4.1.7 CURRENCY SIGN Clause
The CURRENCY SIGN clause affects numeric-edited data items whose PICTURE
clause character-strings contain a currency symbol. A currency symbol
represents a currency sign value that is:
- Inserted in such data items, when they are used as receiving items
- Removed from such data items, when they are used as sending items for
a numeric or numeric-edited receiver
Typically, currency sign values identify the monetary units stored in a
X data item. For example: '$', 'EUR', 'FRF', 'F', 'HK$', 'HKD', or X'9F'
X (hexadecimal code point in some host-based code pages for , the
X Euro currency sign; for more details on programming techniques for
X handling the Euro, see the IBM COBOL Programming Guide for your platform).
The CURRENCY SIGN clause specifies a currency sign value and the currency
symbol used to represent that currency sign value in a PICTURE clause.
X The SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph may contain multiple CURRENCY SIGN clauses.
X Each CURRENCY SIGN clause must specify a different currency symbol.
X Unlike all other PICTURE clause symbols, currency symbols are
X case-sensitive: for example, 'D' and 'd' specify different currency
X symbols.
Literal-6 must be a nonnumeric literal. Literal-6 must not be a
X figurative constant, a DBCS literal, or a null-terminated literal.
X If the PICTURE SYMBOL phrase is not specified, literal-6:
- Specifies both a currency sign value and the currency symbol for
this currency sign value.
- Must be a single character.
- Must not be any of the following:
- Digits 0 through 9
- X Alphabetic characters A, B, C, D, E, G, N, P, R, S, V, X, Z,
their lowercase equivalents, or the space
- X Special characters + - , . * / ; ( ) " = '
- X Can be one of the following lowercase alphabetic characters: f, h,
X i, j, k, l, m, o, q, t, u, w, y
X If the PICTURE SYMBOL phrase is specified, literal-6:
- X Specifies a currency sign value. Literal-7, in the PICTURE SYMBOL
X phrase, specifies the currency symbol for this currency sign
X value.
- X May consist of one or more characters.
- X Must not contain any of the following:
- X Digits 0 through 9
- X Special characters + - . ,
X Specifies a currency symbol, which can be used in a PICTURE clause to
X represent the currency sign value specified by literal-6.
X Literal-7 must be a nonnumeric literal consisting of a single
X character. Literal-7 must not be any of the following:
- X A figurative constant
- X Digits 0 through 9
- X Alphabetic characters A, B, C, D, E, G, N, P, R, S, V, X, Z, their
X lowercase equivalents, or the space
- X Special characters + - , . * / ; ( ) " = '
X If the CURRENCY SIGN clause is specified, the CURRENCY and NOCURRENCY
X compiler options are ignored. If the CURRENCY SIGN clause is not
X specified and the NOCURRENCY compiler option is in effect, the dollar sign
X ($) is used as the default currency sign value and currency symbol. For
X more information about the CURRENCY and NOCURRENCY compiler options, see
X the IBM COBOL Programming Guide for your platform.
X Some uses of the CURRENCY SIGN clause prevent use of the NUMVAL-C
X intrinsic function. For details, see "NUMVAL-C" in topic 7.1.31.
Exchanges the functions of the period and the comma in PICTURE
character strings and in numeric literals.
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