The Standard Works
Bible Photos



This model is said to be an accurate scale replica of the ancient temple.

This photograph shows a scale model of the temple of Herod as it was thought to be in a.d. 67. The wall surrounding the temple encloses the sanctuary containing the Holy of Holies, the holy place, and three great courts.

Significant Events:
Joseph and Mary presented the infant Savior at the temple (Luke 2:22-38). The Savior taught in the temple at age 12 (Luke 2:41-46). The Savior drove the money changers from the temple (Matt. 21:12-13). The Savior prophesied the destruction of the temple (Matt. 24:1-2). A future temple will be built in Jerusalem (Ezek. 40-48; Zech. 8:7-9). (See Bible Dictionary, “Temple of Herod.”)