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Returns the condition information associated with the current trapped condition. (See Chapter 11, Conditions and Condition Traps for a description of condition traps.) You can request the following pieces of information:
In addition, you can request a condition object containing all of the preceding information.
To select the information to be returned, use the following options. (Only the capitalized letter is needed; all characters following it are ignored.)
returns any additional object information associated with the current trapped condition. See Section 11.3.2, “Additional Object Information” for a list of possible values. If no additional object information is available or no condition has been trapped, the language processor returns the Nil object.
Condition name
returns the name of the current trapped condition. For user conditions, the returned string is a concatenation of the word USER and the user condition name, separated by a whitespace character.
returns any descriptive string associated with the current trapped condition. See Section 11.3.1, “Descriptive Strings” for the list of possible values. If no description is available or no condition has been trapped, it returns a null string.
returns either CALL or SIGNAL, the keyword for the instruction processed when the current condition was trapped. This is the default if you omit option. If no condition has been trapped, it returns a null string.
returns an object that contains all the information about the current trapped condition. See Chapter 11, Conditions and Condition Traps for more information. If no condition has been trapped, it returns the Nil object.
returns the status of the current trapped condition. This can change during processing, and is one of the following:
  • ON - the condition is enabled
  • OFF - the condition is disabled
  • DELAY - any new occurrence of the condition is delayed or ignored
If no condition has been trapped, a null string is returned.
Here are some examples:

Example 7.25. Builtin function CONDITION

CONDITION()            ->    "CALL"        /* perhaps */
CONDITION("C")         ->    "FAILURE"
CONDITION("I")         ->    "CALL"
CONDITION("D")         ->    "FailureTest"
CONDITION("S")         ->    "OFF"        /* perhaps */


The CONDITION function returns condition information that is saved and restored across subroutine calls (including those a CALL ON condition trap causes). Therefore, after a subroutine called with CALL ON trapname has returned, the current trapped condition reverts to the condition that was current before the CALL took place (which can be none). CONDITION returns the values it returned before the condition was trapped.