Twice Baked Goat Cheese Souffles

Serves 6

2 tbsp butter
3 tsbp all-purpose flour
1 1/4 cups hot milk
pince cayenne pepper
squeeze of lemon juice
salt and ground black pepper
3 1/2oz semi-hard goat cheese, crumbled
Can use other cheeses such as cheddar
or parmesan (full flavored cheeses).
2 eggs, separated
melted butter for brushing
3 tbsp dried breadcrumbs
3 tbs ground hazelnuts or walnuts
2 egg whites
salad garnish

1. Melt the butter and stir in flour.
Cook to a roux for a minute then
gradually whisk in hot milk to make
a thick white sauce.
2. Simmer for a minute then season with
cayenne, lemon juice, salt and perpper.
Remove pan from heat and stir in the
cheese until it melts. Cool slightly
then beat in the egg yolks.
3. Brush the insides of six ramekins with
melted butter and coat with bread crumbs
and nuts mixed together. Shake out
any excess.
4. Preheat oven 375F and prepare a bain
marie - a roasting pan half filled
with boiling water.
5. Whisk the four egg whites to the soft
peak stage and carefully fold them
into the main mixture using a figure
of eight motion. Sopoon into their
6. Place souffles in the bain marie and
bake for about 12-15 minutes until
risen and golden brown. May be served
now or cooled.
7. To serve twice baked, reheat the oven to
375F. Run a knife round the inside of
each ramekin and turn out each souffle
onto a baking tray.
8. Bake souffles for about 12 minutes.
Serve on prepared plates with a dressed
salad garnish.