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7.4.65. TIME


Returns the local time in the 24-hour clock format hh:mm:ss (hours, minutes, and seconds) by default, for example, 04:41:37.
You can use the following options to obtain alternative formats, or to gain access to the elapsed-time clock. (Only the capitalized letter is needed; all characters following it are ignored.)
returns the time in Civil format hh:mmxx. The hours can take the values 1 through 12, and the minutes the values 00 through 59. The minutes are followed immediately by the letters am or pm. This distinguishes times in the morning (12 midnight through 11:59 a.m.--appearing as 12:00am through 11:59am) from noon and afternoon (12 noon through 11:59 p.m.--appearing as 12:00pm through 11:59pm). The hour has no leading zero. The minute field shows the current minute (rather than the nearest minute) for consistency with other TIME results.
returns sssssssss.uuuuuu, the number of seconds and microseconds since the elapsed-time clock (described later) was started or reset. The returned number has no leading zeros or whitespace, and the setting of NUMERIC DIGITS does not affect it. The number has always four trailing zeros in the decimal portion.
The language processor calculates elapsed time by subtracting the time at which the elapsed-time clock was started or reset from the current time. It is possible to change the system time clock while the system is running. This means that the calculated elapsed time value might not be a true elapsed time. If the time is changed so that the system time is earlier than when the Rexx elapsed-time clock was started (so that the elapsed time would appear negative), the language processor raises an error and disables the elapsed-time clock. To restart the elapsed-time clock, trap the error through SIGNAL ON SYNTAX.
The clock can also be changed by programs on the system. Many LAN-attached programs synchronize the system time clock with the system time clock of the server during startup. This causes the Rexx elapsed time function to be unreliable during LAN initialization.
returns the number of microseconds since 00:00:00.000000 on 1 January 0001, in the format: dddddddddddddddddd (no leading zeros or whitespace).


The base date of 1 January 0001 is determined by extending the current Gregorian calendar backward (365 days each year, with an extra day every year that is divisible by 4 except century years that are not divisible by 400). It does not take into account any errors in the calendar system that created the Gregorian calendar originally.
The value returned by Time('F') can be used to calculate the interval between any two times. Note, however, that values returned generally contain more digits than the default NUMERIC DIGITS setting. The NUMERIC DIGITS setting should be increased to a minimum value of 18 when performing timestamp arithmetic.
returns up to two characters giving the number of hours since midnight in the format hh (no leading zeros or whitespace, except for a result of 0).
returns time in the format hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu (where uuuuuu are microseconds).
returns up to four characters giving the number of minutes since midnight in the format mmmm (no leading zeros or whitespace, except for a result of 0).
returns the time in the default format hh:mm:ss. The hours can have the values 00 through 23, and minutes and seconds, 00 through 59. There are always two digits. Any fractions of seconds are ignored (times are never rounded). This is the default.
returns the offset of the local time from UTC in microseconds. The offset value will be negative for timezones west of the Prime Meridian and positive for timezones east of Prime Meridian. The local time('F') value can be converted to UTC by subtracting the time('O') value.
returns sssssssss.uuuuuu, the number of seconds and microseconds since the elapsed-time clock (described later) was started or reset and also resets the elapsed-time clock to zero. The returned number has no leading zeros or whitespace, and the setting of NUMERIC DIGITS does not affect it. The number always has four trailing zeros in the decimal portion.
See the Elapsed option for more information on resetting the system time clock.
returns up to five characters giving the number of seconds since midnight in the format sssss (no leading zeros or whitespace, except for a result of 0).
returns the number of seconds since 00:00:00.000000 on 1 January 1970, in the format: dddddddddddd (no leading zeros or whitespace).


The base date of 1 January 1970 is determined by extending the current Gregorian calendar backward (365 days each year, with an extra day every year that is divisible by 4 except century years that are not divisible by 400). It does not take into account any errors in the calendar system that created the Gregorian calendar originally.
The value returned by Time('T') can be used to calculate the interval between any two times. Note, however, that values returned generally contain more digits than the default NUMERIC DIGITS setting. The NUMERIC DIGITS setting should be increased to a minimum value of 12 when performing timestamp arithmetic.
Time('T') will return a negative number for dates prior to 1 January 1970.
Here are some examples, assuming that the time is 4:54 p.m.:

Example 7.87. Builtin function TIME

TIME()       ->   "16:54:22"
TIME("C")    ->   "4:54pm"
TIME("H")    ->   "16"
TIME("L")    ->   "16:54:22.120000"   /* Perhaps */
TIME("M")    ->   "1014"           /* 54 + 60*16 */
TIME("N")    ->   "16:54:22"
TIME("S")    ->   "60862"  /* 22 + 60*(54+60*16) */

The elapsed-time clock:
You can use the TIME function to measure real (elapsed) time intervals. On the first call in a program to TIME("E") or TIME("R"), the elapsed-time clock is started, and either call returns 0. From then on, calls to TIME("E") and TIME("R") return the elapsed time since that first call or since the last call to TIME("R").
The clock is saved across internal routine calls, which means that an internal routine inherits the time clock that its caller started. Any timing the caller is doing is not affected, even if an internal routine resets the clock. An example of the elapsed-time clock:

Example 7.88. Builtin function TIME elapsed

time("E")    ->    0          /* The first call */
                  /* pause of one second here */
time("E")    ->    1.020000   /* or thereabouts */
                  /* pause of one second here */
time("R")    ->    2.030000   /* or thereabouts */
                  /* pause of one second here */
time("R")    ->    1.050000   /* or thereabouts */


The elapsed-time clock is synchronized with the other calls to TIME and DATE, so several calls to the elapsed-time clock in a single clause always return the same result. For this reason, the interval between two usual TIME/DATE results can be calculated exactly using the elapsed-time clock.
If you specify string, TIME returns the time corresponding to string in the format option. The string must be supplied in the format option2. The default for option2 is "N". So you need to specify option2 only if string is not in the Normal format. option2 must specify the current time, for example, not "E" or "R". Here are some examples:

Example 7.89. Builtin function TIME formating

time("C","11:27:21")    ->    11:27am
time("N","11:27am","C") ->    11:27:00
time("N", "63326132161828000", "F")   ->   08:16:01

You can determine the difference between two times; for example:

Example 7.90. Builtin function TIME difference

If TIME("M","5:00pm","C")-TIME("M")<=0
then say "Time to go home"
else say "Keep working"

The TIME returned is the earliest time consistent with string. For example, if the result requires components that are not specified in the source format, then those components of the result are zero. If the source has components that the result does not need, then those components of the source are ignored.
When requesting times be converted to Full or Ticks format, a date value of 1 January 0001 is used for the conversion. A time stamp for a time and date combination can be created by combining a value from Date('F') for the time of day.

Example 7.91. Builtin function TIME with F option

    numeric digits 18  -- needed to add the timestamps
    timestamp = date('f, '20072301', 'S') + time('f', '08:14:22', 'N')

Implementation maximum: If the number of seconds in the elapsed time exceeds nine digits (equivalent to over 31.6 years), an error results.