Product SiteDocumentation Site Examples

Example 5.166. Directory class - examples

/*  A Phone Book Directory program                                            */
/*  This program demonstrates use of the directory class.                     */

/* Define an UNKNOWN method that adds an abbreviation lookup feature.         */
/* Directories do not have to have an UNKNOWN method.                         */
book = .directory~new~~setMethod("UNKNOWN", .methods["UNKNOWN"])

book["ANN" ] = "Ann B. ....... 555-6220"
book["ann" ] = "Little annie . 555-1234"
book["JEFF"] = "Jeff G. ...... 555-5115"
book["MARK"] = "Mark C. ...... 555-5017"
book["MIKE"] = "Mike H. ...... 555-6123"
book~Rick    = "Rick M. ...... 555-5110"  /* Same as book["RICK"] = ...       */

Do i over book                 /* Iterate over the collection                 */
  Say book[i]
end i

Say ""                         /* Index lookup is case sensitive...           */
Say book~entry("Mike")         /* ENTRY method uppercases before lookup       */
Say book["ANN"]                /* Exact match                                 */
Say book~ann                   /* Message sends uppercase before lookup       */
Say book["ann"]                /* Exact match with lowercase index            */

Say ""
Say book["M"]                  /* Uses UNKNOWN method for lookup              */
Say book["Z"]

/* Define an unknown method to handle indexes not found.                      */
/* Check for abbreviations or indicate listing not found                      */
::Method unknown
  Parse arg at_index
  value = ""
  Do i over self
    If abbrev(i, at_index) then do
      If value <> "" then value = value", "
      value = value || self~at(i)
  end i
  If value = "" then value = "No listing found for" at_index
  Return value