TOOLBAR Control Styles



The ToolBar is placed at the top of the dialog.


The ToolBar is placed at the bottom of the dialog.


ToolTips are displayed for the buttons on the control.


Toolbar buttons can wrap to the next line.


Creates a flat Toolbar and buttons


Places button text to the right of the bitmap or icon.


Creates a transparent toolbar. The toolbar is transparent but the buttons are not.


Add a thin line border around the text box control.


Define the start of a group of controls. The first control in each group should also use %WS_TABSTOP style. The next %WS_GROUP control in the tab order defines the end of this group and the start of a new group.


Allow the text box to receive keyboard focus when the user presses the TAB and SHIFT+TAB keys. The TAB key shifts keyboard focus to the next control with the %WS_TABSTOP style, and SHIFT+TAB shifts focus to the previous control with %WS_TABSTOP. (default)


Add a vertical scroll bar to the edit control. This style should be used in conjunction to the %ES_MULTILINE and %ES_AUTOVSCROLL styles.


Extended Styles


Apply a sunken edge border to the control.


Apply a three-dimensional border style to the control (intended to be used for items that do not accept user input).


Controls/windows beneath the dialog are drawn before the dialog is drawn. The dialog is deemed transparent because elements behind the dialog have already been painted - the dialog itself is not drawn differently. True transparency is achieved by using Regions - see MSDN and/or the Platform SDK documentation for more information.


Apply a raised edge border to the control.


See Also

Styles reference


TOOLBAR statement