Developing a Database Application:
The dBASE Plus Tutorial
Ken Mayer, Senior SQA Engineer, dBASE Inc.
Michael Nuwer, dBASE user
November 11, 2002
Tutorial Project Menu
- Preface
- Introduction
- Getting Started with The Tutorial
- An Explanation of the Project
- Walkthrough the Tutorial "Working" Version
- Some Suggestions for Working Through The Tutorial
- Feeling Like Skipping Part of the Tutorial?
- Create The Database
- Creating The Database
- Creating a Database Alias
- Actually Creating the Tables
- Creating the Indexes
- Getting Data Into the Tables
- Create the DataModules
- Data objects? What in the world are Data objects?
- A Detailed Breakdown of Each Data Object
- Getting Started with Data Objects
- What Is a DataModule?
- What is dQuery/Web?
- A Custom Datamodule
- A DataModule for a "Customer Data Entry Form"
- Create the Inventory Datamodule
- Create the Supplier Datamodule
- Create the Invoice Datamodule
- Data Validation
- LookupSQL
- Calculated Fields
- Create the Custom Components
- What is a Class, What is a Custom Class, and What is a Control?
- Let's Create Our Own Custom Classes
- Create the Remaining Controls
- Two Subclassed Controls
- Create the Tool Bar Control
- Create the Forms
- What Is a Form?
- Creating the Custom Forms
- Creating the Customer Form
- Customer Form
- Creating the Inventory and Supplier Forms
- Creating the Invoice Form
- Creating the Country and State Forms
- The "About" Dialog
- Create the Reports
- What Is a Report?
- An Overview of the Report Engine
- Using the Custom Controls
- Creating the Custom Report
- Create the Supplier Information Report
- Create the Inventory Summary Report
- Create the Customer Invoice Report
- Create the Customer Statements Report
- Create the Customer Mailing Labels
- Create The Menu
- What Is a Menu?
- The Menu Designer
- Adding Code To the Menus: The Forms
- Attaching the Reports
- Create The Startup Program
- The Application as an Object
- Create the Start Program
- Create GenericMDIApp.cc
- Create the Setup Program
- Build the Application/Executable
- What is DEO?
- Creating the Executable
- Preparing the Installation Files
- Deploying the Application
- Closing Comments
- Clean Up
- What Have We Learned?
- Now What?
- Ok, We're Really Done
The Legal Stuff: This document is part of the dBASE Plus Tutorial created
by Ken Mayer and Michael Nuwer. This material is copyright © 2002, by Ken
Mayer and Michael Nuwer. dBASE Plus is copyrighted, trademarked, etc., by dBASE,
Inc., the BDE (Borland Database Engine) and BDE Administrator are copyrighted,
trademarked and all that by Borland, International. This document may not be
posted elsewhere without the explicit permission of the authors, who retains
all rights to the document.