/* Time Bif Specifications                                                   */
/*     Acknowledgements: Klaus Hansjakob provided the basic algorithm for    */
/*      time conversion.  Brian Marks provided the coding specific to the    */
/*      Rexx builtin functions.  Ian Collier and Kurt Maerker have provided  */
/*      corrections to errors.                                               */
/*                                                                           */
/*    Note: This version has the extensions which the Rexx standardizing     */
/*      committee proposes for conversion of delimiters.  That is not part   */
/*      of the current Rexx standard.                                        */

Time: procedure
/* This routine is essentially the code from the standard, put in
stand-alone form.  The only 'tricky bit' is that there is no Rexx way
for it to fail with the same error codes as a "real" implementation
would.  It can however give a SYNTAX error, albeit not the desirable
one.  This causing of an error is done by returning with no value.
Since the routine will have been called as a function, this produces
an error. */

  /* Backslash is avoided as some systems don't handle that negation sign. */
  if arg()>3 then
  numeric digits 18
  if arg(1,'E') then
    if pos(translate(left(arg(1),1)),"CEHLMNRS")=0 then
  /* (The standard would also allow 'O' but what this code is running
  on would not.) */
  if arg(3,'E') then    if pos(translate(left(arg(3),1)),"CHLMNS")=0 then
  /* If the third argument is given then the second is mandatory. */
  if arg(3,'E') & arg(2,'E')=0 then
  /* Default the first argument. */
  if arg(1,'E') then
    Option = translate(left(arg(1),1))
    Option = 'N'
  /* If there is no second argument, the current time is returned. */
  if arg(2,'E') = 0 then
    if arg(1,'E') then
      return 'TIME'(arg(1))
      return 'TIME'()
  /* One cannot convert to elapsed times. */
  if pos(Option, 'ERO') > 0 then
  InValue = arg(2)
  if arg(3,'E') then
    InOption = arg(3)
    InOption = 'N'
  HH = 0
  MM = 0
  SS = 0
  HourAdjust = 0
    when InOption == 'C' then do
      parse var InValue HH ':' . +1 MM +2 XX
      if HH = 12 then
        HH = 0
      if XX == 'pm' then
        HourAdjust = 12
    when InOption == 'H' then
      HH = InValue
    when InOption == 'L' | InOption == 'N' then
      parse var InValue HH ':' MM ':' SS
    when InOption == 'M' then
      MM = InValue
      SS = InValue
  if datatype(HH,'W')=0 | datatype(MM,'W')=0 | datatype(SS,'N')=0 then
  HH = HH + HourAdjust
  /* Convert to microseconds */
  Micro = trunc((((HH * 60) + MM) * 60 + SS) * 1000000)
  /* There is no special message for time-out-of-range; the bad-format
  message is used. */
  if Micro 24*3600*1000000 then
  /* Reconvert to further check the original. */
  if TimeFormat(Micro,InOption) == InValue then
    return TimeFormat(Micro, Option)

TimeFormat: procedure
  /* Convert from microseconds to given format. */
  /* The day will be irrelevant; actually it will be the first day possible. */
  x = Time2Date2(arg(1))
  parse value x with Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Microsecond Base Days
    when arg(2) == 'C' then
        when Hour>12 then
          return Hour-12':'right(Minute,2,'0')'pm'
        when Hour=12 then
          return '12:'right(Minute,2,'0')'pm'        when Hour>0 then
          return Hour':'right(Minute,2,'0')'am'
        when Hour=0 then
          return '12:'right(Minute,2,'0')'am'
    when arg(2) == 'H' then return Hour
    when arg(2) == 'L' then
       return right(Hour,2,'0')':'right(Minute,2,'0')':'right(Second,2,'0'),
         || '.'right(Microsecond,6,'0')
    when arg(2) == 'M' then
      return 60*Hour+Minute
    when arg(2) == 'N' then
      return right(Hour,2,'0')':'right(Minute,2,'0')':'right(Second,2,'0')
    otherwise /* arg(2) == 'S' */
      return 3600*Hour+60*Minute+Second

  /* These are checks on the range of the date. */
  if arg(1) = 315537897600000000 then
    return 'Bad'
  return Time2Date2(arg(1))

Time2Date2: Procedure
  /*  Convert a timestamp to a date.
  Argument is a timestamp (the number of microseconds relative to
  0001 01 01 00:00:00.000000)
  Returns a date in the form:
    year month day hour minute second microsecond base days     */

  /* Argument is relative to the virtual date 0001 01 01 00:00:00.000000 */
  Time = arg(1)

  Second = Time   % 1000000    ; Microsecond = Time   // 1000000
  Minute = Second %      60    ; Second      = Second //      60
  Hour   = Minute %      60    ; Minute      = Minute //      60
  Day    = Hour   %      24    ; Hour        = Hour   //      24

  /* At this point, the days are the days since the 0001 base date. */
  BaseDays = Day
  Day = Day + 1

  /* Compute either the fitting year, or some year not too far earlier.
  Compute the number of days left on the first of January of this year. */
  Year   = Day % 366
  Day    = Day - (Year*365 + Year%4 - Year%100 + Year%400)
  Year   = Year + 1

  /* Now if the number of days left is larger than the number of days
  in the year we computed, increment the year, and decrement the
  number of days accordingly. */
  do while Day > (365 + Leap(Year))
    Day = Day - (365 + Leap(Year))
    Year = Year + 1

  /* At this point, the days left pertain to this year. */
  YearDays = Day

  /* Now step through the months, increment the number of the month,
  and decrement the number of days accordingly (taking into
  consideration that in a leap year February has 29 days), until
  further reducing the number of days and incrementing the month
  would lead to a negative number of days */
  Days = '31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31'
  do Month = 1 to words(Days)
    ThisMonth = Word(Days, Month) + (Month = 2) * Leap(Year)
    if Day <= ThisMonth then leave
    Day = Day - ThisMonth

  return Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Microsecond BaseDays YearDays

Leap: procedure
  /* Return 1 if the year given as argument is a leap year, or 0
  otherwise. */
  return (arg(1)//4 = 0) & ((arg(1)//100 <> 0) | (arg(1)//400 = 0))

/* Date Bif Specifications                                                   */

date: procedure
/* This routine is essentially the code from the standard, put in
stand-alone form.  The only 'tricky bit' is that there is no Rexx way
for it to fail with the same error codes as a "real" implementation
would.  It can however give a SYNTAX error, albeit not the desirable
one.  This causing of an error is done by returning with no value.
Since the routine will have been called as a function, this produces
an error. */

  if arg() > 5 then return
  numeric digits 18
  if arg(1,'E') then
    if pos(translate(left(arg(1),1)),"BDEMNOSUW")=0 then

  if arg(3,'E') then
    if pos(translate(left(arg(3),1)),"BDENOSU")=0 then

  /* If the third argument is given then the second is mandatory. */
  if arg(3,'E') & arg(2,'E')=0 then

  /* Default the first argument. */
  if arg(1,'E') then                             /* OutOption                */
    Option = translate(left(arg(1),1))
    Option = 'N'

  /* If there is no second argument, the current time is returned. */
    if arg() <= 1 then
    if arg(1,'E') then
      return 'DATE'(arg(1))
      return 'DATE'()

  if arg(3,'E') then                             /* InOption                 */
    InOption = arg(3)
    InOption = 'N'

  /*>> In September 97 the standardizing committee decided how DATE should <<
    >> be extended to generalize the separators used.                      <<*/

  if Option == 'S' then
    OutSeparator = ''
    OutSeparator = translate(Option,"xx/x //x","BDEMNOUW")

  if arg(4,'E') then do                          /* OutSeparator             */
    /* The text for the following error 40.46 is:                            */
    /* '<bif> argument <argnumber>, "<value>", is a format incompatible with */
    /* separator specified in argument <argnumber>'                          */
    if OutSeparator == 'x' then
    OutSeparator = arg(4)

    /* The text for the following error 40.45 is;                            */
    /* '<bif> argument <argnumber> must be a single non-alphanumeric         */
    /* character or the null string; found <value>"'                         */
    if length(OutSeparator) > 1 | datatype(OutSeparator,'A') then

  if InOption == 'S' then
    InSeparator = ''
    InSeparator = translate(InOption,"xx/ //","BDENOU")

  if arg(5,'E') then do                          /* InSeparator              */
    if InSeparator == 'x' then
    InSeparator = arg(5)
    if length(InSeparator) > 1 | datatype(InSeparator,'A') then

  /* English spellings are used, even if messages not in English are used.   */
  Months = 'January February March April May June July',
           'August September October November December'

  WeekDays = 'Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday'

  Value = arg(2)

  /* First try for Year Month Day */
  Logic = 'NS'
    when InOption == 'N' then do
      if InSeparator == '' then do
        if length(Value)<9 then return
        Year = right(Value,4)
        MonthIs = substr(right(Value,7),1,3)
        Day = left(Value,length(Value)-7)
        parse var Value Day (InSeparator) MonthIs (InSeparator) Year
      do Month = 1 to 12
        if left(word(Months, Month), 3) == MonthIs then leave
      end Month
    when InOption == 'S' then
      if InSeparator == '' then
        parse var Value Year +4 Month +2 Day
        parse var Value Year (InSeparator) Month (InSeparator) Day
      Logic = 'EOU' /* or BD */

  /* Next try for year without century */
  if logic = 'EOU' then
      when InOption == 'E' then
        if InSeparator == '' then
          parse var Value Day +2 Month +2 YY
          parse var Value Day (InSeparator) Month (InSeparator) YY
      when InOption == 'O' then
        if InSeparator == '' then
          parse var Value YY +2 Month +2 Day
          parse var Value YY (InSeparator) Month (InSeparator) Day
      when InOption == 'U' then
        if InSeparator == '' then
          parse var Value Month +2 Day +2 YY
          parse var Value Month (InSeparator) Day (InSeparator) YY
        Logic = 'BD'

  if Logic = 'EOU' then do
    /* The century is assumed, on the basis of the current year. */
    if datatype(YY,'W')=0 then
    YearNow = left('DATE'('S'),4)
    Year = YY
    do while Year < YearNow-50
      Year = Year + 100
  end /* Century assumption */

  if Logic <> 'BD' then do
    /* Convert Month & Day to Days of year. */
    if datatype(Month,'W')=0 | datatype(Day,'W')=0 | datatype(Year,'W')=0 then
    Days = word('0 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334',Month),
                                      + (Month>2)*Leap(Year) + Day-1
    if datatype(Value,'W')=0 then
  if InOption == 'D' then do
    Year = left('DATE'('S'),4)
    Days = Value - 1 /* 'D' includes current day */

  /* Convert to BaseDays */
  if InOption <> 'B' then
    BaseDays = (Year-1)*365 + (Year-1)%4 - (Year-1)%100 + (Year-1)%400 + Days
    Basedays = Value

  /* Convert to microseconds from 0001 */
  Micro = BaseDays * 86400 * 1000000

  /* Reconvert to check the original. (eg for Month = 99) */
  if DateFormat(Micro,InOption,InSeparator) == Value then
    return DateFormat(Micro,Option,OutSeparator)


  /* Convert from microseconds to given format and separator. */
  x = Time2Date(arg(1))
  if x = 'Bad' then
    return 'Bad'
  parse value x with Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Microsecond Base Days
    when arg(2) == 'B' then
      return Base
    when arg(2) == 'D' then
      return Days
    when arg(2) == 'E' then
      return right(Day,2,'0')(arg(3))right(Month,2,'0')(arg(3))right(Year,2,'0')
    when arg(2) == 'M' then
      return word(Months,Month)
    when arg(2) == 'N' then
      return (Day)(arg(3))left(word(Months,Month),3)(arg(3))right(Year,4,'0')
    when arg(2) == 'O' then
      return right(Year,2,'0')(arg(3))right(Month,2,'0')(arg(3))right(Day,2,'0')
    when arg(2) == 'S' then
      return right(Year,4,'0')(arg(3))right(Month,2,'0')(arg(3))right(Day,2,'0')
    when arg(2) == 'U' then
      return right(Month,2,'0')(arg(3))right(Day,2,'0')(arg(3))right(Year,2,'0')
    otherwise /* arg(2) == 'W' */
      return word(Weekdays,1+Base//7)

/* It must be a variant of Murphy's law that if you write some code that
others might use it turns out that the code depends on something that
different interpreters treat differently.  In this particular case,
interpreters differ on whether the error of a function failing to
return a result is an error that the level calling the function sees,or an error that the function itself sees. */

GoodDate: procedure
  signal on syntax name Better_Be_Unique1
  /* Next two clauses are deliberately on the same line. */
  GoodDateSigl = RecordSigl(); GoodDateResult = date(arg(2),arg(1),arg(2))
  if GoodDateResult='*' then
    return 0
  return 1

  if sigl==GoodDateSigl then
    /* This code being run by interpreter that raises error in the caller */
    return 0
  /* This code being run by interpreter that raises error in the callee */
  return '*'

  return sigl

GoodTime: procedure
  signal on syntax name Better_Be_Unique2
  /* Next two clauses are deliberately on the same line. */
  GoodTimeSigl = RecordSigl(); GoodTimeResult = time(arg(2),arg(1),arg(2))
  if GoodTimeResult='*' then
    return 0
  return 1

  if sigl==GoodTimeSigl then
    /* This code being run by interpreter that raises error in the caller */
    return 0
  /* This code being run by interpreter that raises error in the callee */
  return '*'