Purpose |
Return a mixed case version of its
Syntax |
s$ = MCASE$(string_expression [,ANSI | OEM]) |
Remarks |
Forces the string_expression contents to mixed case. The first letter of each word is capitalized, while the remaining characters are converted to lowercase. A "word" is construed as a consecutive series of letters - any character that is not a letter is not considered part of a word. The optional ANSI or OEM parameter specifies whether string_expression is converted to mixed case using the ANSI or OEM charset. If no charset option is selected, then the Console’s current OEM charset is used to convert string_expression to mixed case. The PowerBASIC Compiler for Windows defaults to using the systems ANSI charset to convert string_expression. Only "International" characters in the range CHR$(128) to CHR$(255) are affected by the charset parameter. |
See also |
Example |
x$ = MCASE$("Cats aren't AL.WAYS good.") |
Result |
Cats Aren'T Al.Ways Good. |