
Means data is stored in blocks of paired bytes each 8 bits in size. The bytes are swaped in pairs the Intel way with the low byte value first and the high byte value last:
41h 42h 43h 44h 45h 46h (binary: Big endian)
42h 41h 44h 43h 46h 44h (binary: Little endian)
or numerical:
01h FEh (binary: Big endian)
FEh 01h (binary: Little endian)

Big endian
within a given multi-byte numeric representation, the most significant byte has the lowest address (the word is stored "big-end-first"). This notation is also refered to as "Motorola type".
Little endian
a given 16- or 32-bit word, bytes at lower addresses have lower significance (the word is stored "little-end-first"). This notation is also refered to as "swapped bytes" or "Intel type".

Some areas in the files are labeled garbage or reserved or not used. These areas might contain bits and pieces from old files. Check out these areas (and overwrite them with 00h).

You might not want to destribute an old love letter or - as I nearly did - parts of your check account.


You must follow this instruction.
This will destroy your database.
This could have a fatal influence on you database.
RYFM!!! (Read Ye' Folded Manuscript ;-). This is an excelent oppetunity to consult your manual.

Structure diagrams

How to read and interpretate the diagrams.
  ___ Position (hexadecimal)
 |       ___ Position (decimal)
 |      |
 |      |   ___ Field entry
 |      |  |                    ___Note. See details below diagram
vv      v  v                   |
          _____________________v_  _______
00h /   0| Version number      *1|  ^ <--- Section start
         |-----------------------|<---- Logical field separator
01h /   1| Date of last update   |  |   only for enhancing the visibility
02h /   2|      YYMMDD           |  |
03h /   3|                       |  |
         |-----------------------| Header <--- Section title
04h /   4|                       |  |
05h /   5|                       |  |
         :                       :<---- Skipping space (i.e. rows NOT displayed)
         :                       :  |
0Ah /  10|                       |  |      +---- Record from array expanded
         |                       |  |      |
         |                       |  |      |              +--- Expanded record
0Dh /  13|                       |  |      |              |
         |-----------------------|  |      |              v
0Eh /  14|                       |  |      |   _        |=======================| _______
         |                       |  |      |  / 00h /  0| Field deleted flag  *9|  ^
         |                       |  |      v /          |-----------------------|  |
         |                       |  |       /           | Data               *10|  One
         |                       |  |      /            :                    *17:  Record
         |                       |__|_____/             |                       |  |
         :                       :  |                   |                       | _v_____
         :                       :__|_____              |=======================|
         :                       :  |     \             | Field deleted flag  *9|
         |                       |  |      \            |-----------------------|
         |                       |  |       \           |                       |
         |                       |  |        \          |                       |
         |                       |  |         \_        |-----------------------|
1Fh /  31|                       |  |
         |=======================|  |
20h /  32|__End_of_File__________| _v____  <--- Section end
  1. Details on note. Note that there are hyperlinks between indicator and text note.
<--- Note text with link to indicator