Kilowatt Software's
Classic Rexx Tutorial
Language Level 4.00 (TRL-2)

1 Advanced examples

Here are several advanced Rexx programming examples.

  1. Replace all occurrences of one string by another string

  2. Text twirl

  3. Rexx interactive shell -- REXXTRY

  4. Calendar display

  5. Pictorial form file revision

  6. A hand of cards example -- a separate web page

1.1 Replace all occurrences of one string by another string

1.2 Text twirl

The TWIRL program is a simple program that produces all of the permutations of the letters within a word. It can be helpful for solving common jumbles that appear in daily newspapers. It is a good example of various Rexx capabilities. The program is remarkably short.

1.3 Rexx interactive shell -- REXXTRY

The REXXTRY program is a simple, but useful, interactive Rexx command shell.

1.4 Calendar display

1.5 Pictorial form file revision

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Last updated on: 24 Oct 2003