg( 1 ) ) / cosh return 'undefined' hyperbolicCosecant : method sinh = ^ hyperbolicSine( arg( 1 ) ) if sinh <> 0 then return 1 / sinh return 'undefined' hyperbolicSecant : method cosh = ^ hyperbolicCosine( arg( 1 ) ) if cosh <> 0 then return 1 / cosh return 'undefined' hyperbolicCotangent : method sinh = ^ hyperbolicSine( arg( 1 ) ) if sinh <> 0 then return ^ hyperbolicCosine( arg( 1 ) ) / sinh return 'undefined' inverseHyperbolicSine : method x = arg(1) if x >= 0 then return ^ naturalLogarithm( x + squareroot( x * x + 1 ) ) return 0 - ^ inverseHyperbolicSine( 0 - x ) inverseHyperbolicCosine : method x = arg(1) if x >= 1 then return ^ naturalLogarithm( x + squareroot( x * x - 1 ) ) return 'undefined' inverseHyperbolicTangent : method x = arg(1) if abs( x ) >= 1 then return 'undefined' return .5 * ^ naturalLogarithm( ( 1 + x ) / ( 1 - x ) ) inverseHyperbolicCosecant : method x = arg(1) if x <> 0 then return ^ inverseHyperbolicSine( 1 / x ) return 'undefined' inverseHyperbolicSecant : method x = arg(1) if x <> 0 then return ^ inverseHyperbolicCosine( 1 / x ) return 'undefined' inverseHyperbolicCotangent : method x = arg(1) if abs( x ) > 1 then return ^ inverseHyperbolicTangent( 1 / x ) return 'undefined'
-- matrix.roo -- this class transforms the built-in 'table' class into an NxN matrix -- the class is constructed EXPLICITLY -- because, the initialization method of the table class -- expects to receive the table headings matrix : class extends table explicitly -- there are 3 initialization method formats: -- initialize( filename ) .. a file that contains rows of comma separated matrix values -- initialize( m, n ) .. an MxN matrix is prepared -- initialize( n, 'I' ) .. a unit NxN matrix is prepared .. with all 1's on the diagonal initialize : method 'base' ~ initialize -- construct the base class -- assert proper argument count if arg() < 0 | arg() > 2 then return 'Improper argument count. One or two arguments are expected; either a filename, or a row and column count' -- the following initializes the matrix to a fixed number of rows and columns if arg() = 2 then do parse arg rows, columns identityMatrix = 0 if columns = 'I' then do columns = rows identityMatrix = 1 end -- prepare column headings for the table -- and the initial value of each row .. all 0's headings = ^^ vector initialValue = ^^ vector do i=1 for columns headings ~ add( i ) initialValue ~ add( 0 ) end ^ setHeadings( headings ) -- this establishes the matrix width (#columns) -- prepare #rows do i=1 for rows ^ addAggregate( initialValue ) if identityMatrix then ^ setValue( i, i, 1 ) end return '' -- done end -- the following initializes the matrix from a CSV file if \ ( ^^ file( arg(1) ) ~ exists ) then return 'Matrix file' arg(1) 'does not exist.' matrixFile = ^^ inLineFile( arg(1) ) loop ix over matrixFile if matrixFile[ ix ] <> '' then do -- prepare the first row if ^ size = 0 then do v = ^^ vector ~ addDelimitedString( matrixFile[ ix ], ',' ) headings = ^^ vector do i=1 for v ~ size headings ~ add( i ) end ^ setHeadings( headings ) ^ addAggregate( v ) end -- prepare another row else ^ addDelimitedString( matrixFile[ ix ], ',' ) end end return '' -- the diagnose method dumps the matrix to the console diagnose : method ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Matrix' arg(1) ',' ^ size 'x' ^ width ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( '' ) do ix=1 for ^ size do jx=1 for ^ width ^^ console ~ writeCharacters( left( format( ^ getValue( ix, jx ), 8 ), 16 ) ) end ^^ console ~ writeLine( '' ) end return ''
-- matrixOperation.rooProgram -- this program performs a variety of matrix computations. -- one or two matrices are acquired as CSV files. -- the related 'matrix.roo' file provides the matrix class definition -- which establishes fundamental MxN access capabilities. -- the following operations are supported. these are specified as -- the 1st character of the 'operation' argument. All results are -- written to default output. -- '+' .. add two matrices -- '-' .. subtract a matrix from another -- '*' .. multiply two matrices -- '/' .. divide a matrix by another -- '=' .. compare two matrices for equality -- 'Determinant' .. computes the determinant of a matrix -- 'Eigen matrix' .. computes matrix of eigenvectors -- note: the input matrix must be symmetric .. A = A<sup>T</sup> -- for the determination of the eigenvectors. -- 'Inverse' .. computes the inverse of a matrix -- 'Orthogonal' .. analyzes a matrix to determine if it is orthogonal -- 'Polynomial' .. computes the characteristic polynomial -- 'Solve' .. solves an Nx(N+1) system of simultaneous equations -- 'Transpose' .. transposes row and column values about the main diagonal -- 'Values, eigen' .. computes eigenvalues -- roots of characteristic polynomial -- Note: for the 'Solve' operation the last column contains the values that -- would appear after the equal sign for a collection of simultaneous equations. -- For example, -- 2x + 3y = -1 -- 3x + 5y = -2 -- The input matrix would be: -- 2,3,-1 -- 3,5,-2 -- The result is: -- 1,-1 -- which indicates that the solution for x is 1, -- and the solution for y is -1 -- get the name of the matrix file(s) to process, -- and the operation to perform. parse arg fileA operation fileB -- validate arguments if fileA = '' then call usagemsg if \ ( ^^ file( fileA ) ~ exists ) then call usagemsg "Matrix file '"fileA"' does NOT exist." if fileB <> '' then if \ ( ^^ file( fileB ) ~ exists ) then call usagemsg "Matrix file '"fileB"' does NOT exist." if operation = '' then call usagemsg 'A matrix operation is required.' A = ^^ Matrix( fileA ) A ~ diagnose( fileA ) B = '' if fileB <> '' then do B = ^^ Matrix( fileB ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( '' ) B ~ diagnose( fileB ) end ^^ console ~ writeLine( '' ) C = '' -- prepare the default output matrix -- perform a matrix operation, based on the requested operation = upper( left( operation, 1 ) ) select when operation = '+' then return add() when operation = '-' then return subtract() when operation = '*' then return multiply() when operation = '/' then return divide() when operation = '=' then return equal() when operation = 'D' then say determinant( A ) when operation = 'E' then call eigenMatrix when operation = 'I' then return invert() when operation = 'O' then call isOrthogonal when operation = 'P' then call characteristicPolynomial when operation = 'S' then call solve when operation = 'T' then return transpose() when operation = 'V' then call eigenValues otherwise call usagemsg 'The requested matrix operation is invalid.' end exit 0 -- the 'assertDimensionsMatch' procedure asserts that both matrices -- have the same number of rows and columns assertDimensionsMatch : procedure expose A B if A ~ size <> B ~ size then call usagemsg "MISMATCH: Matrix file 'A' has" A ~ size "rows. Matrix file 'B' has" B ~ size "rows." if A ~ width <> B ~ width then call usagemsg "MISMATCH: Matrix file 'A' has" A ~ width "columns. Matrix file 'B' has" B ~ width "columns." return -- the 'assertSquareMatrix' procedure asserts that a square matrix is being processed assertSquareMatrix : procedure expose A if A ~ size <> A ~ width then call usagemsg "INVALID SQUARE MATRIX: Matrix file 'A' has" A ~ size "rows. Matrix file 'B' has" A ~ width "columns." return -- the 'assertSquareMatrixWithOneExtraColumn' asserts that the matrix -- has one more column than it has rows. This is used when a system -- of simultaneous equations is solved. assertSquareMatrixWithOneExtraColumn : procedure expose A if A ~ width <> ( 1 + ( A ~ size ) ) then call usagemsg "INVALID MATRIX:" || '0a'x || " There should be exactly one more column than there are rows." || '0a'x || " The matrix file has" A ~ size "rows, and" A ~ width "columns." return -- the 'isSingular' procedure determines whether or not a matrix is singular. -- a matrix is singular if the determinant is 0, and non-singular otherwise. isSingular : procedure return determinant( arg(1) ) = 0 -- the 'add' procedure adds 2 matrices -- producing the result in matrix C add : procedure expose A B C if \ datatype( B, 'Instance' ) then call usagemsg 'matrixFileB is required for an ADD operation.' call assertDimensionsMatch C = ^^ matrix( A ~ size, A ~ width ) loop ix over A loop jx over A[ ix ] C [ ix ] [ jx ] = A [ ix ] [ jx ] + B [ ix ] [ jx ] end end return emit() -- 'characteristicCoefficients' determines characteristic coefficients of the matrix characteristicCoefficients : procedure expose A call assertSquareMatrix dim = A ~ size -- call spur A, 3 if dim < 2 then call usagemsg 'Only 2x2 matrices, or greater, are supported for the CHARACTERISTIC POLYNOMIAL operation.' coeff = { 1, 0 - spur( a ) } if dim = 2 then coeff ~ add( determinant( a ) ) else do i=2 to dim -- uncomment the following to determine which 'spur/trace' value is being computed /* ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Computing, spur A' i ) */ if 0 = ( ( dim - i ) // 2 ) then coeff ~ add( 0 - spur( a, i ) ) else coeff ~ add( spur( a, i ) ) end return coeff -- 'characteristicPolynomial' determines characteristic polynomial of the matrix characteristicPolynomial : procedure expose A coeff = characteristicCoefficients() dim = A ~ size -- say 'The Characteristic equation''s coefficients are:' coeff ~ tostring -- say -- say 'The polynomial to solve is:' poly = '' do i=dim to 0 by -1 if i <> dim then poly = poly word( '- +', 1 + ( sign( coeff[ 1 + ( dim - i ) ] ) = 1 ) ) if coeff[ 1 + ( dim - i ) ] = 0 then iterate if coeff[ 1 + ( dim - i ) ] <> 1 then poly = poly abs( coeff[ 1 + ( dim - i ) ] ) else if i = 0 then poly = poly 1 if i > 0 then poly = poly 'x^'i end say strip( poly ) '= 0' return 0 -- the 'determinant' procedure computes the determinant of a square matrix determinant : procedure mat = arg(1) if \ datatype( mat, 'Instance' ) then call usagemsg 'A matrix is required for a DETERMINANT operation.' if mat ~ width <> mat ~ size then call usagemsg "The determinant can only be computed for a square matrix." if mat ~ width = 0 then call usagemsg "The matrix is empty" if mat ~ width = 1 then return mat[ 1 ][ 1 ] -- algorithm: CRC 27th ed. p31, 4.10 if mat ~ width = 2 then return ( mat[ 1 ][ 1 ] * mat[ 2 ][ 2 ] ) - ( mat[ 1 ][ 2 ] * mat[ 2 ][ 1 ] ) det = 0 loop jx over mat[ 1 ] det = det + mat[ 1 ][ jx ] * cofactor( mat, 1, jx ) end return det -- the 'divide' procedure divides one matrix by another -- producing the result in matrix C divide : procedure expose A B C if \ datatype( B, 'Instance' ) then call usagemsg 'matrixFileB is required for an DIVIDE operation.' if B ~ width <> B ~ size then call usagemsg "File '"fileB"' is not a square matrix. Matrix file '"fileB"' has" B ~ width "columns. Matrix file '"fileB"' has" B ~ size "rows." if A ~ width <> B ~ size then call usagemsg "MISMATCH: Matrix file '"fileA"' has" A ~ width "columns. Matrix file '"fileB"' has" B ~ size "rows." C = ^^ matrix( B ~ width, A ~ size ) call invertB loop ix over A loop jx over A[ ix ] loop mx over B_inverse C [ ix ] [ jx ] = C [ ix ] [ jx ] + ( A [ ix ] [ mx ] * B_inverse [ mx ] [ jx ] ) end end end return emit() -- the 'equal' procedure determines if two matrices have the same values equal : procedure expose A B if \ datatype( B, 'Instance' ) then call usagemsg 'matrixFileB is required for an EQUAL operation.' call assertDimensionsMatch loop ix over A loop jx over A[ ix ] if A [ ix ] [ jx ] <> B [ ix ] [ jx ] then return '0' end end return '1' -- the 'eigenMatrix' procedure computes a matrix of eigenvectors eigenMatrix : procedure expose A coeff = characteristicCoefficients() ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'characteristicCoefficients:' coeff ~ tostring ) -- use the 'rootFinder.rooProgram' to find the eigenvalues ! ! 'roo rootFinder' coeff ~ tostring '(stack' -- the eigenvalues are now in the external data queue eigenvalues = ^^ vector ~ addSystemQueue -- say 'eigenvalues:' eigenvalues ~ tostring -- algorithm: CRC 27th ed. p40, 8.24 dim = A ~ width S = ^^ matrix( dim - 1, dim ) -- simultaneous equations to solve eigenmatrix = ^^ matrix( dim, dim ) eigenvalueDim = eigenvalues ~ size loop ix over eigenvalues eigenvalue = eigenvalues[ 1 + ( eigenvalueDim - ix ) ] -- say 'eigenvalue' eigenvalue do row=1 to dim-1 do col=2 to dim S[ row ][ col - 1 ] = A[ row ][ col ] end if row = 1 then S[ row ][ dim ] = eigenvalue - A[ row ][ 1 ] else do S[ row ][ row - 1 ] = S[ row ][ row - 1 ] - eigenvalue S[ row ][ dim ] = 0 - A[ row ][ 1 ] end end eigenvector = solveSimultaneousEquations( S ) eigenvector ~ insertAt( 1, 1 ) sumOfSquares = 0 loop jx over eigenvector sumOfSquares = sumOfSquares + eigenvector[ jx ] ** 2 end jx sumOfSquaresRoot = squareroot( sumOfSquares ) loop jx over eigenvector eigenvector[ jx ] = eigenvector[ jx ] / sumOfSquaresRoot end jx eigenmatrix[ ix ] = eigenvector end ix say eigenmatrix ~ toString return -- the 'eigenValues' procedure computes the eigenvalues of the matrix eigenValues : procedure expose A coeff = characteristicCoefficients() -- use the 'rootFinder.rooProgram' to find the eigenvalues ! call rootFinder coeff ~ tostring return -- the 'invert' procedure computes the inverse of a matrix invert : procedure expose A B C if datatype( B, 'Instance' ) then call usagemsg 'matrixFileB is NOT required for an INVERT operation.' call assertSquareMatrix if isSingular( A ) then call usagemsg 'Matrix A is singular' -- algorithm: CRC 27th ed. p35, 6.13 det = determinant( A ) dim = A ~ width C = ^^ matrix( dim, dim ) -- C is the inverse of A loop ix over A loop jx over A[ ix ] C[ ix ][ jx ] = cofactor( A, jx, ix ) / det end end return emit() -- the 'invert' procedure computes the inverse of matrix B -- this is used in the 'division' process invertB : procedure expose B B_inverse if isSingular( B ) then call usagemsg 'Matrix B is singular' det = determinant( B ) dim = B ~ width B_inverse = ^^ matrix( dim, dim ) loop ix over B loop jx over B[ ix ] B_inverse[ ix ][ jx ] = cofactor( B, jx, ix ) / det end end return -- the 'multiply' procedure multiplies 2 matrices -- producing the result in matrix C multiply : procedure expose A B C if \ datatype( B, 'Instance' ) then call usagemsg 'matrixFileB is required for an MULTIPLY operation.' if A ~ width <> B ~ size then call usagemsg "MISMATCH: Matrix file '"fileA"' has" A ~ width "columns. Matrix file '"fileB"' has" B ~ size "rows." C = ^^ matrix( A ~ size, B ~ width ) do ix=1 for C ~ size do jx=1 for C ~ width do kx=1 for B ~ size C [ ix ] [ jx ] = C [ ix ] [ jx ] + ( A [ ix ] [ kx ] * B [ kx ] [ jx ] ) end end end return emit() -- the 'isorthogonal' procedure analyzes if a matrix is orthogonal isorthogonal : procedure expose A B C if datatype( B, 'Instance' ) then call usagemsg 'matrixFileB is NOT required for an isorthogonal operation.' call assertSquareMatrix if isSingular( A ) then call usagemsg 'Matrix A is singular' det = determinant( A ) say abs( det ) '(the matrix is orthogonal if the value on the left is 1, or nearly 1)' return -- the 'solveSimultaneousEquations' procedure -- solves a system of simultaneous equations -- the input matrix has one more column than the number of rows. solveSimultaneousEquations : procedure mat = arg(1) -- this algorithm is based on Cramer's Rule dim = mat ~ size -- #rows => dimension of submatrices lastCol = dim + 1 R = ^^ vector -- result is a vector .. ex: x,y,z denominatorMatrix = ^^ matrix( dim, dim ) loop ix over mat do jx=1 to dim denominatorMatrix[ ix ][ jx ] = mat[ ix ][ jx ] end end detDenominator = determinant( denominatorMatrix ) if detDenominator = 0 then call usagemsg 'The' dim'x'dim 'portion on the left side of the matrix has a determinant of 0 (it''s singular) !' -- process columns do col=1 to dim M = ^^ matrix( dim, dim ) loop ix over mat do jx=1 to dim -- a specific column value is usually the value in that column -- of the input matrix. However, when the column is the one -- being processed, the value is taken from the last column -- of the input matrix. M[ ix ][ jx ] = mat[ ix ][ word( jx lastCol, 1 + ( col = jx ) ) ] end end R ~ add( determinant( M ) / detDenominator ) end return R -- the 'solve' procedure solves a system of simultaneous equations -- the input matrix was the first argument of the command line solve : procedure expose A B C if datatype( B, 'Instance' ) then call usagemsg 'matrixFileB is NOT required for a SOLVE operation.' call assertSquareMatrixWithOneExtraColumn R = solveSimultaneousEquations( A ) say R ~ toString return -- the 'subtract' procedure subtracts one matrix by another -- producing the result in matrix C subtract : procedure expose A B C if \ datatype( B, 'Instance' ) then call usagemsg 'matrixFileB is required for an SUBTRACT operation.' call assertDimensionsMatch C = ^^ matrix( A ~ size, A ~ width ) loop ix over A loop jx over A[ ix ] C [ ix ] [ jx ] = A [ ix ] [ jx ] - B [ ix ] [ jx ] end end return emit() -- the 'transpose' method swaps the row and column values around -- the main diagonal, -- producing the result in matrix C transpose : procedure expose A B C if datatype( B, 'Instance' ) then call usagemsg 'matrixFileB is NOT required for an TRANSPOSE operation.' C = ^^ matrix( A ~ width, A ~ size ) loop ix over A loop jx over A[ ix ] C [ jx ] [ ix ] = A [ ix ] [ jx ] end end return emit() -- the 'cofactor' procedure computes the determinant -- of a submatrix of a given matrix. the submatrix -- is prepared by striking the ith row and jth column -- from the original matrix. -- note: the 'determinant' procedure uses the 'cofactor' -- procedure. consequently, this pair of procedures can -- be recursive, and always is when the number of rows -- and columns exceeds 3. cofactor : procedure parse arg mat, ix, jx dim = mat ~ width - 1 submat = ^^ matrix( dim, dim ) row = 1 loop i over mat col = 1 loop j over mat[ i ] if ix <> i & jx <> j then do submat[ row ][ col ] = mat[ i ][ j ] col = col + 1 end end if ix <> i then row = row + 1 end return determinant( submat ) * word( "1 -1", 1 + ( 0 <> ( ( ix + jx ) // 2 ) ) -- the 'spur' of a matrix, is also known as the 'trace' -- since the trace function is a Rexx built-in function, -- the 'spur' name is used here spur : procedure parse arg mat, order if \ datatype( mat, 'Instance' ) then call usagemsg 'A matrix is required for a spur / trace operation.' -- assert square matrix if mat ~ width <> mat ~ size then do mat ~ diagnose( "Invalid square matrix for a spur / trace request" ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Calling context:' ) ^^ ContextVector ~ print exit 1 end -- algorithm: CRC 27th ed. p37 -- TRACES section dim = mat ~ size -- the trace of a square matrix, without a specified order, -- is the sum of the diagonal elements if order = '' then do tr = 0 loop ix over mat tr = tr + mat[ ix ][ ix ] end end else if order > dim then call usagemsg 'The requested order ('order') of a spur / trace operation exceeds the matrix dimension ('dim').' -- the trace of a square matrix, with order = #rows, -- is the determinant else if order = dim then tr = determinant( mat ) -- the trace of a square matrix, with order = 2, -- is the sum of the determinants of all 2 x 2 submatrices -- within the original matrix else if order = 2 then do tr = 0 submat = ^^ matrix( 2, 2 ) do i=1 to dim - 1 do j=i+1 to dim submat[ 1 ][ 1 ] = mat[ i ][ i ] submat[ 1 ][ 2 ] = mat[ i ][ j ] submat[ 2 ][ 1 ] = mat[ j ][ i ] submat[ 2 ][ 2 ] = mat[ j ][ j ] tr = tr + determinant( submat ) end end end -- the trace of a 4x4 matrix with order = 3 -- is the sum of the cofactors going down -- the main diagonal else if order = 3 & dim = 4 then do tr = 0 do i=1 to 4 tr = tr + cofactor( mat, i, i ) end end -- the trace of an NxN matrix, with order higher than 2 -- is difficult to determine. the method used here -- proceeds in two steps: -- 1. a series of row-column values to eliminate is computed -- 2. the sum of the determinants of the submatrices with -- the row-column values removed is computed. else do k = order -- call usagemsg 'Matrix dimensions above 4 are not currently supported, for a spur / trace operation (TBD)' call cull k, dim -- get the culled 'row-column' values from the external data queue culled = ^^ vector ~ addsystemqueue -- you can determine what row-column values are culled -- by uncommenting the following code lines. /* say say 'culled vectors' loop ix over culled say culled[ ix ] end exit 99 */ submat = ^^ matrix( k, k ) tr = 0 loop ix over culled elim = culled[ ix ] -- this contains the 'row-column' values to exclude subrow = 0 do i=1 to dim if wordpos( i, elim ) = 0 then do subrow = subrow + 1 subcol = 1 do j=1 to dim -- add 'unexcluded' values to the submatrix if wordpos( i, elim ) = 0 then do submat[ subrow ][ subcol ] = mat[ i ][ j ] subcol = subcol + 1 end end end end -- compute the determinant of the submatrix -- and add it to the trace result tr = tr + determinant( submat ) end end return tr -- the 'cull' procedure produces a series of lines -- each line is a set of the 'row-column' values to exclude. cull : procedure parse arg k, dim -- generate the code that emits culled row-column indices ! -- the code to do this is a series of nested iterative do loops -- the number of nested loops is dependent on the difference -- between the k and dim arguments ! code = 'do ix1=1 to dim - 1;' do i=2 to dim - k code = code || 'do ix'i '= 1 + ix' || (i-1) 'to dim;' end code = code || 'lin = "";' do i=1 to dim - k code = code || 'lin = lin" "ix'i';' end -- each set of row-column indices is written to the external data queue code = code || 'queue strip( lin );' do i=1 to dim - k code = code || 'end;' end -- if you want to know what the code that computes the culled values -- looks like, uncomment the following line ! /* say translate( code, '0a'x, ';' ) */ -- INTERPRET the generated code ! interpret code return -- the 'emit' procedure writes matrix C to the default output stream -- as a series of comma-separated value lines emit : procedure expose C loop ix over C say C[ ix ] ~ toDelimitedString( ',' ) end return 0 -- the 'usagemsg' procedure describes how to use this program usagemsg : procedure ^^ console ~ writeLine( arg(1), '', , 'Usage : ', ' roo matrixOperation matrixFileA op [ matrixFileB ] [ [>] > outMatrixFile ]' , , '', 'Supported operators:', '', , ' + .. matrix addition', , ' - .. matrix subtraction', , ' * .. matrix multiplication', , ' / .. matrix division', , ' = .. matrix equality', , ' D .. matrix determinant', , ' E .. computes matrix of eigenvectors', , ' I .. matrix inversion', , ' O .. matrix orthogonal analysis', , ' P .. matrix characteristic polynomial', , ' S .. solve simultaneous equations', , ' T .. matrix transpose', , ' V .. computes eigenvalues -- roots of characteristic polynomial' )
/* msgbox.roo a class that sends stream output to a message box the message is displayed by the auxiliary program MSGBOX.EXE */ msgbox : class extends outtext -- local variables local caption -- message box caption local messagestyle -- message box style local showtime -- boolean => show time too shared text -- 'text' is a shared symbol in the 'outtext' class -- initialize member variables initialize : method caption = '' messagestyle = 0 -- default style: OK button showtime = '' return '' -- configuration methods setCaption : method caption = arg(1) return ^ self showButtons : method button = translate( arg(1) ) call addStyle wordpos( button, 'OK OKCANCEL ABORTRETRYIGNORE YESNOCANCEL YESNO RETRYCANCEL' ) - 1 return ^self showIcon : method iconImage = translate( arg(1) ) call addStyle wordpos( iconImage, 'STOP QUESTIONMARK EXCLAMATION INFORMATION' ) * 16 return ^self setDefaultButton : method defaultButton = translate( arg(1) ) call addStyle ( wordpos( defaultButton, 'FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH' ) - 1 ) * 256 return ^self setTopFloat : method call addStyle 262144 return ^self showTime : method showtime = translate( left( arg(1), 1 ) ) return ^ self -- emit method emit : method -- prepare message box parameters params = '' if showtime = 'Y' then params = params '/Time' if caption <> '' then params = params '/C"'caption'"' if messagestyle <> 0 then params = params '/S'messagestyle -- change backslashes in the text to double-backslashes -- change line terminators to escaped line terminators ttext = changestr( changestr( text, '\', '\\' ), '0d0a'x, '\r\n' ) -- show the message 'msgbox' strip( params ttext ) -- show message box ! -- using the msgbox.exe program -- convert response index to corresponding word return word( 'OK CANCEL ABORT RETRY IGNORE YES NO', rc ) addStyle : procedure messagestyle = messagestyle + arg( 1 ) return ^self
-- naturalLogarithm.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the naturalLogarithm function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ math xLimit = 10 yLimit = 2 graphPropsFile = 'naturalLogarithm.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# eToXGraph.props -- created by program: naturalLogarithm.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=Ln X : '.1 '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=.1 to xLimit by .1 call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ naturalLogarithm( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- naturalPowerGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the naturalPower function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ math xLimit = 10 yLimit = 2 graphPropsFile = 'naturalPowerGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# naturalPowerGraph.props -- created by program: naturalPowerGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=e^X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .1 call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ naturalPower( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
/* outtext.roo a base class that collects stream output to a text value */ shared text -- 'text' is a shared symbol with derived classes .. audiotext, etc. initialize : method text = arg( 1 ) -- initialize text variable return '' emit : method return ^ self -- an outtext instance context reference writeCharacters : method text = text || arg(1) -- add some characters return 0 -- #characters remaining to be written writeLine : method trace ?r text = text || arg(1) || '0d0a'x -- add a line return 0 -- #lines remaining to be written getText : method return text -- return the text reset : method text = '' -- reset the text return '' toString : method return text -- return the text
-- polynomialMultiplication.rooProgram -- this program multiplies 2 polynomials. -- each polynomial is provided as a comma separated string value. -- the 2 polynomials can be provided on the command line as follows: -- roo polynomialMultiplication 3,3,1 * 2,1 -- or, the 2 polynomials can be provided as the 1st 2 lines -- in the default input stream. -- the result polynomial is written to the default output stream -- as comma separated coefficients. -- the input polynomials and the output polynomial are displayed -- to the console. -- this algorithm is 'adapted' from: -- Sedgewick, Algorithms in C++, p529 -- ISBN: 0-201-51059-6, Copyright (C) 1992, Addison-Wesley -- this program requires roo! build date: 31 Jan 2003, or later parse arg comma_separated_coefficients '*' comma_separated_coefficients2 if comma_separated_coefficients = '' then do ^^ console ~ writeLine( "Please enter 2 comma separated coefficients on separate lines below" ) comma_separated_coefficients = linein() if pos( ',', comma_separated_coefficients ) = 0 then call usagemsg comma_separated_coefficients2 = linein() end if pos( ',', comma_separated_coefficients ) = 0 then call usagemsg if pos( ',', comma_separated_coefficients2 ) = 0 then call usagemsg p = ^^ vector ~ addDelimitedString( strip( comma_separated_coefficients ), ',' ) q = ^^ vector ~ addDelimitedString( strip( comma_separated_coefficients2 ), ',' ) call showPolynomial 'The 1st polynomial is:', p call showPolynomial 'The 2nd polynomial is:', p -- make sure the coefficients have the same rank -- the rank is the size - 1 do while p ~ size < q ~ size p ~ insertAt( 1, 0 ) end do while p ~ size > q ~ size q ~ insertAt( 1, 0 ) end -- this algorithm requires the polynomials to have an even number of coefficients if 0 <> ( p ~ size // 2 ) then do p ~ insertAt( 1, 0 ) q ~ insertAt( 1, 0 ) end N = p ~ size answer = mult( p, q, N ) -- eliminate leading 0's do while answer[ 1 ] = 0 answer ~ removeAt( 1 ) end call showPolynomial 'The product polynomial is:', answer say answer ~ toString exit 0 -- the 'mult' procedure recursively multiplies half the polynomials -- and then combines the results mult : procedure parse arg p, q, N if N = 1 then do return { p[ 1 ] * q[ 1 ] } end halfN = trunc( N / 2 ) -- establish intermediate vectors pLow = {} qLow = {} pHigh = {} qHigh = {} t1 = {} t2 = {} -- establish the result vector resultRank = ( 2 * ( N - 1 ) ) + 1 resultPoly = ^^ vector ~ addDelimitedString( strip( copies( '0,', resultRank), 'T', ',' ), ',' ) -- prepare the low side half vectors do i=1 to halfN pLow[ i ] = p[ i ] qLow[ i ] = q[ i ] end -- prepare the high side half vectors do i=halfN+1 to N pHigh[ i - halfN ] = p[ i ] qHigh[ i - halfN ] = q[ i ] end -- prepare the temporary half vectors do i=1 to halfN t1[ i ] = pLow[ i ] + pHigh[ i ] t2[ i ] = qLow[ i ] + qHigh[ i ] end -- get the result of multiplying the low side half vectors rLow = mult( pLow, qLow, halfN ) -- get the result of multiplying the temporary half vectors rMiddle = mult( t1, t2, halfN ) -- get the result of multiplying the high side half vectors rHigh = mult( pHigh, qHigh, halfN ) -- prepare the lower half of the result polynomial do i=1 to N-1 resultPoly[ i ] = rLow[ i ] end -- the middle of the result polynomial is 0 resultPoly[ N ] = 0 -- prepare the upper half of the result polynomial do i=1 to N-1 resultPoly[ N + i ] = rHigh[ i ] end -- combine the intermediate results do i=1 to N-1 resultPoly[ halfN + i ] = resultPoly[ halfN + i ] + rMiddle[ i ] - ( rLow[ i ] + rHigh[ i ] ) end return resultPoly -- 'showPolynomial' procedure showPolynomial : procedure parse arg title, coeff dim = coeff ~ size - 1 poly = '' do i=dim to 0 by -1 currentCoefficient = coeff[ 1 + ( dim - i ) ] if currentCoefficient = 0 then iterate if i <> dim then do if sign( currentCoefficient ) = -1 then do poly = poly '-' currentCoefficient = abs( currentCoefficient ) end else poly = poly '+' end if currentCoefficient <> 1 then poly = poly currentCoefficient else if i = 0 then poly = poly 1 if i > 0 then poly = poly 'x^'i end ^^ console ~ writeLine( '', title, ' 'strip( poly ) ) return -- 'usagemsg' procedure -- show program usage information usagemsg : procedure if arg(1) <> '' then ^^ console ~ writeLine( arg(1), '' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Usage:', ' roo polynomialMultiplication [comma_separated_coefficients1 * comma_separated_coefficients2] [>outfile]', '' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Example polynomials to multiply:' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( ' 3 x^2 + 3 x + 1' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( ' 2 x + 1' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( '', 'Associated coefficients:' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( ' 3,3,1' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( ' 2,1' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( '', 'Command to perform:' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( ' roo polynomialMultiplication 3,3,1 * 2,1' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( '', 'When the comma_separated_coefficients values are absent,', 'they are read from the 1st two lines of the default input stream.' ) exit 1
/* qt.roo This is the supporting QT class file for the 'query time' example program from TRL-2 p172 which tells the current time in English. */ local out -- the output text destination local specificTime -- a specific time to display initialize : method parse arg out, specificTime -- set local variables from parameters -- ensure output destination is an instance if \ datatype( out, 'Instance' ) then do ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'The parameter for QT.ROO should be an output destination object instance' ) return 'The parameter for QT.ROO should be an output destination object instance' end return '' settime : method specificTime = arg(1) -- prepare to display a specific time return now telltime : method out ~ writeCharacters( "It's" ) -- start output phrase if specificTime = '' then now = time() -- show current time else now = specificTime -- show specific time -- prepare nearby time clauses near = { , '' , , ' just gone' , , ' just after' , , ' nearly' , , ' almost' } -- get hour, minute, and second parse var now hour ':' min ':' sec -- round minutes if sec > 29 then min = min+1 -- determine REMAINDER of minutes divided by 5 -- emit 'near' phrase out ~ writeCharacters( near[ 1 + ( min // 5 ) ] ) -- round hour if min > 32 then hour = hour + 1 -- increment minutes by nearby interval min = min + 2 -- show exactly noon or midnight if hour // 12 = 0 & min // 60 <= 4 then do if hour=12 then out ~ writeCharacters( 'Noon' ) else out ~ writeCharacters( 'Midnight' ) return '' end -- reduce minutes to 5 minute interval base min = min - ( min // 5 ) if hour > 12 then hour = hour - 12 -- reduce PM times by 12 hours else if hour = 0 then hour = 12 -- 0 hour: is 12 to 1 am -- prepare 5 minute interval clauses roundedMinute = , { , '' , , 'five past' , , 'ten past' , , 'a quarter past' , , 'twenty past' , , 'twenty-five past' , , 'half past' , , 'twenty-five to' , , 'twenty to' , , 'a quarter to' , , 'ten to' , , 'five to' , , '' } -- emit 'rounded' phrase out ~ writeCharacters( ' 'strip( roundedMinute[ 1 + ( min / 5 ) ], 'T' ) ) -- hour numbers hourNumbers = { 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve' } out ~ writeCharacters( ' 'hourNumbers[ hour ] ) -- add current hour if 0 = ( min // 60 ) then out ~ writeCharacters( " o'clock" ) -- it's exactly a specific hour clause -- done ! return ^ self -- return 'qt' instance reference
/* qt.rooProgram This is a roo!(TM) version of the 'query time' example program from TRL-2 p172 which tells the current time in English. usage: roo qtRoo.rooProgram [emitterClass _ hh:mm:ss] 'emitterClass' is one of: audiotext console outstream htmlnote htmltext marquee msgbox xmltext related programs: qtVoice.rooProgram -- tells the time once, vocally qtVoiceEndless.rooProgram -- tells the time vocally, endlessly Alternate output emitters are passed to the supporting qt.roo program. This program uses the related PICKLIST.EXE program to select an output emitter. */ -- validate arguments arg parm '_' testtime . outputEmitter = '' -- 'emitter' is a vector of supported output emitter class names emitter = { 'AUDIOTEXT', 'CONSOLE', 'OUTSTREAM', 'HTMLNOTE', , 'HTMLTEXT', 'MARQUEE', 'MSGBOX', 'XMLTEXT' } select when parm='?' then call usagemsg when wordpos( parm, emitterClasses ) > 0 then outputEmitter = parm when parm = '' then do -- let the user pick the emitter type choices = { 'What output format would you prefer?' , , 'Audio' , , 'Console' , , 'Default output' , , 'HTML note' , , 'HTML text' , , 'Marquee' , , 'Message box' , , 'XML note' } ~ toString trace o 'PICKLIST' choices if rc = 0 then exit 1 /* cancel was selected */ outputEmitter = emitter[ rc ] end otherwise call usagemsg 'Invalid argument: 'parm end -- note: outputEmitter is a class name, -- which is the value of a variable. dest = ^^ outputEmitter -- prepare text destination -- the 'qt.roo' class prepares the text ^^ qt( dest, testtime ) ~ telltime -- additional preparations if outputEmitter <> 'AUDIOTEXT' then dest ~ writeCharacters( '.' ) -- add trailing period if outputEmitter = 'HTMLTEXT' then do dest ~ setTag( 'div' ) dest ~ attribute( 'align', 'center' ) ~ attribute( 'style', 'color:yellow; background-color:navy' ) end if outputEmitter = 'MSGBOX' then dest ~ setCaption( 'A message from QT !' ) -- add caption -- emit the text -- which is the time of day, in English dest ~ emit -- done ! exit 0 usagemsg : con = ^^ console con ~ writeLine( arg(1), '', 'Usage:', ' roo QT.rooProgram [ emitterClass [ _ hh:mm:ss ] ]' ) con ~ writeLine( '', 'Supported emitter classes are:', ' 'emitterClasses )
/* qtVoice.rooProgram This is a roo!(TM) version of the 'query time' example program from TRL-2 p172 which tells the current time with an English voice. usage: roo qtVoice.rooProgram */ if arg( 1 ) <> '' then call usagemsg dest = ^^ audiotext ^^ qt( dest ) ~ telltime dest ~ emit exit 0 usagemsg : ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'No arguments are expected.', '', 'Usage:', ' roo qtVoice.rooProgram' )
/* qtVoiceEndless.rooProgram This is a roo!(TM) version of the 'query time' example program from TRL-2 p172 which tells the current time with an English voice, endlessly. usage: roo qtVoiceEndless.rooProgram */ if arg( 1 ) <> '' then -- no arguments are expected ! call usagemsg dest = ^^ audiotext -- the output destination is audio qt = ^^ qt( dest ) -- prepare a QT class instance priorTime = '' -- remember previous cycle time priorText = '' -- remember previous cycle text do forever -- forever is a long time ! -- if the time is the same there is nothing -- new to say. if priorTime <> time() then do priorTime = time() qt ~ telltime -- get the time in English -- if the time text is the same -- there is nothing new to say. if priorText <> dest ~ getText then do dest ~ emit -- say the current time in English ! priorText = dest ~ getText -- save the new text end dest ~ reset -- reset the audio text end call nap 20 * 1000 -- snooze for 20 seconds end exit 0 usagemsg : ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'No arguments are expected.', '', 'Usage:', ' roo qtVoiceEndless.rooProgram' )
/* quipDuJour.rooProgram shows a quip du jour the optional argument is the name of a text file that contains quips the default quip file is: quips.dat */ -- get optional file name containing quips arg quipFileName . if quipFileName = '' then quipFileName = 'quips.dat' -- use default -- check if quip file exists quipFile = ^^ file( quipFileName ) if \ ( quipFile ~ exists ) then call usagemsg 'File' quipFileName 'does not exist.' -- read all quip file lines to a vector quipLines = ^^ inLineFile( quipFileName ) -- generate a random quip number quipNumber = random( 1, quipLines ~ size ) -- show the random quip ^^ outstream ~ writeLine( 'Quip #'quipNumber, ' 'quipLines[ quipNumber ] ) exit 0 -- show usage information usagemsg : ^^ console ~ writeLine( , arg(1), , '', , 'Usage : ', , ' roo quipDuJour.rooProgram [ quipFileName ] (default: quips.dat)', , '', , 'Example : ', , ' roo quipDuJour quips.dat' )
/* randomSequence.roo generate a random sequence of numbers this program is used by deal.roo to prepare the shuffled sequence of 52 cards. */ -- this class extends the built-in class 'vector' explicitly -- because the arguments for this class differ from a -- vector's initialization arguments. randomSequence : class extends Vector explicitly initialize : method 'base' ~ initialize -- prepare base class ARG count, low, high, uniqueOption +1 -- get arguments if uniqueOption = '' then uniqueOption = 'U' -- a unique sequence is desired numeric digits 11 -- 'nap' function can return a number with more than 9 digits call random , , nap( 0 ) -- establish a new sequence ! numeric digits 9 do count -- prepare 'count' values -- add another value. do forever -- loop until a value is added newValue = random( low, high ) if uniqueOption <> 'U' , -- non-unique is OK | \ ^ contains( newValue ) then do -- value not already contained in vector ^ add( newValue ) -- add value to vector leave end end end return '' -- done !
/* rooTry.rooProgram, a bare bones interpreter Keywords ROO statement experimentation, INTERPRET example, Interactive command shell Usage roo rooTry Arguments None Files used Console immediate input and output Exit codes 0 => last request was successful non-0 => last return code Input record format Input is read as normal console input. Sample input file N/A Sample output file An output file is not produced, but a sample session follows: Type 'EXIT' to end ==> say ^^ randomSequence( 6, 1, 49, 'U' ) ~ toString 41,27,38,7,16,31 ==> EXIT Example of use roo rooTry Explanation This procedure is an interactive ROO statement execution shell. A prompt is displayed for entry 1 or more ROO statements. The user's response is INTERPRETed. Statements can perform any ROO statement, including loops, references to built-in functions, external procedure calls, and system command initiation. There are special concerns which must be met when loops are coded [refer to the description of INTERPRET instruction]. Output from statements is processed normally. When erroneous requests are encountered, a message is displayed showing the erroneous line, and processing resumes with another prompt. Processing is terminated by typing "EXIT" or "RETURN" statements, or by hitting either Control-Break or Control-C. */ con = ^^ console prompt = '==> ' humbleResponse = "O'roo -- your wish is my command." RC = 0 -- presume no errors con ~ writeLine( "Type 'EXIT' to end" ) -- show how to stop con ~ writeCharacters( date() time() prompt ) -- solicit initial ROO request do while con ~ hasInput -- process requests until end of console input parse value con ~ readLine with _line_ -- get ROO request if translate( _line_ ) == 'THANKS' then -- answer unexpected user praise con ~ writeLine( humbleResponse ) -- show humility else interpret _line_ -- interpret ROO statement(s) con ~ writeCharacters( date() time() prompt ) -- solicit next ROO request catch e = ERROR call diagnose catch e = FAILURE call diagnose catch halt con ~ writeLine( 'Tata...' ) exit 0 catch e = SYNTAX call diagnose end exit RC -- final command error code is returned upward diagnose : /* exposeAll */ -- deal with erroneous requests con ~ writeLine( "???" e ~ description "07"x ) -- show befuddlement & beep con ~ writeLine( " " _line_ ) -- show erroneous request con ~ writeCharacters( date() time() prompt ) -- solicit next ROO request return -- resume processing
-- rootFinder.rooProgram -- this program discovers the roots of a polynomial having a single variable, using Newton's iteration method -- the polynomial is entered either as comma separated values on the command line, -- or as a sequence of numeric values separated by commas, on the first line in the default input stream -- the roots are written on separate lines to the default output stream -- if the polynomial is quadratic, the quadratic formula is used parse arg comma_separated_coefficients if comma_separated_coefficients = '' then do ^^ console ~ writeLine( "Please enter the polynomial coefficients below -- separated by commas" ) comma_separated_coefficients = linein() if pos( ',', comma_separated_coefficients ) = 0 then call usagemsg end coeff = ^^ vector ~ addDelimitedString( comma_separated_coefficients, ',' ) call showPolynomial 'The polynomial to solve is:', coeff if coeff ~ size < 3 then call usagemsg 'At least 3 coefficients are expected...' if coeff[ 1 ] = 0 then call usagemsg 'The first coefficient can''t be 0 !!' -- usually the 1st polynomial coefficient is one. convert the values if it is not 1. if coeff[ 1 ] <> 1 then do coeff1 = coeff[ 1 ] loop ix over coeff coeff[ ix ] = coeff[ ix ] / coeff1 end end -- roots are discovered iteratively -- the 1st root is discovered using Newton's iteration method -- then the polynomial is reduced by dividing by ( x - root ) -- then the next root is discovered. -- eventually the polynomial will be quadratic, at which point -- the quadratic formula is used to obtain the last 2 roots. -- the final roots may be complex ! do while coeff ~ size > 2 -- call showPolynomial 'The current polynomial to solve is:', coeff if coeff ~ size = 3 then call quadraticRoots coeff -- the 'quadraticRoots' procedure exits ! dim = coeff ~ size - 1 -- compute derivative coefficients -- the derivative of a specific term: A x ^ n -- is ( A * n ) x ^ ( n - 1) -- the derivative of: x^3 + 3 x^2 + 3 x + 1 -- is: 3x^2 + 6 x + 3 derivativeCoefficient = ^^ vector do i=dim to 1 by -1 derivativeCoefficient ~ add( coeff[ 1 + ( dim - i ) ] * i ) end -- call showPolynomial 'Derivative polynomial:', derivativeCoefficient, 'Y' stab = 0 do ix = 2 to coeff ~ size while stab = 0 stab = coeff[ ix ] / 3 end if stab = 0 then call usagemsg 'all coefficients were zero ?' root = newton( stab, coeff, derivativeCoefficient ) say root coeff = reducePolynomial( coeff, root ) -- call showPolynomial 'The reduced polynomial is:', coeff end exit 0 -- 'evaluate' procedure -- evaluate polynomial for a given value: v evaluate : procedure parse arg poly, v value = poly[ poly ~ size ] -- last coefficient x = v do i=2 to poly ~ size value = value + ( x * poly[ 1 + ( poly ~ size - i ) ] ) x = x * v end return value -- 'newton' procedure -- the following is Newton's iterative procedure to discover a root newton : procedure parse arg stab, coeff, derivativeCoefficient prevRoot = 0 root = 0 dejavu = 0 do i=1 to digits() * 5 derivative = evaluate( derivativeCoefficient, stab ) if derivative = 0 then do if dejavu then do ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'singular derivative discovered', 'stab' stab, 'derivativeCoefficient' derivativeCoefficient ~ toString ) exit 1 end if ( stab / 2 ) <> 0 then stab = stab / 2 else stab = stab * 2 dejavu = 1 end else do dejavu = 0 value = evaluate( coeff, stab ) root = stab - ( value / derivative ) if root = stab | root = prevRoot then leave prevRoot = stab stab = root end end return root -- 'quadraticRoots' procedure -- find the roots of a quadratic equation quadraticRoots : procedure coeff = arg(1) a = coeff[ 1 ] b = coeff[ 2 ] c = coeff[ 3 ] if a = 0 then call usagemsg 'The first coefficient of a quadratic equation is 0 (invalid).' twoA = a * 2 subterm = ( b * b ) - ( 4 * a * c ) subtermSign = sign( subterm ) subterm = abs( subterm ) subroot = squareroot( subterm ) if subtermSign <> -1 then root1 = ( subroot - b ) / twoA else root1 = ( 0 - b ) / twoA '+' ( subroot / twoA ) 'i' if subtermSign <> -1 then root2 = ( 0 - ( subroot + b ) ) / twoA else root2 = ( 0 - b ) / twoA '-' ( subroot / twoA ) 'i' say root1 say root2 exit 0 -- 'reducePolynomial' procedure -- reduce the order of a polynomial, -- by dividing by ( x + root ) -- notice the coefficient of x is 1, -- which simplifies the polynomial division process reducePolynomial : procedure parse arg coeff, root -- invert the sign of the root -- if the root was -1 -- the polynomial in the denominator is ( x + 1 ) root = - root newPoly = { 1 } -- the 1st coefficient is always 1 factor = 1 dim = coeff ~ size do ix=2 to dim - 1 factor = coeff[ ix ] - ( factor * root ) newPoly ~ add( factor ) end return newPoly -- 'showPolynomial' procedure showPolynomial : procedure parse arg title, coeff, withoutEquals dim = coeff ~ size - 1 poly = '' do i=dim to 0 by -1 currentCoefficient = coeff[ 1 + ( dim - i ) ] if currentCoefficient = 0 then iterate if i <> dim then do if sign( currentCoefficient ) = -1 then do poly = poly '-' currentCoefficient = abs( currentCoefficient ) end else poly = poly '+' end if currentCoefficient <> 1 then poly = poly currentCoefficient else if i = 0 then poly = poly 1 if i > 0 then poly = poly 'x^'i end ^^ console ~ writeLine( '', title, ' 'strip( poly ) copies( ' = 0', withoutEquals <> 'Y' ), '' ) return -- 'usagemsg' procedure -- show program usage information usagemsg : procedure if arg(1) <> '' then ^^ console ~ writeLine( arg(1), '' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Usage:', ' roo rootfinder [comma_separated_coefficients] [>outfile]', '' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Example polynomial to solve:' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( ' x^3 + 3 x^2 + 3 x + 1 = 0' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( '', 'Associated coefficients:' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( ' 1,3,3,1' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( '', 'Command to perform:' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( ' roo rootfinder 1,3,3,1' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( '', 'When the comma_separated_coefficients value is absent,', 'they are read from the 1st line of the default input stream.' ) exit 1
-- secantGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the secant function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ mathX xLimit = 10 yLimit = 10 graphPropsFile = 'secantGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# secantGraph.props -- created by program: secantGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=Sec X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the parabola points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .1 if math ~ secant( i ) <> 'undefined' then call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ secant( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
/* showQuip.rooProgram show a quip du jour usage: roo showQuip < quipFile.dat [ > outFile ] Distribution file "quips.dat" contains many quips */ if arg(1) <> '' then signal usagemsg quips = ^^ inLineFile( '' ) -- read all lines in the default input stream if quips ~ isEmpty then do ^^ console ~ writeLine( "The input file is empty." ); exit 1 end say quips[ random( 1, quips ~ size ) ] -- write quip exit 0 usagemsg : ^^ console ~ writeLine( , 'No arguments are expected.' , , '' , , 'Usage : ' , , ' roo showQuip < quipFile.dat [ > outFile ]' , , '' , , 'Example : ' , , ' roo showQuip < quips.dat' )
-- sineGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the sine function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ math xLimit = 10 graphPropsFile = 'sineGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# sineGraph.props -- created by program: sineGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='1 call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=Sine X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' 1 --add the points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .1 call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ sine( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
-- SolveIt.rooProgram -- this program solves a system of simultaneous equations -- this program is executed by TopHat. The associated command is: -- tophat solveIt -- refer to the SolveIt.topHat file, and TopHat!(TM) program -- documentation, to understand how the solveIt.rooProgram -- is invoked. -- this program communicates with TopHat.EXE via the registry -- a tab delimited request is received from registry value: -- HKLM\Software\Kilowatt Software\roo\SolveIt[Request] -- a tab delimited response is returned in registry value: -- HKLM\Software\Kilowatt Software\roo\SolveIt[Response] tab = d2c( 9 ) -- get TopHat request request = value( "HKLM\Software\Kilowatt Software\roo\SolveIt[Request]", , "Registry" ) response = '?' || tab || '?' 'set ROOREGISTRYWRITE=Y' -- enable registry writing call value "HKLM\Software\Kilowatt Software\roo\SolveIt[Response]", response, "Registry" -- parse tab delimited request fields -- equations to solve parse var request a (tab) b (tab) c (tab) d (tab) e (tab) f (tab) g (tab) h call validate a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h eq = { a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h } eq_id = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H' } loop ix over eq if eq[ ix ] = '' then leave if ix >= words( a ) then do 'msgbox There should only be' ( words( a ) - 1 ) 'equations. Equation' eq_id[ ix ] 'should be empty.' exit 2 end end matrixFile = 'solveit_Temp_'right( date( 'B' )time( s ), 8 ) loop ix over eq if translate( eq[ ix ], ' ', '-' ) = '' then leave call lineout matrixFile, translate( space( eq[ ix ] ), ',', ' ' ) end call lineout matrixFile -- close the file -- the 'matrixOperation.rooProgram' solves the equation -- and writes the solution as a line to the default output stream (stdout). -- the output line is obtained from the stack. 'roo matrixOperation' matrixFile 's (stack' 'erase' matrixFile if \ queued() then do 'msgbox There is no solution for your equations. They are equivalent, or inconsistent.' exit 1 end parse pull solution -- prepare tab delimited TopHat response call value "HKLM\Software\Kilowatt Software\roo\SolveIt[Response]", translate( solution, tab, ',' ), "Registry" return 0 -- the 'validate' procedure -- assures all equations are specified correctly validate : procedure parse arg a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h order = words( a ) if order = 0 then do 'msgbox The 1st equation is empty.' exit 2 end call assertAllNumeric a, 'A' call assertValidOrder b, 'B', order call assertAllNumeric b, 'B' eq = { c, d, e, f, g, h } eq_id = { 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H' } do i=3 to order - 1 ix = i - 2 call assertValidEquation eq[ ix ], eq_id[ ix ], order end return -- the 'assertValidEquation' procedure -- assures a specific equation is specified correctly assertValidEquation : procedure parse arg eq, id, order if eq = '' then do 'msgbox There should be at least' (order-1) 'equations. Equation' id 'is empty.' exit 2 end call assertValidOrder eq, id, order call assertAllNumeric eq, id return -- the 'assertAllNumeric' procedure -- assures all values in an equation are numeric assertAllNumeric : procedure parse arg eq, id do while eq <> '' parse var eq n eq if datatype( n ) <> 'NUM' then do 'msgbox Equation' id 'has a non-numeric value.' exit 2 end end return -- the 'assertValidOrder' procedure -- assures an equation has the correct number of values assertValidOrder : procedure parse arg eq, id, order if words( eq ) <> order then do 'msgbox Equation' id 'should have' order 'values.' exit 2 end return
/* sumdisk.roo summarize disk folder tree from current folder downward for a complete description of program usage see: sumdisk.rooProgram For each folder level the following are identified: 1. total size of all files in folder [true size, rounded by cluster size] 2. number of files in the folder 3. date and time of most recently modified file in folder 4. biggest file size in folder 5. full folder path name [with leading hierarchic indentation indicators] The report includes leading "disk" summary information. Then, folder summary output is produced recursively, in hierarchic order, from the starting folder downward. The report concludes with the total space used by ALL of the folders that were analyzed. The resulting folder summary information can be sorted in various ways: by descending size, when disk space must be reduced by descending date&time, to identify folders that need to be backed up by descending biggest size, to identify folders with biggest files */ local report cluster_size console initialize : method report = arg( 1 ) -- report output class instance numeric digits 16 -- prepare for large space usage console = ^^ console -- log progress to the console ^ diskFreeSpaceAnalysis -- analyze disk free space -- prepare folder analysis title lines report ~ writeLine( ' Folder Summary' ) report ~ writeLine( right( 'Size', 14 ) '#Files Newest date & time' right( 'Biggest', 14 ) 'Folder Path' ) -- analyze folders and show total of files within folder tree report ~ writeLine( ' Total size of files in analyzed folders is:' ^ do_subfolders( ^^ folderContext, ' +' ) ) return '' -- DO_SUBFOLDERS procedure -- analyze files in this folder -- and recursively analyze all subfolders do_subfolders : method arg folderCtx, indent -- folder context, folder output indentation prefix total = 0 -- total file size in this folder and ALL subfolders downward console ~ writeLine( indent || folderCtx ~ toString ) -- show current folder total = total + do_files( folderCtx ) -- add file utilization to total report ~ writeLine( indent || folderCtx ~ toString ) -- report current folder name -- -- process subfolders -- subfolders = folderCtx ~ getSubfolders loop index over subfolders console ~ writeLine( subfolders[ index ] ~ tostring ) -- show subfolder name subCtx = ^^ folderContext( subfolders[ index ] ~ tostring ) -- subfolder context total = total + do_subfolders( subCtx, indent'+-' ) -- add subfolder size to total end return total -- total used in this folder -- DO_FILES procedure -- analyze all files in this folder -- total size of all files [with each file size rounded to cluster size] -- also, -- identify date and time of most recently modified file in folder -- identify biggest file size in folder do_files : procedure arg folderCtx -- folder context file_total = 0 -- total file size in current folder newest = '' -- this retains newest file date and time biggest = 0 -- this retains biggest file size -- -- process all files in the current folder -- files = folderCtx ~ getFiles loop index over files parse value files[ index ] ~ toDetailedString with dateTime fsize . -- -- round file size to a whole number of disk clusters -- fsize = cluster_size * trunc( ( fsize + cluster_size - 1 ) / cluster_size ) file_total = file_total + fsize -- add file size to total if dateTime > newest then -- check date & time newest = dateTime -- this file is newest in folder biggest = max( biggest, fsize ) -- determine biggest size in folder end -- -- report file summary information, in this folder -- report ~ writeCharacters( , right( file_total, 14 ) right( files ~ size, 6 ) left( newest, 19 ) right( biggest, 14 ) ) -- -- return total file size in this folder -- to the do_subfolders method above -- return file_total -- -- analyze current disk utilization -- and determine 'cluster size' -- diskFreeSpaceAnalysis : method driveCtx = ^^ driveContext -- current drive -- get drive information parse value driveCtx ~ toDetailedString with . . total_space free_space cluster_size . if total_space <> '_' then do numeric digits 20 -- be prepared for some large drives -- determine amount of space that is free percent_free = trunc( ( free_space * 100 ) / total_space, 1 ) -- write disk information to report report ~ writeLine( , ' Summary of' driveCtx ~ toString 'disk. Prepared at' time() 'on' date() , , ' Total space:' total_space', free:' free_space',' percent_free'% is free' , , ' Cluster size for' driveCtx ~ toString 'disk files is:' cluster_size ) end else cluster_size = 0 return cluster_size
/* sumdisk.rooProgram summarize disk folder tree from current folder downward For each folder level the following are identified: 1. total size of all files in folder [true size, rounded by cluster size] 2. number of files in the folder 3. date and time of most recently modified file in folder 4. biggest file size in folder 5. full folder path name [with leading hierarchic indentation indicators] The report includes leading "disk" summary information. Then, folder summary output is produced recursively, in hierarchic order, from the starting folder downward. The report concludes with the total space used by ALL of the folders that were analyzed. The resulting folder summary information can be sorted in various ways: by descending size, when disk space must be reduced by descending date&time, to identify folders that need to be backed up by descending biggest size, to identify folders with biggest files This procedure could be modified in various ways. For example, if you are looking for the most recent copy of a file that is contained in multiple folders, you could compare the "fname" value versus a target file name as each file is processed in the "do_files" procedure. When matching files are located, associated file information and folder information could be displayed. Keywords Disk management, Folder analysis, Recursive folder file search example Usage roo sumdisk [>summary_output_file] Arguments N/A Files used Standard output: disk summary report [usually redirected] Console immediate output: shows progress through folder levels Exit codes 0 => summary report complete non-0 => an error occurred Input record format N/A Sample input file N/A Sample output file +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Summary of G disk. Prepared at 05:35:50 on 15 May 2001 | | Total space: 15093387264, free: 12326969344, 81.6% is free | | Cluster size for G disk files is: 4096 | | | | Folder Summary | | Size #Files Newest date & time Biggest Folder Path | | 3870720 373 2001/05/15-05:35:50 651264 +G:\r4 | | 19980288 33 2001/05/15-05:29:46 6287360 ++-G:\r4\Debug | | 49152 3 2001/05/11-16:40:32 32768 ++-G:\r4\examples | | 20164608 27 2001/05/14-14:38:55 6332416 ++-G:\r4\RDebug | | 7716864 24 2001/05/15-05:31:33 4841472 ++-G:\r4\Release | | 1003520 194 2001/04/24-11:51:23 110592 ++-G:\r4\tc | | 18063360 26 2001/04/17-12:57:30 5382144 ++-G:\r4\TDebug | | Total size of files in analyzed folders is: 70848512 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Example of use roo sumdisk >d:harddisk.sum Explanation In the example above, a summary report is produced for the current disk, and the current folder downward. The report is saved in file "d : harddisk.sum". The request is performed in the "G:\r4" folder of the "G" disk. The total size in all folders is 70848512. */ arg x . -- -- no arguments are expected -- if x <> '' then signal usagemsg ^^ sumdisk( ^^ outstream ) -- processing is performed by: sumdisk.roo -- report output is written to the -- default output stream exit 0 -- -- show program usage information -- usagemsg : ^^ console ~ writeLine( , 'No arguments are expected.' , , '' , , 'Usage : ' , , ' roo sumdisk [ > outfile ]' , , '' , , 'The sumdisk program summarizes folder information' , , 'for the current folder, and its subfolders.' , , '' , , 'Please establish the current disk & folder to analyze' , , 'prior to executing the sumdisk program' )
-- tangentGraph.rooProgram -- this program prepares the graph of the tangent function -- it uses the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt math = ^^ math xLimit = 10 yLimit = 10 graphPropsFile = 'tangentGraph.props' 'erase' graphPropsFile -- prepare the graph properties call lineout graphPropsFile, '# tangentGraph.props -- created by program: tangentGraph.rex' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'quadrants=4' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'bgColor=gainsboro' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fgColor=mediumblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'textColor=blue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'lineWidth=3' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'insideColor=lightskyblue' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'gridColor=lightgoldenrodyellow' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xLimit='xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yLimit='yLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontName=sansserif' call lineout graphPropsFile, '# fontStyle=bold' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'fontSize=12' call lineout graphPropsFile, 'xCaption=Tangent X : -'xLimit '..' xLimit call lineout graphPropsFile, 'yCaption=Y limit :' yLimit -- add the parabola points call charout graphPropsFile, 'pointSet=' do i=-xLimit to xLimit by .1 call charout graphPropsFile, i',' || math ~ tangent( i ) || ';' end call lineout graphPropsFile, '' call lineout graphPropsFile -- close the file -- display the graph using the Poof!(TM) program named GraphIt 'graphit' graphPropsFile
// testRooDll.cpp // build: // cl /GX testRooDll.cpp # include <stdlib.h> # include <string.h> # include <stdio.h> # include <iostream.h> # include <fstream.h> # include <strstrea.h> # include <tchar.h> # include <ctype.h> # include <set> # include <string> # include <vector> using namespace std; # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include <windows.h> # include "roodll.h" // the 'GlobalHandleStore' class is a handy wrapper class for a global handle // that is returned by a roo.dll entry point. A helpful casting operator converts // a global handle to a safe 'const char*'. This obviates the use of actual Global* // function calls within the body of the testRooDll.cpp program. In addition, // the class implicitly frees the handle when the instance context concludes. class GlobalHandleStore { public : GlobalHandleStore( HGLOBAL hGlobal=NULL ) { _hGlobal = hGlobal; } virtual ~GlobalHandleStore() { if( _hGlobal ) GlobalFree( _hGlobal ); } operator const char* () const { const char* pResult = IsValid() ? (const char*) GlobalLock( _hGlobal ) : ""; if( IsValid() ) GlobalUnlock( _hGlobal ); return pResult; } protected : bool IsValid() const { return _hGlobal && GlobalFlags( _hGlobal ) != GMEM_INVALID_HANDLE ? true : false; } protected : HGLOBAL _hGlobal; }; extern "C" { // the PerformCallback function is invoked by the roo! 'callback' built-in function GLOBALHANDLE CALLBACK PerformCallback( LPCSTR invocationContext, LPCSTR pCallbackOption, ... ) { cout << "testRooDll callback, option '" << pCallbackOption << "' received arguments:" << endl; // process callback arguments // a variable number of arguments follow the pMethod parameter of this function try { va_list pStrs; // variable value name iteration list // establish initial position va_start( pStrs, pCallbackOption ); int argno=1; for( LPCTSTR pCurrentStr = va_arg( pStrs, LPCTSTR ); // advance to parameter after pMethod /**/ pCurrentStr != NULL; // continue for all parameter strings /**/ pCurrentStr = va_arg( pStrs, LPCTSTR ) ) // advance to next parameter string { cout << argno++ << ". " << pCurrentStr << endl; } // va_end( pStrs ); // conclude key name iteration } catch( ... ) { cerr << "A bad string locator was passed to the testRooDll callback" << endl; } // invoke the method that is being called back string sResult( "all is swell" ); // convert the method result to a global handle int lenText = sResult.size(); GLOBALHANDLE gHandle = GlobalAlloc( GHND, sizeof( TCHAR ) * ( lenText + 1 ) ); if( gHandle ) { _tcscpy( (LPTSTR) (LPVOID) GlobalLock( gHandle ), sResult.c_str() ); GlobalUnlock( gHandle ); } // return the result global handle // to the function in the program associated with the ExternalClass. // the global handle must be freed by the external program ! return gHandle; } typedef GLOBALHANDLE (WINAPI* entry_point_with_callback_t ) ( LPCSTR invocationContext, LPCTSTR pCallbackOption, LPCSTR pEntryPointName, ... ); typedef GLOBALHANDLE (WINAPI* execute_function_t ) ( LPCSTR pBuiltinFunctionName, ... ); typedef GLOBALHANDLE (WINAPI* remove_instance_t ) ( LPCSTR pInstance, ... ); typedef GLOBALHANDLE (CALLBACK* callback_method_t ) ( LPCSTR invocationContext, LPCTSTR pCallbackOption, ... ); typedef void (WINAPI* set_callback_method_t ) ( LPCSTR invocationContext, callback_method_t, ... ); typedef void (WINAPI* terminate_method_t ) ( LPCSTR invocationContext, ... ); }; int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { cout << "testRooDll loading roo.dll library" << endl; HINSTANCE _hInstLib = LoadLibraryA( "roo.dll" ); if( _hInstLib == NULL ) { cerr << "Program roo.dll was not found." << endl; exit( 1 ); } { cout << "testRooDll setting callback" << endl; set_callback_method_t pMethod = (set_callback_method_t) GetProcAddress( _hInstLib, "SetCallback" ) ; if( ! pMethod ) { cerr << "Could not locate 'SetCallback' roo.dll library entry." << endl; exit( 1 ); } pMethod( "_", PerformCallback ); } { cout << "testRooDll performing procedure: extroo.rooProgram (with callback: 'another')" << endl; entry_point_with_callback_t pMethod = (entry_point_with_callback_t) GetProcAddress( _hInstLib, "PerformWithCallback" ) ; if( ! pMethod ) { cerr << "Could not locate 'Perform' roo.dll library entry." << endl; exit( 1 ); } GlobalHandleStore globalHandleStore( pMethod( "_", "another", "extroo.rooProgram", "arg1", "arg2", NULL ) ); string sResult = (const char*) globalHandleStore; // any result ? cout << "Perform: " << sResult.c_str() << endl; } { cout << "testRooDll executing built-in function: SquareRoot" << endl; execute_function_t pMethod = (execute_function_t) GetProcAddress( _hInstLib, "ExecuteFunction" ) ; if( ! pMethod ) { cerr << "Could not locate 'ExecuteFunction' roo.dll library entry." << endl; exit( 1 ); } GlobalHandleStore globalHandleStore( pMethod( "SquareRoot", "31", NULL ) ); string sResult = (const char*) globalHandleStore; // any result ? cout << "ExecuteFunction: " << sResult.c_str() << endl; } string sInstance; { cout << "testRooDll creating class: vector" << endl; entry_point_with_callback_t pMethod = (entry_point_with_callback_t) GetProcAddress( _hInstLib, "CreateClassWithCallback" ) ; if( ! pMethod ) { cerr << "Could not locate 'CreateClass' roo.dll library entry." << endl; exit( 1 ); } GlobalHandleStore globalHandleStore( pMethod( "_", "", "vector", "arg1", "arg2", NULL ) ); sInstance = (const char*) globalHandleStore; // any result ? cout << "CreateClass: " << sInstance.c_str() << endl; } { cout << "testRooDll performing: vector ~ tostring" << endl; entry_point_with_callback_t pMethod = (entry_point_with_callback_t) GetProcAddress( _hInstLib, "InvokeMethodWithCallback" ) ; if( ! pMethod ) { cerr << "Could not locate 'InvokeMethod' roo.dll library entry." << endl; exit( 1 ); } GlobalHandleStore globalHandleStore( pMethod( "_", "", sInstance.c_str(), "tostring", NULL ) ); string sResult = (const char*) globalHandleStore; // any result ? cout << "InvokeMethod: " << sResult.c_str() << endl; } { cout << "testRooDll removing vector instance" << endl; remove_instance_t pMethod = (remove_instance_t) GetProcAddress( _hInstLib, "RemoveInstance" ) ; if( ! pMethod ) { cerr << "Could not locate 'RemoveInstance' roo.dll library entry." << endl; exit( 1 ); } GlobalHandleStore globalHandleStore( pMethod( sInstance.c_str(), NULL ) ); string sResult = (const char*) globalHandleStore; // any result ? cout << "RemoveInstance: " << sResult.c_str() << endl; } return 0; }
/* tickler.rooProgram -- calendar note file analyzer Description A tickler file lookup program, that identifies today's planned activities, and looks ahead to tomorrow's activities. If today is Friday, it also looks ahead to Monday's activities. Keywords Calendar reminder service, Calendar-based command initiation, Parsing Usage roo tickler < tickler.file > tickler.out vuHtml tickler.out Arguments None Files used Standard output Distribution file "kwscal" is an example calendar note input file Exit codes 0 => Tickling completed without errors non-0 => Tickling avoided Input record formats: Format [1]: yymmdd text to display on matching date Format [2]: yymmdd %command-line to perform on matching date file redirection is supported within cmd lines! The "yymmdd" field is analyzed for the following wild-card matches: 021115 => 15th November 2002 xx1115 => any 15th day in November 0211xx => any day in November 2002 02xxxx => any day in 2002 02xx15 => any 15th day of the month in 2002 xx11xx => any day in November, any year xxxx15 => 15th any month xxxxxx => any day tuesday => show on tuesday xx0704 => %line BooMM! | box The somewhat awkward form of "yymmdd" is used, because it is the only ordering which can be "sorted". If a line begins with ".qu", calendar analysis is discontinued. Sample input file 021030 (monday) Swami's Int'l, Jacob Javits center, NYC, (212) 391-9111 xx0704 %line BoomMM !!! xx10xx October, winter's foothill. xxxxxx turn on the radio Saturday AM, consolidate business plans Sunday %line "Run BACKUP, P-L-E-A-S-E" | box Monday Week planning Tuesday 7pm, Rexxer's Anonymous Sample output file (wrapped by HTML) The following appears on Monday, October 30th, 2002 [ie. 021030] (monday) Swami's Int'l, Jacob Javits center, NYC, (212) 391-9111 October, winter's foothill. turn on the radio Week planning Example of use roo tickler < tickler.file > tickler.out vuHtml tickler.out Explanation This procedure analyzes lines within standard input for date matches. Matched lines are then displayed, or issued as system commands. In the example above, entries within file "kwscal" are compared for matches with today's date. */ trace c con = ^^ console con ~ writeLine( 'Reading input...' ) -- get all input lines lines = ^^ inLineFile() -- prepare HTML text output destination dest = ^^ outstream -- prepare HTML file prefix dest ~ writeLine( '<HTML>', , '<HEAD>' , , '<TITLE>Today''s schedule</TITLE>' , , '<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" HREF="kwsw.css">' , , '<style>LI { font-weight:900; FONT-SIZE:10pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Arial","Helvetica","Sanserif;" }</style>' , , '</HEAD>' , , '<BODY background="backgrnd.gif" bgcolor=LIGHTSTEELBLUE>' , , '<div align=center class=point14sem>Tickler file notes...</div>' ) -- get today, yr, mon, dayofmon, and dayofwk symbols for today's date today = right( date('Standard'), 6 ) parse var today yr 3 mon 5 dayofmon dayofwk = date('Weekday') con ~ writeLine( "Looking for today's events..." ) -- establish patterns to match patternSet = ^^ set( , today , , 'xxxxxx', , yr'xx'dayofmon , , yr || mon'xx' , , 'xx'mon || dayofmon , , 'xxxx'dayofmon , , 'xx'mon'xx' , , dayofwk ) call process_lines "" con ~ writeLine( "Looking ahead for tomorrow's events..." ) -- revise patterns to match tomorrow's date -- note: the function 'getTomorrowsDate()' alters -- the yr, mon, dayofmon, and dayofwk values that -- are used in subsequent pattern values patternSet = ^^ set( , getTomorrowsDate() , , yr'xx'dayofmon , , 'xx'mon || dayofmon , , 'xxxx'dayofmon , , dayofwk ) call process_lines "Tomorrow's events..." if date('Weekday') = 'Friday' then do con ~ writeLine( "Looking ahead for Monday's events..." ) -- revise patterns to match Monday's date -- note: the function 'getMondaysDate()' alters -- the yr, mon, dayofmon, and dayofwk values that -- are used in subsequent pattern values patternSet = ^^ set( , getMondaysDate() , , yr'xx'dayofmon , , 'xx'mon || dayofmon , , 'xxxx'dayofmon , , 'Monday' ) call process_lines "Monday's events..." end -- show closing remark and prepare HTML suffix dest ~ writeLine( '<p><div align=center class=point14sem>'date('W')',' date() , , '<br>Have a good day !</div>' , , '</BODY>' , , '</HTML>' ) -- done ! exit 0 -- process_lines PROCEDURE, process lines in the tickler file process_lines : procedure expose dest lines patternSet anyMatches = 0 loop ix over lines -- process monday's lines in the input tickler file parse value lines[ ix ] with day text -- get "day" selector & text parse var text action 2 cmd -- get optional "action" and "cmd" action = strip( action ) if day = '.qu' then -- immediate end of tickler file leave -- match "day" selector versus alternate forms of "today" if patternSet ~ contains( day ) then do -- when the first match is found for the current search -- a caption is prepared ... if arg(1) <> '' -- and an ordered list is started. if \ anyMatches then do anyMatches = 1 -- prepare HTML caption if arg(1) <> '' then dest ~ writeLine( '<div class=point14sem>' || arg(1) || '</div>' ) dest ~ writeLine( '<ol>' ) -- start an ordered list end -- commands are triggered by a '%' character -- commands are not performed if arg(1) <> '' if '%' = action || arg(1) then -- command action trigger cmd -- initiate associated command else if '!' = action then -- highlight trigger dest ~ writeLine( '<p><li class=darkred>'cmd ) -- display text else dest ~ writeLine( '<p><li>'text ) -- display normal text end end if anyMatches then dest ~ writeLine( '</ol>' ) -- end an ordered list return getTomorrowsDate : procedure expose yr mon dayofmon dayofwk days = split( 'Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday', ' ' ) dayofwkno = days ~ find( dayofwk ) -- identify day of week: 1 to 7 -- advance to next day dayofwkno = dayofwkno + 1 if dayofwkno > 7 then -- wrap when past Sunday dayofwkno = 1 dayofwk = days[ dayofwkno ] daysin = split( '31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31', ' ' ) daysinmo = daysin[ mon ] -- identify #days in month -- identify if this is a leap month if mon = 2 then if leap( yr ) then daysinmo = daysinmo + 1 -- february has 29 days in a leap year dayofmon = dayofmon + 1 if dayofmon > daysinmo then do -- advance to next month dayofmon = 1 mon = mon + 1 if mon > 12 then do mon = 1 yr = yr + 1 end end return twodigit( yr )twodigit( mon )twodigit( dayofmon ) getMondaysDate : procedure expose yr mon dayofmon dayofwk today = right( date('Standard'), 6 ) parse var today yr 3 mon 5 dayofmon dayofwk = 'Monday' daysin = split( '31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31', ' ' ) daysinmo = daysin[ mon ] -- identify #days in month -- identify if this is a leap month if mon = 2 then if leap( yr ) then daysinmo = daysinmo + 1 -- february has 29 days in a leap year dayofmon = dayofmon + 3 -- advance to Monday, 3 days after Friday if dayofmon > daysinmo then do -- advance to next month dayofmon = dayofmon - daysinmo mon = mon + 1 if mon > 12 then do mon = 1 yr = yr + 1 end end return twodigit( yr )twodigit( mon )twodigit( dayofmon ) -- TWODIGIT procedure -- converts numeric argument to two digits twodigit : procedure return right( arg( 1 ), 2, '0' ) -- LEAP procedure -- identify if this year is a leap year (the year 2000 is not a leap year) leap : procedure arg yr return (yr//4 = 0) & ((yr//100 <> 0) | (yr//400 = 0)) -- after Pope Gregory
-- timesTable.rooProgram tab = '09'x -- prepare the column headers say { '', 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 } ~ toDelimitedString( tab' ' ) say do i=1 to 9 row = {} -- collect products in a vector do j=1 to 9 row ~ add( right( i * j, 2 ) ) -- add i x j to vector end -- show row I say i || tab || row ~ toDelimitedString( tab ) end
/* towersOfHanoi.roo this is the worker class associated with the 'towersOfHanoi.rooProgram' */ static nRings -- #rings to display local console leftTower middleTower rightTower -- three towers (stacks) preinitialize : method nRings = value( 'HANOIRINGS', , 'SYSTEM' ) -- get #rings return '' initialize : method parse arg leftTower, middleTower, rightTower -- get 'hanoiStack' class instances console = ^^ console -- assign tower captions leftTower ~ setCaption( 'left' ) middleTower ~ setCaption( 'middle' ) rightTower ~ setCaption( 'right' ) -- put all of the rings on the left tower leftTower ~ addDelimitedString( reverse( sequence( 1, nRings ) ), ' ' ) -- display initial position ^ display -- cycle until done ^ cycle -- done ! return '' cycle : method -- process until the left & middle towers are empty do until leftTower ~ isEmpty & middleTower ~ isEmpty -- transfer a ring from the left tower to the other two -- until the left tower is empty do while leftTower ~ isNonEmpty leftTop = leftTower ~ top call transfer leftTop, leftTower, rightTower, middleTower ^ display end -- transfer a ring from the middle tower to the other two -- until the middle tower is empty do while middleTower ~ isNonEmpty middleTop = middleTower ~ top call transfer middleTop, middleTower, rightTower, leftTower ^ display end end return '' -- transfer a ring from one tower to a specific tower -- possibly using the other tower if necessary transfer : method arg widthOfRing, fromTower, toTower, otherTower -- get arguments -- if the ring at the top of the 'toTower' is too big -- then transfer it to the 'otherTower' -- this results in interesting recursion do while toTower ~ isNonEmpty & widthOfRing > toTower ~ top call transfer toTower ~ top, toTower, otherTower, fromTower -- recurse ! ^ display end -- now we can move the topmost ring on the 'fromTower' -- to the top of the 'toTower' toTower ~ push( fromTower ~ pull ) return '' -- display current ring positions on three towers display : method 'cls' -- clear the screen -- get tower display lines leftTowerLines = leftTower ~ getDisplayLines middleTowerLines = middleTower ~ getDisplayLines rightTowerLines = rightTower ~ getDisplayLines -- prepare output lines out = '' loop i over leftTowerLines out = out center( leftTowerLines [ i ], 26 ) center( middleTowerLines [ i ], 26 ) center( rightTowerLines [ i ], 26 ) out = out '0a'x end console ~ writeLine( out ) -- show lines on the console call nap 10 -- take a short snooze between display presentations return '' -- prepare a contiguous sequence of numbers between a 'low' value and a 'high' value sequence : procedure parse arg lo, hi seq = '' do i=lo for hi seq = seq i end return strip( seq )
/* towersOfHanoi.rooProgram a roo implmentation of the hanoi tower game, whereby rings are rearranged between 3 pegs, with the rule that a larger ring cannot be placed on top of a smaller ring STARTING POSITION ------------------- | | | [ . ] | | [ . . ] | | [ . . . ] | | ============= ============= ============= left middle right GOAL POSITION --------------- | | | | | [ . ] | | [ . . ] | | [ . . . ] ============= ============= ============= left middle right usage roo hanoi2 #rings [on first peg] note: this program performs simple animation by using the NAP.EXE program to wait for 50 milliseconds between cycles */ trace off arg nRings . if nRings = '' then nRings = 5 else if \ datatype( nRings, 'W' ) then call usageMsg 'Please specify the number of rings to display -- between 3 and 7, inclusive' else if nRings < 3 || nRings > 7 then call usageMsg 'Please specify the number of rings to display -- between 3 and 7, inclusive' call value 'HANOIRINGS', 5, 'SYSTEM' -- set global environment variable -- #rings -- create 'towersOfHanoi' class instance, -- the 'initialize' method of the 'towersOfHanoi' class instance -- does everything ! -- the class parameters are three 'hanoiStack' class instances ^^ towersOfHanoi( ^^ hanoiStack, ^^ hanoiStack, ^^ hanoiStack ) -- done ! exit 0 -- 'usageMsg' displays how to use the program usageMsg : ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Note:' arg(1), '', 'Usage', ' roo towersOfHanoi #rings [default #rings: 5]' )
-- udpClient.rooProgram parse arg server port if port = '' then signal usagemsg if \ datatype( port, 'W' ) then signal usagemsg -- establish a UDP socket sock = ^^ socket( 'UDP' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Sending...' ) sock ~ sendTo( server, port, 'Hello, World!' ) -- receive response data = sock ~ receiveFrom( 50000 ) say data sock ~ sendTo( server, port, 'Quit' ) exit 0 usagemsg : if arg( 1 ) <> '' then ^^ console ~ writeLine( arg( 1 ), '' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Usage:', ' roo udpClient server port' ) exit 1
-- udpServer.rooProgram parse arg port if port <> '' & \ datatype( port, 'W' ) then signal usagemsg if port = '' then port = 1432 -- establish a UDP socket sock = ^^ socket( 'UDP' ) sock ~ bind( port ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Receiving...' ) -- remove the following line if the udpClient -- program is running on another system. 'start roo udpClient' sock ~ getHostName() port do forever -- receive data, 50000 bytes at a time data = sock ~ receiveFrom( 50000 ) say 'Received:' data if length( data ) = 0 then leave -- process data here... if translate( data ) = 'QUIT' then leave parse value sock ~ hostInformation with requestor requestPort type hostname sock ~ sendTo( requestor, requestPort, translate( data ) ) end exit 0 usagemsg : if arg( 1 ) <> '' then ^^ console ~ writeLine( arg( 1 ), '' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Usage:', ' roo udpServer [ port ]' ) exit 1
-- urlget.rooProram parse arg URL outFile -- validate URL if URL = '' then call usagemsg 'Please specify the URL to fetch' parse var URL protocol'://'server'/'file if protocol <> 'http' then call usagemsg 'The URL must begin with http://' if file = '' then call usagemsg 'You must specify a specific file to retrieve' if outFile = '.' then outFile = file if outFile <> '' then call promptToReplaceOutputFile outFile -- establish a TCP socket connection using the HTTP protocol httpProtocolPort = 80 sock = ^^ socket( 'TCP', server, httpProtocolPort ) if \ datatype( sock, 'Instance' ) then call usagemsg 'Could NOT establish connection with server:' server || '0a0d'x || 'Are you connected to the internet ?' -- send HTTP get request for the specified URL sock ~ send( 'GET' URL || '0d0a0d0a'x ) value = '' ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Receiving...' ) do forever -- receive data, 50000 bytes at a time data = sock ~ receive( 50000 ) if length( data ) = 0 then leave value = value || data end if length( value ) = 0 then call usagemsg 'The URL could not be received. The URL was:' URL if outFile <> '' then 'erase' outFile call charout copies( outFile, outfile <> '-' ), value ^^ console ~ writeLine( length( value ) 'bytes were written to file:' outFile ) exit 0 promptToReplaceOutputFile : procedure outFile = arg( 1 ) if stream( outFile, 'C', 'exists' ) then do mb = ^^ msgbox( 'File' outFile 'exists, do you want to replace it ?' ) mb ~ setCaption( 'URLGET' ) ~ showButtons( 'YESNO' ) ~ showIcon( 'QUESTIONMARK' ) ~ setDefaultButton( 'SECOND' ) if mb ~ emit <> 'YES' then exit 1 end return usagemsg : if arg( 1 ) <> '' then ^^ console ~ writeLine( arg( 1 ), '' ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Usage:', ' roo urlget URL [ outFileName | . ]', , '', 'Examples ... all of the following examples write URL content to file: default.htm', , '', ' Ex1:', ' roo urlget default.htm', , '', ' Ex2:', ' roo urlget .', , '', ' Ex3:', ' roo urlget > default.htm', , '', 'When the output file name is a period, URL content is written to a file derived from the end of the URL.' , , '', 'When the output file name is omitted, URL content is written to the default output stream.' ) exit 1
// winlist.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application. // # pragma warning( disable : 4786 ) #include "winlist.h" # include <map> # include <iostream> # include <string> using namespace std; map< string, callback_method_t > _aCallback; string g_sCurrentInvocationContext; string g_sCallbackMethodName; BOOL __stdcall ListWindows( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam ) { char szNum[ 50 ]; _ultoa( (DWORD) hwnd, szNum, 10 ); char szCaption[ 1000+1+1 ]; GetWindowText( hwnd, szCaption, 1000 ); char szClass[ 1000+1+1 ]; GetClassName( hwnd, szClass, 1000 ); # if 0 // ifdef _DEBUG cerr << "Performing callback, context: " << g_sCurrentInvocationContext.c_str() << ", method: " << g_sCallbackMethodName.c_str() << endl; # endif callback_method_t CallbackMethod = _aCallback[ g_sCurrentInvocationContext ]; GLOBALHANDLE gh = CallbackMethod( g_sCurrentInvocationContext.c_str(), g_sCallbackMethodName.c_str(), szNum, szCaption, szClass, NULL ); if( gh ) GlobalFree( gh ); return TRUE; } extern "C" { WINLIST_API GLOBALHANDLE WINAPI Initialize( LPCSTR invocationContext, LPCSTR pOther, ... ) { return 0; } WINLIST_API void WINAPI SetCallback( LPCSTR invocationContext, callback_method_t CallbackMethod, ... ) { _aCallback[ invocationContext ] = CallbackMethod; } WINLIST_API GLOBALHANDLE WINAPI List( LPCSTR invocationContext, LPCSTR pCallbackMethodName, ... ) { g_sCurrentInvocationContext = invocationContext; g_sCallbackMethodName = pCallbackMethodName; EnumWindows( (WNDENUMPROC) ListWindows, 0 ); return 0; } WINLIST_API void WINAPI Terminate( LPCSTR invocationContext, ... ) { _aCallback.erase( invocationContext ); } };
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include <windows.h> // The following ifdef block is the standard way of creating macros which make exporting // from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL are compiled with the WINLIST_EXPORTS // symbol defined on the command line. this symbol should not be defined on any project // that uses this DLL. This way any other project whose source files include this file see // WINLIST_API functions as being imported from a DLL, wheras this DLL sees symbols // defined with this macro as being exported. #ifdef WINLIST_EXPORTS #define WINLIST_API __declspec(dllexport) #else #define WINLIST_API __declspec(dllimport) #endif extern "C" { // note: the triple dots at the end of these prototypes circumvents C++ decorated name challenges ! // multiple additional parameters are potentially passed for the Initialize function, // and functions that are invoked by a roo ExternalClass 'perform' method request typedef GLOBALHANDLE (CALLBACK* callback_method_t ) ( LPCSTR invocationContext, LPCSTR pMethod, ... ); WINLIST_API GLOBALHANDLE WINAPI Initialize( LPCSTR invocationContext, LPCSTR pOther, ... ); WINLIST_API void WINAPI SetCallback( LPCSTR invocationContext, callback_method_t Callback, ... ); WINLIST_API void WINAPI Terminate( LPCSTR invocationContext, ... ); // the following function is invoked by a roo ExternalClass 'perform' method request WINLIST_API GLOBALHANDLE WINAPI List( LPCSTR invocationContext, LPCSTR pPattern, ... ); };
/* winlist.roo this program is the worker class associated with the winList.rooProgram since this program is an extension of ExternalClass, various methods can be called back from the external program. the 'another' method below is a callback method ! */ shared count resultTable winList : class extends ExternalClass initialize : method -- parse arg programName .. the first initialization argument is the ExternalClass program name -- this argument is not used here -- it is implicitly passed to the base class during class construction resultTable = ^^ table( '#', 'Caption', 'Class', 'WindowId' ) count = 0 ^ perform( 'List', 'another' ) -- obtain information about all active windows -- 'List' is a function in the ExternalClass program (winlist.dll) -- call back 'another' method call HtmlPrefix 'Active windows' -- prepare preliminary HTML text say '<h1>Active windows</h1>' -- prepare preliminary HTML text say resultTable ~ toHtmlString -- emit table body call HtmlSuffix -- prepare conclusion HTML text return '' another : method -- callback method ! parse arg windowId, windowName, windowClass -- these arguments came from the 'List' function of winlist.dll count = count + 1 resultTable ~ addAggregate( { count, windowName, windowClass, windowId } ) return ''
/* WinList.rooProgram this program lists information about active windows. the winlist.roo class is an extension of the ExternalClass class. the class constructor activates the winlist.dll program. */ ^^ winlist( 'winlist.dll' ) -- list information from the 'winlist.dll' program
-- xmlTree.roo -- the 'xmltree' class converts a list of XML lines -- to a tree of XML tags, and optional -- element content values. -- this program is an excellent example -- of the use of the 'tree' built-in class. -- it is also a useful program for processing -- XML. -- you might want to alter this program in 2 ways: -- 1. you might want to process information, by -- altering the code in the 'printSubTree' procedure -- 2. you might want to invoke a method in a class -- that EXTENDS the xmlTree class -- at the end of the 'processXmlSegment' method. -- the 'printTree' method shows how to traverse nodes -- of the 'tree' built-in class. it uses the -- 'printSubTree' procedure recursively. static xmlStack -- locates upwards XML nodes static xmlText -- the current XML text remaining to be processed -- the 'xmltree' class is 'explicitly' derived from -- the 'tree' built-in class. It is explicitly derived -- because different arguments are processed during -- instance initialization. xmlTree : class extends Tree explicitly -- the 'initialize' method prepares an XML tree node initialize : method -- make sure the base class is constructed 'base' ~ initialize -- either a list of XML lines will be processed, -- or a node value will be prepared. xmlLineListOrValue = arg( 1 ) -- when the argument is not an instance, -- a node value will be prepared. if \ datatype( xmlLineListOrValue, 'Instance' ) then do -- when the argument is not '_' a simple node is prepared if xmlLineListOrValue <> '_' then do ^ setContent( xmlLineListOrValue ) return '' end -- when the argument is '_' a subtree is being constructed return '' end -- a list of XML lines will be processed -- 1. eliminate comments textList = ^^ list inComment = 0 loop ix over xmlLineListOrValue lin = strip( xmlLineListOrValue[ ix ] ) text = '' do while lin <> '' if inComment then do parse var lin before '-->' lin inComment = ( before = '' ) end if pos( '<!--', lin ) > 0 then do parse var lin segment '<!--' lin inComment = 1 end else do segment = lin lin = '' end text = text || strip( segment ) end if text <> '' then textList ~ add( text ) end if textList ~ isEmpty then return 'File' xmlFileName 'does not contain any XML content' -- 2. join the text into a lengthy string xmlText = textList ~ toDelimitedString( '' ) -- 3. eliminate the processing instructions ! do while pos( '<?', xmlText ) <> 0 parse var xmlText before '<?' . '?>' after xmlText = before || after end -- 4. prepare a stack that locates pending tree parents xmlStack = ^^ stack -- 5. process the XML text ^ processXmlSegment -- 6. assert that all of the text was processed if xmlText <> '' then do ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'ERROR: more text remains, at conclusion of program.', '', 'Text at error position:', ' 'substr( xmlText, 1, 40 ) ) return 'Invalid XML' end return '' -- the 'printTree' method prints the tree to the default output stream printTree : method say call printSubTree 1, ^ self -- invoke the recursive subtree procedure return '' -- the 'printSubTree' procedure -- prints information about a specific XML node, -- and recursively prints subtree elements printSubTree : procedure parse arg depth, xmlTreeOrValue -- process the node's content if xmlTreeOrValue ~ hasContent then do content = xmlTreeOrValue ~ getContent if left( content, 1 ) = '<' then do -- process an XML tag say call charout , copies( '.', depth ) call charout , ' ' -- eliminate leading and trailing '<', '>' content = strip( translate( content, ' ', '<>' ) ) -- eliminate optional trailing '/' content = strip( content, 'Trailing', '/' ) -- split the XML tag and optional attributes parse var content tag attributes say 'XMLTAG:' tag -- process optional attributes do while attributes <> '' -- process an attribute -- format: attributeName='value' -- get the attribute name parse var attributes attributeName '=' rest -- get the quote character, after the equal sign quoteCh = left( rest, 1 ) -- assert it's a single or double quote if quoteCh <> '"' & quoteCh <> "'" then call raiseObjection 'An XML tag has a poorly formed attribute value.' || '0a'x , || 'The erroneous tag is:' || '0a'x , || ' 'xmlTreeOrValue ~ getContent -- get the rest of the text, after the quote character rest = substr( rest, 2 ) -- locate the corresponding quote, -- that ends the attribute value nextQuotePos = pos( quoteCh, rest ) -- assert the corresponding quote is present if nextQuotePos = 0 then call raiseObjection 'An XML tag has a poorly formed attribute value.' || '0a'x , || 'The erroneous tag is:' || '0a'x , || ' 'xmlTreeOrValue ~ getContent -- get the attribute value, -- and establish remaining 'attributes' to process parse var rest attributeValue =(nextQuotePos) +1 attributes call charout , copies( ' ', depth ) say ' attribute:' attributeName', value:' convert( attributeValue ) end end else do -- show an element's content call charout , copies( ' ', depth ) say ' Element content:' convert( content ) end end -- process the node's children if xmlTreeOrValue ~ hasChild then call printSubTree depth+1, xmlTreeOrValue ~ getChild -- process the node's successors if xmlTreeOrValue ~ hasSuccessor then call printSubTree depth, xmlTreeOrValue ~ getSuccessor return -- the 'convert' procedure transforms special XML entities -- to their corresponding printed values convert : procedure s = arg(1) -- most values do not require conversion if pos( '&', s ) = 0 then return s -- replace the special XML entities -- note: these are special HTML entities also before = { '<', '>', '&', ''', '"' } after = { '<', '>', '&', "'", '"' } loop ix over before if pos( '&', s ) = 0 then return s s = changestr( s, before[ ix ], after[ ix ] ) end return s -- the 'processXmlSegment' method recursively -- processes the XML text processXmlSegment : method -- assure a tag appears here if left( xmlText, 1 ) <> '<' then do ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'ERROR: a less than sign was expected.', '', 'Text at error position:', ' 'substr( xmlText, 1, 40 ) ) return 'Invalid XML' end -- mainly ignore end tags if left( xmlText, 2 ) = '</' then return ^ self -- locate end of tag endPos = pos( '>', xmlText ) if endPos = 0 then do ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'ERROR: a greater than sign was expected, after the current position.', '', 'Text at error position:', ' 'substr( xmlText, 1, 40 ) ) return 'Invalid XML' end -- the XML tag contains child contents, if the last -- character before the end of the tag -- is not a forward slash hasChildren = ( substr( xmlText, endPos - 1, 1 ) <> '/' ) endPos = endPos + 1 -- split the current tag from the remainder of the XML text parse var xmlText xmlTag =( endPos ) xmlText -- this node's content is the XML tag ^ setContent( xmlTag ) -- add this node to the stack of pending nodes xmlStack ~ push( ^ self ) -- process optional child content, recursively if hasChildren then do -- prepare the corresponding end tag currentTag = word( translate( xmlTag, ' ', '<>' ), 1 ) endTag = '</'currentTag'>' -- process the text until the end tag is discovered do n=1 while left( xmlText, length( endTag ) ) <> endTag -- if the text begins with a '<' character, -- a child tag is processed as a new tree node if left( xmlText, 1 ) = '<' then newChild = ^^ xmlTree( '_' ) ~ processXmlSegment() -- if the text does not begin with a '<' character, -- the text is the element's content. -- consider the element: <date>Thu, 23 Jan 2003 10:13am</date> -- at this point the 'xmlText' would be: -- Thu, 23 Jan 2003 10:13am</date> -- the element's content is the text prior to the next'<' character -- which in this example is: -- Thu, 23 Jan 2003 10:13am else do -- locate the next '<' character nextPos = pos( '<', xmlText ) if nextPos = 0 then do ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'ERROR: a less than sign was expected, after the current position.', '', 'Text at error position:', ' 'substr( xmlText, 1, 40 ) ) return 'Invalid XML' end -- separate the element content from the remaining XML text parse var xmlText elementContent =( nextPos ) xmlText -- prepare a tree node, that just contains the element content newChild = ^^ xmlTree( elementContent ) end -- when the current node does not have any children, -- the new node is added as a child. if 0 = ^ hasChild then ^ setChild( newChild ) -- otherwise, -- the new node is added as the successor -- of the last child that has been added. else lastChild ~ setSuccessor( newChild ) -- the last child that has been added, -- is the new child lastChild = newChild end -- eliminate the end tag xmlText = substr( xmlText, length( endTag ) + 1 ) end -- has children -- remove the current node from the stack of pending nodes xmlStack ~ pop -- note: at this point an XML node, it's 1st child, and the child's successors are -- accessible via the 'xmlTree' instance locator. Upper XML nodes can be referenced -- via the 'xmlStack' instance locator, which can be accessed as a vector. -- the only nodes that can't be accessed at this point, are the successor's of this -- node. -- you might want to invoke a method in a class that EXTENDS the xmlTree class -- at this point. return ^ self
-- xmlTree.rooProgram -- the 'xmltree' program converts an XML file -- to a tree of XML information. This is commonly -- referred to as the XML 'Document Object Model' (DOM) -- the 'xmltree.roo' class does all of the work. -- usage information is printed to the console -- when the program is executed without any arguments. -- 1. get the name of the XML file to process xmlFileName = arg( 1 ) -- 2. validate arguments if xmlFileName = '' then call usagemsg if \ ( ^^ file( xmlFileName ) ~ exists ) then call usagemsg "XML file '"xmlFileName"' does NOT exist." -- 3. show a note describing the XML file that is being processed parse var xmlFileName documentName '.xml' lastSlash = lastpos( '\', documentName ) if lastSlash <> 0 then documentName = substr( documentName, lastSlash + 1 ) ^^ console ~ writeLine( 'Processing XML document:' documentName ) -- 4. prepare a vector of XML lines from the file xmlLines = ^^ inLineFile( xmlFileName ) -- 5. convert the vector of XML lines to a tree of XML nodes xmlTreeOrMessage = ^^ xmlTree( xmlLines ) -- 6. check for errors if \ datatype( xmlTreeOrMessage, 'Instance' ) then call usagemsg xmlTreeOrMessage -- 7. print the tree of XML information xmlTreeOrMessage ~ printTree exit 0 -- the 'usagemsg' procedure describes how to use this program usagemsg : procedure ^^ console ~ writeLine( arg(1), '', , 'Usage : ', ' roo xmlTree xmlFile' ) exit 99
/* xmltext.roo a derived class that collects stream output to a text value, and emits it as XML text */ xmltext : class extends outtext -- text is collected by the 'outtext' class shared attributes -- vector of attributes shared endTag -- associated XML end tag shared tag -- associated XML tag shared text -- 'text' is a shared symbol in the 'outtext' class shared emitTextOnly -- 'emitTextOnly' is a boolean used in this class initialize : method attributes = ^^ vector tag = 'text' endTag = '</text>' emitTextOnly = translate( arg(1) ) <> 'COMPLETEFILE' -- set output emission boolean return '' attribute : method -- add an attribute parse arg name, value attributes ~ add( name'="'value'"' ) return ^ self -- an htmltext instance context reference setEndTag : method -- set end tag explicitly endTag = arg(1) return ^ self -- an xmltext instance context reference setTag : method tag = arg(1) endtag = '</'tag'>' -- set end tag implicitly return ^ self -- an xmltext instance context reference emit : method if emitTextOnly then ^^ outstream ~ writeLine( emitText() ) -- show text only else do -- prepare a complete XML file out = ^^ outstream out ~ writeLine( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' ) out ~ writeLine( '<queryTime>' ) out ~ writeLine( emitText() ) -- this is the text out ~ writeLine( '</queryTime>' ) end return ^ self -- an xmltext instance context reference emitText : procedure if attributes ~ IsNonEmpty then startTag = '<'tag attributes ~ join( ' ' )'>' else startTag = '<'tag'>' return startTag || text || endTag
Various solutions are implemented as '_ice' files to comply with copyright requirements of the algorithm's authors. The following '_ice' files are provided:
betaIncomplete_ice.rooProgram | external procedure, computes: incompleteBeta( X ) |
chiSquaredAssessment_ice.rooProgram | main procedure, computes: "chi-squared" value, and associated significance. Usage: roo chiSquaredAssessment_ice kind bin-file1 bin-file2 [constraint : default(1)] where, kind is one of (1 or 2) -- chi-squared assessment kind: 1. processes a bin versus expected numbers 2. processes 2 bins in parallel Example: roo chiSquaredAssessment_ice 2 binFile1 binFile2 Each line in the statistics files contains a numeric 'bin' value. The chiSquaredAssessment_ice program uses the following external procedure to compute the significance gammaIncomplete_ice.rooProgram |
fullMoon_ice.rooProgram | external procedure, computes base date of Nth full moon after Jan 1, 2000 Usage: fullMoonBaseDate = fullMoon_ice( N ) -- where: N is a positive whole number |
gammaIncomplete_ice.rooProgram | external procedure, computes: incompleteGamma( X ) |
linearFit_ice.rooProgram | main procedure, computes equation of a line that fits a series of points, and the mean absolute deviation. Usage: roo linearFit_ice < pointFile Or: progA | roo linearFit_ice N points are acquired from the default input stream. Each line in the default input stream begins with 2 numeric space separated values: x y [rest]. Example: roo linearFit_ice pointFile |
mathXX_ice.roo | extension of mathX.roo. methods: GammaFunction( X ), lnGammaFunction( X ) |
meanAssessment_ice.rooProgram | main procedure, computes: "Student's t" value, and associated significance. Usage: roo meanAssessment_ice kind statistics-file1 statistics-file2 where, kind is one of (1,2,3): 1. pools the variances 2. specific variances 3. uses covariance of paired samples Example: roo meanAssessment_ice 2 statFile1 statFile2 Each line in the statistics files contains a numeric value. The meanAssessment_ice program uses the following external procedure to compute the significance betaIncomplete_ice.rooProgram |