controlVariable = initialValue [ to limitValue ] [ by stepValue ] [ for repetitionValue ] |
repetitionValueExpression |
forever |
while booleanExpression |
until booleanExpression |
if booleanExpression then
instruction if booleanExpression then instruction else instruction if booleanExpression then do instruction instruction ...etc end if booleanExpression then instruction else do instruction instruction ...etc end if booleanExpression then do instruction instruction ...etc end else do instruction instruction ...etc end if booleanExpression then do instruction instruction ...etc end else instruction |
The conditionName in the signal ON or OFF is one of the following:
(space) | date() time() | the space between the functions is a space concatenation operator |
|| | date() || time() | the '||' operator is an explicit concatenation operator |
(abuttal) | date()' at 'time() | the quoted string is implicitly concatenated to the adjacent terms |
+ | Add | 21 + 21 | |
- | Subtract | 44 - 2 | |
* | Multiply | 6 * 7 | |
/ | Divide | 84 / 2 | |
% | Integer divide | 85 % 2 | |
// | Remainder | 42 // 50 | similar to modulo but the result can be negative |
** | Power (exponent) | 2 ** 4 | |
Prefix + | (0 + number) | + 42 | |
Prefix - | (0 - number) | - 42 |
= | equal |
¬=, \=, ><, <> | not equal |
> | greater than |
< | less than |
>=, ¬<, \< | greater than or equal; not less than |
<=, ¬>, \> | less than or equal; not greater than |
== | strictly equal |
¬==, \== | strictly not equal |
>> | strictly greater than |
<< | strictly less than |
>>=, ¬<<, \<< | strictly greater than or equal; strictly not less than |
<<=, ¬>>, \>> | strictly less than or equal; strictly not greater than |
& | And | returns '1' when both terms are true, and '0' otherwise |
| | Or | returns '1' when either term is true, and '0' otherwise |
&& | Exclusive or | returns '1' when one of the terms is true (but not both), and '0' otherwise |
Prefix ¬, Prefix \ | Logical not | returns '1' when the term is '0', and '0' when the term is '1'. |