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8.2. List of Rexx Utility Functions

The following table lists all of the REXXUTIL functions and the platforms on which they are available.

Table 8.1. Rexx Utility Library Functions

Function Name Exists on Platform Remarks
Windows Unix
RxMexxageBox (Section 8.3, “RxMessageBox (Windows only)”) YES NO
RxWinExec (Section 8.4, “RxWinExec (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysAddRexxMacro (Section 8.5, “SysAddRexxMacro”) YES YES
SysBootDrive (Section 8.6, “SysBootDrive (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysClearRexxMacroSpace (Section 8.7, “SysClearRexxMacroSpace”) YES YES
SysCloseEventSem (Section 8.8, “SysCloseEventSem”) YES YES
SysCloseMutexSem (Section 8.9, “SysCloseMutexSem”) YES YES
SysCls (Section 8.10, “SysCls”) YES YES
SysCreateEvenSem (Section 8.11, “SysCreateEventSem”) YES YES
SysCreateMutexSem (Section 8.12, “SysCreateMutexSem”) YES YES
SysCreatePipe (Section 8.13, “SysCreatePipe (Unix only)”) NO Yes
SysCurPos (Section 8.14, “SysCurPos (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysCurState (Section 8.15, “SysCurState (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysDriveInfo (Section 8.16, “SysDriveInfo (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysDriveMap (Section 8.17, “SysDriveMap (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysDropFuncs (Section 8.18, “SysDropFuncs”) YES YES
SysDropRexxMacro (Section 8.19, “SysDropRexxMacro”) YES YES
SysDumpVariables (Section 8.20, “SysDumpVariables”) YES YES
SysFileCopy (Section 8.21, “SysFileCopy”) YES YES
SysFileDelete (Section 8.22, “SysFileDelete”) YES YES
SysFileExists (Section 8.23, “SysFileExists”) YES YES
SysFileMove (Section 8.24, “SysFileMove (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysFileSearch (Section 8.25, “SysFileSearch”) YES YES
SysFileSystemType (Section 8.26, “SysFileSystemType (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysFileTree (Section 8.27, “SysFileTree”) YES YES Works differently
SysFork (Section 8.28, “SysFork (Unix only)”) NO YES
SysFromUnicode (Section 8.29, “SysFromUnicode (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysGetErrorText (Section 8.30, “SysGetErrortext”) YES YES
SysGetFileDateTime (Section 8.31, “SysGetFileDateTime”) YES YES
SysGetKey (Section 8.32, “SysGetKey”) YES YES
SysGetMessage (Section 8.33, “SysGetMessage (Unix only)” NO YES
SysGetMessageX (Section 8.34, “SysGetMessageX (Unix only)”) NO YES
SysIni (Section 8.35, “SysIni (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysIsFile (Section 8.36, “SysIsFile”) YES YES
SysIsFileCompressed (Section 8.37, “SysIsFileCompressed (Windows only)” YES NO
SysIsFileDirectory (Section 8.38, “SysIsFileDirectory”) YES YES
SysIsFileEncrypted (Section 8.39, “SysIsFileEncrypted (Windows only)” YES NO
SysIsFileLink (Section 8.40, “SysIsFileLink” YES YES
SysIsFileNotContentIndexed (Section 8.41, “SysIsFileNotContentIndexed (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysIsFileOffline (Section 8.42, “SysIsFileOffline (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysIsFileSparse (Section 8.43, “SysIsFileSparse (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysIsFileTemporary (Section 8.44, “SysIsFileTemporary (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysLinVer (Section 8.45, “SysLinVer (Linux Only)”) NO NO* Linux only*
SysLoadFuncs (Section 8.46, “SysLoadFuncs”) YES YES
SysLoadRexxMacroSpace (Section 8.47, “SysLoadRexxMacroSpace”) YES YES
SysMkDir (Section 8.48, “SysMkDir”) YES YES
SysOpenEventSem (Section 8.49, “SysOpenEventSem”) YES YES
SysOpenMutexSem (Section 8.50, “SysOpenMutexSem”) YES YES
SysPostEventSem (Section 8.51, “SysPostEventSem”) YES YES
SysPulseEventSem (Section 8.52, “SysPulseEventSem (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysQueryProcess (Section 8.53, “SysQueryProcess”) YES YES Works differently
SysQueryRexxMacro (Section 8.54, “SysQueryRexxMacro”) YES YES
SysReleaseMutexSem (Section 8.55, “SysReleaseMutexSem”) YES YES
SysReorderRexxMacro (Section 8.56, “SysReorderRexxMacro”) YES YES
SysRequestMutexSem (Section 8.57, “SysRequestMutexSem”) YES YES
SysResetEventSem (Section 8.58, “SysResetEventSem”) YES YES
SysRmDir (Section 8.59, “SysRmDir”) YES YES
SysSaveRexxMacroSpace (Section 8.60, “SysSaveRexxMacroSpace”) YES YES
SysSearchPath (Section 8.61, “SysSearchPath”) YES YES
SysSetFileDateTime (Section 8.62, “SysSetFileDateTime”) YES YES
SysSetPriority (Section 8.63, “SysSetPriority”) YES NO
SysShutdownSystem (Section 8.64, “SysShutdownSystem (Windows only)” YES NO
SysSleep (Section 8.65, “SysSleep”) YES YES
SysStemCopy (Section 8.66, “SysStemCopy”) YES YES
SysStemDelete (Section 8.67, “SysStemDelete”) YES YES
SysStemInsert (Section 8.68, “SysStemInsert”) YES YES
SysStemSort (Section 8.69, “SysStemSort”) YES YES
SysSwitchSession (Section 8.70, “SysSwitchSession (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysSystemDirectory (Section 8.71, “SysSystemDirectory (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysTempFileName (Section 8.72, “SysTempFileName”) YES YES
SysTextScreenRead (Section 8.73, “SysTextScreenRead (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysTextScreenSize (Section 8.74, “SysTextScreenSize (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysToUnicode (Section 8.75, “SysToUnicode (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysUtilVersion (Section 8.76, “SysUtilVersion”) YES YES
SysVersion (Section 8.77, “SysVersion”) YES YES
SysVolumeLabel (Section 8.78, “SysVolumeLabel (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysWait (Section 8.79, “SysWait (Unix only)”) NO YES
SysWaitEventSem (Section 8.80, “SysWaitEventSem”) YES YES
SysWaitNamedPipe (Section 8.81, “SysWaitNamedPipe (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysWinDecryptFile (Section 8.82, “SysWinDecryptFile (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysWinEncryptFile (Section 8.83, “SysWinEncryptFile (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysWinVer (Section 8.87, “SysWinVer (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysWinGetPrinters (Section 8.85, “SysWinGetPrinters (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysWinGetDefaultPrinter (Section 8.84, “SysWinGetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)”) YES NO
SysWinSetDefaultPrinter (Section 8.86, “SysWinSetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)”) YES NO