Here’s my ‘virtual office wall’. Click on any image for an enlargement.
Most of these images relate to IBM Hursley projects
I was involved with.

Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering
Fellow of the IEE (now IET)
Fellow of the BCS

Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council
BCS New Oxford Dictionary award
Oxford University Press Computer Group

IEEE Arith20 Lifetime Achievement Award
IEEE Editor, 754 floating-point standard
IEEE Standards, 754-2008

ISO Editor, SGML and Text-entry Systems
Knights of VM – Michael REXX
LA VM Users Group

IBM Fellow Appointment
IBM Hursley Reception photo
| IBM Corporate Award for REXX (No image available.)

IBM JAVA Distinguished Contribution Award
IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award for LEXX
IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award for REX

Patent for Densely Packed Decimal
IBM POWER6 core with Decimal Floating Point Unit
IBM 25 Years Honor

IBM Academy Founder Member
IBM Academy Technology Council 1989–1993
IBM Academy Technology Council 1997–2000

IBM Systems Journal – REXX
IBM Systems Journal – TOOLS
IBM Journal of R&D – LEXX

IBM First Invention Plateau
IBM Second Invention Plateau
IBM OS/2 Award for PMPrintf