Your colorful text viewer
visual accessory, read-only text file viewer, variable color program display
The Revu program is used view text files in read-only mode. The contents of
the text file are presented in various colors. Special coloration is provided for the following
file types:
- HTML and XML files
- C/C++/Perl/JavaScript program source
- Java program source
- Rexx program source
- NetRexx program source
Other text files are presented using generic coloration, with different hues for numbers, punctuation,
and text.
Optional Argument:
- -#nnn .. number of first line to view.
- -CurrentDirectory .. use current directory scope for nested browse, edit, etc.
- -LongNames .. show long names in caption
- textFile .. a text file containing lines to view. When this argument is absent,
a standard file search window is displayed.
Buttons, and other input fields
- x
- Closes window
- :
- Shows program information
- Open
- Starts another file 'Revu'. A standard file search window is displayed to locate the other
file to display. You can view the same file multiple times.
- Restore
- The displayed text is restored from current file contents.
- Find...
- Finds a line containing a text value. You can choose that character case
must match when the text value is located. You can also choose to proceed from the
top of the filee, when the end of the note is reached.
A popup window provides the following search choices:
- Find...
- A window appears where the text to find is entered. The search for the text
value proceeds after the currently selected item.
- Find Next
- A search for the text of a prior find request proceeds from the currently
selected line downward. You can also press the F3 key to find the next line containing the
search text.
- Find First
- A search for the text of a prior find request proceeds from
the top of the file downward. You can also hold the Shift down and press the F3 key
to find the first line containing the search text.
- Line#
- This is a line number input field. When you change the number Revu
will activate that line as the current selection. This input field is accompanied
by a spin button on the right side. If you click the downward pointing spin button,
the next line is selected. Alternatively, if you click the upward pointing spin button,
the prior line is selected.
- Stay on top
- When this button is checked, the 'Revu' window will remain visible when other applications
are activated.
- Notepad
- Starts the Notepad accessory to edit the current text file. The Notepad accessory is
started as another system task. If you make revisions to the file, you will have to press
the Restore button to revise the lines that are presented by Revu.
Revu hello.cpp [opens a CPP source file]
Revu default.htm [opens an HTML source file]
Revu asc2html.rex [opens a REXX source file]
Revu readme.txt [opens a text file]
Revu [uses a file search dialog to find the file to view]
Other remarks:
- Revu can only be used to read text files. It can never be used to revise text files.
- Revu is implicitly used by r4 and roo! for source presentation
during interactive tracing. The current line is continually updated, as the program is debugged. When
the program being debugged concludes, the associated Revu window is automatically closed.
- RevuAlt.Exe is also available. You can customize the size of the font by setting
the REVU_FONT_SIZE environment variable to the desired font size.
The following sets the font size to 16.
The default alternate font size is 12.
- Clipboard actions:
- Ctrl-C copies the selected line to the clipboard.
- Shift-Ctrl-C begins a block copy.
The highlighted line of the block copy has a yellow on dark purple line number.
The copy-to line can be before the highlighted line.
A Ctrl-C concludes the block copy.
- Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, ..., Ctrl-9 copies word #1, ..., 9 of the selected line to the clipboard
- File name, or command, actions:
File name actions are on the first text in the line
- Ctrl-B browses the file with a new Revu window
The file name can be followed by a target line number in square brackets.
- Ctrl-E edits the file - with the editor of the file extension
- Ctrl-O opens the file - with the program associated with the file extension
- Ctrl-L launches the selected line as a command
The following batch file can be used to show the standard output of one or more
console commands using Revu instead of the standard more command.
In this example the batch file is named !!.bat. That file must be in a directory
established by the PATH environment variable.
The cat.exe program is provided by Kilowatt Software LLC. It is an emulation of the
standard UNIX cat command. You can use other implementations of the cat command
In the following <cmd+> represents one or more console commands. Shazam is a
text segment that will appear as the caption of the Revu window.
@echo off
rem replaces 'more' with 'revu' !
rem usage: <cmd+> | !! Shazam
cat > %tmp%\_%1.txt
start revu %tmp%\_%1.txt
Version 1.0
Copyright © 2001-2014
All Rights Reserved.
Last updated on: 9 Jun 2013