CHECK3STATE control styles



The control is a 3-state checkbox control that automatically updates itself when clicked/toggled. (persistent)


Display a bitmap image instead of a text caption.


Place the text at the bottom of the control.


Center the text horizontally in the control.


Create a flat control (without the raised 3D look).


Display an icon image instead of a text caption.


Place the text on the left side of the checkbox. Also see %BS_LEFTTEXT. (default)


Place the checkbox to the right of the text portion of the control. Combine with %BS_RIGHT to right-align text against the left side of the checkbox control.


Wrap the caption text across multiple lines, if the text string is too long to fit on a single line in the button. To force a wrap, insert a $CR (or $CRLF) into the caption text at the desired wrap position.


Enable a control to send the %BN_KILLFOCUS and %BN_SETFOCUS messages to the callback.


Button state alternates (toggles) between normal (raised) and depressed (sunken) modes.


Place the text on the right side of the checkbox. Also see %BS_LEFTTEXT.


Control displays a text caption/title. (default)


Place the text at the top of the control.


Center the text vertically in the control. (default)


Add a thin line border around the control.


Create a control that is initially disabled. A disabled control cannot receive input from the user.


Define the start of a group of controls. The first control in each group should also use %WS_TABSTOP style. The next %WS_GROUP control in the tab order defines the end of this group and the start of a new group. Groups configured this way permit the arrow keys to shift focus between the controls within the group, and focus can jump from group to group with the usual TAB and SHIFT+TAB keys. Both tab stops and groups are permitted to wrap from the end of the tab order back to the start.


Allow 3-state checkbox control to receive keyboard focus when the user presses the TAB and SHIFT+TAB keys. The TAB key shifts keyboard focus to the next control with the %WS_TABSTOP style, and SHIFT+TAB shifts focus to the previous control with %WS_TABSTOP. (default)


Extended Styles


The control will accept Drag+Drop files.


Apply a sunken edge border to the control.


The control has a double border.


The control has generic "left-aligned" properties. (default)


Display the caption text using Left to Right reading-order properties. (default)


The control has generic "right-aligned" properties. This style has an effect only if the shell language is Hebrew, Arabic, or another language that supports reading order alignment; otherwise, the style is ignored.


If the shell language is Hebrew, Arabic, or another language that supports reading order alignment, the caption text is displayed using Right to Left reading-order properties. For other languages, the style is ignored.


Apply a three-dimensional border style to the control (intended to be used for items that do not accept user input).


Controls/windows beneath the dialog are drawn before the dialog is drawn. The dialog is deemed transparent because elements behind the dialog have already been painted - the dialog itself is not drawn differently. True transparency is achieved by using Regions - see MSDN and/or the Platform SDK documentation for more information.


See Also

Styles reference