Uncompressed Index files (*.idx)

            _______________________  _______
 00h /   0 | Pointer to root node  |  ^
 01h /   1 |                       |  |
 02h /   2 |                       |  |
 03h /   3 |                       |  |
           |-----------------------|  |
 04h /   4 | Pointer to free list  | File
 05h /   5 | (-1 if empty)         | header
 06h /   6 |                       |  |
 07h /   7 |                     *3|  |
           |-----------------------|  |
 08h /   8 | Pointer to EOF        |  |
 09h /   9 |                       |  |
 0Ah /  10 |                       |  |
 0Bh /  11 |                       |  |
           |-----------------------|  |
 0Ch /  12 | Key length            |  |
 0Dh /  13 |                     *4|  |
           |-----------------------|  |
 0Eh /  14 | Index options       *1|  |
           |-----------------------|  |
 0Fh /  15 | Index Signature       |  |
           |-----------------------|  |
 10h /  16 | Key expression        |  |
 11h /  17 |                       |  |
           :                       :  |
           :                       :  |
 EBh /  235|                       |  |
           |-----------------------|  |
 ECh /  236| FOR expression        |  |
           |                       |  |
           :                       :  |
           :                       :  |
1C7h /  455|                       |  |
           |-----------------------|  |
1C8h /  456| (Reserved)            |  |
           |                       |  |
           :                       :  |
           :                       :  |
1FFh /  511|                       |  |
           |=======================| _v____
 00h /   0 | Node attributes     *2|  ^
 01h /   1 |                       |  |
           |-----------------------|  |
 02h /   2 | Number of keys      *6|  |
 03h /   3 |                       |  |
           |-----------------------| Non
 04h /   4 | Pointer to left       | leaf
 05h /   5 | brother node          | page
 06h /   6 | (-1 if no left node)  |  |
 07h /   7 |                       | (compressed)
           |-----------------------|  |
 08h /   8 | Pointer to right      |  |
 09h /   9 | brother node          |  |
 0Ah /  10 | (-1 if no right node) |  |
 0Bh /  11 |                       |  |
           |-----------------------|  |
 0Ch /  12 |                       |  |
           |                       |  |           __  |=======================|
           |                       |  |          /   M| Key data              |
           |                       | NON        /     :                       :
           :                       : leaf      /      :                       :
           :                       : page     /      N|                       |
           :                       :  |      /        |-----------------------|
           | Array of key entries  | _|_____/        O| Record number in    *5|
           |                       | _|______         | data file             |
           |                       |  |      \        | (Big endian binary)   |
           |                       |  |       \    O+4|                       |
1FFh /  511|                       |  |        \____  |=======================|
           |=======================| _v_____
  1. Index options represented as the sum of the following values:
    Value Description
    01 Unique index
    08 FOR clause
    16 (10h) Bit vector (SoftC)
    32 (20h) Compact index format (FoxPro)
    64 (40h) Compounding index header (FoxPro)
    128 (80h) Structure index (FoxPro)
  2. Node attributes represented as the sum of the following values:
    Value Description
    0 Index node
    1 Start page
    2 End page
  3. Pointer value:
    Value Description
    -1 (= FFh FFh FFh FFh) if none (FoxPro)
    0 if none (FoxBase)
  4. Node attributes represented as the sum of the following values:
    Value Description
    4 Number and date keys are 8 bits long . Character keys are <= 100 bytes long.
    Note! Character keys are NOT terminated with 00h
    -1 if none (FoxPro)
    0 if none (FoxBase)
  5. Pointer Interpretated by attrbute type
    Value Description
    0-1 Pointer to next lowest not containg section for tree
    2-3 Pointer to record in data file
  6. ?? Must be in the interval 0 - 100, where 0 is empty

Schematic Tree structure in uncompresse FoxPro idx

                         ____ ________ ____
                        |    |        |    |
                        | -1 |  F, H  | -1 |
                                |  |
                        ________|  |__________
             _ __ _____|__ ____       ____ ___|____ ____
            |    |     V  |    |     |    |   V    |    |
            | -1 |  C, F  |  *-+-----+-*  |   H    | -1 |
            |____|__|__|__|____|     |____|___|____|____|
                    |  |                      |
            ________|  |____________          |______________
 ____ _____|__ ____       ____ _____|__ ____       ____ _____|__ ____
|    |     V  |    |     |    |     V  |    |     |    |     V  |    |
| -1 | A B C  |  *-+-----+-*  | D E F  |  *-+-----+-*  |  G, H  | -1 |
|____|________|____|     |____|________|____|     |____|________|____|