| +-,option2-+ |
+-,string--+-,option2-+-+ +-+-,osep-+--,isep-+
+-,--------+ +-,-----+
Returns, by default, the local date in the format: dd mon yyyy (day month year--for example, 13 Nov 1998
), with no leading zero or blank on the day. The first three characters of the English name of the month are used.
You can use the following options to obtain specific formats. (Only the capitalized letter is needed; all characters following it are ignored.)
- Base
returns the number of complete days (that is, not including the current day) since and including the base date, 1 January 0001, in the format: dddddd (no leading zeros or whitespace). The expression DATE("B")//7
returns a number in the range 0
that corresponds to the current day of the week, where 0
is Monday and 6
is Sunday.
The base date of 1 January 0001 is determined by extending the current Gregorian calendar backward (365 days each year, with an extra day every year that is divisible by 4 except century years that are not divisible by 400). It does not take into account any errors in the calendar system that created the Gregorian calendar originally.
- Days
returns the number of days, including the current day, that have passed this year in the format ddd (no leading zeros or whitespace).
- European
returns the date in the format dd/mm/yy.
- Full
returns the number of microseconds since 00:00:00.000000 on 1 January 0001, in the format: dddddddddddddddddd (no leading zeros or whitespace).
The base date of 1 January 0001 is determined by extending the current Gregorian calendar backward (365 days each year, with an extra day every year that is divisible by 4 except century years that are not divisible by 400). It does not take into account any errors in the calendar system that created the Gregorian calendar originally.
The value returned by Date('F') can be used to calculate the interval between any two dates. Note, however, that values returned generally contain more digits than the default NUMERIC DIGITS setting. The NUMERIC DIGITS setting should be increased to a minimum value of 18 when performing timestamp arithmetic.
- Language
returns the date in an implementation- and language-dependent, or local, date format. The format is
dd month yyyy. The name of the month is according to the national language installed on the system. If no local date format is available, the default format is returned.
This format is intended to be used as a whole; Rexx programs must not make any assumptions about the form or content of the returned string.
- Month
returns the full English name of the current month, for example, August
- Normal
returns the date in the format dd mon yyyy. This is the default.
- Ordered
returns the date in the format yy/mm/dd (suitable for sorting, for example).
- Standard
returns the date in the format yyyymmdd (suitable for sorting, for example).
- Ticks
returns the number of seconds since 00:00:00.000000 on 1 January 1970, in the format: dddddddddddd (no leading zeros or whitespace).
The base date of 1 January 1970 is determined by extending the current Gregorian calendar backward (365 days each year, with an extra day every year that is divisible by 4 except century years that are not divisible by 400). It does not take into account any errors in the calendar system that created the Gregorian calendar originally.
The value returned by Date('T') can be used to calculate the interval between any two dates. Note, however, that values returned generally contain more digits than the default NUMERIC DIGITS setting. The NUMERIC DIGITS setting should be increased to a minimum value of 12 when performing timestamp arithmetic.
Date('T') will return a negative number for dates prior to 1 January 1970.
- Usa
returns the date in the format mm/dd/yy.
- Weekday
returns the English name for the day of the week, in mixed case, for example, Tuesday
Here are some examples, assuming today is 13 November 1996:
Example 7.31. Builtin function DATE
DATE() -> "13 Nov 1996"
DATE("B") -> 728975
DATE("D") -> 318
DATE("E") -> "13/11/96"
DATE("L") -> "13 November 1996"
DATE("M") -> "November"
DATE("N") -> "13 Nov 1996"
DATE("O") -> "96/11/13"
DATE("S") -> "19961113"
DATE("U") -> "11/13/96"
DATE("W") -> "Wednesday"
The first call to DATE or TIME in one clause causes a time stamp to be made that is then used for all calls to these functions in that clause. Therefore, several calls to any of the DATE or TIME functions, or both, in a single expression or clause are consistent with each other.
If you specify string, DATE returns the date corresponding to string in the format option. The string must be supplied in the format option2. The option2 format must specify day, month, and year (that is, not "D", "L", "M", or "W"). The default for option2 is "N", so you need to specify option2 if string is not in the Normal format. Here are some examples:
Example 7.32. Builtin function DATE set
DATE("O","13 Feb 1923") -> "23/02/13"
DATE("O","06/01/50","U") -> "50/06/01"
DATE("N", "63326132161828000", "f") -> "23 Sep 2007"
If you specify an output separator character osep, the days, month, and year returned are separated by this character. Any nonalphanumeric character or an empty string can be used. A separator character is only valid for the formats "E", "N", "O", "S", and "U". Here are some examples:
Example 7.33. Builtin function DATE set
DATE("S","13 Feb 1996","N","-") -> "1996-02-13"
DATE("N","13 Feb 1996","N","") -> "13Feb1996"
DATE("N","13 Feb 1996","N","-") -> "13-Feb-1996"
DATE("O","06/01/50","U","") -> "500601"
DATE("E","02/13/96","U",".") -> "13.02.96"
DATE("N", , ,"_") -> "26_Mar_1998" (today)
In this way, formats can be created that are derived from their respective default format, which is the format associated with option using its default separator character. The default separator character for each of these formats is:
Option Default separator
European "/"
Normal " "
Ordered "/"
Standard "" (empty string)
Usa "/"
If you specify a string containing a separator that is different from the default separator character of option2, you must also specify isep to indicate which separator character is valid for string. Basically, any date format that can be generated with any valid separator character can be used as input date string as long as its format has the generalized form specified by option2 and its separator character matches the character specified by isep.
Here are some examples:
Example 7.34. Builtin function DATE set
DATE("S","1996-11-13","S","","-") -> "19961113"
DATE("S","13-Nov-1996","N","","-") -> "19961113"
DATE("O","06*01*50","U","","*") -> "500601"
DATE("U","13.Feb.1996","N", ,".") -> "02/13/96"
You can determine the number of days between two dates; for example:
Example 7.35. Builtin function DATE days
say date("B","12/25/96","U")-date("B") " shopping days till Christmas!"
If string does not include the century but option defines that the century be returned as part of the date, the century is determined depending on whether the year to be returned is within the past 50 years or the next 49 years. Assume, for example, that you specify 10/15/43 for string and today's date is 10/27/1998. In this case, 1943 would be 55 years ago and 2043 would be 45 years in the future. So, 10/15/2043 would be the returned date.
This rule is suitable for dates that are close to today's date. However, when working with birth dates, it is recommended that you explicitly provide the century.
When requesting dates to be converted to Full format or Ticks format, a time value of "00:00:00.000000" is used for the conversion. A time stamp for a time and date combination can be created by combining a value from Time() for the time of day.
Example 7.36. Builtin function DATE timestamp
numeric digits 18 -- needed to add the timestamps
timestamp = date('f, '20072301', 'S') + time('f', '08:14:22', 'N')