P Symbol
Because the scaling position character P implies an assumed decimal point
(to the left of the Ps, if the Ps are leftmost PICTURE characters; to the
right of the Ps, if the Ps are rightmost PICTURE characters), the assumed
decimal point symbol, V, is redundant as either the leftmost or rightmost
character within such a PICTURE description.
In certain operations that reference a data item whose PICTURE
character-string contains the symbol P, the algebraic value of the data
item is used rather than the actual character representation of the data
item. This algebraic value assumes the decimal point in the prescribed
location and zero in place of the digit position specified by the symbol
P. The size of the value is the number of digit positions represented by
the PICTURE character-string. These operations are any of the following:
- Any operation requiring a numeric sending operand.
- A MOVE statement where the sending operand is numeric and its PICTURE
character-string contains the symbol P.
- A MOVE statement where the sending operand is numeric-edited and its
PICTURE character-string contains the symbol P and the receiving
operand is numeric or numeric-edited.
- A comparison operation where both operands are numeric.
In all other operations the digit positions specified with the symbol P
are ignored and are not counted in the size of the operand.
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