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6.15. The ROUTINES Directory (.ROUTINES)

The .ROUTINES environment symbol identifies a directory (see Section 5.3.9, “The Directory Class”) of routines that ::ROUTINE directives in the currently running program define. The directory indexes are the routine names. The directory values are the routine objects. See Section 5.1.5, “The Routine Class”.
If there are no ::ROUTINE directives, the .ROUTINES symbol has the default value of .ROUTINES.

Example 6.3. .ROUTINES

/* .routines contains one entry with the index (routine name) "TALK" */
.routines~talk~call("echo this text")  /* test talk routine */
::routine talk  /* floating routine by the name of "TALK" */
  use arg text  /* retrieve the argument */
  say text  /* display received argument */