MOD operator


Return the remainder of the division between two numbers.


p MOD q


The MOD operator divides the two operands, p and q, and returns the remainder of that division.  The result of the initial division is truncated to an integer-class value, before the remainder is calculated.  See the example below.

The remainder may be a floating-point value.  MOD is often considered to complement integer division.

See Also



lResult1& = 10& MOD 3&   ' Returns 1&

fResult2! = 13! MOD 2.7! ' Returns 2.2!


iStack&   = 1023&

HiStack& = iStack& \ 256&  ' Returns 3&

LoStack& = iStack& MOD 256 ' Returns 255&


' c! and d! are calculated equivalently

a! = 13

b! = 2.7

c! = a! MOD b!

d! = a! - FIX(a! / b!) * b!


CurrentLine = 1

WHILE CurrentLine < Lines

  PrintLine txt$(CurrentLine)

  IF (CurrentLine MOD 55) = 0 THEN DoFormFeed

  INCR CurrentLine